Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

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Translated version administrative @ Tor. Book Three. Long road to Nikuda.Hrono.doc

HALOV AV                             "Administrator"


Halov Andrey








"HELL Minister @THOR"


Hyper novel


Book Three


"The Long Road to Nowhere"


Chronological construction












1993-1994   years.





























































































   Book Three               - 1 -               "The Long Road to Nowhere"

HALOV AV                             "Administrator"

Chapter 2.

   I can not remember what happened to me on that morning when I was in the store. One of the last conscious memory was that I decided that I would never get out of there.
   I do not remember how, but I still got out there and was unconscious for a long time. When awake, the long lay recovering from fear and despair.
   Later, I tried to forget everything that happened and never forget.
   Graduation from college a few dispelled my dejected state. Finally, after all the celebrations we are gathered in a small cafe that pre ordered his platoon, recalled the years spent together, which now never to return, and it is unlikely we can now so here come together. All disperse in different directions and serve distance from each other. Then, considerably already drunk, we set off on foot from the edge of the city, where there was a cafe in its center. The time was well past midnight.We walked along the avenue, and then decided to catch any car that goes to the center and the highway was blocked several times a chain holding hands. Finally, we caught the bus in which the driver was except jig. Someone had already agreed with the driver that he bona us to the center. He agreed and opened the door, despite vehement protests conductress that nobody listened. We piled into the car, taking with him a box of vodka and champagne, which was carried all the way, and so, continuing to drink, joke and carouse with jokes and songs that wailed loudly so that the driver and conductor, probably deaf.
   In the city center we are located at the picturesque fountain "Sadko" that cascade down from the square down, and continued to drink there and congratulating each other with the release of the school. Below, at the foot of the fountain was a police "Bobby." The policemen were watching us. But soon our fun came to what we now try to bathe in the fountain, run by him naked and throw empty bottles at the statue "Sadko". Then they plunged in "Bobby" and went away from the sight. It was our day. And the police was a secret order not to touch the young officers, if they do not violate the law strongly. Another hour passed. Charter fooling around, we began to disperse, and in all directions as best they could. This was it. It was the last day of reckless youth when someone cared about us, and each of us only care about themselves.
   Before each service relied month vacation. And I went home. But here I was attacked by an inexplicable melancholy. I did not find a place for himself. My hometown has long been changed. And I do not have anything to do with my former friends and acquaintances childhood. And they had their own, incomprehensible interests me. I realized that in his hometown for me there is nothing that could take my mind and what I could devote my holiday. My soul longed for some new experiences. And sleep until noon, and then go out into the yard, where occasionally met someone from the former childhood friends, which no longer have anything in common, I'm tired on the second day.
   Noticing my spleen, my mother invited me to go to the village to the great-grandmother, whom I never was. And every time she called me when ever write her a letter. A little thought, I was going on the road, went to the bus station.
   Early the next morning I was awakened by the bus driver:
   Hey, kid, here you go - n Shake it on my shoulder.
   I glanced at the clock. It was the beginning of the sixth. All the passengers were asleep, and here nobody else out. I reached out, got out of the easy chair and went down from a high cabin bus down.
   The street was cool in the morning, the driver got out of the trunk of my stuff, and after a few minutes, the roar of diesel swaying on a country road ruts huge machine disappeared with her ??in the early morning fog.
   I looked around. There was nobody around. Somewhere out of the thick veil of morning could see wooden fences, occasionally ramshackle gray fences, fence yes, and loomed vague outlines of the nearest houses of the village street.
   Quite a long time there was not a soul, and I stood there, not knowing what to do and which way to go. Finally out of the fog came a noise. It soon became discernible creaking, a clatter and quiet conversation. Then appeared some shape, and soon I saw the horse's muzzle with protruding ears pricked up. The horse went straight at me. Her seemed a cart in which sat a wrinkled old man in a cap, smoking a cigarette. With him rode several women in colorful head mated to gray quilted jackets and scarves. The old man resin and silence rules horse, and the women were talking about something.
   I moved away from the road, taking their belongings. The cart came opposite to me, and the old man saw me, reined in and stopped the horse:
   -Whoa, cursed, thou, whose will? As with any moon fell before dawn.
   Then he suddenly broke out on a three-story mare mate, although specific reasons for such abuse, I did not notice, but he replied:
   Yes I'm from the city, to his grandmother to visit dvoyurnoy food.
   -I see that with otherworldly places - agreed grandfather Lingering with RYO. - And that ethno?
   Yes, PANTELEI Pelageevna. In Vasilihe lives.
   In-Vasilihe? - Asked grandfather. Baba also stopped to chat and listen to our conversation. - So this is five kilometers away.
   -And why I dropped off the bus here? - I was surprised.
   -So it's back from the road. The bus does not go there. There wilderness, almost at the marshes. Here there is Vasiliha. This Large Vasiliha.
   As he spoke, a smoldering piece of tobacco fell out of his hand-rolled cigarettes, and in the fingers of the old man was only a tube from a piece of paper.Grandfather looked puzzled by this incident, and angrily swore again with relish, not paying attention to women.
   What do I do now? - The news of a very puzzled me. Walk this far I did not want, and the seats were unfamiliar to me.
   -What's that .... Stop and wait until someone in that region will not submit. Asked that drove up, and you want - go on foot. But I do not advise it, there must go through the forest. Better wait someone .... Now walk on over there - the old man pointed into the fog, denoting direction - there, on the outskirts of the village crossroads. It'll wait. They immediately see who goes where. You'll see that on the right road Rotate achivayut - machine! P odberut .... Lets Dvin s Tes, beast, - he shouted at women - let sit boy, drove up there.
   Women parted, freeing me some space. I jumped on the wagon and five minutes later was on the very same fork, about which I said the old man.
   -   You there, boy, here on this road. Stop and wait until there will not turn anyone. If that road turns who, it certainly goes in Vasilihu, otherwise no one will get lucky.
   -   And there is often someone goes? - I asked.
   -   Yes, as you say - the old man shrugged. - How lucky. Day and can stand, and no one will go. Come on, proschevay! ..
   Supply disappeared into the morning mist.
   Indeed, it took more than an hour of waiting. Morning fog completely cleared in the east seemed the sun over the horizon, illuminating everything around bright pink light, and I have not driven by any car or anything else.
   I had lost all patience, and began to think, to hit the road on foot, as suddenly seemed familiar to me already supply.
   -You stand - the old man asked, coming up to me.
   -I Stand - I said wearily. I'm so anxious to get to some place where he could lie down though and not much sleep.
   Okay, wait a bit longer - the old man took pity on me. - If you are one pick, then after an hour I'm going in the wrong direction, the apiary. To me jump.
   An hour passed. Life in the village between revived. First wail roosters, then moaned cows in stalls, and soon owners began to chase them out. Seemed shepherd who drove the cows in the herd, moving towards me. Then, beating all the yards, shepherd the flock turned in the opposite direction and drove away from me. I have driven past a few tractors with trailers and cars, but none of them turned aside Vasilihi.
   Again seemed familiar to me already an old man.
   Well, what? So do not leave? - He smiled-stained teeth.
   So-and left - I replied tersely.
   Well, Get in. you go.
   I sat on the cart on which the straw rolled several empty aluminum flasks. The old man caught my eye:
   It's me honey for food, - said the old man. - So you mean to Panteleihe going?
   K-Pelagia Panteleevna - I corrected.
   Well, yes, for this is it, so here it is called ....
   -Do you know her?
   -And how, I know. Good woman - something his old man smiled. - And how long?
   -I do not know, a week or two, probably.
   A-ah. Well, well!
   The old man no longer ask me anything, and I began to survey the local scenery, gradually sinking into poludremu. Shoots higher sun was already slightly bake, lay around the field, and here and there rests in the thicket. Some of them have already been sown nalivshimsya, ripened grain wheat. Others stood fallow. That here and there were visible hay meadows and engulfed them from all sides, stepping palisade here and there thick edge, impassable forests, still green, but barely perceptible haze veiled wilt.
   The road winds between fields in hilly plain, occasionally dived in Scilla, and sometimes passed through the dense thicket. Here and there on its dry, dusty ruts across the puddle, and when they were big horse with difficulty climb over them, munching hooves in the clay mud, and then still suffered, pulling a cart of mudslides, immersed in the muck up to the axles, and is reminiscent of boat in the swamp. The old man then goaded her and even occasionally when slush was particularly impenetrable, lashed a warning, but does not hurt to lean back and ribbed sides of the animal.
   I've lost track of time, when suddenly some old fork in the middle of the field said:
   -So, uh, now slazit. You go straight, and I turn to the left, to the apiary.
   A far more? - I asked, assessing the severity of your suitcase.
   Yes a kilometer somewhere mozha, slightly less. Probably, you have to foot stomp today hardly anyone before lunch on the other side will go ...
   We missed each other, and drawing became suddenly heavy and uncomfortable suitcase, I still tormented with an hour until finally it appeared through a small field behind the edge of the forest outlying village houses.
   Nature suddenly became much darker, and maybe I just thought so from what I was left alone: ??the trees in the forest approached closer to the dirt road, he became already become almost a footpath bush on both sides frowned. Palisade trees pogustel even stronger among zamereschilis him at dusk forest understory shade creatures.
   I was not mistaken in their submissions: village was really small. It would be a bit smaller, and it could be called a farm or settlement.
   About twenty wooden log, gray with age homes appeared before my eyes. Some even blackened by time, glancing at his side and, in general, were sad, such a familiar of the many descriptions of all time Russian painting.
   Before the village runs a small river. Arc across the river stood the bridge. The road to it was on the mound, above which was a swampy meadow and a river flowing from east to west, to the right of the bridge lost its sloping, subtle shore and cast into a swampy backwater, broad and boundless some places overgrown with reeds, studded with rare birch dead wood and yellowed grass.
   Walking on the bridge, I noticed that the river is not very deep, almost stream, and sometimes see the bottom of the rusty-red sand and stone chips, flecked with gray velvet silt.
   Despite the fact that the time was approaching late morning, the streets no one was visible. On the houses there were no street signs or numbers. Twirled in extreme village houses, I was about to knock one of them, meet me suddenly creaked the door, jumped out of the hut low skinny girly cleverly whirled in the doorway with a yoke empty buckets. One of them whistled softly tinkling, in my face.
   -Oh, I almost was not zashibla! - The girl said. - And what are you to us?
   -No, I mean, yes, you. I'm looking for my grandmother, Pelagia Panteleevna.
   -Ah, so it's on the other end is necessary. She lives there, next to vedmyachkoy.
   -With whom, with whom? - I did not understand.
   -With vedmyachkoy - said the girl, but, having taken my bewildered face knowing look, she added, - Come on, come on, show.
   We went out of the yard, enclosed by a fence made ??of flimsy poles, and went along the street humped climbing up. I'm tired of the order and therefore silent, only occasionally glancing at his companion. It is long and intently studied me from head to toe, and then asked:
   With the city-what?
   Aha - I said reluctantly.
   -How long to us?
   -No, a week or two.
   -And rightly so - sadly sighed lass, nothing more to do here. Boring Straseni. I've grow up a little more and also to the city podamsya: learn.
   I looked now her curiosity and tried to guess how old is she. In appearance it was fifteen or sixteen.
   Street went downhill, and we came to the well, felled and topped with attics. Gray logs and plowing it into the corners are covered with moss. I looked inside and saw his reflection in a mirror of water three meters below.
   -You won before the House must pass - showed girl, putting a bucket on the ground. - There's your grandmother lives.
   -And what is the neighbor in her strange is that? - I asked involuntarily.
   -A-a-a - girl waved lazily wincing. - On boredom yes vedmyachkoy longing not only become possible.
   She hooked the chain bucket and pushed him down. Drum spun, and the girl began to slow down his palm on the surface wiped to a shine. There was a roar and splash.
   -Come on, I'll help you - I suggested, intending to take the hilt, but she pushed me confident gesture:
   -Do not, myself.
   "With the character" - I thought to myself. Stay and see how it works, it was uncomfortable and should be dismissed.
   What's your name? - I asked the girl.
   -Alain, what?
   -No, nothing. Thank you, Alan, for your help.
   -Not at all - she looked at me, smiled, and again with her ??work.
   I went to her house said.
   Pelagia, my great-aunt, the hooks in the garden at home. I never saw her again, but guess what he is, it was not difficult. It has long been a widow and lived alone. Children, that she had, left for the cities, but in other villages.
   I went into the yard:
   -Hello, Pelagia Panteleevna.
   Grandma straightened his back turned to me:
   -Hello, hello. It's you that my grandson miles resurfaced? Well, let me, I look at you.
   She came to me:
   -Okay, okay, eagle right, well, let's go into the house.
   She looked at the ground the tool and took me to his hut.
   We went up to the high porch, past the porch and trapped in a room, all of which reminded me of the fabulous life of Russian log hut: a huge whitewashed Russian stove, wooden rough and hard, it is unknown how old work table, chairs, stools around the middle of the room, such as coarse and heavy, like himself. On a small window without sills were filled fun bright colored curtains.
   House Pelagia Panteleevna liked me.
   I did not know how she would take me, this grandmother, who saw something and I was first in my life. But soon he was eating nourishing, red rustic soup with home-baked fragrant, amazing bread.
   Well, tell me, what came that hell have you brought? - Whether in jest, whether seriously and asked angrily, "Panteleiha" (now, it seems to me it was income, so that the old man called her on the cart).
   I was confused, not knowing what to say, but it was not long tormented me silent expectation explanation and said:
   Well, okay, since much came so live. How much will you need, how to please, so many gostevay. But only one, once you're here. Will you help me with the housework: water applied, chop firewood, when the cow look. Realized granddaughters?
   -Got it!
   Well, that's good ...

Chapter 4.

   By the evening of my arrival in the village knew almost the entire adult population, mostly the elderly, yes grandmother. They continually approached vozivsheysya in the garden "Panteleihe" and asked who I was. The reason being, apparently, that she about me really did not know anything, grandmother answered them all in monosyllables, and these conversations nemudrenyh reached me through the wide-open a small window next to which, after a brief power lunch she put me to rest from the road, leaving on what- something wrong box, not the chest thick cotton mattress, bed sheets on it, and threw a blanket.
   Despite the fact that I did not want to swagger and go to bed, sleep soon overcame me, and I woke up in the evening, at six o'clock, from what Pelagia pushed me in the side:
   Single-Well, get up, my dear, get up!
   I went with a makeshift bed.
   -Look, you people here are interested. Who? Location? And I say there is really nothing I can not. Evening to visit me all suggest themselves. That people respond?
   -I do not know - I have reached. - And as you have opened?
   -So - then invite all .... Do you have a bottle of something?
   -There's one - I scratched his head, remembering the contents of my suitcase.
   Well, one is certainly not enough. Okay, I'll get another brew.
   I went out on the porch of the house. The sun was already beginning to set, and from that, apparently, all lit them nonnative, unfamiliar terrain, hunchback village, seemed shrill stranger, and suddenly wanted to get away from here right now. But .... Where to go? I have long been home nobody expected. That distant city, where I learned the past four years, I too became a stranger. There was only a thin gossamer that bound me to him: Veronica.
   "Veronica" - I whispered to myself, and bitter something aching heart, suddenly crept into my chest and spread through her molten wax. From this, I suddenly wanted to weep. But in my throat was dry com and no tears.
   I was seized with a painful and futile desire. Suddenly wanted to go back to the past, so familiar and cozy from this, from this uncomfortable present. It suddenly burst out of me dry, muffled groan and was sucked into himself, to master me.
   I do not know how I get rid of this obsession. I even tried too strong for me in spite of sweets remember everything bad that has been associated with it in my life. But that for some reason her name as a white spot on a dark background, became even brighter and more attractive, suddenly became dearer still, as if part of me.Cruel and cold melancholy fell upon me. And there was only one way to drown her. It guaranteed if not full recovery from my love of the spleen, at least temporary oblivion. It was necessary to urgently someone to fall in love. But who? ..
   Here in the head I got an idea about Alena. It was not bad himself, and for some diligence on my part I could bring myself to ignite her passion. Another thing is that it was something just a child. So it seemed to me at the meeting ...
   By evening Pelagia Panteleevna took cooking. Quickly, right in front of me, she quickly made dinner for the whole horde. I helped her a little. Melted oven, pulled out of the glacier meat.
   By ten o'clock, when they approached the first guests, guileless peasant victuals was already on the table, which is collected from several paintings that were in the barn.
   Grandma went down into the cellar, and five minutes later I cried out:
   -On, hold! - Feeding the stairs large bottle with a whitish, cloudy brew.
   To it I added a bottle of vodka, stuck out of the house, but Grandma still shook his head in annoyance:
   -Oh, a little something shtoy miles!
   Guests gathered ... quite a lot, but mostly the elderly, but the old woman. There were several pairs of thirty-five years or forty, and one younger. I thought sadly that evening promises nothing interesting.
   All Sunset Pelagea greeted as if it were not seen her for a long time. I do not vid them this morning, I got the impression that they came from far away to some big and important for their holiday.
   I soon tired of standing in the hallway at the threshold like a fool and say hello to each incoming, if I know him three years. Almost all I had besides also presented and especially curious answer pesky questions, for example, whom I come Panteleevna Pelagia. But I continued to stand, hoping that will be among the guests, and Allen, and the evening will not be permanently lost to me. But she did not come.
   Finally, guests were seated quickly and without equivocation adopted by the first "for the health of the hostess," and then without any pause, and the second "for its guests." I asked "Panteleihi":
   -And what we have guests all so old?
   A younger who w-t byst? - Answered Pelagia.
   -Yes, I saw one girl here: Alain ....
   A-ah - a sly squinted "Panteleiha" - so that it is there to do with adults? It is still small.
   -Well, as I somehow boring. Some old people around. And something not to talk with anyone. There actually have youngsters?
   Yes there are girls with heels. Two or three kids, but those - who left the army who took.
   -So, and where those who are? - I was surprised.
   Yes, how do I know, my dear! That's it. Who came - he came.
   Guests, meanwhile, got drunk more, fewer asked me questions, and more and more drawn to them another drink. I was surprised that people aged so much drink. For me it was unusual. Sam-I hardly drank a glass, and one of vodka. Country vodka did not recognize and leaned on moonshine Pelagia. In addition, many also brought with him a bottle of "hazy moonlight."
   The street was dark. I said Pelagia, I want to walk around, and walked out of a crowded hut. My heart was sad. Now firmly, I realized that he was in the boondocks. And instead of getting away from it too strong for me in anguish, found even greater.
   The street was cool. The village street was unusually dark after city. Here, because there was no street lights on poles and directly overhead in all its glory lies a vast starry sky. It was so close and tangible, that took my breath away. I suddenly felt some unreal its proximity. It seemed worth up to lend a hand, and she fell into the vast ocean intergalactic bottomless emptiness, so close that I suddenly was not enough air, which evaporated into space all the time. Stars were countless, they were not up there, but here next to me, on a provincial village street. The sky fell to the earth, all sprinkled with stardust silver minute.
   Hardly cope with suddenly gripped me strange experience, I made the first step with caution, if at nothing, and walked to the fence. Here I saw for myself unexpectedly Alain. I could barely discern it in the darkness descended on the street space. She stood leaning against the low fence and watched the windows of the house "Panteleihi" where already swept disjointed singing pretty tipsy guests. It was obvious that she was bored.
   You are here-what are you doing? - I asked her.
   She trembled with fear because they do not notice my approach, and said, with a shrug:
   -A what?
   -Oh, look like fun.
   -So you're not seen nothing!
   -Well, then, listen. Leave me alone! - She waved her hand at me.
   I stepped closer and stood on the other side of the fence in front of her.
   Bored here-you! - I complained the girl to strike up a conversation.
   -And I'm about today morning saying? - As if she was glad my observation. - Here boredom under polezesh bull!
   -What's that? - I gasped such expression.
   -Oh, nothing ... boring in general.
   Listen, Alenka, and what are you doing here, one what? Well, I mean - of the young. And then all the guests, as the selection - yes old old woman!
   -Yes-to the village so it w! She had already thrown. Here with the youth in general no one left. Once eighteen marks - as the wind blows! The nearest available - in most Vasilihu. Well, it's mostly girls get married there. And guys, more so those served: who is the regional center, and one in the area ...
   -Funny pictures you drew! - I jumped over the fence and ended up next to the girl. - Let's go for a walk.
   -Come on, - she agreed, and we wandered nearby, stepping carefully in almost pitch dark.
   Home village barely stood out against the background of their roofs ghostly silvery haze heaven myriad cobwebs dust filled the void of space. And he, space was near here, with us, on this street, in this godforsaken village. Was nowhere to be seen lights. Only in one of the houses that was next door to the house "Panteleihi" burned in the windows faint yellowish-green, some ghostly light. I remembered that day Alena casually mentioned some "vedmyachke" that lived here.
   -And why in this house is a light? Who is it not gone to visit us? - I asked Alena.
   Witch lives here - somehow humdrum, without any frighten she said. - She's no one to visit can not walk.
   Why witch? - I was surprised.
   -Because it is the most natural witch - all as calmly and coolly said Alain. Her answer puzzled me and at the same time somehow suddenly interested.
   -How is that possible? - I was surprised.
   -Sometimes - Alain confirmed. It was obvious that to talk about it just not interested.
   -Hmm, never met .... And all the neighbors to relate to this? All the villagers?
   Yeah .... could live currently. Nobody touches it. And she did not touch them ... It is true that sometimes happens. Ah-ah-ah-ah, - she waved her hand.
   She paused, and I did not ask her more. So quietly in conversation, we went through the village, and were on the humpback bridge over the river.Somewhere down in the dark, sometimes popleskivayas and reminding me of themselves, occasionally cutting through the quiet murmur of the silence of space, water flowed. Starry sky was not reflected in it, because the river was capricious, shallow and turbulent. The thought that the terms on both sides of the road stretch marshy lowlands, and then further on her mound, stands thick, impassable forest, staring tops their undersized, dumpy, hard and reluctantly rising from the land of trees in a starry void low sky, I suddenly somehow became restless, very unhappy. Places around were really wild, uncomfortable rampant. Some original, hostile to human nature, wild animal spirit lurked in the tranquility of this impenetrable night. I have gone on a spree throughout the body chills large flocks.
   How do you live here? - Shivering from the chill of horror, popolzshego my back, I asked the girl.
   Yeah so and live - she sighed somewhere nearby in the dark. She seemed to have guessed my thoughts. - I got to do was born here and I do not habitually.And another .... In general, we do not have visitors. All just leave.
   I leaned on the railing of a bridge made of poles, which immediately began to creak. Alain followed my example. Railing creaked even more threatening not withstand our weight.
   -Ruhnu? - I asked the girl.
   Do not Ruhnu - she replied calmly.
   -What? - Interested me.
   -I think so ...
   I moved closer to Alona and felt the warmth of her body. Air range was already cool, and one by one began to gather around us mosquitoes, increasingly brazen peep flying past his ear. I gently put my hand on her hip girl hugging her. I have not seen her, she was silent. Staying in the excitement, I continued their offensive and tried to kiss her. But ahead of Aliona me halfway stopping my lips his palm.
   Do not.
   -Just do not all - she hesitated - because I know ...
   -What do you know?
   What happens then.
   -And what happens then? - I tried to break her resistance.
   -Well, if I like you?
   -So what? With everyone who does not like you're a kiss!
   But you're not each!
   Yes, you leave me alone! I do not want! - Girl raised her voice, and her resistance was insistent. - Do not ho-chu!
   I recoiled from it, convinced the last exclamation rasporovshim pristine silence of the night, in the futility of their intentions. For a while we stood there in silence, then Alain spoke.
   -But I wonder what time it is?
   Yes somewhere so after midnight - I figured.
   Then let's go, - she said.
   Where to?
   -Come on, I'll show you something.
   She took me by the arm and pulled him away from the bridge of the village to the woods.
   -Where are we going? - I asked, puzzled.
   Do not ask! Himself all now see.
   I was curious and a little scary.
   -But where are we? In the same forest! - I asked.
   -We need to go there and ...
   The embankment of the road, we headed to the woods. The swamp and then the lights began to appear, shimmering blue and green. Soon appeared against the sky dark silhouettes of trees on the edge. Alain, without ceasing, pulled me by the hand. I could not help envy of the courage and bravery with which she went to the impenetrable darkness forest thicket, dragging me behind.
   At the edge of the forest, we turned to the right. Apparently, there was a road that I did not pay attention in the morning. Shortly ahead in the pitch darkness loomed some lights, and then I realized that the light goes out of a building standing in the impenetrable thicket, where around probably set all the beasts of the forest. It is unclear who took to build it here.
   Building turned squat long building with many small square little windows. We went up to one of them. Alain looked inside, and then gave way to me:
   Through the darkened glass, I saw a stall in which there were several horses. Sprinkled on the straw floor standing heavy massive stool, blackened with age.It someone was sitting. I did not realize it was a woman. Age it was difficult to determine. At first I thought it was some kind of a gray-haired old woman, but then I saw that the woman is quite young. Beside her sat a large dog, but upon looking, I was horrified, recognizing in it the wolf. Horses stood quietly in the paddocks.Woman sat, bent low forward so that her long black hair, smack true gray hair fell forward and covered their faces.
   What's this? - I asked Alena, leaning from the window by clicking on the involuntary whisper.
   -Stable - as she whispered.
   -And who is sitting there?
   Your-neighbor ...
   -What is the neighbor?
   -Vedmyachka? So she had the same house lights are on!
   She shrugged.
   -And what is she doing here? - I asked in surprise.
   -I say - vedmyachka. Since it is better not to get involved. Yes it binds no one ...
   We sat down together to the window.
   The woman continued to sit still, head bowed. It was evident that she was doing something at the bottom of his hands. Dog-wolf sat opposite, staring at his mistress faithfully.
   What is she doing here? - I was very curious.
   -I do not know - the girl said hesitantly.
   -But you know that she's here! Times has led me here, so knew not the first time, you see, her peep!
   -I knew-knew! - Retorted the girl. - Yes, in the village everyone knows that she used to go here. Its even watchman identified. Perhaps that was not so bad!
   -Who scared?
   -All. After all, so it is not clear what she shastaet here. From that scary. A watchman was appointed - it seems to be clear, what the hell, and that it is necessary at night. Adults like, the elderly, children and the worst: eyes closed and palms think that all fears fled, and they themselves are not visible, hidden. But it is not so! How was all it is! .. Oh, look!
   Allen grabbed me with one hand and with the other in the mouth, and glare from the window I saw her eyes full of horror. I immediately looked out the window and saw her bewitching horror picture.
   "Vedmyachka" has not sat on a stool, and danced and whirled around him, scattered to the side arm. The sleeves of her dress fluttering like black bird wings, flew up and fell down in awe at a sharp wave and movements. It seemed that she did now turn into a huge black bird and fly. Unfurled in the air and fly away from the stables. Dog-wolf no longer sat and stood up and running in a large circle around the witches counterclockwise occasionally jumped and looked at her with a look, as the victim, as if about to jump on it and just waited for this moment convenient.
   On the walls of the stables at the horses standing in it suddenly danced red, suddenly out of nowhere who undertook flashes like firelight. At first they were barely distinguishable and weak, and you would have thought that this hallucination. But then, the longer dancing witch, so they became more distinct, flooded with thicker and thicker crimson colors. Soon it was possible to think that's burning up inside the stables and the woman at once blackened resin to dress dancing in the flames of the fire.
   Meanwhile the wolf-dog, running around, came to see me at times and it is very bad, as if to disappear from time to time these splashes, and eventually disappeared somewhere at all.
   Watching all this, Alan suddenly cried out weakly. Myself swept a stupor, what I have never experienced before in my life. As if all the blood drain from my organs and body parts, or ceased to circulate through my body. How long and hard onemevaet bent in a joint member of the body, arm or leg, so just me, from head to toe, like numbness seized. And I was unable to move not - say something, say a single word.
   It suddenly seemed that for a moment, and the flame is no longer splashes and solid crimson wall gudevshee in the stables, we will go out of the window in the face, cover the stable wall, will dance, zagudit them, crackling wood devoured. I even fell back as far as I allowed numb horror body. But nothing happened, although red impenetrable as flames continued to dance inside the wall, near the window.
   Had suddenly everything stopped. And instead of red flames came within a greenish-blue glow, smooth and ghostly. There is almost nothing to be seen.Everything inside was plunged into a violet-black iridescent haze.
   In one stall was evident some scuffling and movement. Was not immediately clear what was happening. But soon a sight that I considered there, shocked me.
   Witch was a horse standing in a stall. Cocked on the back of her skirt, she enjoyed his male flesh ...
   Companion of my whole stupefied, and in the wrong light coming from the window, her face became a milky white as paper Coated canvas with deadening blue.
   -Come here, - she said in a barely audible voice.
   -Come on, - I said, even more quietly, and, overcoming stupor, took her hand. I felt as if you can not stay here any longer and see something else.
   When we moved from the stable of twenty-five meters - t ridtsat the forest, I looked around. Windows continued to glow a ghostly green-purple-blue.
   -You did not pay attention to where the wolf had disappeared? - Suddenly asked Alain, and this question to me might contain some inexplicable anxiety.
   He's disappeared - only and I said, finally realizing that it is not I imagined, and it was actually. And Alain saw it too. - And what?
   -No, nothing - she apparently gradually came to himself. - I just have a feeling that someone sneaks up behind us ...
   I immediately turned around, but in the pitch dark, has been seen only in the distance a ghostly shimmering windows stables.
   -No, Alan, that you thought - I hastened to reassure the girl not so much as himself.
   -Well, if so ...
   We emerged from the woods. Only when almost already reached the bridge by clicking the swamp to me little by little began to return his presence of mind and the ability to adequately perceive the environment.
   Gee, you have going on here! - I was surprised.
   -Is that the case? - Withdraw, finally, Alain. - So - affairs.
   - Well, wow affairs! Yes this is some kind of hell!
   -Maybe hell .... Only you know, lice infest the dirt, and this - she nodded back - Starts from boredom, but boredom.
   -In general, it is enchanting! - Suddenly, to my own surprise I did score. - Pohlesche every show will be. But you do not engage in such nonsense, though you too dull and dreary!
   -A what? - Alain rebelled. - It could be. Simple, perhaps, I have not grown to such a ...
   She hesitated and then suddenly made up:
   A wolf that I had never seen ...
   -And the rest?
   -Everything else saw, maybe just not so. And the glow that never was. And the one I was afraid to go look. I so rarely, one eye, when it was quite unbearable .... Quiet!
   Alain suddenly began to listen, not even breathing. I also held my breath, straining to listen to the pitch-black darkness. Somewhere in the back could hear some subtle sounds. As if someone slapped a pillow on a dusty road. "The Wolf" - for some reason I thought.
   -Run! - I cried suddenly, grabbed her by the arm and dragged him to the village for a.
   It seemed to me that I like the wind I rush and Alain heavy burden hinders my running back and even rests, trying to stop me. We jumped on a small bridge, and only here, I allowed myself to stop and turn around. Heart pounding in my chest, silenced all the sounds, so I have not heard it, I felt a subtle shudder land related to its four paws. I realized that we can not escape. It was necessary to defend himself, but what?
   I touched and tried to tear off first pole hangers, then the board with the bridge deck. She succumbed, and I barely had time to straighten it in his hands, something came over me, hitting legs in the chest, knocking showering warm and fetid breath. Falling back under the weight of leaning on me mascara (and doubt I now was not that a wolf), I heard as if from afar frightened cry Alena and croaked her last effort:
   Board was still in my hand, and I shoved it in the fall miraculously into the jaws of a predator, holding that there was force. But the wolf were pressing, and I felt my strength quickly conceal, and that still hold out very long.
   -Run, Alain, run! - I cried again, feeling that I can no longer say anything. My lungs squeezed leaning mass so that it was impossible to breathe air and grams.
   But Allen did not run away. She was rushing somewhere close by in the dark, and through the hissing and growling beasts, through the sounds of a struggle, I heard the sound of her footsteps in the dark somewhere nearby.
   I fought as best he could. From the mouth of the wolf to me breathed warm and stinking breath, and I felt stronger and stronger as the last of his strength leave me. In the minds clearly worn only one thought it was the end ...
   Suddenly the wolf somehow settled on his hind legs like a little freeing me. There was a thud, before which, apparently, was another. Then strikes the same deaf and echoing fell one after the other as long as the animal carcass not collapsed with me somewhere in the side.
   Whether from great nervous tension, or because of something else, but I suddenly felt faint, and only had time to think of sweet joy, "Saved! .."

Chapter 6.

   When I awoke, he felt unbearable shaking from which already insides ached. Moments later, it became clear that my body is in a cart on the straw. I reached out, and she stumbled upon something furry and warm. It was a wolf. He lay beside without breathing.
   I could hear muffled conversation of several people. But I could not understand what they say, if in my head all turned over, stir, and I even forgot their native language.
   Gradually fell into place, but the conversation has ended, and only someone shouted in the dark:
   Shaggy-Stop! Wait, your mother!
   The wagon wheels creaked and froze.
   I turned my head and saw that they had reached, like, to avoid Pelagia, rose, happy to find that the arms and legs intact, and nothing hurts.
   -Alain, call Panteleevna only does not induce panic.
   The house was still burning Pelagei light, and from there came the already weak, but cheerful singing.
   My ears heard a soft knock on the jump, then the easy steps, and then I okriknul:
   -No need to call anyone. I'm alive.
   A-ah, - with enthusiasm, livening up, responded to some of darkness - well, then slazit, went into the house.
   When we entered the house, on the porch in the glow of the room became evident that three guests: all men over thirty and severe form.
   Pelagia came to meet us. She was tipsy, but pondered, apparently, still remains good.
   Where have you been-t, my grandson? Here on a walk temnotische nothing. Wild beasts circle Forests shastaet.
   -Yes, what a beast, Grandma! - Become one of the guests. - All have long been killed.
   -All, but not all! - Chimed another. - Your something out just got under the wolf!
   Tyushki-Bat! - Piano Panteleiha clasped her hands, trying to figure it out or scared face. Now it became more evident that she was pretty drunk. - D and how it?
   -Come-ka you panic inducing, Peter! Calm down, Pelagia alive your guest. You see - worth unhurt, and the wolf there, lying in the cart. We did prishibli dubem. Nothing terrible has happened! One can can only scratched a little, - chimed in a third.
   -And on what occasion you today Whoopee, Pelagia Panteleevna citizen? - Flirting, Peter went to his grandmother, twisting fingers spread some trinkets.
   -But - Pelagia pulled me to him by the sleeve, and I succumbed, went to her-that is my guest. On this occasion, and drink.
   Well? - Peter threw up his hands. - In Exit - we saved the culprit celebrations?
   He turned and stared at me funny eyes, pretending astonishment, and then, again glancing at Pelagia, added:
   Well, in that case legally pour us as a mother, under the top edge of the glass!
   Peter! - Straightened it one that has reasoned his chatter before. - Stop clowning around!
   Che-Che! - Nahorohorivshis, Peter turned to him, on a cock sticking his chest, but for some reason stopped and settled somehow became even shorter.
   Going that between guests is not all right, Pelagia itself entered into the conversation:
   Okay, muzhuki, come to the table. I at all enough. There are, what to drink.
   Peter immediately passed on to the hut. Him immediately, trample, and moved his two companions. And in the passage we just stayed with Alena.
   -Yeah, wow progulochka turned out! - I whistled, shaking his head and trying to find sympathy in the eyes of the girl.
   A-ah, nothing, - Alain waved so indifferent, as if this happened to her every day. - T-ebya is not bitten volchische? Do u have a healthy one! And where only took? - I thought that Allen says last mechanically, so I replied:
   -You know better than me - how.
   Pensive girl look became suddenly piercingly prickly, but she said nothing and just turned and walked out onto the porch. Somehow, I followed her, as if fearing for her that her something can happen.
   Alain stood on her porch and stared not somewhere on the edge of the sky, not in darkness, rule over the earth.
   I stood next to her, not knowing what to speak, and therefore looked to the same place looking girl.
   Suddenly, in that part of the sky began to rise from the forest something orange-red. I was frightened, and only when the purple horn month, coming on the full moon, leaned over, guess what I see, and calmed down.
   -Look, you know exactly how to place the appearance of the moon - I tried to flatter Allen, wondering how quickly, however, gets a heavenly body.
   -Habit - she smiled.
   -Are you in astronomers ready? - I tried to make a joke.
   -Yeah, in astronomy, and even in the UFO observers ...
   In irony Alena heard notes, kolnuvshie unkind anxiously my heart.
   -For what UFO?
   -And there, you see now.
   She paused, again focusing on the observation of the moon, and I involuntarily joined her, feeling uncomfortable with the feeling that not all surprises are still behind the evening. Assumptions about the mysterious words girls swarmed in my head, but nothing has not found solid ground in my conjecture.
   It took several agonizing minutes. Brewing desire to stop this joke.
   Let's go into the house - I suggested Alena.
   -And you?
   -I will stay.
   Well, firstly, because I kid, and I was escorted out anyway, and secondly, I will wait for the UFO - I'm told.
   -Yes, what a UFO? - I misbehaved. - To Which UFO hell? - I wanted to say and stronger, but he felt the sharp nails on the fingers dug into Alena my skin.
   -Look, look! - She whispered quiet but resolute voice, pointing with his other hand off to the side of the moon.
   From all that is happening all of a sudden my eyes made up with an unexpected tear. When I brushed it away, there is nothing new or unusual in the sky saw.
   What "look"? - With disappointment I whispered the girl.
   Already-flown, but you're on a month to month look.
   I peered into the climbing higher and becoming brighter and yellower than a piece of the moon, with doubt thinking that maybe there is something needs to be seen. Suddenly, on the background of a celestial object appeared a strange shadow, it completely hidden the fractions of seconds, and only then a terrible hunch struck me poshatnuv sense of reality. It was a real witch in a mortar, rulivshaya downwind broom, as the keel of the boat. This eclipse, like a flash of light imprinted in my mind, and I still have a minute and a half trying to get it right when Alain spoke:
   -Who will be the wheel.
   -What? - I asked this question and of itself seemed like a fool.
   -Won, seeing that - Alain showed me now along the street, and at that moment I began to feel like his hair stand on end. Feeling of unreality came back to me again. It seemed to me that I am in a big attraction "house of fear."
   The street towards us, down in the gullies and surfacing out at the same speed, rolled burning, though drenched resin wooden wagon wheel. "Passion-what?" - I was horrified to himself, but loud say nothing could.
   Wheel carts roll up, skirted in the animal terrified neighing horse and rolled back, right up to the house neighbor - "vedmyachki" pick up on the porch, so yes, burning, and has moved into the house. From there, the windows, seemed immediately flashes of flame. "Fire will probably be" - with unexplained aloofness I thought.However, flashes in the windows neighbor soon gone, and instead there was a smooth green glow as soon pomerkshee.
   I looked at Allen. I suddenly emerged instinctive hunch that the girl is, if not an accomplice to the played before me a terrible performance, then, in any case, his appreciative audience.
   How to understand this? - Gained I finally speechless.
   -As you wish.
   -But how do you know about it and about it? ..
   -I do not know .... This is not the first time.
   Listen, but this is a nightmare! Did anyone do not care? For all to see, right under the noses of some devilry going on, and nobody seemed that he could not see!
   -Maybe not notice .... Do not want to see, I guess.
   -But is it possible to live?
   -And why not?
   -But it's still like to pretend that you do not notice that you put on your head!
   -So, it's more convenient to live .... Okay, I gotta go.
   Where are you?
   Allen said it's so easy and simple that almost caused my soul signs of hope for a continuation of our romantic dating immediately slumped.
   -Come on, I'll walk you out, - after I suggested.
   Why? - Alain stepped off the porch.
   Listen, where's the wolf? - I gasped when, passing carts, felt her hand in the desire to discover the carcass of the beast. Litter was empty.
   No-what? - No wonder the girl asked.
   No, - I replied, feeling the goose bumps on the back, because suddenly there was a feeling that the wolf somewhere nearby and again prepares to jump.
   Well, okay.
   How will you? And if he's around?
   -No. Or escaped, or hostess took.
   -What mistress?
   -That one, - Alain nodded in darkness on the witch house.
   I was not myself, and even the whole body shuddered at her words. Oppressive feeling of horror firmly stuck to me.
   I spent the girl to her home on the other side of the village and all the way back and was afraid even shaking.
   Guests at Pelagia did not split. They were already much lower than at the beginning. The three that saved me, were now almost half of those present. My absence, no one noticed. Is that Pelagia threw my way not understood, half-drunk look.
   At the table were finishing residues treats and drinks up the last brew. I sat down next to the hostess and immediately received an offer to drink half a cup and potions. Stretched out his same Peter. He's already pretty much pumped up.
   -On, drink, - he said in a husky bass. - Drink with me.
   -I do not want - I winced at the stinky smell turbid whitish liquor.
   Pei, I say! - Peter slightly pristuknul fist on the table and all the dishes together jumped.
   -I do not want - I repeated.
   -And I say - Pei puppy! - Eyes man flashed a spark of evil and became vylazit of orbits.
   -What are you, Peter, what are you doing this? - Zatormoshil his shoulder one of the satellites, the one that pulls it back in the hall. He, too, was already "tepid."
   -Get out-camping! - Peter easily led with his elbow, and upset his h The path did not fall off the bench. - Do not touch me! I'll drink salazhenkom STEM!
   -What do you mean-t gone crazy, a parasite? - Intervened Pelagia. - What are you-t stuck to it, bear? I'll give those right now - salazhenka ...
   Pelagia so dirty swore to the bother me that he drew on her own filled with green snake eyes, said nothing, silently overturned glass, then again, staring at me with a strange, drunken hatred, pulled away over the table with his hand granite tiled glass .
   Facial Peter tread effort to distort its brutal grimace. Fingers thick, overgrown on the joints coarse black bristles white. And at the same moment there was a dull crunch. Glass broke, crumbled. Peter, open-mouthed, put back the remaining fragments of glass in his hand and with a wild crunch began to chew it, continuing to become swollen bullish on me glazyuki, bloodshot.
   Apparently, before this huge muzhichische was doing at the table such tricks, because what happened was no surprise. On the contrary, immediately felt that any present somehow calmed down, haggard, stumble upon their plates.
   I'm sick of all this savagery which surrounded me tight, suffocating ring on the first day of my stay in this quaint village. I put the glass down on the table and for some reason said:
   -There's a wolf disappeared.
   Peter immediately choked on glass, bent, coughed. His mouth flowed profuse saliva with blood. He dropped his forehead on the table, continuing terrible cough. One of his companions was that fool began pounding him on the back. The second ran into the street. Soon he came and stood in the doorway:
   -Nope, there's no wolf! - On his face was a surprise.
   -Spur, I see someone - was heard from the table - on the coat!
   The joke, however, had no effect, and drowned in the whirlpool of the come suddenly silence, of which scared booze, spitting blood, Peter.
   Get him! - Quit standing at the threshold clapping him on the back. - E mu something very bad.
   Peter took the hand and led him out of the house. On the street he heard the creaking of the wheels of the cart.
   After leaving the trio and guests one after another in pairs and groups pulled out, saying goodbye to Pelagea and thanks for your hospitality.
   When the latter left the house, locked the door Panteleevna putting on iron hooks in prikolotke impressive timber, and then turned to me:
   Single-Well, tell postrelok what happened. Well I saw you-t care. What t-wolf? All talk now-t! What have you done-t?
   I briefly told his grandmother what had happened, omitting details about the wheel, flying through the sky and neighbor of witchcraft in a stable, because already he did not believe it, just everything I imagined it or dreamed.
   -Look! - Threatened me with knotty crooked finger Pelagia. - Will not poke your nose! You'll be here a fortnight, and mangled wood - not six months rashlebat. Do not you live here. Behave meek and herbs. Clear?
   -Clear! - I replied, thrown into complete disarray.
   Two days passed. Everything that happened on the first day and the evening somehow dimmed in memory. I even became inclined to think about it as something unreal, some fiction, which someone told me, and I took it too figuratively.
   I ran around the ordinary life of a dying village moribund left it the younger generation. I was a little worried because I felt around the outside observer, casual man, willed caprice of fate caught up in this abandoned village god.
   Winding itself on a mustache Pelagei words, I decided to do something harmless. I went fishing a couple of times during the day, so as not to meet at dusk with some evil spirits, not without fear, however, walked around the neighborhood lying forests, discovering upstream for small copses cemetery, which probably fueled her poisonous juices, and therefore not surprising was that the fish bite bad. But putting rakolovki I in broad daylight for some time in this brook has caught almost a dozen cancers. The same dealt not numerous small children, splashing on the river. However, before I saw the way they did it, and I suppose it would be impossible, so that you can catch something.
   Village patsanva with wild shrieks unraveled over his head tied to a rope tail dead cat and threw it into the middle of the river. Thirty minutes later, when it's all been removed back to shore, a rotten carcass of the animal was provided to cover up a few cancers that develop in the galvanized bucket.
   Grandmother Pelagia tried send me swamp berry, saying that now is the time of harvest, but I refused since childhood experiencing inexplicable horror of bogs and pop-up here and there from the black water "enormous Bulba" marsh gas, gurgling uterine in the creeks between marsh grass tussocks.
   A few days stay in the village gave me to understand that it is extremely empty. All able-bodied male population works on grain fields. Youth postsecondary same age disappeared immediately after graduating from high school in Grand Vasilihe. Schoolchildren also dispersed in all directions. In the end, I felt a surge of that terrible sultry melancholy, which I complained several times Alain.
   The girl also got lost somewhere. However, I've avoided meeting her since noticed that all hell swirled around me as soon as it was close by. Was there any connection or not - I was not going to find out.
   While staying in the village lost to me by this time all interest and meaning, I decided to hang the remaining dozen days without incident and peacefully leave the confines of these edges.
   A few more peaceful and just as boring days. Only event that flashed a bright flash on this strip dull idleness, was meeting with vedmyachkoy at the well.
   Pelagia asked me to go for water. I did not argue with the ailing grandmother who already vanished days in the garden, and took a yoke with empty buckets and went to the well. There is a woman collects water. She stood back to me, and when I went up to her very close, suddenly turned and asked:
   -You, eh, at Pelagia live?
   His face was a beautiful woman, even alluring, but at the same time there was something horrifying. I was surprised because I have not seen before such a woman of beauty and youth (during his stay in the village almost all traces of its population became known to me). I could not even tell who she is.
   -I live.
   Beautiful-you guy, slim, lean, wiry, like a good horse - the woman said, looking round me from head to toe black eyes from the sight of which my heart beat faster and stronger.
   Her words plunged me into some confusion. Long since forgotten how to blush, I suddenly blushed to the roots of the hair. In her eyes felt greed to lust, but not playful and modest, and some barbed, aggressive, devouring. Besides the word "horse" has sounded the alarm in my soul, a touch restless, moving in the subconscious associations and some vague guesses.
   The woman raised her head, and her black, blue-resinous like a gypsy, long strands of hair fell on the face, covering it in half. Then she bowed her head slightly and looked at me askance.
   Unable to bear the sight of her, I turned away and hurried to collect water. However, the woman did not think to leave, and stood behind me, silently watching me.
   -I help? - She asked, when I picked up their buckets full on rocker.
   -And what side you?
   Yes to the same place and you - she smiled, and that smile on my head was spinning. Now it was impossible to get rid of acute anxiety, sharpened claws glaring in the heart. My legs suddenly became just cotton, and the hands and all refused to obey. And rocker with two buckets to splash over the edge was about to fall off the shoulder.
   What are you standing there? - Asked the woman, and my heart stopped for a moment, and then pounded with furious force. - Bury and my rocker.
   I tried to submit to it and noticed a strange thing: my hands and obediently took up much of its burden and hoisted on the other shoulder. Not the first time I felt in awe of the beauty of women, but still surprised this has never happened before until now. "What kind of attack is this?" - Involuntarily flashed through my mind, just as former cotton legs suddenly became springy.
   -To carry something? - I asked and was stunned when a woman pointed to the house next door with Pelagea. Shrill guess deprived me speechless.
   Beside myself, I appeared at the gate vedmyachki. What efforts it cost me to stay here! I turned to her, trembling now with all my heart, remembering events shook me. Now I do not have the strength to raise his eyes to her.
   What up? Come, - offered me a witch.
   A waterfall of doubt and passionate gusts collapsed on top of me on the head, almost severing it. Seeing a woman in front of dazzling beauty, I tried to get rid of the sticky webs, drag away to my lair obscurantism, tried to reason with myself that in front of me a tree whose trunk adorable - a rotten shell, for which the rotten core formed huge hole. Witches came from something like a magnet dragged me to her. Zasheptyvala my passion, trying to draw my attention to the beautiful figure, chest, regular features, the fact in the end, that may be, and even likely, this is not some kind of witch there, beautiful, dazzling and a passionate woman who is at his fiery beauty, naturally causes envious gossip in the village a feminine, superstitious speculation and rumors implausible. I was ready to believe her and whisper sweet rush into the maelstrom of burning passion, if ... if it was not what I saw with my own eyes. It is now gave me the strength to stay on the verge of trouble, lurking in this house, and still somehow resist.
   What stopped, beautiful, huh? - Again witch smiled. - Timid in any way?
   I looked at her waist, trying, but not having the strength and courage to raise the view above.
   -What are you standing? - Again, she said, but the tone of her voice changed, became vaguely threatening. - A peep at the stables is not terrible? Not scary at night in the woods shy, eh?
   She took a step toward me:
   Yes, if you must know, I would not need you to carry these buckets. Look!
   Witch tossed hand and said something. At the same moment his shoulder to keep myself on the rocker arm, felt a bit relieved, and then completely rid itself of its cargo. Rocker with buckets up over his shoulder and quickly flew home to witches, then opened itself to the door and disappeared there.
   Well, that is beautiful, you see? Look: I do not go himself - will fly as these buckets. I'm so just do not stick. Otvyazheshsya from me ...
   -It t-what are you up to, Barbara? - There was a voice from heaven like Pelagia.
   -Nothing! - Answered witch. - You, Pelagia, do not go! I want to get to know your guest, and you came to visit myself all gathered, and I was not called, vodka is not watered.
   -Ugh, Bite your tongue! - Shouted Pelagia, and she crossed himself. - With Vyatka, holy, holy.
   There was a pause. It seemed that everyone was confused, no one knew what to do, until suddenly Pelagia wail again, apparently taking their courage:
   -Well, let Maltz, worthless!
   -Pelagia, not put! - Hissed menacingly Varvara. - D o not go! You know me! Do not look that old ...
   -I said: Leave him alone! - Grandma already trotted me.
   I looked at her and immediately felt the iron coverage on the wrist. It was Barbara's fingers. Cold, it seemed that, in general, iron.
   -Just try to leave the old woman! - Said menacingly vedmyachka. - H e sdobrovat you then!
   I tried to pull away, but I realized that it was useless: acumen Barbara really was iron.
   At this moment, Pelagia was next to me and grabbed my other arm, pulling away. Despite his advanced age, forces Grandmother was still abound. To my surprise I found that I stretched like a rope. And Barbara stood still and did not strain, as if it were a tree trunk, be firmly rooted in the ground.
   Varvara let Maltz! - Panting, said vybivshayasya forces of the old woman.
   -Get away, get away, I tell you! - Shouted in response witch. Her hand was cold as ice, even more iron hoop clenched fingers on the wrist, and I could hardly keep not to cry out in pain when he realized that it appeals to me. - Come on, tell her that she has fallen behind, not simply with his hand - wither.
   At this time, I broke down and cried:
   -Grandma, Grandma, get out. She squeezed my hand like claws.
   Pelagia let me go and I fell to the ground unconscious.

Chapter 8.

   Two or three days with me was something unimaginable. Low jumped like crazy. I tossed it in the heat, the shivering and frightened grandmother sees shaggy and filthy scraps of memories.
   Then everything had suddenly cut short as. I suddenly got better, though he had been ill, but was still afraid to leave the house often and long, like a hunted animal, watching the neighbor's hut.
   Alain looked evening. Grandma told me that she came every day until I was evil, and brought some grass. Pelagia first I did not dare to drink a decoction of it, but gave yesterday, and today my illness vanished.
   Feeling quite healthy, I went to meet the girl.
   -Hi, - she smiled elated - recovered, finally?
   -Recovered - I replied shyly, with concern in the shower remembering shameful dreams of my delirium, which occurred some orgy, I turned it into a horse, the dog or wolf and the witch Barbara and, for some reason, Alain together and take turns playing with me in love. Hugging, patting on the fur on the sides, holding on to the mane, getting under me, arousing the basest instincts, and yelled some obscenities that I, as an animal, could not understand, but that whenever, in spite of this, encourage my flesh to action.
   "Shame, then what?" - I thought, not daring, not finding the strength to lift his eyes at the girl. And she stood in front of a light calico sundress polka dots, this smart for dull rustic surroundings, such bright and too short and open that even me, a man accustomed to such clothes on city girl, her attire seemed too out of place on the background and causing environmental We rustic gray routine. My eyes involuntarily slipped over the edge of a sundress, barely covers her young, small, firm and beautiful maiden breast. I caught myself at the thought, and even shook his head to ward off impose my girlfriend and the increasing lust.
   -What are you so smart? - I gasped involuntarily.
   -A what? Is it impossible?
   -No, why - again, I lowered his gaze: obsessive obscene scenes of my crazy dreams and climbed into his head, as if it were the memories of the events that have occurred recently, - possible.
   I tried not to look at Alain, both participant dreamed orgies in which it appeared to me in all its charming, alluring, feminine already nudity and all the shameless and unleashed, immoral manifestations of their desires, which I with passion, ruthless, as thirst, performed, then taking shape horse, dog, and maybe a wolf.In addition, there still present and Barbara, and they amused themselves with me together, helping each other cope with me and totally ashamed to show to the other one will delight in the enjoyment of their lusts.
   I suddenly wanted a moment that all that I dreamed then became a reality, but I immediately scared of his shameful thoughts.
   -Why are you silent? - Alain asked, tilting her head coquettishly to one side and still smiling.
   Changes that have occurred in it, were quite amazing. As if a veil drowsy and careful stiffness, envelops her hitherto, rose like a cobweb, was now dropped, broken, and a small nondescript bud opened now, its charm and charming young but already strong, with a hint of tartness fragrance, promising abundant and fragrant nectar drops hiding somewhere between pink, translucent in the sun thin delicate veins of the petals.
   I thought, I do not whether it is connected somehow with the transformation of my illness and strange dreams, and from such an unexpected guess I started in some strange movement that affected many of the emotional strings, causing chest pain and was, and sweet, hot and burning up, and chill until cold. All this cocktail, the whole mixture, moving faster and faster, in a few seconds brought me in such an indescribable state that I have and could not say to myself, what happened to me, where the top and bottom where, and whether there are on my feet the ground or put it down and hover over it.
   Body shape girl, her features suddenly became blurred, indistinct, almost ephemeral, but at the same time a strong attraction drew me to her, and I was horrified to find that to my shame I can not deal with it.
   Through the spell broke indignant, muffled whisper Alena. They began to disperse, disperse the fog, and I saw a girl in his arms.
   Let just say! - She rested against my chest with his hands, trying to push off, recoiling back caved in flexible camp.
   -I'm sorry! What is it with me?
   I dismissed his arms and freed her.
   Allen stepped back and began to shake off for some reason, to straighten her skirt sundress:
   -What are you, swelled? - She asked this question did not require an answer, but her voice was not resentment, and only light playfulness made it clear that transgression is forgiven, if not already, will soon be forgotten.
   I looked around: witnesses do not seem to be. Pelagia rattled dishes in the house occupied by the housework.
   Let's go to the dance in the evening - invited a girl and I immediately agreed, not knowing rejoice or grieve, but then asked:
   -And where is your club or something? ..
   At-Large Vasilihe.
   -So it is far!
   -So what? Just think - away! When highly desirable, it is not far away at all. Well, will you go?
   -Go - again, I agreed, remembering quite a long way to the neighboring village.
   Alain said goodbye to evening and easily galloped the porch steps, went to the village street curve hasty, springy gait. In her movements felt some winged and joy waiting enjoyable event.
   I stared after her, trying to understand their feelings and not passing unnoticed by any of its motion, curiously recalling slender, lean legs girl, I accidentally opened and invisibly to the mistress from his soaring floor sundress when she swiftly ran from the porch .
   When Allen was out of sight, and I suddenly became harder to acquire stupor. I've wanted to, but now just could not get away from the porch, as if glued to his elbows railing, which rested with his chin on the palm. The sensation was not pleasant, when all members of the body did exactly cotton. Something told me that I was out of the windows of the neighboring house watching Barbara and her look, slightly incomprehensible to me that emits a viscous and sticky like tar, energy power over the flesh, just nailed me on the spot. Came to mind for some reason the memory of early childhood, when I was still a boy, with his mischievous buddies peers catch dragonflies, puncturing their abdomen thin needle, and then ran on a string. And chetyrehkryloe insect flew heavily and obediently carrying with a leash wherever wanted her cruel master. Dragonflies then we killed ...
   Had an uncanny sensation of my property. When the body is completely clear consciousness was not subject to the head, and it was a real nightmare.
   I do not know how long it lasted all this, when suddenly I felt like my legs themselves suffered from the porch to the garden and out to the backyard, to the river itself, where there was room, "black" and rickety, dilapidated toilet. A few seconds later the door creaked baths closed behind me and I was in the twilight of four log, smoky walls with a very tiny square window, through a glass darkly which penetrated weak, dim ray of light.
   Here I would like to let go, and this suddenly liberated soul managed to get scared and whisk in the heel before frighteningly opened unexpectedly, blinding bright light, burst into the darkness, back door leading to the footbridge over a small but fairly deep creek. My heart went from a terrible foreboding. I had no doubt that he saw a shadow in the doorway Barbara, blocking light.
   In the doorway was a figure of a man cut a dark silhouette in the light of distinct column of dust particles. The next moment a man leaned closer and instead jet black braids Barbara I saw ragged, tattered rags with edged broad-brimmed hat of coarse cloth, felt more similar to what is worn in some areas deaf shepherds and other workers who are not engaged in hard labor, but forced to remain for a long time under the scorching sun. The newcomer was simple, some shabby duds, which would be a pity not to get on and stuffed in the garden: colorless canvas shirt buttoned at derevyashechki instead of buttons, like planed bochonochkov oblong, wide open, and not having any color of deryuzhka burlap, which resembles not a jacket, not a rain jacket, a short cloak without a hood, and the same rude not colored pants with the knees and drooping heavily soiled with dirt.
   First, I decided that it's so weird dressed up to disguise Varvara, but then I realized that it was not her. Men lean hands, rough, strongly projecting nodes in veins, with broad hands and crooked, clumsy fingers, the next moment given host, sticking out of the sleeves too short sackcloth.
   Slammed the door behind which came and my fear somewhat weakened, evaporated, giving way to curiosity. This man I had never seen before, although it would seem, has already spent a lot of time in order to know by heart all the inhabitants of this tiny hamlet, rather reminiscent of his little farm settlements or small size.
   Quite long we stood facing each other in silence, until finally, from my fear was gone, and then I asked:
   Who are you? I do not know.
   -I live in this village - he replied, his voice seemed younger than the age at which he looked.
   -Why are you I've never seen before?
   -Probably because I herd cattle all day village and return only in the evening. Pastures far away: it is necessary to go through the forest.
   -What about wild animals? Do not be scared cows every day through the forest to drive?
   -Ah - waved a shepherd, and this gesture of our communication atmosphere became more relaxed and disposing. Something told me that he came not wish me ill. And it is disposed to communicate and frankness - a wolf if he will have it and the meadow, and on the cow zaderet. And then, even if what happens in the forest, the beast of the cattle climb, and I was not hurt, except that, in the last instance. Do not give me a gun, but so far, thank God, to dispense. And further, I think everything will go well. Wolf, he still full after the summer goes, not much lyutuet yet. However, soon to be dark soon, and that's when walking through the woods would be dangerous.
   I sat on the shelf in front of the stove, built of large stones.
   -I do not know, and I just recently attacked by a wolf ...
   -Shh! - Shepherd put his finger to his lips. - I just came to talk to you about it.
   About what? - I did not understand, reflecting among other things, that it is such a strange encounter, and what kind of terrible state preceded.
   The stranger took a deep breath:
   -Everything .... A few days ago I accidentally found out about you. And that happened to you on the day of arrival in our village. I told this story to Peter.You had to remember him: he lover snack cup ...
   -Yes, yes, I remember - I involuntarily shuddered at the memory of the terrible spectacle of a failed absorption glass.
   -So. I probably would not have learned anything, if he had not looked me in the pasture grass of the disease. And so, it was necessary to him to surprise me.So he told me how you rescued from the wolf, killed him, and then he fled killed - steal something no one. Me his story did not like, and I decided porazuznat in the village all details about the incident. And when I learned a little more, then drew the conclusion that you need to leave. And as quickly as possible. Believe me, I know what I'm saying. While you my words may seem strange. What has happened, is happening and will continue to happen to you - not an accident.
   Shepherd sat next to me. "Too literate to some shepherd something" - I thought to myself. I was fine now seen his face.
   -And what, in fact, this happened and is happening to me? - I raffled naivete.
   -I learned everything, and the wolf, and about Barbara, and even what to guess and can not be afraid and think even the local village gossips. I know that you went to the stables in the forest. And I know that now, a few minutes ago, Barbara again unleash its magic on you. Just because I caught her energy and sent me to the right direction ("Damn, and I in the right direction no one directs - ironically I thought immediately. - Some wizards around. All COX something where- something is sent. One I like burdock along with all this back and head and can not do anything! "), are you here and not somewhere else, where she tried to entice you.
   Surprise I almost did not open his mouth. I do not even know what to say now my interlocutor: "Maybe move him in the face? Painfully something I'm tired of all this! That's what I: asked him to my feet in a bath ran? "Strange his words did not knit with his unassumingly appearance. "And indeed, from this simple village shepherd with three classes of education to know something about me, that with me and in me going. This is a rudeness! Who do I need here? And not only here? "- Thoughts frantically rushed to my head. - "However, the fact that I went to the stables did not know anybody ... except Alena!"
   Vague conjecture flashed in my head: "Between this shepherd and Alena have some close connection" - and I said:
   -Where do you live?
   -At the other end of the village ...
   -And on the opposite side of the street - I continued, following a hunch.
   -Yes, but ...
   -So what are you, Alyona live in the same house?
   Seen, I hit the nail on the head, because the shepherd stopped and somehow all the donkey, and hung his head drooped, with downcast eyes.
   -I'm her father, - he said softly, and these words stunned me forever.
   "That's how he knows about the stables" - I thought. I strained my brain to a hodge-podge of facts to build the structure. We had to tie them all together in the correct sequence, and then, as of the puzzle was to be some definite picture of what is happening around me.
   Intuition, guesswork, one other trenchant muddled, mixed together with the facts in a bunch of little unimaginable. And, in general, my brains have not been able to produce something truer and closer to the reality of this hash. Voltage suddenly I felt that I was losing my mind, just drowning in a bubbling, hissing loudly river champagne and drown the same, if you do not throw yourself a straw as the last, the most absurd and terrible guess. I asked a chilling guess this terrible question:
   -And what you have to Barbara?
   Shepherd said this time without delay:
   It's my ex-wife.
   I almost fell off the shelf. Straw deceived my hope of salvation.
   - Well, it's too much? - H evolno escaped me.
   Well-why? Nice little family! Husband - a shepherd's wife - a witch, a daughter ...
   -And what Alain?
   -No, nothing. With dad lives, and my mom goes to the stables to see when she is engaged there God knows what - dogging - as it's called! A dad at all, all day, from morning till night lost in fields with cows.
   -I did not always been that way - apologetically said Shepherd. - Used ylo time when my form was different.
   He paused, then looked at me again and stared at the floor. But then he spoke, and I heard a story that has not forgotten how to believe and wonder:
   "This village was not always so distant and secluded. Very close from here, in the place where now the swamp, there was a monastery, and everything around lying land: land, forests, fields - were monastic, and the peasants who lived in this village were monastic fortress. So, this monastery went underground, and in the place where the walls were now can not step and step - failed.
   About this story known only to a few dozen scientists, historians, archaeologists, yes, maybe with heels luminaries geology - it's still strange as it - there was a monastery, stood for several centuries, and then - bang, and failed. Some scientists doubt: whether and, in general, here sometime monastery - too incredible metamorphosis occurred. Last summer the whole expedition to the swamps digging, looking sonar utopshy temple - so nothing, not a single stone not found. Nothing disturbed only evil swamp, oh, how vain!
   I caught a look of alarm interlocutor thrown on the window baths. But apparently, his anxiety was in vain, and soon he spoke again:
   "But this was a monastery. Was, and I am a witness. Although it was many centuries ago ... "
   Involuntary, but muffled, like a noisy sigh cry burst from my chest, I did not want to interrupt the speaker, but could not help astonishment, I emerged from his words, the more that he said it so casually, as if it was not, and could not be surprising. I have already thrown in the pot!
   Shepherd noticed my emotion, but did not stop and did not attach any significance to it:
   ... "Since that time, as this huge monastery sank into the ground, I live here, each time dying, but again and again finding life. I defeated astral wandering warrior, who finished his earthly journey here to fight evil. There was a terrible battle a few hundred years ago, and the forces of evil prevail over the forces of Good.Intrigue won fearlessness, anger - love and meanness - willpower. Everything has been turned upside down. And stronghold of faith, desecrated evil spirits and devoted his complacent inhabitants, not persevered and went to the kingdom of darkness. Here was my last battle, but I met with those who had the strength to overcome. And so was debunked by powerful spells, gave me the strength to fight the Dark.
   And now I'm up to the Last Judgment will die and be born here, as dying and being born all these hundreds of years, going from image to image, from life to life, but unfortunately keeping clear memory of what happened here before disappearing monastery.
   Whenever I acquire form the holy fool, the village idiot - in short, a man whom no one looks serious. And it is a convenient wrapper for the keeper of treasures monks taken from them by the Prince of Darkness.
   Whenever my companion in life is Barbara, who is the chief guardian. I'm in it for the delight of revenge Evil Good, to see and feel, to feel the victory of darkness over light, visible and suffer from knowing of his impotence. I'm still good, but good impotent, indifferent debunked evil. I - well, sentenced to death "...
   In my head the first time after a long break lines were born, although I thought he had forgotten how to write poetry forever:
   I still Welcome debunked Darkness,
   I still Welcome, already deprived of their wings
   And thrown into the mud; servants nemoyu
   Have become so evil of the pig snouts ....
   Suddenly a shadow flashed outside the window, momentarily obscuring the incident ray of light in the bathhouse. Shepherd started up:
   -   Varvara! I have to go. We both did not plight, if she sees us together!
   He threw it to me on the move, already metnuvshis to the back door leading to the river, from which it appeared.
   Both doors were opened simultaneously. One someone was coming in the other ran my strange companion. And I like a stranger at a crossroads, stood on the shelf or alive - not dead, quivering in fear waiting for what will happen in the next moment. Heart stopped and sank.

Chapter 10.

   In the bathhouse looked Pelagia.
   -   Ah, there you are! What-t are you hiding?
   -   I? Yes, just so .... Went to look at the bathhouse. I have not seen her before .... And it is, in general, as fired?
   -   And how? That you want to take a steam-t?
   -   Yeah, actually, do not mind - I feverishly invent an excuse for their behavior.
   -   It's good that you wanted to go to the bathhouse. Tokmo here, one-bath into khodyut not. We still have someone to call t. You're to come on, chop firewood yet, but I'll go poklichu men. Who in the village now is.
   Pelagia disappeared behind the door. And half a minute I could see how hard she climbs the overgrown high quinoa footpath leading down the slope of a small hill to the house bathhouse.
   In my heart I was relieved, fear has passed, and I looked out the door leading to the river, in the hope that the shepherd still there. But as it did not happen.
   Pelagia went to a village, and I began to prepare the wood for the bath. Soon she came back - I just carried an armful pinned into small wood chips to the bath, and her face was contorted, and his eyes widened in fear.
   What happened? - I asked, pausing.
   Peter medvediha lifted! - Choking horror grandmother said.
   She grabbed his hand for the right side, where it was the heart, and so stood in the yard, unable to catch her breath.
   I rushed into the street, spilling chips on the ground, and ran without presenting even really where Peter lives. One of the houses in the village gathered low zherdyannikom grandmother and I, without hesitation, went there.
   The house was even more people than on the street, and I wondered how so many come from in such a small village. Making his way through the dense droning, wailing crowd, I was at a low bed on which lay under a blanket through the teeth smiling Peter. It was obvious: it is bad. Her eyes were moist and bloodshot, he was sweating all, and jet-black hair, wet with sweat and blood, lohmami sticking in different directions. On his cheek was seen deep, ragged, oozing blood trail from the claws of a wild animal. Peter was breathing hard, and every now and then closed his eyes, rolling their vpodlobe.
   Seeing me, he managed to say:
   -Ah, you are .... See, you saved, and he had no one to help ... ...
   I lifted the blanket. Outerwear and underwear were torn to shreds, the skin on the chest and shoulders and was raspolosovat flaps floating on blood trickling meat. Broken ribs scary, unnaturally protruding from the sides of snowy debris. The sight was terrible.
   Seeing what's left of Peter, standing beside women wailed even more, from what I came to indescribable fury. Suddenly, I wanted to grab something heavier and baste it stupid Indian, stood and watched helplessly as the man gives the ends.
   Well, you're not tied up, fools! - Suddenly himself aloud with anguish that had the strength I cried, trying to block the wailing.
   The crowd quieted down a bit, and I called again to cheer myself:
   Bandages, let's tear the cloth, sheets!
   Soon to me stretched hands with bandages and stripes Narwhal sheets, and I started as I could rewind iskroshennoe, frightening its formlessness and lithe body of Peter. Joined me and began to help.
   Lifting the torso Peter over juicy blood-soaked sheets, I realized that in several places in his broken spine. Unnatural body flexes his fingers and could palpate sharp corners on the spine, causing goose bumps ran.
   Lifeless body was heavy soft and pliable, but I helped. Happened time and again reminded to be treated cautiously. I asked a few boards, and passed through the crowd surrounding. They put it under the back and strapped rags.
   Perebintovyvaya victim, now and then I tried it, how badly damaged his skin, and every time it flaps easily separated from oozing lymph subcutaneous layer.Could only wonder how it all he managed to survive after such passionate embraces bears.
   When we started perebintovyvat Peter, he apparently fainted and remained unconscious. So one might think that he was already dead. Put your ear to the chest or to find a pulse on the fractured arms or temples there was no way, and only bringing to the mouth ajar small mirror could catch on light fogging mirrors Teplyaev barely breathing.
   Ligation was completed, and I asked everyone to leave the house because the patient did not have enough oxygen, and in the back row, where men gathered, did not come up with anything better than to take, but smoke.
   When the latter came down from the porch into the yard, I turned to the crowd at the bottom:
   -We need urgently to take Peter to the hospital, otherwise tomorrow it will have to bury him.
   -And you're a doctor or something? - There was someone's sarcastic question.
   -I am not a doctor. But here and fool understand that he was dying. He remained living space, broken spine. Besides, he's bleeding.
   The crowd was a terrible noise, and it was impossible to understand what people want. The hut suddenly heard some rumbling and I rushed there.
   A woman who knows how to stay in the house, dropped to the floor pan of water, and now wiping cloth puddle.
   -How did you get here? - I asked in surprise.
   -I am the wife of Peter, but what? - Answered pale blond with a long, thick braid woman.
   Now I noticed that the house has several rooms, and she was in one of them, now came from a girl of about ten or twelve.
   This is my mom, Val, - she said to me - do not yell at her.
   -What's your name? - I turned to her.
   My name is Larissa, - she said, coming closer, as do during the interview, many children who trust adults. - Today we went with my dad in the woods for mushrooms and saw the bear, little of this. I began to play with him, and then his mother-bear jumped out of the bushes. Dad threw me into a tree, and he became the escape. But not bear chased him, and climbed a tree for me. I started screaming and my dad ran to the tree and began throwing sticks into a bear, and then grabbed the bear by the scruff and lifted him up so that he was screaming loudly. Bear jumped off the tree and ran to my dad. My dad did not take the gun, and he had a knife.They embraced and began to roll on the ground. Papa bear knife beats, and she squeezes it, tearing claws. And they have struggled so long and both scary screaming.And then Uncle Alyosha ran and helped kill a bear.
   -Who is this guy? - I asked.
   -This is my father's friend.
   Valentine, Mother Larissa scored again wash tubs of water and already had washed her husband's face piece of terry towels. I left the house. Now I have something clear.
   In the courtyard outside the house people markedly diminished. Stand there are only a half dozen or persons, among whom were several men.
   -Who is Alex? - I asked those standing under the porch.
   - Well, I - a middle-aged bearded man said, which I immediately recognized one of her three rescuers.
   -Is that you saw that there happened in the woods?
   - Well, I - Alex nodded.
   What happened there?
   -And what does it matter now?
   -Really - I agreed, biting her lip, "In fact, what does it matter now?"
   -Very close to the village happened - suddenly said Alex, referring not to me but to others, and changing the tone of voice with the caller's surprised. - Here, two hundred meters to the side of the cemetery. Where there is only here bears come from? And at the time they are, in general, per person, do not attack it, just going to fall asleep. I can hear the screams and the roar of some sort. "Well - I think - it evil!" He grabbed the ax and rushed there. And there bear Petrukha sides crumples.Well, I do it with an ax on the head and debited. I only wish that arrived in time too late.
   Someone wanted to look at a bear killed Alex, and the rest in the yard moved to the place where the tragedy occurred: according to Alexei carcass bears with his throat cut, still lying there, and I had to pick her up now that were not in vain fat, meat and skin. I tried to stop them, but they did not want to listen.
   I went into the house to Peter, but Valentine glared at me so evil, so unkindly eyes flashed, I realized that I have nothing to do here.
   "How strange - I thought, heading down the street to the house Pelagia - a man dies, and no one wants to help him. Even if he is doomed, he still needs to try to help, even if it somehow support their participation in his fate. And they went to look zarublennoy bear. It is urgent to find somewhere a car or anything else, but at least the harvester or tractor, and Peter take to the hospital. However, where it is here you will find ... "
   In fact, in the village that there was almost no equipment, and for the whole week, that has been here, I have not heard once engine running.
   Going into the yard and saw still standing midst Pelagia, I heard that because of the angle of someone calling me at home. It was an easy, almost ghostly whistle on a high note, which generally have been taken for the creaking wooden rocking back and forth on the window shutters. At first I did not even pay attention to it, but once the whistle hard and invitingly and repeated a little stronger, so that it could not pay attention. Pelagia also drew attention to a strange sound.
   -What is it? - She asked me.
   A-ah - I wearily waved a hand - something that, Peter dies and no one wants to help him.
   -And what the women went to Barbara?
   -By Barbara? - I was surprised and alarmed her words. - W e know.
   Pelagia came out of the gate, and I heard again devoted to tyvanie wafting from the corner of the house. There I was waiting for my friend rustic shepherd. His eyes were seven cents, like mad.
   -Do you know what happened? - He asked.
   -Yes, I saw.
   -Yes, no, not that. Baba village Varvara went!
   -So what? - I asked ingenuously.
   How - what? - Shepherd strongly grabbed my arm, having shown remarkable strength, so unexpected in his frail body and pulled her toward him. - W naeshsya, why did they go?
   -No ...
   -They went to ask for Barbara, she helped to restore his magic Petra life.
   -So what?
   -How's that? Do not you understand that from the Barbarians can not expect anything good. She is a witch! Indian mountain blindly, she goes where, as it seems, may be the fastest help. And very often it uses evil spirits, playing on this one ...
   -What are you talking about? - I could not stand and shepherd shook the lapels. Started to annoy me that he latched on to me. I'm here to relax arrived! And not at all rustic delve shit! Less than a week left to visit me in this accursed village, but for some reason I still stubbornly not left in peace. And I'm already tired of it!
   I wanted to lose, shake shepherd grabbed vshegosya in my sleeves, but there was something. He persisted:
   Yes, you must understand that it picks a terrible thing ...
   -What other terrible thing? - I wanted to get rid of him.
   -Do not know yet. I have long forgotten how to anticipate, but anxiety, anxiety in my heart, and it haunts me.
   -What other anxiety? Why not?
   Yes, from what it all the bear, rigged Barbara. This is her handiwork. Just like that wolf that attacked you ...
   -Where did you get it?
   -From what I just saw, as a bear was gone, he disappeared and then killed the wolf.
   -Listen! I'm tired of this! - I was hoping that he finally unbind from me, and I found a sympathetic ear, which can bullshit all ears hang. Maybe he was, in fact, some crazy, crazy quiet village ...
   On the edge of the forest in the outskirts of the village heard voices behind the trees seemed to people and the shepherd himself let go of my hand and swiftly, ducking to the high grass, ran down to the river. I went to the street to meet people.
   They were the ones who went to look at the dead animal. Now they were in a strange state, though tipsy there in the woods, and now were not that drunk, but somehow so lax and even smiling, strange and durnovato.
   -What is it you are so wonderful? - I asked.
   How what? - Jumped to me one of the men. - M edvedya-how and did not happen!
   He ran on, catching up with noisy, drunken crowd.
   Alex trailed behind all, hung his head dejectedly. I asked him when he caught up with me:
   What happened?
   Bear-gone - he looked at me lost, he said.
   He went on so hard, almost dragging his feet, but I did not depart from it. It seemed to me that he said something wrong, and the meaning of his words floated somewhere in the fog of guesses ...
   -Wait, wait! - Feeling like I have a fever starts nasty shaky tremor appearing in those moments when the lost presence of mind, I zatormoshil Alexis. - How was gone? Her that someone had stolen?
   Alex suddenly transformed. His face contorted with rage, teeth crooked evil glint in his mouth, and he just saber slashed me obliquely downward glance:
   Fool! Who would steal it?
   He moved evil hefty peasant hand, and I flew to the side, on the roadside, is surprisingly easy as shake elbow kitten. Falling into the nettles have crooked gray zherdyanogo fence, I got burned on the grass and began to shake violently and scratching swollen hands, covered with red blisters.
   -You're the fool! - Evil, with a feeling I muttered, looking after him, and imagining what a good kick, I would now weighed him if .... - Goat!
   On the other side edge of the village emerged shepherd.
   Well that? - He smiled his smile priduroshnyh. - In idish?
   In his view, was read the triumph of the winner. I let it charge all his verbal fury, because even in the depths of consciousness no fear that the village idiot, did not feel the danger, even though sometime in early childhood warned me to stay away from the insane and in which case behave with them most neutral because never know that their erratic behavior in the next second.
   Swear shepherd, I went to the gate and suddenly almost immediately felt a dull pain above the elbow. If someone whacked me a good club.
   Yes he really fool! - I thought I turned and saw a shepherd stands still on the other side of the fence, but in the grass away from me rolling a heavy boulder, one of those neat bunch of lying in the corner of the vegetable garden Panteleihi.
   I barely had a chance to understand how barely dodged a second stone, flying straight to my head.
   -What are you, stupid? - I shouted, but the shepherd is bent behind the third stone.
   That not expecting, I suddenly asked Strekachev the street, but then the sharp pain in the heel itself, which had the next hit, tripped and tumbled head over heels, picking up dry dust.
   Well, it's you, you crazy, doing? - There was a heart-rending cry somewhere behind the old woman Pelagia. - A x, cursed, so I t-Now you ask! Do not see what a fool you are super!
   The teeth gnashing sand, which somehow nabilsya mouthful. Somewhere nearby, close to his ear, flopped, sprinkling dust in the face, another one, apparently, has the last stone, and I could not even scared that he almost smashed my head.
   "Aptly rushes" - slip into the head. Very close I saw Alexei runs up with a big stick in his hand. His face was alive from the evil of gambling.
   What happened? - He pulled me by the hand and helped her sit up. In my head all went round and stand up there was no way.
   -Yes, that! - Waved I head toward the kitchen garden, where Pelagia chasing the corners shepherd. Skrezhetnul nasty sand on the teeth, making it difficult to speak. And I thought, how many do not spit, it will not be lowered.
   -What are you, Noodles contacted? - Rolled her eyes in surprise Alex.
   -With what other "noodles"? - I did not understand.
   Yes our Noodles, with our trusty, a shepherd! - Waved to the credibility stick man.
   -And what is with the "noodles"? - Again, I did not understand.
   Yes it is a surname such Noodle. Ivan Noodles. We fools, too, have families!
   A-ah - I spat sand again, and Alex held out his hand to help me to my feet. - D o not. My head is spinning.
   Came out of breath but happy Pelagia, and often shallow breathing, through the word, asked:
   -What is t-he flung stones at you? Are you offended him eh?
   Out of the corner of my eye I saw coming out of the house Barbara peasant women, and behind all goes Varvara, pushing women hands like a herd of timid sheep. She turned her head to say something continuing in my direction. And our eyes met, and so I was scared, and I looked down at the ground.
   -Well, you can already raise? - Again asked Alex.
   Yes - I said weakly and felt strong hands tore me from the ground and put his feet.
   Accompanied grandmother Pelagia, I went to the house, not daring to raise the look and stumbling at every step under the heavy black eye Barbara. Inside I was trembling with fear and felt that in me not even left the courage to go forward. And when we stopped coming up with the women, real estate seemed higher, saving the good that I could only find at the moment.
   Pelagia whispered something, talking to women, moaning and slurping tongue surprise. They could speak louder because I still did not listen, could not just hear, understand what they are talking in general, absorbed in a stupor, hidden in it, like a turtle in its shell from danger.
   "Panteleiha" led me stunned, I think nothing more, and when we got home, fearful whispers, from which one could not recover, hissed by bringing his lips close to my face, from what I felt on my skin from the dew her moist, warm, heavy breathing:
   Tonight, you need somewhere to disappear from the village, dear boy.
   Her gentle unusual treatment made me wary.
   Why is this? - The tone of my voice, apparently issued excitement.
   Varvara said Peter cure if she will talk with you.
   -Where did you get that?
   Baba said.
   Baba? ..
   Yes, they went to ask her now, so she could help, and it is here Barbara said. She promised that otherwise would die Peter current same night. These are the t-case.
   I sat on a bench against the wall and thought, digesting heard.
   -Maybe this really meet Barbara? - Asked Finally, I do not think of anything better.
   -What do you mean? - Scared Pelagia, waving his hands.
   -But Peter will save lives! - I tried to reinforce the reasonableness of its proposal, although immediately felt a very Hough shook with fear only one thought it could happen.
   -Do not you dare! - Threatened to fist over my head grandmother. - She will destroy you, and will not save the man. Well it's a witch! From her t-nothing good can not wait!
   I thought about it and asked:
   Listen, my grandmother, and where am I going to hide? If you want to force me to give Varvara ...
   -I do not know. Maybe the forest-t-t go so far into the night to sit there ...
   Yes, you think what you say? - I protested, feeling large goose, cold ripple ran through the back. - About me there on the train itself syschete. And soon, and nobody's help is required.
   Suddenly my memory came the offer Alena go dancing in most Vasilihu. It was a way out. However, what I found in the bath, a few confused, and cooled my ardor. But it seems nothing else to do. "If Alain went with me secretly follow her mother, it is unlikely that she with her at the same time" - I thought.
   I asked Pelagia to the sauna, call Alexis and go to Alain.
   Alex came, stood in the doorway, hung his heavy paw on zaskripevshuyu door and asked:
   -What do you want?
   -Come with me in the bath? - I asked him once.
   -What are you, man, just a fool or what? My friend is dying, and you - in the bath .... W oknulsya what? - He shook his finger at his temple, he turned and disappeared as it had appeared.
   Pelagia came with Alena:
   I'm going to bath-flooded, and you have a chat here yet.
   -What do you want? - Asked the girl.
   Let's go to the dance - I suggested.
   Her eyes widened
   -Do not you know what happened?
   -I know. But I know something else: Barbara said she would help Peter, if I stay with her face to face, or he will die tonight.
   Alain looked down and somehow all faded, but then with determination in his voice said:
   -Well, - I nodded his head - only losing my bath.
   You know, - I showed the girl soiled shirt sleeves and side, slapped on dirty pants - something highly dusty.
   The girl smiled for the first time:
   -Well, let's just hurry that you do not really worn out.
   All the terrible experiences retreated today, gone somewhere, and from her charming smile in front of me as if thrown open another world, in which there was no trace of fear. There exuded warmth and light, and the feeling was suddenly so clearly that I could not say to myself that it really is: a swamp around me provincial life, which was so much horror, or something warm and bright window in which suddenly plunged my second "I".
   -And you're with me in the bath go? - Playful and at the same time with the hope of concealed agreement I asked the girl.
   Alain also playfully shook her head, and we both laughed fun and carefree as zabyvshiesya children. This moment seemed incredibly dazzling, magical gift of fate, which completely wiped out all my past painful experiences and filled my heart with a warm, lively gratitude.
   Suddenly, I wanted to tell her something unusual, from what should have been the soul soar somewhere high up in the bright skies and stay there, surrounded by white oblachek - lamb ...
   But apparently I did not have such words that could express my feelings, and only in the head, as once happened very often, spinning verse blizzard drifts quatrains outline:
   I'm an angel fell on the white snow,
   He struck me as black as night,
   And you are beautiful of all the beautiful .... Neg
   I win your urine that was
   Sought tenacious sweet honey
   That enveloped me. Vain,
   All was vanity. And the ice has melted.
   And it was all around great ...

Chapter 12.

   In the bath I went all the same one. Alain we agreed to meet on the outskirts of her home on the other side of the village. It had to be done discreetly. And now, sweating in the clubs of hot steam and knocking on wood coals rdeyuschie, I painfully thought how best to implement it: whether to pass along the river or gardens round the strangers in the woods, dark thicket approaches from the hill to the edge of the village, making it seemed that he pushes her into the water. And then, and another was dangerous, since the case has taken such a turn. I could not understand why Barbara took for me. And in light of the strange story of the shepherd and the last, strange events, and what happened with Peter seemed to me now is not accidental.
   It was scary. Smoke, walked out of the bath, probably already attracted someone's attention, and I was afraid that he had not noticed the Barbarian. I was haunted, she openly declared now opportunistically case he wants to meet with me. She could come and here, so I locked both doors, propping one spear, and another one that went out to the river, reinforcing bracket push in the handle with a stick.
   Hardly concerns gradually became anxious to let my mind and I finally really engaged bath, when shkryabanie and attempts to open the door from the house caught my attention. Crept softly to the little window misted, I rubbed his hand and looked out, clinging to the glass and with a sinking heart, trying to see who approached. But deep frame prevented to do so.
   Continued to scratch at the door, and besides cat sound was not heard anything. Remains calm, which is still warm in my soul, vanished without a trace.
   Who's there? - I asked, cautiously approached the door.
   No reply.
   Who's there?
   Outside all was quiet. In the open door went couples. Poking my head, I looked to my right and looked out the door, having covered broom.
   There was not a soul, but I felt like someone was watching me. In the tense silence, from which creeps stupor, had the feeling that the whole village had died, and I'm all alone in the bath naked in the midst of this lifeless silence, and from the heart stopped in horror.
   Who's there? - I cried not so much that someone said, and then more to make it clear to myself that I'm still alive. It seemed to me that my cry echoed around the empty away. In fear, I slammed the door, propping it with a stick, and to somehow return to a sense of reality, full splashed cold water on the hot stones, why bathhouse filled with heavy, thick, impenetrable steam burns the skin and lungs exactly charcoal, and then immediately jumped , knocked simple constipation, to the bridge, and not wasting a second, jumped into the water.
   Blissful, saving cool water hugged my burning body, and a few seconds did not want to float, and it was felt that a body moving slowly in the green-yellow slurry sand and silt, sinking further into the gathering darkness of the pool.
   Downstairs at the bottom of something flashed a quick shadow and I, trying to keep panic earned his hands and feet, surfacing: it was not very nice to see that in this charming dumbness there is something alive and moving, living here on the right host. The proximity of the swamp into which flowed a river - a very bad final movement - to exaggerate, and it would be better not to see that beneath you, a few meters below, covered over with silt driftwood floating obscure, vague outlines of the unknown living being. Feeling of free flight in an unknown nameless river silence, lost in the woods and fields and gave his tacit live energy, the mysterious swamp, but not any more affluent and powerful river, which in itself was unnatural to grow into animal terror before the greatness of small and frightened more than a bottomless depth of the ocean, which could not reach the human imagination ....
   Podplyvaya to the bridge, I could barely restrained so as not to embark on a truly heels, and faster than in other times would be scrambled, almost jumped out of the water wiped his feet to shine, but the dark floorboard.
   Pairs of doors bath poured white clouds, and how to go in and shut the door, there was no question. I left it open and blinking in the hot, humid air got to the oven and threw it on the coals prituhshie few damp chips immediately puffed white, tickling nostrils and throat Pershai smoke. I coughed, but with me and someone else coughed. Scared again had no strength, and I just thought angrily that whoever it was, he now receives for this stupid game of hide and seek:
   Who's there? - I thought I roared with indignation.
   I took someone's fingers above the elbow, right behind the injured spot. In thinning clubs couple standing Ivan Noodles.
   -That you scratching at the door? - I was furious: "You still do not have enough!"
   Stalking prosecution of this idiot got tired, especially after the incident with stones, for which he should now good smack.
   Listen, - he whispered instead of answering - today is night will be - God forbid. Peter dies, it is the work Barbara. Do not try to show her eyes. I know she's the women of our offers: it's all bullshit, bullshit. She will do their dirty work, and you will attract, and there, consider you're gone. You need to hide somewhere until tomorrow morning, well, at least up to four before the first cock.
   -What are you so me bake? - I asked, feeling the fervor dies down, and thoughts begin to scurry about restlessly in his head.
   -I fight against evil, but now I can do it only by word. I need an assistant ...
   - Well, no, I've had enough! - I blurted out, as if only waiting for this moment.
   -But you must understand you, either with me or with Barbara! - Tried to convince me the shepherd, but I was not listening, pushing the door.
   -I have no one! - I said in the face and do not think to resist the confused Ivan Noodles and slammed the door in his face. The conversation was over.
   After some time at the door of the bath one was not, and domyvshis quietly dressed and I went to the house where I waited Pelagia.
   Listen, dear, you're to come to-one get away! Again Baba t have to cope on your t-soul. Would have to go to the bath, hardly stopped them-t! ..
   after a few minutes, skirting the forest, and then looking around, I made my way to the home Alena and then throwing out the window a few clods, ran with her that it was urine on the open road along the marsh, wondering why she suddenly became so infinitely long. All further road to the arboretum and fields seemed shorter this open for viewing from the near edge of the village scrap space.
   -Do you think we have noticed? - I asked, catching his breath, the girl.
   -I do not know! - She shrugged and we went, chatting about all sorts of trivia, but still, now and then glancing back.
   As soon as the village remained farther and farther, and fear passed, I was so bad to wash away the thought that haunted, no matter how I tried to drive it away. Now I have known some awkward facts of her biography, which think-it was scary. Several times already dare I ask finally question about her parents, but whenever faltered in mid-sentence, and Alain then looked at me in surprise and fright-carefully, not realizing what was happening to me.
   Of course, talk about it was not easy. On the one hand a direct question could offend Woman, touch a nerve and maybe break the most delicate strings of her soul. On the other looming danger to get into such a jungle another person's fate, which later is not easy, if at all possible, it would get. Here it was necessary to behave prudently and cautiously, and therefore start from somewhere far away, with something like it is not of interest to me concerning the topic ...
   -And Pelagia Panteleevna have children? - I asked, suddenly, he is not expecting such a question.
   -You know better - she smiled. - It's your relatives.
   -Come in - I stretched, looking, that would answer. - She's not my dear grandmother, and I was her first time at a party. How do I know?
   Al on e paused, still smiling.
   Poor-thou attitude to relatives if you do not know their brothers and sisters, cousins ??or even troyurnyh - what they are there you have to? I'm not talking about that you corresponded with them or talked some other way .... And your countrymen deserve to remember them. Anyway, that's exactly one-...
   She laughed softly, and I thought it was an opportune moment to talk about her parents, but then decided that out too clearly unrelated and utterly right.
   -And who is this one? - I continued dialogue.
   -I do not know who he'll have to, to be the uncle, though ... Maybe this is not true.
   What's not true?
   -That was such a ...
   Yeah I do not even know how to say about him ... he was a tadpole, in general.
   How tadpole? - I asked, to cope with a laugh.
   "I've heard that shortly before the war Pelagia Panteleevna her first child - the beginning of the story of Alain and I thought it was worth listening to. - She was still quite young was, maybe a little older than me. Well baby and work up to inexperience ...
   The boy was born as a boy, normal, in general, baby. Roth himself grew up, but then something happened, and he began to grow one head. First, it did not notice it, and then it was too late. Yes, and none of the doctors could not tell what the disease was, but his head grew to the size of a small balloon and began to occupy almost the entire pillow. A skinny neck was such that resembled struchek and head support for special podporochki invented.
   Everyone said that he dies, because living with a head is impossible, but brainy child lived and lived his. Rusty - just stopped, but began to grow wiser by leaps and bounds, and for five years already argued, as an adult, and even read books, children's fingers turning the pages.
   And for Pelagea Panteleevna long before the war itself courted zavodika one director, all coming by car. Maybe it was the baby from him-what - no one knows, but he very much cared for him so looked after, he brought goodies and books. So it was up to the war.
   On the boy's head came and came from miles around to marvel where crawls only rumors about the unusual child, whose head is more than the body, which in five years, knows more than any adult reads a lot of books, flipping through their infant fingers, but can not even walk and hardly sits with special props and pillows, without which his chicken neck would already broke.
   When your uncle was six years old, he began to speak. No, say something he knew before, but now he could hear terrible things. I do not know that he said this there, but people shy away from it just steel. They say that it sort of became a prophesy ...
   Then came the war. In the village we stopped the Germans, and your uncle taken away. Pelagia it would, of course, not given, but who would become her ask: selected all. More head-boy has not been seen since, and has not been heard. "
   -See what your relatives interesting? - Asked the girl. - Are you about them do not know anything.
   I could not answer:
   -In this story hard to believe. More like a fairy tale.
   -Are you in the attic slazit to Pelagia. Maybe she there, among the junk left some photos - it is photographed.
   I looked at her in surprise.
   -Slazil, slazit - she shook her head instead of answering my dumb question.
   Before we talk plainly and as home front seemed marginal Large Vasilihi familiar fork in the road. Fears that will haunt us long since vanished, and now around me intrusive, like an angry bee circling thought that Peter was something really die, but I did not tried to do to save him.
   When we entered the village, I asked Alena:
   Listen, there are some hospital?
   -Why? - Surprised Alain.
   -Why? Must at least do something to help Peter.
   -It is unlikely to help him - she nodded.
   Why? After all, he's still alive, so there must be hope for salvation - I said, little by little starting to remember how bandaged body of the victim, and as my fingers ran across corners fractured spine. Picture emerges complete hopelessness, but I did not want to give up, though somewhere in my subconscious I knew I felt that to do anything in vain vain.
   Okay, let's go! - She took me by the hand with the call and Alain took over as if a little boy.
   I had to catch up with her and take her hand, and then she looked at me with hate, ablaze in her eyes, which I've never looked expected, but still went on.
   Only on the street, we crossed through the village, the center of which was a large stone mansion two-story building built soundly old apparently had once been the manor, and now turned into a village house of culture. The building was surrounded by a large park and garden, enclosed by a high fence and curved patterns of iron forged rods mounted in a low stone foundation with square, decorated with exquisite stucco pillars-thumbs. Behind the fence had long been looked at and in some places the gaping gaps in the lattice and potholes in a beautiful red, once snow-white plaster of good masonry. Paths of the park were planted shrubs and tall poplars already old, yellowed crown through which could be seen huge urchins raven nests. Before the pediment of the building stood a dull, dead fountain capable induce nostalgia for the whole neighborhood with their dilapidated sculptures were formerly three angels, vodivshimi dance around something that has finally crumbled, leaving only a small, ugly white concrete stub sticking out of a bend, fragment of a rusty water pipe.
   Farther from the facade of the building in front of the fountain stood a pedestal of polished brown and gray marble slabs. Front plate was missing, and he himself was empty pedestal. Combining it with a dead fountain depressing.
   On the other side of the village against each other was a small church with dyed blue angular instead of round dome-turnip, with a gilded cross on top and long barrack floor overlooking the street deaf end with a door, over which hung a tatty sign with an inscription in red cloth basis: "Hospital".
   Entering the door, we found ourselves in a dark corridor, which was burning on a low ceiling a few dim bulbs. There was nobody there, and chairs arranged along the walls were empty, and all the offices were closed. Corridor reached the middle of the hut, and in the end it was the last door was unlocked, and where we went. There, in the second half of the building was quite light and spacious. Several rows of beds with chairs and tables, cabinets at the walls, but a table at the entrance, followed by sleeping with his head on his hands, nurse - all that was here. The room lay here and there a few people. Everyone was asleep, and there was dead silence.
   I touched his shoulder nurse and she quickly raised her head, looking sleepy eyes.
   -Excuse me, where's your doctors?
   Neto anyone - said the nurse, going to sleep again.
   But n-m and need help urgently. Man dies.
   Where? - Yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, woman.
   A-ah. No one will go there.
   -How not to go? - I am outraged by her calm tone. - You have to understand: there's a man dies. He needs to provide urgent medical care - I have tried to highlight the word 'health', but it had no effect: no muscle moved on the swollen face nurse.
   What happened to him? - She said softly and sweetly, causing the impression that this voice can lull anyone.
   His bear-squeezed.
   Nurse has bowed her head to the most hands, but for a moment, before omit it altogether limply on her hands, and paused, nodding to her, said, frowning with displeasure:
   -Oh, I do not know what you do. The doctor will not come today.
   - Well, you must understand that people die ...
   but she did not listen to me. Her eyes closed, and full lips, flattened cheek, blossomed into a rosette.
   Well, what do we do? - I turned to Alain and saw her eyes, as if to ask a squint gloating: "Well, I saw? That's it! "
   "Well, no - I thought angrily, - I shake this sleepy! "
   -Look, where he lives a doctor? - I shook his shoulder again nurse.
   She muttered something unintelligible, but then yet again and opened her eyes, staring up from the bottom up, said through clenched teeth:
   -The third house on this side ...
   In this house it was no one. We've been banged on his door and kicking, and when gathered already go in the gate faced with some old man holding a fishing tackle and a bucket of small fish, only a quarter filled.
   -What are you guys? - He asked.
   Yes, we will probably look for. We calamity occurred. Bear man squeezed. It seems the spine and ribs broke. But he's still alive, he needs help ...
   The old man made a gesture implying that he gave way, and began to talk on the move:
   Well, it's here where bears have seen? Forty years ago, they still were carried out, but they all have long povyvelis on skins .... poporoli H about even, if so, then I can do nothing to help you. I am a therapist, I'm not a surgeon, and judging by your description, the case is severe. It needs a surgeon. One I can not help you, except that antipyretic write, but a bottle of iodine to give you. All ...
   He turned on the porch, looking down on us.
   - Well, take a surgeon! - I asked.
   A surgeon is in our hospital, and we have the operating and machine we have .... Mr. de way, the victim?
   In-Vasilihe ...
   -Oh, so you have a car?
   -No, where we have a car? We walk ...
   -Ooh, so what are you, kids, on what you want to drive me to the patient?
   -I do not know, we thought that you have a car ...
   -We do not have cars, have long collapsed, and no surgeon. He had already left six months ago. Nearest surgeon now in district only.
   -Is it far?
   Yeah, not close to fifteen kilometers.
   What do we do? - I asked, realizing his impotence.
   The old man went into the house, unlocked the door and came in about ten minutes:
   -Here, take bandages, iodine, antipyretic Syringe ... do you have? .. Take the syringe and it boiled, but this diphenhydramine and morphine drug. If diphenhydramine will not help, then do a shot of morphine polkubika. But do not get carried away, it is very dangerous ...
   -Yeah, dangerous and can not be - I agreed with irony - thanks for the help.
   Thank you, - Alain repeated and turned to me. - Come on.
   Coming out of the gate, I still turned to look in the eyes of the doctor who left a dying so indifferent to their fate, but that was no longer on the porch.
   -You see? - Alain angry raspihivaya me in the pockets of the package.
   It was already evening and the sun was sinking in the deep-blue clouds on the horizon, flashing red and gold border of their land. Somewhere unexpectedly cool wind blew, carrying more rare yellow leaves shedding from the trees, who recalled that already not summer. The night promised to be cool, and I shiver with displeasure thought how cold and unpleasant to be returning to Vasilihu. Maybe even have to walk up dank autumn rain.
   In some homes already lit light bulb and people on the street has become noticeably smaller, though still only the first twilight came down to earth. The sun disappeared behind the clouds.
   We went up to the house. Here in flocks and one sent teenagers and guys with girls more adult. First in a hurry, yet without losing the restless energy of childhood, and overtook them briskly walking sedately, with dignity strolling along the boulevard somewhere in Paris ladies and gentlemen. They looked quite comical, but I did not share their experiences with Alena, fearing that her little girl choked village, had never been in the city, will not understand my humor.
   Going on the central avenue, the former once beautiful and shaded, but now have lost their charm, we caught up with decapitated pedestal, and I asked:
   Why pedestal is, and the monument itself is not?
   -And then there was a statue of Lenin. His eight years ago piled and put that in return - not invented. And so he was lying in the garden behind the house of culture. Him say, put back together, but that's not something thought up.
   We skirted the concrete fountain pelvis overgrown patches of moss, and rising to the low semicircular porch, went inside the building, skipping ahead brazen, shameless rascals, climbing through.
   In the hall with columns, converted under the lobby was dark and chaotic traffic chaos and bustle teenagers romps which were often similar to the real fights with and screams, makes everything that happened in the bedlam and the feeling that comes only at stations or airports. In the corner stood a brightly painted plywood booth from which to sell tickets. It stretched her small place where we fell in and.
   -Take tickets to the dance - Alain said, looking around.
   -And where else can you get here? - I smiled involuntarily in contempt for local poverty culture and turn began to look.
   -In the movie, - Alain did not notice the sarcasm issue.
   In a large hall with a circular balcony on columns was still empty. Several couples hesitated at the corners, though hoarse speakers, followed just behind redoubts hid several people, apparently, the organizers of the disco on a small, low stage at the far wall, torn cutting, Hacking sounds frantic pace which was so out of place here. This rumble interfered not to talk, but even to think why, probably, everyone present felt uncomfortable, and that half of the hall, where there was a scene with the equipment, nobody passed.
   Day-to-high, why they seemed narrow windows looking out to a huge balcony balustrades on the facade of the mansion, soon faded, and people began to increase. Rabid music never ceased to rumble. In the hall quickly became dark. Flashed multicolored spotlights, fortified by the columns under the eaves balustrade along its entire length, making all around flashed in indiscriminate Firebolt, and then displayed, tearing out of the darkness motionless figures crowding in circles and rassevshiesya on wooden folding chairs along the walls, looking around the twisted person impudent bahvalnye muzzle.
   Nobody was dancing, and although many people already crammed, the middle of the hall was empty. As far as could be seen flashing in yellow, green, red and blue lights local boys gathered several groups, leaving her friends and drank, did not hesitate bottles and glasses in their hands. I noticed them Alena.
   -Charge - she explained, shouting in my ear. - It is not drunk - not go dancing.
   Girls also gathered in flocks, but not to drink, or at least talk, if here at all that could be done, and just waiting for their submissive Cavaliers. They did not even look at each other and groping blank stares around the room, looking for a long time already familiar columns and balcony, whimsically change their shape in the shadows colored flares.
   -What are we going to stand? - I shouted in his ear Alena why she shook her head.
   Let's go to the balcony! - I heard through the din of music her answer. She took my hand and led him into one of the closed doors in the side wall.

Chapter 14.

   Coming in a dark staircase, where smoking and talking quietly a few people, and in the darkness were seen only red fireflies cigarettes, we were on the balcony, where the spectacle looked more comical. Then passed to the external balcony, is a vast veranda, lined with marble tiles, in many places broken and nonexistent. We came to a wide stone railing.
   Downstairs in the weak glare from windows froze dead timeless fountain. Above us stretched in a magical, frightening silence starry sky, staring at us from the millions of their infinity impartial eye. Behind the muffled roar of rock, rhythm which made involuntarily to tap to the beat him, and out of place somewhere behind the trees he heard indistinct voices:
   That someone with gorochki down,
   Perhaps, my dear goes
   It is embroidered tunic,
   It will drive me crazy.
   This dissonance unpleasantly affected me, and I just woke up from their slumber, and felt that I was starting to feel cold from the cool air.
   -Are you cold? - I asked Alena.
   -No, - she shrugged and looked over her shoulder. - I'm used to cool.
   We have long stood alone, and I began to wonder how much is going to continue, feeling that it would be time to jump, dance to warm up as the door to the balcony opened and seemed to three: two women, both for thirty-five years with the mind and with them the older man. Everyone was smiling, talking loudly to each other, waving his hands and gestures to help helping to mimicry. They came and stood in the corner of the balcony, noisy conversation continued, not paying any attention to us.
   Well, let's go! Come on! - Insists one of the women.
   -Oh, you mean? I'm with you one going to do? - Unlock the man, vigorously waving his arms and brushing off the persistently repeated hugs says.
   On the balcony began to leave people more and more, and has already formed groups and heaps enough that one might have thought that no one at the bottom left.
   By Alena approached some girls started talking to her, and she apologized, gone somewhere, promising to return soon. And before and trace its just as I slammed on the shoulder this is the guy that was with two women:
   -Man, I see, you are left alone? We will not make a campaign?
   -What should I do? - Cautiously I asked.
   -Oh, nothing special. Get out of those - he nodded over his shoulder - fifteen minutes and sit, a nip or two miss.
   I wanted to give up, but apparently anticipating my mind, he made a motion warning:
   - Nothing else will. I promise you. They told me yourself here - he made a move to his throat vigorously polosnuv edge of his hand across his throat.
   I was silent, not knowing what to do. Did not want to drink. And yet some women unleashed, vulgar, real Shmarov. They immediately inspired me with disgust.
   Well, please - quite helpless man cried, feeling that I have is not very strong desire.
   "It is not unbind, damn!" - I thought with annoyance, I looked around, hoping to find Alain and summoned to this type of backward, finally, but as luck would have it was nowhere in sight.
   Well, what? Shall we? - Sounded intrusive r of los ear.
   Okay - I could not resist.
   The four of us went inside and from the balconies in a dark and empty room, apparently, a lecture hall filled with tables and chairs, seated by the window in which the sky through the glass showered nezashtorennye silver moonlight.
   Appeared on the windowsill bottle plugged with a piece of folded newspaper. Lapped inside turbid, whitish brew. One of the women from somewhere in the darkness with smacking newspaper took the bundle, which lay the slices of bread and cut into slices bacon, two glasses, rubbed them hem dresses, dunuv inside, and said:
   Well, open the door!
   All were silent, waiting for the glasses filled swill, and I suddenly felt a sense of disgust himself an alcoholic, with trembling hands and dry throat, greedily swallowing saliva at the sight poured the potion. Among the same alcoholic alcoholics.
   The man took his glass, I was given another. He knocked two volley, groaned, closing his eyes so that tears streamed from his eyes, raised to the nose piece of bread, much scuzzy corn-spirit, and then ate a chunk of adding fat.
   I expect that there will be some toast, but realized that was wrong. Exuded monstrous moonshine smell that is gone and that the desire to drink a drop, which was still. But three pairs of eyes gazing cornered me against the wall. Sipping a sip, I felt like it was stuck in my throat. It was really swill beer what had ever seen.Strange taste caused nausea.
   - Well, what are you doing? - Asked drunken man.
   -I do not know, - I replied, trying to cause vomiting.
   -Have not drank what? - Ask one of the women that was ponaglee yes ponaporistey
   I put the glass in silence.
   Do not climb or what? - Said another.
   Well, okay, then at least sit down - finished man.
   He knocked another glass, and brazen wench, perched beneath his sideways, spoke again:
   -How did you come from? I'll second that did not see?
   AZ of Vasilihi.
   -Yes, and there are none.
   Yes, I came to his grandmother to visit.
   -How long? - Entered into a conversation man.
   -It will soon leave.
   In-vacation? - Guessed man.
   -And I'm also on vacation. But I am on leave - he slapped me familiarly on the shoulder, leaning confidentially - me, my brother, a couple of days, because the military. I Major. I can not come for a long time, because a lot of relatives and holiday - time and no!
   -And this is your wife? - I nodded to the woman sitting next to him, asking almost in a whisper.
   -Not-ee. I, brother, single, divorced.
   He poured himself another glass and turned to me:
   Well, according to the latest?
   -Yes, no, I do not want. Something stirs me from your moonshine - I was wondering why women do not drink, perhaps afraid that not enough men and I asked. - What did you?
   They only grunted in response, and again I was sorry that he was in this strange campaign. The bottle was empty, and say good-bye, I first came in the door to a circular balcony above the ballroom.
   Alena was nowhere in sight. And hardly could find her now among the bustle, fermentation and darkness illuminates colored flares between those people that heaps twitching down there.
   Quiver in the hall, went downstairs, I decided to go back to the Vasilihu. In addition, after drinking moonshine sickened me, and now to nothing was the case as soon go somewhere and double up from the approaching times spasm in the stomach, and I was relieved to have thought only of what is good, not drunk more.
   However, only the thought that you have to go back through the back thicket forest at night and a few hours on the way cool of the night, which has already become noticeable, was not done by myself, and I was ready to stay the night anywhere, just to wait for dawn and heat.
   Leaving the building, I walked around the club in search of an open window, but did not find anything suitable.
   The club was surrounded by overgrown garden, it came near to the walls. Many windows, especially on the back wall were rough planks nailed between which black holes gaping crevices, and I at first glance it was clear that there kept some dusty and dirty, messy stuff, not demanded from local folk culture.
   Bypassing the building behind where quinoa thick continuous carpet rose almost to his waist, I stumbled on something hurt, feeling that I was flying forward through something big, like a large rock or boulder, and only time to see the dive in dewy grass thickets . Climbing up, I began to look, pushing hands quinoa, the culprit of his fall.
   Without making two steps, I stumbled upon something dark and a little like a banal stone and leaned over him quite low, frightened because not once, but considered in the light of the silvery moon ghost stone face of Lenin. Leader of the people lying on his back, all the forgotten and abandoned unknown what more time hiding in the backyard, in the thick grass and half plunged into the ground, one hand clutching a bronze newspaper. Lying and incomprehensible face gazed at the silent skies, starry dome stretched over a sleepy land.
   Bending down closer to the face of the leader, I was surprised to find that the bronze statues have the eye weak, oily mirror reflection inherent in the eyes of a living person. This struck me as creepy obsession, recalled the recent developments on the edge of reality of space and time. Recoiling, I went with rapid steps away, leaving attempts to find refuge for the night in this building and not even daring to look back, not to shlopotat kick. Now nothing would make me stay here for at least a minute. Sense of security had long been coming to me, but now the intuition that I was some danger lurks, and from what it was unknown from waiting for her arrival, self-discipline in my mind was rocking on the edge, aroused from which it was easy to hit , to break in a stunning panic.
   In a few minutes I turned on the outskirts of the village. I was tempted to throw their heels, but I restrain myself argument that the danger that entered the foreboding fear me, not only can walk on his heels, to overtake, but to be in front, somewhere in the dark thickets of the forest, which I had to pass , ahead of me on their black wings, using the kingdom of darkness, which came into its own.
   I tried to go back to find and pick up Allen, but not having enough spirit to do this every way drowned this weak survival instinct to intimidate the voice of conscience, and walked, went ahead, receding deeper into the abyss of darkness.
   Last lights flickering for some time behind, disappeared and was only around a virgin, primeval darkness of the night, slightly diffused moon hanging in the sky.My senses sharpened to the limit, trapping and repeatedly to fear increasing every rustle and sound, to distribute around. Memory came shining eyes of the statue, and imagination suddenly played a cruel joke with me, vividly imagining how they ignite stronger, flashing green lights, bronze mouth stretched into a smile, a statue stands up and starts to catch up with me, and I ran away, and no one sees this creepy chase.
   As soon as I presented it all behind as he heard strange sounds very similar to those which might occur when sprinting very heavy man, but not even a person at all ...
   "That's it! - With horror, I thought, and my heart sank. - Can be? And why not. After all, it was ... "
   I turned around. The road behind was dark, but the sound is not gone, and became closer and more clearly. Now it was impossible to doubt its reality.Someone caught up with me, and even thought that the earth shudders with each stroke.
   "Is nonsense" - I tried to reason with consciousness, but the heart of methane in a feverish dance like a sparrow, tearing out of the trap to freedom.
   Happened by itself, that I took to their heels. However, the sound grew louder and closer, and the denouement was close.
   Thumps were very close when suddenly through the veil of fear it dawned on me: it was a motorcycle. However, a malfunctioning engine was producing some strange sounds. I stopped short and turned around again, only now noticing barely glowing lamp, and so whether to disperse the mad terror, whether to motorcyclist heard me, bad voice yelled.
   If afraid my cry, motorcycle immediately stalled and rustling of tires suddenly crumbling deaf silence, rolled me. In the darkness it was impossible to see his rider, but I said immediately:
   -Before Vasilihi not lift?
   -Sit down.
   The engine roared, after two unsuccessful attempts, and it seemed to me that we woke up the entire universe. Tarahtelka started, and the wind rustled in the ears. Jumping on the unevenness of the road, plunging into ravines and soaring on the hills, she rushed forward, slicing through the oily darkness, and had no idea how it was possible at all to go on this road, and with a furious seemed to speed, seeing nothing ahead. Gradually, my fears, worse every pothole in diving and downhill-takeoff at gully, escalated into a condition in which the only remains that trust in fate and the driver in the hope that he does not will drive into the woods and do not fit into the tree.
   I grabbed his fingers in his leather jacket biker and only felt a cold wind blows counter my face, Yes Studio cold hands.
   Suddenly the engine zachihal, then stalled, and we stopped.
   What happened? - We got off the motorcycle.
   -Something with the engine.
   Abdominal pain, seemingly gone forever, suddenly returned sharp spasm, and that not expecting, I fell to the ground.
   -What is it? - Asked the driver.
   -I do not know, stomach churning.
   Stand-you? - He finally started the engine.
   I crouched, and trying to straighten up, I groaned at the piercing pain.
   -Okay, I'll go for help.
   I do not have time to answer, as a motorcycle pulled from the place, and after a couple of minutes of his verse bumkayuschy sound somewhere in the dark. I was alone and unable to move, lying on the roadside, on the cold ground.
   Whether I dozed off, but it seemed to me that the pain was gone, and could not even stand up, straighten up. Raving somewhere down dale, I went to the arboretum, waded long, tangled in the branches and bushes, twigs crunching.
   Lights flashed in front of the fire, and I was glad that accidentally stumbled on tourists to make a halt in the forest, but went out into the clearing, was surprised to find: no fire no. Just some strange flashes of light illuminates the area facing the trees and across the meadow dancing is not the shadow, not the people in rags with long arms and bony fingers hooked. No sound accompanied this action, but felt in the movements of the dancers wild, ragged rhythm.
   In the center of something getting dark, and going there, I discovered that this is a low round well, looked back and felt I was losing my balance and falling into its abyss.
   I flew for a long time, but did not even hurt, falling to its rocky bottom, and immediately got up and walked through the dark vaulted corridors and stairways, smoky torches lit, looking around, when the left and right show the leading somewhere up the stairs. Something told me that I must go forward and will not collapse.Me move some shade, but it was quite interesting who it is.
   Corridor was becoming darker and on one of the corners, where both sides went down the stairs, heard a voice: "Beware of the spirit of a warrior with a sword, he guards this cave!"
   Almost ceased these words as a movement began to rear. I turned and saw that the rear is spinning some top, and when it stops, you can see a person in a cloak and mask with a sword in his hand, gleaming in the glow of torches. Shadows follow me, retreated. Some of them began to fall on the cobbled floor of the dungeon, and all the top spinning and spinning rapidly bumping into their mass.
   I rushed on, where it became quite dark, and where thousands of moving towards any of darkness lights. They could not see the end, but the cutting edge was getting closer, and it became clear that this is some animals.
   "Rats" - for some reason I thought, but it was a huge black beetles, continuous avalanche move toward me. There were millions and gnashing of legs on the stone floor was converted into a monotonous drone. I went against their movement and marveled at their huge size. The backs of beetles reached a height of my knees.Bugs ran across my feet, tickling them with his mustache, and was not visible edges of their hordes.
   Suddenly ahead dungeon corridor bifurcated into two of which went on and insects, together in one thread, and before me was a door at the fork, which I entered.
   Vast and gloomy hall, whose ceiling was lost in the darkness, appeared before my eyes. Against the far wall of his, lit torches, stood the throne, he was sitting on someone, and I realized that I was waiting for him and that I ought to go.
   Approaching, I saw something terrible on the throne and eludes description, and a long table at the foot of it whether animals, or people, with champing devouring something. Something fell, rose from his throne, and now became something familiar. It was like, but at the same time, and unlike a gentleman in a hat with a red mustache and piercing, piercing gaze covertly. Beasts at the table also appealed to me with their muzzles and snouts, made similar people.
   -I was waiting for you - there was a voice from all sides. - You came.
   Nothing I could not answer, and left me speechless.
   -I am glad that you came. My will prevail over you, - kept talking voice from all sides. - You're in my domain, and now you're mine.
   "No" - I wanted to answer me, but I was deprived of voting.
   -I see that you oppose? - They say if he were reading my thoughts. - But nothing, you is not leavin '. Sit down at the table and eat.
   People smiled at the table, and their animal grin scared me. It seemed to me that as soon as closer to them as they pounce and devour me, choking.
   "I do not sit down! I want to leave! "- I wanted to cry.
   -Sit down! I say this, and there is no one here who would be stronger and more powerful than me, and who could argue with me.
   "No, no! I want to leave! "- Did not reassure me.
   -Look! - Anyone who towered above the throne, made a motion, and one of the walls of the hall opened up, illuminating its red glow.
   Continuous fire I saw there. He did not burn and is not buzzing, but it was visible movement inside it. Something flashed and moved inside, and sounds terrible, terrible, indescribable sounds that can chill the blood rushed out of there. Almost physically I felt someone's burning inside this fiery ocean.
   -Sit down at the table right now, or went to hell! - There was the same voice, and I turned again to see the table of animals that have shaken off human faces.
   "Who are you?" - I wanted to ask, but the answer has heard only laughter that had once reached me of transcendence.
   -Sit down or go to Hell! - Repeat the voice. - I found you, but I demand to surrender. Sit down. I suggest the last time.
   "And I'll be the same as they are?" - With horror I would like to inquire, but instead of answering, towering above the throne made a gesture, and the animals rushed up from the table and dragged me to the fire wall.
   I saw that the left and right, and bottom, top and dragged the same accident, and wall of fire was very close and presses his radiant heat, and meet, with him rushing monstrous heartbreaking cries burning.
   "No, no, wait!" - I prayed, but no words could not say, and when the tongues of fire almost touched me, and taschivshie released, threw me in the frying pan, at the last moment and remembered God spoke to him. - "Lord, save us! Have mercy, O Lord! "
   All at once disappeared, and opened my eyes, I saw Pelagia Panteleevna and felt that I was lying in bed.

Chapter 16.

   Pelagia told me that I was picked up in the woods near the road unconscious "Ambulance", which went on-call doctor from the Big Vasilihi to already dead by the time Peter, picked up in the morning, cold and wet from the dew not, not sticky from dying sweat. I was brought to the village, and Pelagia, see in what condition I realized that the point here is filthy, went to the same "Ambulance", povezshey ohladevshee already in the morgue the body of Peter, the district center, the Grand Vasilihu, like there is on Grandma, how the familiar, yes find out what one local wench decided zahomutat some coaching little officer so quickly and abruptly cranked all that he fell to the ground, but now retired and lost potency - rag phone passed all details of the case. Said that was when the officer solder potion, there's still some guy to his misfortune, but the boy not from here, and no one could tell who he was and where, perhaps, does the moon fell, but flew back.
   Pelagia guessed at what story I got involved, gather up the grass, which had to be to me from otpoit Plagued th potions, but hurried back. walked, already breathless, because if it is not ripe until the evening, with me it would be the same thing as a poor guy Major, but that coveted village cheat. On force managed grandmother. Made broth and merged into my mouth already breathless-limp. Two days later, my health was better, and then, finally, I woke up.
   Long sat next to me in bed an old woman in a low voice telling terrible things. I heard how, after my departure from the village women rushed me to seek headed distraught wife of Peter dying. Excited exhortations Barbara conceived dirty deed and promise for issuing me heal her crippled, she led a band of women belting out the house to Pelagia and not listening to the old woman turned the whole house with them, not forgetting the cellar and climbed into the attic. Not finding me, women have told Pelagia bunch of nasty things and promised in the event of death of Peter massacred.
   Peter died in the morning, close to four hours. The whole village was awake, alarmed by what happened with grief through the dark streets with torches just ghosts floated up and down the street humped some people quite uselessly breaking night's rest. Pelagia did not sleep that night too. Offended insane behavior, it did not help in order not to break away from the window where all night goggles, and not run into the street when the other side of the village, like a clarion sounded, breaking the silent stillness of the night, heart-rending cry, means only one thing, that the last hope for a miracle extinguished as dogorevshaya candle.
   I listened to the story told his grandmother, with eyes wide open, although it would seem, then, that happened to me during these three days, that dream, sticky and stringy, the huge flight into oblivion, I have to worry much stronger and take possession of all my consciousness. But this has not happened, and probably because at times it seemed that nothing like that at all. Few nightmares withdraw man, and if they are constantly remember and think, then you can go crazy and fall into such madness, of which can not afford and will have to get out. However, this "dream" unlike any other dream was distinguished by clarity of the waking, what got up every time and again, almost as soon as I close my eyes and think of it as something non-existent, as the combination of the inflamed visions poisoned brain. And it was a nightmare for my subconscious linked memory and makes my existence is now sharper and deep shadows. Everything around seemed now in a different light, and the future of the soft, rounded tones time show suddenly ugly angular its predestination, which he could not remember, but it was enough to see the hopelessness of being frightened way. Rock like a rock in the fog loomed somewhere ahead, and although it was impossible to say how far it was to her, near or quite obvious was that it could not be avoided sharp granite steeps.
   Old Pelagia sat and talked and talked, and as if by themselves swam before my imagination successive pictures, as if I myself beheld them every one.
   -And where Alain? - Suddenly I inquired about asking as if from himself. - Where Alain.
   In my memory surfaced but a completely different image. I saw Veronica. She smiled once, in the distant and mysterious evening, so changed in my life, back when we were seemingly nothing could separate the, and I believe that she has for me the same amazing feeling, forcing see the world as a bright motley Puppet pleasures, which somehow did not notice before.
   -Alain? And where is it to be! Alena here! I've seen it the other day .... D but yesterday at the funeral of Peter.
   Peter was buried.
   -Buried, of course. But what? On the third day of the funeral. Can not hold more than a corpse.
   -Did you go to the funeral?
   Went-so-t, of course. Funeral-t we have a rarity. Soon my grave. So, it is necessary on the part of t see how it will be, and then forgot when I saw the last time the funeral.
   -And here I was alone? - I asked the grandmother after a pause.
   One, - she said, but then caught herself. - Do not be afraid! I went - well locked door.
   I stood up, feeling that move quite easily, with no signs of post-crisis weakness, went to the window, looking out onto the street, and for some reason looked outside, catching himself on the fact that there expecting to see something important.
   -There are those who are not a hindrance muffled closed doors.
   -That you hinting at? - "Panteleiha" offended raised her voice. - Barbarians or what? So I told her, too, is not a hindrance! ..
   But I was not listening Pelagia. Ivan stood on the street noodles. Shepherd picked land toe of his battered, lost every kind of formless shoe, stood with his hands behind his back, and one could get the impression that he stopped for a moment, intrigued by something on the road, and now about to go on, but poludurok do not go away, and all stood and loomed against a window suddenly glanced at me askance, as if felt that I looked out. Satisfied that I watching him, Shepherd moved into the woods, and when he was on the edge, made such a strange, strange movement, like any non-binding, but it dawned on me a sixth sense that he is calling me and his gestures are constrained because watching him someone else.
   Pelagia she stood beside me and looked outside.
   -What-t you see? Stuck as stuck.
   I walked to the window, peeking home Barbara. Whether eyestrain summed, or in fact, but in her window curtain twitched and froze, as if someone hid behind her. Throwing his grandmother: "I am now!" - I went out into the yard and, once behind the gate, slowly. As if walking, but still deliberating whether to go this way or maybe head to another, began to pace, approaching the forest.
   Shepherd I found quite far poring.
   Listen, - took it into their own hands my brush and began to knead it in excitement, not even greeted as if we broke up with him a few minutes ago. - There was a terrible disaster. Peter died, and they buried him.
   He looked at me and I noticed his pupils feverish, restless light.
   -So what? - Recently, I began to notice that he barely speaks to me his good-natured helpless voice, as in my answers appeared metallic, mocking sarcasm notes, and even stones incident taught me nothing.
   -And the fact that they buried him not by the rules, no funeral, no ass, no censer, without any whatsoever rites of the church.
   -So what? - I continued to mock him, not even feeling the slightest danger.
   We must sharpen aspen-Cola!
   -What? Are you Dr. Jadzia crazy?! What aspen cola!
   -Ordinary - equanimity shepherd drives me crazy, and he seems to like it. - Silver bullets you do not ... you can still put the gallows, but it will be removed - too much. So, there is still garlic.
   He fingered his lips, looking past me, and I realized that so Noodles says to himself, making a plan of action. However, his chatter absolutely nothing was clear. Finally, I play this rather tired, and I said how snapped:
   -So, either you are now all in order to explain to me that it is clear, or he do anything: at least count on the head teshi at, though some silver bullets and garlic look. I went.
   -Wait, wait! - Shepherd stopped me impetuous movement, clutching the hand has been taken away from him, and I felt his nails digging into my skin. - Hold on. Do you know why these bullets and count aspen.
   -I am tired of your riddles - I tried again to pull away his hand, but to no avail.
   -What do you know about vampires? - Quiet voice fool produced an unexpected effect, and I felt a whole herd back spree big chills. Poluistlevshiye some horror, dilapidated, half-forgotten stories, barely surviving in the memory from childhood, when summer evenings we boys and girls, going somewhere in a secluded corner of the yard or running, abandoned orchards several ruined houses, were in the neighborhood our deaf city outskirts, to scare each other with all sorts of stories about the dead, witches, coffins on wheels, black cats, with sagging cemetery crosses and other sundries, trying to tell a possible terrible, but plausible, why only amplified the effect of perception, and of the most successful stories of girls squealed long and could not come down, and the boys, although strutted, but - then lost interest in the continuation of the story and were not averse to move out in a crowded place or venture some romp to squeals and fuss overclock meanly lurking in the depths of souls fears.
   Pro Which vampires? - I repeated mechanically, although all good to hear. Apparently, I like that I misheard. When such an unprecedented, existing nowhere else in the distant things you hear from the mouth of an adult, though with views of the fool, man, I want it to be a flat joke, well, at worst, a clumsy attempt to scare.
   Pro real vampires. Ghouls. Bloodsuckers.
   -So what? - My presence of mind was somewhere to disappear, because suddenly it seemed that Ivan Noodles says now: "And that's it!" - And with gusto and bloodthirsty champing grab my throat.
   -And what Peter - Ghoul.
   From this, said in a whisper before by Proposition large goose, grazed peacefully on my back, suddenly rushed down somewhere, raids and invasions from the shoulders, as if driven by an invisible wind. Shepherd eyes shone triumphantly. Apparently, it hit me on the effect produced.
   In the back, a breath of cold, as if someone had pierced her icy stare because standing near trees. I, with difficulty overcoming stiffness, turned, and then it seemed to me that in the undergrowth of sinking in late afternoon soft, golden-pink twilight hazel bushes and thickets that flashes here and there greedily smiling face Petra deceased, time hunting down comfortably to grab my neck. However, it turned out to play the last falling into the lower layers of the forest bowed rays of the sun, meet there and then on my way sleek, gleaming leaves.
   -We can not now appear together in the village. Varvara may notice. But you go away - Ivan Noodles spoke rapidly in the same frightening whisper, - Come, Climb to the attic to his grandmother Pelagia. There's a lot of old books. Among them there is one such, covered in red velvet with gold imprinted catchy hieroglyph. It is thick, her page along the edges gilded, and cover close to a large brass buckle. It is this that the book open and read. Everything is written there. You'll understand .... And di, go.
   Shepherd released me and began to push back. I walked away, trying to get out of his stupor, but it did not, and it was a feeling that I would not like the whole, and part of me, the easiest and moving somewhere already sailed itself. After all still a voice of Ivan Noodles:
   -And look, the doors do not open to anyone today. Pelagia warn. It you like, pious grandmother. Let the candle before the icon will light, oil lamp shine, and let prays, prays .... With her kazhi necessarily. And the loft itself .... And the doors do not open ...
   Day quickly waned, and I sat by the window, feeling like everything inside of me is cold, and the blood became viscous and barely flowed through his veins.Pelagia engaged in cooking, mutter something under his breath, and when she goes out into the yard, I felt terrible and wanted someone good, big and strong now finds itself near and said something kind and warm, from what would be not scary and light at heart. But grandmother returned to the house and pretend for crashing the door into the hall, as is the desire to disappear, and instead remained empty and shrill, clear understanding of what this warm and can no longer be around, because it do not exist, and there are same vain and helpless, fearful and hungry in spite of all peace and happiness in their understanding of each, little people. And among them, such as myself, small and frail, no one would have dispelled my loneliness, loneliness is not something suddenly and once nagryanuvshaya, which found as gloomy cloud in the sun, which is just as fast, but still with nostalgic regret was to leave, and feeling different, haunting me as a tireless and evil companion in life, then retreating, lagging a few steps, then going very close, why, as now, was especially hard and sad.
   Time is always sluggish and lazy in the evening, relentlessly carried away, though finding in its least restrictive space some dimensionless tear. And I barely two or three times was going to start a serious discussion about Pelagea such mythical, but suddenly became real almost tangible physically worth only imagine that somewhere near haunting ghoul danger, but then put it back in indecision and obscure feeling like quite dark outside, and it was really scary.
   I just thought that we should gather the courage to start speaking as someone on the door knocked. From a ruptured carotid silence sharp, loud and bold strokes, I cried out involuntarily, so that "Panteleiha" frightened glance at me, crossed: "Holy, holy, holy!" In idimo, she still somehow transfer my anxiety mood.
   -Do not open. Do not open it! - I asked Pelagia.
   Yes what? - Outraged she angrily, pushing the meantime with a beam-hook bolt which locks the door at night.
   In the shadow came Alain.
   Good evening! - Say hello to the girl and immediately came up to me with a question. - You have not seen tyatku?
   -What tyatku?
   Do not play the fool. After all, you know everything! Tyatku, say, did not see - Alain and raised an eyebrow, brilliantly conducted the exposure.
   Pelagia passed, though he had not listened to, what it is we are talking, though it could not interest so late and the topic of our conversation. Although the word 'tyatka "spoken quite loudly.
   -I have not seen - not knowing why, I lied to her.
   Same-Liar! - Tone of voice girl was too familiar, and I realized that she was extremely excited, otherwise she would not afford this.
   This turned her cry Pelagia, and I realized that all old listens very carefully, although pretends she does not care.
   -Maybe cows still graze?
   -What are the cows! Look: the night in the yard! - Handling Alena became increasingly bizarre. She scolded me as nashalivshego boy raising his voice more and less shy presence of anyone else.
   Yes I do not know me! - I was able to fire up in response as soon as I thought that, in fact, do not know where this shepherd: he said nothing to me, except that ... - I say - I do not know!
   But you saw him today? - For more than a conciliatory tone she asked, and I gave in.
   Well, I saw! - I thought at the same time: "In fact, as something to hide something?"
   In my opinion, it is the most convenient time to open their cards and tell grandma and all the girl that I know, and that will certainly make the requested Ivan Noodles, although her father about Alena has not spread and forgot to warn me that if she could something to tell.
   In a few words, saying that he knew a little something from the stories of the shepherd, I explained the essence, saying that the alleged Peter - some extraordinary dead, and tonight will be roaming the countryside, knocking on doors and look in the window, and because open them in any case impossible, and, besides, it would not hurt to pray for greater reliability.
   Pelagia snorted loudly, but still went and opened the curtains in the corner, lighted oil lamp and began to pray silently, standing full-length, cross and if embarrassed when we kneel down.
   I approached her and stood, staring at the small icons and icons filled the corner of the pyramid. Pelagia interrupted prayer with his hand to his chest, and from her eyes I lost all desire to pray with her, even though it is at the moment is a clear need to turn to God visited me.
   -What, are you a believer or what? - Question it cooled my religious impulse.
   Yes, you never know what t-baptized. Do not bother.
   I moved away, thinking that God still hears my sincere desire to turn to him, and walked over to Allen, who was sitting on a bench at a loss, lost in thought.
   -Did you go home? - I asked her, touching his shoulder to the girl awoke from his reverie.
   -A what? .. Ah, home. I do not know. I do not feel like.
   Then climbed up to the attic with me.
   Allen looked at me with disbelief and just shook her head negatively.
   -What are you gonna do?
   The girl was in confusion, and apparently was so exhausted shocks that only lowered her eyes wearily and looked at his fingers. I touched her shoulder, experiencing a warm, sad-sweet feeling, like compassion and tenderness at the same time, but she led them forward, and hand slipped.
   -No, do not touch me - I heard her soft voice.
   -Do you want to stay? - Asked Alain came up at this time Pelagia.
   -I do not know - she said she did not look up, and continuing to pull at hand.
   Well, stay, come, I'll put you to sleep.
   "Panteleiha" Woman held to the chest at the window, which has been almost a month I was asleep, and she's put there.
   Goodnight - I wished Alena.
   Good night, - she said. - And where are you going to sleep?
   Yes, anything I can find where I go.
   Pelagia drew the curtain, encircling a makeshift cot on the room and I, making sure that she went to her room and went into the hall, where the attic was a narrow, attached to the wall of the inclined ladder poles, taking a kerosene lamp.
   The attic was piled knee-deep dry hay, and therefore had a particularly careful with kerosene, not to inflict fire. Dust here every trash and unusable junk things like chairs with leg broken off and cracked a large pitcher, has accumulated so many that among it was difficult to find the road, and had to move with great caution, not to make noise, accidentally touching one of the piled up to the roof for some hot stuff sticking out gizmo. Involuntarily under the impression that this musty closet, in which a negligent, lazy boss puts his broken things in the hope that someday someone will fix it they, or he will take up once the case, sleeves rolled up and redo everything at once, leaving nothing broken, and yet ... but Pelagia could forgive such desolation: lonely grandmother was already old and, you see, does not rise here for ten years in a row, because the layer of dust covered everything around exactly gray virgin snow, concealing the outlines of objects and the impression of the unreal world of fake scenery. Besides, according to subjects such as old gramophone with honey tion plaque "Mechanical metallurgy plant Mr. Zubkov" on the side, loft cluttering labored over more than one generation owners of this house. Could only wonder how under the weight of these things, transformed into an antique garbage ceilings of the rooms in the house remained still in good condition and not fallen down. Apparently, the house was made soundly.
   I gradually deepened further and further, and clambered carefully stepping over the debris along the way, but still accidental contact raising clouds of heavy dust collapses down and then climb higher. Among this mass of junk to find anything was a hopeless cause, especially because I did not know what got into here. Ivan Noodles gave no explanation and maybe really hung me noodles on the ears - because he's been a fool. Reaching one edge of the roof, then to the other, to the third, I felt like a real donkey, which leads the nose village idiot, funny secret, in the quiet joy alone, his pranks, and wondering how he manages to fool of by no means stupid, not couple him, man, thinking that this would come up with in order to continue with their dirty tricks gullible and fearful victim.
   Imagining such a clear picture, I spat angrily, remembering shepherd all unkind words, what I have found only at this moment, and headed for the descent of the loft. Already down and trying to get toed thin perch, I put a stick and leaning on something, covered with dust, suddenly felt that it was something slithered out of my fingers in different directions, to fall into the hatch, and my foot, failing to meet the support, aspirations ilas in progal between zherdyankami. And the next moment, describing unimaginable arc and doing a somersault, my body hangs on a ladder between heaven and earth in a ridiculous pose upside down, caught on foot, under the noise and rattle.

Chapter 18.

   When the noise subsided, and dust came down a waterfall down dissipated a bit, I listened not disturb this Alain crashing or Pelagia, but the house was deathly night silence. Freed from the awkward situation, I found that dropped on the floor in the hallway some thick, heavy books. Some of them hit in the fall of poles stairs crumbled, collapsed with pieces on the page in all vestibule, and it took a long time to collect them, fearing that at any moment in the doorway may appear Pelagia Panteleevna and give me a uniform scandal behind impermissible curiosity and unauthorized visit to the attic of her home. Although the ratio grandmother was caring for me, it was a downside, which I also had to face, and now she would certainly gave me a thrashing, despite the fact that I was her guest.
   It was nearly midnight when I finally managed to combine in a thick leather bindings, darkened, warped and pogrubevshie times, dilapidated, rushing from any careless movement pages in many places worn and rotted in the corners. After completing a laborious affair, with work to give in the shadows, only clocked faded light lamps, standing at the top, on the edge of the hatch, and made most likely wrong because the pages were written by hand, there was the usual sequence of numbers, but instead here and there, where else survived, could see the strange, incomprehensible signs and letters, I climbed with a stack of books under his arm, the heaviest in the attic and there, sitting comfortably over the open hole, began to study found. Maybe it meant shepherd Ivan Noodles?
   I remembered what he said about some thick book covered in red velvet. "Oh, yes! That's about what I forgot. He also spoke about the book! - I thought. - But still, where these books come from here? When I climbs, they do not seem to have ... "
   Among the mountains of old books that the book itself was not. I went down and, in any case, looking out of the passage into the room, found her, thick, covered with red velvet cover with a huge, the whole title page hieroglyph, gold embossing, with gilded pages along the edges and a large copper clasp trimmed coining. Taking it in hand, I climbed back into the attic and opened schelknuvshuyu buckle peered inside.
   From the gap between the pages fell some sheets of paper, and lifting them, I was convinced that this letter, heavily wrinkled, yellowed with age. Paper them broke like dried leaves and crumbled under the fingers into small crumbs, almost dust, so long had to tinker with them, until finally, I gathered them in his hands and carefully, trying not to breathe, raised the lamp.
   Tex was written in some old, maybe the Old Slavonic language, but being in extreme excitement, I discovered suddenly that I can grasp the meaning of written.
   "... I have to warn you that the current times are not conducive to peace and bliss means many now reside, and around the point that the end of the world, and in the speed of the second coming of Christ created the sinful and will punish sinners.
   It would like to draw your attention to one witness.
   Summer 1477 aged 47 years was buried someone Prince Vlad IV, King novels, known for being able to unite three disparate principalities Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania, burdened with the weight of Ottamanskoy empire, a strong country, spoke out against the Turkish refusal to pay tribute and rout Turkish troops. However, these things act maintainability was excessive cruelty and violence against neighboring princes, equal to him in eminence and position. One of them, Prince of Transylvania Peter, who refused to unite with Wallachia, Vlad IV, or, as he was still known, Vlad Dracula, immediately in front of guests and servants planted in the yard for the count and enjoyed watching his torment. Prince of Moldavia as Alexei put it before the spectacle sim and taking his cowardice and pusillanimity, created Kingdom of Romania and started a war with the Turks, with which won over a considerable number of victories than brought many pleasant and joyful deeds of the Christian world.
   I have no doubt that the rumors about his adventures reached and your edges as soon as in those years were you, my dear, in good health, as in modern times we pray to God. However, you are unlikely to know how it was bloody war, and along with the Turks still more subservient he destroyed himself and kept the people in fear this lord and his army of forest showing the light of day only for battle, pillage and plunder. Do not insist, many people ruined ruler of Romania, however, think that this number could be ten cities to settle, but ten times as many villages.
   Bloody deeds Prince did not prevent him to remain a member of the Christian Order of the Dragon, founded in the summer of 1418 many lands, and the Christian world surprisingly meekly and benignly beheld among their bloody killer that has repeatedly praised his conquests, not paying attention to the means of achieving thereof. Secular name of Prince Vlad Teles, hardly anyone is familiar, but beware of a man with like him.
   Compelled to write to you, Gracious, this, in order to reason in your face all the brotherhood, namely because he himself in the person of Prince Dracula saw evil spirits coiling vile nest in the ranks of our bright and open to you with this.
   Having from God to live near the places described, I could tell great details, but for the lack of opportunities to be given enough time, I try to describe all possible shorter and more.
   Prince Vlad IV, Dracula, died under very mysterious circumstances. P Rich, no reliable evidence - was whether his death was violent or natural. hile X on the occasion of these things goes a lot of contradicting one another, rumors and rumors, does, however, not confirmed. W hen the funeral and burial of his body have been several strange misunderstandings and incidents showing the discerning mind that the matter is unclean. I myself was an unwitting witness to how one girl N, manifested in the temple of excessive despair and grief for the deceased eminent in the same week was found lifeless and completely devoid of blood in his own bedroom in the house of his father, who insisted on meeting with me staying in a strange state that the night before saw a huge wolf, shining in the moonlight, leaping in the garden of the estate. Crossing in horror before seen, this gentleman had not seen anything, and he went away from the window, went to bed late at night and just woke up from a terrible sound.
   I know many more cases occurred at the same time in the vicinity of Bucharest, near which was buried prince Vlad Teles. Then they began to be repeated and more frequent in the whole of Wallachia and Transylvania.
   Since then, ten years have passed, but I still did not give up their observations creepy cases whose geography has become increasingly shifted to the north and east of Romania, and therefore, I think, can reach speeds of your seats. I will pray to God that this did not happen. Pray you, holy, and let particularly zealous in prayer brothers, and then pass the cup of evil you ... "
   Letter broke off. Next text it was broken off and crumbled into dust beneath my fingers.
   Frantically I began to look for a sequel, and awkward movements of change breaks a few pages, can be owned by other messages. Paper dust strewed in the slightest wrong move, which gave me a lot of grief.
   Finally, he took himself in hand again and acting with the utmost caution, I raised to tremble palm another decrepit page. Handwriting did not like the previous one, so, apparently, and the letter was written, made at a different time and a different person. Intrigued by the curious contents of letters written insanely long time and no one knows who and in what language, I was surprised and unable to how I manage to read this:
   "Your holy grace!
   Do not know how to begin my address to you, and after much thought I decide without unnecessary phrases go directly to excites me and not only me, but many of my neighbors, as well as our residents and the surrounding villages, peasants, their owners, and all pious inhabitants of the county, good Christians under your patronage and good seeing you in our defense.
   I myself am a doctor, nourishing love for the good, but our poor people, peasants, over which you have to stay in the monastery, has prepared himself heavenly life, and opposes many rules live in the manor house on the Rights of the personal physician, but also to show mercy in curing slaves kindest patron, who are already dying like flies, but not this be blasphemy.
   The owner, Mr. Glozhich, although the kindest nature people sometimes still happens Biwa peasants for misconduct, disobedience, and to restrain their liking.Because it happens that these should, especially for youth, run in the hope of changing their existence. There is, of course, a little and let your holy mercy does not think I'm going to defend gordelivtsev unruly and ask the same from you. Not at all! On the contrary, in my soul pure and pious Christian remains humble submission before fate sent down to me in purgatory by our Lord, but by following the commandments, I do not and can judge them for anything, because it is not entitled to.
   My speech is of a certain event happened at all this, and how much was given to me to think, certainly requires your intervention Most Merciful.
   To begin with, that maybe, you know, namely, from the fact that Mr. Glozhich, himself a Polish family, can not tolerate in his house servants from the local people, and hired himself writes home from Europe, koi and come to our region with all their belongings, and especially coach also decrease at the end of the contract.
   Year and a half as the pan Glozhich wrote somewhere in the Balkan lands, just something I do not know, never having many other troubles, and it was not interested Ezhiva servant, not serbiyanina, not Bulgarians, not the Slovak nationality (to my shame, I'm not an expert and not a fan of anthropology, although many of my colleagues and passionately fond of this science, and in general, people think and discern some other quality, peace of nature rather than ethnological).
   Ezhiv this was a stable master Glozhicha and inquired diligently its service. He was an unremarkable except that the peasants spoke very rarely, and did not consider himself equal to them, was closed stingy because of remoteness from their land, often spoiled girls undoubtedly sinning and condemning those in the future to severe punishment in marriageable age to marry and the right to use Pan Glozhichem first night.
   Ezhiv never went to church because of faith, as far as I know, was a Muslim, Kojima became, being captivated by the Turks. Save a life, he turned to another faith and entered under the green banner of Islam, much later defected from there returned to his homeland, but remained in Islam.
   I must say that the pan Glozhich his attitude to religion groom quite bearable, though, until recently, was a good Christian.
   Your Grace! Maybe you're tired of reading my confusing missive, but not take the trouble to read and, for God's sake, it through. Circumstances deserve.
   Last winter, as you know, was a cold and groom Ezhiv very easy. I tried to treat it, but the symptoms were slightly different than in cold ailments and pneumonia, and despite my best efforts, Ezhiv extinguished like a candle, and as soon as the earth began to move away, he wanted to be buried on the edge of the monastery's cemetery (I hope that you have not lost the memory of his profound dismay at the fact that the walls of the monastery heads to bury Gentile). But after buried somewhere not in the forest, not in the corner of the adjoining manor garden without making any signs of graves, except a pole stuck in the ground that was lost in speed.
   Ban Glozhich was very upset by what had happened to all. But because of the onset of spring and the inability to replace the long wait suddenly died servants from Europe took Taras groom bondsman, a serf, a young man who for reasons not entirely fair treatment often punished for negligent care of the horses.
   The stables at Pan Glozhicha after death Ezhiva really unpleasant things began to happen, and the worst of them was that one after the other in May lost four horses, one each week. Mr. Glozhich after each missing severely beat and become a new groom on fiercer and fiercer all. He assumed that somewhere nearby there Gypsy horse thieves, who having heard about the wonderful Pan Glozhicha trotters and their eminent origin, as well as an excellent breed, get the habit to steal horses, using Fold new groom who can not usterech lordly good. Their experiences, and the loss of each stallion Pan Glozhichem grieved, he shared in moments of despair to me, trying to find a way out so that his grief.
   Meanwhile, healing the deep wounds groom Taras remaining from the pans whips, I heard from him an amazing story. Poor boy told me that he was guarding the horses as he could, and the last two times, while in the vicinity of the stables, saw an unusual, if glowing like the moon wolf jumped out of the window and after a while there, easily carrying his victim, who was several times heavier than the Predator, in the teeth.
   I could not believe the groom, because I know that wolves are rare and not vicious in these parts, and especially in the spring, and, besides, personal inspection made sure that the windows are not stable then the horse, but the animal does not get through smaller able, and therefore decided that in this way, through fiction, Taras as if asking me to intercede for him with the host.
   Without a doubt, negligence servants should not be encouraged host, but, nevertheless, I decided to make Pan Glozhichu assumption that the cause of the disappearance of his horses can be something other than horse thieves Gypsies, and. in particular. Wolves, what a gentleman, of course, laughed, and said that was not found in the whole district has such a wolf who was able to carry out a horse. I replied that anything can happen, but only pan Glozhich fun of me, then I doubted myself in this version, but drew attention to the master that the loss occurs every quarter of the moon, beginning with the full moon, and maybe it's not quite clean.
   Ban on your Glozhich took my hint, and the next full moon approaching Taras forced to sit in the barn at night and closed his eyes, waiting for the robbers.
   Tormented by a sense of foreboding I watched until midnight in one of the windows of his bedroom that goes directly to the stables of the terrain, waiting for what is about to see the appearance of the garden adjacent to the forest wolf appearance. Dream still overcame me, and I can not say whether already seen in a dream or slumber through something silvery milk, rushing through the dark garden to the stables.
   The next morning, Taras nowhere to be found, and pan Glozhich assuming that land with horse thieves fled, sent in all directions chase. Pois5ki no avail. But one of the messengers found what you were looking for is not to find in the woods not far from the estate lacerate the flesh of all four horses.
   The announcement shocked Pan Glozhicha. However, he ordered every quarter moon new groom, again from slaves, guard, armed, inside the stables.Horses do not disappear now, but one after another began to disappear people who stayed the night in the stable. Case recently reached the point that farmers in fear of any punishment, even death, refused to go to the grooms and Pan Glozhichu had no choice but to leave their horses without protection.
   Two days ago, it was a full moon, and pan Glozhich called me to him and asked to accompany him at night, when he goes, just in case, look at the horses. I agreed, not without trepidation and curiosity at the same time, because no matter how much did attempts to witness the beast that I could not because he was afraid to approach the ill-fated building. Ban Glozhich talked with me for a long time against the habit, and I made a careless assumption that perhaps everything that happens is somehow connected with the deceased servant Ezhivom why pan Glozhich fright shook answering that too, thought about it, and that he often, especially recently dream former groom.
   We agreed with him out of the house at a quarter to one o'clock, and immediately after the conversation, I went to bed, then it was easier to move a sleepless night. It was somewhere around nine.
   Woke me a terrible cry from which froze the blood in my veins. Barely alive from the wild with fear, I still found a way to balance, ran into the corridor. The house was dead silence, and I had already decided that, apparently in his sleep heard this bloodcurdling scream, however, unable to get rid of icy terror. Crept through the dark corridors and stairs to master bedroom Glozhicha, fearing even to take a candle.
   I forgot to look in his room, which was an hour, and there before me was in those moments. In the chambers in the master was quiet, but my knock was no reply. I knocked louder, and then another, stronger and more insistent, but then no one answered. Tomimy foreboding, I opened the door to the bedroom lordly wide and nearly froze. One of the windows of the room was open, and behind the curtains in the light of the moon disappeared something. Bed Pan Glozhicha with heavy canopies was empty.
   With difficulty overcoming fear, at the same moment, I rushed to the window and saw something kK lunar-silver ghost and disappears in the garden. This was not a wolf, and generally any animal. As far as can be discerned at that moment, it was a man, and if he did not glow like the reflection of the moon, one would assume that it was the pan itself Glozhich, has woken up in a fit of fear for their stallions, who published with a wild cry, leaped down from her bedroom window with the height of the second floor and ran across the garden to their horses to fear for their lives.
   Ban Glozhich gone, and I since yesterday morning, the sun rose barely organized searches master, brought to him all the master's servants, and a few farmers.
   Unfortunately. Search My sad crowned with success. One of the servants, who had recently discovered the manor horses today at dawn came upon the lifeless body of the host, lying in the woods in about the same place, maybe a little further.
   Once pan Glozhich was delivered to his home, I examined his body and found in the neck several deep bite probably left teeth. However, the shape and depth they were not similar to those of human teeth.
   Extreme excitement and limited time not yet provided the detailed study of the corpse of Mr. Glozhicha, but it is already clear that there is not enough and a drop of blood, because the blood vessels on hand undercut me, were empty, as in the soaked meat.
   By the time I sat down to write you letters thereof, in the woods on the other side of the district found several corpses of young men that were with Pan Glozhicha guards and grooms and disappeared before the owner himself. In the evening I begin to inspect. But first I would like to notify your mercy of the dangers that we face, so there is concern that more than me witnesses intelligibly capable of describing what happened, will not, in which case ... I hope that Your Serene mercy receive my message and will do us the necessary support.
   Probably, your grace is known that in the neighboring estates ... "
   Letter broke off. I could not find it and continue, barely moving spirit, gently lifted the lamp cover sheet another email.
   "Your Grace! I hasten to inform you that your request is made by me. My warriors entered at the specified land and found there no master, servants, as well as extreme fright to be serfs.
   Pan Glozhicha body sacrificed, his servants, doctors and several peasants were slain at the same time, recovered from graves and burned all the rules of the Holy Inquisition. All the bodies found amazingly preserved. The corpse of a groom Ezhiva - a Muslim could not be found due to lack of graves, but I hope that the night ambush allow speed to catch the last.
   I dare say that the attacks on peasants recently stopped. Last protect themselves by preparing aspen stakes and awnings on windows and doors of their homes bunch of garlic. I think that soon my help here no longer be required ... "
   My attention was distracted and gnashing shkryabanie the door, rang out. Before he even thought that hut protected from strong constipation invoice beams, I blew into the lamp, and she immediately went out, leaving me in the dark.
   A few minutes sitting in the stillness, I listened to the sounds, but suspicious noises stopped, as if they were not there at all. Matches with him no more, and we had to go down and walk across the room to the furnace, near which Pelagia always left boxes for kindling.
   I carefully went down and came out of the hut. Alain shirmochka asleep behind the window. Her steady breathing was well heard in the silence of the house.Somewhere in the distant rooms unevenly snoring, snoring grandmother Pelagia. And only the floorboards creak underfoot violated serenity home.
   Groped on the stove in a silver-blue dusk, backlit in not cluttered with shuttered windows full Moon, I moved back and decided to go and see how he sleeps Alena. Girl lying peacefully, covered quilt duvet cover without. Her mouth was slightly open, and through it with the noise produced and logged back air.
   "Wow! - Unwittingly, I thought, looking at her prime, serene person who is a child in a dream completely. - And not frightened: she fell asleep. And Grandma sleeps. One me, fool not sleep. I contacted with the nuts! "
   On the girl's face and her breasts, veiled blanket fell silver moonlight from the window. Suddenly he faded and I realized that someone looks out the window, and moving eyes, he saw the man's head, clung most glass, whose face was in shadow. My body also did not fall into the light except for some part of the thigh, and froze with fright, I too motionless watching him.
   All remained motionless for some time, and if the head does not appear in a window on my eyes, you would think that the glass propped scarecrow.
   I finally tired of the uncertainty and my stationary state, and, after recovering from the initial fear, I pulled out his match, emphasized one of them and held the glass in which there was the dancing reflection of yellow flame. It hurt to consider tread contours and outlines of the face. And sweep her head to the side, I can not tear myself away from the horror stared at Peter, who rolled her eyes looked at the shimmering light tuhnuschy matches.
   I wanted to scream that it forces took a deep breath, but only went Pershai cough, from which exactly choked.
   Alain started, startled awake staring at me, mumbled something incomprehensible, in a strange, unearthly some croaking language defensively me naive outstretched palm.
   -Are you Alenka? - Rush of tenderness overcame my fear. Being more helpless than I needed help, and it gave me the courage and strength, as if on the bridge.

Chapter 20.

   The girl was frustrating to watch, and I touched her shoulder, so she finally woke up.
   -What are you doing? - Then asked Allen if he had just opened his eyes.
   -Oh, nothing, - match in my hand already faded.
   Alain lifted her head, and she was near the shadow of dead, as all stood motionless outside. Hair on the nape of his neck gleamed silver.
   -Come on, Alan, and just do not be afraid! - I'm drawn to a girl, taking her hand, at the very moment when she wanted to see where the shadow falls.
   She was next to me, and I stepped into the room, pulling it off and making it impossible to turn around.
   At this time, the shadow of the window described an arc, just fell and disappeared, as if it never existed.
   -What are you doing? What's the matter? - I heard his ear whisper hot girls, from which still smacked warm bed warmed by the body.
   Yeah, so, something imagined.
   A woke me why?
   -Frightened - I was really just shuddered coming from inside the cold horror.
   -And do not sleep then?
   Do not sleep ...
   I do not know what to say girl, and only began to think, what to say, how strange sounds at the door repeated.
   What's this? - Instinctively clung to me, frightened asked Alain. Her eyes opened wide running from side to side, flashing sparks reflections falling into the room through the window the moonlight.
   -I do not know.
   I began to think, is not whether these strange noises somehow be associated with the appearance of the window of the dead. Maybe someone was trying to play me or all of us. But this one might be just a shepherd Ivan Noodles, day scares me terrible speeches. While, on the other hand, why he would have to leave his own daughter for a stutterer bad joke. Yes, and dig up the coffin to get out the corpse and carry almost half a mile from the cemetery to the village - even if at the village idiot and sufficed mind, it is unlikely he could have it all done in a few hours.
   Skryabane, similar to what if someone nibbling door or tried to remove it from its hinges by prying with a crowbar, it became more and more distinct.
   -What's that noise? - Alena fingers dug painfully into the skin on my shoulders.
   -Alain, you just do not get scared, but I only saw what was on the window .... ther Peter stood.
   The girl screamed, even more pressed to me and clung to my shoulders.
   Do not be afraid, Alain, do not worry, please. I warned you that Peter - not the usual dead that night he will roam through the village.
   The girl looked me in the face and long, stared straight into his eyes, then pulled away, smiled wryly and disbelief.
   -Look what you udumal! - It became a sly grin-revelatory. - Is that you, probably, to the fact that I take.
   How to take, where to get it? - I did not understand at first, but then figured it out.
   -And so, as the girls take. Scared that she to you in his arms rushed! Look how clever! Found something to scare!
   -What do you mean? - I'm away from him for a Woman, taking some reason shake oneself. - I have in mind this was not.
   -Yeah, it was not. So now go and see who is there shkryabaetsya.
   She really went into the hall, and I ran after her.
   -Wait, wait, Alain. Do not try to open the door.
   In my head I flashed the wild idea that she can be at one with all this scum, because half its roots go back to the darkness. I caught her by the arm and stopped, pulling themselves with nowhere who took vicious ferocity, already at the door, behind which creaks and gnashing turned into a real knock. Someone clatter at the door, if asked to be allowed.
   Why do not you let me open the door? I want to see who managed to instigate you to become your accomplice! - She sounded sincere indignation.
   Listen, but do not you find it strange? - Knock on the door became a continuous roar, about which she shuddered and then, and the beam bouncing up, threatening to fly off the hooks.
   -And this? - I pointed at the door jumping. - Is not it strange that someone so brazenly in the night ...
   Before I could finish the sentence, because jumping too high, the cross with a crash fell on the floor, the door opened and there was on the verge of a huge silhouette, heavy massive man in whom it was impossible not to know the deceased. He stood in the silvery light pouring from the sky, arms outstretched and imposing on us a creepy horror.
   I stepped back, took a step back, and pulled the sleeve Allen, frozen, rooted to the spot. She backed away, almost stumbling, and when Peter-deceased took the first step into the house, turned around, throwing himself deeper into the hut, and scary scream.
   The hair on my head stood on end, and I had nothing left but to follow her in the face warps horror. Feeling cornered lamb, which came to an end. It was a terrible, terrible feeling, which prevented think. Before me I saw only methane with shouts from side to side Alain, from time to time fall into the rays of moonlight.
   Run-me! - I stepped into the room Pelagia and waited until finally, she hears my word and follow the same here, slammed the door in the face of a corpse, a second or two, having to pour cold then searched the hook and managed to throw it on a loop in prikolotke on a few moments before was followed by the first push. - Grandma, get up!
   -Yes, I do not sleep - came to me surprisingly calm voice of an elderly woman.
   The room was small and narrow only one small square window with cross frame.
   Beat-glass! Frame break! Crawl out of the window! - I shouted, backing shoulder dancing door, but both women were still. I did not have them seen. But it was felt, because no sound except the blows from the other side and lyazganya iron hook, did not reach my ear.
   -Strangely, the light is not lit! - Again a voice Pelagei Panteleevna, schelknuvshey several times somewhere in the dark switch.
   -Grandma, let's jump out the window! - At this time I have I got harder and louder. Tone does not tolerate objections.
   -But how granddaughters ...
   -How, how! Bay stool glass!
   But all remained still. And then, the evil spitting, I rushed from the door, popping each push to gleaming in the dim light stool, grabbed her leg, she gasped at the window. She heard a bell tree and crunch. I swung and hit again, the retreat was free. But Peter was already here. And nothing else to do but swung in the opposite direction, which was hit forces and the dead. He staggered away, but the next moment went back to me bend, stilted gait.
   -Crawl out, crawl out soon! - I pleaded, not having even the possibility to turn around and see what is behind me.
   -Here you go! - Pelagia was next to me and thrust my hand something solid that resembles a plate, and then slipped into the darkness.
   In the glow of the window flashed lacquered icon that stood on the nightstand bed and grandmother. And not quite understanding what it should do, I was fenced off from the holy image of the deceased, and felt that his attempts to get to the m Enja became less energetic. Novikov and my hands ispyt Ng ali such power head, as if they were trying to stop the train lok Omoto. And it was clear that so long to hold.
   Somewhere close resounded stinking champ, came out of the darkness still noises, flashed body parts of dead, and the incredible, though the severity of cast iron hell of attempts to reach my flesh threatened to break the fragile my hands, barely holding a small icon, which barred as a shield I'm from the terrible corpse, who sought me, in bulk by an unseen force.
   A few more seconds and I had to topple backwards. I stepped to the window, but the severity, nalegshaya on hand, only intensified. And then let loose holy oil painting, I dove back into the narrow opening, silver square marked on the dark wall.
   Peter managed to grab my leg for the most foot. His fingers cold, coarse, thick and nasty, cooled the time my blood. My body hung along the walls, and upside sky, lit only by big stars, flecked with gray-silver, smoky languishing, I saw swinging from side to side the moon, impartially observe what is happening at the wrong light of its creepy horror.
   Peter easily as a feather, I began to draw back into the house, and, feeling that now will do something terrible, I twitched, trembled in his icy claws, like a helpless tit fist at Dexterous trapping.
   Thoughts, hundreds of thoughts, confused and illogical swirling vortices. Raced through my head like water pouring out through a leaky dam, the bursting of the dam. Here the soul cries desperately sought support from consciousness accomplished facts, the last lights of hope, as flooded coal turned into ashes, killed flailing thoughts from my head to the soles of the animal fear of death.
   Everything swam before my eyes. I twitched a few times, but without the passionate impulse, and not knowing whether it convulsion of agony, or even pathetic attempts of the past, attempts to escape and flee.
   At this very second corpse fingers parted and I hurt hitting the window frame knee kuvyrknuvshis over his head, landed on the floor, grohnuvshis sideways. In the ears subsided plangent cry, more like a groan falling tree, hemmed lumberjack than on a man's voice.
   Silence and darkness in which I lay down a few seconds, I already got to the light, or even dwell on it, broke like thunder came a voice:
   Hey, are you alive?
   I recognized the voice of Ivan Noodles and a few seconds trying to figure out not misheard you, if at all, there did not seem to me. Is it just his hands clutched my fingers bare feet? Where did he get such power? And something does not fit ...
   Hey, are you alive, say? - Repeated the question.
   -Alive - I said in a weak voice. - Bitch.
   Someone jumped softly beside me in the grass and touched his hand on my shoulder. His fingers were warm.
   -What was that? - Just ask and I could physically feeling the strength leave me with every word.
   -That's what I warned you - it was the voice of the shepherd, and now it was heard clearly.
   -Where is he?
   Who? Peter, what? I stabbed him drin aspen. He is now lying in the house.
   I winced and let go numb body. Sensing weakness in all the members, I finally got up from the ground, supported by the arm shepherd.
   Listen, Ivan, what does it all mean? - I asked him, trying to see the face of the shepherd in the strongly distorted the long shadows cast by the moon, the outlines of its parts.
   -I told you - he said quietly. - I told you all! I warned you!
   Aha - I agreed. - And then what?
   -What's next?
   Next-now what? What will happen? What to expect?
   -What to expect? - Hand shot up in the shadows of Ivan and stupidly brushed head. - And where Alain?
   -Alain. So she Pelagea before I had time to get out the window. Too scared, probably, poor fellow.
   I looked around, and it seemed that everywhere looming, toss some vague outlines of shadows.
   -Come on, John, I want to look at Peter.
   We entered into the house through the door, and were held in rooms that where just ended the fight. Light does not light. I lit a match flared, and its dim light appeared on the floor crouching corpse from which oozed and spread over the floor of a dark place. The room smelled of decaying flesh unbearably.
   -What is it? - I asked who stood a little further behind the satellite.
   -It disintegrates.
   I felt sick of sugary-sweet stench, and we rushed out of the room, slamming the door.
   -I found some strange books upstairs, and one of them, as you said, red with gold embossed on the title character. In it lay some letters, very old, in the right hands to break.
   What did you read?
   -Only a few scraps of letters. It says about some terrible things.
   -Is not that scary? - Ivan pointed to the door behind which lay the corpse vile. - Why do not you take my word? Do you need to read something to make sure that my words - not a hoax?
   -But your behavior is so strange at times that do visit obsession: "Yes, in fact, no fool he?" Besides the whole village says you're out of your mind.
   Shepherd stopped, bowed his head, then said, and looking at his feet:
   Okay, be here, I'll go, I'll find Alain and Pelagia. They must be hiding somewhere nearby.
   He's gone.
   I was left alone, and I became scared again. Just before dawn Ivan returned with Alena and Pelagea, catching me sitting on the doorstep, leaning against the door and tired from a busy and anxious waiting. Old woman and a young girl, too, were pale and seemed much exhausted last night.
   Me any more now do not like as soon as fall and fall asleep, which I did, barely reaching the trestle on which night slept Alain.
   I woke up late in the afternoon. Head ached from the unbearable pain. Pelagia was busy at the stove. I got up and walked over to her:
   -And where Alain, Grandma?
   -With his father gone.
   -Is she all right?
   Yes, all seem-t. And how are you, poor? Suffered enough? - She turned to me.
   Yes, anything - I suddenly found myself thinking that would really like this to be a dream, let scary but a dream, and not reality, and passing room Pelagia, as if in confirmation, convinced that on the floor There is nothing, even the last traces of the accident.
   Panteleevna-Pelagia, where the dead man?
   -I Removed it - so just the woman replied, as if done it every day.
   How to remove? But what about the evidence?
   -What's the evidence? He dried up all the morning. From him some bones, but ashes remain.
   -Well, as the police? If it arrives?
   -What is the police? Need it hurt her. That she immediately investigate who to look for? Here, there. The man was gone, and then nothing!
   Who is missing? - I'm wary.
   Yes Petrova won wife and daughter at the same time it disappeared somewhere t - Pelagia minute broke away from cooking. - And the neighbors say: "What are you, Grandma, worried, maybe she leaned into the city. She is now a bird freestyle - a widow. What does she sit here? Daughter under his arm and into the city - and what it is: not the husband - who will feed her now? And there she and the factory or the factory to get. " But I t know that is not in the city, it gave t.
   -And where do they go then? - However, the heavy silence Pelagei I realized what had happened. - Really ...
   However, asking nothing had all already been clear.
   The old woman began to cook again, and I climbed into the attic. Now here in the sun, making their way through the holes and the holes in the roof, there were clouds of dust. Everything was still dusted with a thick layer of dust. Books lay in the same place. I took the same one in red cover with gold stamping, and opened to the page where the beautiful calligraphy was made the last entry in an incomprehensible language. Half sheets of the book remained unfinished and glistening well-preserved, glossy, coated, white paper. Not immediately able to understand me intricate ligature of unfamiliar words, and already desperate and gathered angrily slam the book, I suddenly caught on the last record:
   "Today. July 13, 1720 birth of Christ in the monastery abbot arrived at the invitation of Dr. Black and white magic - the name was carefully smeared - in order to help the poor fraternity our get rid of the scourge of the above. "
   I flipped through a few thick, rustling pages of the book and read another entry from the same author:
   "In the monastery garden in a variety of his brothers observed appearance of the ghost, who was accustomed to dignify - White monk. Ghost is walking in the garden at night wandering the corridors of the castle. He is credited with fornication and debauchery perpetrated among monastic peasants and, to everyone's shame, and of our brotherhood. The phenomenon is attributed to the white monk n royavleniyu power of evil spirits, in ozobladavshey over our abode. How could she overcome the will of the Lord is not even clear the abbot, who, however, did not zealous in the fight against evil, but only twice a day falls in the monastery cellars and examines monastic treasures. Such attack could occur because not all of our brothers sincere and diligent in prayer and obedience. The facts that are known to me, scary even bring paper, and they mostly belong to our abbot, when I am no particular approximate. However, they are known to our Lord, and, perhaps, for he sent us his forgetfulness and gave us the power of demonic forces. I do not know what will be on, but the times are coming terrible. Severe wrath of the LORD, and all we poor, deserved punishment for his violation of the charter of the monastic life. And I will pray to the Lord for the salvation of souls. "
   Leafing through the book more and getting a grasp in some notes, more than anything similar to these two posts I discovered. Everything else was similar to the accounting records of the parish taxes and levies taxes neighborhood lying land to the church, and the expenses that kept the monks at the monastery and its contents being.
   Closing the book on the brass buckle, I put it aside, went into the hall and went out onto the porch.
   The sun was already sinking behind the forest. The sky grew pale pink, rare clouds on it were filled with crimson density purple, color purple and orange tints.Up to the zenith of the sky darkened and smoothly transition into the blue, and then in a blue tone. Edge of the Forest merged into one dark band with a ragged top edge uneven, where acute and where eaten teeth glaring at appetizing amethyst pink flesh heaven.
   Idyllic picture, as if frozen forever, seemed painted on the canvas of a cunning workman. However, the night was fast approaching, bringing with it fears suddenly become fiction, and part of my life, and I did not want to come this night.
   However, it was necessary to prepare for it somehow, this night, and I walked around the house, all the shutters shut tightly. Pelagia went to the porch and asked indignantly:
   -What are you doing-t?
   -What is it?
   Why-window-t all pozastavlyal?
   -To prepare the night, so no one got into the house.
   -Well, I-t now what to do?
   -What is it?
   In-house-m deep. And no electricity since yesterday.
   -How should I know-t.
   -Well, I'll see what the wiring.
   -What, are you crazy or what? Light-pulls from yesterday in the whole village.
   Yes, - message put me into confusion and I just plopped down on the porch in front of the element of powerlessness darkness nasevshey top and straddled my fate. - Okay, I'll open the windows.
   Quickly dark, and Pelagia, and not having to finish cooking, took off my chest mattress on the floor, opened the lid and chipped iron found a kerosene lamp.
   -These are on-t. Kerosene Well, where can-t? The cellar is not. So - grandmother thought. - It is necessary to go to the neighbors. Can converge?
   -Who did I know then?
   -A what? T-but you know everything.
   Yes, especially after the death of Peter.
   Pelagia was silent, lost in thought, but then agreed to:
   Okay, she'll go-t.
   Groaning and holding his side, she left the house, and I sat on a bench at the table, poured from a pot of potatoes and meat in a bowl, poured in touch stein from a small jug of milk, listening to the sound filled the vessel and began to chew slowly arguing that the time has apparently really is time to leave. Everything was for it, and time itself is running out: vacation ended.
   Sitting in the dark, alone, for the meager meal in someone else's house, had never before attending me, I suddenly felt an unfamiliar feeling. It was homesickness, which in me no longer wake up sons affection. I wanted to go home. And from that time trying to get back to his mother, left nothing at all, and barely arrived, we would have to leave immediately, and what is not known when and how to be able to get me out of this swamp, rage suddenly seized me and wanted to turn everything upside down and around to break that no hitting arm.
   Time was spent stupid and inept. Now you can with sadness and pain to tell yourself that vacation was dull and not as I would have liked. What prevented me motnut on the south, the sea somewhere, because the pocket was full of money? What brings me to this God-forsaken hole where, in addition, in stagnant and muddy water from hopeless boredom, still waters drooping life of the local hinterland were carried out not one frost two, and whole armies of demons? It seemed to me that, if not all, most of the villagers muddy water, carefully trying to overtake each other here. And what does the Barbarian, even if it is a witch? Is it the one under the force was to make life so obnoxious and disgusting, what is it now? However, life is everywhere today such. Hopeless ...
   I took his head in both hands, throwing a spoon with a clatter fallen on the table, and began to pull hair, grabbing their toes and trying to make yourself sick to somehow wake up from all this quiet horror of what is happening with me to maybe Finally, to see which side there is a light and maybe my guiding star rises above the horizon in a sky full of strangers, indifferent to me luminaries. And then suddenly I realize that my life has some meaning and purpose in this world, and not a grain of sand, I worn from side to side at the behest of the wind of fate, and the person is able to resist the pressure of it.
   -You do not have goals - I said to myself, and just made a discovery.
   Outside the window flared green glow.

Chapter 22.

   Not immediately, I noticed flashes of green covering my back, but turning back, saw that the windows of the house Barbara danced slowly and darkly greenish-blue flame, cold and callous. Not the first time I have watched him dance. He does not bode well or me. Or anyone else.
   Soon flashes became weaker, then faded at all. But then a fiery wheel rolled out onto the porch VARVARIN home leaped up the stairs, ran out into the road and traveled along the curve only street of the village, then hiding behind mounds, then rising to their crest. It has been seen as it is, already quite small, fiery point ran along the road through the forest wetland field and disappeared into his thicket.
   Even for a moment I stood and looked out the window, unable to recover, taken aback by surprise, surprise and fear, and when suddenly someone touched my shoulder, jumped to the ceiling and spun around, his fists clenched and bracing to defend from whoever it was. Heart skipped a beat, and dived sank somewhere, suddenly pulled tendon to cool the pain.
   In the darkness it was impossible to see who was still here. Breath away, and I could not even apply voice, not what to ask anything. However, no one attacked, and to dispel doubts, I held out a hand.
   Fingers stumbled on something.
   -What struhnul? - Voice suddenly rang out, and it seemed to me that it says Ivan Noodles.
   -There is little - returned to me speechless. - Why so frightening? I nearly died of fright.
   Do not died? Nothing, healthier you will be. If not napuzhalsya last night, now you sort of like a childish prank. Al wrong?
   Yes, not really.
   I, not knowing why, he turned and looked out the window.
   -Did you? - Asked the shepherd.
   -Saw - I nodded in agreement, but then decided that the gestures and facial expressions now are not visible and not mandatory.
   Listen, what are you doing here? Now Pelagia return.
   -So what? Big deal. Terrible things here, but more serious! .. Pelagia. We must go.
   Where to?
   -At the cemetery.
   -At the cemetery? - I felt the hair on top and stirred prickled. - What, are you crazy?
   -Sam you're crazy! - Shepherd grabbed my breast. - Do not call me that anymore. I am a normal man - perhaps the most normal of all who live in this village, and so I believe a fool. But the one who carries the secret can not seem to other normal person.
   He let me go, and only a minute later, feeling guilty, I asked myself already agreeing to do anything to make up for the offense:
   -Why do we go to the cemetery? .. Okay, do not get angry
   -Hunting vampires.
   I again felt uneasy. From the last words breathed transcendent, otherworldly cold.
   -You-pee-ditch - I said thoughtfully to get out of his stupor. - Wait, but you're Pryshyb Peter today or what's left of it?
   -And his wife? His daughter? - It seemed to me that I see with eyes wide open interlocutor, sparkling in the dark restless sparkles. - He did not belong to the world of people - believe me, I know it. But even there, in the cemetery, still full of evil spirits. Many graves over which no crosses over which towered rusty star or even no monument, many buried rootless people who have not read the burial and funeral dirge. There are farmers and buried for various reasons secretly and quietly.Among them are those who are still alive have been bitten by a vampire and become vampires themselves. Several centuries ago, when it all started here in this village, then the former monastery, half the people have become their victims. And this plague raged throughout the county, while the monastery did not fail to hell, could not resist the onslaught of evil forces, because its inhabitants were not all righteous. Walls of the monastery collapsed, rotting from the inside and outside of being broken.Now, in the swamp, which is the former site of the temple, has accumulated all evil that started up here then imported from the Balkans.
   -I read something about it ...
   -Did you find a book about which I spoke to you?
   Yes, red velvet cover with great gilded hieroglyph. But there were other books in black leather covers, quite rotten ...
   Ah, - involuntarily a shepherd, and his excitement immediately transmitted to me. - I hope you did not touch these books?
   -They were scattered from me, falling down from the attic, scattered on the page, and I had to collect them.
   -What have you done? - The words of Ivan Noodles sounded as scary as if I really did something terrible. - Why did you touch them?!
   But I did not know! - I tried to defend himself, but then realized that my words have no meaning, that I would not say now, and from this I became even more terrible. - I just picked the page. They are some strange letters, signs and there's no room. I do not even know whether ...
   -Do you still read them?! - Last cry of the shepherd, said more desperately doomed than with indignation, just nailed me to the wall. - What have you done.What do you de-lal.
   There was a silence that lasted very long.
   Yeah what happened finally?! - I groped in the dark shoulder and shook his Ivan with force.
   -I did my best, that only could come up with all that was in my power - there was, finally, his whisper, and it was immediately noticeable how weak his voice - and maybe nothing would have happened, because I spent so much effort .... T EPER clear to me .... T EPER me everything is clear ...
   -What did I do?! - I scared him muttering.
   -You made a hole, a hole in the security field, which I wove a last effort. Now this hole is growing, and will be even worse ...
   How ... what hole? Well I did not do anything ...
   -I told you, the red thick book. I'm not asking you to touch anything else. It was a trap .... He also does not sleep.
   In the dark I heard the crunch of cartilage wring fingers.
   It's my fault - again heard the voice of the shepherd fallen. - I forgot to warn you that you more than this book did not touch anything .... T his was a trap, and I lost sight of ....
   -What is the trap?
   -Those books, bound in leather .... These you, and not only you, could not even touch. This is a book on magic. Mere mortals they do not bring anything but misery, loss of strength and health. Yesterday you could just die .... I wonder why energy taken away from you, broke a big hole in the security field ...
   -But I have no energy-consuming.
   -This is not seen or felt. For those brief moments that you holding a page of the book and tried to read more and besides them, of your fingers out of your eyes, quietly took a few years of your future life. Did you feel it now? You just had to die ... if anyone is now generally remain alive.
   He paused again. And I, too, remained silent, trying to digest everything that just heard from him.
   -We have to go to the monastery - sounded very quiet, though it seemed amid the surrounding darkness - no other way. Otherwise all perish.
   He sighed:
   Yeah, man, you're done efficiently. Come on, show me where are these monsters.
   -What kind of monster? - I did not realize.
   -These books, bound in black leather.
   Let's go - I took him into the hall. - Only we have no kerosene. Pelagia went with him to the neighbors. I wanted to send, but then she ...
   In the dark match flared, and I closed the front door to the fire could not be seen on the street.
   Where? - Shepherd began to climb the stairs, illuminating the space above your head.
   Dim flame highlighted the ghostly outlines of the ceiling, stairs, black, gaping hatch failure, figure Ivan Noodles. Crouched awkwardly on the stairs, his free hand holding on to the pole and looking ahead and looking up strongly narrowed eyes. His head was thrown back unnaturally, neck and left shoulder and his whole figure, flitting in the wrong, the dim light of a match, to feel the tension and expectation of all, everything in the next moment.
   It rose higher and higher, peered into the attic. One match went out, he lit another, then a third.
   Books lay there, where I had left last night. Shepherd climbed to the attic, closed lyadu - hatch and appeared only after some time, keeping all the books under his arm and quickly down. When he was next to me, then held out a thick book in a red velvet cover, pointing to the character:
   Gold paint images strongly cracked, faded and disappeared altogether in some places.
   What's this? - I did not understand what he wants me to say.
   Gold-oblezlo - said the shepherd. - It's all of them.
   He nodded at the black, just weathered centuries, gloomy, as I now suddenly seemed even view books.
   -Come on, we now no time to lose! Faster, faster!
   -Where, where are we going? - I can barely keep up with Ivan Noodles, who walked down the dark street, heading for home Barbara unexpectedly quickly, widely and strongly.
   Already in the next minute I found myself next to Ivan on the porch of her house.
   So-so - Ivan probably not going to go into details. - I'm there - he nodded toward the front door of the hut Barbara - whether you are here, do not go there.If suddenly appear Barbara .... In other matters, it has nothing to do ...
   He touched me on the shoulder and went down, dragging from the porch to the ground, paused, then said:
   -In general, come on, get out of here. I'll do, since it's my mistake. I like you, all the same - no help. For nothing can harm you only cause. Come, let's get out of here, so quickly, now. And remember, if in the morning I will not return, then - trouble. Then the next night, get ready, go to Allen, she is at home, she still is, she knows everything. Get - do not get something from you - leave the next morning. Go away, run away, crawl away. - Do what you want, but you must leave the next morning. This is not your destiny, - I know it. You were here quite by accident, and all that is happening here, happening and will continue to happen, should not hurt you in your life path.
   He paused, looking back at the house Barbara. At this point because of the clouds in the sky looked chubby, bright moon. Noodles Ivan looked at her and said, as if explaining something to himself or inspiring:
   The moon disappeared behind the clouds. Shepherd still hesitated, then pushed me in the shoulder, apparently, so goodbye and insisting that I still went, and, catching books under both arms, walked to the door, pushed it open.
   -And what about vampires? - I stopped him suddenly snatched his question.
   Today, you can sleep peacefully. They did not turn up here. Because I go there. And tomorrow, do it like I said, if I do not return.
   The door was closed behind him a long, creaking, and I was alone.
   The village seemed extinct. There was no sign of any single light or lamp or candle, as if all the inhabitants of time left their homes and went away, and I was one of their abandoned huts. Pelagia somewhere got lost and did not return from a hike in kerosene.
   Home to Panteleevna not want to go. There was too dark and scary as it is here, on the street, and, perhaps, even more, so I decided to stay here as long as the calculation immediately retire, barely seem that Varvara returns.
   Painfully pulled minutes. I now and then imagined that a glimmer of dawn in the east the next day, but every time I was wrong. Instead of ten took only a minute, and at times the excitement for what is about to Varvara "rolled" back and finds at home and her ex-husband's worst enemy, and I, for whom she hunted for so long as the stray kitten at the threshold of the door excitement, from which, as soon as it intensified, and sank immediately began to furiously pounding heart in my chest became unbearable.
   I sat on the top step of the porch, leaning on the railing and was almost asleep, smorenny fatigue. Waking up again, I realized that is of itself too easy prey, and therefore we must either leave or try to enter the house itself to Varvara: curiosity gnawing inside me like a worm.
   Finally, I decided, rose boldly stepped to the door and opened it, slipped into the crack. Once immediately in impenetrable darkness. Moving forward, I was surprised some excitement and found myself walking on the stairs leading down. Smell of dampness and mold. My hands, feeling his way, stumbling now and then on the earthy, damp walls of some of the corridor, where I suddenly found myself. Enough already poring somewhere, I wished I had started this adventure, but for a long time around were only impenetrable, damp darkness, yes narrow earthen walls.
   Traveling is delayed when suddenly the darkness ahead became lighter, then brightened again, and to his surprise I found myself in a totally unfamiliar terrain.Also around was another day, and the sun was just starting to lean towards the west.
   Around me stretched a huge garden, and maybe park. For his big old trees stretched high into the sky and sprawling branching crown widely in hand, could be seen the outline of a tall, up to ten meters, powerful serf fence.
   On the other side of me, and at a distance, in a green haze surrounding gardens were seen huge monastery walls, completely devoid makovok domes on their tower and chapels.
   All was quiet and not a soul to be seen.
   Appeared before me the picture seemed a dream about green summer long and painfully rubbed his eyes as much to the surprise realized, I realized that I do not sleep, and that everything is not a mirage or hallucination that could crumble at any moment by random fragments, and the reality such as real as this gloomy night, from which I just got here.
   Pinching myself a warning to the blood of his thigh, I went through the thick, polegshey from moisture, the grass to the buildings of the monastery, rises ahead, focusing on the trampled grass, indicating that someone recently held here.
   Footprints led to a small, inconspicuous door in the blank wall of one of the side buildings connected to the main walkway. I opened the door and went inside the spiral staircase upstairs, and found the transition took place in a dark room with a huge shuttered heavy blackout curtains windows show me somehow familiar.
   Middle of the hall, at the far side rose the elevation, and closer, I saw that the throne, the throne of the ordinary, where someone sits important position, and he faces Ivan Noodles and gives him a book, which he brought with him.
   Fearing that I notice, I hid behind the door, but there did not feel safe. There was nobody around, but the feeling that someone walks, moving past the dark corridors of the castle, do not leave me. Desire to hide out became stronger and stronger, and I decided to go outside and come back. Looking finally at the gap between the doors leading to a large room, I froze in surprise. He who was seated on the throne, now rose to his full height, and whether he, or his shadow to make a huge, up to the ceiling. Ivan noodles stood before him now quite tiny, with his head up and continuing to hold a book in their hands. Then he swung and threw them all except the one that was in the red binding to the foot of the throne.
   Falling to the floor, thick, black leather-bound book sparked a green glow. Shining it began to grow. Ivan Noodles stepped back, then another step, and before him at once, barely slept glow grew black horde b lestyaschee swords and spears and published eerie sounds.
   Ivan took a step back and threw in a red book.
   As she fell, as immediately illuminated with blue light, and as soon as it disappeared behind Ivan arose white army, armed with swords and shields of gold.Ivan stood in front with a large silver shield.
   Towering above the throne was hoisted up to the ceiling, going there in a black cloud and rushed out to Ivan, but he just hid behind a shield and just fell to the stone floor of the hall.
   Black hordes were much more than the white army behind Ivan and I thought that they would have a hard time.
   Meanwhile, the black cloud rushed into the second attack, and again knocking Ivan slipped further, crashed into rows of white soldiers and proshibla through them, leaving a huge loophole.
   Black mass went on the offensive, trying to crawling on his feet Ivan noodles. Rows of white fluttered, but did not retreat. Tear in their ranks began to tighten.Ivan, dragging the shield, crawling away, until he got to his feet white warriors. Wall, black and white, agreed with each other, lyazgnuv iron, and a black cloud gathered again under the ceiling of the hall, rushed to the top of the white army. Individual red flashes turned into a glow that the next second fills the hall and reached the door, because I, half dead with fear, watched the scene with bated breath even.
   I only managed to pull away as the slot gave fervor doors opened rally from loops, and smash, sprinkling slivers, and searing flames burst into the hallway, I almost licked his bloodthirsty languages. I was thrown in the direction of a wave of hot air.
   Beside myself, I ran away, and the fire pursued my heels until he was unable to hide behind some door.
   Something tinkles underfoot, and, looking down, I saw that standing ankle-deep in gold coins, a thick layer of scattered over the entire space of the room, where tightened through the glass mold and dirt high and narrow windows barely penetrated light. Here and there, left and right towered a huge pile of gold jewelry and coins, vases, plates, cups and all sorts of other utensils made ??of precious metal and inlaid with rubies, sapphires, pearls, emeralds, turquoise and other precious stones, shining bright and sparkling even in this twilight. Against the far wall in the dark deaf could see a myriad of some stones, the thickness of which shimmered with all the colors and shades of steel gray to bright yellow, piercing violet and juicy red. Perhaps it was diamonds. There were countless, merged into one oduryayusche-dazzling array that bewitches look insane beauty of their violent, cold burning.
   As I walked enchanted forward to this bewitching radiance, into the room. My hands were pulled themselves invaluable to the flaming mass miraculous stone, and the next minute my fingers felt touch to jewelry, dug into her nicely dug into dazzling iridescent reflections and depth huddled snatched granite s balls, hemispheres, cones and pyramids and removed their there.
   My palms open, and sparkling diamonds appeared before my eyes, very close, fell from the edges of the palms down, falling like tears unspoiled.
   Never in my life have I seen so many jewels, and now all this wealth from the head spin. Consciousness drunk, and I playfully fell backwards, nice feeling like my body is immersed in skrezhechusche-rustling, creaking, rolls and enveloping my body diamond muck. I literally drowned in it and almost drowned, just as he felt priceless stones climb and stuffed into the nostrils and mouth.
   Spitting, barely managed to get me back, and a little more admiring their charm, I filled them up to the top all the pockets, which have only been in my clothes, and went into another room, opened the side door.
   There was the same: gold and jewels were scattered throughout the room, and whole heaps of mountains towering over a thick layer of gold coins, covering the floor. Foot care in this yellow, sonorous mass places on the same knee, and I could hardly move from room to room, crammed with untold riches.
   Apparently, this monastery was good, about which something in the conversation mentioned Ivan Noodles, and because of whom died this abode by seducing her treasures all evil.
   I felt my feet hot, and thought it was from fatigue, but was right to burn, and then touching the gold coins, which sank to their knees feet, I felt the fingers as they are hot.
   Gold continues to heat up, and stand in it done unbearable. Get much back, making more than a dozen steps - nothing to think. There was only one, and, taking two steps to the window, drowning in hot coins and feeling was hot, I already did not realizing, without hesitation and without hesitation, leaned on the color plates of mica, which was glassed frame stained glass, and after breaking them, flew upside down to earth as the plague gawking and bursting curses.
   Tall grass under the castle walls gently took my body, juicy zahrustev thick, fleshy stems, and rolled down the embankment, I was in a deep ditch.
   From the broken window where I just fell, with the hum of flame shot. The entire monastery was already on fire, digging out from under the roofs, windows and doors of the building.
   I jumped up and ran away from the castle, stopping at the border of a wooded park, in the thick, somewhere among the trees which hid manhole underground passage by which it was possible here to go back to Vasilihu.
   Smoke rising above the monastery, began to twist and soon became taut and elastic tornado greedily absorbs buzzing flame and debris crumbling before our eyes lock. It spun faster and faster, higher and higher, leaving the sky, and I felt like I pulled him hurricane air flows, bending and breaking of the ground near the roots with me standing trees.
   His feet and barely clinging to grass, heavily leaning forward, I barely moving, barely moved away, for fear that I would not leave.

Chapter 24.

   Strong airflow knocked me down, and I grasped for some driftwood sticking out of the ground, I felt that developing as a flag in the wind, drawn into the epicenter of the burgeoning wide and up tornado, severe crown which disappeared at the height of the mad, the clouds of dust raised from the ground. I hold out so long it was impossible. There was a feeling that I was hung up on the bar, and at the feet of an elephant hitched and fingers about to be pried from the unbearable pain.Feeling that he can no longer resist, I opened his hand, and I have suffered directly in the wildly spinning abyss.
   I was prepared to the most terrible, but in the next moment plopped to the ground, and lifted up his eyes, saw the tornado hoisted black haze, looking up from the ground into the sky. Lull dust quickly broke off, revealing a terrible picture. From the former monastery park, not a single tree: some were broken, torn up by the roots and toppled, scattered on the ground, while others claimed altogether, plunging into the funnel of a tornado. In the place where there was a monastery, was now a large, flat field cleared of all buildings and plants. On one side of the vacant lot on the flat shore of a small river could see a very familiar village, on the other stood century wood.
   Outlines areas were very familiar with, and lacked only ... a large swamp. In its place is now a vacant lot, and I stood in the middle of it.
   Glancing up, I saw that a tornado returned to the ground approaching swift black mist, ever increasing in size. I guess what will happen in the next second.should have to flee.
   However, those few steps that I managed to do, did not save the situation. The earth shook so that I bounced up like a ball. Flopped 7 on it, I felt the ground somewhere out from under my feet and turned to see a huge hole, which makes everything larger and deeper. On the spot opened up wasteland abyss, and all ends of the earth continued to fall into it, causing it to do more and more.
   Now I lay on the edge of the cliff, and my feet hung over the abyss, and the earth under the belly cracked and began to sink, dragging me along.
   Beside himself, jumped up and I ran, ran out into the road running along the embankment to the village, and set out on her heels that could. Land settled, I barely had time to remove her leg, and the landslide raced me race, but before reaching the road and stopped. Abyss of fire in the sky was torn, and in the evening twilight of my shadow flame, the red-yellow, then green, then blue, and ran ahead of me to meet a visiting, sitting down behind the forest sun. Heat hit me in the back, and the hair on his head popped from hell hell.
   Only on the edge of the village, suddenly flew over the little bridge over the river, I looked back.
   Huge pit, which glowed in the depths of a giant coal originated in the place where recently still standing strong, reliable thick-walled castle built monastery, surrounded by a park of old trees and high stone fence. From the bottom of the abyss, with incredible depth of Crimson and gold iridescent red-hot stones raised up stinking smoke, going up in the sky like a black cloud, lazily swam south. River, now devoid of the channel, from the soaring heat, effervescence waterfall flows down the cliff into the abyss, and came up immediately dispersing downwind par. The show was awesome.
   Zonked from all seen, I went to the village. It only vaguely resembles the Vasilihu which remained somewhere in another world. Like everything was and then, but something was missing, there were some other house, and paying attention, you could see that no wires in sight, and the pillars on which they are hung, and television antennas, rarely over how the house, but still sticking to the village. It was some other Vasiliha, although the location and learned that she is the one. However, to understand what was happening, and I could not.
   Settlement stood exactly extinct, lost all signs of life. Or in the street or in homes was not a soul, and the emptiness and this acted terribly overwhelming.Deceptively quiet, laid the wool ears pressed on the membrane tense expectation of his sudden end, which seemed to have a premonition and was in the air. Not loneliness and horror I experienced at that moment, second by second sensing the presence of lurking danger, just waiting, when my feet zavedut me away in the prepared trap. And though something was about to happen, I was tormented by the unknown, stretching thousands of seconds moments in their hundreds of MiGs, and they, in turn, into the smallest grain of sand hellish torture expectations.
   "The Day Hell lasts thousands of years of the earth" - I thought to myself, stepping forward so that every sound echoed in my step bottomless silence, it would seem. Thousands of kilometers around and was heard those dumb creatures that bloodthirsty followed my movements from their shelters, hurt in his ears and in my head, chilled soul and funky happening already, stop the blood in his veins. Had to somehow escape that time flowed faster and numbness subsided, and because it was necessary to do the calculations, and link them to once heard the theory of building worlds and times according to the teachings of Buddhism: "The day of hell lasts thousands of years. So hell lasts seconds ... seconds ... hell lasts lasts ... "
   With nothing left calculations. Stray thoughts were confused and panicked awkward, in a heap, I just attempted to rouse them. It was harder now than to rise above a ground.
   I took a step, then another, withdraw buzz in my head. Animal feeling, just animal flesh on the bones strung, tasty, juicy, oozing flesh, on which a hungry cry clang someone's teeth, flesh, get a bit of spirit and brains to move, personifying nature, and be ever eaten impersonation law - this feeling suddenly filled my whole being. And after him the animal fear overcome me, devouring the remains of carnivorous presence of mind. I felt that I was losing control over his movements, his body, mind, and the very ability to think logically and generally produce very substance called this idea, which distinguishes man from animal is called intelligence, and realized that this is the end.
   I became just an animal, brainless creature released into the cage for hunting and not seeing his dull consciousness source of danger. I ceased to be a man from the animal stupor, terrible fear for their flesh, because the animal only exists and that fear ceases to exist with the death of his flesh, not knowing the concept of "soul." Horror surrounded me on all sides, and I realized how bad to be an animal and tremble every moment for his own skin.
   Almost completely numb fettered my movements and the ability to generate consciousness of thought, such as those that expect it, do not slow to appear.They seemed to feel the apogee of this boundless fear prevented me its a viscous web, and now decided to act. I stood rooted to the spot in the street like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor, and they saw it.
   Twilight deepened, from every corner, behind every bush, where it was a little bit more shade, separated dark silhouettes and crawled toward me, narrowing the ring. Hypnotized by this silent violence, I could not move a finger, as if turned to stone sculpture. But in my veins still flowed, though become viscous from the icy horror, blood in my stomach lurch frightened soul frantically striving to soar, breaking through the petrified flesh. She could not be it, but attempts to escape gave me more growing pain, storm soon overshadow the horror of animal teeth ruthless predators.
   Creature approaching. It seemed a lifetime ago, and they still have not crawled up to me. But as the sun set slowly and although his golden edge was out of sight behind the trees, it did light the sky is still blue, and with these the last rays of sunset cherished the hope that still escape a terrible end succeed.
   I could not see what is coming to me, my eyes were supposedly made up with the fog that hides dark creatures, but all my gut in their silent offensive felt hostility and ruthlessness, which was in the power of darkness. Sometimes it seemed to me that this is a huge hairy spiders, then suddenly saw a grinning jackals and hyenas, which in turn is transformed into black mantis and locusts.
   Soul tossed in the body faster, pushing like a hare when it jumps from tearing lived with heart, responding in heels. Pain of her torments sharing it with fear, and the next moment, when misty black ring almost closed around me, touching my body with their hungry jaws exceeded, overcame, became higher and stronger than him, from which consciousness and awoke with redoubled earned, feverish speed, returning to a sober logic and solving the problem in the salvation of the soul and body of the situation with the rapidity of electronic computer.
   -It's a dream! - Struck me at the very moment when it was still not too late to escape. - It's a dream! We must wake up soon!
   What lightning speed compared to the rapidity with which flashed in my head poignant guess. As soon as I thought about it, as immediately surrounding contours lost clarity and linearity forms, broke into a gray and black spots.
   It seemed to me that I'm rising somewhere up in the sky, and the dark ring somknuvshiesya creatures managed to only lyazgnut their jaws, taking only the edge of the soles of my greedy teeth. His eyes grew dark, and could not understand where I still take off or fail. There was something strange and unusual.
   I felt that I was lying on something hard and cold, with eyes closed. Opened them again, I saw darkness around, and my first thought was that it was over: I ate. However, glancing left and right, I saw houses that burned dim tabs stoves and fumbling for their members, to lift a finger, I realized that unharmed.
   Me bright spiny asterisks spread heavenly tent, the drawn nebula milky way down the slope. Bright moon flooded the streets of silver, ghostly light, eclipsing many of its radiance shone around.
   Village streets were quiet as nature, breathless his restless life in anticipation of the approaching storm emergency.
   Until I finally realized that I was lying on the porch of the house Barbara, so I immediately got up. Now I remembered and how I got here, and who came, and that, in general, only what happened: monastic castle, tornado, wasteland, village - all this must be considered nothing more than a bad episode, disjointed sleep, inspired by anxiety, wandering in the fevered brain.
   I sat on the porch, shook his head, went to sleep at all, then, since it did not help, went to the back, to the bath to dip your head from the platform into the river. I was no longer able to sleep since Ivan Noodles asked me very seriously and persistently about two things: that I did not sleep, firstly, and secondly, not to enter the house Barbara.
   First his request to me, it seems, has not failed, but what about the second big doubts arose. In the dream, if it was, whether in reality, but I dreamed of the scene as I open the door to this strange hut pass inside, find the entrance to a strange cave ...
   No, I think I really dreamed it, because it could not really be that followed it. This can only be in a dream. So Barbara and I went home in a dream.
   I sighed with some relief, going to the bridge coming from the bath log home on the middle of the coastal slough, where, apparently, not just diving, jumping out of the bath glow red like crabs, drunken men.
   Kneeling on the edge mostka, I was about to lean into the calm water, the surface of which the black mirror of the stars, was a quarter of a meter below the creaking boards violated silence of the night, and dip it in the head, but imagined something like this slippery and hairy, hidden there in a whirlpool under the footbridge had risen to the surface, but remain invisible, imperceptible in the tar, thinner mirror, and now he grabbed my head and easily overturned with a firmer hold, drag to a depth where my most desperate floundering only accelerate drowning. And maybe someone of the same vile and wooly pop up out of the bath at the decisive moment when the fight will take place, and push me into the water, if I managed to cling to the bridge.
   He hesitated a bit, I decided to lower the water in hand to dial into the palm of the water and wash. However, it is not enough courage at once. And I hesitated for a few minutes, but then he decided that if something like this can happen and then my only delay this plays into the hands, scooped up a handful of water and rubbed his fingers through his wet hot, dry heat outgoing person.
   Procedure brought relief. I warily glanced at the bathhouse. Nothing happened. Door log, as far as could be seen in the ghostly moonlight, was closed.Gathering her courage. I leaned closer and have two hands to make it more scooped icy water from the pool.
   After washing, I was emboldened even more, feeling the pleasant coolness of the night bursting with ardor person laughed in my thoughts over the children and their fears. have no fear, firmly stuck his head in the water mirror ink, the next thing in considering siganut with mostka already naked.
   Water filled ears. Night underwater lived some its mysterious sounds and noises, occasionally reaching my ears. One of them caught my attention more than others. He repeated rhythmically. It seemed that his birthplace is somewhere near, but not in water. It was like as if someone was moving in a hurried step along the footbridge ...
   I barely had time to raise his head out of the water and look like someone violating my balance, pushed me into the water.
   I sank to a depth heard a splash and noise disturbed the water bubbling and rising to the surface and bursting there large bubbles of air entrained my body in the water column and is now bursting out of my sail pout shirt and pants.
   Desperately earning hands and feet, I rushed upstairs with fear thinking that if fulfilled one of my delusional fears, then why not become a reality and more.
   Somewhere nearby heard again the sound of falling: splashes and gurgles. I popped. Has sent me spray and wave. On the bridge, as it was seen, there was nobody. But someone had just dived, and somehow I fell into the water.
   Clinging to the floorboard, I first pulled up to his chest, and then almost immediately, using buoyancy of water, jumped on his stomach rolled over, going to throw up.
   At this moment, someone grabbed me tenaciously by the ankles and pulled, and then pulled down, why again I did not stay on the bridge. I slid into the water.
   My hands instinctively tried to push, but nothing has been met in motion. Although the eyes were open, I could see nothing. There was even darker than the top where somehow helped Moon.
   Someone again tugged at my feet and I went even deeper, feeling the water around was even colder, and the muddy bottom of the pool is somewhere nearby, and far from the water surface to air and salvation.
   I could not distinguish the enemy: it was beyond my strength. He was agile and nimble, spinning somewhere nearby and despicable surreptitiously pulled me down, where, apparently, decided to kill me, his prey, finally.
   I was scared. Just a few minutes ago, it seemed that my fatigue and more painful than any fears, and nothing can scare me, but now ...
   Somewhere far above sounded new splashes. It was so high that it could be compared only with the immensity of the cosmic abyss. I have not even tried to think what it could be, because it was not before. My soul, apparently, already prepared to escape and was going to part with the lost body. The connection between them was the ghost, barely existing. She huddled in his most secluded little corner, as they say, went to the heel, and there watching the ongoing death, waiting for the moment of departure. She's not looking for hope for salvation of the flesh, and prepared to say goodbye to her hitherto belonged to the body, as if death was already a fait accompli, and no one was able to get her to come to their senses.
   I woke up not knowing where I was and what happened. Not immediately occurred to me that my back is based on the cold sand, me impassively shimmer not able to descend to a mere earthly stars, the moon and all rolls slowly through the night sky, diving into the clouds, running toward her. The whole world was calm, like a few minutes ago. He rested, and my death would have meant to him no more than the death of a mosquito than an earthquake or a volcanic eruption thousands of victims, than the death of passengers of a ship or aircraft, or a whole civilization overthrown into the abyss with the whole continent.
   I looked around. Lying next to me by someone else. He was motionless, and gently moving closer to him, I recognized him as Ivan noodles. There was no sign of life, and I had a long shaking and called him before out of his mouth came a quiet moan.
   Ivan slowly opened his eyes, turned his head toward me. They reflected the glow of the moon.
   -What happened? - I asked.
   He did not answer, but his lips mutely moved.
   Who was that? Who pushed me into the water? Who would want to drown? Do you know? Tell.
   Ivan came lips again. Something told me to give him some water, and scooping in the palm of the river, I poured it into his mouth shepherd. He perked up a bit.
   I lay down on the sand next to him and put his hand on his chest.
   -That you save me?
   My fingers felt something sticky on his shirt. I brought them to his nose, then licked. The smell of blood has not deceived me. It was blood.
   -You hurt? - I was surprised.
   Ivan nodded.
   -I will take you home.
   But then I weakened so much, whether Ivan Noodles turned suddenly heavy - lift it off the ground I could not, so I pulled him along a narrow strip of sandy shore, moving in the direction of the bath and walkways, dark silhouettes which now loomed meters fifty upstream. But where the grass began hiding uneven, bumpy, overgrown path up from the river, I had to stop.
   I put Ivan so that his head was above the legs.
   -Now I'll run for help and bandages - I told him and was about to rush to ask for help, when suddenly his fingers unexpectedly strong movement gripped my wrist.
   Involuntarily, I leaned toward the shepherd's face, slightly taken aback, but still realizing that he wants to tell me something and to exhibit superhuman effort.
   Do not. I'm dying - I was told to his weak as breathing it.
   But I'll call someone ...
   Fingers tightened stronger.
   Do not waste time, I'm doomed. I'm going to die. A few minutes later, when you come back, I will not be alive. Better listen. Listen and remember. Sach ace all important to remember every word .... And then to do it is imperative to do so. Otherwise ... I can not talk long. It will be bad. Everything must be done. All I'm going to say. Are you ready to remember? You have to remember and do. Willing to do?
   But I do not know! - I was seized with a sudden panic, boyish confusion in the face of circumstances requiring me too much responsibility.
   -You have to - the tone of voice of Ivan Noodles became rigid and harsh. Now he really was not up to the sentiment: death has blanketed his smoky eyes languishing, he fought with her last bit of strength, of tgonyaya her away and still finding little to talk about.
   -Okay, okay. I listen, and memorize all do.
   Varvara-end. But she did not die. The lintel of the door need to nail or needle. Ask grandmother: she tells. Tomorrow find an abandoned cemetery grave in the corner, on the edge of the forest. There is an oak. Oak frame, burn to charred stump. Take a stake, silver bullets give Alain and pistol. Do not forget the garlic.Bind his bundles and hang the headboard each grave - Ivan took a deep breath, swallowed hard. - Cross take silver, he will protect you. Be scared: Fear not. No. Do not Break, more importantly, hold on tight and cross. Every scum cross afraid, put it in front of him - he paused to gather strength and breathing heavily. - At an abandoned tomb slash aspen gallows, stake, hang black cat. Does not help - Bey stake, silver bullet shoot. Beysya through. Tomorrow the day of battle ... You're the one .... H and help enough ... Nobody will.
   Ivan closed his eyes, and I was afraid that he was dying.
   -But who you so? Say! - Shouted and shook his self.
   He hardly ever opened. His eyes were no longer living, they dimmed. However lips moved:
   Water-man ... You ... You were a witness where it was ... He was going to remove a witness ... I saved .... H of water a person is alive, sitting in a swamp.Look, be careful .... You saw the battle .... E is forbidden .... T nly curse ...
   His words became slurred and quieter, and more nothing I could not hear. His breath, already barely noticeable, quickly petered out, and I realized that Ivan Noodles died, leaving me alone with the corpse and the endless hostile night full of hidden dangers.
   However, I was not scared - t about that had to do seemed immeasurably worse and Pasni, you die now, and m n e would not how much afraid to go now, after Ivan, rather than wait for tomorrow trials if they can be established be called. Rather, it was the task bequeathed fallen to his young receiver.
   From my will, nothing depended. There was nothing to choose. Something inside me was telling how important it is transmitted dying request, and laid his head on my knees, I sat on the sand, where it was connected with a footpath up from the shore, and tried to remember everything he said, struggling with a terrible fear tomorrow. It cost me a lot of effort.

Chapter 26.

   Rural night different from urban. Even in the outlying suburbs do not have the mirror of silence, falling to earth from space. Only in the village does not have the subtle noise from the hectic city, its businesses and factories, Kojima punished and even distant suburban neighborhood. And from that night in the quiet village seems unfamiliar urban ear piercing and empty as a vacuum.
   But it is not. Thousands of other sounds that are his spacey from the endless noise trampled urbanized civilization hearing, heard in this pristine silence of the night. This sounds of nature, such as it is here and there is not the first millennium, and what will probably even be done when the Day of Judgment. Probably, this fact of nature is not concerned. She was a stranger to man its destructive crown, and maybe she even breathe quietly, and from his zbavivshis Stalking development. Is God's creatures guilty of something?
   Perhaps for the first time in my entire life have I heard these untouched by time and man the night sounds, which remained deaf to even yesterday.
   Goggle-eyed Moon swept the horizon, already raised above the other, illuminating brighter and brighter dawn, and I sat holding hands on the head of Ivan Noodles, already cold, like the sand on which we were together.
   What is truly becoming the offensive the next day, the worse was the meaning of the words of the shepherd. He just does not fit entirely in my head, and I so wanted to night never ended.
   But it's over. The morning, foggy and damp, full of coolness fledgling autumn.
   I stood up, his head resting on the ground Ivan, and then went into the house to Pelagia's not himself.
   Grandma slept peacefully zahrapyvaya the whole house. Hearing the creaking floorboards, woke up, sat up on his elbow:
   Thee-where the hell are at night? Why are you silent?
   -There is a shepherd on the shore. Dead - I instinctively raised his hands and began to wonder exactly looking at the palm in gore.
   Grandma and gasped, instantly jumped out of bed and clasping her hands.
   -What do you mean-t, darling! What have you done-t?
   -It was not me.
   -Who? Look-ka-t, t-all paws in the blood!
   But I'm talking about! - I raised the voice to Grandmother settled down a bit. - Ivan saved me. Tonight. Man some water.
   Tyushki-Bat! - Pelagia again clasped her hands. - What the lihomanka-t-t-eared?
   -I do not know, he threw me mostka and pulled into the maelstrom. And Ivan saved.
   -Oh, you! So what are you-t on the dock at night made-t?
   -I wash ...
   -Ugh - Pelagia Panteleevna spat. - Are you f-t, fool, in a dashing night reeling?
   Yes, we went with Ivan.
   Where to?
   In-house Varvara. He asked to wait on the porch. And I was something hot. Well, I went to the river to wash. There it happened.
   A house that Ivan Varvara forgot?
   I briefly gave only what it requested from Ivan, not omitting details regarding her about the cemetery and everything else. Pelagia Panteleevna just shook her head, but crossed without finding an answer, then went into the room to the images, where he stayed with an hour and a half. Appearing there, she told me:
   Yes, the guy has managed-t you. Not in your case you got involved, not his own. Tick-t you need here. Immediately.
   -I can not, Pelagia Panteleevna, - I said to her in a more alienated, formal tone. - I promise.
   -Who promised that promised-t? - Grandma marveled.
   Grandma did not say anything, just waved his hand, turned and walked away.
   Okay, if that Barbara - I'll help you, but for the rest - he kvitaysya.
   -And where Allen now?
   House-probably-t, where else? - Pelagia suddenly realized. - A-yay-yay, it w her dad died! Mount-t, t wo-what, ah-ah-ah!
   She sighed, crossing, bustled, zasobiralas, took me by the hand:
   -Come on, let's go to it, where t-he lies, eh? At bath-t, you say?
   Through the village, not yet awakened, not waking from a restless night, the fog we went to the house of a shepherd, a knock.
   Allen opened immediately. Her face was haggard and sleepy. I was speechless and could not even say hello, in one moment all fit in my head what happened last night.
   Pelagia squeezed forward, came into the hall, closing the door in my face.
   Ten minutes later she came out and asked me:
   Go-men gather, Ivan the house should include, cook.
   -Where will I go then? I know nothing about it.
   -Go, say, tea, no-t Ivan shepherd does not know! When people grief, no one asks who you are. Yes, and they do not know? The whole village saw, except it unfortunates. Come say-t, go - she frowned angrily, and I involuntarily obeyed, ashamed of her words.
   I obstuchal all the yards, three men gathered somehow, among whom was a friend of the deceased and Peter Nicholas. We brought which started to stiffen and shrivel in member body in the house, where already waiting for Alain, Pelagia and a few neighbors. She was pale, women are serious and grim. Seen, they often had to celebrate the sad ceremony, but perhaps the presence of evil fate, after his heavy burden on their quiet, no unknown and uninteresting life, which they felt today more clearly than last time, when death overtook ridiculous Peter , came upon their faces serene, but the harsh mask humility his own doom.
   Alain I pulled the sleeve out of the room. She did not resist. We went out into the yard.
   -I'm very sorry - I said Allen, taking her hand. She stood there, looking up. - Look, I'm not guilty. I would have killed myself tonight, if ... if your father had not saved me. But he did not die because of me. Anyway, there was something else. You saw how he was wounded?
   Allen nodded slightly, but the eye is not raised.
   I told her something else, trying to prove his innocence in the death of her father, though he doubted the validity of the above. Perhaps fatal wounds from which he died, and he had suffered in a fight with a water person, though something told me that it was only the final episode of the drama that I watched either in a dream, or in which- then trance through space and time, whether awake.
   I told the girl about the last moments of life and her father to spare her nerves, missed most unpleasant moments and that Barbara, who had been a mother - she knew it or not - is also doomed. On my request to give me weapons and silver bullets, which told me Ivan Noodles, she did not answer immediately, and have long thought, everything is also not looking up about something.
   -Why do you want it? They memory of his father, and he kept them as some valuable things did not reveal, and I rarely reminded about them.
   Now, they need me, Alan, - I replied.
   She raised her eyes:
   -Really? How can they come in handy? The fact that the silver bullet?
   Yes, just that. Your father asked me to give it all. Not for fun, for business. Today I will have a terrible night, and silver bullets me great help out.
   Alain squinted.
   -I do not shoot if you're going with him.
   Girl snatched my hand and went into the house. I tried to stop her, but she retorted:
   Listen, I have a mountain, and you're here with some rubbish climb.
   I did not expect from her, always a gentle and modest, similar words, and literally taken aback for a while. But then shook his head, pulled himself together and hurried to seek saws, axes and other tools, because the sun, as if hurrying events hastened the west already picking up the zenith.
   The day promised to be quick in feverish preparations and anxiety.
   Ivan told me that I need to cut myself a stake and build a gallows aspen in an abandoned tomb in the corner of the cemetery in the woods, where he grew old oak, but to my shame, and unfortunately, I did not even know what it looks like this is the aspen. And besides she had yet to find a black cat and hang him. But as I walked through the village, had never seen a black cat, no.
   Resorting to shameful tricks and tactics, I still, most fearing that I had not been exposed suddenly that I did not know such simple things, inquired of the local children, which represents an aspen, and where it grows, and then, armed with ax , went to cut it.
   Walk from the village was quite far edge of the swamp, where transitory meanly of hard soil moisture trickling in immediately and step on almost a swamp, where denote the open, with clear, but some red-rusty water creeks, the bottom of which looked through quite deep, but not promised thereby that will keep your foot and does not fail if step on it.
   Swamp was a huge, heavily overgrown with bushes and dotted with birch dead wood. And then heard gurgling from pop to the surface gas, sometimes so strong that it might seem as if somewhere in the middle of his bezbrezhya sports and splashing marvelous beast, which transcend the quagmire.
   Finally, I came across something similar to a wasp, and hesitated a little, cut down some trees, chipped their trunks and took on his shoulder and headed back to the village.
   When I went to the edge of the forest adjacent to its angle to the bridge across the river from the swamp, it's getting on toward evening, and this spurred me how good the reins stallion. I rushed to the village, knocking on the grass at the edge of the village aspen sticks in order not to attract attention.
   The house Alena and her deceased father is still fussing, appropriating body. Someone already Hamstring and limbs straightened shepherd, and Ivan Noodles now lay in an empty room on the table, facing the middle, dressed in underwear, clean, with a candle in hands. His features pinched, stretched nose and hair and fingernails grew strongly. There was less of the whole people. The other women were busy in other rooms hut.
   Allen sat on a chair in front of the headboard and stared silently through the surrounding her in a distant world of his thoughts and dreams. However, judging by the expression on her face, there is a distant world, there was nothing but detachment. I sat next to an empty chair.
   -Alenushka - I blurted out by accident, because she allegedly did not notice me - approaching evening, I have a difficult night ahead. Your father - I involuntarily looked at the corpse lying in front of us, to tidy up the underwear, with a candle stuck in his hands - he asked you to give me his gun and silver bullets. This is very important.
   The girl did not answer at first, then opened her mouth, but the second surprised me no less than the first. At first I thought that Alain deaf, then, that the reason she had touched.
   All right, here you can bury all the rules - the girl said. - In the Big Vasilihe would not allow that here so, with candles in their hands, lay dead. Immediately rushed to the village council and the police. And here is good: the wilderness - and can be properly buried.
   -From what Peter then so were not buried?
   Do not want to.
   -And your father wanted?
   -They wanted ... I wanted. He had written in his will to be buried by all the Christian Orthodox customs and ceremonies. Today I read the will, and so we have not found to contradict the last wishes of the deceased.
   -And your father even wrote a will? Did he know that he would die?
   All-ever die. And smart people write a will in advance.
   -But what about the neighbors? They did find him insane. They took his will?
   -You never know what counted. It is there and everything. And, in general, leave me alone. I beg you.
   All right, give me a pistol and bullets, and I'm gone.
   Allen's eyes widened, as if heard for the first time such a request.
   -It's a family heirloom. Why should I give him?
   -But I need ...
   -I do not want to hear anything! Why would you want such a weapon? You know how much it costs?
   -I'll get it back. Tomorrow morning, you'll get it - I was not myself: Alena attitude towards me has changed dramatically, and though it was kind and friendly, and would not refuse me in this matter, now from her speech was a chill, callousness and detachment . Unkind guess that this is probably the effect of Barbarians, which clearly increased now that the opposition to it has ceased to exist with the death of Ivan Noodles, flashed in my head, and seemed to be catching my thoughts, she said:
   -You probably want this gun to kill Barbara, my mother? - Her eyes flashed evil spark, which previously I never had to see her, but once the same shine, I watched the witch, her dark as night, the pupils.
   -What are you, Alan? - I wanted to add: "God be with you" - but stopped short.
   -I feel. I know. Come on, tell me what you said.
   Okay, let me then at least a silver cross - first I forgot about it at all.
   Creux-eats. Dear me, what she wants, eat, you're right I rob the orphan, do you want it?
   With her there was something unimaginable, and it was clear that neither cross nor a gun I can not see. I decided to make one last attempt to reason with her:
   -Alain, listen. Only this morning I could ever leave your village and never come back here, but ... I promised your father to make his case to the end, so I stayed, was to meet with those against which he struggled ...
   -Is he struggling with something? - Alain smiled foolishly than made my soul aroused unpleasant sensations. - Ha! I never knew! His case .... D and he was one thing - the cattle graze. If you want, then tomorrow you can go out to pasture instead. But I do not know why it would need you to stay. Ha.
   Continue the conversation then it was useless. I left the house and walked slowly along the curve village street, diving on hillocks. Already at home I heard someone Barbarians quick steps and turned to see that I was catching up with Alain. She smiled mysteriously somehow, in the hands of the girls had a great time on the tarnished silver cross dotted with inscriptions and designs, which could be seen on the sculpture of the crucifixion of Christ, and the same old gun, like a musket of the last century, with a silicon fuse, heavy cast trunk, decorated with ornaments and a large wooden handle, awkward and slightly arched.
   In the hope that with Alena change happened again, I stopped, waited for her at the entrance to the courtyard and Barbara when she came closer, already stretched out his hand toward her, but she suddenly turned to home vedmyachki and involuntary movement I had to open the gate .
   Go for it, I'll take the mother - threw passing by, girl. - Here it is securely stored, and that his father will be a funeral service in the evening, many people gather. More stolen, look.
   I just opened his mouth in surprise. The girl disappeared into the house.
   Time passed already four o'clock, and I almost feel like collapsing plans to prepare for battle. Not only that, I do not know was that was to come, but what needed to be done, did not work.
   I went into the house. Pelagia was not. Thoughts in my head spinning dance of messy. Rend me in two. My whole being felt terrible danger hanging over my life. My soul was torn away from the village, but the debt promise Ivan forced to stay and go to the cemetery. At least I had a stake, and the gallows was almost ready.It only remained to find a black cat somewhere, yes cut and burn oak at the grave in a corner of the garden.
   Whatever happened, I decided to do something of that promised Ivan Noodles.
   Dusk fast. I got out of the house, almost running, sprinted to the other end of the village, where we left the outskirts aspen stakes.
   The house of Ivan Noodles dragged villagers, one by one, in pairs, threes, all gloomy, brooding. Out of the woods on the other side marshy plains emerged car, jeep "UAZ", swept in an arc-mound, leaped over the bridge, jumped on the hill at the entrance to the village and the brakes squeak at the gate into the yard shepherd. I have descended downhill and turning, saw the car in black robes climbed pop with a long gray beard and a deacon with unlit censer, which dangled in his hand.
   "Where to find a black cat? - I agonize mechanically watching pop passed through the yard to the house of Ivan Noodles deacon prosemenil him, trying not to step in a puddle of mud and rising above the floor black caftan ass, and grandmother, parted, priest passed to the house, they bowed to him, quickly cross. - Where to take a black cat? "
   Vasilihi already leaving the forest, behind which was a cemetery, I saw postrelenka years five or six, vozivshegosya alone in a ditch and do something in the slush, shake out of the puddle.
   Listen, what are you doing here? - I went up to him, put a bunch of twigs on the ground and stroked Malchenko on fair-haired, dirty head, where hair hung straight icicles.
   Game, uncle, - replied the lad, sniffed and wiped his sleeve shirts accumulated on the upper lip green snot.
   A mother of yours where?
   -Nurse went to the funeral.
   -You did not bring?
   -And let's play with you.
   -Come on, mister, but how?
   -You do otyschesh black cat, and I'll give you candy or a lump of sugar. Come on?
   -Come on. Better candy.
   Good. Only you give me a black-black cat found to have no white speck was that all black, and on the belly and paws.
   Okay, now get it.
   -Do you know where to get it?
   -Naidu, mister, just be sure to bring candy.
   The boy crawled out of the ditch and ran into the village, funny bouncing with every step, and I followed him to find in the vaults at Pelagia, which, like any hard life taught the old woman hid on a rainy day a lot of various products and things, perhaps even not very necessary and useful, among which could be and some candy. Going up to the porch, corner of my eye I noticed that the lad picks the court house Barbara would call out to him, but changed his mind.
   The house was empty. I went into the chamber, thence to the kitchen, climbed into the cabinet chest and rummaged among of canvas bags of grains, flour, rice, Pshenko in search of candy or sugar, which, in the end, found, and putting a handful in his pocket, and hurried back.
   The youngster has already dragged oravshego bad voice chernyuschego cat. It was just amazing, so fast where he managed to find the desired, what uselessly took me the whole day.
   Cat claws and paws became dismiss, muzzy eyes wide, as soon as I attempted to take him away from the boy, holding him under his arms from behind. I had to go for a bag. In the end, we made a deal. Cat flap in a canvas Kul, was in my hands, and candy, dried to a hardness of crackers, small fingers in the boy.
   After ten minutes of brisk walking, I was at the cemetery, but his heart lay anxiety on what time is lost, and has a relatively short autumn day is about to end, and promised to give way to dusk fast pereyduschim night.
   Oak was visible from afar. He clearly stood out against the background of its powerful neighbors undersized, curly crown. Way between the rickety, rusty fences, abandoned burial pits, unfenced burial mounds with aspen poles and ax on his shoulder and a bag of cat hushed in hand, I hurried to him. I felt like seconds overtake me, despite the fact that my movement too hasty. In some places, aspen poles and bag greatly hindered me, clinging to fences, monuments, crosses and shrubbery. In impotent rage I tore them pulled, feeling the power go out of me like water from a pond, broke through the dam.
   There was barely noticeable oak knoll once, apparently representing a grave. I threw her aspen twigs, bag, checking whether he tied, and for some time tossed in confusion, not knowing what to undertake in the first place, whether chopping oak, or build on the grave of the gallows. I very vaguely imagined, and why you need to do both, and therefore at a loss because of their ignorance.
   However, in the end, common sense won, and, judging that the firelight from the felled tree, it will be possible to build a gallows and hang a cat, but, on the contrary, when it gets dark, oak hack secondarily would be very difficult, I took the ax .
   I previously had to chop wood. But this tree was very thick. Here it would be good now mate with two-handed saw, and one with an ax this work out too daunting. Moreover, that time was running out, and from that it seems that the ax gets stuck in the air.
   Arms ached and ached, swollen hands were covered with blisters corns and shoulders felt no weariness, when, finally, Stoch not too thick trunk with a sharp tool, like a pencil, but at a very obtuse angle, I heard the crackling wood, swayed longer than from wind gusts which drove across the sky low, gray clouds, and fell, tumbling in the cemetery and its powerful crushing weight of my aspen poles
   Crown of the tree fell so uncomfortable that I closed the shortest and best route through the cemetery to the road leading to Vasilihu. Luck did not want to accompany my case. The sun had set over the horizon, and only crimson dawn glowed even in the west, heralding tomorrow windy day and soon nightfall.

Chapter 28.

   Oak does not want to light up. While I ran to the village for gasoline to set fire to it for sure, passed another hour.
   Gasoline found immediately, just by chance I found out that one keeps in Vasilihe motorcycle, although no longer a ride. He helped me. Fortunately the old man himself admitted that somewhere in the barn he was overlooked polkanistry gasoline.
   -What do you need? - He asked.
   Yes there ass brought the car, and back a little lacking - I lied: the car has long gone.
   Approaching the cemetery, I felt a shiver in all Member States. Arose a feeling that I have someone already waiting there. In the dense twilight spilled tense silence, and the deeper I climbed to the cemetery, the stronger grew the feeling of fear that accompanied this endless waiting for a meeting with the unknown.
   Only already climbing on the dull corner where lying on an unmarked grave hewn oak me, I heard heartbreaking cries cat and strange, but that suddenly somehow easier and safer. I suddenly became even pity the poor animal, which was to become a victim of this strange struggle, which for some unknown reason I got involved, and now had to make incomprehensible, absurd actions.
   I pulled the pole and a bag of cat away to the side, doused oak trunk, starting from the bottom to the very top end, lost in the crumbling yellow leaf crown of gasoline cans, kindled it and only managed to bounce a couple of steps, like a huge pillar of fire, thick chadyaschie smoke shot up, illuminating the entire cemetery.
   Wood crackled, groaned devouring flames, crown broke thousands of burning gunpowder dry leaves, but almost immediately went out, gradually flaring anew. Near this huge fire was already unbearable to stand the heat. Had to carry the bag and aspen logs further into the forest.
   Puss in several places ripped bag, but still could not get out, and now zyrkaet through these holes on the raging flames. That he did not run away, I tied it in a bag so that now he could not there and move.
   Forest that grew on this side of the cemetery, was a strange, rare and stunted. Before nightfall, when, in general, to notice something so there was no time, I caught noticed that some trees around the sprawling, with squat, rounded canopy and crooked trunks. Now, coming closer to them and disbelief, I found that it has some fruit trees, pear or apple.
   Sure, it was not a forest, most likely garden, long since abandoned and overgrown by other trees, wild bushes and tall grass, and find out why it was impossible now, perhaps even former master.
   Then, in the afternoon, it seemed to me that in the depths of this undersized "forests" are seen sharp roofs of some buildings. But then I just drove myself this absurd conjecture wisely taking protruding sharp spiers and roofs over longer trees rise above the rest of their brethren. Their good to be seen especially from the middle of the cemetery. On the road they merged with the surrounding green mass which damps on the background of the rising slope Polga barely perceptible hill, in the hollow of which was a cemetery.
   Now, when the bright, high flame forest became like lace, transparent, I have become clearly visible ruins of the house, gleaming in reaching its mossy walls with splashes of blood-red fire breaks, clearly stands out on the green, musty background skeleton of the building.
   If I moved spellbound, forced his way through the branches of a platted between trees, tall grass and shrubbery, this vision has arisen from nothing. Strange images began to appear one after another in my head lining gradually into something formalized. I remembered the read in the attic Pelagei ancient letters, passages from the church books, events, events, excites this area and population several centuries ago. It even seemed that I can guess who was mentioned in those writings, as the owner of this land, where he lived, where he was his home, his farm, where his serfs.
   My thoughts, blinded and frightened by the sudden discovery, huddled, then fled, and did unexpectedly gathered in some design, durable Grounded facts known to me.
   Everything was almost like a light in the afternoon. However strange shadows gnarled branches, jumping on a mossy walls, makes it all even more ghostly than if only one moon poured out here with your silver skies, mysterious light. It seemed that the stones breathe and move, like a huge monster scales. It was terrifying to venture even if only to touch the walls of dilapidated buildings, the remains of which showed its commitment to long sunk into oblivion host the Gothic style, but I still forced myself to do it.
   Fingers lay on the cold, rough stones, wet with dew first. Now it seemed to that of black holes gaping windows pops up about someone or something, and for which I arranged all this terrible act, but the minutes passed, and the surrounding silence was broken only by my steps on the fragments of bricks and rubble in the grass underfoot. Was drawn to climb inside the building, but something stopped me. First, hardly anything interesting that can excite my surprise, it remains there, because these places are probably crawled up and down the village boys, and secondly, even if there is something worthwhile and still remains, it is already long rotted from dampness and merciless time. In addition, despite the fact that a few hundred meters brightly blazed a huge fire in the house remained dark, and the rays from the flame will not penetrate through breaks, gaps and blind niches in the walls of windows.
   I skirted round the house. On the other side was pitch dark, but, nevertheless, it was evident that a fairly large space almost completely devoid of vegetation, and at the far end of it, the wall is already present forest where the shadows danced on the spiers and roofs of houses, you can see the oblong stocky build, just dilapidated and iridescent blue lights, as if fireflies swarm accumulated there, moved by his remains.
   Drawn by curiosity I went there and saw something that looked like a stall or stable. "Perhaps here huge wolf like lambs dragged healthy horses" - I thought, remembering passages from the diary of an unknown doctor and shivered all from surging me cold shivers.
   Continued presence here makes it more painful for me, and I hurried back to the cemetery, where it is still burning, though not so bright and strong, a large oak tree, although there is much comfort and security for some reason was not felt, especially now that behind, I felt the cold breath of the dead manor filled with seemingly creepy shadows of the past, like to cling to the remains of her and does not want to leave.
   Oak waning, scattering a few bright red lumps, crumbling red-hot sparks on the ground. One of them was lying on the grave, where I had to put the gallows.There still could not come bursting from the heat of the huge coal. I do not know how much time I have left, but worried what all went so badly. Besides, now I literally wade cold at the thought that if I is not the main weapon and protection: a silver cross and silver bullets. All this was now Barbara.
   In my head I suddenly had an absurd idea that if I now went to Barbara and very well would have asked her to give me the cross and bullets, citing the Ivan noodles, then she gave me to them, because something was human it still remain. As soon as I thought about it, underlaid stalemate, it seemed more real and believable, and soon even to me was surprising, as it used to do, I did not think so. "Do not eat me now, in the end, Barbara" - I reasoned, Ninny continuous state of fear in which resided since that time, as soon as entered the cemetery land, but did not realize in this report.
   The sense of danger is blunted in me so much that I just sat down on the ground, his back against the thin trunks of trees, feeling the warm skin rdeyuschie residues trunk of an oak, overcome with blue lights emanating from the hot interior still holding the trunk form of coal, and began lazily and meditate slowly I go to Varvara or first wait when you can put the gallows and hang on her jet black cat. Everything else, hitherto still bothers me is gone somewhere into the darkness of the world, not to hide there, and then to return with all his ruthlessness inevitability, and gone forever, as if left their nefarious attempts and harassment of my destiny.
   I sat for so long, until suddenly the cat heart-rending cries, suddenly started shouting again and flutter in the bag, not brought me back to reality. I realized that I almost fell asleep at the quiet meditations, warmed by the heat of the dying oak, and, shivering from the sense of the horror of what might happen then, shook his head and stood up, determined to act.
   Embers scattered on the ground, barely lit now, and the darkness is coming right up very close, making me trouble and hurried. With difficulty was found in tall grass ax. In the darkness thickened, almost at random otesyvaya, binding and bonding between a pole, and then I looked around, turned around to the right and left, fearing all seriousness and a sense of danger, as if someone unknown to me approached not from this darkness too close and attacked me on the sly. And the fact that there were no signs of ill that night was quite warm for this time on, the same tangible, unruffled, calm as always, that the world around does not make sounds of fear and flight, was not terrified of an impending nightmare all wake me increasingly growing concern. It seemed that Nature herself together with those against whom I had to fight that she conspired with them, entered into a sinister alliance, and now is trying to deceive me to euthanize my vigilance for its tranquility and equanimity. And the most frightening was that it is a good work out. After all, it was all around me, and that she owned the land on which I stood, and that the darkness that descended from heaven, and those trees and grass that surrounded me, clinging to me with their branches, out of her eyes, scratching, prevented rearrange feet.
   Embers ceased to give light. They were still visible in the dark purplish-red Milky Way stretched out before your feet, flashed brightly cost them come and crush, but still exhausted and was about to be extinguished altogether. However, the gallows, like bad and fragile she was, still lying in front of me, and had only to dig it in a low mound, still smoking remains of a campfire.
   I scattered embers ax, freeing snout midst mound and began to chop a warm, even hot earth. Soon formed a pit, but it still was not enough to deliver reliable and durable instrument of execution. Cat meanwhile raged in the bag stronger and more. His heart-rending cries, is spread over the entire cemetery, became more and more threatening, and I was seriously afraid that would not work the other way around, and I myself did not have to share the fate prepared this animal. It seemed that the cat is calling someone for help, in anticipation of his death, and he must come to the rescue, and I did not bacon.
   I drove myself from those creepy, delusional fantasies, but they do not want to leave my mind. Of course, I did not come here for a walk. But somewhere in my heart warm, lived still hope that all would today have those fears, which I had suffered, that they will be sufficient. And hanging cat in this full moon night in the cemetery, I was conscious of accomplishment, and survived all tired, go to sleep to his grandmother "Panteleihe."
   Finally, flattened foot ground around the upright, and I finished cooking, taking the cat through the bag with one hand, tried to get it, but the bestial horror and anguish animal scratched my hand in blood.
   I drew back as if burned his wrist. In my head already flashed the thought, if not hang it right in the bag, the more that I did not notice for a sadistic tendencies and was not going to watch the dying convulsions of the victim, but simply doing his duty, when, having made an incredible strength and agility movement cat escaped after my hand in a bag formed hole, slipped out of my fingers. Its sleek black ash-silver glow bright moonlight flashed back before my eyes, and I just managed to grab his hind paw.
   The cat's body bent arc, and its teeth and claws digging into my already wounded hand, however, taken aback, I did not give up the bag, and wrestled with him only that tried not unclench his fingers, despite the wild pain. Charter, the animal hung upside down again. In the moonlight, I could see the good of his extraordinarily long trunk, limply steep a few seconds on his right and left foot. But soon, I have not had time to realize that we must seize the cat the other hand, he again mustered forces bent again, clinging to grab his fingers limb.
   Spacy if I watched for his attempts to break free, and what is happening to me seemed a bit distracted in my head spinning some other thoughts. I suddenly thought, I'm hungry, and immediately if lightning sekanulo. I remembered that I forgot about the garlic, just let it slip out of my head, and at that very moment, when this scared me guess, the world suddenly turned around and loudly hrustnuv, broke into pieces as delicate crystal mirror. In its crumbling ruins of dumbness and property insidious night seemed only a mask behind which to hide, produce sure to catch prey, something terrible, and strong in its ruthless candor carnivorous contempt for my life and other things.
   Somewhere nearby, startling silence zakaurkal, sang zagorlopanil owl, he immediately echoed another, then a third, fourth, if gathered around the cemetery in an ambush and now gathering together to drive the game, and if on cue, then polyphonic cry, land underfoot came shake.
   I suddenly felt that I was standing on a giant pancake, which are going to turn the other side, and then fell backwards, does not keep his balance. So is the drunken guy who can not tell if a snake is not holding him and kicking underfoot, whether he can not stay upright. Only he thinks first of all: "Is an earthquake?" And flashed in my head: "Am I drunk?"
   Cфte rowed three free paws the ground, trying to get away and throwing it lumps in my face, but I would not let him, when suddenly the earth under my belly vspuchilas, just boil, and rose to the surface, pouting and going to burst, a huge               bubble of steam. Obomlev wild surprise and fear, I yanked his hand to him so that his fingers weak bone cat paw snapped. Wild cat howled and sank his teeth and claws into my brush with such furious rage, because my hand involuntarily unclenched.
   Animal headlong disappeared in the darkness, but I have not been to the chase. Things happening around the left in the vacated right of all thoughts head throbbing with only one speed raging heart: "It has begun!"
   Something fell on top of me, and I guessed that this was the land of aspen vyvorochennye gallows doubt that nothing seemed to me, and everything is really going on, there was no more. I jumped to the floor, and then terrible picture which forced cool blood in his veins, appeared in front of me in the moonlight.
   Cemetery plots and boiled puchilas, but instead of steam from the depths of her strange creatures appeared out. Around stood groan emanating from nowhere. Creatures, brightly gleaming white, like phosphorescent in the moonlight, looked very much like people. They are becoming more and this picture fascinated me with his chilling act. I refused to believe my eyes, and even tried to wipe them, but nothing is lost.
   Finding the strength to finally dump heavy chains stupor, I turned around to find cooked long wooden stake, lying somewhere nearby - the only weapon of all, now that would be necessary, and saw that the tomb in which a minute ago gallows, torn up, and it got out of a huge ghost, now heading toward me with outstretched hands greedily. It was a man, or rather, human corpse, but well preserved and looking like a living, but that I did not become less frightening and soul was no longer anything but horror, but hardly languishing idea that salvation can only be overcoming fear and somehow defensively.
   Instinctively retreated, I stumbled on something and stooping, felt surface hewn aspen stake, picked it up and took the ready, gathering spirit to defend.
   Phosphorescent shade vampires pulled at me from across the cemetery.
   Reality mixed with sleep, but it was also a dream a nightmare, as real, it was impossible to escape.
   What was the force I hit the pointed end of an aspen stake nearest ghouls, feeling as he gently, barely met the resistance of the skin, entered his body. There was a popping sound, but it drowned out the other, like a howl coming from all sides.
   Vampire issued groan and fell backwards, but others have been very close.
   Hitting two or more friction x beside himself, I rushed headlong, falling, sprawling on the dancing underfoot, stalks the earth shaking, rising again and they fell to their heels. It seemed that I was about to be overtaken and that's enough, but being already on the road to Vasilihe, I turned around and saw that vampires are far behind. Their phosphorescent crowd was still far away, but they are still haunted me and not going to stay.
   Already on the outskirts of the village I realized what trouble I have rewarded its inhabitants. However, to change anything it was not my best: as soon as I thought about it, stopping for a moment, seemed like ghouls from the forest. Next was nowhere to run.
   At the home of Barbara burned greenish light. Windows in the house Pelagei Panteleevna and neighboring on the other side of the street were dark and lifeless. I hesitated at the gate to the yard witches, and then looking at the approaching vampires.
   I had no time to ponder whether I guilty of this invasion, or it would have happened anyway. Had to do something, somehow to escape himself and, if possible, to save others.
   Suddenly, I found myself thinking that I was not up to anyone no matter what I try to fool yourself that feel the need to defend someone other than himself, trying to impose itself now that need to be the protector.
   This small, God left, lost in the boundless world is not interested in any village, and including me. What will happen to her, with its inhabitants, that happened here yesterday, is happening today and will happen tomorrow, whether it exists at all in this world and how many still survive - never interested me as well as the fate of tens of thousands of others like her villages and settlements . And these horrors, in which as in a puddle, I vljapalsja today - it is only particular occurring only here and nowhere else. Maybe somewhere there are events and even more terrible, but they are only one particular area in which arise as a dirty, greasy spot on the clothes, which in other places is clean and dry, and the people living there will never be interested in, not take to heart what is happening nontangentially them somewhere far away in a strange, that never really existed for them and will not exist, and that for them unequivocally the notion of "nowhere."
   Perhaps now vampires demolish this peopled small, secluded, isolated little world, chased out of the land, leaving behind only the dead, useless at home, livestock and animals without owners. So what? Who cares? Who will doznavatsya, dig, why, and why, as happened this disaster that actually happened here? And I do not have time now if the escape, escape, escape from this nightmare, the reasons which I do not understand and do not have to do with them, will be carried with him into the abyss of the past.
   Animal anxiety, waking up at the moment of mortal danger, already familiar to me before, came over me, because while I hesitated, for some unknown reason stopped at the gate to the courtyard Barbara, ghouls walked a few steps away, and the next minute would have enjoyed my blood.
   I turned back to the gate. In the windows of the house witch glowed green flashes. "Out of the frying pan into the fire" - I thought to myself, feeling in mortal anguish and hopelessness hurt heart shrinks, becoming elastic lump the size of a walnut.
   Throwing open the gate, I ran to the house. Someone grabbed me from behind clothes. Shirt fabric crackled, and I managed to escape.
   "I wonder if he feels the fly, getting into a sticky spider web?" - Flashed through my head at that very moment, as my body with a thud met with a strong, oak door, the flying of a nasty blow to the loops and grohnuvshis with me in the dark hallway. Hum fall echoed as if I broke no wooden canopy hut in a stone cave and grotto.
   Acute pain from injuries spread throughout the body. His eyes darkened, although there already, as it seemed, it was dark.
   "Well, that's got" - I thought somehow suddenly indifferent and fell into oblivion.

Chapter 30.

   I woke up at once, but it seemed to me, it's been forever. No one followed me. However, the court was the day. In opening the front door, I kicked, beaten with slanting rays of the sun.
   "This is a dream" - I reassured myself, got up and went through the dark, echoing corridor. Turned a few paces turn and ended up in the darkness. No sound except hollow echo of my footsteps, did not reach my ears.
   Ahead there was a closed door again, which I came across a full stroke. Behind her was a strange world, as if bathed in green light that came from nowhere.Sky overhead was not. It replaced by a continuous haze, merges with the same firmament underfoot. There was space, perspective, while at the same time present some extent, however, recovering, as if from nowhere, and, like, nowhere, disappearing as if hiding in the fog.
   Grains of sand under your feet rubbed against each other a big, green, translucent sand, having no thickness, because falling into it, stop immediately hung over some elastic emptiness, but grinding is not reached my ear, as if the ears were laid wool.
   Right and left grew strange trees whose branches, like frosted, translucent and the same green, like corals. They, these plants were separated, separated from the green mist around me spaceless, yet also did not have the volume, while at the same time I noticed them passing that crown them change shape, just as they would have done it space.
   Strange trees designated some semblance of road which has no meter length. However, I moved on to her vysyaschemusya ahead of me, sparkling green reflections castle or palace, folded as if made of emeralds. He, too, seemed just painted on some indeterminate distance from me, but as you get closer to him growing up, although it remained flat.
   Green sand is over, and I stepped on the stairs leading to the entrance of the palace. Each next step supposedly arose from the painted plane in front of the building and also disappeared behind me, blending in with the rest of incorporeal, disappearing in the emerald haze.
   Each of the steps, railings them were exactly crystal if there green crystal, emerald or riddled with reflections of ambient light all around, recovering from nowhere. The same effect, and accompanied me to the castle, in its shimmering somewhere deep translucent and not having wall thickness corridors. However, I could not touch anything around me was out. Something prevented me to do it, or someone will, or my own fear that I barely touch the emerald railing or the same, as if oozing with light walls, they disappear. Even the door when it was necessary to open them, do it yourself.
   It happens in a dream, and I was relieved once again agreed that it's still strange, but nonetheless, a dream.
   Corridors led me to the great hall green, tall doors which opened themselves. The back wall was painted emerald throne on which sat one, and the left and right are the same flat, like everything else, were vassals and subjects.
   Coming closer to the throne, I saw a huge creature that occupied a royal place. It was like a dragon with an excessively large, sharp as a needle, horns protknuvshimi tall black hat and rushed under emerald vaults halls. Green, boring, spiky dragon's eyes nailed me on the spot, and I felt like he turned into a flat image limp, not having the possibility to move in any direction, forward or backward. Of standing on either side of the throne-like emerald shade vassals could see Barbara and Alain. They are silent, and all the other looked at me from the green one size fits all, and the stillness gave them an even greater resemblance to pictures made of talented and diligent hand.
   -You came to me again, - a voice, and I realized that it was being said on the throne.
   It opened his fire-breathing mouth, the only red in all of this emerald world, and the deafening roar like thunder, shook all around. Dragon leaned toward me, evidently wishing to get a better look.
   -Why did you come? - He asked and answered himself. - Probably for this.
   Alena took from the hands of the casket and he clawed paws pulled out a gun and a cross.
   -Why do you want it? And-and-and, apparently, to shoot and be protected.
   I was speechless and could not answer.
   -Well, well, try it!
   Suddenly he grabbed the cross as a sword and began poking, rolling laughing at this, his vassals, bursting like soap bubbles.
   -You see, I do not mind. I do not mind anyone, although it is my servant. I have millions of servants, millions!
   Indeed, in place of the missing shade soon appeared other vassals.
   Soon he was tired of this occupation, and he, after putting in a casket back, cross back and a gun in the hands of Alain.
   -Give him - he ordered the girl.
   Alain, all the same flat, not a happy and angry, the same as all the others, indifferent impartial, remaining the same plane, approached me and held out the box.
   I took her, trying to look into her eyes and see what is happening there inside it, under the shell of insensitivity and lifelessness, but her look was somewhere beyond, through me, and I was not able to penetrate deep into it.
   -Took - go - spoke a creature on the throne. - To play, but do not flirt. I'll see how you do it.
   Ice laughter, even more terrible than before, split lock, like a mirror on the sparkling emerald thousands of fragments, blew it, and the bright green flash blinded me, hiding everything else. Then she went out, replaced by an eerie darkness ...
   I woke up in an icy sweat, feeling that I was lying on the door in the dark corridor, and under the right arm I casket. Already understanding nothing, I turned around.
   Black door shimmered failure distant stars. Suddenly there arose a phosphorescent silhouette. Involuntarily stepped back, I opened the box, found the heavy pistol, cocked the dog and having barely aim, pulled the trigger.
   In the darkness flashed and sparks flew, carved from silicon striker, something hissed, then bahnul, polyhnuv swirling flames.
   I wrapped in a cloud of acrid smoke of gunpowder, and when it cleared, I saw that the output is free.
   The street was suspicious silence. With the help. I poured a small funnel in the trunk of a canvas pouch for eye powder, put a wad scored his ramrod, then shoved the barrel into the opening round, slightly elongated bullet, which in the bag from the box on the weight was a good kilogram, then shoved a silver crucifix in his bosom, and rushed out swiftly ran through the village, immersed in gloom until the last house of Ivan Noodles in which the only light was dim.
   There appeared before me a terrible picture. The house was literally lined with phosphorescent silhouettes ghouls, to look into the window of the guard of the door of the house. There were so many that I was not only confused, not only dumbfounded and timid feeling that is just ridiculous to oppose such swarms with ancient, antediluvian gun for reloading which would be required each time to one minute.
   "Get away, it is too late!" - Whispered a voice inside me. - "The gun you have. Hardly anyone of them chase you. Tomorrow you'll be safe. Do not try to shoot! You ruin yourself and not just yourself, you will be saved as well. Let the others ... "
   However, the gun was loaded, and despite all the fears and concerns asked to shoot, and to spite the nasty, vile voice, I walked to the house of Ivan Noodles, arms raised, and taking one of the vampires on the fly. I just did not have the rights to make a blunder, and therefore had to approach the dangerous ghouls who fortunately did not notice this before a shot rang out, which seemed deafening, like thunder, in the dead silence that enveloped the village.
   One of the vampires fell to the ground, uttering eerie, creaky groans, others rushed to me at that moment, and had to get away before he could even stick a pinch of gunpowder in the barrel of a musket.
   I ran to the bridge across the river by feeling on the move in a drawn pocket pouch to the ground with gunpowder. Part vampires rushed me, but others stayed to guard the house from which the sound seemed shot someone on the porch, creaking door.
   Behind me heard some screams, cries, started scuffling, drowned me in a whisper haunting ghouls.
   Staying behind the bridge, shaking hands from the icy fear I poured into the barrel of gunpowder, and somehow scored wad shoved bullet, thinking that so I would not be able to cope with the countless hordes of ghouls. Meanwhile they were already quite close, when finally rang my next shot.
   One or two of them have tumbled, but others continued to chase, crowding me further into the forest on the side of the marshy valley.
   On the way to the forest I was able to make two or three shots, but they were in a hurry and not in vain hit any of his pursuers.
   Before me was a fork. One of the roads led through the woods and fields in most Vasilihu, another, more narrow and overgrown, to the stables. I stayed here in thought. Before me was a choice, but a premonition of the trap into which of the parties would not have continued my escape, did not leave me.
   By this time, the sky clouded over, the cold wind rose, growing more and more, ripping off the trees with yellow leaves and metuschy exactly broom them somewhere with him one known goal. He reminded of their rights came into autumn, besides soon drizzled nasty drizzling rain.
   "Not enough yet, so they appear in the Big Vasilihe" - I thought, and turned to the stables.
   In fact, my soul is not just lying to such a route and hoping to get out of this terrible zavarushki sometime within the local landscape. The most important thing was not to lose the gun until terminated bullets.
   It was a lot of strange in all this fell down on my head and horror fiction. My mind is required to relate happened during those weeks in a logical chain of events, identify the causes of the following, but it is failing to emerge, immediately broke up into individual pieces and fragments, not mating with each other and nasty all logic. Reality and dreams, what happened a week ago and what happened yesterday, ghosts are real people and that was neither imaginary nor a part of reality, something the resultant amorphous, swims from one to another - all mixed up in a bunch of little, turned in my head, in my mind to mush-mash, which, from what end can not be approached, it was the same thing. Soul resisted this sticky mess in which the mind is plagued by fast, rollicking run, but could not get rid of it.
   Was it not our whole life consists of separate islands pieces firmly entrenched in the memory of events, fragile, thin jumper logical connection between that one moment erased, break, crumble, and these blocks are started to float freely in contact with each other at times most unexpected facets, most mysteriously, and giving birth, it is producing memories of what never was ....
   Appeared in front of a stable. In the windows of her, similar loopholes, could see a dim, dim lights. I rushed to her, and knowing at the same time not wanting to realize that its walls hardly save me from the ghouls. A shiver ran over the body sticky, cold crawl. Nothing else to do: round was impassable forest thicket, overgrown with bushes and undergrowth, in which they would have caught me without a doubt much sooner than they could have done it in the stable.
   I locked the door, sliding the bolt and strong propping her log, in the dressing room, from which were clearly visible horse stalls and a passage between them, strewn with hay and lit a few dim light bulbs on the ceiling. Horses stood quietly in their pens, and only some of them raised their heads and looked at me through now strands Holocaust her black eyes, in which she recited the serenity of their simple life.
   Fingers obey bad if namerzlis, but I still managed to load the gun before. What first strikes were heard at the door. She did, however, endure only rattled the frenzied head, but I shuddered inwardly of and felt unnerved. I could clearly see how she jumped Petyah, caved arc as it jumped propped up log.
   Followed by a second push, even stronger than the former. Door, it seemed, almost buckled wheel creaked, groaned in every way. Bolt snapped, threatening about to break. Log bounced against the far wall of a waiting room and zarylos in hay.
   Putting enormous effort of will, I forced myself to move logs dragged to the door, leaned her over and lean not only had her as followed by a new, third strike.
   I hurt knocked log. It bounced and boldly my body out of its way as a feather, and again flew off into the far corner of a waiting room. I rolled over on his back on the clay floor, but raised his head and saw that the door was still holding. Strength left me, and I was not able to now not only again to drag a log, but even get off the ground. Leverage ambush, ill just dislocated and the whole left side of my body, which I have relied on the log was now like not mine.
   Next onslaught was not followed, and a strange calm, does not bode well. It became clear that vampires left attempts to penetrate into the stable through the door - and it was good, because the next attack she could not stand it, but now looking for workarounds.
   Horses woke up excited snored bullied bared head and upper lip. Some of them began to laugh nervously, feeling the worst.
   For some time I remained motionless, until, finally felt that I could somehow move his hand, then crawled closer to the box, took the gun, put the other hand, good hand into his bosom, passes on his back, and, feeling cross sighed with relief for some reason.
   Restless chorus of neighing of horses made me give a start. I looked up and saw that the aisle, past the paddocks to me has an enormous wolf, the man who was once we saw here with Alena in society Barbara. His mouth, scarlet bloodthirsty, greedy, gaping to its full width, oozing hungry, bloody saliva flowing language and frothy stream comes from the end of the stick it in different directions. Rapid, long jumps at a furious gallop, he flew to me with an arrow at a speed and ruthlessness in his glittering eyes glittered with malice and determination itself and prejudging of the outcome of the throw.
   Gun was in my hand, but I did not even have time to pick it up, because the wolf was coming faster. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a black gap in the back wall and guessed that they opened exit gates that there probably were.
   Wolf was already there. He made the last jump, hovering over me. I instinctively put his hand on his terrible jaws, and it so happened that the gun barrel landed right into it. My finger itself pulled the trigger, and, although it had no hope that you hear a shot, it came as a miracle, but not loud, and just gurgled in the throat of a predator. In my eyes wolf neck swelled and burst like a soap bubble. The head of the beast, biting teeth muzzle, bounced to the wall, and his headless body, gushing blood, collapsed on top of me.
   Vampires were close. Poor understanding what was happening, I took a weakening hand crucifix from his bosom, and thrust forward, separated himself from the impending hordes. Suddenly they froze like a few steps away from me, just can not overcome that distance.
   I saw their hands, they dragged me your blue fingers. The skin on them was deathly pale and cyanotic, and only on the cheeks burned crimson blush unhealthy. Their eyes are bleary, povolochennye haze, deadly distraction if they did not belong to them, somewhere in the depths of the fire shone thirst. Greedy fever shook their members, and it was a disgusting spectacle, causing severe nausea and disgust.
   Surprised this power of the cross, I felt as unknown severity fell upon my hand, holding it, and aggressively pushes her back. Sure, it was the action of ghouls seeking to break through the unknown to me protection, and it was felt quite strongly, because very soon it seemed to me that to keep the crucifix is ??not so easy, fingers, hand, shoulder and arm itself so tired, as if held by weight and a half poods weight.
   Unable to bear more stress is not being able to intercept the cross with the other hand, as my body still was not completely obedient to me from hitting the log, I dropped the cross on the ground, sticking sharpened by the end of the cone of its foundation in clay \, slightly damp floor stables.
   Vampires are just waiting for this. The distance between us immediately fell a few steps, almost half, and now their dead hands almost did not reach my head, moving cyanotic fingers like tentacles in three to five inches from my body.
   Countering protecting me strength silver crucifix is ??not weakened. On the contrary, it seems to be made even stronger. Vampires like to feel that my strength to run out every minute. I had to put even more effort than before, and I did not know what else makes my aching from excessive fatigue brush to keep the cross. Now it literally pulled from my fingers, as if drawn by an invisible magnetic force of an iron nail. Only fierce despair arose from the realization that this is the last limit, the last hope of salvation, and even to the same surprise that someone with the help of this simple, symbolic tool gives me his protection from evil spirits, gave me the strength to hold on.
   "Hell beast! - I thought with a silent rage. - You want to take me! Do you want to drink my blood! But you did not come! In vain you drag your little hands cyanotic with hooked fingers pale blue and black nails! You do not drink my blood! You will not get me! Spite you, vile creature, I'll keep this cross, I will defend myself, even if all the forces leave me! You do not get to me until my throat until my heart beat! "
   It was not known how much has been going on and how much more it would have continued silent confrontation, when crowding in the corridor between paddocks with horses ghouls little parted and squeezed forward, tearing off their rotten rags, turned into ashes is unknown how many centuries and how many years ago, clothing, Varvara.
   Seeing me, helplessly lying on the floor, she bared her teeth in a malicious smile, and her voice, cracked and also sounds as if from another world, struck my ear after a long absence of human speech sounds:
   A-ah, ha ha, we meet, my friend! I've been getting to you, but you cleverly avoided my traps. But now, then no one will disturb us. Even this silly shepherd, Ivan Noodles! He's dead. He was killed by the one who made me return to you these gadgets! - She pointed his long finger with a sharp nail, like a claw, on a silver cross. - He warned you not to flirt! However, he knew everything that was going to happen next.
   She stepped up to me, and I was horrified to find that the power of the cross, stopped the vampire does not act on it at all.
   Ivan Noodles is dead, and the one who killed him, already took him Dushenko to Hell, and soon it will be fried on low heat. Now it's your turn - she approached one step further, and most of the crucifixion, which I continued to keep sticking to the ground, turned to the crowd of ghouls. - I myself drunk his blood! - She threw up his hands up. - I'm very hungry, and let no one dares to approach him while I enjoy his red milk. Then I'll leave it to you.
   Among vampires sounded displeased gyrkane.
   She turned to face contorted with rage kicked his shoe silver cross. He flew out of my fist, hitting the wall with a clean ringing, bounced back and hit the witch suddenly, plunged under a pointed cone base in witch rotten chest, hitting her in the heart. Spurted from the wound something brown-black, rotten. Varvara grabbed with both hands the crucifix, trying in vain to pry it out of my chest, and slowly and rattle gyrkanem settled to the ground, kneeling. The same swill that oozed from the wound, and went her throat and she fell dead on the side.
   Vampires rushed me over the corpse.
   In my eyes suddenly rushed beam heads of garlic, somehow turned out of straw and hay. Feeling like a vampire fingers cling to my clothes as I could on all fours, polupolzkom, I rushed to his side, remembering that stops ghouls garlic smell, grabbed a bunch of this and, once in a close circle of vampires, which stretched to my throat and could not I divide among themselves, with desperate, nowhere who took violent force, began to press the garlic head, and push them to anyone in the gaping maw, who under his nose, in the face. Vampires threw me and ran back half a step.
   Somewhere far away as if cock crowed. Outside the windows was quickly dawning, and somehow relieved that morning came, I lost consciousness.

Chapter 32.

   Waking up, I saw on a low sloping Alain and the next minute realized that I was lying on the couch by the window in the house "Panteleihi." Pelagia was standing right there, behind the girl.
   -You have the whole night was a high fever! - Alain said, touching his hand to pleasantly cool my forehead.
   -Really? - I was surprised, trying to figure out what really happened the night before, and whether it was what I remember going to sleep or what happened in reality.
   -Yes, you fought all night in delirium, - continued the girl, without taking his hands away from my head, heavy, cast iron pot seemed to me, stuffed lead chocks.
   Pelagia Panteleevna nodded, confirming her words.
   -And all night I lay here?
   -And you?
   -We have to look after you. We had to attend the funeral of my Daddy, here we are with Pelagea and went there at a time.
   -You lie - I wanted to scream, but only weakly pronounced it, slowly rising from the laid hard mattress chest and painful feeling weak all the broken body ailment. - You're lying. I well remember what happened last night.
   -And what happened? - With curiosity in his voice close to jeer, Allen asked, as if condescending at the same time shaking his head.
   I was about to begin, but a minute later faltered, seeing that they look at me like an idiot.
   -I told you that you raved! - Concluded Alain.
   I took his head in both hands, trying to calm her liberality hum.
   -Today, I'm leaving! - Unexpectedly for himself I said, referring to the women. - X vatit rest.
   The last words I myself have caused an involuntary smile: "Rest. Wow stay! "
   Until I suddenly realized that the holiday, whether it is good or bad, come to an end, and I stayed a couple of days, the other to get home from this wilderness, in which the devil knows what brought me to his head, folded things and depart to the place service. It suddenly seemed that any service that any tests will be easier for those days that I spent in this Vasilihe anyone unknown.
   -I went to get ready. Pelagia, help me to lay down things and let us have something to eat on the track.
   Grandma bustled, but Alain took me with her cool fingers wrist.
   -You can not leave now, - she said quietly.
   -Why? Here I shall be going now and leave! - I said, feeling along with the decision to force me back, and my body recuperates right before our eyes.
   -You can not leave now - insistently repeated the girl. - My father wanted you to attend his funeral. And more ...
   Father? How do you know? - Now, it seems, it was my turn to scoff. - Are you in the afterlife was to ask for his posthumous will?
   -I know - Alain approached me, dyhnuv in the very face and looked into my eyes.
   Just now I opened the bottomless, black void, to hide behind her pupils. She just pulled me into the vacuum head, and I almost came off with an effort from her enchanting eyes.
   "Here's a witch and daughter" - I thought to myself, feeling a new surge of horror from which it would seem now had to get rid once and certainly, having decided to throw off the burden of alien, I do not understand who imposed circumstances.
   Father wants you to be present at his funeral - Alena seemed conspiratorial voice and scary.
   Involuntarily I glanced over her shoulder at Pelagia, but she continued nervously pacing the room, something shifting, moving, pretending to be completely immersed in my preparations attention to the road and can not hear the words of my creepy underage Matron.
   "Yes, they're all conspired" - Indignation and guess merged into this cry that swept lightning in my mind. - "Where here to find protection against this universal evil?"
   -Well, - I said, trying to ask from himself, for what I sent such a hopeless attack, from which, as from the quagmire, no way out, though solid ground close and hand can reach it, but still does not swamp let go.
   -There is one more thing that you have to do, but I will speak later.
   -Just let's agree - I said Allen, wondering to himself to the highest degree, as it so happened that the girl almost another girl, now dictate terms to me and imposes its will, and I can not get out and the turnover is, break, finally the same, to freedom. - Once your father's funeral is over, and I'll do what you want me to do more, I will no longer be hindered.
   -You go away tomorrow - all the same firm, without a drop of sympathy voice said to me, as Allen snapped.
   But why? - I broke the involuntary cry of astonishment. - What happened? What happened to you, Alan?
   The girl was silent, looking at me dispassionately unblinking m, and I realized that any question that makes no sense. It's stronger than me.
   Funeral Ivan Noodles began at noon. Brought to the tractor-trailer chipped red cloth with black mourning bands coffin. Came UAZ pop that yesterday burial service of the deceased, and with him yesterday deacon.
   From the village procession started in silence, accompanied only sobs old ladies ready seem to cry for any reason. Was not usual for the occasion in the orchestra, which copper pipes and heavy booming drum, spewing a funeral march, always makes me mortal anguish. There was and wreaths: "To my dear husband ...", "beloved father ..." "We will remember forever ..."
   Only by entering the forest, pop with the deacon went ahead with copper censer and the way in heavy silver frame and sang a prayer.
   The first time I attended the funeral, where they were met orthodox customs, where there was vulgar, half-drunk, tearing apart their sounds of the orchestra, where the coffin to the cemetery, carried on the shoulders and not transported by car.
   The cemetery consists of a wonderful sight. If plowed deep plow, turned inside out, razvoroshennoe, raskurochennye, it stood now. It was impossible to distinguish the graves of all this mess. The far edge of his now clearly acted sooner exactly inconspicuous building with blackened outlines shpileobraznymi roofs.
   What happened last night floated before his eyes, as soon as that happened, but he did not want to believe now. However, the form of the cemetery served as irrefutable proof that not everything I dreamed it was the game of my imagination, hallucinations and figment of the imagination.
   From the shock of what happened to me, I stopped involuntarily, but others did not seem to notice these horrible changes and moved on.
   Pit grave was ready. She dug early in the morning one of the men on the edge of the village turned into a plowed field too large plow cemetery, beside the road.
   An hour later it was all over. Pop read over the grave of a freshly cut cross the last prayer, ending it with the word "Amen," to the very end by continuing to swing the censer. Old woman, women, a few men, who stood just who christened, wandered away from the cemetery, leaving far behind the priests, though for all of them, and not until the end of vniknuvshih in the incident, the carrier slowly and painfully bitterness and sorrow of what happened.
   I noticed that neither Barbara nor Alena at the funeral and was not, and wondered why I had something to attend to them, to me, a stranger, came about and was going to leave this small, closed in his wretched and the simple life little world, joy, sadness and tears that were interested in me, then, it would seem, is less than all other than its inhabitants, who were born here and here uyduschih out of this world.
   Everything that is happening to me was strange and rather like a dream, drawn, evil, chaotic sleep in a stuffy, hot room, wake up from that, apparently, has not yet come. I'm not surprised at anything. tired I wonder what else in this dream and now only helplessly watched his development with frequent and inexplicable change of scenery, such dissimilar. And it seemed that no turn of events will not surprise me to withdraw from this state sleepy indifference.
   Allen was sitting in the house Panteleevna Pelagia, looking through a window at the house Barbara in pensive immobility, frozen and not even blinking. It does not pose any tension guessed expectations nor relaxed detachment. It's been some intermediate state similar to that in which a person, when he is asleep. Heard the floorboards creak beneath my feet, as if she woke up, looked at me, asked a little later:
   -Well, they buried?
   -Yes. What are you not go?
   Instead of answering, she again turned to the window, staring blankly as him.
   -Interesting case! - Me as a burst. - I mean, to be present, although I do not have any relation to the stiffs, and native daughter sitting at home, as well as it should, and mustache does not that bury dad! OK!
   My indignation as if not hearing Alena reached and no muscle, no vein under the skin on her face did not twitch, did not flinch at me. However, I was not satisfied, and long resented before she turned, suddenly stopping, as if cut off, the flow of battle, rained out of my mouth, and said quietly and simply:
   -You were there for me. Clear?
   I was taken aback by such a straight answer, and long stood silent, open-mouthed, unable to find a single word and that somehow even finish his speech.
   Through the window I could see the porch VARVARIN home. It opened the door, and knocked the woman inside, wiping noses and cheeks handkerchiefs.Among them flashed and Pelagia. Soon after she entered the house.
   Varvara-t quite bad, she turned to Alain.
   -I know - she replied, resting his chin on his hand and leaning on one knee, all the while continuing to look over his shoulder at the window.
   Indifference with which she said it just stunned me. My mind refused to accept what they saw and heard the eyes ears and brain came to the brink of collapse insanity from the inability to assimilate incoming information.
   I suddenly felt a piercing, that now is the moment when suddenly the hardest I wanted to run, run away. No matter where, but would not hear, not see, do not absorb this nasty my soul, gave her pain reality, like a sea urchin, the climber without asking me in the throat.
   When Pelagia departed, Allen suddenly revived, rose from the chest, where she was sitting, took my hand and, without even glancing at my face, took the canopy.
   We went out into the street. Allen led me to the barn, where Pelagia was all junk piled set itself stood in the doorway and said:
   -Seek a hammer and nail.
   I obeyed her, to surprise, even without experiencing internal resistance of its team.
   It was soon found, and then, and more.
   -Come on.
   The girl led me into the yard to Varvara. We went up to the porch. She opened the door. From inside the house smelled musty, swampy air heated to such an extent however, if he walked straight out of the oven.
   Involuntarily, I shuddered at the creak of rusty door hinge. I wanted to get more air to breathe deeply before entering inside, but Allen did not let me do it and then dragged her by the hand, like a lamb to the rope in the dark, damp and stuffy passage.
   It seemed. That we were in the dressing room. Somewhere ahead heard muffled moans.
   I decided that now again, this is a dream or reality, we will go through the dungeons and find ourselves in a completely unimaginable place in some other world. But the most surprising thing was that none of this happened. We went into the room, inhospitable, dirty, littered with junk and randomly from seeming even less than is actually quite tiny and shabby, it proceeded from the other, the same scruffy and differ only in that one of its walls steel was badly painted, who had in many places become rusty bed creaked terribly, vyvshaya exactly like a dog, ownerless, the moon, in every way every movement lying on it.
   The sight was horrible. Only a few minutes of silence to me hardly realized that this wizened with skin wiggling skeleton with deep sunken eyes in orbit, seemingly now widely open and madly rotating unsuccessful, blind and aimless searching for something more, that this sort of person only remotely resembling a woman with long dirty-gray, shaggy hair, and there is a Barbarian.
   I instinctively recoiled from the bed, but Alain immediately caught my elbow, apparently intently watching my slightest impulses.
   What's this? - Perplexed, I asked her, feeling the cold wave receded from the head and swept to the tips of the toes, and the hair on his head moved.
   This is my mother. She dies - just a girl's voice came from another world.
   -Why did you bring me here?
   -She needs help.
   How? - Involuntary vague conjecture flashed in my head. It seemed to me that she wants, apparently, so I kicked it Varvara skull rusty hammer (because for some reason she got to take a hammer and nail huge and equipment for first aid, these items did not like). - "Apparently, she made a mistake with my choice, mistaking me for someone for whom it would like. Besides, she just buried his father ... "
   Vbey-nail in prikolotku doors - Alain commanded.
   In prikolotku-door?
   -Yes, prikolotku door!
   -But why?
   -Do what I say, do not ask.
   I was outraged, but at this time Varvara gave out such a terrible, heart-rending cry, my heart went cold from the horror in painful spasms.
   If stung like spurred and fueled by hot whip on the side of a stallion, I rushed to the door jamb and in no time, without knowing how it happened, thrust rod dvuhsotmillimetrovy rusty bells tree almost half.
   With Barbara began to happen something unimaginable. Her whole body shook exactly fever, groans turned into one continuous roar or howl. Her eyes do more dull matt mouth went white foam. Then his eyes failed altogether, and face any failure of three burning green, three holes, like eyes in the oven door is opened, followed by unprecedented buzzing green flame.
   Nail burned hand. I pulled his hand back and saw that he was red-hot, and the tree around it with smoke and charred. Suddenly a bright flash blinded me, and when the ability to see me back on the bed, on the dirty sheets, lay rolled in like a gray dust.
   -All - quiet but insensitively said Alain, whatever melted and bent over touching the ground nail.
   Prikolotka still smoked.
   We got out and walked to the other side of the village. I decided that Allen goes home, but she turned to the bridge.
   What does it all mean? - I asked, slightly moving away from sweeping me aback.
   Do not ask.
   The girl was a little ahead, and could not go for it. Especially since she did not say anything. But somehow I followed her, still carrying the hammer is already unnecessary.
   That's die-witch - as if to herself said Alain, not even turning to me.
   Soon we were at the very stable in the woods. There is still standing horse.
   Recent experience wash over me night and I cautiously entered the semi-dark, gloomy building, as if there is still feeling the presence of shadows and ghosts participants fight night.
   Allen suddenly stopped in the middle of the passage between the stalls and abruptly turned to me, asking:
   -It was you who killed my mother here?
   The question was unexpected and sudden, but I found and answered:
   No, I did not kill her. She just kicked crucifixion. And it bounced, struck her in the chest, in the region of the heart ...
   -You made ill - continued the girl, after a pause. - Development history does not imply your intervention, you know?
   -I understand - I agreed and nodded. It was not clear where she was going.
   -You do not understand. You just had to get past all that, in nothing vputyvayas. But, say thank you to my dad, you got involved in this shit on the ears. This he tried. Now you have to stay here by himself or his seed to leave here, otherwise you can not get away from here.
   I only had time to think that I should resent her words, behind her back, to the side where the gate, as if the earth opened, and out of the show came up Barbara. Behind me was heard a rustling, and I turned to see Ivan.
   "All the family assembly" - and suddenly I thought was funny for some reason, but I kept my laughter.
   -So what do you do not release me? - I asked.
   Allen shook his head in acknowledgment of my correctness.
   What do you need?
   -Now you.
   But why? !
   -You intervened in history and now can not leave just like that. Choose: you stay here by himself or leave his seed. In any case, the balance between good and evil requires rebalancing. Too much good - it's too bad, said Alain.
   -So what should I do? - I asked, looking at what the Barbarian, then Ivan, still guarding the exits.
   -Agree. You have to stay or leave seed. Choose.
   A stay like this? - I caught myself thinking that I'm trying to play for time and to start talking to her teeth.
   - So, to die, but to go to another entity. It will be my husband and I will be what it was Barbara ...
   -What do you mean - leave seed?
   -It means to take me.
   In my head barely flashed the thought that the second fits me like Alain immediately threw clothes with her young body.
   -This fits me - she said, coming closer - in this case, I'll just disseminators, and good will coexist in me next to evil. I do not want anything without the rest belong to one of them.
   She appealed to the ghosts of his parents:
   -Go away, do not confuse us.
   Ghosts suddenly disappeared.
   I perked up and asked:
   -And if I do, it will come back?
   Yes, but in this case you die - Alain said quietly.
   Now I was expecting her to come to me, but instead, the girl turned to stall stallion deftly podlezla under him, holding his genitals. Her fingers stirred up a horse and a member of his black, shiny and disgusting, immediately rose, dangling almost to the piled hay on the floor.
   -Shoot down, darling, hit-, - came up to me its sweet whisper.
   Picture of what is happening could not leave me indifferent. I felt from the depths of my soul, this unknown and unfamiliar to me, as any stranger, the same unbridled and wild, like any other element, rise and they were dissolved tenderloin flowers lust, baser, animal instincts, probably akin to those that prompted the rebel flesh stallion.
   Alain beckoned me, and I, excited to the utmost passion, rushed to her, feeling that he became a stallion and no longer control myself.
   Everything else was like a dream or reverie. I was suddenly in fact, it seemed that I turned into an animal ...
   -I will have a boy - Alain told me after all this madness, which lasted until the evening.
   We came out of the stables and headed down the road to the village.
   The sun was setting, becoming unusually purple.
   How do you know? - I asked, thinking to himself that tomorrow will be windy, nasty weather.
   -So the story requires.
   -And what else it needs?
   -It will be my husband.
   -Your husband? But is it possible?
   Instead of answering, she laughed.
   -Is it possible that the son was the husband of his mother? And then, as I understand it, then you will occupy the place of Barbara and will evil incarnate?
   She laughed even louder, and I felt uneasy.
   In the first half of the night we broke up with her at the bridge on the outskirts Vasilihi. Moon hovering over us seemed crazy and furiously as ever bright lights on, recalling a huge one on the whole earth, a street lamp.
   -Hurry up, run as soon as you can, - she told me goodbye.
   -But is now I can not go quietly? - I asked in surprise.
   -No. You will pursue. In this village today is a terrible night. And it's just your luck that you leave here alive and still human. Run - nonhumans will chase you.
   With that, she pushed me, as if I had betrayed the initial determination and starting acceleration. With this its filing, beside himself, I got to dawn in mostVisilihu, but already there sat on passing bus.
   The door to the apartment no one opened. His key I did not have. Went to the site neighbor, Aunt Masha, handing me the keys. I looked at her dumbfounded, trying to figure out the meaning of her words:
   Do not knock, dear, here's your keys. Uterus, then your three days since died. We do not know where you went, where a telegram giving. Themselves and buried. So what are you late. Something we did not know when you will arrive. Maybe a month, maybe a year later: your uterus something about it did not spread.Now, if yesterday, so had to have. Yeah.
   I looked at hanging out in her outstretched hand me the keys, gleaming facets of cuts, and they have increasingly blurred before my eyes, dissolving, breaking into tears filling my eyes. When it came to me what had happened, my chest broke out only as a cry, vzryd impotent despair and anguish: Mom!

Chapter 1.

   Vacation flying fast as one day. No, not because it was fun and carefree. From some memories of him my hair stood on end and my heart bled.
   Everything in my life evolved - could not be worse. Strikes one after another shook my soul for one month, one small accident month, events which seemed would be enough for all my life ...
   Now I'm standing at the station with two huge suitcases and waited for the train. Standing alone, because now see me there was no one.
   Everything that happened to me did not fit completely in my head. Maybe because I do not even grayer to his surprise. At times, tears choked me, and I could hardly hold in his throat, so that they, flammable, not broke out.
   Keen to piercing pain in my heart I felt lonely, standing on the platform. From this feeling people often start drinking and become drunkards finished. Now I felt the same need, and although in a suitcase, a huge, like an elephant, two bottles gurgled bitter, I restrained myself and waited only when you can sit in a train compartment, a sip there, finally, and to be forgotten in a drunken stupor .
   In the meantime, nothing else to do but only smoke and I tar cigarettes one after another to stupor, to shiver in the hands and dizziness when suddenly all the floats, it seems that just about fall, cast iron head ringing with the emptiness, and the lungs already decayed and burned from the hot, burning cigarette smoke and do not hurt, but somehow whining, stupid and sluggish.
   The language and spun the word "damn." Damn summer! August damn! He ruined everything in my life! Blow by blow, and between them a short respite in which did not manage to move away from the turmoil.
   And the people around me were busy. It was early autumn, and the station was still full of people traveling who knows where, and why.
   I stood with two huge bags on the background of such ridiculous my loneliness. Usually with such bags escorted to as "dangerous" the way a good boy with chubby rosy cheeks from wealthy families that surround them their numerous attention: father, mother, grandparents, sister, brother, and they - the center of attention - are proud of themselves and for themselves. I looked the part of a very absurd and lost. I have not been accompanied, and I, choking sobs lump in the throat, separated as the whole, separated from me, indifferent to the world to me, wanted only one thing - to get drunk. Wanted, but did not experience the joy of anticipation and even took the time expected. But it did come.
   Travel caught me strange, almost already mature men and woman in her forties. They chattered excitedly among themselves, and I decided that it was probably a work colleague or good good friends. Most likely, it was the first because of their conversations, I realized that they all go to Moscow on a business trip.
   We hardly settled in the compartment. The neighbors were few things, but my two huge suitcases spoil the whole thing. They did not want to be invisible and taken a lot of trouble with my fellow travelers, until I finally oblivshis third then shoved not one of them under the bottom shelf, and the other - to the top.
   Men talking about something, joking with the woman, but could not understand what they are laughing. The only thing that I realized it would be difficult to drink now, because, judging from conversations, my neighbors were some very big bosses. "Educate start" - I thought angrily, and went into the corridor, went into the hallway and was about to light a cigarette, but zapershilo throat, and I realized: stoned.
   The train has not yet managed to move away from the platform, and all the passengers have already fled, sat in the compartment and is now staring in the window, banging on the glass and shouted, saying goodbye - the platform was on the other side, the children get up all sorts of nonsense, and their screams could be heard before me.
   I could not say goodbye to anyone, and I was standing in the hallway. No matter how I tried to make a case for this fact, the bitterness of not diminished.While I was driving away, but in the end, once, if someone escorted me now, who would meet. And so - even did not want to go back, and the blade was at the heart of the feeling that the whole world has become like sliced ??loaf.
   The train started. I lived through those difficult moments, and your soul a little relieved, just enough to be able to go into the compartment.
   Men interrupted the conversation with a lady, and one of them asked:
   -What. Nobody sees off? Forgot something, or you're not local?
   "Bitch, - I thought to myself - what the soul going?" - And told him, waving his hand at all:
   A-ah - whether indifferently, whether hurt, but, in any case, it is not clear, and the guy is hunting for questioning anymore.
   He wanted to continue the interrupted conversation, even smiled, but seems to have forgotten what he said, or did not find strength to continue the conversation and just took a deep breath. His companion hesitated too. And a woman to portray histrionic frank note was in an awkward position.
   I was not wrong, assuming that everyone sitting with me in the compartment have a close relationship to work, although working in different locations. One of my companions called Eppolit Appolonovich and other Agathon Afanasevich - so they introduced. On view were both over forty and Eppolitu Appolonovich - closer to fifty. My neighbor called Hellas, although her beauty was very far, and its age is on the wane youth.
   Judging by their conversation, the three knew each other for a long time, maybe even since childhood. Lady reason wished to take the top shelf next to me, and the men were placed at the bottom. Each of them was neatly on the abdomen, which was especially obvious when they go to the bathroom and removing the "troika", dressed in tracksuits. Figure of a woman quite well preserved even though made itself felt years and some flour craze. It was especially noticeable on the face: cheeks drooped, and threatened to become a triple chin and when she bent her head forward, shared deep folds in half, it was not very pleasant to watch.
   Day quickly rolled in the evening, and on joints perestukivaya wheels, train-track push him in the ass.
   My neighbors chatted for a long time, and I sat, bored. Several times they tried to pry me talking, but I was bored with them, and I kept silent.
   Hellas, or, as it is "allowed", "just Ella" - and also went dressed in a tracksuit some absurd maroon-red color, which she was not surprising. In it, she reminded me of a crazy horse, exposing their uncouth, bony hips.
   Soon the three of them sat down to eat, and (as I was wrong!) Appeared on the table a bottle of vodka. They invited me to the table.
   I refused, because the whole day just thinking about how to fill the bitterness in his heart. Besides now like it is.
   On the table there were tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, a bunch of green onions, a piece of sausage, and a few canned jar with boiled potatoes. Shortly already borrowed from conductors glasses swayed to the beat of swing train bitter.
   Well, - began to toast, said Eppolit Appolonovich - drink to friendship.
   -Not-ee! - Immediately interrupted Agathon Afanasievich. - Drink for "moose": that Ms-moose, elk so spa, so pi elk and apologize to the ladies, th ... moose!
   Well, let's for it - agreed Eppolit.
   I glanced at "just Ella," but she did not even blushed and raised an eyebrow. "The old already - I would think," b ... qb "but cut corners - woman. Children probably already grown. "
   We unanimously overturned glasses, and I, as always, he began drinking water, but only after some time scuzzy bread, then became a snack.
   Oh, and what you did not mix water of that? - Agathon Afanasievich surprised.
   -And I'm always so that the stomach does not spoil.
   Strange-thou, small - Afanasievich shook his head.
   We drank a bottle of vodka them, then the other, adding to the table snacks, and finally finished off another one of those that were with me.
   Outside the window is already quite evening came. Deep-blue sky with pink clouds quickly darken. We lit bedside lamps, and glass came our ghostly reflection. Chatted a little more, a little drunk men climbed on the shelves. I left the compartment and waited until "just Ella" by its whim climb upstairs to go to bed and the lights went out, and entered climbed on their shelf.
   I'm not drunk at all, but his heart was lighter, slightly softened soul from alcohol. Undressed under the covers, I hung up the pants and shirt on a hanger and tried to consider in the light occasionally flashing lights outside the window, making "just Ella." She lay against me, her head on the window, and apparently asleep.
   I leaned on his elbow and peered into the darkness, suddenly began to imagine what would happen if this woman turns me passion: Is she the first climb?However, a little reflection on this subject, I decided that this would not happen, but some instinct told me that now, lying motionless and making perhaps pretending to be asleep, she's dying to. Most women, especially in adulthood, much lustful men, but their desire to debauch largely hampered by indecision and shyness inherent female nature, centuries-old habit to expect and not to offer, accumulated in the genes, to overcome that - it is very difficult, and sometimes impracticable. This innate barrier a lot of trouble and difficulties "flappers" and prostitutes, especially at first.
   Something prompted me to touch a woman's leg, although this could get a big scandal. Temptation researchers female nature, wanting solid confirmation or refutation of their guesses. Pushed me on this long until I reluctantly agreed.
   My midnight "research" could end most shameful for me, but, I think I really was not mistaken. I barely touched "just Ella" leg and pulled her ankle through the blanket as she lifted her head, as if only waiting for this. Apparently, we understand each other without words. I felt that she likes me and she wanted me. I also pushed forward the curiosity, the desire to once again make sure that women - creature.
   I have absolutely no sympathy for this woman. On the contrary , even to me it was something unpleasant. I seen enough for a day on her bony hips, her gruff face, studied her belly and breasts, long ago gave them some appreciation. Now I feared that, in the end, do not embarrass myself in front of her, if I have to do anything.
   These concerns entirely seized my attention from the moment as "just Ella" lifted her head with a cotton pillow, and I could not now be given to those thrilling experiences that precede copulation with the object of passion.
   "Just Ella" impulsively threw the blanket down and got off, opened the door coupe, the output already gave me a short but meaningful look. As soon as she disappeared, like me, looking at the snoring men with their mouths open, and went down after him.
   The corridor is already burning night lighting. "Just Ella" was more on the coupe, staring at me with his hand on the door handle.
   "Will rise or not?" - Flashed through my head disturbing thought. I was on the verge of being disgraced before the woman.
   She nodded to me, opening the door coupe and showing there, then went into it. Beside myself, I was at her side in the twilight illuminated by the dim light from the corridor compartment. It was empty. Cold leatherette cushion sleeping naked their shelves Teleses emasculated and a hint of comfort, giving hidebound officialism. Passengers here, apparently, was not, or they are already out somewhere along the way.
   "Prudent" - I thought to myself, wanting to call it some other way, rather than "just Ella" and, especially, Hellas - is extinguished in me even a spark of passion.
   -Shut the door, - she said to me in a half whisper.
   I carefully, trying not to make noise, shut the door. The lock clicked latch stopper. Now we have no one could stop and be surprised.
   Turning to her, at first I did not understand where is the woman, seeing that her shadow against the window disappeared, but almost immediately bumped into her ass, and I felt his hand is not cloth, bare warm skin.
   A few lights flashed outside the window I saw her, leaned forward from me to the window, her back bare shoulders with battened trowel tracksuit.
   My hand slid down her thigh, and his form seemed to not be as angular and bony, as before, on the contrary, their thinness suddenly became very attractive and even can cause passion.
   Palm of my dove between her legs and felt a touch to a gentle, shaggy gun in the lap. Do not know where I come from such a wild idea, but I suddenly wanted to swing with full force and sink his fingers greedily, like a hawk, this fluffy ball between your legs, squeeze it and crumple in your hand to feel how it is soft and amazing .
   I took hold of it without the scope, but with passion, any traces of some unknown, dark bowels taivshihsya instincts in me. I squeezed it and felt like a fluffy peach divided into segments, which opened up between the cleft already sochivshayasya moisture.
   Every time connecting with a woman, I felt special, with overshenno different from the previous, the tide of passion. It all depended on how to begin this passion. If it starts with a feeling of a woman smells, then it was languid, overwhelming me feel most strange way connected with the feeling of awkwardness, clumsiness and helplessness. Sometimes that captured me and drew twist neck, curious, careless glance, body shape, suddenly seen in a completely unexpected, stunning and fascinating perspective, and each time passion born quite different, the poignant, causing tears, the strong, unwavering , monotonous buzzing as bass string, and then breath tickling chill of foreboding.
   At this time, the passion in me was born to touch my hand in the dark to the body of a woman who was deeply unsympathetic to me. My hand touched her most intimate places, and can be pierced by surprise that it is all the same as those of the fair sex, which I once went crazy, gave birth in me a passion for violent forces which never in my life have I had to endure.
   She quickly broke in me, in all my limbs, and I could not help it. Passionately my hands fumbled through her, I felt her belly, fingers outlined the unfamiliar shape of the breasts, back down to the hips.
   The woman stood motionless, leaning forward, and I felt waiting in all its posture. She waited, consumed with passion, and I've done that in the end, the man always does with a woman.
   I tried to catch all the changes that happened to her. As far as possible in the dark compartment and occasionally flashing lights outside the window.
   Now I had it, and our intercourse is very strange happened, without words, without explanation and even arrivals Which whatsoever conventions.
   Soon we moved on the shelf by placing a mattress on the cold leatherette.
   Just got out of the compartment in the morning. I fell into a deep, short sleep, but soon woke me up: train was approaching Moscow.
   My neighbors were about. They hurriedly piled things.
   I glanced at the "just Ella." Never have I been so disgusted with another soul and so disgusting to look at a woman with whom I was close. She, as if nothing had happened, sat downstairs, tinted eyelashes and eyeliner, not even looking in my direction.
   In memory of previous night came to me, and I shook his head, trying to let go of her dirty memories. Now I would like to train quickly came to the station.

Chapter 3.

   In Moscow, I did not stay long, though counting on the fact that I would serve in the capital: in fact on my prescription item was listed dislocation of the "Moscow".
   Part of some helpful staff, in search of which I spent the whole day obbivaya thresholds military commandant.
   Eventually, I got into the office to some colonel who took my prescription, and it immediately disappeared in a drawer of his desk.
   -   So t-ak, then Lieutenant Yakovlev? - Colonel said quietly, looking through my ID. - Idle, I see - it's good ... So-so.
   I do not understand where the oppression of Colonel, but a sixth sense told me that the more acquainted with my data for this military big polished table, the unenviable becomes my position.
   One of the telephones on his desk rang.
   Yes! - Colonel Rose tube. - Yes, Comrade Colonel General! Here, just here I have one candidate! - He looked at me. - Yes, so just go now.
   Colonel stood up, put on his cap and threw me
   -Come, as long as. Now I'm going to come back and report. Expect me and do not go anywhere.
   I stayed at the door of his office. By darting back and forth along the corridor colonels and generals, and my hand was tired and then give them the honor, although I answer no one greeted, and only occasionally saying, "Hello." I soon realized the futility and even stupidity of his "kozyryaniya" and got up just in case, face to the wall, as if something was studying.
   Finally, after quite a long absence appeared "my" Colonel.
   -Are you asleep or what? - Touched whether or slightly pushed my shoulder it. - Come into the office.
   I was back in front of his big polished table. He said something quickly "zacherkal" on paper and then called over the intercom, as I understood, secretary.
   -So, mate - turned, finally, he said to me - now you slap the paper, and you go.
   Where to? - I asked involuntarily.
   -Next! - Amazement and raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders and said the colonel, - on, my boy. - Suddenly he sfomilyarnichal. - Do not you know where you were?
   No, - I said, puzzled.
   -Whoa-ho-ho - Colonel lifted his head to the top, rolling his eyes - you have got, my young friend in an organization that sends och-h-ry away!
   -But I have something in the order was listed Moscow! - Puzzled I exclaimed.
   Ha ha, boy. Moscow - this is our shtabets. And so we have something zafutbolim you where we want.
   Yeah, but ... I'm not ready ... I do not want, where you want it. I did things with him-it did not take much. Thought - in Moscow will serve ...
   Well, first of all, my dear comrade, Lieutenant, you and no one asks, as we speak, ready or not ready to go somewhere you want the more you like it or not.You probably still do not understand because of their youth years that hit my friend in the army. In ar-mi-yu! But since much you had the honor to be here, it will perform what you ordered. In the army, the basis of everything - the order. Well, that with regards to your old things, I think they you should not be so much. The more that we tovarisch idle. That did not take - write home. Mom will send.
   -I have no mother! - Almost crying I said.
   Colonel suddenly stammered said knocked him thought, but he lost not long:
   - Well, no - no way. You never know what happens in the world. Somehow your problem will be solved ...
   -That's it, that somehow, Comrade Colonel! What should I do? You are zashlet me some holodryga, then? You want me to get sick there or oak gave? I did not warm things took, and forms part of the house left: not fit ...
   The colonel sat down and was silent and stared at me with big fish eyes bulging. Then he turned again selector:
   -Masha, Africa canceled - he zalistal some large pad on his desk. - Write down this fellow holiday for ten days .... T ak should, therefore, immediately write down the number of the arrival ... station, station, station .... A's, here found, write ...
   He said some name, and after a few minutes he handed me the documents brought by the secretary:
   -Here's your ticket selling for ten days: decide all their baggage questions, send things here at this address and the same will go there myself. Tickets and baggage do not lose - in terms of her you will pay ...
   -But, Comrade Colonel, I thought that I would serve in Moscow ...
   Colonel kicked me, personally escorting the elbow:
   -All that could help - holiday for ten days. Nothing else can do. Farewell, Comrade Lieutenant, and I do not advise you to start with the way you start it: with some claims. I can not, I will not! See, and you will quickly I will seek a place in the brig. Here we especially do not stand on ceremony, where the soldiers where the officer: time again - and Kings! And instead of ten days will leave ten days sunbathing on the bunk.
   He closed the door, and I was alone, left to itself, abandoned and thrown in the hallway with a run around the colonels and generals.
   -Goat! - Took hold of me impotent rage attack.
   Of course, I cheated Colonel, saying that did not take a thing, though, and he is not able to understand why it did. But now I had ten days of freedom before Boden routine service and, most importantly, continue lying frightening unknown destiny that prepared me clearly honey cake. At the same time eerily like to know more, that he is there to talk about Africa. But with this, I was already too late, and now did not know whether to be glad or sorry that all happened. We had to admit to myself that I previously could not believe that I'll stay in the capital to serve, too fabulously well then it would be the beginning of my officer's life ...
   Taxi driver long twisted me around Moscow until I finally rebelled:
   Hey, Uncle, do not you think that we lost?
   After this remark in less than five minutes, as I was walking out of the car at the station. I gave him half of what he dashed off with me, and he did not even outraged.
   We have not had time to drive like a car stuck wanting to leave immediately, I barely broke through their ring.
   The people at the station were many, very many. Just kind of dam of human bodies. In waiting rooms was packed. Urns were filled with heaps of garbage, cleaning ladies, apparently, did not have time to clean the floors, and despite the hot, dry weather, the station was stinking mud and slush.
   I went down to the storage chamber, where he had left his impossibly bags, and then very long dragged them into the luggage compartment, where they handed over to the station to send their future destination. For the amount that took me for luggage cashier, I realized that it was very far away.
   Evening namuchavshis, natolkavshis in line for tickets, I left Moscow, I went to the city where lost everything, and no longer yearned to return ever again.What was calling that lured me there after so many troubles once leaned on me there for such a short time? I could not answer, but only with some crazy joy was hoping that if I prove it, and lost all my back.
   These ten suddenly befallen me like manna from heaven, the day suddenly had turned my head as a nice light champagne, and now it seemed that everyone is sure to be good. I so wanted this. I was so hoping that happiness suddenly jump out from somewhere in the ambush, where it turns out, has long waited for me to continue my life suddenly becomes like a fairy tale, easy and carefree. I wanted so much to believe that here, maybe with this wonderful scene, my fate will flow quite a different course, and the old problems and concerns remain somewhere in the past, bad memories, and nothing will be sadden my happy life. After all, I also have every right to be happy, just like so many people around me ...
   The next morning, I was already there, where my heart was torn. Here nothing has changed. And what could happen to the city for one month? Although ...
   Immediately I went to the station to Veronica, not even knowing what to say to her at the meeting. In my heart there was nothing left of it except for a few fleeting images and vague intimate experiences that have never before held me close to a woman. Yes, what happened to us .... X hile after what happened to me during this month, held in the village, all that we've been through with Veronica, now seemed like child's play. All except one. What happened in the church ...
   Veronica was not home. Nobody never opened the door of her apartment. And I wandered under the house, wondering where she could now got lost, and secretly still hoping that will certainly meet her. It all ended so that Veronique and I did not wait, but rather saw a familiar face, however, has not been able to remember where is that I ever see him.
   I went to the guy who was walking past like, but at the same time seems to be going to go to one of the entrances to the house.
   Hi! - I said, holding out his hand and painfully while trying to remember when and where we met with him, and who he was.
   -Wow! - He replied without much enthusiasm, noticing me before, but pretending that it happened just now. - To akimi destinies?
   -Yes, that's - I answered vaguely, thinking that we can communicate with him.
   And then I looked straight into his bottomless eyes, and with a piercing clarity appeared to me that night at the restaurant where I saw them once already.
   Listen, do not know where Veronica? - I asked immediately, if only yesterday with him sitting in the gateway and clicked seeds.
   Veronica? - He drawled. - T internally do not know, but somewhere on a cruise.
   -In what other cruise? - I was surprised.
   -Internationally, Behemoth together. He dragged her along.
   -Yes, that, come back soon, probably .... But in general, I do not know ...
   -Where are you going? - I asked.
   -Oh, I walk past.
   Past-all .... And actually, I'm home now. And where are you?
   Yes I do not know .... Veronica X calving see here. And now ...
   Now I remember his name: Gladyshev. Exactly, exactly, that is how I presented that day Veronica: Gladyshev. He writes poetry and even wrote to me then a few souvenirs. Where once they got lost? And now even offended. Strange type. That's just his name I do not remember.
   Well, let's go to my house - suddenly suddenly offered Gladyshev like guessing that I had nowhere to go.
   -What are you walking like that, go and all to suggest me to go to your house, quite by chance I met? - In any case, I asked.
   -No, it's good, of course, that I saw you, but you know .... I now have such a state that I just need someone to ... well, someone's presence. I still would invite someone .... P oydem?
   He asked this question so that I do not understand why became uncomfortable.
   - Well, let's go - I agreed. Go in this town now I was no longer to anyone.
   Gladyshev went a little ahead of me, and I could not catch up with him, besides not knowing where, strictly speaking, have to go. We looped quarterly twenty minutes, having gone too far from the house of Veronica. Gladyshev all the time there was silence, hunched intently and thoughtfully, as if no one near him and was not.At times, for some reason he strongly resembled a crazy maniac, focus your mind on a single obsession that she suddenly swam out to the side in his clouded mind, without waiting for the very purpose of the way. Then I suddenly somehow done terrible, but I still kept going doomed after him.
   Finally, when I think and stopped paying attention to where I actually am, we were in the flat at Gladyshev. Anyway, he opened the door with his key.
   Inviting me to sit down on the sofa in the great room, Gladyshev toward the kitchen. However, I did not get his offer and began to study the abode of his family. However, nothing special I have not found, but sumptuous furnishings, luxurious library and some other signs I made some conclusions about his parents.Anyway, the people they were supposed to be educated and fairly close to that to be considered a wealthy background on general poverty of our people. However, because I could be wrong ...
   Gladyshev called me into the kitchen, where he made tea
   Sipping hot cups with meager sips, I casually put to dispel unease within yourself, if only I then came here to nalopatsya jam and cake with tea:
   -And I'm your poems still has ...
   -What kind of poetry? - Amazement raised an eyebrow over his fathomless eyes Gladyshev.
   - Well, the ones that you gave me in the restaurant ...
   A-ah - he waved his hand indifferently, as if we were talking about most of these trifles. - In ykin them.
   -What? - I did not understand, nearly scalded tea.
   -Throw - I say ... and better burn. So it will be right. Oh! - He suddenly raised his index finger as if to found a solution agonizing question.
   What: Oh! - I did not understand.
   -No, I was just about his. And in general, I do not write more poetry: they lack descriptiveness. Human language, even Russian - very cumbersome and unwieldy means of transmitting information. He loses a lot compared to the image and can only serve as a commentary on the main ideas of art media: image. And now because I do not write poetry, but I draw the picture.
   -Pictures! - I almost dropped the cup from his hands.
   Yes, the picture, and what? Come, I'll show ...
   We went through the great room and ended up in a small little room. There were absolutely no furniture. On the floor littered in scattered sheets of paper and a linen cloth pieces. Them something was daubed. On the walls were hung too most incredible way sheets of paper and cloth, apparently the fact that Gladyshev called paintings. Midst of all this there were several easels, ready for work, lay tubes and jars of paint, palette, paint dry.
   -That's all I drew - my room looked host picky, appraising look.
   -But what? - My eyes did not find anything particularly noteworthy. Everywhere was a strange scribble. I even felt sorry that bad, maybe not quite versed in contemporary art and painting.
   -Now, now, - said Gladyshev and began to look for something on the floor, raking kicks canvases and sheets of paper with their strange creations.
   In his hands, one after another appeared several tubes and potbellied colognes sprayers. He dumped it all on the stool, then dug around a large bottle with a clear liquid, and squeezing in sprays paint from tubov, it dilutes them, stirring occasionally with an old toothbrush.
   -Now, now, Gladyshev repeated, as if trying to persuade me to wait a bit.
   Jerky motion, he turned to his easel so that he almost fell from his tripod, and then, grabbing one and then another spray and began to pour out of their canvas, making colorful spots like blots. Soon the whole body were filled with them. Gladyshev then stopped suddenly, put his hand in the face, stepped back a little and looked at a few minutes it happened. Then in his hand appeared a thick black marker, and he began to draw something on top of all this stucco.
   The room smelled unbearably whether ether, or any other volatile rubbish.
   Listen, even open a window or something: breathe - I asked him.
   He looked at me, not knowing exactly where it took me here, then went to the window and opened it wide.
   Burst into the room fresh air, which soon supplanted the pungent smell made me dizzy.
   Gladyshev back to the canvas, palette and took, preventing paint brush continued to work. About twenty minutes later he walked away from his work, I understand that it was impossible.
   -Look here! - He told me. - See this? This is called "Flying winged cockroach time neighbor's wife and her lover."
   Gladyshev swung threw a brush at the corner where stood a pile of painted similarly paper and canvas. "Nonsense - I thought. - T internally, clinked guy! "In my mind began to come old conversation in a restaurant.
   -And why would you?
   What is what? - Asked me Gladyshev.
   -Why did you draw that?
   -And you that I do not like?
   I do not know. Somehow unclear. In my opinion this "picture" can prishpanderit any inscription, and it will fit.
   -So what?
   -Like what? Is that correct?
   -Oh, you anything you do not understand a painting. It is important because it can not prishpanderit, and I called the picture at its inception, as I wanted to call it.
   "Well, just crazy" - I n odtverdil my guess, and the feeling of presence in a quiet insanity, capable of a sudden, one energetic explosion turn into a riot, I became sick.
   Did not have time to slip into my mind the thought, as Gladyshev was moved, collecting middle of the room a huge pile of his scattered to all corners of works.
   - Hey, what about poetry? - I asked, to ask something. Any bad feeling nightmare zaterebilo my soul, and all the animal instincts that existed in me, began to demand that I ran away. And as quickly as possible.
   -To hell with poetry! The hell! - Gladyshev again seemed obsessed as when we walked down the street. He obviously inflamed. - I like Nero, I like Nero.Please destroy, and then describe the process of destruction, witness it ...
   What are you gonna do? - More scared me.
   -Man is not capable of true poetry. He just sort of shabby real poet. Element can only write poetry! Suppose she writes them! And I'll write her portrait.
   What are you gonna do?! - More louder I yelled, referring to the Gladyshev furiously raking in a bunch of his paintings. But he did not hear me, and continued to do so.
   Suddenly he recoiled from the resulting heap and tossed on top easel with just the created picture, went to another, and again began to pour it out of sprayers.Then immediately bubbles flew there, in a pile. There also pleased and a bottle of solvent.
   Gladyshev took the palette long sought brush, and finding it came to me, took a cigarette from his shirt pocket, put it in his teeth.
   -On, hold! - He gave me a free hand box of matches.
   -What? - I did not understand, feeling that my face was written fright, and he likes to watch.
   -Give me a light! - He shouted, motioning that I lit a match.
   I struck a match on the box, put it to the cigarette in his mouth. But he did not podkuril her, and took a match from my fingers, crossed the room to the pile and put it to the overlying freshly drawn whole picture.
   She immediately broke out, still soaked with solvent. Glancing at me, laughed wildly Gladyshev:
   -I will be painting a portrait of the poet, and you will be my gratitude to the audience!
   I have not had time to recover, as the flames engulfed with all the agility and liveliness pile.
   What are you doing, you idiot? - I exclaimed, but Gladyshev calm, almost slowly walked to the easel and took up his brush.
   -Idiot, what are you, crazy? - I rushed up to him.
   Room already filled with acrid smoke from which zapershilo throat. Now the flame separates us from saving doors. I tried to grab and drag Gladysheva to the window, but he just a madman with a force pushed me away and went back to the easel. A few seconds later my confusion smoke hid it from me, and from animal terror engulfed me I could not figure out what to do.
   However, apparently some training and discipline in times of danger, graft in military school, made me get my thoughts together and take action to his rescue, has nothing on without interruption. I rushed through the smoke to remember the window, found an opening and leaned out. But my eyes shrouded suffocating, pungent, corrosive smoke mucous membranes. I could see nothing, so I figured that jump down more or less successfully fail. Get off too. There was only one, at first glance the most insane, but in fact the only true and salutary: to break through to the output through the flames. And it is already being buzzed and crackled through the smoke, have already reached the linoleum and floor boards.
   Cover with top shirt, I rushed into the smoke toward the heat, already down dale, but then stumbled upon Gladyshev and together with him and his easel fell to the floor ...

Chapter 5.

   Gladyshev fumbled beneath me. I also tried to get up, choking smoke. But we got in each other until peals in hand.
   Climbing up, I felt the wall and made his way to her, feeling through the acrid haze of smoke hot flame. I groped for the door jamb, climbed over the threshold and slammed it behind him.
   In the room where I was, too, was filled with fumes. I gave her a look, imagining that she is about to be on fire. "But where Gladyshev?" - Struck me suddenly thought. I suddenly realized, as he burns in the fire, and opened the door again to call him. In person I have smelled burning flames that broke out. The door on the other side has already started to burn. The paint on her blackened and bubbled.
   -Gladyshev! - I cried, it was urine. - Gladyshev!
   What's going on here? - There was suddenly behind me indignant voice.
   I turned around and slammed the door. Some strange woman stood in the doorway and looked at me with eyes wide open, rounded indignation.
   There-s .... T .... T am fire! - Only I could say, pointing to the door.
   -With what reason?! - Suddenly screamed hysterically aunt, even jumping on their short legs and thick with indignation. - With what etoyu static?
   -Up with any! - I replied and added, again pointing to the door. - Ther ... Gladyshev
   Most likely, it was his mother.
   What-oh-oh?! - She yelled. - To araul! Save! Save! - And rushed to me, or rather, to the door.
   Legs carried me to the other side, and when the woman opened the door already burning, her heart-rending cries, "Oh, Woy Woy, Woy Woy!" - Heard on the stairs, almost tumbled way down, taking off from the apartment with valivshim the stairwell smoke.
   Popped up on the street, I looked up. Gladyshev hung on a drainpipe, sooty and grimy, staring anxiously at the window, from which it was beaten out with the smoke of the flames, then down to the ground, to which was too far to go.
   -Gladyshev! You're a jerk, you know?! Moron! - What was the strength I cried.
   He rolled his eyes at me with his, as if seen for the first time, making his frightened face was amusing until you drop, but made me, shocked incurred only new attack seething rage.
   -What, goat, Zenk bugged? - I cried, so I go to the strange jargon.
   Meanwhile, on the street onlookers began to gather. Some have long attracted smoke, knocked down from the window, the other came to my cries.
   Here from the nearby steaming window, opening it, popped the very aunt that was in an apartment in such a bad time.
   -Sonny! Sonny, what's wrong? - She yelled bad voice, and the whole crowd that surrounded me, lifted her head up.
   Mama! - And could only answer her Gladyshev.
   "You bastard!" - I thought and began to wade through the crowd, apparently felt that to be here I do not need more, and even dangerous.
   -Keep, keep it! - There was a shriek at the top of her aunt.
   I turned and saw her index finger aimed directly at me, "Why?" - Flashed through my mind perplexed thought, but my feet have accelerated their movement. - "What if the donkey to some really erratic behavior to grab me?!"
   -Hold it! - Aunt kept yelling, loud coughing in the smoke (now he was already two windows at once).
   I even picked up his pace, and then ran. But for me like no one chased, and a block away, I realized that the danger was over, and went a step.
   I'm so tired of everything that happens to me, that now was finally defeated and depressed. Besides, it went in the evening, and I do not know now where I perch oneself. Somewhere in the depths of my mind a half an hour ago, cherished the hope that there will stay with Gladyshev. But now, the way there was booked, and most Gladishev will not sleep now, and especially not to the guests.
   Night was falling, and I wandered aimlessly through the city, not knowing what to do now. Nothing better to do I went to on the way of shops, although food from afar deterred by long queues. Several times I went to the cafe, and depart from there, I thought what I'd do if I did not fall on suddenly, as if from heaven, some wealth. "It is not from heaven," - said to myself, I, and my heart ached whenever nagging pain.
   I do not know how I found myself at the familiar brewpub, although not thought to think about it.
   Standing in front of his door, I felt as though soda, me toe to toe gradually but quickly filled some vague premonition. As if the dreams born of the memories become like iridescent bubbles float up somewhere, being born from the foam of nostalgia. However, something to beware kept me from being able to enter there.
   People came to the bar and out of it. Most were seasoned men, but some were younger, and even met the young guys. I stood in front of all hesitated, watching the struggle within ourselves the desire and fear of the unknown, of which suck in the stomach.
   Curiosity and subconscious sense of adventure, eventually won, and I stepped off the curb.
   Inside, everything was just a few months ago: the same faces, the same beer, the same small place to stand. When I finally took the beer and sausages and able to take your favorite table at which we have repeatedly used to sit with Ohromovym in a fun campaign, suddenly longing washed over my heart like a sudden wave washed over pebbles in complete calm. Everything around, all I'm doing now, it seemed pointless, and in a moment was empty and useless. Com stuck in his throat, a mistimed challenge from somewhere in the bowels of the body, and my fork long and aimlessly pick her pristine sausages.
   Gradually gave way to melancholy illusion expectations, and I thought that it would be very good, right nice if someone came here from friends, even Ohromov or the old man who first met me here.
   First, it was sweet and painfully, but later became empty, cold and boring. I knew that kid yourself that no one will come here. Nobody I have to wait here, and I'm quite - quite alone in the whole world and no one needs. And if I happen to die today, somewhere in the alley, then no one will even cry about me: my whole life - one loss, people meet on my way, but go like shadows, without stopping for a long time, and delay any of them make your real friend is beyond me, but because the whole world is taking shape very often illusory and unsteady, like a mirage. It seems then that the ground reality is about to float away from under my feet, as if I did not stand on it at all, and weigh without having any actual weight and opens an entirely different picture of some kind, more terrible, but so also more natural existence.Vessel that holds my life in itself, like water, is broken, and it will spread, will emerge in some other, unknown to me now space, and it will be scary.
   Someone touched me on the shoulder. I turned and saw her aunt, that from time immemorial gathered in this place dishes and wiping tables, wiping between drunken and arrogant men and became a rough and uncouth:
   -Hey, you - she swore relish, if skharknula - going to spend the night here, or what?
   I did not understand at first what it was she said, but turned around and saw that the bar was empty. Tables were empty and wiped clean, and just stood on my plate with intact dogs, fork scratched beyond recognition, and a mug of beer.
   Before I could blink an eye, my aunt, as if brushed, cleared the table and all this without letting me say a word, concluded:
   -Sewn-on, and that right now ogreyu cloth.
   I went out and immediately, almost snapped at my back door latch on the bar, I felt an acute attack of hunger and regretted that he had not had time to eat.
   The street was dark, lit windows in houses, here and there on the street lamps were lit bulb. Air quickly began to lose heat, recalling once again that summer is over, and soon became cool and even more than invigorating. A very few people hurry up his collar and zapahnuvshis to warm up their homes. And only occasionally passed, slowly walking, young, fashionable couple dressed for the weather, apparently specially gathered in the streets of the city to breathe the pleasant coolness of autumn beginning, but take a look at the shop windows, so different from their content, and maybe even feel would these evening hours in some other, happy and carefree, prosperous world.
   I wandered through the streets aimlessly already reeling not the first kilometer. In one of the dark places, in a vacant lot adjacent to the garage cooperatives, crazy fight, which was attended by at least fifty boys and men, armed with chains and sticks, knives and electrodes, nearly captured me in its sticky mess, and then my head first flashed regret that I went into this dark, dull quarters. Everything happened so fast and it was not clear at first so that suddenly around me have chased each other under floodlights from garages not close, and waving their chains and beaten with sticks and kicked the fallen down, tripping, cursing, screaming, moaning themselves toppled to the ground. As soon as I realized what was happening I suddenly, as immediately animal terror gripped my being because something heavy mono shock was now expected from either side at any moment.
   These brutal carnage between gangs of youngsters and older guys that were fighting each other for territory of influence, were known to me firsthand since childhood. I never participated in them, because they do not consist in gangs. But many of my childhood friends took a direct part in them, and because I knew that who fight never stayed before going to turn into chop bystanders E involuntary witnesses who are not with us - that you have to beat - that was the motto such landfills.
   Someone jumped me in glimpses of shadows and blinding spotlight and grabbed the hand, turned in the opposite direction. I have not seen, and almost guessed that I want to cover as a human shield, and therefore immediately ducked to the side. Behind me there was a groan, and on the shoulder slipped club. Grabbed me fingers opened, and I took to their heels as their legs, because I was not going at all wait for the next attack, which was probably intended to me. I turned to see that someone is chasing after me. Several times I ran into someone in the flashing of the shadows, but that ran seemingly even faster. Persecuted, apparently, took me to catch up and whack his club, and his steps hard and scary stomped behind me. Towards caught "canary", splattering into the darkness flashes blue rays of "flashers".Apparently, they were sent to the place of the fight, but none of the machines had not stopped to catch whoever was running, keeping up with me.
   I ran probably already half a kilometer along the dark streets and courtyards of the Deaf quarters, but my pursuer was stubborn, and steps behind me and knocked muffled hard as the inevitability of fate. My strength was waning. I just gasped. And then ran into one of the entrances first got home. Clicking the switch and the light out, I bullet up the stairs and stopped on the third floor, gasping from the rapid ascent. The house had an elevator, and I pressed the call button. She lit up in the dark red eye.
   Downstairs footsteps. Someone came to the porch, panting, stopped, but then faster than I expected, began to climb up the stairs. Soon there was a clatter somewhere nearby, and in the dim light I saw a subtle shadow of a man who rose to the site. He walked toward me, heading to the elevator shaft. It was dark, and my figure is unlikely to be seen. Apparently, he was just checking if not hid his victim in this dark alley.
   I stepped into the darkness, but at this time the elevator door opened, and a faint, dim light illuminated just me there.
   My pursuer stopped, probably taken aback by surprise. Although he was looking for me, but now something puzzled him, and so gave me courage and determination. The elevator doors were between us, but a little closer to me. After making a few quick movements, I jumped into the cab and pulled the first available button.
   The elevator doors were closed, but my pursuer came to his senses and put your number in between. Now I saw the face of a man who so relentlessly chased me. It was difficult to determine how much it actually years as fear drove every curiosity. However, it was a healthy lad. His face was no apparent rage and anger wry grimace, but that dull expression, and completely replace it, and another saying a lot, if not everything. "This, if it caught up, make sure you kill!" - Flashed through my mind like lightning. Went cold inside and there was a feeling that I was not alone with a man, a wild animal, predator, which by nature is alien mercy. It was useless to try to persuade. And could only defend themselves to the last.
   The elevator doors stumbled on a stick, the engine hummed and began to open again. It became obvious that now follow shot and attack and break into the elevator pursuer. And if he does, then I will come to an end. So I did not wait for such a denouement, the first strike, foot, tipped stick from opening doors, and the second with his fist, which was force jabbed in the face pursuer. Whether one of surprise, then it really fell off from the force of the blow to the opposite wall. The elevator doors closed, and I went up somewhere. "Well, now all - will not go away" - skvozanula cowardly thought. As if from the outset it was clear that this will not go away so.
   Having reached the top, I listened to the darkness, but nothing like the movement or steps are not heard. Steel elevator doors close automatically. I tripped leg. They opened again. The sound of their engine loudly echoed by the mine entrance.
   In my head, mature simple plan of salvation. We had to wait for the pursuer here and then, as soon as he appears, go down the elevator and down to tear or run to the next entrance. But time passed, and no one raised. Also gnashing and hum elevator doors, and then stumbling on my foot, nothing was heard.
   Still, it could not continue indefinitely, and, realizing that much at risk, and it would be better to be patient, I left the elevator and went to the stairwell.
   Weak light pierces the street from the dim street lights through the windows barely covered its entrance. But immediately ran into the eyes shadow of a man standing on the landing between floors. He apparently climbed very quiet, stealthily, and now waiting for my curiosity overpower patience. And wait! He was cunning, my stalker, and when the shadow darted to me on the stairs, then only I realized how underestimated his abilities hunter.
   I ran to the elevator, trying to understand the stupidity of all events. It does not happen! Why chase a complete stranger who you did nothing in the night? And he fought, that with acquaintances? This stranger - his sacrifice, his game! His prey, which he himself outlined, and now must by all means to overtake!
   In the most dangerous moments in life happens for some reason, as if in slow motion. These three steps to the elevator stretched into eternity, like rubber. I saw how slow the elevator doors closed, and realized that they were slammed shut in my face, and then .... P Otomi will be too late. I just will not have time to wait for the time when the doors open again, drop into the elevator, press the button and leave.
   And they closed in front of me. With a running start, I bumped into them all over, and flying away, contrived to press the call button, then turned, guessing in the shadows behind me jumped out a person's shadow.
   Pursuer was very close. Elevator reopened. And when he ran, swinging his drin over his shoulder to me sadanut backhand, I lunged, sitting on his knee, and put forward tough fist with the other hand, bent at the elbow, closed the top head. The assailant ran and stumbled stomach to my defense. I immediately stepped back, as if hand dragging him along, giving him run on, and shoved him into the elevator. Then quickly pulled on some of the buttons on the panel. Man crouched on the floor in the cockpit, apparently healthy ran into my fist, but still realize that I'm going to do, and tried to stop it, trying to hit me on the arm with a stick. I drew a number out of his hands, and he wanted to be as reliable whack him on the back. But the doors closed and the elevator went down somewhere.
   I rushed down the stairs to get ahead of your enemy, jumping three steps at the fourth. But still did not have time: on one of the floors of the way again my stalker. In my hand was his club. But something flashed in his hand in the twilight of the cold steel.
   With fear, I immediately turned around and, despite the fact that choked incessant bustle, playfully ran back upstairs. The guy I breathed back into the now. It seemed to me that he brandishes a knife and I was about to reach.
   At one of the sites I poked him with a reversal butt sticks that had the strength and pulled away so that at the top and managed to call the elevator met him on the edge of the stairs, preparing for the dangerous fight.
   -Oh, you asshole! E-ee! - I first heard his husky voice smoky and even surprised that up to this point we have all occurred silent. - I'll show you!
   His shadow jumps rapidly up the stairs, and I saw him again poking stick. He rebounded. But the next second my face whistled his hand. I missed this swing, but he did not get me. The next stroke of his hand, I hit the bottom with a knife foot, but missed, but now he grabbed my leg and wanted to stick a knife in it, but the same got me a severe blow on the head with a club, grabbed her hands and read dusk entrance cry foul language and abuse. My foot was free. I recoiled and then a run struck the face of the enemy, then, without giving him time to recover, inflicted several crushing blows on top of it the same stake on the head again, veiled hands, wondering how I can so brutally beaten man. But then he realized that it was all from the wild animal fear that all this time ran my body, making my mind for quite a lot of things instinctively. After all, he only what he wanted to kill me!
   I beat the enemy mercilessly where and how horrible, causing countless blows without stopping. Already, it would seem, he had to fall, or at least throw on the run. But he was still standing, and closing dodging the blows, as an experienced soldier, accustomed to such attacks. And suddenly I was born in and quickly started growing fear that now I exhale and stop its peel. And he will remain standing, and then it is his turn. This fear has crippled my great strength. My punches were for him that kicks fly Elephant. And suddenly I stopped, bound by this sudden revelation, trying to figure out what to do next.
   At the same moment the enemy took advantage of this, slashed at me with a knife and grabbed the hand of injured club. Wild pain shot through my body. I heard a crack. Not that it was straining the fabric of my clothes, not my skin is torn. Suddenly burst out of me some yelling, stunned myself and reverberated around the entrance together with glee and roar foe.
   I suddenly thought, now I cover. This is how! No way, no reason!
   In contrast with the thugs I had enough and one hit.
   Somehow alienating opponents or rather, pushed him, I rushed up the stairs, but tripped over a step and sat down on the stairs. As if specially for him it was more convenient to deal with me. Last strength left me quite suddenly, and I did not move, seeing as I need to be entered kick like the executioner's sword over the victim. All I could do was just throng side before it would have made me make an impact. And do not count hit me on the head and shoulder. My body pierced acute pain, took his hand. Then the attacker hit me three times in the left side of his chest with a knife thrice. But all three times the knife came in my wallet full of documents, papers and money, and only the third time came from the back side, poring over an inch in my body.
   I cried three times with, and fell backwards, thinking that now just came my such disgraceful, stupid and ugly end. Strange and contradictory thoughts swarming in my head.
   I was not scared, because the thought of death is no longer scary. I realized that I now really happen to die here, in a strange city, in a strange house, in a strange entrance. I only wished he trudged along the dark in these crazy neighborhoods unknown even for that, but then decided that I regret it now no longer has any sense, because nothing in this world no longer has any meaning for me. From the soul even to make some peace. Was somehow unusually quickly and quietly. I always suspected that ended his life as something bad. Talked about this and the many stupid events and accidents that made my life worthless and meaningless, absurd and sinful.
   And now all this was just a fluke, some unlucky accident, which could not be, and would be better if it was not. But it happened. And marked the end of my unlucky and offensive Zhiznenko.
   "We had to go with him to the world, when you had a gun," - sluggish I thought with some regret almost indifferent bystander. Only the pain of his wounds and shock still makes me feel something. But somewhere she swam, faded ...
   The guy tried to pull out his knife stuck in my wallet, which was in the pocket of the heart, I stepped foot on the chest heavy boot. I had to be at least if it does not hurt, it hurt from it, but I just watched him in silence. There was a feeling that I was watching a movie, and see it all from the outside, as it were, not from the body, and from somewhere nearby, from a simple space. As a spectator in a cinema. And everything was happening to me now kinokartinkoy some third party, without feeling, without feeling ...
   In the porch lights came on. Rang somewhere far footsteps and voices. The guy somehow frightened and looked at me, his face was genuine fear. He descended the stairs one floor below, for some reason stopped there, but soon I heard the rumble of his shoes, dipping lower and lower on the porch. Soon it was silence.
   Several floors below the elevator doors opened. I heard the voices of people. The door slammed, and all was quiet.
   In the bright porch now no one left but me, lying in the midst of a flight of stairs with a comically sticking out of his chest with a knife. He still went to the chest, and there was bleeding, forming beneath me for a whole mess. Wounded arm also bleeding from a long incised wound. Another, "otsushennaya" shoulder, too little stung. My body lay as if by itself, and the mind next, as if by itself, is almost not communicating with each other. "Nice evening ended" - I thought wryly. Tried somehow some way to move it. But it was not like mine.
   Again there was a noise. At this time the doors opened up, on the top floor. I once heard a child's voice startled thin:
   -Oh, Grandpa, Grandpa! Look! What's that?
   Single-Well, go home! - Old man's voice answered.
   Clicked and the door creaked, and everything was quiet again. After some time, the door creaked again. The bell rang, the clanging of the castle, a muffled whisper:
   Single-Well, neighbor, let's see. There is someone. Rubbish killed.
   Me down, bent over, and apparently noticed that I'm still alive.
   -Look like a knife sticking out! Wow, right in the heart! ..
   Yes, I see! You give better help me! Alive, it seems, kid!
   -At-y, heavy!
   -Come on, call someone else with neighbors ...
   -And what of it?
   To me, until ...
   Soon I was raised arms and carried.

Chapter 7.

   I woke up on some grass. I do not know how much time passed since the terror in the stairwell. In my eyes all a blur, and I only saw the silhouettes of people moving in front of me in a bright, blinding light to hurt.
   Eyesight was better, and I saw several doctors in white, leaning over me with some appliances, a bandage, and a syringe.
   -In general, do not worry - I heard someone calm, steady voice. - We ought to take him to the hospital, but it would be better not to touch. Rana something trifling, but ...
   -I understand, I understand ...
   -You called the police?
   Yes, with you, but that's something to be seen.
   -Well, will have to wait - now I see what the doctor says. He turned to his partner. - Well, we'll take?
   -And what it take? - She said, looking me in the eye. - He's over - already awake. Oklemaetsya tomorrow, the next day on her feet.
   Yes, but .... And you tell him who will? - I realized that the doctor refers to someone from the owners of the apartment, which stood somewhere behind my headboard.
   Yes anyone in general. I first saw it. So just regret person. Joke - lies on the stairs with a knife in his chest. How was still alive!
   Well, then you have to take - shrugged doctor.
   -Where to take? - The doctor stared at him astonished eyes, as if wondering what he does not understand something. - Vaughn told people that he could leave at.
   The doctor looked down and gestured to someone behind me.
   -Yes, - came the answer vague shamkane. - Yes, if you like, but why not ...
   Well, that's great! - Entered into a woman and turned to leave.
   -Wait! - Straightened her doctor. - Wait, one must at least wait for the police, the conclusion to give.
   -And what is there to give? Here - The doctor removed the bag from his bag and began to scratch something on it handle. Five minutes later she handed the doctor a piece. - This is our conclusion. All right, let's go.
   They went out, and I now saw the landlord, who went to accompany them. Soon he came to me, and I saw an older man, but have not yet old. He looked at me closely and asked:
   -How are you, man? As you ugorazdilo?
   -I do not know - I would shrug, but a sharp pain shot through the body, and an involuntary moan escaped from his chest.
   -Yes, you lie, lie, - the landlord did stopping motion with his hand.
   -No need to call the police - I said quietly.
   Why? - He was amazed.
   Do not.
   Yes, but how does all this ...
   -Why did not they take me to the hospital?
   -I do not know, I do not know. Who now understand? Here, asked to leave .... X hile had to take, - man hesitated, but then asked. - And you yourself, where do you live? Maybe your parents call to report what happened to you?
   -No, I'm not a local.
   -And how did you get in trouble? What are you in it?
   -But you never know what happens ...
   -True-true. So you're saying, do not call the police?
   Do not.
   -Well, lie down until ...
   The next day I felt much better and was able to view his body. The wound was at the heart, but only slightly deep, already clotted blood on top. I asked the man, that he tied on a new bandage dismounting. And then become acquainted.
   Owner called Sergey. He had two children. He was about sixty years old, but he looked more remarkably young for his age. The children were quite small.Sergey explained that it was the children of his daughter, and where she is, I did not understand.
   On the third day I got up and began to walk, although the wound and bruised arm still ached. When the landlord was away somewhere, asking me to look after the kids, I looked around the room. Their decor was woefully poor, on the balcony, where I wanted to go out, hung strange skins and skins of different kinds. Not without disgust distaste I examined them, but did not understand, from what animal they are removed.
   Shortly before noon came Sergey brought apples to children, and we sat down to eat some gruel cooked rough male hands. At the table, I accidentally asked the origin of skins and nearly ruined his appetite to learn that they are a dog.
   -I work for dog lovers - munching a piece of tough meat, said Sergey, and I at the same time the feeling that we eat sobachatiny. - Want to see how we catch them?
   -I want - I said hesitantly, not knowing, I want it or not.
   -Well, then, in the evening ...
   When his granddaughter, brother and sister were already in bed and fast asleep, he asked:
   -How do you feel? Can you walk?
   I nodded in agreement.
   Then go. On, Naquin it - he threw me some sacking of canvas, something like a short cloak with a hood.
   I got dressed, we left the apartment, carefully closing the door, went downstairs and sat on the bench.
   -What's next - I asked.
   -Now, now. The machine should drive.
   Ten minutes later, in the still of the night was the sound of the engine, and drove up to the entrance of the van. We sat in the cockpit. Sergey greeted with a young driver, maybe a little older than me by age:
   -Hello, Zhorik you ruzhzho picked?
   -And how! Hello, Sergey, who's this?
   -This is us, mate. Come on.
   -Where to now?
   On-dump - he called the district, and while we were crossing it told a story, or invented them, then there really is what happened:
   "At the dump, calumny: every autumn such a pack of dogs going past that you dare not go. What attracts them there - is not clear, because the pile piece of iron and nothing else.
   Whether in the past, whether in the year before the guy took the girl back - well, everybody knows, what led. So, for them there dog attacked. The girl managed to escape something, she called for help. From the guy horns and legs remained. Only one shoe and found. In the evening, there better not to fall. "
   -Do dogs can eat human? - I was surprised and felt goose bumps on the back of large
   -What's so surprising?
   -Well, it's not a wolf, still ...
   Why not a wolf? - Chimed in Zhorik. - They're wild. Forests and run with the wolves, there are mixed blood. Obtained polusobaki-poluvolki - a wild beast, a man not afraid and ruthless, bloodthirsty wolf will pohlesche all.
   Well, if so, then it is right for a disaster and that we should fight - I said uncertainly.
   -And what are we doing? - Said Sergey.
   -No, - I shook my head - not so. It is necessary to declare a real war stray dogs, and let all the inhabitants of the city, how can they destroy.
   -Oh-oo! - Skeptical, ironic handed Jora vigorously driving machine. - If you say too! Not so scary. We are quite enough. Or do we want to leave without a job? - He laughed indulgently at my naive suggestion.
   Nothing, I do not want to. Who am I?
   Soon we were on the outskirts of the city. Street ended suddenly, and the car bounced along the bumpy primer. Leaving the garden-wildings we saw in the dark ahead of strange juggling torches.
   As it turned out they were teenagers, the boys of secondary school age. They hid behind the dilapidated fence with break out and threw a pile of crumpled, piled on each other automotive booths bottles filled with gasoline, plugged burning rags and resinous torch wound on long sticks.
   Bottles fought among iron spreads fires flared, illuminating flashes of purple skeletons of cars, and there is sometimes as ghosts, shadows appear dogs, heard screams and roar.
   Hey, guys, you're INTO going on here? - Approached them Sergey, in one hand a rifle at the ready, and the other something like a network.
   Dogs-kill - in a simple answer one of them.
   -In, seen pomoschnichkov? - Turned to Sergey who became close to him Jaurиs, who also had a gun. His face shone in the glow of the flame evil smile with which he suddenly rushed at the boys. - Well, the march here, kids!
   Boys burst out in different directions, disappearing into the darkness, and soon there were heard in response offensive curses to "bad guys." Sergey raised rifle to his shoulder and moved his trunk from side to side, threatening prikriknuv:
   -I am not kidding! Now someone finish badly!
   More convincing, rapidly rotating arm and almost without taking aim, he fired into a standing ten meters, the fence bucket that ignited densely chadyaschie soot.
   Voice from the darkness subsided.
   That is, the same-! - Summed up the victory Sergey. - And then there heads to the dog's skin to spoil! I'll show you! .. Punks. On, hold on! - He threw me the network and it is disclosed in flight perforated shadow enveloped me with his head. - Will you throw a dog, and when she gets confused - there is a special cable - tightening in the bag and refer to the booth.
   Get out of the net, I angrily looked at Sergei Vasilievich, but he apparently understood this in its opinion:
   Or scared? Then get in the cab and ...
   -No, I am not afraid! - I blurted out, trying to make him understand my mood.
   Well, if so - gone - it does not seem to have touched my words.
   Jora included a huge flashlight and they climbed over the fence, flashes of flame illumined.
   I followed them, trying to keep up. I suddenly became afraid for their health and life, had only thought that suddenly fly out of the darkness and hvatanet leg some rabid dog.
   Scrap loomed right and left piles of dark, among which in some places still waning gasoline and set fire to them trash. Occasionally the glow of the flame in the lantern light and that kept Jora flashed dog frantically scheryas born and pursing tails.
   Sergey and then lifted his rifle, but for some reason did not shoot. Jora cautiously crept close to him, I followed behind.
   Suddenly, from behind, behind my back a muffled roar, and shiver swept over my body. I wanted to ask Jora there shone a flashlight, but did not dare, afraid to be mocked of men.
   We continued to wade deeper into the landfill, as suddenly roar sounded very close. Here already I could not resist:
   -Jora, shine here! - I asked.
   Jora turned to me and in the light beam from the darkness drew a whole pack of dogs like jackals burgled behind us in the dark. Ahead of its size had a dog like a wolf, and only a dark stripe on the face and back made her different from him.
   Flashlight blinded dogs, and they stopped five feet from me. Their leader was lifted foreleg and going, apparently, rush forward. The rest surrounded him tight semicircle behind, waiting to see what it will take.
   -Uh, how many of you lot! - Sergey said in surprise, turning too. - I have ammo and not enough at all.
   The leader stepped forward, closer to me, and I involuntarily stepped back, stumbled on Zhora. He led flashlight around and whistling said
   Listen, Serge, yes they surrounded us directly.
   -Well, yes?
   Yes, see for yourself!
   Sergey snatched Gergs lantern, and I was in the dark again. Scary dog ??was somewhere close by, and I had nothing more to wait, every second that she can throw at me.
   Ray spotlit gleaned from several sides of crumpled metal and debris coming down from the heaped piles of bodies and cabs dogs. They crept silently, and if this can be believed, then I would have thought that these hungry homeless tramps acted in collusion in advance.
   -Uh, yes there smells like kerosene! - In skrichal Sergey. - Look, what's happening!
   I thought his voice quivered.
   -You should not have lit the gasoline! - Complained to him in response Jora.
   A-ah, hell! What's going on here!
   Feeling that the huge dog very close, I backed away again.
   -What? - To ask me Jora.
   Ta dog, it very close!
   -Serge, Come on, shine!
   Flashlight slid to us, and we saw that the leader of a foot away from us ready to jump.
   -Oh, you bitch! - Jora threw up his rifle and fired from his belt already when the huge carcass of a threatening growl, rather reminiscent of the roar of a wild beast off the ground.
   There was a deafening screech. In the light of a lantern flashed somewhere near the white belly of the animal with crimson laceration. We Zhoroj recoiled in hand, dog, flying, fell head over heels a little farther from where I had been standing.
   Shoot, shoot, Serge! - I heard a voice from the darkness Jora.
   Ray danced on the ground, trying to catch methane squealing dog. A shot rang out. Then another shot Jora. Squeals stopped. The leader stopped moving.Somewhere far rumblings firing subsided.
   -All I frantically! - Admitted Jora and reloading rifle, rushed into the darkness. - Shine, Serge!
   Was seen as a dog run away from it, and those that lingered, he shot straight at his feet. Roar of shots, screeching dogs, shine and flame silhouettes flickering in the beam of light come together in one mess.
   -Jora, finish! - Sergey shouted. - It's time to get to work.
   But the shots continued to rumble, squeal interrupting many a wounded, injured and dying animals, distributed all around the frets.
   -Do you hear what I'm saying?! - Abnormal voice yelled Sergey.
   Jora came up to us and he shined a flashlight in his face:
   -Are you crazy?
   -No, in general.
   -And what palish as pridurochny?
   -And that they are arrogant, creatures!
   -So, all calm down, let's work.
   We began to wander, looking for dogs and their network of catching one and in groups. They showed me how to do it, and I did this under the supervision of Sergei Vasilyevich and Jora threw the second, the exact same network.
   Dogs are no longer snapped and strongly tried to escape it, and, once in a beam of light, turn tail and pressed to the ground, terrified occurred. Without much effort, we managed to catch and fill their van with three dozen.
   When it drew to a close, I walked into the bushes and stood to recover, suddenly heard behind him quite clearly that roar again, from which cold shiver crept over my body. Speechless with horror, I turned around in the dark, but saw nothing. Sergey and Zhora were somewhere in the wilds of the landfill, far away to help me at least something.
   Beside himself with terror, I took to their heels, straight ahead through the bushes. Gripped by fear, coming on the heels of me, I could not make out the road, and it seemed to me that the huge dog panting relentlessly hear behind me.
   Running through the forest plantations, I crossed a plowed field, drowning in fresh, soft plowed field, gaining ground in running shoes, and now and then stumbling and falling. Angry growl and pant were echoing ringing in my ears.
   The darkness around bushes and roads changed rare lights in the windows of private houses, then ghostly lit quarters, dark streets and courtyards of the city, but I was rushing forward, unable to stop without feeling fatigue or shortness of breath. I had to turn back, but fear is not allowed to do so.
   In the end, made me hard in the cemetery, and I immediately realized the fear that my way between the graves and ride through their fences. When I realized this, the cold horror, like a well-aimed arrow shot from the darkness of the night, pierced my heart, and the odd drop fascinated me. Only when it was too late, I realized that I fall into some hole.
   Hitting his head on something, I lost consciousness, as if I was completely disconnected from the outside world as useless machine.
   Waking up, I saw that I was lying in a ridiculous pose in the bottom of some pits. Memory and it's what happened to me last night, and only with difficulty climbing up the steep and slippery mud wall, I realized that I had fallen into a freshly dug grave, and remembered how it happened.
   As soon as I got out of the pit, as immediately discovered that this place is familiar to me. But why it is familiar to me, the memory provided to answer.
   Day came very quickly, and I stood and stood at the freshly dug grave at the crossroads of two paths cemetery standing and struggled, and simply could not remember where did I know this place.
   People around becoming more and more as if it was any park or public garden in the city center, and not the cemetery. Soon there were so many people that they have to push me, and then brushing.
   -Come on, move, man! - Sounded behind me, and I saw a squat unpretentious guy with a beard who was in a brightly colored sweater flannel shirt and cheesy dog ??hat, despite the still rather warm weather. A guy came right at me, waving his hand in front of him.
   For the guy was a procession, carrying wreaths and portraits, and then it dawned on me that a funeral, the deceased and that somehow I know very well.
   -Who is buried? - I asked, but the guy just pushed me with his five fingers in a healthy direction, clearing the way to the grave.
   Then I began to look into the face of the portraits that were carrying lament wailing, but still continues to move forward on a woman's legs gave way and old women in black shawls and scarves. However, I consider the picture for a long time could not, because she then disappeared behind someone's back, and jumped, and then suddenly and completely lost the clear outline, and I was also distracted by other small details of what is happening.
   Suddenly, quite clearly I dreamed my mother's face. It was on these portraits, but rubbing his eyes in horror, I suddenly saw a person is Veronica, and then it turned to face her friend.
   And here I was like lightning proshiblo because I remembered how I know this place. Yes, it is here, at the tomb of her dead boyfriend let me down last summer, Veronica, telling terrible and bears little resemblance to the truth the story of his death. But why now the tomb was empty and fresh, as if it only recently dug up? Is it decided to rebury?
   Procession approached the pit and put red with a black coffin next to her on two stools. Began to come roaring violently woman hugging a corpse, kissing him on the forehead.
   -Come on, say goodbye! - I heard his ear advice uttered such a pleasant friendly tone of voice, that I involuntarily turned to see who it might be.
   It was an old man in a frock coat and hat as old-cylinder under the rather narrow field which looked at me green, prickly, bright glowing eyes. Red mustache stood uncomfortably on his pale as chalk face and reminded application on a child's drawing on paper.
   -Come on, say goodbye! - Again advised me eerily strange type of welcoming.
   Somehow, I followed his advice, but closer to the coffin, with horror I saw myself lying in it.
   -Say goodbye to the dead! - Aggressively pursued my hearing a friendly voice.
   As if hypnotized, I leaned over to the dead man, but now his face was not like mine.
   -Kiss, kiss! - Was heard behind, and in the same moment, when my lips were already quite close to densely yellow skin of the deceased, I dreamed again, it was me lying in a coffin.
   I recoiled, staggered back and saw a man in a bowler hat looking at me, baring his teeth in a dazzling smile.
   What are you afraid of? - He asked. - Come to me, now!
   At the same moment a cold horror lightning pierced my body, because the leg, stepping, not stood on solid ground, and I fell back somewhere. Turning around in the fall, I only had time to see that fall into the same freshly dug grave that had been prepared for the deceased.
   Falling back, I painfully hit, and then a voice from above "red whiskers":
   Come on-hand.
   He held out his hand towards me, and she began to lengthen, by reaching soon bony, skinny five fingers up to my throat. Taking him, he pulled me up. I cried out in terror, increased by the fact that people around, totally oblivious to what is happening, continued to bury the coffin with unknown whose body.
   -It's your dead! - Told me to type with a red mustache. - Look, it is lowered into the grave!
   He grabbed me by the shoulders and easily tossed back into the pit. I fell on the coffin lid boarded and felt like clods of earth fell from the top.
   I do not want, do not want to! - Escaped from my throat, and I woke up from a nightmare ...
   It was already morning. In the pit, where I was standing still twilight, but the sky above my head already brightened.
   I was surprised that had happened, but could not remember what happened last night. My head was buzzing as a copper pot.
   It took me a long time to get out of a two-meter pit. Around me really was the cemetery, most cemetery where we once were with Veronica, and was buried where her boyfriend.
   Place around the freshly dug grave seemed very familiar, and I felt shivers run down his back when he found out, but it quickly realized that the pit was dug, then in the very place where he was buried the same Athanasius. Strange memories of coincidences pursuing me suddenly flooded, filling my mind, squeezing on the forehead cold, great drops of sweat, and I thought I was going crazy. Strange nightmares past holiday did not want to let me go, and close on the heels, following me all the time in life.
   I suddenly wonder, as I'm still holding on and not died or, indeed, not crazy.
   Past chased me, bridled time, and when overtaken, under the wheels of the carriage his rollicking enveloped me from head to foot cold muck sticky, penetrating into the most secret depths of the soul mortal terror.

Chapter 9.

   Something prompted me now urgently call Veronica and I started painfully remember whether she had the phone and what's his number.
   To do so and failed, but anxious, plaintive chest deep longing question back whether or not it - gave me no rest.
   Aimlessly, not knowing where, I walked all in disarray. And in her grief was not noticed as soon found somewhere in the city, in an area that seemed to me at first, even strangers. But as soon as I got to know him as my feet went themselves, carrying me forward. And soon I found myself in front of a gray nondescript five-story building, in one of the apartments which was born and maybe even my kindled, perhaps, the strongest, with all of the brevity and dazzling radiance happy, love.
   Now I could not hold back his excitement, soared up the stairs and found myself on the ground near her door. His heart pounded in his chest, not letting hear what's going on in the apartment. With bated breath, why echoing his punches began to be heard in the head itself, in the temples, I knocked.
   Echo knocking my door resounded in the empty entrance, sad and lonely, and was quiet, not waiting for an answer. I knocked again and again, but all my attempts were without result.
   Long I stood at the door, feeling like everything falls in the shower, then went walking slowly step by step.
   Suddenly there was a click behind him, and opened the door to the apartment of Veronica. On the threshold stood a woman unknown to me and stared into my back.
   -Excuse me, but Veronica home? - Suddenly find themselves patter I blurted, as if fearing that an elderly lady disappears like a ghost, and at the same time trying to figure out who she can account for the girl.
   The woman did not answer me, and all without blinking, like a snake, still looking at me with his bulging eyes bulging.
   I stammered in confusion, not understanding the reason for her strange behavior.
   -What do you want? - Maybe he had not heard, addressed me familiarly, almost insulting, aunt.
   -Veronica, please ask to get out! - Deliberately, I politely asked, trying to speak loudly, but do not yell.
   -And it is probably no, - the woman said indifferently.
   How not?
   A so. Former owners moved out here a few days ago. I live here now.
   Fascinated by the conversation and was surprised to hear I did not notice how it rose again to the site. Type I, apparently, was incredulous, and maybe that's why she offered me:
   Yes you, my son, Go, if you do not believe. Pass, see for yourself.
   Without hesitation, I entered the apartment, intrigued reaffirmed guess that my life moves on some vicious circle from which I can not escape.
   What I saw in the apartment, threw me into despair. Already started in the hallway tracks disorder which always remains in abandoned dwellings: bare walls, which appeared immediately flaws built, scattered in disarray small things, some papers, newspapers, scraps of wire, rope, boxes and broken, unusable already boxes, nails and screws, lonely wooden plugs sticking out of the walls in the places where once hung sconces and a clothes hanger.
   All rooms apartments were in the same condition, and this dull, hopeless ruin my heart ached painfully and became bitter. Acute loneliness came over me at the sight of it all.
   I went through all the rooms, looking to one where Veronica lived with his brother. Its dilapidated, abandoned appearance lifeless void dusty air, motionless, standing wakeless his four walls, plunged me into a particular sadness. Summer evening spent here once, quite inappropriately surfaced from the depths of memory.
   To somehow dispel the clouds of dark mood, I wanted to ask the woman who opened the door, where she lives: in none of the rooms did not have any of her clothes, no furniture, no utensils or any belongings at all - but it was not there. The apartment was empty, as if nobody here but me and was not. I went to the site, wanted to call, but stopped because I did not know who, in fact, to call.
   I had no choice, as, slammed the door, go down and go outside.
   Now I do not know what to do next, I could not even tell myself, why do come here, to this city, and what I need.
   If I wanted to go back to the dog lovers that sheltered me for a few days, if they wanted to not be able to do: then everything happened by itself - and never leaving in the afternoon on the street, I would not have found the house and now where he lived. Yes, in all honesty, for some reason I did not want to see it again, although I am much obliged to him was.
   I did not want to meet anybody from old girlfriends with whom once reckless fun and spending time. Unlikely now, these meetings would be at least somewhat useful, and the more joyful. Bridges were burned, and, despite the fact that I could easily find and now not one, not two addresses of last dashing youth, for what I still would not do it. Yes, and I will most likely these cheerful girl long forgotten, and my appearance on their life path would cause only dumb scene and mutually arisen awkwardness.
   With all the shrill, with a clear shrill, of which only was able to my brain, I realized that I have to leave, leave today from this city, and what I came here for nothing at all, and the search yesterday always sad and tragic in its shrill hopelessness which hurts the heart, ruthlessly rushing ahead, everything changes, breaks and destroys it, to strive for the soul, ruthless, none at all, because it can be neither good nor evil time.
   "No Love" - ??sadly, I thought, seeing as the world swims before his eyes. "No
   Love "- I repeated, and the world stood still, now a more sober and less romantic than it has ever been. Scattered colorful cubes, woven picture in my head around me life, dimmed further, becoming almost gray, colorless, and paints utuhanie immediately saturate steel, sad tone reality.
   "Where are you, Veronica?" - Like a moan escaped from my chest, but it's dry lips uttered a barely audible voice.
   I was back to the cemetery where the grave was Athanasius, and again saw that in its place a freshly dug pit still yawns dark brown failure. Yes, I did not imagined it, and it was actually.
   Already at the station I came to his senses, in fact, it never took place, seeing no one, but only after losing everything. From this sudden thought I even paused before the crosswalk when they all went on a green light, and came to only when the newly turned red. Next to me on this side of the road was only stunted grandmother with some wallet in hand, in a bright scarf, tie a head.
   Cars on the road near the transition was not only the distance from one side approaching moschn6y loaded timber, chadyaschie thick soot, and on the other - a few cars, overtaking each other, and it was possible without any risk to cross the roadway, but I was on such a temptation not pulled. Waiting for the green signal, I anxiously looked at the sky, where the clouds are gathering and it looks like going to a nasty fall and shallow, cold drizzling rain Crapo. Harbinger of bad weather, sharp, biting wind, already blew, raising dust from asphalt and the first fallen leaves.
   The old lady that was next to me, apparently doubted: cross the street or not worth it. This was evident in its continuous marking time and jerked from which every time it seemed that she finally decided to take it.
   Suddenly, already quite unexpectedly when a huge roaring and chadyaschie old MAZ cab, trembling as his head in a fit of paranoid, was already quite close, a few meters from the "zebra", grandmother rushed mincing, mincing steps into the street and have frightened her sudden decision, goggle-eyed with terror, rushed to the middle of the road race with death.
   It all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I did not even have time to recover from their gloomy and equally unhurried reflection on the weather and take something to somehow prevent unfolding in front of me a horrible sight. "From the mind, whether that has gone old?" - Only had time to think and I breathlessly aware that everything can now be done is to throw together with this old lady under the wheels of a speeding colossus.
   Initial movement grandmother was not so natural that if someone was standing behind her, I would never for a moment doubted that she asked a good kick and pushed under the wheels of the tractor. But next to us was nobody, not a single soul, and instead of wondering, I'm just scared, scared as would anyone seeing this.
   On the other side of the road someone screamed.
   The old woman continued to run, and before my eyes it was happening in slow motion. Here she stumbled, and then are surprised to find that in the transition, it turns out, was not very deep cast-iron sewer manhole, which caught on the toe of her tiny legs. She escaped with unexpected agility fall, and only pecked his nose, but it was too late.
   That awful moment stretched into infinity, and like a photo etched skewed from irreparable nightmare driver's face in the cockpit MAZ old woman desperately seeks to dodge the powerful bumper of the truck, that perhaps she succeeded, she did not stumble on the ill-fated hatch.
   The rest was like a bad dream. Old woman was thrown forward, and the picture came to life. Desperately squeaking brakes timber, which went under the wheels clubs gray smoke from the burning rubber, drawing on asphalt carbon black tread greasy trail on napolz grandmother, and she disappeared somewhere in the soot and exhaust fumes clubs, dust and smoke. MAZ stopped making its terrible thing, froze too late to save someone. Ripped from sudden braking thick, heavy logs hit the cockpit, from which she toppled forward, reared and fell, fell, flew in different directions. One of them, a huge, looping in two and fell on me, and I barely had time to shrink away as with resonant blows his mighty end is danced on the very spot where I had been standing. Next to him and plopped buzzing, rolled down the sidewalk another timber, and caught up to collide with a woman runs away from him.
   Noise, ringing and gnashing intimidating rained for a few seconds, and when it was replaced suddenly deaf silence, as if opened before his eyes an awful picture, seeing that, it was hard not to say, and simply believe that it all happened because of some impatient one grandmother, which occurred to cross the road in front of the machine itself. Opened in front of me now slaughter.
   Flown apart in all directions logs crushed several people. One of the cars are rushing towards timber transport was now under his trailer from the female in the interior roof, which hit a log, stuck like in the end and it is now crooked protruding into the sky, as a monument to be flattened by it. Another machine, dodging, apparently from danger jumped onto the sidewalk and stood, punched into a concrete barrier mangled accordion, nailed tightly certain person.
   Everything happened so suddenly that I could not help thinking that it is hardly could happen without someone powerful and evil in this mighty hand.
   As soon as I thought about it, as immediately felt someone's hand, which formed on my shoulder and a voice, familiar, not good, not native, it seemed to me, said, "Good for you, ha ha, well jump! "
   I quickly turned around, but saw no one. Cold scolded me from head to toe most tacky cold horror that happens when adjoin directly to the fact that a person is not allowed to know.
   I do not understand why I ran away, back to the city, anxiously wondering that this man does not want me to leave this city or in any case, so I left it today, right now. Perhaps I found the same way out of the enchanted trap in which I had to run on an empty circle, and Somebody, anticipating my unconscious intentions, prevented my despair.
   There was another day, but I'm waiting for an incomprehensible horror evening and night, as if was going to happen something bad. Terrible accident left somewhere behind, at the station, but he seemed to me a magical castle closed road returned to normal river fate.
   Long and I wandered aimlessly through the city, trying to gather his thoughts. Somewhere in the depths of my soul already swarmed concern what happens when you know that you are not at ease, and that you have long had to do something to be in the place where should be. And now I suddenly felt that I would long ago have time to go to serve, to leave out of here in any wilderness, in some hole, and maybe then I unbind from the stage all hell.
   In the evening I went to a place that seemed familiar to me. Square, quite busy and crowded, as from what I woke up - remember that today is Saturday - led to an area where there was a building, completely forgotten me, lost in memory, despite the fact that I connected with it so much experiences and it was amazing how it all about then you can forget.
   Towered facade of a building, as usual, but now it was clear that the house is fenced, low, which usually wall construction. Could not be seen from afar what is happening there, but I still thought that some parts of the building's exterior lacks. And only got closer, I saw the puzzled that the building, in fact, only one remained standing exterior wall behind which a gaping void. It felt like the house was bombed. Beside him stood transfixed, some construction equipment. Crane, excavator machine stenoboynaya rose over the fence.
   I came very close and peered into one of the breaks. A fenced area, similar to the now plowed field here and there loomed pile of broken bricks, rubble and other debris. In the corner stood several construction trailers, which spun man in sweatshirt. Beside him ran mongrel.
   I decided to ask him what happened here, and why a broken home, but barely squeezed into the hole between the boards of the fence, as a dog ran up to me, little stood lost in thought and watching me. She ran silently, head cocked slightly to one side and to the ground and staring eyes watching me. These dogs do not bark in vain and do not like jokes. In my head already insistently twirled thought that it was time to escape and climb the fence to avoid being bitten, when the dog stopped, okriknutaya host and turned his face to him.
   "Academic" - relieved in my mind.
   People toward me.
   -You do what is required? - He asked, coming up.
   Yes, I would like to know why this house break - I said, looking at the face of the speaker.
   Drizzling rain. Already changed his mind to go, suddenly started again showing his temper. The man looked at the gloomy sky, squinting his eyes, and then asked again:
   -What do you need?
   The dog came up to us and started sniffing me.
   -Familiar I have worked here, and in general ...
   -Yeah, my grandfather.
   Rain intensified and the man offered:
   Let's go into the booth. Or are you in a hurry?
   -No, actually.
   Well, let's go, let's go then. Company amounted to me, have a cup of tea.
   I walked behind him, followed by the rear mongrel. Drizzling rain harder, and I sadly presented. As people came out on a Saturday night stroll around the city, go to the park or sit in the park, right on the rides and carousels, are now forced to return home, driven by bad weather spoil them, perhaps, one of the last warm serene weekend.
   We went into the van. Guy flipped a switch, and lighted hanging on the wire without plafond lamp why behind the window on the street immediately darkened.
   Middle of the booth was loose, filthy, rude and clumsy floored table with the same awkward, uncouth stools around. In one corner was a ragged cast iron daybed with a greasy top mattress on which lay wadded black dusty blue pillow yes kazennoe blanket. Beside the couch, burying her on his side, his joyless dostaival deshevenky age, sex painted paint locker for half-closed doors was hanging some duds. At the opposite end of the booth was electric stove and a cabinet.
   Bubbling on the stove and steamed aluminum with mashed sides kettle.
   A guy took it, pulled out two glasses tables, aluminum bowl with slices of black bread slices and chopped bacon and put it all on the table, then squinted slyly, pulled after half a bottle of cloudy whitish with gray, smoke tint of moonshine and a few cloves of garlic.
   We sat opposite each other at the table. Dog with hungry eyes in anticipation umostilas beside her master.
   Guy deftly brushed garlic, poured into glasses moonshine, then glanced at the dog, with a cheerful angrily swore, shook out the bowls on the table and the bread and bacon, splashing a bit out of the bottle and there, pushed her to the edge of the table. The dog leapt deftly, leaning on the edge of the table with its front paws and began to eagerly lap up.
   -Come on! - Lifting faceted glass, said the man. - High Givet ....
   That "Givet" - I did not understand. We clinked dully, and he deftly knocked into the open mouth his one hundred grams, and then grimacing and exhaling into a fist, chewed a large piece of bacon with garlic bread and took a bite.
   I also drank, but it turned out not so cleverly as he. Moonshine was strong, and I almost choked, coughed, choking.
   What are you? - Surprised man.
   Yeah, so did not get something - I justified feeling that not enough air.
   -Oh, it happens. Need to breathe before drinking, and swallow faster stroke.
   Yes brew strong. True there are ninety. Throat closed by itself.
   Well, ninety - not ninety and seventy five there. Well, okay, what do you want then? - Asked the man, pouring boiling water into glasses and sypya to the same tea leaves directly from the ruptured pack.
   Why this house-broken - that's what!
   -Well, it's the city authorities to deal with. I've just watchman. I only know that something is going to build here. And your grandfather that was a watchman - seen. Tokmo seems he died in any way.
   How he died?
   -How. Usually. Picked up and died, as old people are dying.
   -How long did it happen?
   Yes its the end of August ... I can not see someone else said that he died. And what do you want from him was that? Maybe I could help you?
   Yeah, no thanks. I'm looking for his granddaughter. She moved somewhere.
   -Oh, this I'm not your mate.
   A home is something inside that was some archive or library. It to Delhi?
   -Yes, there was nothing there.
   How was not because there is something old guard?
   -And we have many empty guard.
   Watchman stopped and became a little bit already sup brew tea to the last density in prikusku with the same fat and brown bread.
   -Where are you from actually? Previously could not come or what? - Finally, he spoke again to me.
   Yeah I'm not a local. I once studied here. And now passing through, like old friends visit - and I can not find anyone.
   -So that you have nowhere to sleep? - Solicitously inquired man.
   Yes, it turns out that way - I said helplessly, without experiencing even the semblance of embarrassment and feeling the heat more drunken seizes my body, making it supple and naughty.
   Well, stay here all night, - clapped me on the shoulder guard. - As he collapses on the bed to sleep. Underwear, though, no, well, nothing. And tomorrow will go home with me, I will live until their cases can not handle.
   We had another one hundred grams eaten bread and lard. Then the watchman lighting a cigarette, offered me, but I refused and suddenly felt terrible, dead tired, took so sweet and timely supply and slumped on the couch without the hind legs. Already in his sleep, I heard the watchman calling the dog, a creaking door, and felt the cold, damp air rushed from the street and filled a trailer for plywood walls which sad usyplyayusche rustled nasty autumn rain.
   I woke up this morning with a sore, heavy head, tired of the uncomfortable, stiff cotton pillows. Someone bumped, touched me on the shoulder, standing over the bed. It was a keeper.
   -Come on, I'm going home.
   I went with a creaky bed. In the van were already some people. They rummaged in a locker, something from getting out, and anxiously surly talking among themselves.
   We got out of the van. Dog sat tied to a long chain, lick, shows just gobble something idly glanced at the sides sleepy tired looking. On the street, too, people were walking in overalls, roaring, blowing gray clubs wound machines, dump trucks and tractors. Work began.
   -And what are they? - I asked the guard, making his way between the potholes and heaped impassable ridges and rutted ground. - Today is Sunday! What do they work?
   -And we agreed to work seven days a week - man replied.
   We went through the wide-open iron gate, made on the back side of the square from the construction site.
   -Me, by the way, Sergei Mikhailovich name - said the man was when we went without talking, a few blocks. - I live with my brother. We are a couple. I have a wife for five years, died. God rest her soul. And my brother never married and was not. Boy I like you already dosluzhivaet army, spring return. So the place where to stay there. You're not shy. Boy, I see you're good, but because I live, how much you need. I have for you and there is a separate room. Only here at my brother did not pay attention. I have it with some weirdo .... Yes, you'll see for yourself.
   We went into the entrance of the house and a few minutes later, up to the third floor, knocked on the oak, smooth and well-trimmed door.
   -He slept, or what? - Sergei M. said indignantly, and, turning to me, said. - We have the key with him one. Actually, somewhere there is a second and even a third, but a reluctance to seek.
   Finally, after about five minutes, the lock clicked and the door opened. There seemed to face with glasses, wide-eyed with fright behind thick pieces of glass lenses.

Chapter 11.

   -Meet, Jura. This young man will live with us! - Said Sergei M., flinging open the door wider and deeper into the hallway pushing brother.
   -I hope not for long? - Unhealthy weak voice asked Jura.
   -How long will it be! - Said Sergey, throwing off his cloak, and removing shoes.
   -How much do you want? ..
   Yura stopped because brother looked up at him angry, serious look:
   -You would first greet the man.
   We shook hands, and I felt his hand, cold and wet, like a toad.
   Well, okay, feed the guest. I will not eat breakfast. All went to sleep.
   We Maximovich Yuri went to the kitchen, and another ten minutes Sergei rustled in the bathroom, and there could be heard grunting his contented. Then all was quiet.
   Yuri Maksimovic fumbled at the stove, and I watched him with interest from head to toe, sitting as a rough boy - hands on knees - at the table.
   If Sergei patronymic dignify language is difficult to turn, then Yuri, then certainly looked old man, although, perhaps, was almost the same age as her brother.Strong and his old glasses with strong lenses and vague, effeminate, amorphous figure, making it look like a nightstand in terry robes on two thin legs.
   Yuri Maksimovic set before me a plate of semolina, put a slice of bread, buttered, he sat down and began to eat, too. He did n6e asked, looking at his plate myopic eyes.
   When I ate, Yuri Maksimovic still silently took my empty plate. Put a cup of tea, and he went out of the kitchen.
   After breakfast, I went through the rooms of the apartment. There were two. In one, sprawled on the couch, with his chin up, opening his mouth, "the width of the butt," Sergei M. snored. In another, writing something, hunched over the table, head bowed, his brother.
   I came up behind him, standing behind him. Maksimovic Yuri looked at me over his shoulder, cocked her round, plump, puffy face, but did not ask again buried in his notes and calculations.
   Next to his desk and on it was a strange instrument, that caught my attention. A few blocks from the colored lights and all kinds of scales, control knobs, toggle switch. Apparatus somewhat resembled the army, was the same cumbersome and clumsy, ill-suited to work with it, unsympathetic and unattractive.
   For a while I looked at devices. It seemed to me that some of them have already met once, and if the strain memory, you can learn.
   On one of the devices blinking yellow light, buzzer buzzed. Yuri Maksimovic rose in his chair, and much squinting, became something to consider on a small scale of the device on which the arrow moves smoothly.
   -Come on, young man! - Suddenly he told me firmly, taking his cold hand on my sleeve like a naughty boy, who had to take a kindergarten where he did not want to go.
   I even did not resist, and soon we were in the basement, where Yuri Maksimovic turned on the light. Led me down the hall between doors with padlocks, and stopped at the end of it in one of them.
   When he unlocked and removed the lock, opened the wooden door behind it detects another: steel, with digital lock and a big turning the steering wheel in the middle.
   Yuri Maksimovic lit vestibule in the resulting light bulb on the low ceiling and quickly began to gain on the chips combination, then spun the wheel, and the door began to slow, hard to open.
   We went inside, and when the lights came up, I saw a rather large and well-furnished room in which to live if necessary. There was also a small kitchen, and some weird controller with many buttons, toggle switches and indicator lights, and a wardrobe and a sofa, a TV and even a radio.
   Yuri Maksimovic shut us hefty metal riveted door and walked over to the console, making it any manipulation. Somewhere earned motors, there was a strong characteristic noise from fans and grilles in the walls of the wind strong airflow.
   What's this? Why did we come here? - I asked, stepping closer to the console, which has flickered a few colored appliances bouncing green bars, and rocked arrows indicators.
   -It! - Yuri Maksimovic switched lighting, leaving only light desk lamp on the remote. - It is a sanctuary. And we came here because upstairs strong radiation.
   He looked at me to study, and in the lenses of his glasses glinted reflection table lamp and some superiority:
   -Here we are going to sit here until it's over.
   I looked at him, startled, as a half-wit:
   -What is radiation? Where did it come from?
   Radiation-very ordinary, which just happens to be, and where it came from - go and ask her.
   I felt that if we do not sit down somewhere, then slap on the floor.
   -Listen .... Listen, Yuri Maksimovic! Are you kidding me? - I asked, heading over to the couch.
   -No, in general. Why do I need an adult who has lived life to the person, like jokes? Commercials, in your opinion, and I rebuilt this shelter specifically to you play?
   -And that you built? - Skrenne and I was surprised.
   Of course, who else?
   -But this is how much money had ugrohat! Where did you get them? After thousands here!
   Yes, I put here a few fees, besides had to sell his luxury three-bedroom apartment and move into the hut to the brother. But life requires it. Live differently now can not, in any case, to me.
   -And what fees, if not a secret?
   -For his scientific work. I'm a scientist, professor, I write research papers, print, get paid for it.
   -But what are the costs? Is it so often radiation?
   -And radiation, and any excess of the MPC ...
   -What's that?
   -MAC - maximum allowable concentrations. My equipment to pinpoint any excess MPC. What are the only known harmful products production, they are all scanned, differentiated from environmental sensors of this equipment shelter. I can watch the full state of the atmosphere and the radioactive background areas using indicators and, if anything, to take refuge here. In addition, this shelter - Protection against earthquakes and even survive twelve balls. It is made of reinforced technology independent cube and can withstand a furious pressure and shake.
   -What earthquake? - I did not understand his last words. It seemed to me that I did not hear anything. - P azve here there are earthquakes? Maybe I do not quite understand that, but that is not earthquake-prone area, know for sure. Or are you, Yuri Maksimovic, want to say that we will soon have a nuclear bomb would drop?
   No, the atomic bomb is not to blame, but that's about earthquakes, a young man, I was not mistaken. Yes, you are right that this area is not considered earthquake-prone. But it only considered in this tragedy, because there are virtually no Earthquake Engineering neither housing nor commercial. But the fact that I just did work on the problems of seismic changes taking into account the influence of factors of the latest geological history. And one of the most dynamic, and therefore the most dangerous factors - industrial and mining, primarily coal, but especially oil. Occur giant mass displacement, disrupted balance of the earth's crust. Our reckless carelessness, gross negligence when terminating worked well lead to billions of cubic kilometers, entire underground sea moved to the layers in which they never had in the past millions of years, and now imagine that all this is happening. It's like that person to instruct bruises, and then lament what we have done to him bruising. We live on the earth from above, from the space-like one big bruise. But land avenge what she did hurt. By my calculations we have had to revive a year - half ago. But God is merciful, and this still has not happened.
   Last summer in July was one zemletryasenetse, almost imperceptible, so three points, but as a result there was a big accident at a chemical plant. My alarm system worked well, and if it does not, then I, and brother would have been in a hospital bed, if at all, not in the cemetery.
   Yuri Maksimovic paused and turned back to the console, switching something on it and looking at the luminous dial and bouncing green and yellow bars.
   -How long you will be able to reach here, if that happens? - Asked digesting heard.
   -Two-three months. Food and water is, but with gasoline worse - said without turning Yuri Maksimovic.
   -What kind of gasoline?
   C-ordinary. Here I have autonomous power installed. That's it for petrol and need.
   The conversation trailed off again, and I sat on the couch, trying to gather his thoughts, but then I suddenly dawned like:
   -Say, how's your brother? He remained at the top!
   -Sergei still will not go here now - I know him. He then shifts, very tired, and his tractor not move now.
   -But there is strong radiation!
   -I say that it is impossible to move from the couch, he sleeps like the dead - Yuri Maksimovic turned to me again. Lenses of his glasses glinted in the dim light, and apparently reading something on my face, he said. - Well, young man, I-it's probably better to know her brother, but if you insist, I'll call it now here on the selector, which binds refuge with my bathroom.
   He pushed the button on the small cap, and it showed up under the speaker and microphone speaker with a neatly folded and store the cord. Yuri Maksimovic tumblers clicked and clicked a button. In the dynamics of a deafening peal.
   -It was there in the room, call load, - he explained to me.
   Call was a long five minutes, until finally, instead of just raging call in speaker is not heard the angry voice of Sergei Maksimovic:
   Hey, moron, what are you doing there and I got to sleep do not give?
   -Sergei, come down here. Strong radiation at the top! - Said Yuri Maksimovic, barely holding in the variable voice resentment and trying to speak as calmly as possible.
   -Where's the kid? With you or what?
   -With me - Yuri nodded Maksimovic.
   Well, okay, - said Sergey seems he was going to go back to sleep.
   -So you go down or not? - Concerned about raising his voice, asked Yuri Maksimovic.
   -Yes, you go into the swamp with his radiation - a tired yawn, said Sergei, and all was quiet upstairs.
   -Do you see? - Looked at me reproachfully Yuri Maksimovic, as if trying to blame me for the damage he hurt his brother.
   -I see - I said, lowering his eyes involuntarily.
   We fell silent again. I felt guilty and could not ask a single question, although I had a plenty of them. Much now I found it interesting, and, for example, how often happens in high radiation. But I sat in silence, and Yuri Maksimovic all continued to tinker at the console.
   Finally, I got tired of sitting in this concrete cube.
   -Let me out of here!
   Maksimovic Yuri turned to me, flashing glasses and stared their purblind eyes.
   "Why are you sitting here?" - Flashed through my head.
   -Let me out of here! - I repeated.
   Young man, I can not release you. There's strong radiation.
   -What the hell, radiation? People live, and nothing - everything is fine! I do not want to sit here with you. Let me, at the end of it all!
   -Well, well! - Yuri Maksimovic feverishly clicked some tumblers, turned the overhead light, and went to the door, the steering wheel several times krutanuv her, opened the way out of the asylum. - In Exit, only faster! I do not want to penetrate the infection here!
   Goodbye - I said, not too slowly. If I had a hat on his head, then as bullying, I would not fail to take it off and greet a curtsy to pull the rubber and see how this nasty, repulsive-looking man will come bile in silent impatiently waiting, finally can be shut me door and swelling on both pectoris.
   On the street it was usually. If I was not told that radiation around itself I hardly ever have guessed this. On the roads drove cars, people walking the streets who hurry who just walking - everything was as usual.
   "We have to skedaddle out of here!" - Visited me insight. - "If someone really control my thoughts and actions, not letting me go, then everything must be done to deceive him."
   Walking the streets of the city, as if not even thinking about leaving, I, nevertheless, moving closer towards the station. It was very slow, and sometimes even had to go back a little bit ago, going in the opposite direction to bring absolutely confuse the confusion and get to the bottom of my true intentions in the chaos of petty motives and actions. I then went into some store, sit in a cafe drinking a cup of tea or something refreshing. In the end, even I myself have had the impression that I'm not in a hurry and do not intend to do anything to escape from the city.
   Me like nobody watched, not tagged along, not after peeking around corners, but, nevertheless, someone's attention, a heavy hand was on my mind, seeing all their changes, and I had hoped to escape to hide the deepest levels of thinking, bordering with the subconscious, why she now looked for myself how far, futile dreams, impossible dreams, the implementation of which I would not have done already and step, resigned to fate.
   So walking pridurivayas and, in the end, I went to the station square. Anyone who has followed my mind, should be wary, but I did not give this reason, and because I did not mean to go somewhere, leave this city, and the one who followed me, apparently calmed tired watching sluggish for processes in my brain, and to where I am today, he did not care as long as my thoughts remained at the same level.
   Going to the very crossroads where yesterday there was a terrible accident, and I raised an eyebrow, though it was hard to keep the excitement and not indulge in dangerous memories that immediately alerted to follow my conscience, and then all is lost.
   "So, well, now let's go have a snack at the station, to see what they have there is good to eat," - I said quietly to himself, trying to really cause yourself tempted to just eat and the temptation to find something tasty railway cafe. I even began to touch in mind, what would such a tasty, I would like now, but in the head climbed another thought: "This station. With it you can leave. Since it is necessary to leave. Now it is necessary to immediately have ... "
   I made a huge effort to stifle the thought stammer her a traitor, to fill up the other, smaller, vain and insignificant, but it was quite difficult, and when it was a victory over me almost won, and I've already passed the same intersection where yesterday it happened, and on the horizon, there was not a single car, my eyes suddenly caught that no transition to a manhole, the same manhole, on which the old woman paused, and because of that she landed under the car. He was not at all.
   This revelation hit me. I stopped dead, staring at the asphalt. The fear inside me rose to horror to panic swept the whole fuss is applied and feigned self-indulgence with bare shrillness in his thoughts: "We have to get away! Help! "
   I knew that already gave himself issued a surge of fear, escape from the depths of consciousness, my true intention, and if now I was connected to a lie detector, it would give a splash in all respects. But that was watching me, did not need a detector. He was just enough that I was afraid of my thinking move drastic changes, highlighting my true intention. Now I appeared before him in all its boldness of conception and when to save seemingly need to take one step, was closest to failure, for which loomed the shadow of something terrible.
   I could not budge, as if sticking to the tarmac like a fly to sugar bait, and suddenly saw a racing car straight at me. He was very close now and do not seem to slow down or turn thought. "Where did he come, because the road was not a single machine," - flashed in my head silly thought, although it was already clear: it's payback for trying to escape.
   Madly rushing legkovushka was already quite close, so that could be considered for the windscreen two skewed whether fright, or rage face, but my legs refused to obey, and was made with cotton.
   "Oh my God!" - Involuntarily I thought, preparing for the worst, and he suddenly felt that "come off", took a step, but the next second bumper legkovushki touched my legs, why I was thrown to the side, and I felt like a wheel Machine driven by my heel.
   Car brakes squeak, making it skidded and spun. Pitch head over heels, I was at the far sidewalk and jumped in fear, ran to the station, pushing passers small counter and feeling that was limping because of the shoe, which I was bounced heel. I have not had time to think, as it is generally still can not run. Corner of my eye I could see those two little hesitated, jumped out of the car and set off in pursuit of me.
   With some train left the platform. As I could, I rushed after him, throwing on the run had interrupted running shoes and feeling like small stones and debris painful heel prick through the sock, overtook last, postal, carriage and clung to the rail, shouting terrible voice, nowhere I who started to "Go away! "Conductor, sharahnuvsheysya deep into the vestibule, and crawled into the belly of the cellular iron plate platform, scoring feet.
   Catching his breath, I stood up and asked the frightened girl:
   -Where to train?
   Suburban-it! - She replied. - Do you have a ticket?
   -Damn! - I blurted out.
   I looked out. Station was no longer visible.
   On-you for the ticket! - I put out a few crumpled pieces of paper, deciding ago would never go back, and went into the car, where the bare shelves sat wearily traveling from home, returning to their villages, rural people.

Chapter 13.

   Making his way down the corridor between someone's knees wagon, bags, string-bags stuffed full of all sorts of things, I've been looking for a free spot, but in the coupe, and the shelves on the side was packed. Reaching the last coupe, I stopped in the middle passage: go back there was no point. People now and then squeezed past me with a request to step aside, or simply silence. Give them the road was difficult, because there are a step was not possible, but they still waded, wade with abuse and reproaches on his life, going to the toilet and smoke in the vestibule. Children then passed from hand to hand, and one smart boy of four or five, ozornichaya kicked me with his little shoes in the chest and nearly landed in the solar plexus, and looked with curiosity that will be taken on my part. I immediately realized that he did it on purpose, but, although everything inside boiled from such arrogance and contempt on the part of small hamtsa not filed and mind that anything happened at all.
   The train dragged like a turtle and brakes at each post. For a stop immediately after the city, people have gone so much that the car was like a city bus during rush hours, but then pulled away farther from the city, people became less and less, and soon there were empty seats.
   I was about to sit down and, finally, breathe in the bliss of the opportunity to sit, when the compartment, in front of which I stood at the window saw a familiar crown, and before the time to learn, felt the stab in the heart of surprises. This is what happens when one have not met a person learns another sunk into oblivion.
   I thought at first glance that the window sits Ohromov. But it was Gladyshev. Apparently, he sat still at the city railway station and now quietly looked out the window, leaning his elbow on the table and his head resting on his hand. I learned it only because intuition told. When my eyes fell on him. That it sits a man of my acquaintance.
   Reach Gladyshev was still impossible in coupe people sat tight, although in other places have long appeared free shelves. Okrikivat it was indecent, besides it would be difficult to predict how he would react to such a meeting.
   I alone chewed the pleasure of meeting with a familiar person. This meal in suhomyatku not diluted with water at least some communication and emotions, not caused me any pleasure. Quite the contrary. And another half hour, until the opportunity to get to his shoulder, I was forced to stand and watch as Gladyshev everything looks and looks at one point somewhere outside, in a passing landscape, and sits still and without changing his position.
   It turns out that he was asleep. Opened his sleepy eyes, smiled amiably grinning and. Ask neighbors to advance, he sat me next to him.
   Where are you going? - His eyes were round with surprise, but shone a genuine joy.
   -Yes, so - I do not know what to say, and waved his hand. - Where are you going?
   Yes, here I am in the link! - Gladyshev smiled widely.
   -How is it - a link? - I did not understand.
   Ancestors-exiled. For arson and fire.
   He suddenly laughed wildly, and thinning neighbors moved away. And then began otsazhivayut, one disappearing into the other compartment.
   Our now-cleaning went. I stayed at home, as the victim, to help rebuild housing ...
   -And our - who is this?
   -These are the students. Well I am a student at the institute .... Hy's, renovated I am not familiar, so I was sent to his grandmother. Here I am going there.With an eye away.
   Well, your own fault that it happened.
   Gladyshev hurt clapped me on the shoulder:
   -Listen, you mother remembered! Says it is a moron for you in the apartment was ...
   We chatted for a long time about any nonsense. Until finally the topic of conversation does not run out.
   Outside the window is dark, and in the heart of anxiety crept. I did not like to go to God knows where, and the darkness reminded about it. Leave alone now does not want to and in anticipation of loneliness my soul was ready to follow GLADYSHEVA anywhere, but would not be left alone with a stray railway station bench on some nameless station.
   Gladyshev long time sat in silence. I walked through the carriage and made sure that people almost gone. Everyone is talking about. Terminus that is close, and it was similar to as if a clear day dive into abysmal depths of the pool and the river before reaching the bottom, stay there, between heaven and earth, yet have enough air and spirit.
   I wanted to say Gladishev that he never parted with me, because it seemed as if we are old friends who know each other knows how many years. I would hope that he is experiencing a similar feeling, but it was unlikely: he knew where he was going, and he had a purpose for which the trip will end. I was going nowhere, and contiguity my aimless and useless could not be described as a bitter word wanderings.
   -Veronica-You saw that? - Suddenly perked up my companion and I felt drawn to hurt somewhere down the heart.
   No, - the voice was gone from the excitement.
   -She came.
   It was like a mockery. That, because of which, perhaps, I just came back to this city, announced barely I was not able to meet with her.
   And how is she doing? - I tried to keep the excitement did not appear in the intonation issue, but I think it turned out bad.
   -And her wedding tomorrow, - these words I nearly choked on air and coughed, feeling the tears up his throat. - W Austro she marries Behemoth.
   The voice was not Gladysheva some pathos or mockery. He just told me the news that it was quite obvious, interested him as much as it might be interesting interlocutor, and that he thought might be interested in me as merely a fun fact of life in our common friend. I've seen it. I felt it in his eyes, which had not the slightest suspicion that what can somehow hurt me.
   Somewhere beneath us squeaking brakes pads, ease off the compressed air and the train began to stop.
   Gladyshev looked out the window on the other side of the car is almost empty.
   Well, here we are.
   Is shining lights outlandish design station, resembling enlarged several times house with a gable roof.
   -Hey, where are you going then? - Finally Gladyshev was surprised that I was driving with him to the last stop.
   Yes I do not know - where! - In me worries grew. There was now desire more than to return to the city. Nagging thought that all I heard - an absurd coincidence, and it can be corrected to prevent, if I go back to the city and to stand before the eyes of Veronica would not let me rest. I had no doubt that I can say anything I want, I will tell as I thought about it all the time, as he recalled it in the most difficult, dangerous and difficult moments of life, no doubt, that I could talk her out of the wedding, throw myself in front of her and will ask for her hand. And she understands me, disagree with me, and we'll never part. "Otherwise, how that voice that whispered to me:" It will be your wife! "? What about those promises that I will suffer because of it? "- I thought. - "When will all this be? I am ready to suffer. I want to. I can not live without it, I can not ... "
   It was hysterical. It has not yet pulled out, but already shreds my soul ...
   I woke up from what Gladyshev shaking me by the shoulders:
   -What's the matter?
   Nothing, Gladyshev, nothing ... I have to go back. I need to see Veronica. I want to be at her wedding. I do not want her to get married! You're lying, Gladyshev! You lie, you rascal! You're lying!
   Everything. I burst out, and I'm in a fit of impotent rage hitting his forehead and pounded his fists on the partition between the compartments. Gladyshev jumped next, trying to calm me down, but it just did not exist in my mind. Then he sat down opposite and began silently to contemplate my state its large soaking everything, the whole world with his stupid laws, eyes, and it affected me faster and stronger than all persuasions together.
   When I was almost relieved, ran the conductor:
   -Young people, what you here rasshumelis? Leave, long overdue: the train will soon go to a dead end ...
   -Did he not go back to the city? - I was surprised.
   -Only in the morning.
   We went out to the platform. I did not know what to do.
   -So where are you driving that? - Asked again Gladyshev, but this time it has finished me tupovataya molestation.
   Yeah fuck you, Gladyshev! Prompt better where you have here the bus station.
   We walked to the station building. I rushed to the train schedule. In the right side of me was only the first three in the morning. Passing. It was late.
   -Shows where you have here the bus station! - Again I turned to Gladyshev, trudging behind me, not even surprised a change occurred.
   He brought me to the bus station, lost among private little houses near the railway and is a story unpretentious structure resembling a large barn or chicken coop. To my surprise there were people inside. They stood in a queue at one of the small little windows closed and half asleep and quiet conversation purposeless killing time waiting.
   I wondered when you can go to the city, but am in the wrong way nothing in sight too. Bus out for an hour before the first train. But still it was too late. If planes flew from here, I would fly, without hesitation ...
   On the street near the bus station, on a small platform, rather reminiscent of the yard without a fence, landed a huge red "Ikarus" chadyaschie oily soot. In his seductive saloon burned dim light, the passengers were asleep, leaning back in their chairs. The driver switched off the engine and opened the door, went out of the cab and went to the ground inside the bus with some paper in his hand.
   I asked him where the bus goes. It turned out that in the desired direction.
   -But you do not have the same schedule! - I was surprised.
   -This is four hours late - said the driver.
   A place to eat?
   -There are three or four free.
   -You can go to buy tickets?
   Gladyshev relentlessly followed me. O n now silent, and he looked a beaten dog.
   I rushed into the building and passed the driver in a dark, narrow corridor.
   In the hall-room buoyant. People shook off sleep and glibly now cursing each other for the right to buy a ticket. Did not have to watch them long to realize that many of them are willing to go on this bus.
   Wasting no time, I tried to get through to the small, barred, closed hollow plywood with a small cut-out for money and tickets little window, but I was shoved in the two accounts, and all the anger stage switched to us from Gladyshev, who stood at a distance, but could not escape the fate of being nailed to a pillar of shame and spat upon with me.
   Here there was nothing to do, and I dragged Gladysheva to the bus, opened the door to the electrical room, - the benefit of know where the button - and went with him to the salon. We took the empty seats.
   Soon appeared lucky with tickets. They went into the lounge and in the ghostly light night lights began to search vacancies. But those two turned downward.Remaining aggrieved passengers rebelled came controller, and we were quickly fished out and thrown out of the bus, no matter how I tried to convince perturbed that we need to go urgently, to appeal to their conscience and pity. I even poobescha l each pay triple the cost of tickets.
   We stayed on the street and the bus showering us a child, left.
   -Listen, what I'm with you on the bus climbed? - Asked himself Gladyshev and found no answer. Stood, shrugged and went away suddenly somewhere in the darkness, some very much slouched.
   I caught up with him.
   -Wait, where are you?
   K-grandmother. All Gone.
   How? And not go with me? At the wedding will not go to Veronica? - I did not want to let Gladyshev, but he walked away from me.
   -My name was not there - he was talking on the move and was rare, but very long strides, so that I could hardly keep up with him, then paused for a moment.- P azve that come there to lead you? - Went back. - Silly.
   Listen, but how do I find them?
   -You know where he lives Veronica?
   -But she already lives there, I went ...
   -I do not know, but the wedding will be playing there.
   A registry office in which to register?
   -I do not know! - Gladyshev opened the gate in a neat, painted from the same reechki fence and paused at the entrance. - P disobey, I do not want more than that you followed me. I went to my grandmother to rest on any wedding, not to not go, and do not intend to go. You should - and you go. I was not invited, and I had no soul is, frankly, with this campaign to communicate, especially after the case ...
   -What's up?
   -You do not know? Well. It does not matter. All for now!
   He closed the gate and disappeared into the darkness, and already from the house, standing in the yard, and shouted:
   -I told you it's for fun! Do not think that will affect you so! Ciao! ..
   Stood at the bus station a taxi. I turned to the driver, and he wrung a price that went dizzy. Bargain, I still knocked off a good third of the amount, and within a few minutes reclined, falling asleep in the backseat of a speeding car on the highway.
   Early in the morning I got out at the house where she lived before Veronica, shivering from the cold autumn breeze and with a strange sense of looking at the window of her apartment, barely lit the eastern dawn.
   The apartment door opened not long, and I felt badly cheated because he could already be somewhere very far away, and my wounds, finally began to heal.Dove, as it should, the last time his foot on the door, I sat down on the stairs and thought. I could not manage to leave. Here and now back for some unknown reason.Believed Gladyshev. But saw that the apartment is empty, and he knew it, after all, believe!
   Going down the street, I saw at the entrance of a dead wedding rings, ribbons, with a large front doll dressed bride car. It sat one driver and n, and stood behind the truck, and some people with body unloaded tables, chairs and even some boxes.
   I asked them why this furniture, and they replied that the wedding. Where the bride and groom and their relatives - none of them knew.
   Registry Office in the city was only two, but they were quite far apart, and I could tell her there when, perhaps, it was that unique mood, which only happens at brides, first time preparing to enter the hall celebrations ceremonies. Unlikely she would listen to me, and even more so to delve into the meaning of my words and spoil his mood. But I do not want to admit to myself that Veronica is lost to me for a long time and forever, yes, most likely, never belonged to me. I could not wait to see her, and that I can meet her is in one of two registry offices, but do not know exactly where and how much, much bother me.
   I asked the driver dressed up machine, where and when will the ceremony, and after a few hours, shifting impatiently from foot to foot, his eyes sought out among the many car pulls up the one with the doll in front, which had come Veronica Behemoth.
   I could not imagine her with him, although it was accepted somewhere deep down, that the wedding will take place.
   Soon the square in front of the registrar seemed few cars on the front of which sat the doll bride. Wedding procession was plentiful and so richly decorated and brightly that immediately stood out among the others.
   Parking in front of registry office was jammed with cars, and the motorcade stopped a little way off. I saw the groom, and while he was away, guessed that this behemoth. He got out, walked over to the other, and gave his hand to the bride.
   My heart groaned. I learned and not learned Veronica. She looked radiantly beautiful. And the closer the couple suite, the more beautiful and charming she appeared as before my eyes. I could not tear from her eyes, as if spellbound.
   Veronica was approaching, and could already discern the finest features of her face, lips and eyes expression. She seemed infinitely happy and relaxed. Her gaze was fixed somewhere ahead, beyond space. Hippo held her hand on his elbow, looked around at the sides and at the same time to talk, smiling cheerfully with the witness.
   Behind the newlyweds was a numerous retinue, excited, mottled, bubbling over with joyous laughter and jokes.
   Veronica drifted around the corner from me and disappeared into the building, and not noticing my gaze. I joined her guests and with them went inside.
   The hall was crowded with the audience. Here were their guests from other weddings. The bride and groom had disappeared, gone, accompanied by employees of the institution. Somehow, as if from another world, and then came the Wedding March, then came out solemnly dressed woman with a wide red ribbon, embossed gold lettering, draped over the shoulder and offered to go relatives and guests of another couple.
   Finally, it was the wedding and all of Veronica and Behemoth.
   Along with others, I went into a small room with carpets, a chamber orchestra in the corner, the middle of which the microphone with an open book in his hand standing in anticipation of smart woman with tape over her shoulder. Before her, accompanied by witnesses were Veronica and Behemoth. Head veil bride was hidden, but I still could discern beneath the hair, neck and face.
   The whole ceremony was held for me in a daze, and I did not even notice, as was back on the street. Young sat in a motorcade. I, too, hastened to take one of the vacant seats in the car, but soon I was pushed. Then the car crammed so many people that it was impossible to imagine how so many people can fit in such a small space. But nobody noticed tightness. Guests were cheerful, joking and nezlobno quarreling.
   Wedding long worn over sights of urban and suburban sites. There are all together unloaded from the car. Young photographed. Everyone drank champagne that whenever galore was taken up out of nowhere, and every time, at every stop certainly ended.
   Only after midday motorcade approached in the courtyard of the house where she lived before Veronica. Here at the entrance was already a crowd of onlookers and kids, look forward to when the rain will fall on young candy and coins.
   After the welcoming ceremony at the entrance of the young, when they were forced to bite the bread, drink champagne and break happiness expensive wine glasses, all went upstairs. The bride and groom retired to rest after hours of arrival in the city. Guests settled in an apartment behind the covered tables. I learned that in the late afternoon wedding to move into the restaurant.
   I'm terribly hungry and barely hiding famine fell upon the food. Thought to meet with Veronica as soon as possible and tell her that I love her, show me now some crazy reason and excess. I so here uninvited. At one point I even felt ashamed of their presence at the wedding. I ate expensive meals and drank good wine expensive, but I knew no one here and no one expected. Feel intruder became increasingly difficult to the extent that, as my stomach was saturated ...
   The restaurant bride and groom stood near the entrance to the hall and now greeted each of the guests who gave them flowers and gifts. Nearby were witnesses. In them I learned redhead from the campaign in the restaurant and Rafter, who was so disliked, as far as I know, Behemoth.
   Standing at a distance, I watched as congratulating the bride give flowers, boldly kiss Veronica, and she is dazzling smiles and says something to them joyfully and happily. She came from a barely perceptible glow of bliss, which illumined the surrounding Eden fragrance.
   All this went on, it seemed to me quite a long time, and when almost no one left on the ground near the entrance, next to the bride and groom as a whole rose bed of bright colors and a mountain of gifts, Veronica suddenly looked in my direction, apparently. Drawing attention to the man who stands and all this time and not coming closer. Maybe she finally felt my mind throughout this time watched her intently. Smile immediately vanished, gone from her face.
   Hippo was still accepting congratulations from the last guests, but she did not respond to their requests and now just stared at me, his mouth slightly open.
   Lose no longer be a minute, and I strode to her, not knowing what will happen in the next minute, seeing as more and more widely become her eyes.
   Now Behemoth noticed me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw how incredibly he was surprised, but my eyes were glued to Veronica. I tried to read in her eyes what is happening to her at that moment, but I could not do it. At the same time, those eyes suddenly told me so much in those few moments of our silent dialogue that suddenly I was not alone, either from the fact that I myself came up with this dialogue, whether from the fact that it actually happened.
   If from afar I heard the word Behemoth:
   -Oh, well, buddy! I did not expect you stated!
   For some reason I felt embarrassed in front of him, I began to mumble something ridiculous in his own defense, feeling in some thief in relation to it. I pulled out his thinning considerably in recent days my cash, divide it in half and gave one part of Behemoth:
   -Here, take it and be happy!
   -Oh, you mean? - Hippo hesitated for a second, but still took the money and put them away in the inside pocket of his expensive suit dazzling. - A adno, thank you, come and sit down at the table, help yourself, and be merry.
   I wanted to kiss Veronica, as they have done all the congratulations, but I did not have this spirit. It seemed to me that all the same Hippo intently watching me that he reads my thoughts. And because only bringing his lips to my face stunned the appearance of the bride, I felt that no effort can not go on this motion.
   -Why did you come? - She whispered. - T s that want to ruin my wedding?
   -I'll steal you, - I replied, not knowing why.
   Hey, what are you whispering there? - Asked Hippo.
   -He says he can steal me - said Veronica ...
   Entering the room, I looked around. Groom has already taken new congratulations from guests was late, and Veronica looked after me, and it was difficult to say that an expression of her face ...
   Only to the middle of the evening, when the dashing toastmaster drunk to such a state that does not already elm bark, and then offering a toast and she does not hesitate to sip wine glass with champagne and a glass of vodka, I ventured again to catch the eye Veronica, but not invited to dance her, though it would do, and the witness.
   The idea to steal the bride did not leave me now, and I am now waiting, waiting for the opportunity. Soon, using the moment when the bride turned away, distracted conversation, I grabbed Veronica is left unattended, the arm and pulled her two accounts for an away from the hall, up the stairs. A moment later we were on the floor above, at the entrance to another room of the restaurant, where only two months ago, I sat with Veronica in a strange campaign on the night, which was first presented to me, and then just as suddenly taken away. Now, I hid it in a corner, totally no idea what to do next, and just managed to say:
   -FOUL! What have you done? - Boiled it.
   -I? I stole you .... It can also be ...
   -Idiot! Now take me back and apologize for your stupid thing to do!
   -Why did you come with me? Could pull his hand, - the remains of my illusions somewhere suddenly evaporated.
   Veronica said nothing and slowly, as if doubting Yeshe, down the stairs.
   Now in her appearance something missing, and I painfully tried to figure out what it was. Finally, when she was already below the ground and going down on the marble steps, I suddenly realized with a piercing pain that lacks the charm of the halo, radiating love, pink mist envelops it and makes me fascinated by it that I myself surrounded her when- that.
   Suddenly struck by his discovery, I became an afterthought down behind her ...
   Hippopotamus also chatted with all guests, not noticing our act. All behaved as calmly as if I had not dragged headlong bride from the hall.
   We went up to his campaign, and Veronica said rather loudly:
   -Come on, I'm sorry!
   Everyone turned to us with curiosity, why I was thrown into the paint.
   What happened? - N ointeresovalsya Hippo.
   -Why, he wanted me to steal.
   Such behavior Veronica I was not myself.
   -I thought .... I told you .... After all, it's the wedding - I felt that my explanations are getting dumber and more flushed. - In general, please forgive me - I have added, referring not even clear to whom.
   I myself could not understand who and what I am now sorry, and I managed to get into such a stupid position.
   -For what? - Hippo received apologies to your address, but smiled unknown reason.
   -I do not know. In general, good-bye! - I went to the door.
   -Uh, wait a minute! - It made me cry obey. - Do you want to spoil our holiday?
   Yes, in general, no.
   -Well, then stay and do not invent anything - he took me by the arm and escorted to the table, and, seated, he sat beside the bride.
   Forced to the fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around eating and drinking, not paying any attention to me. And then I came to the head is a very simple idea: "get drunk!"
   Immediately knocking a few shots of vodka, I got a taste and then have no memory of where I was and what happened to me ...
   I woke up inside the car, from which I have someone trying to extract. The street was dark. On the sidewalk at the entrance to the house rustled some people. Everything was a blur.
   All I could understand now, was that I introduced in some housing, lowered onto something soft, like a sofa, and continues round holiday music roars, jump, dance people.
   "Where am I?" - Extinct question in my mind.
   -FOUL! What have you done? - Boil it.
   -I? I stole you .... In ed can also be ...
   -Idiot! Now, take me back! And sorry for your stupid thing to do!
   -Why have you followed me? Could just pick up the hand ...
   Veronica said nothing and slowly, as if doubting down the stairs.
   In her appearance something missing, and I painfully tried to figure out what is missing. And suddenly, when she was already below ground and was going to descend further down the marble stairs, hit me with a piercing toothache. Addition of charm, light, pink mist envelops her image in my mind once, so fascinated me in that distant day, was no longer in sight.
   Struck by his sudden discovery, I became an afterthought down behind her.
   Hippo still chatting with friends, as if nothing had happened.
   We went up to his campaign, and Veronica said rather loudly:
   -Come on, I'm sorry!
   Everyone turned to us with curiosity, why I was thrown into the paint.
   What happened? - I inquired Behemoth.
   -Why, he wanted me to steal.
   -I thought .... I told you .... After all, it was a wedding! - I felt that I blushed crimson blush. - In general, please forgive me!
   For what? - Hippo smiled unknown reason.
   -I do not know. In general, good-bye! - I went to the door.
   -Uh, wait a minute! - Shout it forced me to obey. - Do you want to spoil our holiday!
   Yeah, no ...
   -Well, then stay - he took me by the arm and escorted to a table and seated, he sat beside the bride.
   Forced to the fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around were eating and drinking, not paying each other any attention, and then I came to the head is a very simple idea: "Get drunk!".
   Knocking a few shots of vodka, I got a taste. And soon I could not remember where I was and what happened to me, and in my field of vision was only a small area with a glass table, a plate, a snack and a bottle of vodka. It was the easiest escape from boredom ...
   I woke up inside the machine from which I tried to eject someone. The street was dark. On the ground in front of the house entrance rustled some people.But everything that goes loomed in my mind rather vague. I only realized that I was introduced to an apartment and down on the sofa and going round some pandemonium under furiously screaming sounds from the speakers powerful               system.
   "Where am I?" - Extinct question in my mind.

Chapter 15.

   Falling asleep on the couch, I woke up with a start in the side:
   -Why are you sleeping? - I was stared at the stranger.
   -What is it? - Puzzled, I looked at him.
   Nothing, let's go, "Vidic" look!
   Let's go - I agreed and drunkenly swaying, rose from the sofa.
   We went into another room, where already crammed many people, men and women, cigarette smoke column was occasionally heard the splash of a pour and the clink of glasses, some talking quietly, occasionally prigublya were goblets and glasses, and in front, where everyone looked , was a marvel of engineering, to see what I never had to. High root screen was like a window into another world, in which there was a different life.
   My first impression was as if the cube wall cuts through the apartment and goes to some other world. Everything that happened there was voluminous, and it seemed that there can enter and there may rush out to crawl characters movies. Any sense of reality, the reality that I'm somewhere in the side and see only artificially created fabric artwork is lost. But the feeling that I'm somewhere in the film, and even participate in its operation.
   -What do they look? - I asked the one who woke me up, with difficulty got rid of that feeling.
   -And what they want. Everyone looks that he wants to see.
   -How's that?
   A so. A marvel of engineering. Maid Institute is not our, you know? Worth big money. Ten thousand cells. In every recorded on the film. And choose what you want to see, and can look at any moment.
   -And that one looks for what he wants?
   -But it's awful! - I was not myself.
   Why? - I did not understand the source.
   How-why? Why, then sit together, if someone in the woods, who for firewood? If people watch something together, and together they must empathize, sympathize, and then discuss the vision! - I wanted to say much more, but not enough words to explain the opportunity before me.
   -You say some nonsense! - Outraged stranger. - I f someone with someone wants to look the same, they agree and configured together.
   A controlled as this unit?
   -With thoughts of the beholder.
   -But you are here with their two dozen!
   -He will be able to perceive a greater number of viewers.
   -Look, I've never heard anything even on such a device! - I flew into a rage.
   -So what? You a lot about what not heard, but here it is in front of you. Do not fool my head, and better tuning of the film that you would like to see.
   -But on this machine roof can go!
   Do not bother! - Shouted the stranger, and in my eyes his face began to change, and soon he began to smile something that was visible only to him.
   I looked at the motley cube, where a hundred-something flickers, and even it was impossible to make out, and hardly thought it would be nice to see a cartoon, as immediately was among painted, but the bulk of characters, surrounded himself with almost one of them.
   Cartoon was over and I was back in the room with other people. "And what if I send it to the dick?" - Originated in the head mischievous thought. I swore as soon as he could, himself, and for a while nothing happened, when I was suddenly moved from bedroom to bedroom, from orgy to orgy where naked men one by one and in groups, huddled separately loved women, where men do without women, and women without men.
   It was awful, and I was soon thought to watch this I do not want to. Cube blossomed again, I looked back. People are still watching something there and I did not stop anybody come up to him and touch his mysterious surface, which determine the properties of the touch was impossible. It was impossible to say what it is: a glass or foam. I turned around. No one present me seemed to see, although I had to, in theory, block them all field spectacle. But they are also closely watched somewhere past and through me, as if my body was transparent.
   The room began to fade in front of me, and I did not think even horror, and with shrill felt that I dive into this mysterious object, and it envelops me something ghostly gloomy absorbing and devouring surrounding my being like a giant amoeba . I do not even have time to get scared when he found himself in the darkness.Nothing was not around when suddenly I found myself in the room, dimly lit by the deceptive light that the moon peering through the window.
   In the room there was someone, and decided at first that it was an accident involved a movie, I suddenly wonder and a sense of discovered that I see before me Veronica and Behemoth, and someone else. What's happening and where - it was absolutely impossible to understand, and first came to mind a ridiculous idea that lovers of spicy scenes and kakih-nibud perverts curious stranger to secrets of the marriage bed, to this thing somehow connected direct channel, and now I it tuned.
   However, what I saw was not like the wedding night. Veronica was sitting next to a man in a hat, on the other side of him was a long table Behemoth and many, many people, men and women looked at me as if in anticipation of what I would do or say. Everyone was silent, until I suddenly realized that this is not no movie, and not even the transfer, and all is really going on.
   The man in the hat was me, it seems familiar. "I do not whether it came time for Veronica?" - Flashed in my head a sudden hunch, and I remembered the evening sunk to nowhere, and the church.
   -Welcome - smiled man in a hat.
   It's you-me? - I'm afraid, suddenly heard in the silence of the silent sound.
   -You, you.
   I looked more closely, but did not understand who speaks and where do is the voice. Everything seems to be not open his mouth and sat blankly, like mummies.
   Veronica! - I called her, but she did not look at me.
   Do not try in vain, she can not hear you.
   -This is a dream? - I asked the voice.
   -No. H about what is a dream? Dream and reality go together, pass each other. T s not there and not there.
   -But where?
   -You among them, and I waited for the moment when you come here.
   Man with hat and rose from the table, bypassing it, approached me. I saw his red mustache and burning in the dark green eyes. He touched my hand - and even through clothing, I felt burning cold his hands - led to the window, dragging. Below, on the insane depth could see some flickering lights. They were like small sparks and embers left from the scattered fire.
   -Do you see this? - Asked me a hat, and I saw his green eyes flashed in the darkness.
   What's this? - Unwittingly with surprise escaped me.
   -It is a city. Look - he made a move, and half of lights stopped flashing. - Welcome to the holiday.
   -At the wedding? - I did not understand.
   Yes, the wedding! - I heard him bad, chilling laughter. - Today Wedding! Virgin, vicious world finally plays a wedding! Wedding with darkness! And we are the main witnesses. I can make you the master of ceremonies at the wedding. You'll be mad, waving his hands right and left, and there, where you drop your burning eyes, everything will fall, crumble, burn, die and break! The hour has come! Look.
   He made a motion, and the last at the bottom of the lights dim, plunged into darkness.
   -Now I'll go and this little town will not! Then another and another. And they will crumble like matchboxes, and people will die under the rubble as vile worms, like cockroaches, twisting and crunching bones!
   -No! there Veronica!
   -Oh! I'm touched! But no, boy. She is here! She is with us. Here it is! - O n got me to the table and led to Veronica, who was sitting just a doll or mannequin.
   -Say hello to him! - Addressed this hat to her.
   The girl seemed to be alive, rose, turned to me and smiled unnaturally, did not smile as never before, said: "Hello, you're here too!"
   I wanted to say something to her, but in a hat swept me away.
   -See. She is with us, and you can start.
   -But what to do?
   Nothing special - he moved from somewhere in the darkness basket with something glittering in the moonlight blue needles sparks. - H ichego special. Yet.For now, just take these stones, the diamonds, and spread them out the window, sow down. You know, like a bride before the wedding showered money? That's just as well as you. While the cart is empty.
   But why me?
   -Do you want to be there? - He pointed into the darkness, down somewhere. - Hy, look.
   All gone, and suddenly I found myself on the street. From the sky the sun was shining, people walked past me, and suddenly the ground is stopped by passers-by rushed in different directions, screaming and rolling his eyes bewildered and buildings around one another and the whole streets began to settle and fall like a house of cards. Clouds of dust clouds vzdelis to heaven, clothed with it, and it was dark all around. Earth continued to shake. Brick and cement dust scored all nostrils, eyes and mouth. It was impossible to breathe. And I felt suffocated and can not even cough. Brown darkness enveloped me, and I fell and fell lifeless on shaky ground.
   Well, what? - Asked the man in the hat.
   I stood back in the shadows in the moonlight beside him.
   What was that? - In my throat still tickle the dust.
   Nothing special. Beginning of the end. The end of all this world. Choose. Or you'll be there - he pointed down again - and not here, next to me, when all there is to die and crumble. It is a great honor - to be with me. T s should be proud of this choice, and would be sure to say "Yes" to agree. After all, only one of the deaths can be next to me, and in front of our feet will lie dying world, and you'll push it and finish. You will do. What I'm going to command and control those forces which have a hell of a power which I plunge into the abyss of struggle. And you'll be all over ... except me.
   -What about Veronica?
   A Veronica?
   -She's here too.
   She's at your feet as soon as you'll agree.
   -I agree on that?
   -The fact that I'm offered.
   -But it was a dream .... P hy why I dream all this devilry? I'm baptized! I should be spared from this devilry!
   How you been baptized? I know everything. You were not dipped in holy water. Pop was not too burdened by debt perform the rite correctly. So your baptism - a fiction. That's it.
   -No, no! - Trepyhayas in the darkness, I struggled to dispel the vision, but nothing happened, and the man in the hat, green eyes burning through me, smiled silently. I have not seen, but felt this chilling smile.
   Okay, boy! I'm letting you go. Yet. But remember that I am your master, I'll be watching you. And remember that there will come a moment when you did bow down before me his trembling knees. I suddenly can not do great and be headed fellows that swarmed down there. I do not accidentally drew attention to you. I need you, and I am flattered that you have something of pride, though still not enough. I let you go for now and will no longer continue to bother. I just know that you call me. Remember, my name is Mr. Devil.
   -It's something to do with evil, if in English? - I said.
   -That's it, right. So you will be easier to remember my name. You will call me yet. For now, goodbye! But that you firmly remembered, just in case, a farewell surprise.
   He suddenly disappeared, and the darkness around quickly began to turn gray, brighten and dissipated at all. Looking back, I saw that I was standing at the motley cube against whom are people still keep seeing it every man his.
   "Devil's Box" - I thought, and immediately felt the floor shake beneath their feet came.
   Already familiar with the feeling of the earthquake, I realized that this is it.
   People are just sitting and looking at some of the magic cube transcendence - miracle of technology, although tremors have become tangible, and floor and ceiling of the apartment went, like the deck of the ship, caught in a violent storm. Reality is threatened with destruction, they simply did not exist.
   -Help! - I cried, tearing voice on a high note. - To araul! Earthquake!
   But none of the sitting did not hear my voice, and I realized that I had to escape himself, until it is too late. Rushing out of the apartment, in vshibayas crispy crackling and opens the door, I flew to the site and seeing the steps, and ran down, not even thinking about the fact that I stumble and great thunder in tar-Tarara. Light suddenly went out, but I already have not seen of my feet, and the darkness did not prevent me shoot a bullet in the stairwell, and a few seconds to jump out on the street.
   The light went out in the surrounding homes as blow out the candle, and scurried everywhere screaming and wild cries of horror, clinking glasses, some banging, banging, crunching and all the growing rumble, the origin of which came to me with difficulty and only when I saw overcast starry sky clouds of dust and felt the teeth gnashing of sand. Not wasting a minute, I ripped his shirt and covered his nose and mouth.
   New jolt knocked me down as if I was standing on the carousel, suddenly became frantic turnover, then followed by two weaker, but I still threw up twice, off the ground, and when it fell again, it felt like the earth trembles shallow trembling from near fall multi-ton concrete structure houses. People shouting and other sounds absorbed monotonous hum gluttonous.
   What was happening was scary, but I could not get scared until the end, so scared, you deserve what is happening, because the memory of the strange conversation was still strong. Something hit me on the leg, and pain shot through the body. I buckled leg, and fumbling with her fingers, felt a deep wound on the shin muscle, from which blood was oozing, sticky and warm. Something very close boomed, and I was again thrown into the air and fell and I felt that something punctured my back and stomach with a sound that reminded champ rotten watermelon with a soft, yet durable skin but when it pierces blunt the end of the steel rod electrode.Remembering this has come from a distant childhood, when I was amused with his buddies in a similar way, but then faded from pulling twisting pain in the abdominal area. Reaching there flagging hand, I felt a ribbed body reinforcement rod sticking out of the abdomen. Soon as they wonder what happened to me is, I'm not suffered a new wave of pain and lost consciousness, having thought that I was dying ...
   Opening my eyes, I saw myself on a white bed. His head ached, making it difficult to figure out where I get ugorazdilo. Looking back, I realized that I was lying on the top shelf compartment, outside is a day or morning train going somewhere, perestukivaya wheels on rail joints. Downstairs there are people, two men and a woman. I did not realize that it was my neighbors coupe: Eppolit Appolonovich, Agathon Afanasevich and just Ella.
   Baffled, I am dumbfounded eyes widened, then closed his eyes and shook his head.
   What's wrong with you? - I heard a voice from below, and opened his eyes, he saw that Eppolit Appolonovich deftly knocking on the palm bubble cologne and wetting his fingers, and then, slapping his cheeks and chin, with a satisfied pokryahtyvaniem sly squint at me. - The head of va-va, eh? H ochyu slept bad, huh?
   Embarrassed, I automatically nodded and looked at "just Ella." She smeared lipstick lips with inherent to all women in art, drawing in, then opening them, and closely examined his reflection in the mirror. The woman did not even looked at me, and I have some time sitting cross-legged on the top shelf, still trying to figure that out what happened to me, though, and what a dream, and when it was decided, was that the train ... wedding Veronica and all the other not less strange events - nonsense too protracted sleep, sudden pain, like a prick needle pierced through my stomach. Lifting his shirt, and he looked at his stomach, and saw a round, delayed, wound healing sized snout, covered with gore. Long, lingering wound in the leg did not hurt, but was clearly discernible. I put my finger up through oblique muscle scar on the back of the leg and felt his rough intergrown, bumpy surface, glistening young cast glossy skin.
   Silently I dressed and went downstairs, trying to comprehend what a bunch of low-filled my memory.
   -What's the date? - I asked, clutching his fingers in his face, pretending to be torn eyes after drinking.
   -What do you mean, man? - Agathon surprised Afanasevich. - And really bad? Looks like you can not drink.
   -Yes, no, - I tried to explain, but muttered something stupid and incomprehensible.
   Sighing, Eppolit Appolonovich called the number. Today, as it turned out, was a day that has long faded into the past. I could not understand how he found himself in the train, which was traveling ten days ago.
   Train approached the station platform to high, and I was surprised to find that it's still Moscow. Asking the bystanders what day and by which, after such a question every time on me, as a drunkard frank, how to jerk, but certainly that is clearly a lost person, they reluctantly answered yet, and I realized that somehow surprising, strangely went back in time, and could have waved his hand and firmly resolve that night I dreamed something pretty crazy and weird, if not wound on the abdomen and lower leg, at least occasionally, but reminds himself and brings me back to reality, a fact which would be more realistic, know that it is only a figment of my imagination.
   The day went as well as then, ten days ago, and I did not resist the course of events, I knew in advance, and only wondered how exactly to detail all the little things repeated all, one after another, as if I come to re ugorazdilo screening of the film, which has recently had a chance to see.
   Once again I was given leave for ten days, and only at the station, already sending their belongings luggage to the destination station and left with a small suitcase filled with the most necessary things on the trip and toilet articles, already bought a ticket on the train as it was ten days ago, going in the city where she lived Veronica, I suddenly realized that the events of my life went in circles.
   Temptation return was prohibitive, but still, breaking his unimaginable effort, I broke out of the vicious circle, passed the tickets and went to the Yaroslavl station where my train departed to the east.
   The joy of my victory over himself, over his weakness still punctuated with bitterness from what I have not used the chance. Something told me that I give in my weakness, the same thing happened to the same way as has already happened in those strange ten days kanuvshih nowhere. And, maybe, yielding to the temptation and go to the second round, I'm stuck in a hole would even deeper, and happened to me would have something more dramatic, and then two podzhivayuschimi wounds on the abdomen and lower leg would not get off.
   However, the temptation that could happen something good, gave me no rest, tickled the nerves and makes us doubt, and if the error is not made that possibility now rejected, so that I almost came back in a rush ill splash fight desires and misgivings prompts insisting trying to convince me that this would not be any good.
   Meanwhile, I was in the subway, bore me a large underground ring, and if through a veil, through the struggle of his thoughts, standing at the railing and nobody touching, watched as the car in the middle of a half-empty hard drunk man waving with one hand and the other, holding the handrail and spinning, swinging around it, obviously frightened than sitting beside citizens declared to the whole car:
   Told me-Communists: "Vanya, here it is communism, on the horizon," and I went to this horizon. And lo! Life was, and to the horizon, I never came!
   He began to undress, taking off his pants, and at the next station several men finally dared useless after a verbal altercation, grab his arm, dragged him, breaking into hysterics at the output, and I awoke, saw that it was my stop.

Chapter 17.

   The people at the station were a dime a dozen, and I'm standing in line at midnight at the box office. Tickets were only on the train going in the morning, at eleven o'clock, and I had the whole night provolynit on a noisy, crowded station.
   Designated seats were tightly packed with passengers who do not have enough chairs, huddled here on your belongings primaschivaya as soon as possible to children in their bags, baskets and bags. Hardly any place vacated as to him immediately rushed from different angles and then long and angrily arguing who should get it. Eventually, someone's got the upper hand, but sometimes the case nearly came to blows.
   After watching this show, I realized that it was useless to wait for something, then I really do not like to see someone shouting at me. Cheerless prospect remained: to spend the night on their feet, hanging out at the huge building from room to room, learning kiosks with newspapers, funny expensive baubles in private stalls brought enterprising businessmen "over the hill" and from time to time to push for a change in the queue for biscuits and coffee to deceive even so sleep and fatigue.
   Motley crowd outside the station, not decreasing, but rather a coming, the deepening night, and gave food for observation. Among the folk road, on which the tortured faces ugly mask imprinted confusion close to capitulation burdens endless road and fatigue disorder and need every minute vigil over their clothes and belongings, darting an infinite set of thugs and crooks, how much does not hesitate rare guards lazily paced mass of sleepy, and sometimes even entering into the open with the latest skirmish, ending at the end rapid escape and disappearance monotonically going crowd. In the toilets jammed gaggle of teenagers in coats clipped for growth, it is important in style, though the most expensive restaurant, smoking cheap cigarettes, the business blowing smoke up and trying to impress. They loudly cursing used to it, that no one pays attention to them or because of fear or because of fatigue, and visitors to places zyrkaet prickly, arrogant, thriftily rummage looks small empty eye, in which there was nothing but anger and readiness to violence. "These cubs!" - I thought that such a view slashed at me, and then a long, standing in the booth could not do anything and tried to pretend that I can not find and unbutton his pants, feeling cold on the back, you can count if I shake eyes.
   In the corners of rooms, in the darkest places with large bales ranged whole enclaves Roma bed right on the dirty floor new bath towels such dimensions are in my life before had ever seen, and put them side by side next to one another of their numerous young upstart . Gypsy immediately pestered unfortunate onlookers who dared to pass by, filling tell fortunes and tell "the whole truth." Other traded every little thing. Bearded, shaggy men either sleeping or gathered into small piles, were talking and arguing in their incomprehensible language.
   For fun in one of these places I stopped to quietly from afar to observe how the gypsy to make a living, oblaposhivaya unsuspecting client. It shows something on his palm, running his finger vigorously, colorfully gesturing, smiling ingratiatingly looking into his eyes, and then suddenly seriously pouted and again appealed to the palm. Client and then climbed into his pocket and laid them on the palm of one after the other banknotes, fine, but sometimes bigger.
   Suddenly a man who wondered gypsy, shouted something at her, rushed with his fists, and she deftly thrusting under her dress, bra crumpled wad of colored bills, too screamed as cut, twirled without giving stick attacker, deceived her, hand to vymanennym money, and began to retreat.
   Instantly help arrived. Two gypsy, young and older, in years already, jumped on her and yelling, not even listening to explanations man began to push aside his shoving in the chest. Gypsy immediately if evaporated, and seeing such a thing, the feeder cheated fate retired.
   Five minutes later, when I was about, thinking excitedly: "Come on, try to cheat me, witch!" Approach to reappear at his workplace fortune teller, the man appeared again, but accompanied by a militiaman.
   Comrade policeman, he tried to rape me! - Flew to me screams gypsy, in a panic, with the inherent nature of all this artistic ability to pretend to show on the right man, and retreating, moving back though as if she really was scared, so that even the presence of guardian of order could not save her fright. - He wanted to rape me! I have witnesses!
   Immediately jumped two gypsy, and for no reason, no reason, in the middle of the corridor formed a noisy bunch, where every now and then surged hands rushed scolding, Roma strove to grasp for human breast and police beat them on the palms, protecting the victim. Already his expression became clear to me that the case is hopeless, and I was not surprised when five minutes later he shrugged when signing his impotence, and took the man away to him even, God forbid, not stuffed in the end face.
   Ensure that decided to go and I hid the money as far as possible, into the deepest pockets of clothing, to which until you get there, ten times have time to recover and think, "What are you doing?"
   Gypsy was turning his head from side to side and black flashing eyes searching for his next victim. She slashed at me, but did not linger, maybe because I myself have walked closely with a challenge, not only looking at the vision stage, staring at her. However, a woman's eye still has a watch over me, her hands nervously fumbled through his pockets, took out a pack of cards greasy and began to shuffle them, and when the distance between us became no more than a meter, with a reversal, just thrown dagger, it occurred to her slay me straight, dry matter:
   Tebe-chego, paren?
   -Tell fortunes, - I replied even shorter parried shot.
   - Pogadaev - her voice with a strong accent became softer.
   -Tell fortunes, tell fortunes, - I said.
   At Chom-tebe tell fortunes? - Gypsy eyes narrowed suspiciously, suspecting me, apparently disguised as a policeman (I put on a toilet in the civil shortly before).
   -What you know how. I'll pay ...
   Ne-not, I do not deneg Baer - she waved her hand and turned away.
   -But guess something - guess?
   Gypsy not seem to hear.
   - Well, to tell fortunes, please.
   She went away from me, but I followed her eye, but when mowing on those two Gypsies who have already paid attention to us and now expect only the slightest trick on my part.
   - Well, to tell fortunes, please - I said, and figured add. - I do not litter, do not cop I, honestly. Pogadaev!
   Gypsy stopped, slowly turned around, flashing crow eye.
   Okay, let's palm.
   I held her hand, watching her expression and preparing himself to meet her psychological attack and not let yourself be rushed.
   Two minutes with a woman just looked at my hand. Then her eyes narrowed as though there Onam noticed something unusual that surprised and puzzled her.Her eyebrows jumped up and broken in half, bent the arc. "Begins - I decided to myself, internally more pick up and focusing on the idea not to give her any money in any case. - Well, now hold on! "
   Paren-I'll tebe ne gadat! - She said, finally.
   Why? - Thinking to himself, "Aha!", I asked.
   -Videsh - she took a finger, stopping at some intersections of the lines on the palm - that Crest, Crest here, here zvezda, here zvezda, here are the lines - sovsem bad hand sovsem bad. Gadat nelza - bad budet.
   -Who is bad? - Me and podkovyrivalo from what I knew now that she will have to give money.
   -And I will give money.
   -Nat, paren, ne necessary ....
   -Lots of ladies.
   Says - I will not gadat - boyus. Poor budet. Chert.
   She turned and walked resolutely away from me.
   -Wait, wait - I tried to stop her, even before reaching the mind that is not maneuver crafts, and indeed failure to contact me at all.
   Trying to recreate her last words in mind, I went thoughtfully away from the place, and soon came upon a small group of young people dressed in uniforms of student construction teams that rare flocks enthusiasts scoured the country in search of romance, dispelling melancholy dusty classroom chairs. Beautiful girls and boys of various sizes and kid surrounded by a dense ring with one guitar, bearded, bespectacled, probably the most seasoned, wolf romance, and listened to his singing.From there came the quiet, barely audible something from the "grandfather Grebenshchikova":
   ... Everything was not sorry ....
   He looked at her tracks, her longed for water,
   Walked away in the light of its star.
   In his finger x water turned into steel.
   I stopped to listen. Bearded voice and manner of performance were similar to the website and I like a lot of early Grebenshchikova.
   Listening to student singing I'm not alone. Several onlookers also stopped nearby. On the faces of some longing was written, maybe, kind of romantic jealousy, not burdened with the burden of life of youth, the other right in front of spiritualized, perceiving music, absorbing, absorbing the juice its melody and rhythm energy, moving away from the bustle, cracking down on the cargo being discharged , blossoming like flowers from the touch of the sun, and fly away, floating away soul somewhere far away, in the long-forgotten dreams.
   Next to me stood a lieutenant in some brand new, brand-new form, just heard. "Green" - I thought contemptuously, meticulously having taken it from head to toe, and certainly finding that outfit sitting slouched on it awkwardly, and it spoils the impression of his perception. "Green" - I said to myself to become more convincing in the rightness of his arrogance, even though he was the same "green" and uncouth as he is. I wanted to establish themselves in their own eyes, and perhaps also because the young little officer was in uniform, and that I had won his position in uniform.
   Lieutenant stood nearby, listening and was not going to go away. Coexist with it I found it hard, so I decided to retire, although like most soprisutstvovat here because the whole station, perhaps, there was no place gratifying. It was only a cozy corner to attract the mysterious warmth of communication with simple and good guys who openly sang it. they wanted, regardless of their tiredness. And their close circle, their tireless enthusiasm emanating from these waves of energy, their routine, beautiful and strange at the same time I liked the song, and not only to me but also to all who stood gathered around them. Rest of the space station came through a cold and unsettled by thousands of people broke into a road quirk of fate, from the dark and their kind of tired people from crying and screaming naughty children faster than their parents who give heavy duty travel and encampments, which calmed down under the high arches , stairways and passages huge and indifferent to their hourly changing residents halls.
   -Uncle, let ruble guzzle hunting! - Popped up suddenly in front of me-imp ragamuffin. He did not lose the gift of time and bother passengers extortion small amounts of money, nagging them with all kinds of sentimental tricks.
   To look at boys on separate it was thirteen, but skinny and skinny, torn in half, half-rotted clothing, through which holes here and there were areas of the naked body, looked much younger than his age and helplessness.
   I looked at him and he could not say anything surprise. Then he tried to figure out what, in fact, he wants from me.
   Money I still had, and give ruble ragged boy was not sorry. However, when reminded of the food I most wanted to eat, and so I decided to:
   Listen, I give you a ruble, and you show me where to eat, cheap and cheerful. Goes? - In the station buffet was nothing but dried biscuits and fried chicken sniffy, and dry rations have not wanted.
   -Go - agreed boy - let's ragged.
   -No, you're my first Bring where agreed - I nodded my head. - Your brother is - then look-fistula.
   We walked out of the station and headed somewhere, wagging the narrow streets between sleeping, dark apartment blocks and crossing the empty quiet neighborhood, departing too far from the station square.
   By the way, I spoke with a teenager, fearing that he might not led me there. Apparently, it was a street kid, and he had no trouble now lead me into the den, where lived his gang. However, if he wanders recently and there is still only in itself, then for such a finale there was no danger.
   -You yourself, then Moscow?
   -Your cares? - Rude boy replied.
   -Well, what ... Big. First, you're younger and therefore, if the eldest ask you a question, you must answer them. Secondly, I still wonder why you're the night at the station, and what are you doing.
   -Your cares? - The answer was in the same tone.
   Unable to stand, I caught up with the teenager, who was walking slightly ahead of, and in the hearts, feeling leaped, boiling blood, spread it like a whirligig and grabbed her breast off the ground:
   -Listen, you shket, another reply so I'll face in blood raskvashu! - I had no doubt that now, try to snap it in any way yet, I brought a threat into execution.
   The boy's eyes widened in fright and if swallowed his tongue.
   -You do not see that I'm so good. Brought forth - get it!
   I dropped it on the ground because I felt sorry for him. At that moment he looked so miserable and helpless in front of me, frightened unexpected turn of events and angry "uncle" that the hands themselves released his clothes. My childhood was not very far, so maybe I felt that I got to experience this man, who without me was bad enough in life. Contrite heart going down in my chest.
   Okay, let's go - I said.
   The boy silently moved forward, but not so confidently and quickly as before, and if lost in thought, his head bowed. Perhaps he was trying now to figure out what happened, but maybe going to rush to their heels, funky my reaction to his usual own behavior, and whether all disappear, or call the rescue and return to take revenge.
   -Why are you silent? - His behavior needed in the soft control on my part, and if the boy and was going to ask the next moment Strekachev, now his willingness somewhat dispelled: he had to answer.
   Nothing - he muttered.
   -So you own something from?
   -With Peter.
   And in Moscow, what are you doing? - I felt like a friend so tempted to answer me again commercials boorish.
   -That I, the police, or what?
   -No. Well I as a friend asking you.
   The fig-yourself - in a friendly way! And what's jacket grasping?
   Because you are rude to me.
   The boy was silent again, but I was not going to wait until it meets with the spirit and ask Strekachev.
   -So what are you doing in Moscow?
   -What about the mother of a folder? They are crazy!
   I did not have the strength to continue in the same spirit. I suddenly felt a keen sympathy for the boy, the same lonely, do not need anyone, and perhaps, even to himself, how I was now.
   -So are you, brother, also an orphan? - I pressed his hand to her, and we went next door. The boy just looked at me from under his shoulder strangely, learn: Do not lie, "Uncle." And no I was not "uncle", I also had a child, only adult child, all the forgotten and abandoned, lost the house and even the very hope someday to find it warm. Suddenly, I really wanted someone to native, large and warm, gently pulled me to him and fatherly, parentally, lovingly patted my head.
   -Come on, brother, I'll feed you.
   The boy led me to some backwater, dirty and dingy pelmeni, who worked around the clock. Despite the night, there were a lot of people and we were attached at the end of a long, across the hall turn.
   A dozen tables at the center of the hall, visitors were busy, eats his dinner. Maid lazily crawled between them and wiping the vacated when quiet, and when demanded and shouted having eaten clean dishes for themselves if they tried to leave just like that.
   The queue moved slowly, and I noticed two lads standing slightly ahead. They were as ragged as the one with which we came here. One was about eighteen, the other was the same age as my companion. Boys behaved strangely. One that was older, sat on the empty seat at the table, and the youngest, typing on a tray plate with meals and snacks, and then under Podlazov volerchika railings, fences off all of the hall, and passed to the table half of what he took. He did this when razdatchitsa, replenish shelves with new portions, turned away or waste deep into the brewhouse, the sight of him standing next to a queue of people who though he had not noticed straight oiskhodyaschego. Between me and the two had a few people, and I did not dare to make minor pilferers remark, not afraid of their reaction, not unwilling to make some much noise. Everything was done, if so be it, and maybe, in fact, there were so instituted.
   I wanted to ask about these two with his little boy, but he told me:
   -Won the two men, they live at home.
   -What do they do?
   -Like what? Steal.
   -And here all the time?
   The boy shrugged his shoulders:
   When-as ...
   -And you, too? - Our eyes met, and I realized that it is better not to hear his answer and did not climb into the jungle, in the mud alien life.
   Meanwhile, two of the Dodgers already covered yourself full dinner. On the tray was a junior some cheap salad, and, coming up to the cashier, he put two more cups of coffee a surrogate, and then paid off, as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, none of the witnesses told him the disgrace and words.
   Climb-whatever you want - I said Maltz, and he did it from the heart, cool clicking on gratuitous.
   We sat at a table next to the scoundrels, and, turning to them, I finally said, unable to withstand:
   -You guys need to have a conscience.
   And those-what? - Heard behind me defiantly.
   I turned back. Asked a senior. Our eyes met, and I forced himself pereglyadet it.
   Do not Th. I say we must have a conscience.
   -What is conscience?
   -Ordinary. Human.
   -Well, well, - the guy turned away and I immediately heard his chaw.
   We ate and headed for the exit.
   -You should not have it - told me boy.
   -What is it? - I did not understand.
   Coupled with them in vain.
   -But someone has to bring them to heel.
   The boy looked at me and I realized that we are talking with them in different languages.
   At the exit, we were waiting for.
   - Well, why, simpleton? Why are you going? Che Ponte direct? - The one that was older, moved toward me, and I felt that abashed before arrogance. - Come on, went around the corner, I'll deal with you.
   Had to do something, gather the courage to apply the golden rule of the winner: the first hit - let's most likely to succeed.
   Man approached, and when he pulled his hand somewhere to my collar, apparently intending to take me by the scruff, I forced myself through the power to strike him in the face. Make a second blow was already much easier. Third went like clockwork.
   He did not expect this from me, and therefore made no attempt to defend himself, grabbing the only face in his hands and something zahryukav, gurgled in anger. The second time I gave him in the jaw, the third - in the groin.
   Man fell to the sidewalk into the mud and slush. His younger companion took a few steps, rolling his eyes at me. I would have to stop, but could not bring sovladet.
   -This is for the first, the second is for you, it's you for the third, and that you for your insolence! - I kicked his legs, not looking where nanoshu blows. I even wished that it was more painful, and that he long remembered the lesson.
   At this time of the doors dumplings came out a few people, and one of them shouted:
   What are you doing?
   I stopped coming to himself.
   What are you doing? - Jumped me a man quite frail, but apparently raskhorohorivshiysya from what I paid attention to their words. - I tell you now ...
   I pushed him away, he felt a new surge of rage, just as he swung at me.
   -Uncle, come here! You'd better dumplings here and it's there what made the remark when they pulled off the counter - I hissed through clenched teeth it, and then swore.
   Left on the street stood looking at me in surprise and fright, primolknuv in anticipation that they too can get. Guy began to rise from the ground, sitting and trying to get up, but I had already released the entire charge of hatred and no longer able to hit him. Now he sat, wiped and spat, glancing at me. People began to disperse. Those new, who came out of pelmeni, just silently thrown our way short views.
   Pause dragged not in my favor. Should have hit him more and finally retire, but I could not do it. Go, do not blow, meant leaving him a chance to catch up with the desire to try and recoup: surely he had a knife, which he just did not have time to use. I did not like that I was attacked from behind, especially since there were two, and maybe three, and because lad, whom I fed, could flop on their side. However, he already felt no friendly feelings towards me, and certainly would not participate in the fight by my side, I will repeat it again, and in the best case, there would be only a curious observer. These two were to him a hundred times closer, he shared with them, and shelter, and fate, and subsequently would undoubtedly shlopotal yourself in big trouble.
   -Well, simpleton, Slade? - Heard the voice of the older, still sitting on the ground. He touched and wiped his lips. - Okay.
   I knew that it was necessary to strike, hit him again, but in my head there was some porridge. In memory somehow surfaced Veronica. She kissed a Behemoth, and I thought, "Maybe I just dreamed all that, it seems, was it?"
   Thousands of stupid thoughts quite inappropriately climbed to the head. Poems swarmed and buzzed her, insistently demanding pay attention to them, and only one sober, like a spell, a simple combination: "We must go," - Run through all this chaos path to salvation.
   Leave was really necessary. Beaten man I was still trying to get off the ground, while the other stood a little way off, staring fearfully. My companion was hanging somewhere in the back, on the corner of the house.
   I relish spat more convincing to me someone was nepovadno catch up, and walked away. The boy followed me.
   -Anyway, nothing you contact them - again, he concluded.
   -Why? - I really wanted a boy feel like a hero.
   -Now I get it.
   Yeah, but you're here with me?
   -I? I have something to do with it - teen sighed heavily - but I still face nabyut.
   -And you do not live with them together, go away somewhere.
   Where to? - My companion smiled skeptically. - Here, everyone knows each other, and I still went out and brought.
   -Are you all so cool? - I was surprised.
   -I do not know if cool, not cool. Just do not lie to me why ...
   In an alley between houses I stopped to relieve bladder. The boy followed my example.
   -Good night: You can do it anywhere - I said. To somehow revive the silence.
   -I do not care, I can do this afternoon - said the homeless.
   What, right on the people in the street? - My question sounded with deliberate irony.
   -Oh, no, why? So the cops even, God forbid, zametut. But in the porch - you can.
   Well, so - in the stairwell ...
   -So people there and go. They are outraged, and I'm doing what I need.
   And what if another itch that, more serious?
   Then sit.
   -And that one does not even make notes? So all by quietly and tested?
   -No, I'm not in the stairwell. Few places in the stairwell cubbyhole?
   We went to the train station.
   -Well, at least you had enough? - I asked, intending thereby to bring the matter to the farewell and proschityvaya, how much this cost me dinner.
   -Yeah, but you'd better ruble gave me, - said the little boy.
   -Beat me.
   -For what?
   Proceeds-no. By the morning should bring fifty.
   -To bring?
   Who-who. Tillage.
   -And who is more? Snakes or something what?
   -Zeke - he nodded, agreeing head. - He runs the world. And even those who sit with hats.
   -Beggars, or what?
   -In-in, beggars. He was with them, and every day we shakes. We were half a ruble, and with them - I do not know how many, but probably more likely more because they collect more.
   -And these, - I showed a nod back, alluding to the two that were in the dumplings - also pay him?
   -Nah, they do not beg, they steal. This is considered to be a step above. But he also takes them - things or grub. And to me fifty rubles should otherwise be beat.
   Yes, what did you give him fifty rubles? - I was outraged.
   -For something to not hit.
   I paused and then asked.
   -Maybe you give fifty rubles, - I wished offered money. But it was a pity and boy.
   -No, do not - he apparently also was uncomfortable in front of me - you and me so watered, fed ...
   -Want me to go with you? - I did not know how to thank for his counterclaim Maltz sympathy, and without noticing it, strove to stick his head in the lion's mouth, and not just shove and deeper ....
   -Nah, do not! - He waved his hand, but then suddenly started. - And, incidentally, went. Just look, they are there guns, and Fink, shooting blades. There skiff.
   Nothing - I encouraged myself, feeling that the lion decided to close the mouth, leaving behind my head. - Nothing, let's go ...
   At this time, the boy brought me to some ruins, side by side with the beginning of construction. Along the way, was not too long this time - we went to the end of the platform, then half a kilometer along the tracks, and jump over fences, ditches, overgrown grass and prickly dry gullies, were not in the five-storey Dolman - I learned that his name is Maxim, that he ran away from the orphanage six months ago, for the second time, and closer to winter is going to come back to cold and hateful walls shelter - "wait out the cold." The last time his return successfully taken care of by the police. Now he is expected to do the same, but a little later: still was not so cold.
   We went up to the third floor of the building dilapidated and dangerous stairs of one of the entrances. Here, in one of the ruined apartments with sooty walls, break down the door and rastaskannymi floors, side by side, covered, anything, slept like the dead teenagers. In the middle of a small empty circle on a concrete slab burnt out, but still showed signs of life white skinny smoke from the wreckage of a small fire boxes. Here a few empty bottles.

Chapter 19.

   -How long are you inhabit? - I asked Maxim, stopping on the threshold of what he saw in wonder spectacle.
   -C week. Before lived in column, but then had a falling out there with one, and they drove us.
   -In which column?
   -What, what! In ordinary, which sticks out of the ground.
   In the sewer, or what?
   -No, not in the sewers. There's some pipes are warm and winters can live.
   -And who drove you?
   Yes, there some assholes. It is their column. They have called to themselves, and then we lit a fire in it, like frogs fry, well and made it a little pozharchik.
   A hundred, fried frogs love? - I shuddered involuntarily.
   Yes I do like dogs and cats can not tolerate ...
   I almost puked on a gastronomy.
   From our conversation awoke.
   -Who are you cited, you moron? - Heard from one of the carotid rise above the mass lying next to each other bodies of the head.
   Pal-one, - said Maxim dismayed.
   -Buddy? ..
   Awakened moved, rising. Several people approached us, stepping directly or stepping on the swearing in sleep companions. Years they were fifteen - sixteen.They stared at us, trying to tear a sleepy, sleepy, puffy eyes.
   Well, great! What came? - Asked one of them to me, as if I knew for a long time and I felt guilty before him.
   -Oh, just - I'm confused, there were too many opponents, and their behavior was unpredictable for a second ahead - it was clear from the first words, and what else could be expected from the homeless, no matter how unpredictable.
   -Just do not go, the more - here - in the hand of the speaker suddenly there was a knife which he playfully began to twirl around downstairs at the hip. He was shorter than me, and cachexy puny, but now it hardly had any significance, and I immediately regretted the hour of two things: first, that all came here, he did not know from what and for that, and, secondly. Do not know how to fight as it is done in a beautiful dashing guys movie, putting a dozen enemies at once.
   -Yes, he came to us to make a gift, Jack. Can not you see? - Someone close.
   Then vykladay! - Immediately, as the scenario without pausing picked Jack went on to play with a knife.
   Meanwhile, all new teenagers approached the pile in front of me, who is shivering from the cold morning air, who is yawning and stretching. Case took more nasty turn.
   -Oh, and outfit-then it, too - nothing. Need to undress, and then I have some holes on the jacket! - Came a new voice.
   -Plenty of time - suddenly noticed Eugene. - Well, what do you stand? Took out coppers.
   I was moved to tears shame in what I was a silly situation, unwittingly. Around the world, after all, is full of evil, and this should never be forgotten. We must constantly be on guard and not allow the heart to boss over reason.
   When I had all the money, all my cash that still remained, and part due to his own stupidity with this pretty decent, but, more importantly, the last sum of savings, which in my life then I probably. Not be able to save, it was like death and intolerable. Suddenly wanted to collapse right here on the floor and did not live longer, since everything is so badly formed. And let this blond shket slay me, and then takes my money - I do not see ....
   A-ah, simpleton! - Said someone behind my back itself.
   Involuntarily, I looked around and saw that which beat at pelmeni. - What a meeting! And I never thought I'd see!
   -Poldi, are you familiar with this? - Asked Zhenya. - About your district, or what?
   -Yeah, my! - Poldi walked me around gleefully squinting. A crowd of teenagers retreated slightly. - His, yours!
   I felt, I realized that he hit me now - over the eye it had a huge bruise bridge turned crimson, and the lower lip swollen to the size of grapes - and hardly guessed it, he felt a sharp pain in the groin, pulled me down. My body crouched down and collapsed. Through the haze of pain came the words to me Poldi:
   -His, yours! That's what he was making, here! ..
   New blows rained down on my body, and I thought I beat the whole gang of youngsters. Surrounding world separated black wool from my consciousness.
   When I came to, I felt tied to the pipe behind his back and sit on the cold concrete floor in the same room. Body ached from the beating, did not want to open his eyes and his ears rattled something.
   "Well, leave" - ??for some reason I thought indifferently. How many times he had to get into stupid and unpleasant situations, and getting hurt in the face - it was a nightmare, a madhouse. Is my life now, not yet completed, will consist of some trouble, sickness, tragedy, beatings and alterations, in which I have just tired to get.After all, before me that never happened. Now I lay in wait for adversity at every turn. As if my life is better for them and the world's only target.
   Finally, his eyes opened, and I saw that the room was empty order, and now it remains only five people. There were Zhenya, Poldi, his partner, my companion night and someone else unknown to me, a man of twenty-eight - thirty-two.
   When we approached the house Maxim morning sun had not yet appeared over the horizon, its dawn lit the house on the other side. Now it shining right through the window of the room, and it was easy to guess that passed for a long time.
   Were present with me in the room talking to each other, and only Maxim was silent and sad. Seeing that I opened my eyes, he approached me.
   -Does it hurt? - I heard his voice.
   -It hurts - I agreed.
   -Sorry, I did not want to.
   Yes, that really there.
   Approached us Poldi.
   -Ah, fraer awake! Well, how are you feeling? - He sat on his haunches in front of me, looking into his eyes. - Fraer!
   On his thin lips played straight, meandering, smiling winner enjoying the mockery of the victim.
   I found the strength not to respond to him.
   -By the way, do you know the name of this here? - Poldi patted the shoulder puny Maxim and without waiting for an answer, he gave it. - His name we putz - particularly valuable guy. You see - he raised his index finger and significantly inflated, dissolved lips. - Do you know who the "putz"? It's a boy in the synagogue of the Jews, which deprives innocent dead old women virgins, so ... well, it does not matter.
   Poldi rose from his knees, but did not finish the conversation:
   -So, judging by what the "putz", it should be a natural by shit. And this putz he is and we have - Poldi again, but this time with a wicked slammed Maxim's shoulder.
   He looked at him askance, but still frightened.
   Do not pyal Zenk, putz, and then shlopochesh the face - said Poldi, and then turned to me. - And you, simpleton, do not relax. Just in case I grabbed your wallet.
   He waved in front of my nose wallet, which had all of my documents, cash and several letters of credit for large sums.
   It was a real kick.
   -What not to like? - Poldi peered inside. - Oh, look, and you're good live, simpleton. Look how many dimes you. That's a catch!
   Money-take away - I told him, and documents and letters give me.
   Poldi began removing the contents of the wallet:
   -So, train tickets, fine, you can go to them to surrender, they will not need you - he gave me a cold look, and then made a foolish grimace does not mean anything good. - Yeah, dokumentiki ... Oh-oh-oh, you're Tsirik? That's a catch! Listen, it's just what a miracle! I still have not come across such.
   He took letters and stared at them with eyes wide open, then looked at me.
   -Hey, simpleton, where you took this? How Tsirik know - everything below the Colonel - the poor, just like me. And you're right millionaire! Maybe you daddy - General? Oh-oh-oh, so we nibbled his feathers. Come on, give it to the address.
   Ragamuffin behavior was outrageous, and, despite all the disadvantage of my position, I could not help it:
   -Hey, you, kid! I'll say that: take the money himself, and documents and letters give me! And untie my hands now ...
   -At-y, you're quite a greyhound, fraerok - Poldi approached me. - You Look, the general's son exactly. Now we'll arrogance-that diminished ...
   His face contorted with rage, and he began furiously beat me anywhere, saying thus:
   On-on, that's you! Get, a fascist, a grenade ....
   I as I could, defended his feet, pulling himself up. Tugging hands tied behind the pipe and eventually fell to the side, leaving defenseless back. Poldi used this several times and hit me kicked in the kidneys. His anger came out, and he stood over me, panting heavily and gaping mouth.
   When I was able to sit down, he has calmed down and smoke, standing at the window, staring out into the street.
   -Oh, you brought me fraerok - he breathed with cigarette smoke, without turning around. - H enavizhu you Cyric and communists! Generally, milestones bastards who's up there, I hate. And like you, toadies.
   He swore viciously, and inhaled deeply, sweetly squinting. Sun, vyglyanuvshee because clouds illuminated his pale forehead, which dangled strand unwashed, if coated gray patina of dust, hair of indeterminate color.
   -Bastards! .. Ah-ah-ah! - He threw a cigarette butt, crushing his toe shoe worn. - Bastards!
   Besides the two of us in the room was empty.
   -Okay, you sit here, fraerok, think. You are now useful to think: how to know how much is left to live. And I'll go about his business - he headed for the exit.- Yes, and do not forget the time I return Papashiny remember the address. We try to think of something ...
   Loneliness lasted indefinitely, and I could not say how long I remain one. On the street the sky completely overcast with clouds, then began to drizzle drizzle.On concrete slab window formed oblique wet square turned into a puddle, in which every moment of soaring fountains often falling drops. The room became dark and cool. Thick dusk, which are usually during autumn drizzle gave her the empty space once served someone a comfortable home, and now crap and shelter gang of juvenile vagrants, almost gloomy view.
   I thought I heard some squeaking. Soon he was strong, and looking closer, I made out in the shadows of two rats, approaching me zigzags, sniffing and poking their noses on the floor of the room farthest from the door.
   At first I was glad that at least there are living beings in the room, but then the alarm pierced the consciousness - rats were not so worthy of emotion at all, besides, probably more, longed to eat something. I remembered the stories he had heard once that these things gnaw sleepers ears and noses, and thus the person feels absolutely nothing, because in the saliva of these animals contain strong painkillers, anesthetics.
   Rats have stolen up to me and started sniffing my feet. Their beady eyes shining at dusk, sitting motionless, expressed nothing, but it seemed to me that they would not mind me chew. To them I was just a big piece of meat, and my immobility seduced them glare at my skin with his small, but sharp as a razor teeth. It seemed to me that I foresee their instinctive actions.
   One of the rats crept along the leg to the ankle, where it ended, and opened the bare area of ??the body. I continued to watch her as motionless, but guessed her intention glare at me his teeth. Experiencing profound disgust developing into seething rage, I still lingered in order to kick it harder, waiting for it razinet mouth for a bite. However, my reaction was not enough: in an instant her teeth were in my ankle. The pain from the bite was weak and there was, perhaps, only because I could see everything. I pulled the other leg and foot rat pressed to the floor, trying to crush it. Another leapt at me, raced in the stomach, chest, shoulder and ran back to the side.
   Weighed down rat squealed stridently releasing ankle and trying to bite at the sole of the shoe. Now I felt the ache, parched from the bite wound. My leg bitten down on minke rat head, and it was surprising that after such a blow with the rat did not happen, and it still continued to squeal. Then I hit again and again, and then beat with a desperate fury and fear, wanting to kill the rodent, and fearing that this will not happen.
   Rat spun and writhed under my foot, shkryabaya paws, and she managed to free herself and somehow dodge. She asked Strekachev, and I only managed to pry her toe and throw into the air. Tumbling her body struck the ceiling, and then plopped in the middle of a puddle at the window. Then she got up as if nothing had happened. Thereafter, the rats gone, wagging their tails: one dry and one wet, leaving a sinuous trace.
   Evening came, and I was sitting in an empty and cold room of the dilapidated house. Rain ended long ago. From the street, now with cool gusts of wind came rare car horns and the sound of the crane, the drone of its engines, builders voices and other sounds of the city, not overclocked my sadness, but only adds to the feeling of absurdity and ridiculousness of all events. For a whole day not a soul does not appear here.
   I would have, but above all there was something else more unpleasant: I terribly like the toilet, and I could not do it. Pee in his pants was the same too, and I waited and waited, when someone finally appear, and I will ask him to untied my hands, or at least came up with something that you can go and this position . Bitten leg ached and ached in every way.
   Time passed painfully slowly, but no one appeared and when the street became quite dark.
   "Maybe they all will never go back and I'll sit here still do not know how much?" - In desperation I thought, and the next minute I heard the sound, I reassure its resemblance to the rustle of steps. However, as far as could be seen in the light of lamps and spotlights with neighboring construction site in the room no one appeared. Noise just reached me, not verse, and a minute later a few black beads glittered in the dark window.
   Crossing the oblique ray of light to me approaching rat. Now there were not two, but a lot more. In the darkness it was impossible to determine the number, but the gray back flashed here and there, and I even thought that the whole room is swarming with these creatures.
   In desperation, I began to move, kick his feet, fearing that are not seen in the dark, some of them turned out to be dangerously close to them. Several times I thought I kicked someone.
   Peering into the darkness, I found that the rats now approaching me from the window in the wall itself, and to control the dotuda took me move skidded nearly a quarter-turn, which was not easy. However. Driven by fear, I still did it, and began to trample underfoot already quite podlezshie me hordes. They all ran away, but now on the other hand picked up along the wall, pressed against the floor, the same arrogant and hungry critters. Just the thought that they could do to me and those hordes that will leave me if I give up, I was done badly and creepy, creepy and chills.
   The struggle continued. Now left a massive rat attempts to attack and sat, surrounded by a dense ring me from which tried to pop one and then the other thing, and immediately received from my nose. I controlled the dangerous semicircle, not giving a single minute to relax or distract. I've gotten used to this confrontation and extremely afraid of what I was starting to get sleepy. Not once, not twice drove away I enveloping the brain thought: "Well, these rats in the swamp, dying to want to sleep. Perhaps, nothing happen "...
   I woke up from a piercing sense of danger. I still could not stay awake, and he overcame me. Now I could not understand what was happening, and did not immediately realize that the rats swarmed me and crawling on me. It horrified me. Now, even it was not clear how they could eat me, or maybe I still got lucky and I'm still in one piece.
   Energetic, desperate movements in horror at what had happened began to drop off his vile predatory animals, clinging to me like a swarm of locusts prompt, but succeeded with difficulty. They firmly clung to me with his little claws, and when I pulled from side to side torso and legs shaking, it felt through the fabric of their clothing includes claws into my skin, scratching on it.
   Rats almost torn, climbed again, rushed to me, and there, where they fell, swarming horde their relatives. Beside myself, I yelled so loudly that seemingly all Moscow needed to hear this cry. It happened by itself struck me from realizing that I now can really be eaten by predators, torn apart into pieces alive.
   At this moment, on the walls of the room were dancing reflections of the fire, and someone came in with a torch in his hand. I saw a teenage boy stood in the doorway and immediately rushed to my aid. He started kicking his feet and spread of rats which, as we now clearly seen swarming with all the space around me, burn their torch, launching him into the midst, and shout loudly.
   Rose a deafening squeal and squeak. Scorched, frightened, scattered animals rushed away, leaving me alone, and soon a few of them would die on the concrete floor of the room, set on fire or trampled resinous torch. The air Zavitaev sickening smell of burnt meat.
   I looked closer to his savior and orange-crimson glow of saw Maxim.
   We stared at each other in silence.
   -Why did you do that? - Asked Finally, I told him.
   -So you yourself wanted to go with me.
   So in fact, I did not know that all that happens.
   -And I do not know. What I knew - I told you.
   -Well, what do I do now?
   -I do not know.
   -Why did you come here now?
   -I do not know .... See, you saved.
   -So you save me to the end - I was disgusted to grovel before Maltsev, but the other way just to be seen.
   -I can not. Now here come all.
   -So what?
   -Like what? If you know that I'm relieved - skin later.
   -And you're here so often people catch?
   -None of your business - a teenager again began to be rude, but now the advantage was on his side, and he had every chance to make up for his offense: nothing he did not stop.
   I realized that my affairs are useless, and if life is not yet finished, then in front of me waiting for many more adventures and trials. I did not want to die now, especially here in these dirty, crap ruins.
   Listen, let me just go to the toilet - I prayed for his need, which suddenly gave itself felt again aching overfill petrified bladder.
   By and large, what?
   -By and large.
   Malec sighed, puffed for a moment, then sticking the torch into the radiator radiators, came up to me, sat down and began squinting, untie knot behind my back. I was tempted to ask, "Are not you afraid that I'll run away?" - But I still restrained.
   Only by attempting to stand up, I felt like zadereveneli, my limbs were numb.
   Well, wow!
   -What is it? - Maxim asked.
   Butt-numb and froze like a pancake roll out, and the hands do not feel ....
   A-ah, it happens - he agreed. - Nothing, now go away.
   I finally got up, experiencing a rush of blood to zanemevshie place. Tingling of thousands of needles.
   -Where's the toilet you have?
   -And you just sit in the corner and deal - he advised.
   -No, I can not do that.
   -What is it?
   -You sleep here.
   Yes nonsense.
   -Nah, not seriously, I can not so.
   Okay, let's go. You want - you go over there - he pointed to a dark doorway into the next room - if you want - I'll take you to the toilet or in the bathroom, but there was nothing there except shit.
   I still went to the toilet. Maxim relentlessly followed me, and his torch popped right behind me.
   Flashed in front of a dark corridor leading to the door to the stairwell. I thought it would be nice now to take off there, and, if necessary, and finally embed little creep.
   -You just do not try to get away - as if reading my thoughts, mumbled behind my back teenager. - I flaring resin adhesive - stick, so all will burn if he utseleesh.
   I turned to the toilet. The toilet was broken and covered with tiles of the floor just stuck his short fanged skeleton thickly furred all kinds and colors of excrement. Go back to not to engage them, it was impossible. The bathroom was the same.
   -Get in the kitchen - Maxim advised. - There's only started to walk.
   In the empty kitchen with stove and warped remaining from the sink water and sewage pipes soiled really was only at the corners. I found the place cleaner, took off his pants and sat down. Max stood in the doorway, watching the procedure.
   Listen, what if you let me go? - I asked, tuzhas and experiencing bliss.
   Maxim gave no sign that he heard my question, then his lips sarcastically, sardonically twisted:
   -Am I the enemy of your health?
   -Well, no, why. But who knows? Say that he had come, and I'm no longer here. Though I escaped when there was no one before.
   -Nah, do not go.
   -Maybe our new building now and see everything. Dangerous.
   Well, then tell me what you have unleashed a pee, and I'm in the face and ran away. Goes? Who's simulate.
   -What do you mean? Say, too! I then completely zachmaryat [1] . Do not go. And then I let you go? Hurt it!
   -I fed you, and you? - My weak urge to his conscience was met by an impenetrable silence. - Go find me a paper though.
   He retired, leaving me in the dark, only scattered spotlights from the site. The street was quite dark. City lights glowed homes.
   I could not collect my thoughts, still sitting on his haunches with his pants dropped down, blissfully happy relief. And to think now was the time, and every second was on the bill. We had to flee. But always, in the most crucial moments, the head refused to think.
   Maxim returned with a piece of faded in lime newspaper and handed it to me. I dusted off the paper and asked:
   -Where did you ripped?
   -None of your business, - said the boy in the same manner.
   Climbing up, I suddenly realized clearly that if we do not be taking any steps to salvation, it is already, perhaps, five minutes later it will be too late, but will own indecision shackled.

Chapter 21.

   Talk with Maxim was useless - I already knew. There was only one: to act impudence and insolence. In the end, I was stronger than him, and that he threatened me, I only incited violence against the presumptuous youngster.
   I approached him:
   Well, thank you. Now gone ...
   I wanted to remove his hand, obstruct my way into the hallway, but barely managed to escape from the torch, which the teenager tried to hit me in the head.His frank ruthlessness finally untied my hands and persuaded to frank tough measures. In two steps, I twisted youngster, dropping to the floor, clutching his knee to the floor. Torch fell from his hands and is now popping and shooting blue sparks, lay nearby.
   -Oh, you shket! You scare anyone even think? Well I blot powder, Malyavka!
   -Let - strangled boy hissed.
   -I will let you - my anger broke out, and I heartily stuffed his face, and then lifted, kicking, dragged behind a down lighting the way to the stairs collapsed chosen torch.
   Maxim hanging somewhere in the back, stumbled, whimpering and mother, fell several times, but I bring it up again and merciless blows dragged him along.
   Already at the entrance of the door, the door I met returning to his lair tramps. First came the blond Zhenya, his hands in his pockets elbow outstretched pants and whistling a tune. Seeing me, he stopped at a loss and stopped whistling.
   Without waiting for his visit to the solution in the current situation, I lunged and awesome surprise even to himself coolly poked torch in his face and hit someone else from adjacent and took to their heels, dragging became balk at twice Maxim force. Behind heard screams and cries. Teens have sought me in pursuit. I kicked a few times Maxim waved near the torch face, making it clear that the joke does not intend, and, driven by fear, not feeling legs, ran on. A very few people who met on the streets of the deaf, frightened, ahead going into the side and rolling his eyes widened in horror at the blazing fire in my hand, the former for me the only weapon. Flame buzzing in my ear from the oncoming airflow, like a jet engine. Rotating one more.
   We ran into a busy street. Torch had run into the box. I turned around. Bouncing shadow overtaking me waifs were already very close, fifteen meters. From the alley on which they ran, rushed scolding. I pulled on the footpath, but Maxim rested heavily leaning back, and I had to let him go, why teenager flew head over heels on the pavement.
   Just at the station on the way, I met a patrol and a police car, move slowly along the sidewalk toward. I rushed to her, waving his arms and drawing as he could, to the attention of sitting in it. I noticed and stopped. The door opened and she got up from his seat seemed policeman.
   -Save! Help! Robbed money, documents, want to kill! Vaughn catching! ..
   After two hours at the police station records the time. Detained ten people, but among them Poldi and men about twenty-eight to thirty-two was not.Documents together with the wallet were Zhenya, blond forelock is burned, creating a flame bald head above the forehead. His face was also badly burned.
   I returned the wallet. Documents overdue train ticket and even letters, fortunately, have been here.
   After all procedures, let me go.
   -And what will happen to them? - I asked.
   -You do not have to worry - said the attendant, who led me to the door compartment. - Receive a full coil: hooliganism, vagrancy, robbery, attempt to murder, - a bouquet that is necessary. This company for ten years no one will see.
   A further two remained - I was really bothered these thoughts. - They are as?
   Do not worry, they are looking for. See where - just let us know or any policeman who meet ...
   Night at the station passed uneasily. I always thought that the two are left at liberty, watching me and watching for just a moment to somewhere in a dark place I strike dead in retaliation.
   Money I had, I tried to buy a ticket for a letter of credit, but the cashier, making round eyes, replied that he could not accept it because the cashier asked for the surrender of such amount, and not necessary. Had only to wait until the morning until open a savings bank, and the night passed in a struggle with sleep and fear.
   Hardly the time has come to nine in the morning, I was already in the savings bank and received the money, he immediately bought a ticket, and by two o'clock already boarded the train, and when the train came, it seemed to me that on the platform are the two who are not caught police, even though I have not seen, and poorly remembered them both. But fear has big eyes, and the two haunted my imagination at every turn.
   But nothing happened, and after driving for half an hour from Moscow, I sighed with relief.
   The train picks up speed, and gradually my soul has found peace and even carelessness. Mood road replaced the tension of waiting, when it seemed that something else will be able to stop me from leaving. But I do not want any adventures. I'm tired of them. I had suffered fear, and now hoping that everything will continue to be good.
   Wheels cars is tapping at the joints. Poor Do. Whether well. But there were four days in which you can relax and not think about nothing, do not worry, doing only what to eat, sleep, yes pass an hour or two talking to the neighbors in the compartment.
   There were three. Among them was a young man about my age, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that he, too, had just graduated from college. And now going to serve in the Trans-Baikal region. We were brothers in misfortune: service in the region has traditionally been considered a punishment, and it was easy to assume that he, too, was no angel during training at the school. His name was Anton, and we quickly agreed once and talk to him for half an hour and found many common interests.
   In the compartment except us was another man. Youthful, but with a black beard, he looked about thirty-five, participate in our lively conversation did not take and only looked askance at us as something incomprehensible. Third roommate was a girl. Her face was not beautiful, besides wearing glasses. The skin on her cheeks, loose and rough, was covered with pockmarks, and out of respect, apparently, Anton offered her a lower place, but she refused, climbed up and no longer signs of life and do not draw attention to themselves.
   After all the suffering situation suited me just fine. Everything seemed almost cute and cozy. We started with a game of cards, closer to the dinner went to the dining car to refresh, and returned to the coupe, caught there lively campaign.
   The girl still lay on the top shelf, staring out the window, at the bottom on the table stood empty and the other one is half drained a bottle of vodka, was spread good food: bread, lard large pink slices, garlic, green onion, a few canned gutted. Around, armed with spoons and puffing a cigarette, sat busy men gathered, as seen from the adjacent compartment. Standing in front of each glass, and they splashed swaying of the train jolts, vodka.
   Men have already adopted the dose of alcohol. Their eyes sparkled and posoloveli. When he saw us, they were greeted by our appearance together and pulled into his circle. We sat on the edges of the shelves, being the most extreme of all.
   -Come on, we still ask conductors cups - turned to me one of the sitting.
   -Sit down, I'll go - rose Anton.
   He soon returned with utensils, and we poured too. A guy sent me, inhaled deeply, frowning and squinting his eyes, let the cigarette smoke, and then said:
   -Well, guys, what we drink, eh?
   His drunken enthusiasm was transmitted to me and suddenly wanted to get drunk hedgehogs and even attach to the effort to control the bottle, and maybe more than one.
   A conductor-nothing - said send me a glass (he apparently was here for the ringleader and organizer of the booze) - I have to Vladivostok bound. Did you see the way she walks, wagging ass!
   Hush-you! - I pushed him in the shoulder our bearded neighbor. - There she goes, and you climb with such talk.
   -I to no climb. I'm just saying, I share thoughts .... Just think - a girl! Yes I have all this breed thoroughly studied, tea can, was married three times.
   It seemed to me that whatever was our traveling companion, patient, timid and shy, but now she ought to resent everything happening. But she also was on the top shelf and looked out the window, along with the rest inhaling tobacco smoke.
   -Really, what? - I asked someone from the company.
   A Th-I lie? I am polpoluchki alimony. And now, perhaps, the end of the trip to get married for the fourth time. On the conductor.
   At this moment she just looked in the compartment, open the door. In the corridor of the car bluish streams rushed past her cigarette smoke.
   -So, comrades, something in this compartment is very noisy - frowning sternly to the bridge, she said. In appearance she was twenty. But youth has not left her face.
   Oh, madam! - Unleashed reached out to her from the window loquacious polygamist. - We are about you just talked about, madam!
   -And you, comrade, I warn particularly - all as she replied sternly. - Used udet vandalize, I offered you a linear patrol.
   -I that bullies? - Oh man sat down. - Am I the bullies? I want to meet you.
   Acquaintances differently - tone of voice softened conductors.
   -My name is Nick, and you?
   -And I am Marina.
   -Oh, Marinochka, pleased to meet you ...
   But she did not listen to his tirade:
   So-so. Will be charged for smoking. 'll Come again and see that you are a smoker - blame yourself. Also warn the account of the noise and Matyukov. You see, a woman riding with you. Shame on you! Shame! You get to listen to your cries, sniffing tobacco. Do you think she likes?
   -Marinochka, but it did no one makes. - She ...
   Loquacious reached for her again after all, aiming to take his hands exactly waist.
   Conductor slapped his hands:
   -And you, Nick - it purely feminine lips pursed in the perturbation, giving his mental effort to resist. - You, Nick, I warn you personally. Just that, and will be explained in the police. Responsible for order in the coupe you: I appoint you personally.
   She closed the door.
   -And I'm not in this coupe food - Kohl drunken smile hunched his shoulders, rejoicing in this incident.
   -So much the worse for you - someone said.
   In a pause voice sounded again neighbor:
   -So you too Nicholas name? Namesake, then!
   -The Namesake - n yano nod, he agreed, staring down at the table.
   -And I Nicholas - glad bearded. - Wow! And as a middle name? Not Mikhailovich hour?
   -No, not Mikhailovich. Dmitrievich.
   Oh, and I Nikolai Mikhailovich.
   Well, here, let's for it's namesake, and drink - talkative hand reached for the bottle.
   -Wait! Well, we are alone we drink, or what? And what about guys? - Bearded looked around all the silent campaign, listen to their conversations.
   That's right, Kohl's, and let them drink.
   Vodka bubbled overflowing into the glasses.
   -So, let's have a drink, offered Nikolai, when all took up the glasses - let's drink ... for women - he sat up, looking over his shoulder on the top shelf. - Madam, you hear, we drink for you!
   The girl pretended not to hear him, and he fell into place:
   Well, all flinched!
   There was a clinking of glasses, hands stretched to the table in search of fat, forks, cans, champing heard from all sides.
   Yes, something angry sister! - Pronunciation Nikolay, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and again trying to smoke. - Well, nothing broken off!
   Kol quit smoking - told him namesake.
   -What is it? - Drunk opinion Koli did not immediately find an opponent.
   -She asked you not to smoke, warned ...
   -Oh, she went ...
   He paused, glancing up.
   But they rebelled and others, and then took his cigarette.
   Apparently, the girls patience came to an end. With a look of determination she went down, and it would seem that now follow slap - just retribution for the insult, but she came out of the compartment.
   -Uh, Come on, clocked smoke! - In a conspiratorial whisper Nikolai, he waved his hands, explaining. - She's here the conductor lead.
   And indeed, after a minute she returned to the Marina.
   -So, man. That girl survived from his seat?
   -No it did not survive .... We did not touch her finger .... We conduct themselves peacefully, necha us a barrel roll - came the reply.
   Okay, which one of you is going to twentieth place?
   - Well, I - said the man, who was sitting next to the "polygamist."
   -Iterates in this compartment, and the girl will go to your place - commanded the conductor, and to pre-empt the guy, took a deep breath for the perturbation added. - Not that it will be worse. I'll let you sort through the pile for a moment - until the very end with no thinking .... H y, count to three ... One ...
   Guy froze in amazement with a deep breath, not knowing what to say. Nikolai shoved him in the side, making stupid grimace with undisguised hint:
   Well, what are you, a dumpling?
   -Two ...
   Okay, - a man was blown away and waved. - Let them steps - and then turned to hustled. - And I do not dumpling. I'm Konstantin, if you want to talk.
   Oh, Kostya, very pleased - foolishly picked Nicholas.
   -That's better - losing suddenly serious face, and smiled innocently Marina. - And remember: I see that smoke - just get ready to pay a fine. I warn you.
   Beast-Baba - whispered in my ear Anton. - I think we agree with it.
   About what? - I did not understand.
   Anton pulled away and looked at me in surprise, not knowing gawking:
   How what? You what? ..
   I guessed and sign nodded:
   -What do you think so?
   -I feel. I flair.
   -It also flair - I squinted eye on Nikolai Dmitrievich.
   -Ah, well it! Old goat. It is no obstacle to us.
   Girl hitchhiker took their belongings and mumbled confusedly: "Goodbye" - retired. Constantine moved into our compartment. Booze went cheerfully. The bounty of fellow travelers began to emerge a new appetizer, bottle followed one another, without having to linger and fifteen minutes. Someone came out, took the vodka in the restaurant, and when there has terminated, the conductors Marina pripasshey on the road, probably not one drawer green snake: it was profitable.
   Day outside the window flew faster and less noticeable. The campaign became drunker all rambling conversations, dialogues and debates turned mostly in monologues or deadlocked. Someone climbed to sleep without waiting for the next toast and complaining of fatigue, someone went, pushing the wall of the corridor and rocking the car, in the toilet, someone at all - in an unknown direction. Campaign Campaign people replaced the empty bottles under the table, cheerfully called back together. Also passengers in the compartment was only Nikolai, asleep at the table, his head between the residues of food, glasses, empty cans, knives and forks.In a dream he evidently thought that he still awake, and he was trying to say something muttering under his breath and swung down sveshennoy hand that remained clamped fork with a half-eaten piece of bacon.
   Well, that should it take? - I asked Anton. He also, as I drank a pint of vodka, but held more cheerfully, like a slightly tipsy man lost clarity of speech, coordination and slightly flushed. Liquor probably good for him. - I'll go, I'll ask the marina where he was going. Oh, Marina, Marina, this ass, this breast, - m-mm, - he just grunted, depicting the contours of hands of female charms. - Do not go away!
   In his words felt desperate and experienced ladies' man, who had a special passion for the female sex in general and its specific to representatives in particular. About twenty minutes later, he appeared again:
   -All-all-all. Everything learned. All arranged.
   I did not feel as good as he is. Such a dose of vodka always put me on the line beyond which begins severe stage of intoxication, t would have concentrated on hold consciousness in weakening the head and wait for the alcohol vapor little fade:
   -What do you know? That agreed?
   -Come on, help me! - Anton grunted, picking up on the shoulder of Nikolai Dmitrievich. He looked blooming, and if he did not drink from the whole campaign, and only now was as good offices of services to help cope with the difficulties. - Yes, help me, he's heavy!
   I as I could, piled over the other arm Nikolai Dmitrievich, but at that moment the train braked, and the three of us plopped on the shelf: Nicholas rolled Anton, and I covered them both.
   Ms. Moo-ki, oc-torozh-it - bleated without regaining consciousness, Nikolai, and immediately began to snore.
   -Well, what broke? - Evil rounded in response to my eyes smile Anton. - Come on, come on. Assistant.
   We dragged Nicholas into his compartment, thrown on a shelf and left alone. All other participants drinking, seems to have moved to sleep in the car and there was silence, broken only by the wheels, yes screeching rims on rails.
   -In general, the so - Anton asked me as we stood at the window in the corridor. - I'm all arranged. Marina give half a bottle of vodka and the evening we go to him in the compartment.
   He looked pointedly at me during a pause.
   So in fact, already evening - I could not think of anything to answer a sensible.
   -Oh no! - Anton hesitated, trying to explain to me his plans. - When it gets dark.
   Passengers from other coupe gradually became bolder and protrude into the corridor, realizing finally that the violent campaign calmed down.
   -And what about these? Our neighbors?
   -What are we neighbors? I do not care at all. This balabol - he nodded toward the compartment where we just dragged Nikolai Dmitrievich - until the morning did not oversleep. And he pulls out more than he can do. In an extreme case, I told him just to give the face, not to meddle.
   -Where not to go?
   Anton a moment stared at me, as if trying to figure out how I'm drunk and I can still perceive something, then continued:
   -In general, so there are two of Marina and her workmate. Well, that is certainly worse, but Marina mine, because I went to negotiate. Now lie down, go to sleep, when need be, I'll wake you up. Money is something you have?
   -Yes, - I showed edge of the stack of banknotes from his shirt pocket.
   -Excellent! All go to sleep.
   I was too lazy to even ask him what he would do. Think about anything at all do not want. I suddenly felt terribly broken, dying to fall on the side and barely got to my shelves, not even undressed and removing shoes, fell on his stomach and forgotten in an awkward pose deep overpowering sleep, wish that there was nothing in this moment .
   I woke up from pushy jerks that have been integrated with the action of sleep, but then otchlenilis, attracting attention, and I realized that they come from the real world. In the compartment was dark, someone leaned over me, closing the gap in the light of the door is not completely closed.
   - Well, you dryhnesh? - I learned the voice of a fellow traveler.
   What happened?
   -Like what? Bro, you can see, great, too queer, since not remember anything - Anton whispered in my ear. - Come on, come on, it's time.
   We went out to empty, lit corridor.
   -How much time? - I asked, closing themselves wading eyes.
   -It does not matter. But, if you must know, then half past ten, - Anton replied, looking at me with disgust from head to toe. - Go wash your face at least, and then come directly to him in the compartment. We'll be waiting for you there. So, let's just money.
   I counted him his share went to the toilet until washed, painted themselves with various paintings forthcoming. It seemed that everything now, like me. Want only one thing: sleep, so what could be the gatherings, drinks and everything else. Alia, to the same, just like that, without rhyme or reason, did not want to. I felt that I did not now prepared to meet with a woman, and he hoped that before this did not happen, despite all the preparations, a mysterious whisper, and other malicious tricks neighbor Anton, who for some reason and I was looking for adventure on th and head for another place. Do Well if he wanted something, he would have let it all done without me.
   "In a pinch, you can always refuse - I decided, heading swaying, not quite sure step towards coupe number one, where the laundry and all their belongings marching settled conductors. - Co-worker, he said, was ugly. This is my hand. In extreme cases, it can always be justified before him. "
   I waited in the compartment. The table was set. The midst of it was a bottle of vodka, lined with fresh tomatoes, boiled eggs, boiled potatoes brushed tubers still steaming vapor. Serving plates supplemented with boiled meat and fried fish, empty glasses large loaves of bread.
   Marina perched at the table, his legs drawn up and wrapped around their hand. Anton sat down next to her, trying, apparently, room for oneself closer and caught in their vain attempts. On another shelf, against them alone sat plump girl with short hair and durnovatym face. I realized that the empty seat next to her meant to me.
   The views of all three were fixed to me and full of expectations.
   Good evening - I said hello and sat down next to the ugly feeling at ease.
   "Well, at least get drunk" - for some reason annoyance flashed in my head.
   -Well, we're all here. Let's start - joined in the lead role of Anton, reaching for a bottle of vodka. - For what shall we drink, girls, eh?
   -For the love! - Catch Marina, with flashing eyes, and turned to me. - Close the door of the castle, please, not to be disturbed.
   Ugly next to me said nothing and only drank vodka along with all. Sometimes, when Anton said something poignant, hilarious, and her face lit up with a smile slowly deliquescent, but it did not gave him any charm and even a hint: it was too ugly.
   "We'll probably look great with it!" - I thought, suddenly drawing attention to the fact that he kept silent all the time, like a statue, and rarely smile. This unintentional opening drove me to paint, but no one seems to have noticed this change in me.
   In the course went cigarettes. They all lit up, enlivening conversation tobacco smoke.
   -And you're told not to smoke in the compartment! And what a fine? - I turned to the Marina, trying to make a joke so because my silence to noticeably uncomfortable delayed.
   -Ah, - she waved her hand with a cigarette. - The same for all i, they said. And it would be if all the passengers in the compartment to start smoking? .. And we can ....

Chapter 23.

   -It's true Light? - Marina turned to her friend.
   - Really? - She shook her head, listening to the question.
   -Smoking - we can and can not passengers. Really?
   Aha - agreed Light stretching singsong word.
   It is involuntarily made me disgusted with this awkward personage. I finally realized that I have with it does not work, and was ready to be thankful that it was all so far and leaves. I suddenly remembered that I recently did not connect with the women who did not like. After Veronica I already did not have any (case of a woman on the train - though I wished it was a dream, and has sought to forget his memories of it smooth, stirring that purity, that I have found my spirit ever since June we broke up with her). Perhaps I first touched such a notion as platonic love, but now, it seems fate was pushing me to part with this piercing melancholy and sweet and agonizing feeling of waiting endlessly. Sometimes circumstances are beyond our will and desires.
   Time passed slowly, and I lost him a bill. We drank a bottle and now only smoked. I was already in a state where the nausea appearing in the excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes, and passes comes a trance state is amazing, when the head clears up again, and the brain works with clarity close to feverishness, but the body, all its members leather lose sensitivity and communication with the brain and there are almost as though separately. Tobacco seemed odubevshimi light and elastic as the skin of the drum, but I knew that tomorrow they will get sick, and I start coughing. But what me tomorrow? Until tomorrow still had to live.
   Anton sat across from me, posverkivaya excited eyes shining in the dim light sconces on shelves. In the dark window as ghosts reflects our figures and order empty table. I do not want to even dream was as though I slept for a hundred years ahead, and it was dangerous state of indifference, because that is where a person is able to take any, the most reckless decision, starting with the fact that to kill herself, and ending with the fact that kill, rob, or at least offend and humiliate someone else, just to feel again, to feel that he is afraid of something and wants something. Anemia feelings - a dangerous disease.
   In conversations I have participated in so far as it had to be at least in order to make the campaign does not split. Light constantly silent, only nodded slightly and smiled unclear ugly mouth. It was not a haughty smile of a man who owns a situation, tracking its development and anticipate her every little step ahead, but it was not the expression of embarrassment. It meant nothing, that smile, and if human lips still involved in the expression of his thoughts, then these, swollen and misshapen.Hit his blunt thoughtlessness.
   Meanwhile, my friend did not waste time. And if the light still does not touch my close position, then on the opposite shelf busy are converging. Anton whispered something in his ear Marina, clasping her arm around her waist and pulling him closer and closer, and I knew that everything is already decided. I found it strange that this girl has the most rigorous day former, now is still a very opposite appearance. It was a completely different woman, not a strict and impenetrable, which meant one its appearance the presence of law and order in the small world of the car, and cheerful, cheeky and ready to do anything - so, anyway, it seemed.Such a change could surprise and more seasoned and old bachelor and rake than I am.
   Marina was enlivened ene n oh, something chattered incessantly, sometimes subside suddenly staring at Anton close and almost ogle.
   "Is she lies in bed with him?" - I thought, even though the answer was already known to me. Now I would be stunned if it did not happen: the plot developed by the long-known, thumb groove, and I was just wondering: when and how it happens.
   Everything happened without any transition. Marina got up, stood behind her Anton, muttered something like, "I must go to smoke!" Leaned to my ear and whispered, "Come on, man, I went with that, and you entertain this girl."
   We were alone with the light. Obeying circumstances exactly puppet driven by someone else will, I locked compartment and sat down in front for some reason Amy is located on a side, cross-legged, on the other shelf. Now she appeared before my eyes in all its forms is too full body and wrong, there was a figure which could not hide even the folds of clothing. Thinking to myself, what to do with it, with this "sex bomb", or waiting for something from me, or to simply indifferent of all men because of their immaturity, written in a sheepish face, I started from afar, and suddenly it turned out that it is not so talkative, but my mistake was aged seven years: she was only eighteen against those twenty-five years at least, that would be expected.
   Light was a student of the institute. Study it and little interested because there was bad - I did not ask what she is interested in such a case. She worked as a conductor in the summer, in practice, but now I like her to ride, and still remained, and now thinks to hold out until the winter and does not know whether to return now, in general, in school or drop everything to hell.
   Conversation was about how boring to stay at home, there every day the same, and new faces here, people are constantly changing, and it's fun. In her words, the boredom I felt a hint, thin and transparent, which is usually used by women to get closer, but she scanned her eyes, then realized that it is straight and sincere in his statements, and generally unknown trick her ponderous, clumsy, unwieldy nature.
   With relief, I perked up in his conversation with light, realizing that this is only our chat with her and confine. Thinking how I relate to its members its fat, fluffy, pale, naked body formless, - sometimes nausea rolled up from the depths to the very surface, and I drove away delusional visions torment me slow torture. Besides thinking about what to say to Anton when he comes and sees that nothing was not allowed to rest now. After all, whatever you say and how not to make excuses, it was a real man's shame. And if it was his first danger somehow pushed me to the active action, now, on the contrary, she was shackled me ice hoops studio blood, and the stillness was now the highest good. Perhaps it was the influence of my "partner"?
   In coupe someone tried to enter two times jerked the handle lock. I opened. Anton stood there with a cigarette in his mouth and, as it seemed, an angry face.O n tried to smoke, strike sharply matches, and they broke one after the other, without having to burn. I flashed a faint hope that there they, nothing happened, and I went into the corridor to kick him paroyu, other phrases.
   Well, what?
   Anton grimaced in disgust, and his nose was arched. There was an involuntary impression that he was forced to eat jellyfish:
   Bab nineteen years, and belly hanging bag! Phew!
   His disgust shuddered and then they looked at me, looking round from top to bottom with a sense of superiority. - And you, I see nothing happened?
   His voice was not ridicule, but I'm still confused. I was ashamed to be justified:
   Yeah you know me from ripping its kind wants and not what ...
   Marina is also not a fountain, - Anton agreed - but still better than the cow. I have commiserated you in advance but apparently to no avail.
   Yeah right, then - everything inside was relieved from his crony participation and understanding. I'm in the same second is filled with gratitude for this almost unknown, but such kampaneyskomu, simple and docile guy my peers. Now I was ready to go with him to the edge of the world and even to obey him - so my heart was full of gratitude. - Do you like something, all right?
   -Ok. Now I will arrange for you to Marina.
   "What do you mean?" - And could only be horrified to myself, not daring to shout it. That suggested Anton did not fit in my head. And special lust and thirst woman I did not feel. On the contrary, at that moment deep calm and dull indifference to the opposite sex filled my whole being, and of the tens of thoughts that both were born and existed in my mind about this, about the bed shared with a woman, it was impossible to find a single one.
   -Don't, Anton. Why?
   But it seems to have awakened a desire to atone for his benefit in the success and the feeling of moral discomfort has been bugging him and impelled to action:
   -What did you lose? What's wrong with that?
   -Well, maybe so you can: you first, and then I?
   -And what is this? Just think, eka prodigy. I agree that with the - he nodded toward the compartment where alone remained of the World - and I would not have happened, but nothing now Marina do ...
   -What do you mean? - I had a feeling that I, as a bull-producer, going to lead to mating with a chick, even asking that, if it wants my soul, for the simple reason that the animal soul at all. But I, the soul was, and all sorts of things, and now the mating did not want to.
   -A what? Everything will be fine. Now, wait - he went to the head of the car and disappeared into polukupe where, apparently, there was also a marina.
   I was still standing at the window in an empty hallway sleeping, quiet car, peaceful sleep which was broken only by our throwing, stood now and not knowing what to do to me and how I do the right thing. There was no clue as to smoothly without bending the stick out of the game. And I continued to carry on as if the edge of the mouth of describing the steep arc. And at any moment I could not stay on the cutting edge of this dizzying turns, but it was the most unpleasant that nothing from me depended, and around it turned out that it ends frustrating.
   Anton came and approached me:
   -Go. There's a towel, I told them it's all there wiping. You see, they do not try to wipe the face or something. Both are above the shelf - you will see.
   Uncertain step, whenever wanting to go back and give up, I moved to polukupe and ran in his doorway with Marina. She was dressed as before, and seems to be going out. Slipped past her into polukupe I took her by the wrist and pulled myself sitting on the shelf and silently watching her expression. Cheryl M puhlovatymi lips smiled childishly wide smile and looked at me as enamored as little earlier Anton. Her eyes shone clear and transparent, and the light from the bedside lamp on shelf penetrated into the depths through their bright blue iris.
   Marina stood in front of me, and my face turned at her belly hidden under the uniform skirt. Involuntarily returned to the memory of Anton words uttered with disgust and disgust, and I wondered.
   Pause dragged. Marina continued all stand silently in front of me, and I sat in the locked frankly downright frozen, not knowing how to perk up and get out of this trance indifference mastered me. I did not find where it was possible to start the convergence. Say that I missed her, was naturally stupid, that I wanted her and was overwhelmed with desire and passion, and now, finally, insanely happy and intoxicated dream come true dream - nasty, dishonest and disgusting . I would say the language is not turned anything like that. Moreover, such a sugary, ornate lie could push her ??- she seems to have guessed that so beautiful, despite all its advantages over its companion light. Simply begin to undress her would shamelessly brazen and rude. And in my thoughts I even laughed, presenting a twist action and potential response to it. Had no opportunity, and pause is threatening to swell to the size of a small balloon and also slightly explode ...
   Listen, I've got so sore shoulder, scapula, - I heard a voice through the cobwebs thought Marina.
   -Come on, I'll massage it, - I replied immediately and did not even catch: tie or whether it is really close, really.
   Marina sat next to me on the shelf.
   Groped strongly protruding shoulder blade, I began to rub it through a railway uniform shirt, but soon said:
   -So uncomfortable. Come on, lie down, take off your shirt.
   Marina obeyed and, seeing this, I became more confident, silently pulled up her skirt and unbuttoned her bra, exposing the back completely. She remained alone nylon panties.
   Doing a massage, I could not help but wonder a few things at once. The first of them was that I did not occur in any position of male body at the sight of a naked woman changes. This was all the more strange that before such a reaction never occurred. Conversely, easy excitability accompanied me to the very last time since when I realized a man. Too much vodka in combination with tobacco, apparently, had their effect. Second, what did not fail, I wonder - slim, pretty, figure was the complete opposite guise sidekick, it could even be called beautiful.
   Neither the string of desire in me did not flinch, and sitting on top of the Marina's pelvis, I desperately tried to energize yourself and get to see her in passion, but it did not work.
   Well that took the blade? - I was hoping to get a negative response.
   Action should be continued, and I faced a choice. All could be terminated immediately, and my conscience would not be saddled with another messy affair.But that means giving up a woman when she was stripped and not even making the slightest effort to resist, but rather, perhaps, just waiting with their characteristic humility, when she will be engaged? Experienced man can not chew this time, because he certainly knows that this collapse, and the collapse not only in the eyes of the woman, but also in our own vanity, which cause such a significant, though not immediately, and does not heal the wound. And not to injure his I should just not bring the matter to the state when a woman stripped and, although not talking about it, but nevertheless, all agree. Retreat becomes a thousand times longer shameful and painful than to continue to march forward, the place of execution of debauchery ...
   And I could not turn. I lay down next to the Marina. She readily turned to me, and I began to see her bleary eyes, half-not from shame not yet transcended, not from already came over her wistful passion. Clothes like itself crawled from the body, and the next minute we were both completely naked. But the strange coldness and sensual atrophying not passed, and although my mouth is already connected with her lips, I knew what I was doing it mechanically, forcing himself and fearing that tension action is outweighed my love of art. But it seems to be going well, except for the fact that not a drop of passion could not squeeze out of the heart.
   Her skin was as cold as ice, and it could not contribute to inflamed my desire.
   Marina touched me with her firm breasts, rubbing her feet on my feet, but I remained insensible and now feared seem impotent or some pervert who doesn women.
   Her hand fell from the back hip and slid to my genitals.
   -You know, something happened to me. I like this had ever happened - I tried to explain, as he felt her fingers touch the lifeless penis and scrotum touch.
   -I understand, shook her head, smiling, Marina, and it seemed to me that she just mocks me. But I do not mind and filed, and, moreover, did not become angry because the situation was not in my favor.
   -Come a little lie down, maybe it will pass, and it will rise - I suggested, remembering the anxiety and unfounded suspicions, I do not whether it is a consequence of the drinking club with an officer and two other women the village when we badly poisoned dubious origin moonshine.
   -Let's lie down, - Marina agreed with his head down on the pillow and continued to stare at me with a look not passionate and languid, but still unbearably close, punching through.
   Suddenly the door opened polukupe and Anton looked into it, standing in the doorway.
   Well, why are you? - He asked.
   I was taken aback by its simplicity, but still retained the presence of mind:
   Yeah, so, relax - and thought to himself: "A strange man, though he would not have pushed me to bed, but now looks as if the circus here."
   Anton all remained standing in the doorway with a half-open door. On his face there was a wry smile:
   -Perhaps you help?
   No, it is not necessary - Marina laughed, and I was filled with gratitude to her for these words.
   Well, okay, lying on - he went out.
   Hey, shut the door! - Marina shouted after him.
   When we were alone again, I turned off the light, so as not to see her shinning become prickly eyes, and hugged and kissed her again, determined to show her your love and the lack of any skill whatsoever complexes. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to her somehow over indulgence to my impotence.
   My arms and caress made her break out passion, and then slid my hand over her breasts and down her stomach, pickerel dived between his legs. My fingers felt wet folds and sliding surface of her genitals, pushed deep into a boat between them, it is replacing him on what not capable now a member, and a few minutes from the Marina moaned voluptuous sensations, falling into oblivion orgasm.
   Then we lay in silence for a long time, until I suddenly did not want to start again in front of her excuses.
   -No, - said Marina - I so good .... On th, now the station is.
   She jumped, climbed over me and began to dress hurriedly. I include sconces above the shelf and enjoyed the view of her figure and that extraordinary feeling that arose in me after this compound. Chastity, abstinence and complicity in the act, the crown of which was pure bliss without dirt and guilt, their dignity and awareness of duty - all merged into a single fragrant bouquet ...
   The train slowed down. Marina slipped into the door polukupe, straightening clothes: smoothing the folds of his shirt and skirt odernuv. I dressed, followed her when the train stopped, gritted last brakes.
   Anton stood at the window and saw me and suggested:
   -Come on, come out, have a smoke on the platform.
   It turned out to Perm. We went out for the night deserted platform.
   -Are we already in the Urals? - I asked.
   -It seems - Anton nodded. - Pity: missed the Ural Mountains - say such krasotischa.
   -And when did we drove them?
   -But when a drunk-sitting.
   We were approached Marina, heading from the station. In her hands was a three-liter jar of pickles and a loaf of bread:
   -Boys! Cucumbers! - Shocked she can.
   Anton dismissed vulgar joke about cucumbers, and then, almost verse laughing young woman, he immediately told the relevant anecdote: "It should be the turn of the cucumbers. One woman asks: "I thicker and shorter!", Another: "And I thinner and authenticity." Turn comes to man. He says: "And let me any, I still have them going" ....
   Marina laughed again. Her eyes squinted in a sly grin, riddled through and through me, and it was difficult to say what is in them more arrogance or gratitude.
   -In short, uncles, with you a bottle to my cucumbers! - She concluded.
   Out of the car seemed sleepy Light with bruised and swollen face. Trying to open her eyes, she shook her head, hanging on the handrails on both sides of the door and foolishly leaning outwards.
   It disgusted her now mingled with more indifference, and I did not react to her clumsy focus. Anton contemptuously frowned, looking at her, and turned away.Light stroking somewhere beyond our campaign looked first right, then left along the train, although it can not be indifferent person could see that something from the outside might interest her.
   Perron still remained deserted. In the air is already considerable coolness entering in the midst of autumn, and smacked our breath steaming, recalling how the yard seasons.
   We were all getting excited and did not notice the night freshness. Anton pulled a cigarette with pleasure, closing her eyes with pleasure, and thus fill the resulting vacuum in communication. I stood there, unable to smoke more, and it looked from the Marina, fidgeting with a jar of cucumbers from side to side, and then in the world, still hanging on the bandwagon.
   Silence of the night ripped the dispatcher's voice, declared departure. Somewhere in the dark ahead of the locomotive gave a warning whistle, and we hurried to the car.
   -Now I'll go to the Marina, - whispered in my ear Anton and caught her by the arm, led him into the twilight polukupe, handing me a jar.
   Once again we were left alone with the light, but now I feel more relaxed, freed from having to wrestle with which side to her chosen and whether we should do it to do. I put the jar on the table and prying with a penknife, opened the lid. In conjunction smell marinade.
   -From cucumbers? - Lazy asked half asleep, half-drunk Light.
   Marina bought somewhere, - I replied, suddenly thought to myself that it would now be taken by force, lifting her skirt and removing the panties. Unlikely she would be against it, because it felt the artificiality of immaturity. However, I'm not going to do it, for fear, especially after what happened at all just can not get rid of impotence, but more from fear embarrass myself again.
   Snack-is, and where the bottle? - Sluggish continued light.
   -Do you have a train.
   -Not me, and at the Marina. This is her vodka. Give me the money, I get it.
   I pulled out a wad of bills, counted on the bottle and handed it to her. Appeared on the table half-liter bottle recovered from under the bottom shelf where there was a whole box.
   Do not fear that you prizhuchat? - I nodded back.
   Ah, - nodded negative light. Her voice came through me oprotivevshee indifference. - Not prizhuchat. For everything is already paid. Kraynyak - currently taken.
   She uncorked the bottle and poured himself into my glasses and then knocked her, wrinkled and catch cucumber, crunching bit off half of it. I followed suit and went to the toilet. Here in front of the mirror, lowered his pants, I desperately tried to excite his penis. However, before we did it, and he was barely longer and a little upruzhe, splattered on the walls, flying away with heavy thick lyapuhami, sperm, but I was not able to test and bit of bliss. Signals did not reach his head on poisoned overdose of alcohol and cigarettes nervous system.
   Fastidiously rinsed in water dispenser soiled hands, I pulled his pants back, thinking: "Sexual intercourse of two parts .... Ha, ha, ha. "
   Anton was sitting in the coupe, and drank vodka with Sveta.
   -You have all that, what? - I asked, sitting down beside speaking so softly that the words did not reach the ears of light.
   -And then there. Shoved, poked and finished - Anton's lip curled in disgust scornful clear to what, or to my curiosity, or to the described action.
   -Are you not even undressed?
   -But why? - His eyebrows jumped high on the forehead in surprise.
   -Where's Marina?
   -In the restaurant car went. For cigarettes .... Sleep hunting. Went to sleep.
   Yes, I'll sit still - I wanted to wait for the Marina and to prove to her self and NTON And that I am a normal man. And besides, o n y would know that I goofed, from myself. I figured that the best e himself to share with him proi zone marching nuisance than he learns it from the same marina ....
   Time passed slowly. Anton left. We have almost finished their vodka, and I was tuned to the upcoming meeting, drawing erotic images before my eyes and exciting scene. It was about four o'clock in the morning, when Marina came into the compartment.

Chapter 25.

   Hardly saw Marina, I took her hand and led her to strongly polukupe. She did not think to resist.
   -Take off your clothes - I said when we were there, and he pulled her sweatpants with inflated, saggy knees and shirt, under which more than anything to be found.
   Marina cringed, tucked his hands to his chest
   -I'm cold, - she said.
   Now, get warm, - I replied, hastily undressing.
   Take-up there on the top shelf of a warm blanket - she asked.
   I pulled the blanket tossed on the bed and groped in the predawn gloom her wrist, put her hand on his dick firmly stands, feeling as her nice-cold, frozen fingers around his hot trunk.
   Well, what? - I could not wait to hear her words of encouragement, but instead marina climbed into bed under the covers and called out:
   -Get in here.
   I was next to her, my lips felt for her mouth, hands around her waist, and we had a long and wildly made love bringing himself to exhaustion, and after an hour of torment and pleasure, when space and time are reversed, and it was not known where top, and where the bottom, where it begins and where it ends, collapsed on the hot, bursting fire sheets. The first decisive moment, when he had to make a choice, I managed to besiege passion and ask just in case it is possible to pull the seed in it or not, even though the answer was already clear, and received consent, I groan of lust and pain splashed him in her womb.
   We had a long lay silent and motionless, feeling the fire-breathing beast gave all the forces of passion and energy.
   Unknown how much time passed. Outside the window was daylight. Soon the sun had come up. I felt terrible fatigue and wanted to sleep. The thought that now awake and Anton will burst again shamelessly and brazenly in polukupe, became uncomfortable and ill at ease.
   -You probably need to have to climb? - I asked Marina. - It's morning, and you, after all, should work.
   -Lie still, Marina's voice was soft and gentle. - Light duty now in the afternoon.
   -She knows?
   -Knows. Lie - Marina paused, but apparently she had awakened a desire to talk. - Are you married?
   I shook my head. I became much more before her wedding ring, and now my fingers groped him.
   -And you see around, married?
   Yes - smiled Marina - was little. But not anymore.
   -Why, then, ring wear?
   Marina shrugged
   -I do not know, used to, I guess.
   -When did you get used to? How old are you then?
   -I? Nineteen.
   -When are you married, divorced and had already managed?
   -Eighteen. But I'm not divorced. Just Tolia, my husband went to the youngster to live.
   How so? Which youngster? - I did not understand.
   Yes he is somewhere with Tiny one slept, and then her mother came and said that the girl was pregnant her from him, and if he did not marry her, she, her mother, put him.
   -So what? Married?
   Yes, signed. Already born babe.
   -Wow-a! And you as well, Marina?
   -What about me? One live here. In conductors went to have fun there.
   Marina began to tell the sad story of his life, so young and already quite shabby. Once she lived in an unknown small town in the Kurgan region, published in nineteen years married Shred, after moving with him from college dorm, where she studied at that time, her husband borrowed from boyfriends Chalupki, where they lived peacefully for six months. Shreds before becoming a spouse, was her boyfriend, what Marina, out of the house from not very loving and caring mother, was quite a lot. It did not spread apart, but even this story, only marginally concerned about the gray everyday provincial youth varivsheysya in its own juice, and relations between the sexes, and gave the concept of those confusing, random and short-lived relationships, debunk any notions of honor, decency and morality that reigned in this muddy little water environment. I listened and marveled at its uncomplicated narrative, finding in it the same symptoms syndrome universal corruption that existed in the urban atmosphere, more educated and cultured as it seemed to me, more intelligent and higher than this unfortunate young workers abandoned the provinces, which no one ever not engaged, never will be engaged in the future, and that was doomed to drag his awful existence, becoming older, then grown old, but they are not restrained and becoming wiser in this cesspool of a commoner who rarely manages to get out - not up the stairs career - it is unlikely to deliver him from the evils of graft - and ashore cleanliness and morality, where they are, these vices, in a clean atmosphere of integrity, culture and restraint instincts will dry and disappear by themselves, purge your conscience for a better world, what was in store Minghui .
   My thoughts were sad. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that this was a commoner himself, and yet just as eager to go up, advancing in the service, and not there, to the side, where they were supposed to open clean beach, doing nothing at all for this, and unable to cope with their filthy vices, clung round me, just like millions of my peers, sharing the sad fate to be citizens of this stupid state, deprived of all their rights and hopes for something bright and happy. Our roots were scorched, and the tree of wisdom nation was coming near to the total loss, not knowing even a single touch of the soil righteousness once nourished him from the depths of the past centuries and the experience of history. We were cut off, we were children of communism, and its new culture and a short story is not outlined any guidance for our generation, as well as the generation of our parents and our grandparents and all those who came to life after the October Revolution of the seventeenth year.
   Cut off a system alien germs remnants of the past, and under the scarlet banners of dense, close rows we walked a long road to nowhere, going through life, illuminated by lead stars, gray, faceless shadows that leave no trace of their existence unforgiven. "And in the end of the road you will see how futile attempts were yours," - said one of the classics ...
   The day was already in full swing and the sun shining in the window, when I woke up from a heavy slumber, do not even understand at first why I was lying completely naked in a cold polukupe where my clothes, and what this all means in general. But the details of the night together with hops went outside.
   The car was cold. After going through it, I found in one of the compartments in the campaign Anton some men. There has already been opened and placed a bottle of vodka glasses.
   -Here, meet - he told me. - Kostya This is Valerie, is Igor. They warrant. And Igor officer. Igor Valera once served together in Mongolia, and now both in the Trans-Baikal, just in different places, and that's accidentally met here in this car. Can you imagine? Now sit and kvass for this meeting.
   I sat down next to him. I poured vodka, but I pushed the glass:
   -No, guys, I will not drink. Enough nalakalsya yesterday.
   Hey, man, you're the who? - Addressed to me Igor.
   How is who? - I did not understand.
   - Well, who? - He put his hand on my knee. - Warrant officer.
   Lieutenant - I breathed with difficulty carrying him fume.
   Lieutenant? - Igor surprised tipsy. - And I'm the captain. So that, Lieutenant, I command you: drink! You're in the army now!
   -And if I do not? What then?
   -Listen! What are you borzeesh guy? - Intervened bruiser Valera.
   -Wait, wait, Wahler, - Igor besieged it. - We are now so his re-educate on good terms. And that we have always have time to apply!
   I was not a little puzzled by such treatment , and realized that he was there, where you can not make a blunder. And you had to either submit or prepare for a fight by a row and protect self-esteem from such brazen attacks.
   -So, Lieutenant, you're wrong - continued to educate me Igor. - Look at your friend. Too, Lieutenant, but behaves quite differently: in sociable. With it's nice to chat. Look: against the team, against the majority in the army do not advise you to go - Zaruba it on your nose. Otherwise, you'll have bad - I'm telling you this, not as a senior officer, and as a senior fellow. I like you, can see through. Look horns pooblamyvayut quickly!
   I was silent, downcast Glove and wondering how, in general, got into this situation.
   -Well, that's going to behave or what?
   I had an affirmative nod: Valera reached for the door handle of his hefty paws, meaning, apparently, shut it in case of failure. This does not bode well.
   Igor gave me a glass, and poured the rest sigh:
   Well, for introducing ...
   Scorching alcohol poured into the stomach and spread over the entire body. Tipsy head, and I do not seem so bad.
   Apparently, my appearance was interrupted by some conversation, and now he continued, as if nothing had happened:
   -Well, then was still a bachelor, - said Valera - served in this ... in a separate tank battalion. It then removed, right?
   -Removed - Igor agreed.
   -Well, if he was still there. We antitank battalion occupied one park: they front end and we go after them in the rear. Well, sit with a friend, Kolka at me in the duty room, kvass. I'm a bachelor, he was a bachelor. I'm on duty in the park, and he duty in the park. Once he had protivotankistov, and I have soldiers. But I sit safer.Ah, ha! We drink, drink bottle, second, tenth .... H y, there still familiar guys sit. In short, everything is normal. "Chambur" [1] - brew that is - end - in the barracks [2]of the Congress, even take a bottle or two further.
   Campaign again venerated the glasses and Valera continued
   -And we have a new Chief of Staff came Major .... I do not remember his name. Luzenkov something. And now, I'm pyanyuchy. Suddenly times! In door stuck his face. Hy, I told him: "Go to the dick!" face is hidden, then, lo and behold, again pops out. I told him again, "Went for dick!" It disappeared again, and just when it seemed the third time, until I came across the hops that this chief of staff of our battalion. Well, I got up, peasants g OVOR: "Come on, come here" - and he took the drill stand and report - the hand, as expected, a headdress attached - well, maybe a little wiggle "Comrade Major ! "- And all there is. And how come he is yelling at me. Oral-oral, until finally, finally I got angry and said to him: "Well, all Comrade Major, I'll shoot you right now!" - Pulled out a gun from the holster, the shutter cheated .... Chief of Staff and frightened soldiers said - it just with the diluent and the guard posts came to check: "Aim at his machines!" Well, they have aimed guns at me, and I was drunk, reckless, take them over the barrel, taking away from soldiers and hurled "thorn" fencing. Mayor sees that things are bad, and let me once: "Valera. Valera, all right! "And I'm not a joke and again sold to him," All you bastard, I'll shoot you right now! "And I do not remember, because of what I am so angry at him? .. A-ah, he decided to dress me to stay ....
   Valera took a deep breath, raised already filled glass and clinked their glasses with Igor and those who had to follow him, he continued again:
   -Well, then, this Luzenkov sees that no one to protect him: the soldiers went to look for machines. And he asked, asked, and I tear up! .. And I really, bad, when I drink, and what did not shoot him, - I do not know. Several times he fired after not taking aim. Would aim - just kill! And he runs, wags like a hare in the field, from a bullet fool ducks! I'd wanted - from my not dodged! In general, I let him go in peace.
   Valera somehow looked at me intently and considering something, silent for a minute, intending apparently the "switch" to me, but then walked away and continued
   -The next day, the most interesting, I wake up, I tell this story, and I do not believe - I do not remember absolutely nothing. My neighbor in the dorm attendant stood says: "You're lying unconscious, I tell you," Valera, let the gun! 'And you answer me, shaking his finger: "No-ee, bring the book of the weapons, I'll see that you copied it from me. And then I'm looking for a gun, and you're going to talk tomorrow, that I did not take it to you. " Can you imagine? Wow!
   Valera again took up the glass, making it clear to pour:
   -I after six months in the case of general outfits did not go. Guys ask me, "Valerie, what?" And I tell them: "Do not trust!" Then I read, I put an outfit. Come get the gun, and I do not give it, they say that the chief of staff banned. Well, I said to him, bald, "What's the matter, Comrade Major. This is why? "And he told me:" You intercede outfit, but without a gun! "And I gave him the finger," No, Comrade Major, such jokes with me will not pass. Or give out a gun, or I do not intercede outfit! "
   Valerie looked at the empty glass and silent, but now the conversation picked up Igor:
   -We also have one lieutenant [3] fired. Rather, th e fired. Nothing was kid! nly T shabutnoy bit! In ypit loved the women take a walk - he was as in Mongolia, as his wife remained in the Soviet Union, Ukraine, its none of our never seen once. Somehow - semeni - he was such a nickname, surname - Semenov - went to the barracks at night vmazat slightly, and he did not like something in the orderly, and that in the face of it shlopotal. And this only chiefs and waited: what Semenov get.And then such a puncture! Well, it under this brand, and fired on the utility discrepancy. Wanted to discredit the title, - the court officer's honor was even - yes did not work: in the county did not approve the wording of the reasons for dismissal. Maybe because his name coincides with the name of the District Commander, - I do not know. And it's what I'm trying to explain that semeni already, when a court of honor on him fired, the chief of staff of the regiment and battalion commander said: "I am you, Comrade Colonel (well, of course, he did not say so, but stronger) - I'll shoot you! "Hy, they both got cold feet is not a joke. And then it was only an assistant on duty in the regiment was placed in the same outfit and the gun is not allowed. Neither the park nor the guard - nowhere else. So it is up to six months of the dismissal and walked "in the booth" and the gun never seen. But he was what? - There is no grief from him was not.
   Kostya, silent all the time, the new vodka poured into glasses and began to distribute them, thus offering a drink.
   Well, guys, what we drink? - Valerie chuckled, and I noticed how his mustache natoporschilis at the sight of alcohol.
   -For those, perhaps, who in his boots, - Igor suggested. He looked around the entire campaign. - We're all wearing boots. Hard. Eh! ..
   He famously knocked over a glass of bitter grimaced and bit crunching pickles. It was followed by all the others. I hesitated, but still poured scalding liquid in his mouth and nearly choked with difficulty swallowing this liquid fire.
   -I knew the guy - joined in the conversation Constantine - m ak he took a bottle of vodka, half a minute it unraveled in hand to funnel formed, then again, it throws. And after eight seconds flat bottle was empty. It is so-so on this thing earned: argue with someone, he would drink a bottle for ten seconds - barely taking stock - and he immediately agreed, and then loses.
   -And you were - waved from Constantine Igor. Clearly not interested in his story - when in a tank regiment zampotyla shot?
   -I am that day or before that went just right, replace [4] . I told the guys after that, - said Valera, groping hand on the table.
   -I was just there. His company commander shot material support, and then shot himself. He still wanted to kill the chief of staff, but missed.
   -Yeah, I know this zampotyla. I served with him for a long time, then he was sent to the Union, in Bezrechku on Manchzhurku, but he was not n rizhilsya. And two years later, his dreams and turnuli back. At ernulsya it to us in Mongolia, but with the rise: deputy on the rear tank regiment commander. About all it said at the time that was a crook and fixers. Novikov I then convinced myself this more than once! - Valera so nothing on the table and did not find. - M s somehow Min'kova go, chief fuel depot division, and this zampotyl - already after returning - comes to meet us and suddenly stops us, as if for a long time already knows, and asks:
   - Is that you, geseemschik? !
   Well, Michael Minkov says:
   - I, and what is it?
   - Nothing, again on alcohol will not dodavat Tank Regiment, blame yourself! I complain to the division commander!
   Misha offended him, naturally, and says:
   - Well, Comrade Colonel, I'll give your entire shelf alcohol to grams, but no bastard will not drink it!
   We have also taken as ten liters invoice tested - nine liters gives a liter currently leave. Otherwise, it is impossible: Commission come - who watered them? - Head of the Fuel Depot Division. A reserve will not be - it's all - Khan! They won as ponaedut so vyzhirayut all cleaned. Otherwise, obviously, two points for validation, because we are all on alcohol ....
   Well, that clashed with this zampotylom Misha, then dispersed. Misha took the division zampotyla poisonous additive to alcohol, consulted with him, made a statement reference that alcohol - poisoned, and you can not drink it on the bottle, bubbles on the red line diagonally smeared and extradite him.
   And now, it has resorted to this zampotyl for alcohol with the canister: Come on, say, betray! Misha him
   P aspishites, Comrade Colonel, that you know that alcohol poisoned and can not drink it.
   He was indignant:
   - What do you mean, Comrade Ensign I will not complain! I pour pure alcohol!
   Mike replies:
   - Complain to wherever you want. I according to the order of the minister of defense preventing the use of alcohol in the technical parts of all do.
   He poured this lieutenant colonel poisoned alcohol. And he took it - and to get to? But after that incident, he became as silk, almost dancing in front of Misha, as we shall see. Yes! A kid, commander OWS sorry, of course! He brought him, poor fellow! D remained, as they say. It all regimental services and its rear is said to those he strongly pressed, fought with him, as with the sticky, and for all the nonsense, for what is usually close my eyes and calculated the money. What he disliked Captain - I do not know. Maybe because he was a decent bastard. And then he took out the company commander, got, all the blood he drank. The men say, the poor man sitting in the office, wrote a suicide note, a number of th is charged courier costs. Meanwhile zampotyl chief of staff from the second floor down. And this to brag, shows Chief of Staff says:
   - I'll go this captain again ask peppers!
   A company commander, as he saw it, could not resist, immediately grabbed automatic .... Chief of Staff, as he heard the shots, just tear the guardroom asked.The company commander and ran after him another queue, and then himself to death at once - and did not notice that the Chief of Staff did not hit, because he had time to fall, and the bullet passed by .... Say when zampotyla carried away, he was still alive .... Yes-ah, it spared no one, but many company commander remembered why it yourself, then? H ichego not he was. Well, would give five years for the murder of passion. Witnesses was that many of their relationship.
   Valera stopped, but continued Igor:
   -Generally, this regiment "stray" was some. Almost at the same time, Lieutenant BMP rolled over the top, "in Armor," traveling - in a cake. Then as many as five people were poisoned with antifreeze. Local suicide. We have something in this artillery regiment did not happen often. Was, but less frequently.
   -But we have, in the battalion of material support was cool - chimed in Constantine. - Every day for twenty cars on the way out. Weekly column goes somewhere, either in Sain Shangdu or Cojr, [5] or Erhet. And as a column goes, you can safely write off two fuel tanker. Previously, when I served there, two bottles of fuel truck chambura cost, and then, five years later, is, when our very little is left there, and at times as Mongolian napryazhenka gasoline went so for forty thousand MNT fuel truck passed them. Guys who was smarter, there are many Exodus rowed all - for life. In those days, that forty thousand Tugri Mongolia hell you could buy.Now I do not know what there prices .... By the way, when I was there, I was offered a suitcase MNT ten thousand rubles. One civilian was leaving already bought all that he could - he, then the container is not necessary, as a civilian - because he did not know where to put the money: do not bring povezesh! W achem they Union?Well, something I thought and thought, and refused. A pity, because now would be a wealthy man and would already spat on the army high hill .... Incidentally, I knew that frame. His salary was six MNT per month, and he did chambure during the same period of five or six thousand. Somehow I remember we were together at a leather jacket Mongol bought. Mongol for her eight asked, I told him: "Come for six!" And he looked up, shook hands, and felt the silence gets so then the money: "On, win!" And I twice got him .... You remember how we drove chambur in barracks?
   -I remember-remember - Igor nodded, to which it is addressed.
   -Yeah, boys, we drove a brew, he looked at us Anton that flashed like gasoline. Our distillers Mongols chambur afraid to sell this: they could not drink it so that then the stomach does not burn and does not starve. Monkeys such strong things can not eat. It only Russian Vanya stomach is able to digest. We, represent, such Ukhar were that to save the yeast - it was a terrible deficit, such as sugar, even more - was added to the mash carbide, if not put on one carbide. Do not know how they do it! There were such experts - hoo-th - all the subtleties of the business, technology know. He day at work, and it all boils in the barracks, everything flows, a hundred liters per week catching up, if it is assumed for each of the employees. There alone and spinning, and entire clans. At one in the basement under the bathroom even barrel was buried on a ton, and they have it every week for a new set, and closer to the weekend day and night chambur pressed. But interestingly, he did not sell one - campaigns were doing. C ene no one dared to do the above, and especially lower than it was adopted thirty Tugri per bottle. If anyone dared to get out of the knurled track, he can not long hold: it quickly "passed" to the prosecutor. And there is not a long ceremony: it again - and in the slammer. This-that we were mainly civilian - civil: drivers, fitters, cooks. I knew one in the cafe! B of who pressed chambur something. Military - rarely does it, and then - just for yourself. God forbid for sale! They're always in the service of the morning until the evening. And this was nothing to prevent. Well, and used to put them in it.
   Bent-you, of course, about thirty Tugri, - said Igor, rummaging in a bag under the table in search of another bottle of vodka, and then I found it and put it on the table. - He then began to cost sixty and one hundred fifty.
   Well, I have something in those days were gone. I went to the Union, - said Valera. - I'm talking about your time.
   -And I've also drove chambur! And, imagine, even for sale. A senior lieutenant was then! And no dog did not know ....
   -Who are you selling so that no one knew?
   -Mongols. I have everything taken away. Alcoholmeters I had, activated carbon mask cleaning chambur. So he gets no worse than vodka!
   -It is certainly risky - contact with the Mongols in this matter. How they passed the people, but because of them povygonyali the Union jail. He comes. You chambur buys, and the next day already leading representatives of law enforcement.
   -I do not know, to me this has never happened. Apparently, they liked how I drive. Quality I had a good strictly forty degrees, no carbide, one sugar and yeast ...
   -And I know that's a lot of such cases - not give Valera.
   -Yes, I have in the barracks no one even knew I gonyu moonshine. I remember returning home smiling somehow, and in the general corridor crowd of men gathered for lunch come and talk. In our barracks, basically, that all military lived. And Loew Grigoryan, ensign, others said that, well, someone yesterday at eleven o'clock to him knocking. He opens the door and on the verge of a drunken Mongol worth reeling and silently hands him thirty Tugri. Loew asked him: "What are you doing?" And Mongol stands and holds the money. Well, let's send it that - we were on the second line of the barracks where they lived and drove to contract chambur - there. And he meets Lowe: Yes, I bought here today. And he's a long time arguing with Mongol. Loew he proves that here chambur do not drive, and that his "I bought here!" Grigoryan And this story tells neighbors, those laugh, and I laugh, but other forest. Me something funny that no one knows in sense and not take that drunk Mongol came to me, he only one flight corridor mistaken Leva something apartment was just as I have located only on the span. So to the end, no one knew I samogonchikom own pritorgovyva l. Happened and sell their same, even with his regiment, but I've always said in such cases, that now I'll go to a friend who has chambur. And so many Mongolians say .... In general, everything I have done.
   -Well, it's lucky you just - concluded Valera. - One or something .... In which you lived barracks?
   -In the fourteenth.
   -And he was in the twelfth. And it just so BOAD. On soldiers caught. Those he took chambur and calculated for it than is necessary, and owe him the next time came, he told them to first have paid money or meat. Well, the soldiers went to the pigsties, given there Svinarev in the face, took the pig and returned. And the commanders of Svinarev interested, who filled his face, and what happened to the pig, and began to look out for these two: their Svinarev identified. Began pedaling and went for it. Well, so what? F ive years, he, like, gave.
   -I know this case. Twelfth barracks, in general, characterized by an abundance of bootleggers. I remember as a division commander announced the raid on the barracks to catch bootleggers, and there lived a Maksimych. And now, zampotyl division chief of the political, yet there is any shoblu mongrels floor corridor comes from apartment to apartment, knocking him. Maksimych out to meet them:
   - What do you want, boss?
   And there is the machine working, the post is worth as much steam.
   They told him:
   - Why, here we are caught bootleggers. You can go to the apartment?
   Maksimych worth belly puffed out and asks so disparagingly lazily:
   - A sanction legal search do you have?
   - Nope - meet. - We're only a minute to stop by to see.
   - Well, then, if you do not, and do not figure you come here then. Proschevayte - and, again, came back.
   So do not let the whole zampotyla division commander, deputy chief of the garrison! Here's another example.
   So w-what a completely different case! - Outraged Valera. But then waved his hand apparently, he tired of arguing. - Aw, come on, let's have a drink even better, and that something very sober started - do not order!

Chapter 27.

   We sat for a long time and listened to stories of Valera and Igor on how they served in Mongolia, more and more surprised at the things they are talking about. Was even a moment when it seemed to me that in these stories more fiction than real events. But as soon as one of x or mentioned anything like the other immediately picks it up words and developed the theme further. Unlikely to happen this unanimity, whether these stories are fictitious.
   Empty bottles, the number of half a dozen, rolling on the floor under the table, and two more were cobs, half-full of mountains of bones and stubby remnants camp snacks. Everything has been great podnakachalis and did not pay attention and drops even if someone looked into the compartment.
   Anton already gone as soon sleepy Marina came coupled with soaring glass in aluminum-holders and offered tea. I sat and listened to all the stories, in the shower feeling anxiety jealousy. I was excited to learn that my companion conceived, but I think I already guessed, and thrust there was undoubtedly late. About World was not worth remembering.
   However, I was sitting on pins and needles, and because long so could not continue, still came out in the end, to the hallway. But here, my pains are not over and tormented by imagining a long time I stood alone at the window and looked somewhere past a solid wall plantations, endless procession sweeps past. On a movable fabric tree branches and bushes my mind to paint a picture, reopen the soul of his relentless inevitability and illusory, which became a reality in the very polukupe where gone crazy evening, night and morning. It lasted, but somehow I do not like and it was painful to think that somewhere Anton now with Marina, a strange and disagreeable, but still and my ex, and slept with me in the same way as him. Another night it seemed to me something abstract, not encouraged to serious reflection, did not touch the mind and do not even bother, but on the contrary, cheerful soul. All the world seemed somehow simple and clear, but now, on the contrary, heavy blues changed feigned cheerfulness, and I could not find peace of mind and tranquility.
   I was thrown from one extreme to another, but it does not internally confusion betrayed itself outwardly, and I was still standing at the window, painfully thinking that took an hour, maybe more, but in fact did not escape and fifteen minutes.
   Corridor past me sometimes people passed. Almost all transit through the car. Someone came out of the compartment, heading into the lobby to smoke.Someone with a sleepy, sluggish sea, which usually is typical passenger long-distance trains, where it is warm, but crowded, and you can only stand, sit or lie down and nowhere to go except the dining car - and there often is not like - to stretch their muscles, is pulled out of the closet. But none of this came to me, came to my mind occupied with other thoughts completely.
   While I drank, I was not drunk, and I wanted to drink more, get drunk to the point when it becomes either or on anything, or appears in pink or completely forgotten. However, returning to the campaign left something not wanted. Their conversations and memories, somewhat puzzled and disturbed by my understanding of the army, which, while not bright, and, most likely, quite dull and gray, but still not so dirty and perverted, which could be formed under the influence of any these conversations.
   "It was all the same so long ago - I reasoned, continuing to draw the same sex scenes featuring Anton and Marina, and it can be tried to calm his soul - that much had changed. I hope that there, where I get to serve, everything will be great ... "
   I imagined the ground on which the formation of soldiers, a commander with big stars on their epaulettes, who introduces me to them, and then goes away, and I'm starting to command, and the soldiers obediently turn, rebuilt from the column in a row, and scattered again form system, and I stand in front of them in beautiful shape, and only the serving team. And then, in the evening, at six o'clock, go home and rest. Maybe I will give the apartment, and the neighbor across the site will be Anton. And in the evening we will arrange it revels, invite guests to have fun. Everything will be fine.
   "No, better not Anton. Let someone else! "- I thought, and my dreams were shattered and pictures back excruciates bedding. "Soldiers, soldiers, soldiers what?" - My thoughts went in another direction. "Strange, what other soldiers, because until recently, my main concern was the problem of how to escape AWOL from school. Now I had to change his role on the opposite. Do I afford such a metamorphosis? "
   I was a bit scary, but by itself from such reflections. Memory came memories of Mongolia and the service Valera and Igor:
   -And you still had when ayzerov [6] driven to serve in the regiment?
   Well, of course. Their winter eighty-ninth year, we were given, and I'm only a year and a half left in the summer.
   -We have a division for two thousand of their reach, - said Igor all - in each battery, every company ayzerov half. In our battery was twenty-five people, and one of these twelve. And so everywhere, in all the regiments and battalions. They were sent in December. All Trans-Baikal, said five thousand given and one half of us in the toilet, stuffed. That's right, across the border from Mongolia can not escape, and they quickly from Trans posmyvayutsya all home. Then just only events in Sumgait [7] subsided a bit, here packs them into the army and began to call. Even those who have not reached the age of conscription .... And now, these eagles drove us to the division, were herded into a barracks, and they are there for a month cooked in its own juice - it is their fees [8] were so. There's no head of taxes nor the company commander or platoon first two weeks did not show up and then could not and shove, and feared, because during this time there is a mafia emerged that oh-ho-ho! Ayzera because when a lot of them, when the crowd on one - because they are bold, brutal and merciless. Medical orderly, sergeant-sverhsrochnika nearly killed when he went to quarantine them and tried some of them .... povospityvat P Otomi distributed them piecemeal, and has begun! .. We battalion commander on the eve of the arrival of the soldiers of all constructed and said: "Comrade soldiers, on Monday we get young recruits all - Azerbaijanis. These people are so that he loves when he is treated fairly. Therefore, I ask you to treat them politely not to dismiss his hands, to do with them all equally and not watch what you "demobilization" there or "scoop." I'll find out about someone if he's such nonsense against them suffer - beware, blame yourself! Launched skin! "M-uzhik it was harsh, hefty, with a half-turn the plant if that suddenly he finds - not predictable, in general. And the soldiers were afraid of it as fire. And we, the officers and warrant officers, he then says, "Well, guys, hold on now! Ayzera - it is not two years of service, and torment! They do not will not wash floors or dishes for a clean and clothes will not work! "As the water looked! I have something else then a young lieutenant was. That's, like you, - he nodded at me with Anton. - Thought he catches up with fear. And it all turned out well.Our then-commander of the battalion had to serve them, and his opinion was categorical: all of the "non-Russians" these ayzera the most stubborn and obstinate. He told us how their guardhouse gnoil, bleach poured into the chamber so that it is impossible to breathe, a river of tears from the eyes whip, the cold drove barefoot. And they are all the same: "Ne'll wash" - and all! However hard you try. When only here for a week so over them to make fun, then they break. But in two weeks again refuse: wash floors - will ne - is Jainsky work. And what you do with them again just do not do: scare even a prison, though the brig soot, even in the face hit - all to no avail, until again a week in the chamber with bleach without serving. And so that the entire service, to muster .... H about it to their little hen was, one, two in the company, then that they could still make. And when polbatarei ayzerov, there is something else we must invent and not going anywhere! "- Igor breath. - "Well, here!And decided luminary of Command new tactics to work with them to elect. And they just sensed it immediately began to walk a little kiss their sergeant directly to the commander of the division and complain. That treated them unfairly. And so skillfully bastards enjoyed quiet ignorance of Russian pronunciation and words that until he explain anything, kK probleyut sheep, he already rassvirepeet and not even realizing what it was, on that squad as a lion or an enraged zamkomvzvoda rushes. Here platoon and immediately gets, and the battalion commander. And it costs only surname Sergeant muddle and utter something else rambling, nonsensical views utter plaintive as anything - the machine worked.
   -Yeah, we also had a battalion - agreed Valera. - Just a little bit differently. Command also first freemen gave them, and then watching - and cope with them, it is impossible to: do not want to wash the floors, clean the attire do not want to work discarded in the dining room at the corners crawl, whispering to her, when they put on duty there. In guard put them - scary because suddenly something uchudili weapons or all, officer, commander of the guard, shoot. Well, he decided to plant a few of them for the procedure and an example to others, that they somehow obeyed. Have become legally do: refused to work or wash floors - write an explanatory note why. Several explanatory accumulated - Report on the team: to institute criminal proceedings, and all. And so, the report comes to the division commander. He said to us in the battalion comes: "Comrade Colonel, you can not work with people! I'll show you how it's done! "And let this ayzeram show. How to wash floors.Himself in the hands of a rag took a bucket of water, washes and says that, yes as. And these stand and watch as a colonel, commander of the division, they cleaned the barracks ...
   He then-General received, in the nineties, - said Igor.
   -Really?! - Surprised Valera.
   Well, it does not matter - after a pause of surprise waved Valera. - T ak here, he washes the floors, washes, and then says ayzeram: "Did you see how I was washing? - Let us now and you so! "And they say:" Ne budem! "Well, the colonel furious two beds turned, noise done and said the battalion commander:" Nurture yourself your soldiers! "
   -It's flowers, - said Igor. - P Otomi that started! Everyone thought that they are closer to Dembele calm down, but not far from it! Just opposite! They began to turn brown more and more. And that they, in fact, be afraid? How much they have done delov - not one of them, because after all, not planted. Take at least the case in the infantry when dyads ayzerov stools beat platoon to such an extent that his face into a bloody mess, and the thing that was hard to find! It was in the eighty-ninth. You should know about it, Valera.
   -Yes, yes, I remember ...
   -So what do you think? They planted? With two guys! Sent to serve in Kiakhta [9] .
   -I Kiakhta serve - put Constantine.
   In-oh, maybe you know about this story! Sent them to serve in Kiakhta. They're beaten to a pulp chains officer, but they are still not planted. And returned back to us in Baganur [10] : take away, they say, their soldiers and nurture. In the infantry [11] and then all hands shall be feeble, and they were doing there, what they like. But that's nothing. In August ninetieth ayzera general, refused to carry out any whatsoever orders commanders, and even peace-loving admonition in his address did not perceive. They demanded to be fired by mid-September all, put on a plane and sent directly to Azerbaijan. This requirement they pushed the division commander, who had already managed to get a general. He promised them to do it, but they were not satisfied and to make it clear to the authorities, not one joke, organized a campaign to Ulan Bator, where the headquarters of the army. Far from us dotuda Ovate - one hundred twenty kilometers! D and plus two passes through the machine that something difficult to move - never would have come to! But you know - it worked! .. We just have to exercise ... sometime in early September. A ayzera that our regiment were in the tank, that anti-aircraft missile - though they were there less - both infantry by that time had withdrawn into the Union - that is, something ayzera refused, in general, though walk to school, though, especially on the ground ride, remained in the barracks. In the evening, return to the fire, come to the barracks - and I do not understand: the time is already about nine o'clock at night, and in the barracks, on the parade ground at the headquarters - everywhere - full officers, staff officers, chiefs. Our entrance is worth the commander of the regiment lost with some views. All excited some, agitated! Soldiers at the site the day exhausted, tired, just to bed without undressing, left to fall, and driven them to the parade ground, the evening proving, if they are a day in the barracks .... slacking H y, weapons, equipment set, and I to battalion commander turn supposedly home-you can go: tired, want to sleep, I fall down - then I had to just steer for the battalion commander. And as he growl: "Comrade Lieutenant! Are you quite mad? The regimental commander here! And you, the platoon commander, came home, "and here I stand as the spat, and think to myself, resentfully:" What is the regimental commander here? Well, let them! He was not at the site, and I'm tired as a dog "- and most take aback: I do not know yet what happened, and all the things happening around incomprehensible and goes beyond the usual. Only then learned: Azeris at eight o'clock in the evening from all parts gathered at our barracks, pogudeli like a swarm of bees, and went into the steppe - in Ulaanbaatar, - I mean. The division commander, he learned about it, reconnaissance battalion, our "home" special forces, raised the alarm itself on UAZ reconnaissance to "Ural". And let's catch up with these idiots Cobra. They have twenty kilometers from the town moved when he caught them. Reconnaissance road re cities with guns blazing. Novikov ayzera something - know that would not shoot - like water through your fingers through the chain leaked and went further. Scouts, though they were tall guys, six feet, but Russian, as the selection, but something dismayed, blundered. And they, in fact, shoot or what? Yes, they would be there the two thousand monkeys strangled with his bare hands, and they would not have time to put a hundred. And who gave the command to shoot? .. Well, then the colonel himself ran, overtaking a car that crowd.Got on his knees and began to beg them by hook or crook, to come back. That's when he promised them a second time and already firmly that their Aircraft in mid-September in Azerbaijan sent. And how! He's just got general. He had to somehow save their straps! There's all sorts of tricks to have to go. Including such ... and that he persuaded whole pack back to the barracks, even (you imagine!) Made scouts who came with him, walking back to town to return, and these monkeys on the car planted and until midnight, there -drove here, only they did not change their minds. And the next day, literally, in a tank regiment officers strike was announced. Most natural! And it started before division headquarters zamkomandira Tank Regiment. The condition was simple: as long as the division commander ayzerov not rein and not force them to at least participate in combat training and submit a daily routine, the officers at the service will not be leaving. This reaction, of course, the division commander did not expect, but, nevertheless, he reacted quickly in response, quickly: once all parts transferred to all the classes, all the work in parks, in cars made.And personally, each unit commander stood on control and technical point, output, and saw to it that no officer, especially the youngest, from the location of the park will not come out. Isolate so wanted. But information is still somehow leaked, and we have almost all the platoon commanders, battalion commanders, many eleven o'clock already sat in the House of officers of the garrison .... The division commander, arrived there too soon. He began to ask questions, requirements, almost accusations put forward. He is a cunning fox, with three boxes officers has promised: instigators and ringleaders-Azerbaijani land, and from the warehouses of goods and food storekeepers remove soldiers from the Azerbaijanis - enough. That all the heads of these almshouses - ayzera - and give commanders permission for self-excitation of criminal cases, and hands pokladat. Until everything is done - and himself in two days into the holiday and all things umotal shifted to his deputies. So the point and quiet. However, a tank regiment long seethed. Zamkomandira regiment was there a sensible case, among others, spoke. He was still in the GDO division commander said he had long been collecting information, and to his knowledge in the division Azerbaijanis developed a strong underground organization, broken down into three, and even having a council, whose leaders are well camouflaged, are in a battalion of material support. Council manages this whole organization, having composed something about five members, including the chief was the son of a mullah, who was also a well disguised. There flowed all the information and each of Azer baydzhantsev downstairs very afraid h To the other two of his triples not convicted him of weakness and obey obey officers and sergeants, because then it just was not the plight. Council engaged in extortion, and everyone had to make a monthly payment to one or two thousand Tugri [12] - is ten salaries soldier per month. Where they mined, the council did not seem to care. Where they can take that kind of money? He actually encouraged extortion, theft, and so procured by means of buying the Mongols for a few hours, as taxis, trucks, and the most favorite and close to the top of the meeting went on to Ulan Bator, where they have a "court" [13] Infantry Regiment "Army" elite settled. By the way, all of theirs first rebellion there in Ulan-B Ot, start smiling, and then to us, had spread to the periphery. And they happen to be when in march on the capital went, they went there to support the starving countrymen .... When I listened to it all, I have a hair on his head moved, and the colonel listened, agreed, and promised to leave umotal and we ayzerami left to stew in their own juice .... So by the end of September came, again worried ayzerota: promise something Divisional skoe s, y speaking, is not satisfied. Here they have become threatened kidnapping of his wife or child have any of the officers as hostages to be sent home. You understand that such tricks than threaten. And almost two weeks all this confusion had been created. Officers on ayzerov spat: let them do what they want. Soldiers: Russian, Uzbek, which the oppressed - for himself and for those monkeys in outfits in sentries at work fly, but these stand about eight [14] , before the breakfast in a heap gather a crowd, without fail go to the dining room, then sit somewhere in the sun, where warmer and boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo until dinner. And so the whole day. P omnyu regiment commander in the dining room stands by him and ayzera bunch are: hands in pockets, in his side do not even look like there's an empty place. And behind the company commander approaches. H y, and Colonel shouts at him:
   - Comrade Captain, tidy these soldiers!
   A company commander is responsible:
   - Bring yourself, Comrade Colonel, they're not listening!
   The regimental commander was furious:
   - Get them to listen to you, Comrade Captain!
   - And I'll make them? ! - In turn asked the company commander. And, indeed, what it can do: beat the face - the law is impossible, and then, do not give yourself ayzera beat the face, put in the brig - funny: first, it is a damn about them, and, secondly, even before their campaign to Ulaanbaatar in the same ill-fated tank regiment several Azerbaijanis put in the brig, so the rest is learned, came to the guardhouse and became the chief of the guard to require that freed prisoners and even to sound convincing, breaking a fence around the guardroom . Soldiers who were sentries - and there almost all Russian, which ayzera every single day in the barracks face beaten, harassed and bullied as wanted - to avoid making new trouble, hid in the guardhouse. Okay, that the chief of the guard is not timid guy appeared, grabbed automatic, jumped into the courtyard, all gave up and warned: "The next to give you if you do not stop!"
   On any longer, but then another two hours in the guardhouse milled until the head of the political division had not come and freed prisoners - have their same-.... By the way, then commander of the guard this week two with a gun walked up to the end of the story, because they sentenced him to death, and hope no one else is on himself, but on the gun at the lieutenants left. How many times he was ordered to surrender their weapons, and he would not listen: Who else can guarantee the safety of his life - it is a lot of examples has been that there is no one to protect the officer and soldier justify what atrocity he would not have made, especially if ayzera and especially if their garrison at two thousand, and each of these two thousand knows that you have to take revenge, and just watches the opportunity when you can whack .... In short, so that's created before abracadabra until ayzerov, still not decided to demobilize earlier than usual, because every day was getting worse and worse in the morning already and do not know whether to go with, whether at home sit wife yeah baby guard to the door is not dropped or stolen ....
   One morning I come to the service and find out that evening Azerbaijanis put into the machine and sent to Nalayha, near Ulan Bator, where a military airfield was located. And something soldiers remaining far too excited. It is understood, of course, what a relief for them to come, but they too are agitated and animated. And later we have know from conversations that night, it turns out that the line was going on: the whole division assembled and let ayzerov drive along the barracks. What was going on there - I can not describe, the more that I somehow did not cause alarm - all officers alerted, and about me as if forgotten, but beat them, flailing about two hours until they hit upon a division headquarters lomanutsya . Importantly, the colonel had already holiday by the time back home runs as my story Ng Ali and past the crowd for ayzerami chases. He told her to cut off:
   - Wait, wait, I order you! Wait, I am the general, I am the commander of the division!
   The soldiers theentire rushing past him with sticks, with bricks, and nobody paid him any attention. One, however, slowed down and the soldier says:
   - Well, what of it, what are you, General? I had offered to you dick! - continue poshparil, the time is to lose reluctance to do everything necessary for revenge ....
   Ayzera when ran into the division headquarters, the headquarters of the duty jumped with a gun. The crowd in front of the headquarters stopped smoking, does not disagree. Ayzera only lean Staff - bolder, then - as they would drive back into the building. Then "KAMAZ" winged, ayzerov posazhali in the body, and once they began to get under way as under awnings bricks flew n alkyl to Umney - everything at hand turned. "Oth Vozha" on both sides of the road lined up and let them regale goodbye .... But this something who left were lucky. But about forty of them had to leave, and they were coming off all night. Why not just get up and they will wash the floors in the barracks and in the closet cleaned. On their shorn bald and most greyhounds head in the toilet pomakali little to cool the blood. They say that if officers in the barracks was not killed them all there would be. Officers that protect them, not eager, of course, and so for blizira, then locked in the armory to reach them could not, and left them there all night .... Those were the case, - concluded the narrator. - Ayzera then another two weeks in tents on the airfield lived, in full uniform, without food. And then they were on the landing HAULING e "Il-76" landed and drove home. They said that they saw as the Caspian Sea, so immediately let go mad: jumping, screaming, running around the bay, hugging. And pilots of ser Chali and to calm, escape hatch opened and so almost to the Baku flying. Ayzera immediately subsided, and when coming out of the plane, were all blue, as broilers in our stores. In general, took them from the service, as they so deserve Islands whether, and officers did not, and the soldiers, the people, they say, and p Miejski .... "
   Someone touched my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl:
   -Could you help me? - She asked.

Chapter 29.

   The girl looked at me carefully, unblinking, and I could not figure out where I am, and what they want from me.
   -There's a bad grandmother - she said.
   -Why grandmother? - I could not understand anything.
   -With my neighbor. Its something all shakes.
   -Where is it?
   -There - she took me with him, and then turning around and talking on the go. - It was like normal, and then suddenly drops as twitched. Eyes rolled back, only the whites visible, crouched hands, breathing some intermittent, sometimes it seems that it not at all. And then .... I was so scared.
   We were in a compartment where on the bottom shelf in front of me opened ugly picture. Old woman, old, wrinkled, dark-skinned, like a baked apple, with strands of silver-gray hair, vybivshimisya out colorful scarves, lay overturned on the back. And do not even lying, and jumped on it. Signs of consciousness was observed. Eyes, in fact, went into podlobe. Old woman beater trembling, his mouth was yellow foam, and when she suddenly sighed deeply, that happened not more than once or twice a minute, the foaming mass drawn into the lungs.
   The spectacle made me squeamish aversion born from the thought that it should be closer, but not without strumming his labor. I leaned over to the old woman, flying toward her from all sides spluttering and stench, grabbed her bony hands, turned on its side, causing the foam immediately stringy, large oshlepinami began to fall on the floor.
   What's wrong with her? - The girl sat next to me, not paying any attention to the ghoulish event.
   -I do not know, I'm not a doctor, - I replied. - Perhaps it is an epileptic or some crap like that.
   Jaws old woman suddenly clanged shut, and I began to recall. I heard about like and how they should act.
   -Give some stick, umbrella or something like that. She needs to unclench your mouth and put back on something hard, so she could not bite it. Otherwise she would suffocate.
   Bustled girl sprang to his things, but time was lost, and it threatens the old woman could about to suffocate. Urgently needed to do something. I finally remembered that in such a state language sinks into the nasopharynx and closes the path of air into the lungs. I quickly and dramatically turned the old woman over, face down, and heavy foam poured on the floor, but it was not enough.
   The girl finally found a something and slipped into my hand. I do not know. As it turned out, but I still managed to unclench your mouth and shove granny between teeth resulting object.
   It was a long time before the attack let the old woman and her struggle with illness have a happy ending. Now she lay still pale, but alive, opened their eyes and stared at me as a stranger from another world.
   -It happens to me - weak, her voice cracked blame. She seemed to apologize for what happened to her.
   -Oh, nothing, - I tried to tone of his voice to make it clear that no loss to like and certainly not going to accuse her of anything.
   -Are you coming with us? - Asked the old lady.
   Of course, but how did I get here?
   Grandma paused, and then suddenly for no reason, no reason said:
   Give me your hand. I see in your eyes that you have an interesting fate.
   Such a transition is somewhat confused me, but I still held out her open palm.
   Face of the old woman began to change. Shadows surprise, fear, curiosity began to sweep over him, one after another that quickly, then more slowly. In the end, apparently, the horror still won all the other manifestations of her soul, and I heard:
   -The boy, your hand is terrible - she wound up finger palm. - Thank you soon awaits. Greatest glory. But the glory that will be black ... but this star means that will help you for the glory of great strength. It will not even people .... Hmm, strange, I am hands, no one saw. Yeah, but it's a sign of Satan himself. And from him is the road to Mars. He will help you. Inheritance you have received or will receive in the near future, but then lose it .... And will gain wealth and the whole world will be in front of you, but then the abyss .... Oh, man, how I live - such arms have not seen! T will be a lot of convent and you and from you to many people! And death you want - do not get: black and lead to hurt yourself, and marries her on. That star, here are four cross on Jupiter, in the line of a finger, to the moon and to the sign of Satan. And your heart will be broken, and many people will die from you .... No, man, I can not say any more: scary look on your hand. Go, go here ....
   -Why did you come to wonder grandmother? - I asked in surprise.
   The old woman did not answer, and I tucked knows what came out of the compartment in the corridor, not even finding the strength to say goodbye.
   Alone stay was not long. The girl followed me and stood beside the window, trying to look me in the face.
   Do not be angry at her, - she said. - How can you be offended by an old man? Thank you, in fact, that helped her, I do not even know to do if you did not help.
   -What would you do? - I caught in my voice notes sarcasm. - Nothing. Just would be present at the death of a neighbor in the compartment.
   -Why do you say that? - Girl clearly offended.
   -A what? - I'm always fascinated women excited, I just started to look at them as angry cat. Hidden charms facial, facial expressions, posture and grace in the movements suddenly stood out from under the surface of the affected devised mask certain stereotype every day comfortable, and the behavior of a gray image, and then the originality of female nature was manifested in all of this is fleeting and enchanting, so that this very ghostly essence could recklessly in love with a few moments, and then all life wonder and wonder how it happened and whether it was all really, or else just seemed born as the fruit of his imagination in a minute unusual excitement.
   As soon as I saw that girl h is not just sweet, but charming and glamorous as suddenly behind us came a deep bass:
   -Young people. Do you want to make a campaign?
   I turned around. Talked appeared tall, broad bone man, towering over me two heads. It s strange wandering grin looked down on us their growth and looked from me to her and back.
   -What kind of campaign? Drink what?
   Of course, my dear, have a drink - patted me on the shoulder a hefty man. - Drink, sit and talk. It's so nice, especially on the road, when bored and have nothing to do.
   The girl, whose anger was not possible to boil over, immediately withdrew defiantly, her lips pursed.
   Oh, and where's your girlfriend chesanul? - Surprised man, when the door to the compartment slammed in his face.
   Yes, it's not my girlfriend at all - I was justified. - So, just chatted.
   -Ah! you see what! - He shook his head, my new companion, still staring at the door, as if piercing through her with his eyes, and as mysterious and vaguely smiling.
   -Okay. Come on, I'll give you.
   He touched my shoulder with his hand, offering to follow him, but the indignant such treatment, I tried to resist, natuzhivshis struggled, resulting in only disgraced, uttering a sound. Which is so ashamed and shunned in any society, and that people of all ages and education meet hostility, bewilderment and contempt.
   -That you farts? - Asked the big man, without any tension and effort moving me in the right direction to him. - Do not strain yourself, boy, with me do not argue. I'm much older than you and stronger. Besides, I'm not gonna do anything wrong.
   Realizing that resistance is really useless and even comical when viewed from the side, I relaxed and walked directed strong, big and confident hand. We have reached the last coupe went into it and ended up in the campaign of a teenage girl. Maybe it was and older than she looked really, but butch "a boy" gave her ease dumped aged and adds levity throughout her appearance. She was smoking a long cigarette, coupled with menthol smell. On the table was a starter, uncorked a bottle of pot-bellied "Napoleon" with a bright, hungry look bewitches label, four glasses. Huge chocolate bar negligent mangled pieces, scattered on the foil wrapper, involuntarily forced to draw attention to themselves. "There was not going simple man - flashed through my head at the sight of all this abundance and the feeling pleasantly sweetish odor d Orogen cigarettes Swifts second girl was clearly not afford and probably served refreshments from the owner of all this gastronomic wealth upon which just look at first. - In fact, why not sit and drink good cognac, not a bite of his chocolate. Especially campaign, in fact, does not threaten riot and unforeseen complications. "
   -Sit down! - I ordered husky and appealed to teenage girls. - Here, we found a gentleman .... A lady with him was so painfully gonoristyh. Gone.
   Yeah not me she was! By itself! - Again, I began to make excuses, fear now, as I had not been asked out. It seems that this frail, frail girl had a big impact at the big, just in front of her so he was justified. Now suddenly I really wanted brandy and chocolate, and along with expensive menthol cigarettes. I suddenly felt myself in the position of prostitutes, sells for lunch, but tried to shoo away from you bad, bad thoughts.
   Well, okay, okay - no excuses - as if in my position, said the big man himself, meanwhile, poured into glasses brandy. - It's okay, everything is clear. The main thing is that there are three people, because it is already a campaign in which you can sit well. However, Annie?
   Annie, this teenage girl with short hair, nodded her head and smiled as mysteriously and reserved as he did maypole, why suddenly it occurred to me that this father and daughter: the temples tall guys have made its way thick gray hair, and the difference age allowed to make such an assumption.
   Well, what? REMARK acquaintance? - Asked the guy. And then he answered (Annie all also mysteriously reserved poluulybalas, staring at his "daddy," just sticking to his eyes, and not noticing me, as if anyone here besides them oih doors and was not). - For acquaintance!
   We clinked glasses, missed out on the first batch, and I felt a nice different "Napoleon" of vodka. It was not some sort of "bug-infested" from those that occurred in our stores. It was a wonderful drink.
   Chocolate also "over the hill", bold, but brittle and crisp with a pleasant crackling nuts on the teeth, added my experience. I thought that all my life, if it were possible, and would drink only "Napoleon", biting his good chocolate.
   The man poured a glass for a second, then a third.
   Well, that, Annie, how do you Guest?
   Nothing - the girl agreed, not even glancing in my direction.
   -And I also did - the man agreed, and then asked, touching my shoulder. - And where are you going, young man? On a visit to whom, what al forgot Siberia?
   -Yes, no, I'm not in Siberia food. I further Transbaikalia.
   -Y, and why?
   -Serve food.
   After-school, or what?
   Guy shook his head:
   Well, what have you, I could not go much better?
   -I do not know - I shrugged. - It happened. Who am I to choose?
   -Like who? People. Man! .. As the classic man - it sounds good.
   -I do not know. I did not get to go where I would like to ...
   -Where would you like to go?
   -I do not know - I felt awkward and uncomfortable with all these inquiries. - Probably nowhere.
   -Come in, so brother and long chasm.
   -And so I have gone ...
   I suddenly wanted to cry, and it would be a shame not to burst into tears right here, but the tears do not want to go out of the eye and in his throat, stuck it sverbyaschim, rending wall lump.
   -Well, what are you? Do not. While the person is alive. He has not yet disappeared. All can be corrected - a man tapped me on the shoulder. - There was a time I was your age then too it seemed that the whole world out from under his feet. But now I'm standing on my feet firmly, already knee-deep in the earth is gone, does not move me. However, Annie?
   The girl nodded her head in agreement. She still was not looking in my direction, as if they were in a compartment only two.
   We drank brandy, chocolate was already eaten, and went in the course of the salmon, thinly sliced, dry sausage and Dutch cheese.
   You think, from all this? - Asked me man. - I'm taking a C, right? Uh, ha ha, no matter how well.
   He took from his pocket a small book in red hardcover, like a membership card or badge, and showing it to me, didactically said:
   -Here, here, this crust does wonders. Everything you see here from our provincial dining car, where in addition to moldy yogurt, sour apple juice, stale buns, yes rotten chicken on the counter nothing. And it's worth it all so cheap that for the money you yourself and you can not buy a bowl of soup - he turned to his companion. - Annie, Go, take us something.
   He handed her the "crust", and the girl reluctantly sigh, moved away from the table, got up and left.
   Well, that's - if a man said with relief. - Though you can talk heart to heart.
   I thought he fell on me, closer than they should have done during the conversation.
   -A guy like me to find you?
   I was just taken aback, the first few seconds, all without realizing what was happening.
   -Well, what are you silent? Well I'm asking you, as I told you?
   Nothing - happening little resemblance to the familiar reality.
   -I like you too, man! - He moved closer and hugged me with his huge paws, why I suddenly seemed to himself a lamb caught in the clutches of the wolf.
   -Wait, wait! What do you want? - But it came to me suddenly and without much explanation, with whom I am dealing. My soul suffered the experiences that seem to experience a virgin when you first try to master it. Unpleasant chill in the lower abdomen, aversion to what is happening, the horror of being accomplished and not like violence, but, nevertheless, the action that is contrary to my will, the desire to fight, beat the insolent in the face, get out and run, but at the same time and awkwardness , stiffness and incomprehensible motives, tangled exactly sticky, stringy cobwebs and awareness superiority in strength and weight hitter - all mixed up in one unpleasant lump that filled my whole soul a cooling slime, as if it put a huge jellyfish, just released from the sea.
   The man did not answer, and only hard nozzles, trying to kiss me in the face and neck. I as I could, dodging, but his cuddles my hindered and hampered movement. He threw me on the shelf, closed the door and the same hand reached down. I felt like I slide with sweat pants, and in the next minute they fell into the aisle between shelves.
   I was disgusted, disgusting, disgusting. Never in my life have I had to act as a sexual victim, and now suddenly, unexpectedly, I turned it, peremahnuv already in the second decade. Could foresee anything in my life, but not this.
   Cold fat fingers squeezed my genitals, wanting apparently bring them excited, but that there was no result. I could not resist kissing the neck and cheeks, pinned like a chicken, but when the big man tried to kiss me on the lips, I was just cold proshiblo boom, my body arched like a coiled spring, and I just could not shake off the guy Stalking .
   -This is rape! - I breathed, barely got a little looser and unable to breathe at half strength. Meanwhile a man and threw his pants and touched his groin to my why disgust only intensified, e two I felt something strange and soft, enveloping, perhaps the same as me, but nevertheless unpleasant and disgusting. However, his organs were also not excited.
   What are you doing, stop! - Again, I said, once it was done.
   Piled on top of me pulled away from what might seem that he changed his mind, but as soon as I got up on my elbows, as it saw a huge ass, under which dangled male farm overgrown with bushy black curly hair sticking out.
   -Vduy my ass, please - he asked, looking at me over his shoulder.
   Involuntarily, I winced at his words. Disgust and has not left me, but prudence is not allowed me to explode:
   -I can not - I said as calmly as possible. - Look.
   He looked at my lifeless bodies and face changed. Passion left him, replaced by a painful grimace.
   -I never like doing. No need to climb to just anyone, and you can break off, as it is now - now the advantage was on my side. It was felt throughout, but it would be worse if he was an active dork.
   Realizing that there is nothing to wait, man began to dress. I was embarrassed by the whole incident. He was silent, and I was dressing, tried not to look at him, his eyes downcast and pretending that completely focused on this lesson.
   Okay, I'm sorry you, man. I liked you and I thought ...
   A guy stopped and waved.
   -I say that with so never encountered, and I do not want to face - I tried to protect themselves from a possible repeat of harassment and simultaneously justified, apologize to him for his failure to give him pleasure, as if had not been able to do it .
   "What, however, is man enough - I thought. - Its just that the force tried to force to get closer, but in his soul he is still trying to justify himself, why this did not happen. "
   Okay, let's assume that there was nothing - concluded the man, reached into his pocket, pulled out a pack of expensive imported cigarettes that rarely anyone could see, and offered me a cigarette.
   From these it was difficult to give up cigarettes, and I am pleased with puffed "rapist", drawing tart, with a sweet, cloying flavor, spicy but not yet burning, pleasantly soft, slightly tingling smoke.
   -Cigarette, among other things, also from the dining car.
   I could not resist not to raise eyebrows in amazement.
   -Do you know where I work and who is? - Not without bragging he asked me.
   I shook his head.
   -To-the same. And about the "Black Stork" heard?
   -And about the Special Forces?
   -No .... Actually, something is ever hear.
   -Actually, something! - Mimicked me man. - Remember, Special Forces - is power. SWAT - this special purpose units. I have twenty years in the special forces. I took palace in Kabul, in the seventy-ninth, I was in Afghanistan from bell to bell whistled. I "spirits" as strangled, shoot, cut your hands, that you never dreamed of: a regiment of the dead could dial. Us "The Black Stork" was called in Afghanistan. We took caravans and raids go, happened, to the border with Pakistan crawling. I, for one hundred eight operations participated in the very lair of the spirits climbed into their nests. We base on the turntables with throwing, and there we will leave no stone unturned, all washed into powder, and burned to ashes. Eh, what can I say! This is for you all as useless scrap of paper to explain .... Even after Afghan affairs missing. Our parts together with the "alpha" a chorus arranged all these bastards Democrats there every smelly, other geeks as hell in hell sick from it .... And now I'm here on a mission meal. The truth is, of course, a secret, but I'm not anything outstanding. So, the guy special forces - is power. You know how easily a person's neck roll? Do not know. But it's easy! She had like a chicken fragile. I take one hand and any neck folds over when ordered, or if need be, - he portrayed the movement, which was going to turn off the neck, and his face contorted with rage. I again became terribly because I felt helpless rabbit, placed in a cage with a python.
   As someone tried to enter the door.
   Open-lock! - Asked the man.
   It was Annie.
   -Well, you're all that or not? - She asked the man.
   He was silent, pursing his lips, then held out his hand:
   Ah, yes! Now, now! - In the hands of Anuta was a plastic basket, lomivshayasya the content. She reached into her hand. I put it to the bottom.
   The board ran out of bottle: brandy, wine and vodka. This was followed by an appetizer: canned crab, plastic box with dates, cheese. A few chocolate bars, bright packaging zakordonnymi candy. When the basket was empty, the girl learned from her red crust and handed it to his companion, who this time did not brag about it, and immediately put it in his pocket.
   Okay, let's continue - offered me a man.
   -You open everything, and I'll be right there, - said Annie. Now, coming out of the compartment, she gave me a look of unknown value, with a grin. I do not know why, but it touched me deeply.
   -Are you cohabiting with her, or what? - I wanted to vent their resentment, and so I asked bluntly.
   It's my wife - a man calmly replied, settling comfortably at the table, his legs and sat cross-legged.
   -Your wife? She's still a teenager.
   -Oh no, why. She just looks. In fact, it is nearing the age of twenty, - man uncorked a bottle of cognac, then hesitated a bit, put it back on the table and reached for the vodka. Come on, in nashenski, in Russian, dammit!
   His hand, trembling slightly splashed into the glasses of vodka, then opened one motion by pulling the ring jar imported ham.
   Well, what we drink? - He asked, and without waiting for an answer, he suggested. - In silence.
   -You mean that? - I did not understand, but he was, clinked their glasses, sipped a glass and tipped its contents into his mouth, grimaced, closing his hand, then plug vykromsal a piece of ham.
   Hold a glass in his hand seemed ridiculous and I drank too.
   -Everyone has their own interests - said the man. - Mine is that I collect wives. This I tenth. I keep them up until they become adults, I deduce, so to speak, in their people, and then looking for a new wife. This, in general, is not difficult, especially since I have the situation allows.
   -And when they become adults? - I asked.
   Well, that's my own business. Secret ...
   -What are you guys talking about? - Asked by logging into the compartment, Annie, she removed the towel hangers and began to wipe.
   Yeah so. You could say that about anything. Sit down, have a drink of brandy, chocolate to eat - I caught that after our revelations tone of his appeal to Anyuta became somewhat more relaxed and warmer. Now, it was possible to feel that it is not simple companions and neighbors in the compartment.
   Thank you, I do not feel like - Annie sat down at the table in front of the big man, and I involuntarily began to evaluate deserves this, in general, unsympathetic, like a teenage girl with such exquisite neighborhood table. My reasoning does not tip the scales in its favor. Too underdeveloped, it was ugly. However, some oddities of her husband suggests that he nourishes sympathy just such flat-chested women, all its appearance resemble boys of fourteen years, and maybe it was because she was here.
   Just a few servings of cognac, no longer seemed so divine drink, a glass of white port Azerbaijani completely whetted my imagination, and I began to represent Aniuta in the arms of her husband, but, as their behavior in the bed was a bit hard to imagine, then I put it on place yourself why felt a strong surge of excitement, I obvolokshy veil voluptuous fantasies. Suddenly I felt myself unusually strong attraction to this girl-teenager thing would never would have guessed twenty minutes ago. It now saw something ignites passion disturbing male flesh, maybe it was the lack of underdevelopment her feminine essence, suddenly became so attractive and calls upon the self, and perhaps affected the action explosive mixture of cognac, vodka and port. I suddenly flashed random, but apparently the only sober thought-guess that so and become rapists, pedophiles and seducers adolescent boys with barely simply infancy.
   But Annie was not paying attention to me, still looking only at her husband. This little by little dulled my raspolyhavshuyusya passion, and I envied even involuntarily happy marital union where the wife, in the doors and fold under her husband, so devoted and faithful ties Hymen.
   We have chatted, mostly with the man, as finally revealed named Sergey - he refused to identify himself by his patronymic, saying he does not feel so much older - about trifles, laughing drunkenly everything popadja . The decor is dead, and I felt obligated to no one, and this was easy and free.
   Day drew to a close, outside the first signs of evening twilight, and we all ate and drank, not noticing how time flies, and how many empty bottles and debris gathered in a plastic basket under the table. I already had a simple human sympathy for these people, in spite of everything that happened and that all Annie also does not pay attention to me and does not even look in my direction.
   Soon the table was nothing left except the remnants of once beautiful and bright cans and packages of food.
   Well, okay - Sergey rose from his seat. - Now it's my turn to go to the restaurant.
   He checked with him whether he had treasured red crust and left the compartment.
   -Well, what are you looking at? - Suddenly asked me hitchhiker when we left her alone in the compartment.
   She reached for the door handle, lock closed, lifted up the bar-cock, so that she has not given in the case that opened the door once again and asked me:
   -Give me a light, soldier!
   Not-soldier, I - officer - I was outraged, remembering if I have with me a cigarette.
   -But you have a soldier-that is?
   -What a soldier? - I did not understand.
   -And this one! - She reached out to me and put her hand on my pants, lowered her exactly where, barely lifting the elastic suit, men were charms.
   Even through clothing fabric could feel how hot she was, her hand, and I felt that passion turned me waking beast.
   Annie sat up slightly, poddernuv skirt up and thrown up her canopy, exposing the belly, and I suddenly discovered that her feet completely naked, covered thigh nothing, nothing, no pants or trousers.
   From such an unexpected turn of events, I was not myself, everything turned upside down inside, something dropped, something rose, and I felt stronger inadvertent burning desire, but from a more burning passion raspolosovat my belts, fighting, tearing to pieces, scratching inside their sharp claws feral ....
   "It is strange how similar the husband and wife - I thought, already mastering Anyuta. - What is, however, all this crap! .. However, now, because somewhere Marina Anton! Oh, now I played! "
   Passion entangled, enveloped me, seized my soul, subjecting it to his low desires, and all the world, falling into sin with me, has turned into an obsession.

Chapter 31.

   Someone knocked on the door, then pulled the handle, then pulled her stronger.
   Annie pushed me scared and pulled down her skirt down, but I've had an orgasm, and flying away, large drops of blue-whitish semen fell on the black fabric, plopped on the floor.
   I frantically dress, feeling hit me the willies. Annie was the disgust and hastily shake oneself and deliver incriminating feet on the floor in our transgression thick drop-blots.
   As soon as I opened the door, nose-to-face with an angry Sergei. He burned all malice, and his face was contorted suffering, pain and hurt. In the hands of his ridiculous hanging basket with groceries and a new portion of cognac and wine. Sergei cheekbones were pale eyes shone all the rage sweeping, large, clear distinguished nodules slowly, concealed, suppressed energy coming storm of anger went up and down.
   Easily pushed me out of his way, Sergey entered the compartment, also silently turned over their heads cart stupefied Anuta and emptied its contents at his wife, then the same plastic basket with swing slapped her face, rolling her across the face, causing her to fall, hitting on the wall next to the window.
   Sergei turned to me. I decided that the next blow will have on me, but he only said:
   Do not worry, I will not hit. Bitch do not want - cable does not jump, do not you know this saying? Do not know, ever know. Yes-ah - he turned back to Annie, - I did not think that my wife's tenth grow up so fast.
   Sergei addressed me again:
   -That's, that's when it happens. That's when a woman matures and comes to life ... Okay, go. Go.
   He pushed me into the corridor of the car, and I'm at a loss stood at the window, followed by dusk, and nothing can be seen. I wanted to go to his place, but it was uncomfortable, because the role of a coward who left at the mercy of a guilty woman, I did not relish, but back in the compartment where were Sergey and Annie, I did not dare go back and hesitated in severe doubt window , pretending to be me something interesting in that darkness that stretched across the glass.
   Five minutes later the door lock behind me again snapped, and Sergei, coming out of the compartment and stood beside me.
   -Did you hit her? - With some difficulty I interrupted tense silence.
   No, slapped twice on the ass. Paternally. Said to collect things.
   -I do not know how it happened - I was embarrassed in front of him. - I did not want to, actually. It is very ...
   -Tell me: she - Sergei looked at me seriously and intently. In his eyes there was already anger and rage, but I involuntarily looked down. - Okay, let's go to a restaurant, sit down.
   -And with it that? - I nodded to the coupe.
   -What's wrong with her? - Brow Sergei jumped in surprise. - Do not be with her. Who will collect and forward clothes.
   -Where next? - I did not understand.
   -And wherever he wants. I do not intend to keep. Now here is a station and its ssazhu. And maybe tomorrow morning. Okay, went to the restaurant.
   -Now, I'll catch up, you go, Sergei - I told him and went to his compartment. I suddenly wanted to check on my money, the ones that I still have after all my misfortunes.
   In our compartment all continue indefinitely, until victory, booze and conversations. Smoke was a yoke, and the campaign was attended by some new faces, which was not there before. Apparently, in the whirlwind of booze involved new passengers. However, there were old friends that I know and Nikolay Dmitrievich.Anton was not here.
   I dived into the compartment pocket and felt his clothes hanging on a hook in the coupe.
   Hey, where did you go? - Nikolai Podkovyrnul me.
   -Oh! - I tried to laugh it off, relieved groped wad of bills and letters of credit crunchy paper.
   -What are you rummaging in his pockets? - Do not let up tipsy host campaign.
   -Yes, I'm taking the money. Your money - for convincing me pulled out his money back in the bank and put the package under his nose bothering me Trepachev. - During seen?
   -Saw - agreed polygamist. - A-ah, so you're going to restoran? Ah-ah-ah! You see! And our campaign, then you do not like! Come on, stop.
   I would have thought that money in your pocket is better not to put back, otherwise they "go" and squeezing wad of bills in his hand, went into the corridor, without waiting for the drunken brawl breaks out, and reassure myself that was not a coward, just me and these people have nothing to share.
   Someone tried to grab my arm, but I am sure that this blatant trick Nikolai Dmitrievich, with force and anger withdrew his hand, feeling the rattle me elastic blazer.
   -Wait, wait a second! - Rang out after me.
   The voice was different, and I turned to see some half-naked Major unbuttoned to the navel green shirt with epaulets and ragged dangling tie, fastened at the navel to clamp canopy shirt. - What are you, neighbor, do not you recognize me? !
   Major step drunk, falling from wall to wall of the corridor, went to me, trying to further open eyes swim. It seemed to me that the officer did wrong, but gave him the opportunity to catch up with me.
   -Countryman, where are you? - Major tried to pounce on my shoulders in a drunken embrace, but I just dismissed it, thinking that he was still that good, "fashioned" me. - Do not you recognize me? It's me, Kudla!
   -I like this name nothing says.
   Well, how is it that countryman? I remember, and you do not. Large Vasiliha. Disco. Two women. You and me. Moonshine bottle.
   -A! - Finally, I understood what he meant, and now I remember it, and that is not very good evening. - I remember ....
   -In-in, you thought I was wrong? Kudla Semen is never wrong, he remembers everything! Even in such a way - Major broke into a joyful smile, waving his index finger in front of me.
   Okay, okay, Simon - I patted him on the shoulder, looking around and wondering what Sergei has long been sitting in the dining car - I will come and we'll talk.
   -Countryman, wait! Where are you? ! Countryman! - Was heard behind me when I briskly sprinted down the hall.
   In my hand crunched money, and putting them in the back pocket sweatpants, I suddenly realized clear and shrill in his terrible, naked simplicity question subconsciously drilled into my head for several minutes a big hole, "Listen, and you would give anything their money, the ones that do you have for your mother died? "
   About Mr. suddenly popped up on the surface of consciousness, this nagging question, and to do away with it immediately and permanently, if not forever, I said to myself, as a knife cut, ruthlessly and swiftly sadanuv them through the veins of pain: "No!"
   "No! No! No "- I had no time to think more about it, there was no time to argue with his conscience, perhaps, to ask this tricky question, I did not want to stir your senses like a bunch of dirty laundry, by which it would be better to pass without touching . I ran to the restaurant where I was waiting for some fiddling bruiser Sergei, former and current sadist and a murderer, and his wife that I just slept. I was in a hurry, running away from his conscience, and with creepy horror dogged my heels, I felt a pleasant coolness in the place where the human soul should be placed. I liked that it was silent. Silent, because there is no ....
   When I opened the door to the dining car, my body has already experienced such a terrible fatigue, if I run around the globe without stopping, and I just wanted to drop now breathless and freeze. On this crazy draft I seem fatally colds his soul, opening it only for a few moments toward the black wind blowing invisibly time ....
   Time was getting late. Interior of the restaurant was nearly empty. I once saw a large Sergei sitting at a separate table. My mouth was dry, but the strange thirst seized me. I would like vodka. Vodka! nothing more I could not get drunk now.
   -I came, at last! - Loud, breaking the silence of the dining car, dwelling in the shadows, said Sergei.
   Before him on the table for a bottle of vodka and some good snacks. Two glasses filled to half, waiting for them to take, and I eagerly reached out to one of them, noting with surprise that my hand shiver like an alcoholic. However, it did not scare me. Thirst overcame everything, even the mind and attention.
   For what shall we drink? - Wryly asked Sergei at the very moment when I greedily tipped his glass and vodka stuck in my throat, going back through the nose, burning mucous.
   I looked askance at Sergei, pinching his hand on the nose and throat, hoping to see if not an apology, or at least compassion in his eyes, but realized that this can not wait.
   Sergei silently swallowed his portion burning, making it completely in Russian, just by drinking a sip of water, and did not even wince, slowly reaching for a snack.
   Well, that guy, why did you sleep with my wife?
   I suddenly realized with a piercing clarity that the show, which has not waited only just beginning. Injured husband had somehow shed on seducer his offense, and would be better if he gave me once Pummel than it is now known, how much time to listen to him.
   -Ah, well, - as if reading my thoughts, waved guy. - We would have you right in the face crack. What can we now. Here you a Communist?
   -No, not yet - I was not clear turning his thoughts.
   -It can be seen.
   Why? I'm going to ....
   -You son of a gun, I see. However, much has changed in my life now. I now tell you from the heart. I used to love Lenin, ever since became a pioneer. And then began to hate, hate the same as used to like it. Why? Of his country's poor communism made the country impoverished. I myself am a communist, was unistom comments even when the party did not exist when she returned to power, was a communist, and now they stay. Otherwise, we, in the special forces, it is impossible.Even when I was out of work for a while, and in these difficult years never showed disloyalty to the party, although it was in something and did not agree with communism itself. But, you know, and deologiya - it is an ideology, and life - it is life. In our country, it is impossible not to be a communist, if you want to achieve something in the service of the state. You know, we have one party, and it's not a bunch of gays, and state structure, part of the state pyramid. Therefore, if you are not a Communist, in this country, this means only one thing: you wastrel second grade. Party ticket - is the trump card in his career, otherwise you can put a cross on it.While you platoon, this will still be tolerated, but the company commander you'll never be without a party card in your pocket. The party made good lessons from their defeats of the past decade. Enough rudder can not be transferred to anyone, even if the ship is right on the reef! ..
   Sergey broke, and we began to look past few visitors places. To our table waiter came and addressed to Sergey:
   -Excuse me, please, the restaurant closes.
   -In! In Idel? - Sergey shoved under his nose waiter red crust and not allowing him to even see what it looks like, removed back into his pocket. - Your director aware guy. We'll sit here as long as I want. If that is not clear, let the director himself fit. Otherwise, I'm your chicken coop in chips spaced nothing left. Clear?!
   He struck up a scary apples bulging out of their sockets eyes and I felt like he was like a sponge, soaked with anger, turning into a living machine of destruction, capable to carry everything in its path.
   The waiter hurried off. Sergei turned his furious gaze to me:
   Listen, this puppy does not know against whom it is just to show off. Bastard! I participated in the coup and the return of the legal representatives of the authorities! This is on my shoulders, my neck communists are back up! I personally shot the President! I riddled him how rotten roach, I saw out of his belly full of holes, exploding bullets rip burst from my machine, fly guts and scraps of shit, proving once again, who do not understand what it is the same person as everyone else, the same wineskin full of crap, and nothing more! When I did it, then felt his own hands, that these hands here, stop the wheel of history and turn it into another, you want us to, party, party! - Sergey clenched fists huge, making knuckles were white hillocks flashed terrible glazishchami, skrezhetnul teeth and gave the table so that there was a crack, and a bottle of vodka fell, spilling the contents on the table.
   I was terrified: what if this person issuing me drunk is such a mystery, later, sober, scared and wring my neck just as the day is depicted with his hands.
   Okay, let's go out! - Rose from the table Sergei.
   I followed him down the corridor, I involuntarily caught in my mind a strange, quiet lines:
   And the Communists? Fed people?
   Yeah, fed bloody foam.
   His decapitated, forcing orphans
   Call themselves "your change" ....
   Apparently, the soul returned to me, and now slowly thawed, though wounded by my desire to get rid of her conscience and domogany.
   The train began to slow down. Sergei went to the conductor and began knocking on the locked door, where soon seemed sleepy Light.
   -Now What station? - He asked loudly, startling the conductor.
   She zakoposhilas in the directory:
   -So, from the steppes Alsky we drove .... Yeah, Novosibirsk.
   Novosibirsk? Very good! - Sergey strode to his compartment, open the door and zatormoshil slumbering Aniuta. - Come on! Get up, come on! T ebe time!
   Annie awake, not understanding, and probably all forgotten, tried to rebel, and then whined. But apparently, the character Sergei was firm, and his decision was adamant. Like a kitten by the scruff put it into the cold aisle half-naked wife, threw things, bags and ordered:
   Evaysya-Od, say, now out!
   In the hallway a few curious heads poked out, but soon disappeared again, slamming doors.
   The train stopped, and Sergei Aniuta dragged to the exit. On the platform were a few passengers that came to the train. Sergei took Aniuta away from cars.
   I did not go out and look at them through a glass window, feeling from the street into the hallway through the open door pulled autumn coolness. Puddles on the asphalt apron podernulis crusts of ice. Land twinkled speaking frost. People in a hurry to get into the car, pushing and shoving in the vestibule their belongings, backpacks, bags, suitcases.
   I could see how Sergei stroked his wife teenage head, allowing her to bury her face even in his shoulder, then suddenly, unexpectedly pushed her and giving her ass like a ragamuffin street, went off to the car.
   Annie and remained standing on the platform when the train pulled out, seeing his confused look. Sergei went and stood next to me, breathing heavily and often.
   All-bitch! - He said through gritted teeth and paused, staring out the window.
   The train picked up speed, receding away from the station. Outside the window floated city streets and bridges. My head spun again verse sad and slow snowfall:
   I would die clean,
   I would die healthy
   I would die fast
   Longtime way, alas, not a new ...
   "Bitch do not want - dog does not jump" - I tried to justify to their conscience, but has not become easier, but my head went rhymed mess:
   I would die an old,
   I would die wise
   But at the same wiry boy
   Be in the shower .... More
   Throughout the incident was to blame, of course, I do. Anyway, I thought so. However, recalling the incident from the beginning, I did not find anything in their behavior such causes than could provoke such intsendent. On the mud and did not want to think, but she stuck with his heavy, fatty lumps and did not want to fall behind.
   It seemed to me that it has been an eternity since, as the train pulled out of the station, when suddenly, something my side darted toward the shadow, and I turned around and saw Sergei grabbed the emergency brake and pulled the lever down .
   "Now fly" - hardly flashed through my head like a sharp jerk drew my body along the corridor. Somewhere under the car brakes squealed, and when the train stopped, Sergei and follows.
   In the hallway jumped, pulling on the go bare ass and thighs knit pants and adjusting to the navel bouncing trowels, Marina. She jumped me sprawled helplessly on the red carpet, trampled and dusty:
   -Are you crazy or what? ! - Her runaway at high strung note voice sounded in my ear.
   Marina ....
   What Marina? Drunk like a dog, and then at night stop-cocks rip off! Who will pay the penalty? ..
   Protrude out of the compartment became passengers. Wherever just ran conductor, stuck his head Anton.
   -What are disturbing to sleep? What a moron here indulges? To do nothing? - Heard from different sides.
   Marina, do not cry, please! - Door coupe in front of me, too open. - I'll pay. I'll pay the fine, as there needs ....
   I got up, shook off the dust.
   Okay, let's go - calmed down and the conductor went to his compartment.
   I walked behind her into the compartment. Here the light of my night-light eyes appeared naked fat Light shamelessly sprawled on the shelf and looking at me indifferently bleary-eyed. Beside her sat resin cigarette, in jeans over his naked body, with not a buttoned fly, from which tar beaten out a beam of curly hair, Anton.
   -That there Brawler? - He asked, squinting in a cloud of tobacco smoke.
   -Oh, it's not me!
   -But who? - Izumi turned to Marina. - Pushkin, or what? Conscience is necessary to have at least a little!
   She took off her tights and trowels, naked and turned to Anton ass and began anxiously fumbling hands on the shelf, looking for something in the shadows.
   Anton nuzzled between her buttocks:
   -Who can not stand, - was it hot whisper.
   -Leave me alone! - Marina took his head with his hand on his ass, continuing the search.
   -Who can not stand! - Anton furtively, trying not to make noise pulled jeans.
   In the ghostly light of a lamp loomed his erection, and I instinctively began to compare it with his. Anton stood up, fell in behind to the marina and tried to take her, clasping her hands
   -I warned you that can not stand!
   -Leave me alone, I tell you! - Marina began to fight back and shoving finally him away, said breathlessly. - I ride to the team leader now! Not joking: it is necessary to report who pulled the emergency brake. Give me the money! ..
   She turned on the overhead light, sat down at the table and taking the form of receipts and folders pen, jotted a large, sprawling handwriting.
   I climbed to seek money.
   -On, hold! - Marina, jerked away from the spine, put me Kvita ntsiyu, took money out of my hand. - Keep the change - as I understand it? - And I began to put on the form.
   -Sorry, I'm sorry to see you go! - Lazily, with regret, said Anton. - I'm just in the form.
   -Look, there Svetsik - said Marina. - Her fuck.
   A-ah, that Svetsik? - Anton looked at the crumbling naked fat girl, and asked me. - Do you want to blow it? !
   Not finding the answer, I came out of the compartment. For me it left the Marina and we parted with it in different directions. I stopped, wondering what in the coupe to go: in his or Sergey. But then, thinking that you need, just in case, keep an eye on things, he went to his compartment.
   Here someone was already sitting. It was an old man with a long, grayish beard. I thought it a black, long, ankle-length cloak, but seeing the priest's desk quiver, and human breast big, gleaming golden in sailing outside lights yellow cross on a long chain, I guessed that it was the priest. For its time I have never had to face in train or plane with a representative of the clergy.
   Good night! - He said to me, fingering hand laid on the table. - In this compartment, it seemed to me, there's space?
   -Hi - I replied. - You are absolutely right.
   -That's good. And then, I see things here someone scattered. Thought will have to get out of here. All other closed coupe, and the conductor something not seen ....
   Suddenly, I wanted to do something nice this soft, friendly old man who speaks just like, just like other people, but whose words sounding polite and warm, warm the soul.
   -Would you like me now bring bed linen?
   Oh, young man, please do me a favor.
   My heart really warmed up, and I went with a light heart, coupled to the conductor.
   Anton died over light, putting it into an intricate pose.
   -What are you spending? - He protested. - Do not figure?
   -Give me a set of clothes! - I asked.
   -Are you gone crazy, or what? - Anton indignant.
   Yes, there hooked me ...
   -Babe, what? Where underwear? - He asked Sveta. - Give him.
   -There's hell, on the top shelf, a bag - she showed hand, without a break.
   I brought the priest linen, and he thanked me.
   -On what shelf I can stay? - He asked.
   -Get down below, - I said, throwing up out of bed linen Anuta.
   -And here someone else goes, but you?
   Yes, but they went out: a small family quarrel. But I think to Ulan-Ude, and, perhaps, to Chita catch.
   Father sighed, carefully, as if having hidden, listening to me.
   -And you're where you are going, young man?
   - I? To Chita. And you?
   -Oh, I'm away, Vladivostok.
   -Wow. And why such a long, if not a secret?
   -For confessions.
   -Ah - I pretended to understand something.
   We have gathered to sleep: in the presence of a priest, I suddenly felt humble and good man, felt a desire to be so, and it's even like me - when suddenly burst into the compartment Anton.
   A-ah! - Not his voice he shouted, apparently anticipating the catch here juicy scene. - Where is your tent? !
   Pop lifted his head from the pillow, and his white beard fell into a beam of light that fell from the hallway into the doorway. Anton's face changed:
   -Oh, I'm sorry. I do not seem to get there .... No, there ....
   He apparently considered me in the shadows, and coming closer - I was lying on the top shelf - whispered in my ear, some nonsense. In the face smelled fumes from his mouth.
   Aha - I agreed, pretending that I understood it. - Go to bed.
   Late in the morning, when, after a hard night I managed to tear his eyes, father was sitting in his full parade in a cassock and black shako with a golden cross on his shoulders from which flows down the same black veil. The priest was busy reading some books, thick, but not very large format, so that could be put in the pocket of average size.
   Good morning - I said hello.
   Good afternoon, young man. Get up late. Always like this?
   -No, yesterday was a tough day.
   -Your friend seems also did not wake up.
   I looked down on a shelf under where indicated pop look. Anton slept, his head thrown back and open-mouthed. At night, it seems that he was snoring.
   When I was washing up, back, Anton was already sitting on the shelf and rubbing sleep from his eyes with his fists.
   Hey - he said, smiling wearily. The smile on his face crumpled turned sour and very pale. - How you doin '?
   We sat in front of the priest, as two exemplary boy with his hands on his knees. I felt uncomfortable in such a tight-sitting silently. Cassock, shako with a veil, a large gold cross on a thick chain just below the breast, gray long beard - all operated us fascinating and chilling effect and even thoughts because of fear suddenly make something reprehensible and vyzovuschee outrage and anger on the part of St. father, although it would seem, religion and the church did not use and respect our state and in this country generally known how many decades, and there is just pathetic scraps, half-ruined church, which came to the service alone grandmother, lived to his gray hairs and unknown how this self-assured bezvernoy earth.
   The Holy Father said, apparently, our embarrassment and looked up from the book, closing it and shifting the page with your finger.
   What not to eat, young people?
   -I do not want something. Yesterday I was so nalopalsya - one voice uttered we even looked at each other in surprise.
   -Sleeper not wake. Awakened feed, - has declared the priest, holding up his index finger. - Let me feed you. I got something in the way collected.
   He bent down and pulled out the shelves black leather briefcase. Appeared on the table guileless victuals: eggs, onions, boiled potatoes in their skins, a small piece of butter.
   -Eat, join the meal, - invited the priest.
   Refuse was uncomfortable, and hunger has risen suddenly reminded about yourself. Talking over breakfast. Knowing that we are officers, the priest became more talkative and good-naturedly tuned postponed the Bible, which was the book in his hands, on the mite.
   -I used in the war-that too was a gunner. Platoon commanded caliber howitzers, - he said, and seeing our utter surprise, explained. - Yes, do not be surprised! God works in mysterious ways. The war ended, left the army and was baptized - something I have not been christened with childhood was so happened - then entered the seminary, finished it successfully. And how it turned out - and he did not know until now. Heart called me to faith and service to God - that's how. And it is strange, because even then the persecutions were those who truly believe. Had suffered a lot and I've seen enough over the years, but I do not regret much as me glad that suffering.
   Anton unkindly, wrong somehow smiled, but the Holy Father did not say anything, though, and noticed it just looked at him intently and silently, as if peering, and then continued:
   -My name is Father Seraphim now and in the world my name was A. Ignat. And that has called me to the ministry? Maybe the war, then, that it suffered, saw, but remained intact, and can be, and family memories from childhood have sunken into the soul.
   My grandfather said Nicholas, when the Red Army came to rob us with the so-called Prodrazvyorstka - his voice hoarse this was ever a cold: "Who will die, sons: for God Al for anything else? In God you tea, do not believe. " And they to him: "For Lenin, grandfather, since happen, and for the proletarian revolution." In the evening, my grandfather took bleed in the barn, but with the same man, how he intercept the waggons, through the woods, a short way, and there, in an ambush beat these "sons."
   Bandit was my grandfather, not a bandit, - how to judge it? He took away, and he took away. He killed, and then shot him. All even, if so look. An no, there is God over all. He sees all and knows all. People of all, he loves every person equally, but judging strictly those who step back from him who does not obey his commandments. So no one knows now that the soul of my grandfather, where she is now in heaven there, and maybe hell. He was a good man, loved family, children, grandchildren, and that's because of this love and became a murderer, his seed from hunger, destruction and death defended.
   Yes only if the soul of his grandfather hurt me? How many of these people, even intelligent, missing, surrendering anything, whether science, whether career, whether narcissism and exaltation, but unscrewing from God, which prevented them to go through life, well, do not hesitate, sweeping away everything in its path, climbing from his love for people. And at the end of the path? None of them have not discerned God brings light and salvation, but because none of them escaped from the pangs of eternal.
   Out of this world of science and philosophy, which could replace religion, which would give food to the spirit and not compromised anything themselves. Even idealistic, close to the religious philosophy - and they fail. Communism, as he generally kept only on force and violence. But religion, whether ours or those of other religions, lives, gaining the victory over darkness and evil. And without her man in the world propasch, because only it shows the way and teaches the true way.Science after all come from the mind, whether large, small whether mystical or atheist, but faith comes from the heart, and therefore lives more than any other, and one is eternal and imperishable.
   Religion has its own history and its own way, and although it seems that a lot of religions - it is one, but in different periods of its development Caught look crazy. As the baby grows and develops, becoming a boy, a young man, then a man and religion. Matured - is Christianity - the last period of its development. Slightly younger - she in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism. But only Christ offers people open up to him and be saved. The others do not promise deliverance from hell ....
   -So, thanks for the free lecture! - Anton stood up abruptly and left the compartment. He evidently became bored and went to the Marina and the light, where it's probably been waiting for.
   Seraphim silent. Again, I felt uncomfortable and said:
   -Now for the things I'm going, I'll go. They have me in a different compartment.
   Nikolai Mikhailovich tinkered with their suitcases. Nikolai with a swollen from sleep and binge drinking face stared at him from the top shelf, leaning on his elbow. When he saw me, he would have been happy if:
   Oh, countryman, and where are you missing something?
   I would like to explain something, but, realizing that it is difficult, just waved.
   -You're in dreams does not understand, eh? And then I had a strange dream. The war seemed to be going. City frontline. Plant. Dwarf standing at the machine. He substituted drawers, but it from the circus, and does not know how to sharpen details, and beat him for it. Do you know what could it be?
   I shook my head and turned to Nikolai Mikhailovich:
   -Are you going to have?
   Yes, - he agreed. - Soon Irkutsk. It is necessary to bring things in order.
   Lying on a shelf in front of someone, covered with a sheet head. Here he threw it, and I saw a stranger, although began to suggest that there is located Kudla, my friend Major of Great Vasilihi.
   -Zdorovenki buly - I heard Ukrainian speech. The man held out his hand toward me and said. - My name is Bogdan.
   I shook his hand, a healthy, strong, with a large hand.
   Moonshine-Ukrainian lard want? - Asked Bogdan. - I then said that you learned in Ukraine.
   I nodded, but the man knew me wrong and began grunting, lifting off the shelf. Drink I did not want. His head was clear and fresh swarm of thoughts spinning in it. Did not want to fill your mind again green snake. However offend Ukrainian refusal I decided not to.

Chapter 33.

   The smell of vodka, like flies to honey flock from all sides to the table began to gather. Top slipped Kudla and Nikolay, Nikolay put my things aside.
   -Uh, my friends! - Bogdan indignant. - I, in fact, you did not expect ...
   But his words no one reacted, and all were sitting waiting for their liquor goblets.
   - Oh, you and Katsap, oh, and Muscovites. Usyu life hates you, - Bogdan spoke like a joke, but at the same time and seriously, so it was not clear what to make of his speech: rebel or take with humor. - Skilki you know, in this Russian skilki I spin from Tse truncated at p emya dyvlyus you!
   -And what is? - Nikolai indignant.
   -You have three qualities developed in Katsap: lazy, arrogant and brehlivye - that is truncated, scho about your nation can be proved.
   -But-but-but! You take it easy - can can fight! - Butted Kudla.
   -And I'm afraid ne! - Posted by Bogdan. - You, according to all scho and pants.
   On this argument, apparently, objections, no one was found, and Bogdan continued:
   -I've wanted to treat Tilke countrywoman, and you naleteli. Look yaki borax!
   Yes he did not countryman you! - Objected Nikolai. - He also katsap, most natural, or, worse yet, a Jew.
   I did not, and did not know what to say insolent greedy, but Bogdan immediately countered his statement:
   -And me and that fellow countryman who has ever Troshkov slightly, having lived in Ukraine. It's you, Katsap exactly what Ivana, not remembering kinship!And we, Ukrainians, so consider: who pobuvav Ukraine, who vzhe ounces on the crest, and who having lived there, and the whole half.
   -In this case, I also crest half! - Withdraw Nikolai Mikhailovich. - Five years I lived in Dnepropetrovsk.
   A chogo robyv you there? - Surprised Bogdan.
   -Chogo robyv, chogo robyv - switched to Ukrainian accent Nikolai Mikhailovich. - Hobab there - chogo axis.
   -Well, then near Ceduna - Bogdan agreed.
   -And I buva Ukraine - with indignation to distort Ukrainian asked, touching his shoulder to Bogdan D..
   -Oh, okay. Sid truncated! - He waved his hand Bogdan. - Scho then prove budete yaks Zhadoba Ukrainians.
   Kudla, briskly rubbing his hands, moved up closer to the table. Bogdan around my neck and pulled her to him:
   -Here Tsey lad from Sumy uchivsya on my Ridny zemle have my Ridny Mieste. So he scho radical zemlyak to mene. Hai closer usih and Sid.
   -Do you how many bottles? - Efficiently asked Nikolai.
   Malo - D. shook his head. - Okay, for friendship Ukrainians and Russian. Time went such, it is necessary for another couple of bottles reset support crest.
   He reached into the inside pocket of his rumpled jacket, took the money:
   Well, the namesake, let's shape - he put his hand to Nikolai Mikhailovich, and he unbuckled his share. Then he turned to D. Kudlovu. - Simon, come on you.
   I also gave up his share, and D. went off in search of alcohol. Kudla and Mihalitch leaned into the lobby to smoke, and we were left with Bogdan compartment together.
   Okay, ne wake up an hour to lose! - He took the bottle, uncorked it, and going has been pouring into glasses.
   -Wait, Bogdan - I asked. - I have something to drink and do not really want, and men will be offended.
   -I already seemed mini on Katsap chhat - but his hand stopped halfway. - Although you too katsap. But truncated power and bi t e scho times kazhu: Katsap you I do not like .... We yak in the Ukraine: vozvernuvsya husband home - a mustache, he was immediately Zhinkov grub is served on the table. And do not let Bozhe, ne ready! And you have Katsap? Cholovik vorotyvsya to home: "My wife, Cho eat there?" And Zhinkov at Postel lezhit, peep cards, "Go cook and feed me." Word to give, in the Ukraine for the same rechi Zhinkov would vzhe slammed, and you with it coming off a mustache. So yak vospytaly. My mother had five Godyna wound with tired, milked cows osemdesyat, apislya harchovala us, and took the hoe in the garden - that I razumeyu Tse: hostess Zhinkov. Nicholas Tse And no it makes robyt ne. And you, katsapka moskalska scho? Ugh - usih be hanged. Sydyat home, Dal nesego not hosut, gossip about each other out sobirayutsya yes scho whore a whore. And who says hi mene stane scho tse ne so - I have tsemu cheloviku utseplyus throat .... Here you mene ne tsego skazhezh?
   I shook my head:
   -I can not say.
   -Pravylno, ne skazhezh. Yak vzhe: telling the truth. Inventing ne - ne think. I have had juvenile Sybire serve urgently, zatim becoming ensign. There is a military town and usyakogo dyval nasmotrivsya. Khokhlov, then there is little Bulo - amplification in the Ukraine in those prophets Podavalov. Oh, qi Katsap. Oh, and I behold. Oh, qi Katsap .... And my Zhinkov I vzhe married luvs, bachit still Dal and kazhet mini: "Other chulovyki yak catch h s ki, Zhinkov kofe have postil podayut cooking, ubirayut. And you? .. "" And I, - kazhu her - crest, and cola to you with me zhyvesh, Boudet yak at us, Ukrainians povedeno, yak simi treba w itii. A ne hotish so zhity - Go, Suka another Chola ka. Bags are packed. "
   Returned Kudla, Nikolay Dmitrievich and with two bottles of vodka.
   -In! - He showed. - Embassy!
   Well, sidayte, chaps, sidayte - invited Bogdan slicing chunks pinkish fat.
   In the evening, when everyone was drunk, we accompanied Nikolai Mikhailovich. Bogdan escort off. Nikolai D. Kudla and carried him bags and returned to the compartment, promising to leave the platform when it is Irkutsk.
   We stayed with Nicholas in the vestibule. He stared at me, then said:
   -Just recently I was the same as you kid, when I had to get away from Irkutsk.
   Yes, scoot. And brought me to Ukraine: I'm not lying, that lived in Dnepropetrovsk. And that has brought something? because the times were such that the Communists reins that kept people from the hands released, and Russia suffered over bumps. Maybe properly incurred, maybe even brought out if the Communists did not realized it.
   I at that time he studied at the University of Irkutsk. Well, I have so many crazy thoughts in my head was that the rest of them was neither day nor night. First, the most outrageous to me was that the Communists did not suffer any criminal responsibility for the genocide that arranged over his people from the seventeenth year.Their judge had harsher than judged German war criminals of World War II. After the collapse of communism was to be held pohlesche Nuremberg process, and everything went quiet, like clockwork. Nobody did not have time to look back, as communist wolves pereryadilis in democratic sheep, all newly occupied positions in the state and government. In all the structures of the political pyramid, became stockbrokers and capitalists, and the Russian people, as has been duped and the Pauper, and remained so. His situation became even worse. Secondly, the Communists still a nigger hands untied. These markets are crazy prices began to ache that can not be approached. And in stores empty, almost empty.
   So I decided to create "The Iron Legion" to hang the former communists and whack niggers on the market. Yes, I came to the conclusion that communism, whose roots are well entrenched in Russia and promised to give new shoots, despite the fact that the tops seemingly posrubali can only fight fascism. Not so, of course, that was Hitler. He relied on the medium-sized entrepreneurs and behind him were the big industrialists and financiers, who relied on fear German shopkeepers and owners of small shops and businesses before the mass ruin and entice them candy and enslave other peoples, primarily survival and extermination of the Jews in Germany. For my own back there was no such strong backers, and the problem I've had much more modest, although the principles and methods have remained the same as that of the German Nazis: the creation of the Legion of storm troopers.
   I felt the connection with Irkutsk fascists. These were the most common hooligans who boast leather jackets and swastikas. More than they did not have anything in mind the wind was blowing. But I was lucky, I put the idea into their heads against whom to direct his energy and vengeance became head formed paramilitary units whose ranks soon there were already several thousand people. It was already a force capable to declare itself to the whole country.
   Since the formal judiciary to us paid tribute to any of the former communists, it was doubtful that they would be able to do it with our feed. Therefore, we have relied on our own strength and responsibility. We managed to produce several executions of Communists, and some of them even managed to make publicly. The mechanism was simple and well developed. Initially sentenced on behalf of the Russian people been abducted our court battle groups, and then sentences are executed.
   I still remember one of the last executions. Our guys took the truck forced the driver to follow the appointed place. There for two hours on the body was equipped with gallows scaffold, which is not to attract attention, had to climb a hydraulic lift at the time when the car is already in the penalty prescribed for the place.
   In the same way gunships seized "Icarus", put it commies and taken to the marketplace. It was Sunday, and there were plenty of people to gather an appreciative audience, especially for half an hour before the stipulated time our agents conducted propaganda among the crowd, and they were waiting for our arrival with curiosity and anticipation.
   The operation was carried out clearly and went almost flawlessly. At ten o'clock, our convoy of cars scaffold and "Icarus" came to the square. Tired of waiting spectacle people immediately surrounded our escort. Militants poured rapidly forming armed with machine guns quads. Gallows stood. I climbed the scaffold and announced the verdict of the people of former high-ranking Communist genocide over his people. The crowd cheered and whistled appreciatively. Commies put out of the bus, got rid of the bag with the head, and a few minutes later he was strung up with a sign "Torturer Russian people."
   Police arrived in time ten minutes later, and we have already managed to make a speech. Authorities had already heard about our "little thing" and immediately opened fire. People ran in all directions, and we heels. A couple of people in a hurry run over, but then two hours traveling about the town with the gallows, while we in turn on a street not taken. There our many were killed. Later I had to leave Irkutsk ....
   Nikolai Mikhailovich stopped.
   -And then what?
   -Then? Then Ukraine. After all, it's better than rotting somewhere in the mines! Now here's the back.
   -Not all quits. I think a fresh start.
   The train stopped at the station of Irkutsk.
   -Well. Where mourners? - Outraged Nikolai Mikhailovich, but no one waiting, opened the door and the stairs and started down.
   -Come on, help you.
   Yeah, okay ....
   I handed him the bags. In the vestibule came out, yawning, Light with a yellow flag.
   Well, finally, girl - turned to her with the apron Nikolai Mikhailovich - and we really thought we could not wait.
   -Why are you comrades passengers open the doors of the car yourself? - She said.
   Do not comrades and gentlemen - is, first. And secondly, it is necessary to quickly move his ass, you're not walking, and at work, tomboy, and, thirdly, because just shut your mouth before I said anything pohlesche.
   - Oh-oh-oh! - Only Light and could say, but trailed off.
   -So, it's better - nodded approvingly Nikolai Mikhailovich and addressed me. - Well, hello to all of this bloke, especially his sidekick, Khokhlov Bogdan.
   The train pulled out, shut the door and light, leaving, faced in the doorway with Bones and Igor, in the hands of which were also things.
   -Where are you going? - She asked. - Irkutsk already passed.
   A little further we in Goncharovo.
   In-Goncharovo train stops.
   -A Big Luga? ..
   -I do not remember.
   -Okay, where to stop, and get out there.
   -Just do not open the door.
   Of course, once you return the tickets to us.
   A bed passed?
   Yes, there is in your booth.
   Light left. Kostya Igor lit.
   A third where you lost? - I asked.
   Valero? And he go further, - said Igor. - Here, I look at you: what are you so young in the army moved? Beautiful, healthy parnyaga. What are you in the army forgot?
   I shrugged, not knowing what to say.
   Army-brother, she had a little different from the prison. Most significant, perhaps, the difference is that in prison supervisors separated from prisoners with lattice doors, and they are planted in the army with them, and even instead of thorns all parole fenced. Of course, there are all sorts of punishment, such as the guardhouse, but there always is full, and who is afraid of her. And in a disciplinary battalion, especially on the area who rarely sent.
   -Yeah - joined in the conversation Kostya. - And the officers with ensigns happen for anything killed. I now remember, in the ninety-second Kiakhta served.One soldier stepped down directly from the machine. Officer got to meet him, checking, asks: "Where are you going, soldier?" - All this is happening in broad daylight.A soldier he was immediately put in place, then the commander of the guard, who ran out of the guardhouse, and eight others put guards dead and left. His catching steel-that he himself was to Irkutsk, then decided that he was across the border in Mongolia has moved, and only three months later found him in the woods, not far from the parts: shot. That such things are in the army.
   -Well, I then beheld pohlesche cases, - said Igor.
   Okay, I will go - I'm tired of listening to them. - Sorry. Yet.
   Goodbye, happily.
   In coupe was friendly snoring. Kudla, Nicholas D., Bogdan - everything is already fast asleep. I sat down on an empty, Nikolai Mikhailovich, a shelf, and feeling that was dead tired and want to sleep, fell to the side.
   The next night we got out of the car Anton in Chita. Despite the coolness of the night on benches sat or lay people ragged. In the one-story station building, absurd, dim and gloomy, was packed with people. People stood in line for a cup of tea in Transbaikalia, as it was called, is a tea with milk, no sugar, and stale biscuits.Clouds of flies swarmed on tables, window sills, walls, brazenly out of her eyes, crawled on boiled chicken and fish stalls on the counter. People did not pay any attention to them completely, not scolded for sellers is that they spoil the food.
   Listen, where there are so many flies? - Asked me Anton, now and then, just as I am, brushing these creatures with skin of the neck, face and hands, they touch irritated their sticky, unpleasant tickling legs.
   -I do not know.
   -I told my father, he had once served in the Trans-Baikal, in Transbaikalia everywhere, starting from Ulan-Ude and ending Manchzhurkoy, a lot of flies. But that there were so many! I never would have thought. As if there is not the station, and some mess. P azvodyat them here, or what?
   We stood in line for tea, and went to the window when the kiosk, I almost puked. Saleswoman gaining tea glasses, throwing every time before you scoop, scoop a big thick scalded flies floating on top, like a black foam.
   -You want a chicken? - I asked Anton, glancing at the blackened carcass on display kiosk, which roamed poking proboscis, winged insects (before us an old man asked for a chicken, indifferently watching, frightened away a swarm of flies, the saleswoman handed him one of the plates with showcase).
   -Nah, - Anton grimaced in disgust and shook his head from side to side.
   We bought a plate of boiled eggs, two stale rolls, a glass of tea transbaikalian and moved to the corner, which were dirty, filled with puddles and covered with crumbs tables that apparently there never cleaned.
   Listen, there can die of hunger! - Anton indignant, making round eyes. - These crazy prices and grub from the hoof can be discarded! How do people live here?
   -Living. As you see. You saw her tea gathering?
   -Saw Anton nodded.
   -I do not know. It seems to me I can not drink it. I vomit.
   -But other then-drink - Anton looked around.
   Let drink. And I can not - I pushed her glass aside.
   -I think you're so not stand it. After this nightmare - he has driven with his buns fly, but the second plopped into his glass. - Ugh! This whole nightmare - Anton engaged catching Swar corpse insect - not for one day.
   -I do not know, but I can not drink here is.
   Came to our table a little old woman with a teenager, dressed in gray, greasy rags. They silently, waiting stood in front of us.
   -What are they? - In a whisper, leaning, Anton asked.
   -I do not know - I said, but, guessing handed them my cup of tea.
   The old woman took his silence and began eagerly sup, then gave a glass teenager. I handed her a muffin and because still could not eat it, callous in suhomyatku. Ragged, almost snatching it from the hands of each other, broke it into two pieces, taking each other's crumbs.
   Snake-ace! - Say, watching all this, Anton, his eyes did not come back to normal, remaining abnormally large and round.
   We spent the night at the station, fearing to go into a strange and not very friendly and easy-going city. In one of the waiting rooms we found in two different places liberated chair. Anton immediately fell asleep. I sat gawking and power trying to get them link up.
   Flowed past me dirty, impoverished life, which had never before I ever met. Beggars. Beggars, thugs and street children here were so many stations that Moscow might seem after seeing the promised land. Perhaps this cohort was here more than the passengers themselves, it stands out from the quality of the clothes are not in the majority, but only in the presence of bags, knots, handbags, briefcases and other belongings.
   Opposite me on the wooden benches sat back girl in a bright, eye-catching gray environment with its brightness attire: juicy pink exactly glowing skirt, beneath which was visible piece of little white panties, emerald sleeveless blouse, with a deep cut on the back. Hair color girls were placed in the beautiful, original hairstyle, young cheeks were flushed, her eyes sparkled, and it all kind of looked as if she was here from some other bright and cheerful world, mistaking the door and got here by accident. She was as bright girlfriend. She swam at the head of the queue at the kiosk. This same waiting turning to me his handsome profile.
   Her expectation could be interpreted by everyone, but I wanted to go up to her and start talking. Suddenly, I was afraid that it is now a butterfly flitting and more will never appear in this gray, dreary building. It seemed that once you start talking to her, and my life will some bright, cheery change, something extraordinary happens, why suddenly disappear, lost all my sorrows, doubts and worries. But it was only an illusion, and to cope with them, I was left sitting on the ground.
   For some time she allowed me to admire their alluring, long legs, her beautiful profile, then fluttered and flew off somewhere, leaving me in doubt and hesitation. It was unclear why she appeared at all here, in this dirty, uncomfortable train station, full of gloomy, hungry, gray and tired of people who outfit whether even noticed it. Even if she wanted to sell her body, it was not the right place, where you could trade this item. Too bright and beautiful, and she was too concerned about poor and the surrounding crowd to her someone could come up. Apparently, she and her friend were still inexperienced in this matter, and perhaps today first tried to enter the bar.
   In the morning we went in search of the district staff, management staff then found and handed back their orders. Time until the evening was free, and we went wandering around the quaint town of Chita, on every corner finding more confirmation that depressing impression that he made initially. It seemed that this city is designed specifically to remind you that this is not Europe or even Siberia and Transbaikalia.
   "Chita - the capital of Transbaikalia" - you could see it on the roof, the wall of another building on the poster with the inscription from which wanted to laugh hysterically crying and impotent rage. If Transbaikalia was such capital, it was possible to imagine that was a very Transbaikalia. I'm still afraid that my imagination is still not enough, and my presentation will be fantastic rainbow compared with reality.
   Shelves were pristine clean and it was unclear what general merchandise vendors here. From desolation shops per capita found hopeless dejection. We could not even buy bread, and only four o'clock we were able to do it, having stood a half hours in a huge queue.
   Pick up a loaf of black bread, we decided to have lunch and to find something to drink this. In the shops there was nothing, no juice, no mineral water. We could not even questioning that we were given tap water, because the sellers refused to sell us the empty dishes. Their logic was impossible to understand.
   Finally, we accidentally wandered into a provincial cafe where there was not a soul to shift from the barmaid in sweetmeat candy crackers. Give us water that she also refused, but offered to buy dubious yellow-whitish drink in which the flies were not, but swam large white flakes of unknown origin. Drink called "Orange", but did not have even close signs orange juice, or at least in its composition.
   Do, however, there was nothing left, and desperate to find something more suitable for drinking, we took a glass of this disgusting and also not cheap swill.
   Never in my life I was not such a nasty dinner. Despite the fact that almost a day I have not taken already and crumbs in his mouth, appetite for this kind of food I have not appeared.
   Returning to the personnel department, we focus on the unexpectedly large accumulation in the middle of one of the main streets and headed there. Coming closer, we found an unusual sight: as if out of the ground on the benches and green grass strip separating the pavement from the footpath, emerged market, what the people have many names such as "crush", "clouds", "push", "flea market . " With half a dozen Chinese smartly traded all sorts of things and trinkets, exchanging them for lengths of cloth material, watches, military uniforms, overcoats and other sovdepovskom junk that all sides dragged people. Judging by how briskly walked exchange and trade, as fiercely debated, using mostly the gestures on his fingers, signifying prices and abusive words Russian, in a brazen attempt to inflate the Chinese brothers, like those more inferior to their onslaught, it all started a few minutes ago. Here everyone knew their job and no one was losing a minute, pulling each other their own benefit. Here reigned fervent spirit of bitterness and needy soul of the Russian people do not agree with their lot and pathetic existence was revealed in all its glory in trying to snatch away the cake crumbs alien civilization is more and cheaper, but without nenavistnichestva, which often manifests itself in poor buyer to wealthy seller.
   I could not help admiring one of the young teenage girls have smartly seek not understand a single word of explanation for its change of Chinese liked her little piece of the old lady's mechanical watch, which he fiercely waving, would not want to take.
   Well, come on? - Her eyebrows flew touching, as if helping the Chinese to agree the motion. - Come on, huh?
   Chinese again vigorously waving in the face with his hand.
   -Come on! - She tried to stick his hand in a Chinese watch, and he jumped on her, as if stung, and then he waved his brush yellows with clumsy fingers.
   At the other side of a sudden there was a heart-rending, piercing scream, I turned around and saw a fat Chinese woman awkwardly sprinted down the street, right on the pavement, on the move loses tracksuits, immediately falling under the wheels of cars. Far ahead, already on the other side of the street could be seen for some time rapidly receding boy, taking with him something from her explanation.
   -Good for you, kid! - There was a close cheer. - So they deserve, the bloodsuckers inexperienced loot.
   Soon the sidewalk approached a large, comfortable bus. Trade quickly curled, and the Chinese, stuffing not sold and bought things at his door in front of him, climbed into the cozy interior of the car.
   We came around and hurried to the management staff, risking already late.
   Lieutenant Colonel who took our morning prescription invited us to the office for an interview, asked a few questions on duty, and making some notes in his papers, handed us again supporting documents:
   -You, Yakovlev, the destination has not yet changed - he made emphasis on "yet". - And you, Krivoruchko, get a new appointment. Now I'll write you a ticket to the passport office. Get yourself a service passport. Will serve in the zone "three zeros". There triple salaries, benefits all sorts, but also ... more responsibility. I think you'll like the service there. Perhaps there Yakovlev and soon will go well. Months so in three or four. There, I think, will meet. Meanwhile, Yakovlev, receive travel and forth on the road, and we will go Krivoruchko tomorrow.
   -But to hold it-I can not - Anton was visibly upset, although I threw all the words in a bad condition. Zasverbelo somewhere in the stomach in anticipation of a close, very close already changes in life that always ailing, but for me, it seemed to me, would be painful and difficult. With all the piercing clarity in my mind flashed frisky t thought that I could not love the army, more than that, I'm just afraid of her, because in the six years that I spent in the educational institutions of the Armed Forces, directly across from it only in the two month fellowships that have passed the two-month vacation with a military bias. By the same service, the management of the soldiers I've never and nobody seriously attracted, and now I had to dive into the unknown abyss. Wait for assistance was not from anyone and not from where, and, feel suddenly first truly adult, I was scared and felt like my forehead was covered with nasty clammy. It was almost animal fear of the future.
   Apparently, Anton felt like my feelings, because his face became purple at first, then suddenly the pale, and he could not say anything as I do in response.
   We went out into the corridor. Anton took a deep breath, eyes wide, and again nothing could be said. Two hours later, we were with him at the station. I have already bought a ticket, and my train was about to start.
   -Write to me ... or call in, if you really get into this three-point zone - Anton said, shaking my hand. He gave me a number of his military post of prescriptions.- Well, you know the rest: Anton Krivoruchko. Look for me where the bachelors will live. Well, okay.
   The train pulled out, I jumped on the bandwagon, waved and stood, pushing his way past the conductors with a yellow flag in the vestibule.
   Previously, it is necessary to sit down! - She muttered irritably.
   I went to my compartment, which was empty, and found there a passenger sitting in the quiet dusk early evening.
   -Come, come, young man - a voice spoke to me seemed highly familiar, and I was glad it was, thinking that will go with me some of my recent travel companions.
   -Where are you going? - I asked, annoyed that I can not consider a person companion.
   -There, where you are, young man! - Pronunciation passenger and flipped a switch under the canopy next to a nightlight.
   All four lights lit simultaneously, and this illumination appeared before me the same man in a bowler hat with a red mustache. Covertly his hat green glowing embers, flushing with light of a lamp, watched two of his shrill, until his soul sneaks eyes.
   I was stunned and felt that I was losing his presence of mind and going to faint. My legs became cotton, themselves naughty buckled and I sat down and literally fell on the bare not made shelf on her cold leatherette cover. The line between reality and nothingness, between this world and the beyond again become shaky, almost dissolve in two sharp piercing rays Boers look. I even thought that my soul soared, vyporhnuv with fear from the body and leaving it as a waste bag is dirty, and so I simply gave up, as they say, the spirit.
   -Well, boy, we meet again, have a heart? - I asked the gentleman in the hat.
   It seemed to me that this is the end ....

Epilogue .

   Two months later, before the New Year, I sat on the train again. Advancing one thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth year. Before it was only a few days.
   The street was crackling frost Transbaikalia, and waiting for the train slows down once a day here at the platform godforsaken siding, I danced, feeling the legs already quite stiff, and fingers can no longer be felt: whether they are alive or still otmerzli completely. Chrome leather boots and a pair of woolen socks, cotton top napyalennyh not saved from the evil cold.
   The train was late, and I'm swearing at scorching his face and hands in gloves wind berated his unhappy Fate, zavedshuyu me these icy, harsh land.
   Two months have left their mark, and now I could consider himself already taste from unsweetened bread officer, though like anything special to me and has not happened. And what would happen in this godforsaken backwater, lost in the vast spaces of sparsely populated Buryatia like forever charmed by human presence.
   I saw the life of officers in these places in all its ugliness and felt it fully in their own skin. Life, in general, in these places barely alive on the verge of extinction, flowing slowly, as if sinking into the sleepy vastness of wild land, not even able to give their power plants stunted, frozen nine of the twelve months of the year.
   The local population existed here habit. And where he was unlucky to go with his homeland. Same officers, though few of them talked about it felt here in the position of ss ylnyh not knowing for what pre gresheniya zavshihsya here and approx.
   Lieutenant Colonel promise of personnel management district was not empty words, although I've already forgotten about him thinking. Six weeks later the paper came with instructions to come to me again in Chita. I gave two weeks post-cuttlefish ancient antediluvian tractor with implements, which I thought were only in military museums and in books on the history and x weapons, and now here, sending luggage with her simple bachelor belongings and form, and stood freezing on the platform waiting for tardy trains.
   After a day in the same icy day I left the car at the train station in Chita. The steam from the breath of people with thick clouds rose up, forming a haze of fog.Everyone was in a hurry to hide from the cold out in the store or in another place, and the rare passers-by hurried Semen vymerzshim streets.
   The stores were still empty, but already attracted e rshiysya to wild conditions of existence in the Trans-Baikal, I took a week's supply of canned food and bread, but its tensile and tried to be, save.
   Chinese again shook their foreign junk. Many, despite the bitter cold, were without hats, others pulled awkward leather cap with ear-flaps on a short fur to the eyes, funny ribbon tied up under the chin.
   Around them, despite the bitter cold, still curled people offering to exchange for tracksuits and other overseas rags electric irons and samovars, watches, - goods, has long disappeared from the local trade. The exchange was unequal, but the Chinese were still trading and displeasure grimacing and trying to buy up all the cheap. Something vaguely suggests that the benefit to them such trades, and perhaps they would come for so many hundreds of kilometers, if it was not so.
   Poslonyavshis aimlessly around the city, I still went to the personnel department, where he received his official passport, with the number of new prescription APO military parts and other necessary travel papers.
   -So am I, I will serve abroad? - I asked a friend's already lieutenant.
   -Something like that - once clear he joked. - The main thing that there salary triple and month of service is two.
   Lieutenant Colonel pointedly raised his finger.
   -There's that fight? - Struck me, though I have not heard about it.
   -Colonel hesitated, coughed, and said nothing.
   -So, now rises to interview the Chief of the Personnel Department of the county - he said finally. - Remember, I did not say anything to you, but if you want to interview you can refuse.
   However there with me did not even talk.
   -All of it, the question is solved, go get everything you need and go. Not up to you now, Comrade Lieutenant. Here such things! - Head of waving his arms, fat colonel, did not look up from his chair. Yes, do not forget to stop by the instruction to the district headquarters. In the waiting room at the Chief of Staff Adjutant say that eating in zone three zeros and call number field post. All goodbye.
   District headquarters was in a different area. Groomed captain sitting in the waiting room of Chief of Staff District where not once, after many obstacles and conventions related to access control at the entrance of each corridor and on each floor of the building I was able to finally get my field uniform looked mockingly restrained look zadevshim my soul for the most alive.
   -What are you, Comrade Lieutenant, in the barracks of the soldiers came to the reception or to the general? - He grinned. - How are you dressed? You look at yourself! How are you dressed?
   -A what?
   -What? - Indignant officer podnyals I even from his chair. - Are you stunned? By and by you talking about? What do you allow yourself?
   -You see, Comrade Captain, I was sent here straight from the troops of the parts. I train and right here ....
   With every word my explanation captain more crimson. He was ready to explode and would release about couples suddenly on the table before him invitingly loud zatrezvonil phone. Captain face changed, suddenly turned pale. Hand his impetuous, trained motion and it rushed to the tube.
   Yes, Comrade General. Yes, Comrade General. Now.
   Captain hurriedly jumped out of receiving, wagging my finger on the move:
   Well, Lieutenant, I'll be right back, and you sit on my second week or the brig.
   I was left alone. General's office door was ajar, and it is now heard that there swearing loudly th ed. I stepped closer.
   -You give me an apartment, Comrade Major-General, and then later on the service ask! - There came to me in the Prio r covered door.
   In the gap was visible piece long polished table, densely furnished chairs, a huge map on the wall. The floor was covered with bright, juicy carpet. However, speaking to be seen.
   -How much do you seniority, Comrade Colonel and risch?
   Yeah, more than you, Comrade Major-General.
   Okay, sit down.
   In the study talked about something else, but the tone of the conversation was lower, and nothing was heard.
   Finally, I heard footsteps at the door and bounced off two jumps.
   At the door, flinging it vigorously, went husky-Colonel him contorted face and traces l General. He paused for a moment, stunned okinuv me from top to bottom, and said in disbelief, like a dog ryavknuv:
   -It is here! - And hurried to the colonel.
   Two hours later, I sat on the train to Krasnokamensk.
   Waking up in the morning, I could not understand where he was. Outside the window as the eye could see, stretched the steppe. Absolutely no trees, and only rare shrub, but is knocked out of the red-red sand, tucked in here and there spots of snow and stones were all brown grass vegetation impoverished local places.This I just do not expect to see.
   If any structure across the path, then they could be seen from afar. Small, sparse settlements built Pristantsionnaya drifting outside, only exacerbated the sense of emptiness of the land. Back when I was in Buryatia, I thought it was end of the world, but only now realized what it meant. There was a feeling that the rails go straight to nowhere, and cars are about to begin to crumble one after another into the abyss. Feelings of abandonment, neglect and mastered lo me is stronger than all.It seemed to me that the train ve zee me straight to Hell, and I was trying to get rid of somehow oppressed me thinking. However, this would require close all windows or eyes and do not open them until the very end.
   Close your eyes was easier and I did just that.
   I remembered that night. The strange evening ...
   -So you go, young man, or not? Do not worry, do not worry, I see that you are dismayed. At me to you heart-to-heart talk. Peace, we can say the conversation. Sits closer to the table. I noticed that the road you love to drink. I'll treat you. Do not be afraid, it's the most ordinary vodka. Yes, I'm with you, let's drink to that.
   -No, I is not something I want to - but I still came closer.
   -As you wish, - gentleman in a hat and poured himself overturned stack. - Oh, good infection.
   He looked out the window, where almost nothing was visible.
   Yes, it is necessary, in which you brought into the wilderness! - He sympathized with me. - It's just kind of injustice, do not you?
   Yes - I said involuntarily. Suddenly, I really felt sorry for myself, I'm sorry to tears because life went wheel to turn everything upside down, turning as the pelvis, my destiny, emptying it and depriving me of all, what if it was not linked, then used, -suffering my soul. I wanted to talk and talk about how I liked my poor cadets' life as I'd like to come back to it and, perhaps, never grow up. However, remembering who I was dealing, I did not open his mouth.
   -No need to so much effort. You can say, young man. All your thoughts are known to me, so that only you would not think.
   I was not myself. I felt inside out. Since August my life intermingles with sleep so tight that it was already impossible to tell where reality and where the dream.
   -No, you do not sleep - confirmed Mr. hat, overcast e rliv through her green eyes. - Be a man. At least now. I just read your innermost thoughts. So you want to go back into the past when you were a cadet, is not it? Do not be silent!
   -Maybe - I said timidly.
   -Can I help you with that! - Mr hat splashed me a glass of vodka.
   And how will it look?
   Well, let's say you'll live up to the very last day, when you have ceased to be a cadet, to the prom. And then again transferred to the beginning, from the moment of admission to the school. And so it will be repeated ad infinitum.
   -And that all will be every second time the same thing?
   -Of course. And what do you want?
   -But why can not every time to redo my destiny? Why can not we make everything different?
   Well, it is too! Whenever you would then have each person and m, and it is very difficult to implement.
   -But I can get bored endlessly spinning in circles! And then what?
   -It's a Shih problems. However, we can agree, and when you really get tired of this rotation, we will stop it. But I do not think. Anyway, I leave you the month that you have lived after college, so it scares you every time like this approach and the whirlwind will be the finale.
   -But, if after all, I get tired of it, and I want to get out of this vicious circle, then what?
   Then-and d? - Mr hat shrugged. - I'm already too much let you. Here we have to answer if you agree or not.
   He handed me a glass of vodka. And I drank some reason, decided to keep to myself and try my best not to get drunk.
   -Look, see for yourself. Your past is known to you, like the five fingers. Whenever you will pass on the same path, and, moreover, will not even remember that already passed on it a million times, and know that even after the same pass and again by the same amount. Well, b yt maybe someday you feel that this or that has happened to you, or have recently had a dream, but it will be only a fleeting hunch without any consequences. You know, so easy de zhavyu. So there are thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. Is this example can not save you from the fear and allow agree.
   I was in deep thought, and could barely get out of the second stack, feeling that I was starting become tipsy.
   Terrible thing now would be to make the wrong decision.
   -I think I heard once on such a deal. One is very passionate about music people. You helped him - "If you can call it using" - I thought to myself. - I talked about this Veronica.
   Yes, I remember something. But this is not the biggest deal. There have been stronger. And Veronica .... Oh, Veronica. Sweet girl. You liked it, did not you?Imagine you meet with her every time and fall in love with her. However, I know that you had a lot of women, but it seems that Veronica is right for you. And because she does not care about you. And those women, they are all a million times ....
   -But after all those troubles and tribulations that had haunted me, to be repeated millions of times, right?
   -Well, it's - the gentleman in the hat threw up his hands. - They are not going anywhere. But, if I understand, they are nothing compared to e m and m, and maybe serve some decoration m life. ow pepper or mustard sharpen the taste of food, and they make more acute sense of happiness. In the end, is a misfortune if to nothing serious has not resulted. Serie A tion s, what is this? This, for example, if you have lost some important physical condition and comfortable would have died or lost the hand-foot, or simply to e if in prison. But this did not happen, so you can safely accept. My proposed product has, so to speak, an absolute guarantee. Agree, and you will get your purchase immediately.
   -And what in return?
   Well, like what? If you have heard the story, you should know that I ask in return. I did say at the outset that I have for you a spiritual conversation. Soul, you know?
   His words made me cringe s smiling heart. Something bad, evil came through them.
   No, I can not - I squeezed through the power of his throat.
   -Look, think. You have already tasted this life. Do not expect that you will find something in front of a light! I do take care of it! I'll be back, but even then my contract will be much worse for you. Think! Agree, it is too late.
   -Agree on!
   -No! No!
   Mr. hat rose from the shelf and went to the door:
   -I thought so. But nothing. Remember, I will not leave you on, since there was already on your way. If you are accepted, I would have been upset. In fact. I find it hard to believe, but you can not doubt it, - he opened the door from the hallway and has a ck hall. - Incidentally, vodka poisoned. I thought that we would find a common language with you and agree, but because all prepared in advance. But apparently, not destiny. Well, all good. Before the meeting.
   He slammed the door, and I suddenly felt like the arms and legs become cotton. Dry throat, eyes darkened. Own hoarse breath as he heard from another world, and I'm dying consciousness had only think that fall into the aisle between shelves ....
   The train stopped at some station. I looked. On the facade of the building in large letters bore the "dogs".
   People have got out of the cars. Several officers in dirty blouses with suitcases and with them a dozen soldiers stood uneven systems on the platform, and then hurried to the station.
   Headstock, men, women dragged some bags, bales, heavy bags.
   How many will stand? - I inquired at the conductors.
   -Fifteen minutes, - she said.
   -And what is this scarecrow such Borzya?
   -It did not scare - women face became serious-judgmental - and the city.
   I got out of the car, walked to the station, then straight on and the station square. Right there were two five-story buildings behind them guessed a few more of the same houses. Directly behind the public garden was visible quarter of wooden houses, enclosed by a fence, left, with a few neighbors could see the buildings clean, boundless steppe.
   "Well, the city! - Unpleasantly surprised, I thought. - How do people here something live? "
   Frost made itself felt, and I hurried back to the car.
   -You do not like? - Conductor smiled.
   -Nah - I honestly.
   -In the first, probably, here?
   In the first-.
   -Serve or a business trip?
   -Yes, I do not really know. Like to serve, and documents as per mission decorated.
   -You had me where you're going, then? - Conductor zakoposhilas in its folder, found my ticket. - U-ui, yes there where you're going, and there is none - she nodded toward the exit of the car. - There Borza - civilization, the capital.
   Yes I am still on - I assured the woman.
   -Farther? Where are on that? Further. Next there is a boundary. China and Mongolia.
   -I side. You know, there is a competition in jumping to the side.
   A-ah - pointedly nodded about th conductor.
   Passengers in the car was noticeably less. P ochti all coupes were empty.
   My journey was nearing its end, and this every hour on the soul became restless because it presaged the end of even the illusion of peace, which is now the most wanted. Uncertainty upcoming evoke more dismal forebodings. I've forgotten how to be romantic, hardly drank some of army life, and now was not expecting anything good. I wanted heat, like the house in which you can return and where you will wait. But nobody expected me nor there, where I come from, nor there, especially where I was heading.
   End of the journey does not mean the end of the road.
   Night, got excited, I could not sleep, and I woke up the next day on what the conductor was shaking my shoulder.
   -Come on, you gotta go.
   I jumped as if stung.
   The picture I've found to get out of the car, put me into despair. Several crooked, gray houses near the station built and yellow in the other side, a little distance as if brought here by the wind taken out from somewhere else, not from this world, more civilized and prosperous, and the five-storey block with her three-story barracks, headquarters Several other administrative buildings and hiding behind this park with military equipment. Nothing more than this, yes strings rail from horizon to horizon boundless steppes, semi-deserts Manchu was not seen around, as far as the eye.
   Frost amplified merciless wind, and I'm not wishing that he, hurried to the buildings of the. Train on which I came, has disappeared on the horizon, without stopping at this small station and two minutes.
   "Is this hole and there is an area three zeros? - I was surprised, feeling like limbs getting cold in the wind, and even fur mittens not rescued from his icy breath.- Is here I serve? "
   No, not here - cheered me tired Colonel, Chief of Staff of the regiment, leafing through my papers. All of this, apparently. It was familiar and pesters occupation. - There is only a transit point. To disguise from imperialist intelligence, so to speak.
   He threw the paper across the table and said:
   -Will you come to drill, said that he arrived. This is necessary, otherwise you will be considered a deserter. Anywhere except in this small headquarters will remain the end of the strings of your fate and then, many years later, when the question arises, where have you been these next two or three years, the answer to this can be found only if today you will not forget to check out in drill of our regiment. Tomorrow shipping zone. All forward.
   Captain, head of the drill took my documents, humdrum, but because apparently scared said:
   Oh, one more smertnichek. So - so, let your business trip. It is no longer useful to you. Spetspasport leave yourself will that my mother send. Married?
   -Oh, right, and here almost half of married idiots going. They are shit, and his wife for them there too soon fly. Why? More and children for a dragged.
   -And what is this area, three zeros?
   The captain looked up at me mocking eyes, then again engaged in securities:
   Soon, you'll know. While not allowed. I can only say one thing: I'm posting there like you, in batches, and then just send the same paper packs. The lucky ones who come back, go through the other part, but all the same papers returned more than people. But do not worry. You Stares says that long you will live.
   -I want to believe - I agreed, taking the documents.
   In the barracks, which was reserved for the deportation, it was cold, the soldiers were iron beds and tables, wash worked poorly, and the toilet was clogged and swam in the mess of paper and decaying fecal slurry. The soldiers left behind to look after the procedure closed in the storeroom and one went there only to wash the toilet or in another wing of the building where they lived staffing company. They were too lazy to get dressed and forty degrees below zero and they jumped in a wool mixture I nom outfit.
   Transit officers waiting to be sent, wrapped in a robe and dusty blankets, sitting on a stool in front of a black and white skeleton state TV. The rear panel of the unit have not been. He kept turning off, and then began to poke some special nail or screwdriver in his gut.
   The tv has a mostly "young" green lieutenant. Several experienced, Major and Captain s s, gathered in the far corner of the barracks, on the beds, lay on stools snack and drink. "Starla" veering between the TV and the campaign. The first was not interested in them, and the second is - available without opening the quota bottle of "fuel."
   Day and evening passed slowly. To stupor after watching TV, I fell down dead on the bed without any clothes. Forces have been just enough to muffle without undressing in a dusty blanket and lash out and be more on top of it dusty jacket, pulling it up to his nose.
   In the morning, our group put in the only car with the inscription th "Puteremontny" and picked up a shunter. Five hours later, we got out at an impasse. There was not anything other than leaving the horizon rails. Maintainer Major group, wrapped in cotton armor, as matryoshka, took us about two hundred meters from the present impasse in the composition, gathered in a circle, looked at his watch and said:
   -Tolerant, tolerant, and Comrade rischi officers. Ten minutes later our Baikonur will welcome you for a rocket. Fly into space. Weather today ho p oshaya.Only minus twenty-five, and there is no wind. You all Transbaikalians so tolerant, tolerant. You do not get used.
   Half an hour later there was a rumble of helicopter turbines, and emerged from the low clouds, sinking itself helicopters.
   Thoughts Chillmere head moved slowly. I remembered the summer, far Ukrainian city, which seemed to me now most dear in the world, Veronica.
   -Can you make for the sake of another person something crazy? - She asked seriously.
   -The human heart - the apple was eaten by worms evil and vice, - replied the priest out of the train.
   "If you could now ask God for anything, what would you wish for?" - I asked him from himself, and thinking not found an answer. There was nothing worthy of my request. Was not, or did not want to look.
   The helicopter went down lower and lower.
   End. To be continued ...
   Book Three               - 1 -               "The Long Road to Nowhere"
   0x01 graphic
   [1] 1?Chmarov - verb from a noun schmuck - a man morally lowered, jargon (note the authors.)
   [1] "Chambur" - Mongolian moonshine (author's note)
   [2] "Chambur" drove home voluntarily hired Soviet army, who lived in the apartment barracks (author's note)
   [3] Starley - senior lieutenant (author's note)
   [4] replace - then leave the Union to replace others who arrived in trips abroad to this post (author's note)
   [5] Sain-Shand - a city on the southern border of Mongolia, south Gobi desert, Cojr - a city half way between Ulaanbaatar to Sain-Shand, the northern edge of the Gobi Desert.
   [6] Ayzer - Azeri (author's note)
   [7] The events in Sumgait - the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, 1989 - 1991 (author's note)
   [8] Fees - basic training - the initial transition period of military service, when recruits prepare for its further passage. During this period recruits prepare for bearing inner and guard duty, learn military regulations with further exams. Usually at the training camp, the units are assigned to rank higher pants official title corresponding to that position. For example, a platoon commander on charges appointed captain or major or lieutenant-together position of lieutenant. Adoption fees are completed military oath, after which starts the actual passage of military service (author's note)
   [9] Kjahta - a village on the border with Mongolia, a few kilometers from the border station on the railway line Naushki Ulan-Ude - Ulan Bator (author's note)
   [10] Baganur - cantonment division ten kilometers from the Mongolian town Baganuur located 120 kilometers south-east of Ulan Bator (author's note)
   [11] In the infantry - a motorized rifle regiment division (author's note)
   [12] Allowance junior officer was on average one thousand two hundred MNT per month, soldiers and sergeants - from one hundred to three hundred MNT per month (author's note)
   [13] "court" called motorized infantry regiment, which was located separately from the whole division in Ulan Bator at the army headquarters (author's note)
   [14] The rise in military units at six o'clock (author's note)

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