Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

Ad Ministr @ Tor. Book One Fifth. Veronica. Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

      -Why did you not want to take an urn with the ashes of the home, to their homeland? -asked Gladyshev. He probably didn't even know that moment Veronica could no longer tolerate it.
      After the funeral of her husband Veronica felt suddenly wild, intolerable otvar?enie to its satellite.
      Gladyshev was her now totally like never before. Disgusted was intolerably so intolerable that it even looked hard at his side.
      "God, as I am with him still in bed from?! Where my eyes staring?! "-I thought to myself, trying not to look in the direction of Gladysheva, while they were on track from the crematorium.
      In addition it simply was throttled down by a bitter, the underlying offence. No, not on it specifically, not to Gladysheva. It pornimala that Gladyshev-just a fool, jester pea. But this buffoon shot her husband, albeit inadvertently, and now strolled about as if nothing happened, moving away from the crematorium, where just burned his former patron and her husband.
      Maybe Veronica zlilas? themselves, on their fate. Something inside it, podskazyvalo it now wouldn't be so as it was before! Will the carefree life when she could spend money as much as wanted. Now, probably her, as before, before marriage have to take a penny, choosing excruciatingly long where they spend that other more expensive lipstick or piece of sausages ...
   Yes, she was angry at his fate, which for some reason, suddenly decided to turn back to her ass. And Gladyshev was part of that fate. If not for him, the Behemoth was still alive, and her carefree existence now would, as before, nothing is safe. Therefore, an unconscious part of the intolerable disgust, which she now felt for Gladishev, was the threat to its tottering situation, which came from him. She felt it with all my being. Although the threat has passed powered, realized in the past, but Veronica was such a feeling that she nest somewhere in the future, and threatens her out. It seemed to her that now she does not get rid of Gladyshev, in the future waiting for her in big trouble. It just did not understand, just would not understand that the troubles had already begun, the mechanism of karmic retribution has already been launched, and it would Isabey from Gladysheya or not - that nothing would have not changed in its future fate. Perhaps even the contrary, the presence of Gladysheva how something could be in her favor because she was going to stay alone in a strange town, a huge megalopolis, where relatives of some, sometimes, a friend of a friend does not need, not just strangers. However, provincial complacency, which she had no reason denied, because any negative experiences svzyaannogo with loneliness in a huge metropolitan area, which itself was like a whole country, pushing it to the rash and thoughtless actions.
   Veronica nothing like to think. Gladyshev was it totally.
      -I look at you increased GAB today noted Veronica, interrupting their reflections and turning to nadoevšemu and oprotivivšemu her satellite. -But too and I'll answer. And I hope that it's your last question for today. I think it would be nicer to subsist in the capital, where he killed than lying in the land on which his killer-defects.
      With these words Veronica stopped, turned and threw a last look at the remaining distance tombstone and then strongly went away, to leave the cemetery crematorium.
      Gladyshev followed her, and now all her thoughts were employed as away anybody this not fancied and oprotivivšego her escort. He pootstal, and because Veronica had to wait for him at the entrance of the cemetery. She stopped his gesture of the hand.
      We today we drive from the hotel: I need money, threw him Veronica. --I'm not going to you contain did JOra. So, gladyshev, the hotel can even come back ... but no, zaberКš? their swag, and svalivaj. You got me no longer intere?sueš? as not interested in ever. I hope that tomorrow will cross our paths never, my little idiotik. Frankly, I expected gladyshev, from you what you want, just not the pigs, which you got me there by: Rob immediately and husband, and livelihood. To whom I now need? I am not crying because cry out tears in these last night! Pig! You made me an orphan and left my child without a father.
      She spoke quickly, without zapinki, without stopping, with such confidently that has long been rehearsing and this question and this scene.
      -A child? -surprised Gladyshev.
      -Such that start when the man and woman slept.
      -You will have a baby?! -Gladyshev delighted and became her even omerzitel?nej.
      Yes, unfortunately, replied she him discoursing, poskoroee finish with it. But, thank God, not from you, Gladyshev.
      Veronica unfolded and went away. It kablu?ki cokali metal on asphalt. Some sixth sense she felt like she had on the back of the eye that he was in disarray and confusion stayed in place, parting with her gaze. It seemed that it got from him forever, and Veronica sighed with relief. And although Gladyshev rushed followed, she already knew. That alone.
      Approaching highway, Veronica habit raised his hand to catch a taxi, but immediately lowered her she recollected that now she will have to reckon with the new reality: take and save money. Veronica turned and headed towards the bus stop.
      Gladyshev plКlsБ somewhere behind.
      An hour later, they joined, keys, entered the room, which they occupied before with Gladyševym. In the head already vertelis? do, where to put what sort of things make and which throw at musorku.
      Entered Gladyshev. He silently collected their swag and burknuv under the nose "Goodbye!" disappeared behind the door numbers, leaving her life forever.
      Vale! Wali! -to Black River City him Veronica, on the go, not even obernuvšsi?, delovavito and prošagivaБs? by number and selecting here and there a scattered things.
      When the door behind Gladyševym closed, she came up, shut its key to he suddenly not vzdumal return.
      Now she plШhnulas? the bed and let yourself relax, deliberating, how to get home.
      A few minutes, maybe even half an hour she lay, easily and thoughtlessly staring at the ceiling, occasionally listening to deaf steps in the hallway outside the door. It is worried that Gladyshev can come back and start to hurt that he had no money.
      "Incidentally podbit? grandmother!"-thought Veronica, and moved one after the other for travel bag.
      Present at the funeral of friends, acquaintances and relatives of the Hippo, not all, however, were so kind to her, and now it's in the hands of three dozen sotennyh dollar banknotes. Veronica became count of how many it'll change right now at the bottom, the Exchange in the foyer of the hotel to have enough for travel and for the first time at home. The rest of the money she cleaned away in handbag being swept them into a small secret karman?ik. It seemed that it ukryla money very reliably of attacks on them on the way to the train station and train, if such suddenly occur. "Apparently, will have to take a taxi, thinks she okidyvaБ view their stuff: two large suitcases and bags. In a bus or Metro I, all is not doedu! "
      Veronica scored by phone number: administratorši
      -Please, at six o'clock, order a taxi on the Kiev station I asked it has.
      You that exit? -asked TA.
      -Yes, carefree responded Veronica. -I need to order tickets on the train and money should be exchanged dollars.
      -I am now to you climb "in response to the handset.
      Veronica shrugged and carry suitcases in prho?uШ numbers. Train remained even two hours.
      Upravivšis? with Veronica came up to the window and look down on the street.
      Around was deep fall somewhere lying already small islets wet melting snow. Near Metro suetilas? a huge crowd of people. Further in the fog ugadyvalis? paths central entrance to the exhibition.
      Tried to open the Door, but it was locked from the inside. Then a persistant knock as though Veronica IDF barricaded themselves inside the room and long time somebody was. Knock was a diligent and unpleasant. This is a bit polosnulo Veronica on the nerves.
      -Go go-cried it through an entire room, trying to placate someone outside the door. -Yes anyone out there a jittery.
      Behind the door was administratorša, which Veronica has just called on the phone. Her face was somehow an intense. It carefully and closely vsmatrivalas? in the eyes of Veronica, and something she was going to steal. Behind the administratorši program.
      -Can I come in? -asked administratorša as though Veronica was not her in the room.
      -Of course-girl missed servants hotels inside.
      Administratorša gone in crowded rooms, okinula view collected and ready for the outflow of suitcases. Porter followed her indecision, mБlsБ. The woman was held in a room and stopped in the Middle, apparently waiting for the perfect Veronica.
      Girl plШhnulas? on bed before administratoršej, polurazvalivšis?, podperev head elbow.
      Administratorša staring at it closely, then said:
      -Do you debt per room, you have to pay!
      Veronica exactly cold shower okatili. She even climbed out of bed and village exactly. Somewhere in the depths of her soul zasverbilo some unpleasant feeling. From administratorši the Veronica was actually even for a while. It grew indignation is about to be I'm outwards just indignation, scandal and entry in the ?alobnuШ book. Veronica decided that lowering this blatant Lady.
      -Generally for room and for lunch in the hotel restaurant was paid immediately, settlement, by the end of the year, as far as I know! -slow, with sder?ivaemym anger recited it yet in the next minute grimace, apologies for the misunderstanding and delivered concern
      on the face of the slu?itel?nicy hotel.
      But contrary to the expectation of the naive person the provincialki and not thought of change. No muscle shirko on her cheeks. And the person administratorši was still harsh and even a few evil.
      -It ain't so! You debt per room! Repeat! Before You leave, have to pay yet here's how! She raised her Veronica's piece.
      Veronica glanced at the amount and her eyebrows highly took off from a surprise. The payment account, if you change the dollars that were her priprБtany black day, would almost all her ZANACHKA at black day. From Moscow she would virtually empty purse. This strongly offended by Veronica. She did not think that this black day came to part with the latest money. Moreover, pay require new for what has been paid for her late husband.
      -What is on Earth! -one it. Where this crazy figure. You even imagine. How much money?!
      Is money as much as the number of which has been featuring till date.
      -But my ... my husband I paid the number before the end of the year. Yes I'll show you a receipt for payment! Veronica began frantically fumble in the bag, feeling nutrom that her situation goes out of control, and she doesn't know what to do to return everything to normal to all continued to go quietly and measured, as just as half an hour ago.
      -I do not need anything show! -stopped her gesture administratorša. -You have a debt for accommodation in a Deluxe, please it to pay prior to departure!
      -But explain to me! I don't understand! -vzmolilas? in rassterБnnosti Veronika, feeling in words administratorši some kind of confidence in its rightness.
      What here understand?! -administratorša opened wirte the required info, who filed it. Yes, you have been paid for room until the end of the year in which you are now! But this number paid surname Gladyshev. You surname-Begetova, as far as I understand, if you believe the data of your Passport. It first! You have another number as far as I know.
      Yes, but we have that number, and the unused fee for this number to the end of the year-still not new year, right?! -should go to cover debt for this number, if something is missing! -at the argument administratorši skonfu?ennaБ Veronica. She felt that her attempt to dissolve the most insolent manner, and frantically searching for ways to protect.
      -What is your relation to someone Gladyševu Dmitry and its money actually? Here he let fits and gets a refund! We'll pay! You are completely unrelated to money Gladysheva do not have. And, secondly, on the rules of our hotels that you have violated, you, the citizen Begetova Veronika, checked out fine for accommodation in a single room with other men, because now it turned out, this is not your spouse as you us here represented a month. You have violated the rules of a socialist society. Here that house visits or brothel?! We have a hefty vysokorazrБdnaБ Hotel at the highest level of quality! And we don't still have us in rooms make guests! According to the rules of the hotel, it shook some Roba (brošШrkoj,-we have every right to you fine! What we do!
      The voice of administratorši out more alarmingly with every verbal Word, and Veronica felt she was trying to nail it its onslaught and not give sneak out of the reckoning.
      -Same fine checked out on the name of snimavšego this number of Dmitry Gladysheva! But since he appeared, and I saw how he went out with things of the hotel-and you are left with, then pay both fine will you! -administratorša tyknula in her side its korБvym dlnnym finger, then [r] from Notepad any two receipts and zatrБsla front of Veronica.
      -This disgrace! -one already somehow not really boldly Veronica. It was felt that the arguments of brazen administratorši, her brazen onslaught and increasingly growing tone of her voice will take action on it, and she began to break. -I pay won't! I demand that my book of complaints!
      There was a small pause, as became clear the culmination of the conversation, then typing a new administratorša already lower and a calm tone winner just prikon?ivšego the victim asked:
      -Maybe you're a Begetova, with police want to talk? I call it now!
      Thoughts, find yourself overwhelmed with each other, going to the head of Veronica. She felt that her trying to inflate, but was well aware that formally administratorša was right, and as it now seemed if she calls the police, the case becomes very grisly turnover.
      Veronica sat and feverishly tried something come up with while waiting for her answer administratorša silently, standing in the middle of the room and brazen looking at it from top to bottom.
      The easiest and possibly correct solution was to pay the amount demanded administratorša. But the amount is required as purposely virtually coincides with the available cash it less road. And if she decided to do so, the station station hometown she left without a penny for the soul.
      Of course, if would stay with her face to face and take a conciliatory, then it is possible that administratorša skostila to some portion of the amount, taking money without receipts and without Exchange RR. But it could not knock off! In addition, it could pretend that Veronica is nothing gave her, and taking the amount without receipts, insist again! Judging by actually and villainy, with whom it napirala administratorša, it was on such a capable, if apo?uvstvovala in girl weakness.
      But Veronica pity was to part with money, because it is in fact were the latest major money that it still belonged, and give their agile tКtke, which as I learned how much can it get and drove over an anti-tank mine now quite far-fetched predlogu, belonged to. They would have been most useful!
      Veronika glБnula hours. Scandal has her whole hour time. Thoughts continued feverishly Swooshes in her head, looking for the best way out of this alarming situation.
      Veronika glБnula at administratoršu again. Ta staring at her, as BOA on rabbit. Next it tКrsБ Porter, observing on the sides and zyrkaБ the reason seems to not meet with Veronica eyes in the ceiling. Apparently, attend such divorce he had regularly.
      -Good! -surrendering to Veronica. -I'll pay! Only I don't have the money! I will call relatives and acquaintances. You understand that collect such amount is not easy. You day residence stands as their monthly salary.
      Is yours! -more friendly - administratorša. But until you rass?itaetes? you don't otpustim-understand yourself! Here! Sign the receipt that the duty to agree! Deadline calculation-tomorrow to twelve nights!
      She raised her Veronica receipts, and Porter, suddenly perestavšij stare at the sides and catch Raven, u?astlivo exposed her tray, on which she could write.
      "Thou podpisyvaeš? a death sentence!"-kri?alo something inside of Veronica, but she ignored this inner voice and write under dictation of administratorši.
      And note-added doors attendant explained to your hotel, leaving the winner of the battlefield, as long as you live here-no one cares about, for whatever reason-fee per room continues to accrue!
      When the door to the corridor for guests zahlopnulas?, Veronika nezvannymi collapsed on a bed, as if she was mowed down, and a long was so raskinuv hands and looking at the ceiling.
      Run! -kri?alo something inside it. -SpasajsБ! Run! You to threads razdenut! "
      This restless thought hurt svrlila heart of dismay. Future, which even an hour ago seemed to let and grim, but somehow in the framework, now looked sufficiently ambiguous. Pay is unclear for what Veronica vovspe, and now she had one just a thought, how would quietly escape from the hotel.
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