Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

"Administrator", the three Book "The long road to nowhere"

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 Ваша оценка:

"Hell Minister @ Tor"
Hyper Roman

Book three
"The long road to nowhere"

Irkutsk, 1993-1994

Chapter 1.

Vacation flying fast as one day. No, not because he was cheerful and carefree. From some memories of him my hair stood on end and his heart was bleeding.

Everything in my life was going worse could not be. Strikes one by one shook my soul within one month, one little accident month, events which seemed to suffice for all my life...

Now I was standing at the station with two huge suitcases and waited for the train. There was one, because walk me now there was no one.

All that happened not fit fully in the head. Maybe because I do not has yet to his surprise. Sometimes tears choked me, and I couldn't hold back the lump in his throat, so that they, flammable, not broke forth.

Sharp to the piercing pain in the heart of the loneliness I felt, standing on the platform. From such a sense of people often start drinking and become complete drunkards. I now felt the same need, and, although in a suitcase, huge as an elephant, булькали two bottles of bitter, I restrained myself and was only waiting for the time when I can sit in a train compartment, try there, finally, and lose themselves in a drunken stupor.

So far nothing else could, as soon as the smoke, and I смолил cigarettes one after another to a stupor, up trembling in hands and dizziness, when suddenly everything floats, it seems that the fall, in the head of cast iron ringing with emptiness, and the light's already burned and decayed from the hot, burning cigarette smoke and do not hurt, aching, dull and sluggish.

The language and spun the word "damned". Damn summer! Damn August! He spoiled everything in my life! Blow after blow, and between them a short respite, in which they failed to move away from the shocks.

And people around me busy. Stood early autumn, and the station was full of people going nowhere and why.

I was standing with two huge suitcases, such absurd on the background of my loneliness. Usually such suitcases escorted into the "dangerous" road Pai-boys with puffy pink cheeks from wealthy families that surround them its numerous attention: father, mother, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and they are the center of attention - proud of themselves and for themselves. I side looked very ridiculous and lost. I have not watched, and I, choking lump sobs in her throat, on the whole обособившийся, separated from me, indifferent to me the world, wanted only one thing - to get drunk. Wanted, and I had not experienced the joy of anticipation and even didn't rush to be expected. But it still came.

Companions were caught me strange, elderly almost a man and a woman of forty. They animatedly talking, and I decided that this was, apparently, work colleagues or good good friends. Most likely, it was the first because of their talk, I realized that all they are going to Moscow on business.

We hardly housed in a compartment. The neighbors things was little, but my two huge suitcases spoil the whole case. They did not want to be invisible and taken a lot of trouble to my companions, until I finally joke goblet] third then not put one of them under the bottom shelf, and the other up.

Men about something chatting, joking with a woman, but I couldn't understand what they laugh. The only thing I understood: enjoy now will be difficult because, based on conversations, my neighbors were some very large heads. "Educate begin", - angrily I thought, and went out into the corridor, went to the vestibule and wanted to smoke, but in the throat запершило, and I realized: обкурился.

The train has not had time to depart from the platform, and all passengers have already fled, sat on the coupe and now stared at the window, knocked on the glass, shouting something in farewell, - the platform was the side of the children were doing all sorts of nonsense, and their shrieks came in to me.

Say goodbye to me was not with anyone, and I stood in the corridor. Try as I give arguments in favor of this fact, the bitterness of this not убавлялась. While I was driving far, but in the end, when, if I had someone by now departing, who would meet. And even return't like it, and it was the blade across the heart from feeling that the whole world was like just a loose end.

The train started. I survived those grave minutes, and at heart a little better, exactly so that you could go in a compartment.

Men interrupted the conversation with the lady, and one of them asked:

-What. No one sees? Forgot something, or you're not local?

"Bitch, I thought to myself, " what soul you climb?" - answered him, waving a hand at all:

-Ah, - whether indifferently, or offended, but, in any case, it is not clear, and the old man had his hunting on questions anymore.

He wanted to continue the interrupted conversation, smiled even, but apparently forgot what he said, or not found the strength to continue the conversation and only sighed deeply. His companion also hesitated. And woman, изобразившая to наигранного Frank attention, found itself in an awkward position.

I was not mistaken in supposing that all sitting with me in the coupe have a close relationship to work, although they work in different places. One of my travel companions called Эпполит Апполонович and other Agafon Afanasievich, they introduced themselves. To view both of forty, and Эпполиту Апполоновичу - closer to fifty. My neighbor called Hellas, although to a beauty she was very far, and age of her farther into the sunset of his youth.

Based on conversations, these three knew each other, maybe even from childhood. The lady somehow wished to take the top shelf next to me, and the men were placed at the bottom. Each of them was on аккуратненькому abdomen, which was especially obvious, when they go to the toilet, and removing the "Troika", dressed in sport suits. A figure of a woman quite well preserved, although the aftermath years and a fascination with the flour. This was especially evident on the cheeks had drooped, and chin threatened to become triple and when she наклоняла head forward, divided in half deep складочкой, which was not very pleasant to watch.

Day quickly roll to the evening, and, перестукивая on joints wheels, train hurried him a sloppy ass.

My neighbors still for a long time chatting, and I sat, bored. Several times they tried to pry me talking, but I was bored, and I kept quiet.

Ellada, or as it is "allowed": "just Ella" - and went too dressed in tracksuit some ridiculous vinous-red, that it is surprising not to go. It reminded me of the crazy horse, выставившую off his rough, bony hips.

Soon these three sat down to supper, and (how wrong I was.) on the table a bottle of vodka. They invited me to the table.

I refused, because the whole day and only thought of how to pour the bitterness in his heart. Besides now we want.

On the table tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, green onion, a piece of meat canned food Bank and boiled potatoes. Soon the money borrowed from conductors glasses swayed to the beat swing of trains bitter.

-Well, - raising the toast, said Эпполит Апполонович, - drink acquaintance.

-No-o-o! - immediately interrupted his Agafon Afanasievich. - We drink "elk": for living-elk to Spa elk to PI-elk and, excuse me, ladies, e...moose!

-Well, let's go for it, " agreed Эпполит.

I glanced at the "just Ella", but that's not even blushed and did not even took. "Old already, I'd think "b...damned", but cut off corners, Baba. The children might have grown up".

We were negated the glasses, and I, as always, drinking water, but only after some time to catch a breath bread, and then started to bite.

-Oh, and why don't запиваешь Vodice? surprised Agafon Afanasievich.

-I'm always so that the stomach does not spoil.

-The oddball you, small shook his head Afanasievich.

We drank another bottle of vodka, then another, adding snacks on the table, and finished off the last one that I had.

Outside the window is already quite завечерело. The dark-blue sky with pink clouds quickly became dark. We lit the bedside lamps, and glass shows our ghostly reflection. Talked even a little пьяненькие men climbed on the shelves. I walked out of the compartment, and, waiting until "just Ella" quirk climbs up, go to bed, and quench the light came, and got on my shelf.

I'm not drunk at all, but the heart has become easier, a little soul размякла from alcohol. Undressing under the blanket, I hung up the pants and shirt on the hanger and tried to examine in the light occasionally flashing lights outside the window, which makes the "just Ella". She lay against me, his head from the window and slept.

I leaned over on his elbow and began to stare into the darkness, suddenly starting to imagine, what if this woman turns me passion: did she'd go first? However, a little reflection on this topic, I decided that this would not happen, but some instinct told me and now lying motionless and making may view, sleeps, she's dying with desire. Most women, especially in adulthood, much похотливее men, but their desire to immorality is largely contained indecision and shyness inherent female nature, centuries-long habit to expect, not to offer, accumulated in the genes to overcome that, it is very difficult, and sometimes even impracticable. This innate barrier is a lot of hassle and difficulties "эмансипе" and prostitutes, especially at first.

Something pushed me to touch the woman's leg, although this could be a big scandal. Temptation researcher women, wishing to solid confirmations or refutation of their guesses. Pulling me on this long until I reluctantly agreed.

My midnight "research" could result in the most shameful way to me, but indeed I believe I was not mistaken. As I touched "just Ella" by the leg and pulled her ankle through the blanket as she raised her head as if and only waited for this. Apparently, we understand each other without words. I felt like me and she wanted me to. I pushed forward curiosity, a desire to once again make sure that women creature.

I had absolutely no sympathy for this woman. On the contrary, even it was something unpleasant. I hast thou per day on her bony hips on her rough face, learned her belly and Breasts, long ago, giving them some appreciation. Now I fear, as though, in the end, not to embarrass myself in front of her, if I have to do anything.

These fears are entirely grabbed my attention to the minute "just Ella" lifted her head with a cotton pillows, and I could not surrender to the exciting experiences that precede coitus with a subject of passion.

"Just Ella" impulsively pulled back the blanket slid down and, opening the door coupe, the output is already gave me a short but meaningful glance. As she disappeared, as I, glancing at snoring with open mouths of men, came down and went after him.

In the corridor already burned night lighting. "Just Ella stood several coupe on, looking at me and holding one hand to the knob of the door.

"Stand up or not?!" - flashed in my head alarming thought. I was on the verge of being embarrassed in front of the woman.

She nodded his head to me, opening the door coupe and showing there, then went into it. Not remembering itself, I was beside her in the dim lit by dim light from the corridor-coupe. It was empty. Cold дерматиновые pillow sleeping berths their naked телесами dilutes and a hint comfort, giving казенщиной. Passengers here, apparently, and was not, or they all are already out somewhere along the way.

"Cautious", I thought to myself, wanting to call it anything other than "just Ella" and, moreover, Greece is repaid in me even a spark of passion.

Shut the door, " she said to me in a half-whisper.

I carefully, trying not to make noise, closed the door. Clicked the lock, latch-stopper. Now we have no one could stop and surprise.

Turning to her, at first I did not understand, where is the woman saw that the shadow of her against the window disappeared, but almost immediately stumbled on her ass, and felt a hand not to the cloth, naked, warm skin.

A few промелькнувших lights outside the window I saw her, наклонившуюся from me forward, to the window, bare back with raised on the shoulders of the workshop a tracksuit.

My hand slipped down on his thigh, and the ways it seemed less angular and bony, as before, but, on the contrary, skinny, they became suddenly very attractive even to cause a passion.

The palm of my crawled between her legs and felt the touch of tender, мохнатому gun on the bosom. Don't know how I had such a wild idea, but I just wanted размахнуться with all power and one's fingers predator like a hawk in the fluffy ball between the legs, compress it and crush in his hand, to feel like he is soft and wonderful.

I did it, without a scope, but with passion, выплеснувшейся of some unknown, the depths of таившихся in me instincts. I squeezed it and felt like fluffy peach split into slices, between which opened up a cleft already сочившаяся moisture.

Every time connecting with a woman, I felt special. It is completely different from the former, a burst of passion. It all depends, what does this passion. If it started with a feeling of smells women, then it was languid, overwhelm me feeling very strange way United with the feeling of awkwardness, hopelessly clumsy and bewilderment. Sometimes, that I have captured and carried neck turn, curious, careless glance, body shape, looked to me suddenly in a completely unexpected, among the stunning and fascinating perspective, and each time passion was born completely different, piercing, causing tears, solid, unwavering, monotonous, a humming like a bass string, then intercepts breath and щекочущая chill of premonition.

This time the passion in me was born from the touch of my hand in the dark to a woman's body that I was deeply несимпатична. My hand touched the innermost of her place, and maybe pierced surprise, that it all the same, as those representatives of the fair sex, which I once went crazy, gave birth to a passion in me such a lush forces, which had never in my life I do not have to suffer.

She quickly rushed into me, into all my limbs, and I was nothing he could do. My hands passionately зашарили over her body, I felt her stomach, outlined fingers unfamiliar shape of the Breasts, and back down to the hips.

The woman stood still, leaning forward, and I felt expectation in all her pose. She waited снедаемая passion, and I did what, in the end, the man always does with a woman.

I was trying to catch all the changes that occurred to her. As it might be in the dark coupe and occasionally flashing lights outside the window.

Now I have it, and our intercourse was rather strange, without any words, explanations and even without arrivals of any of the conventions.

Soon we moved to a shelf, putting the mattress on the cold leatherette.

Of the compartment, emerged only in the morning. I dropped off into a deep, short sleep, but soon awoke me: train was approaching Moscow.

My neighbors have already gathered. They hurriedly placed objects.

I glanced at the "just Ella". I ain't never even so disgusting in my soul and it's so disgusting to look at a woman that I was close. She, as if nothing had happened, sat downstairs, 's tinted eyelashes and deceived eyes, not even looking in my direction.

The memory came to me last night, and I shook his head, trying to get out of her dirty memories. Now I wanted to train quickly came to the station.

Chapter 2.

Can't remember what happened next in the morning when I was in the store. One of the last conscious memories was that I decided that I will never get out of there.

't remember how but I got out of there and lay unconscious. When woke up, he lay for a long time, coming from fear and despair.

Later I tried to forget all that happened and never remember.

Graduation from College a few dispelled my depression. Finally, after all the celebrations we gathered in a small cafe, which previously ordered, his platoon, and remember the years spent together, which now never to return, and it is unlikely that we will now be able now to get together. All disperse to different sides and will serve far from each other. Then, already pretty drunk, and we set off on foot from the outskirts of the city where there was a cafe in the center. The time was past midnight. We walked along the Avenue, then decided to catch any car going to the center, and several times perehorodzhuvaly highway chain, holding hands. Finally, we caught the bus in which apart from the driver was the guard. Someone has already managed to negotiate with the driver so that he добросил us to the centre. He agreed and opened the door, despite violent protests кондукторши that nobody was listening. We piled into the car, taking with him a box of vodka and champagne, which we carried all the way, and so, continuing to drink, joke, and carry on, with jokes and songs that голосили in a loud voice so that the driver and conductor probably gone deaf.

In city center, we are located in a picturesque fountain "Sadko", which cascade down from the square, and continued to drink and congratulate each other with the release of the College. Below, at the foot of the fountain stood militia SUV. Militiamen were watching us. But soon our fun, got to the point that we were trying to bathe in the fountain, run through him naked and throw empty bottles at the statue of "Sadko". Then they plunged into the SUV and drove away from the sight. It was our day. And the police was a secret order not to touch the young officers, if they don't violate the law. Another hour passed. Charter fooling around, we began to disperse who where and as they could. This was all over. It was the last day reckless youth, when someone cared, and each of us cared only about himself.

Before each service relied month vacation. And I went home. But here I was attacked by an inexplicable melancholy. I was troubled. My hometown for a long time already changed. And I don't have anything to do with my former friends and friends of childhood. Yes and they had their incomprehensible to me interests. I realized that in his hometown for me, there is nothing that could occupy my attention, and what I could dedicate the time of its release. My soul longed for some new experiences. And sleep until noon, and then go out into the yard, where occasionally someone met from the former childhood friends, that now there was nothing to do, I'm sick on the second day.

Seeing my spleen, my mother suggested I go to the village, where her grandmother, with whom I never was. And each time she called me when I was able to write her a letter. A little thought, I met in the street, went to the bus station.

Early the next morning I was awakened by a bus driver:

-Hey, boy, here you go, -he shook me by the shoulder.

I looked at the clock. It was the start of the sixth. All the passengers were asleep, and here no one came out. I reached over, got out of my easy-chair and came down from the high-salon of the bus down.

On the street was a cool morning, the driver pulled out from the trunk of my things and after a few minutes, the roar of the diesel engine on the bouncy колдобинах of a country road in a big machine dissolved together with her in the early morning mist.

I looked around the room. Nobody was around. Some of the dense morning shroud could be seen wooden fences, sagging from the time the grey fence, Yes fence, and stood out the faint outline of the nearby houses of the village street.

For quite a long time around was not a single soul, and I stood, not knowing what to do, and in what direction to go. Finally out of the fog heard some noise. It soon became apparent creak, some цокание and quiet conversation. Then appeared to be of any shape, and soon I saw the muzzle of a horse with protruding навостренными ears. The horse was right at me. For it seemed cart, in which sat the wizened old man in a cap, smoked cigarette. With him came here a few women in повязанных on the heads of the colorful shawls and hooded jackets. The old man смолил and silently rules horse, and women about something talking.

I walked away from the road, taking their things. Cart ran by me, and the old man noticed me, pulled on the reins and stopped the horse:

-Whoa, wretched! You whose gonna be? As I fell down the moon no light, no charge.

Then he suddenly burst out at the Mare floor Mat, although the reason for such swear I didn't notice, but answered him:

-Yes I am from the city, to a fortune of his двоюрной guests in food.

-I see with a strange distant places, " agreed grandfather, inhaled with cigarettes. - And энто that?

-Yes, The Barman Пелагеевна. In Василихе lives.

-In Василихе? "Replied grandfather. Baba stopped talking and also listened to our conversation. Is five kilometers away.

"Why me from the bus landed here? - I was surprised.

-So it's back from the road. The bus there does. There wilderness, almost at the swamps. There Василиха. And this is a Big Василиха.

As he spoke, a decaying piece of tobacco fell out of his cigarettes, and in the fingers of the old man remained only a tube from a piece of newspaper. Grandfather looked puzzled on this incident, and with disappointment again relish swore not paying attention to women.

-What should I do now? The news rather puzzled me. To walk so far I did not want, and places were strangers.

That that's... Stand still and wait until someone in the region will yield. Ask to be brought up, and you go on foot. But I don't advise there through the forest to go. Better wait for someone... Now go there, " the old man waved in the fog, outlining the direction - there, on the outskirts of the village fork. It'll wait. There you can see who goes where. You see that on the right way to turn - Masha, pick... Well, двинтесь, beast, he shouted at the women, let the boy sit drive to there.

Women are parted, freeing me a little space. I jumped on the wagon, and in five minutes was at the fork in the road, about which I spoke to the old man.

"You there, boy, here on this road. Stand still and wait until there is someone snap. If on the road collapses who, he certainly in Василиху rides, otherwise you won't that lucky.

-- And often there someone goes? I inquired.

-- How can you say, " shrugged the old man. - As lucky. You can, and yet another day, and no one will go. Well, let's прощевай!..

Supply disappeared in the morning mist.

Indeed, it took more than an hour of waiting. The morning mist was completely cleared, the East seemed over the horizon the sun, lighting up everything around brightly pink light, and pass me not passed a single machine, or anything.

I lost all patience, and was ready to go on foot, as suddenly seemed familiar to me the connection.

-You, " he asked, catching up with me.

I wearily I agreed. I wanted to quickly get to a place where he could lie down though not much, and sleep.

"Okay, wait a little, took pity on me, old man, ' If you nobody pick up, then after an hour I in the wrong direction and go to the apiary. To me jump.

An hour passed. Life in a village between the revived. First screaming cocks, then замычали cows in their stalls, and soon the owners began to cast out them on the street. Seemed like a shepherd who ousted cows in a herd, moving toward me. Then, avoiding all the yards, shepherd turned herd in the opposite direction and drove away from me. Have passed a few tractors with trailers and machines, but none turned Василихи.

Again seemed familiar to me, old man.

-Well, what? And not the left? he smiled smoked teeth.

-And left - I replied in monosyllables.

"Well, get in we went.

I sat on the wagon, on which the straw rode a few empty aluminum cans. The old man grabbed my opinion:

Is me honey food, " the old man explained. - So you mean to Пантелеихе going?

-To Pelagiya Пантелеевне, " I corrected her.

-Well, Yes-it is here the so called...

-As you know it?

"What do you Know. Good Baba, smiled something to his old man. - And for how long?

-I do not know, for two weeks.

-Ah. Well, well!

The old man no longer ask me anything, and I began to survey the local scenery, slowly sinking into полудрему. Всходившее all higher the sun was already slightly warm up around the fields were, here and there, упиравшиеся thicket. Some of them were planted already налившимся, поспевшим grain of wheat. Others stood under steam. Here and there were visible hay meadows and engulfed them from all sides, подступившие palisade here and there the edge of the thick, impassable forests, still green, but already adumbrated subtle haze of aging.

The road meandered between fields on a hilly plain, dived occasionally in пролески, and sometimes passed through dense thickets. Some of its dry, dusty ruts were puddles, and when they were big, horse hardly move through them, champing hooves into the mud, and then tormented, pulling out of the slush cart, погружавшуюся in muck up to the axles and already resembling a boat in the swamp. The old man then kept urging her and even occasionally, when the slush was especially impassable, lashed to frighten but not hurt, lean back and ribbed sides of the animal.

I've lost count of time, when suddenly at a fork in the middle of the field the old man said:

-So, well, now слазь. You go straight, and I'm turning to the left, at the apiary.

"Is it far? I asked, evaluating the severity of their suitcases.

-Yes kilometer somewhere, mozha, smaller. I think I need to you on foot stomp: today hardly anyone before dinner in the wrong direction to go...

We missed each other, and, dragging became unexpectedly heavy and unwieldy suitcase, I промучался even with an hour, until finally appeared through a small field behind the edge of the forest outlying houses of the village.

Nature suddenly became noticeably darker and maybe I only thought that I was alone: the trees in the forest came closer to the lane, he became already and has become almost the footpath, thicket on both sides frowned. Palisade trees погустел even stronger, and among them замерещились in the darkness of the undergrowth in the shadow of the forest creatures.

I don't be fooled by their submissions: village was really small. Would it still is a little bit smaller and it could be called a village or выселкой.

About twenty of wooden log, gray old age homes appeared before my eyes. Some even turned black from time to time, there are on its side and, in General, were dismal, such familiar of the many descriptions of all time picture of Russia.

Before the village flowed a little stream. Across the river arc stood bridge. The road to it was on the mound, on which the parties was swampy meadow, and a river, flowing from East to West, to the right of the bridge has lost its sloping, subtle shore and overflowed in a swampy Creek, wide and never-ending, in some places covered with thickets of reeds, утыканную rare birch сухостоем and yellowed grass.

Passing the bridge, I noticed that the river is not very deep, almost a stream, and sometimes you can see the bottom of rusty-red sand and pebble подернутой grey velvet sludge.

Despite the fact that the time was getting to the late morning on the streets no one was visible. The houses had no plates with the name of the street, nor rooms. Spinning near the last houses of the village, I was going to knock at one of them to meet me suddenly, заскрипев door from the porch jumped low slim girl, deftly крутанувшая in the doorway yoke with empty buckets. One of them has whistled quietly tinkling, right before my eyes.

-Oh, I almost was not зашибла! "The girl said. - And you that to us?

-No, so Yes, to you. I'm looking for, his grandmother, Пелагею Panteleevna.

-Ah, so it's on the other end it is necessary. She lives there, near the ведьмячкой.

-With whom, with whom? - Not I understood.

-With ведьмячкой, " repeated the girl, but the bulge in my wondering face and intimate look, added, " okay, go shew.

We came out from the yard, surrounded in a fence made of poles and went along for Brokeback street, lifting up. I'm sort of already tired and therefore was silent, only occasionally glancing at his companion. She long and intently examining me from head to foot, and then asked:

-With the city?

"Yeah, " replied reluctantly I.

-To us a long time?

-No, week or two.

-Correctly, sadly sighed girl, there's nothing more to do. Boring страшенная. I grow up a little more and also in the city подамся: learn.

I looked at her now with curiosity and tried to guess how old she is. Apparently it was fifteen or sixteen.

Street went downhill, and we came to the well felled and covered from above теремком. Gray logs it in запашках and corners are overgrown with moss. I looked inside, and saw his reflection in the mirror of water meters in three at the bottom.

-You won before the house must pass, showed the girl, putting a bucket to the ground. - Your grandmother and lives.

-And what is the neighbor she had such a strange? Involuntarily I inquired.

-A-a-a - girl waved her hand lazily wincing. - Boredom Yes anguish not only ведьмячкой become possible.

She caught the bucket chain and pushed him down. Drum spun around, and the girl began to slow down his palm across вытертой to a high gloss surface. They heard a roar and a splash.

-Come on, I'll help you, " I suggest, contemplated the hilt, but the girl moved me with an affirmative gesture:

"I can myself.

Character", I thought to myself. Stay and watch how it works, it was uncomfortable and should retire.

-What is your name? I asked the girl.

-Alena, what?

-No, nothing. Thank you Alyona for your help.

-No, - she looked at me, smiled, and again started to work.

I went to an indicated home.

Pelageya, my cousin grandmother, крючилась in the garden house. I never seen her, but guess that this is really it, it was easy. She had long вдовствовала and lived alone. Children that she had moved to cities in other villages.

I went into the yard:

-Hello, Pelageya Panteleevna.

Grandma разогнула his back turned to me:

-Hello, Hello. It's you that s my granddaughters once again announced his? Let's see, I look at you.

She came to me:

-Okay, okay, eagle right, well, let us go into the house.

She dropped to the ground tool and led me to his house.

We ascended a high porch, passed the entrance, and were in a room, all of which reminded me of the life of fabulous Russian izba: the whitewashed huge Russian stove, wooden rough and heavy, it is unknown how old work Desk, chairs stools around it in the middle of the room, the same rough and heavy as he was. The small Windows without window sills fun filled bright curtains in the colors.

House Pelagia Пантелеевны I liked.

I didn't know how she will accept me, the grandmother, and saw me for the first time in life. But soon have eaten rich, rustic red beet soup with home-baked fragrant, amazing bread.

-Tell us, why he had come, that you are the devils brought? - Whether jokingly, whether seriously and angrily asked "Пантелеиха" (now, it seems to me begin to see that so called it the old man on the cart).

I was confused, not knowing what to tell her, but it wasn't long tormented me silent expectation explanations and said:

-Well, okay, since arrived, so live. How much do you need to be as like as many guest. But, alone, with you. 'll be helping me for agriculture: water applied, chop firewood, the cow when the show. Realized granddaughters?

-Right you are!

-Well, that's good...

Chapter 3.

In Moscow I stayed for long, though, expecting that I would serve in the capital: on my prescription paragraph dislocation part was the "Moscow".

Part turned out to be some kind of headquarters, in search that I spent the entire day оббивая thresholds military commandant's offices.

Eventually, I got into the office to some Colonel, who took away my prescription, and it vanished in his drawer.

-- , So the Lieutenant Yakovlev? Quietly said the Colonel, looking through my papers. - Bachelor see is good... So-so.

I did not know where the oppression of the Colonel, but the sixth sense told me that the more acquainted with my data this war for a large polished table, the незавиднее becomes my position.

One of the phone on his Desk rang.

-Yes! - Picked up the phone Colonel. Sir, comrade Lieutenant-Colonel! Now, right here I have one candidate! He glanced at me. - Yes, yeah, now I'm coming.

The Colonel rose from the table, put on his hat and threw me:

-Come out, as long as. Now I will go to the report and come back. Wait for me and don't leave anywhere.

I stayed near the door of his Cabinet. Passing through the corridor and down there, going in and colonels and generals, and my hand is tired and the thing to give them honor, though in answer me nobody welcomed, and only occasionally said: "Здрасьти". I soon realized the futility and even stupidity of his "козыряния" and got up just in case face to the wall, as if something there to study.

Finally, after quite a long absence appeared "my Colonel.

"Are you asleep? - Touched whether or pushed slightly me in the shoulder with it. - Come in to the office.

I was again in front of his large polished table. He quickly "зачеркал" on paper, and then called over the intercom, as I understand it, a Secretary.

-So, brother, - addressed, at last, he to me, " now you нашлепают papers, and go.

-Where? Involuntarily I inquired.

-On! - In amazement, raising his eyebrows and shrugged and said the Colonel, " further, my boy. Suddenly сфомильярничал it. - You don't know where to put?

"No, puzzled, I said.

Th-th-th - Colonel raised his head to the top, rolling his eyes - you're my little friend into an organisation that sends e-h-Chen far!

"But I have something in the order listed Moscow! "I exclaimed.

-Haha, boy. Moscow is our штабец. But we зафутболим you where we want.

-Yes, but I -- I'm not -- I don't want you needed. I even things with them-it did not take much. Thought - in Moscow will serve...

-Well, first of all, my dear comrade Lieutenant, you have no asks, will be ready or not ready to go somewhere, you want to order more or not. You probably don't understand because of the youth of his years that hit my friend in the army. Ar-mi-Yu! Well, if you had the honor to be here, it will perform what you ordered. In the army Foundation of the entire order. Well, what about your things, I think you should be not so much. Moreover, idle we товарисч. That do not have e-mail home. Mom will send.

-I have no mothers! - almost crying I replied.

The Colonel suddenly stopped spoken knocked with his thoughts, but he lost not long:

-Well, there is none. You never know what the world is. Somehow your question will be solved...

"Exactly, that somehow, comrade Colonel! What should I do?! You now зашлете me some холодрыгу, then? Want to make me sick there or oak gave? I warm things not taken, and the form of half the house left: not fit...

The Colonel sat down, and after a long silence, staring at me the big fish eyes навыкат. Then he turned on the selector:

-Masha, Africa is cancelled, - he залистал a large Notepad on your desktop. - Write down this comrade vacation for ten days... So we must, then, and at once the room part arrival write... Station, station, a... Oh, that's found, write...

He said a name, and within a few minutes handed me the documents brought by his Secretary:

Are you selling a ticket for ten days: solve all your baggage questions, things you do here on this site and there you go himself. Tickets and receipts do not lose your Luggage - in the part of it you will pay...

"But, comrade Colonel, I thought that I would serve in Moscow...

The Colonel sent me, personally escorting the elbow:

All that could help - vacation for ten days. Nothing more I can do. Farewell, comrade Lieutenant, and I do not advise you to start the service so as you begin: with any claims. I can't, I don't want to! Look, and you will quickly find the place on a disciplinary cell. Then we don't stand on ceremony, where a soldier, where officer: time, times and a king! And will instead ten days of leave for ten days sunbathing on the bunks.

He shut the door, and I was left alone, left to itself, the abandoned and deserted, in the hallway with running here and there colonels and generals.

Goat! - I was overwhelmed by an attack of fury.

Of course, I lied to Colonel, saying that hadn't taken things, the truth, and he could not grasp why did it. But now I had ten days of freedom before the routine of everyday life and, most importantly, a frightening unknown continue lying fate, which prepared me is clearly not the honey cake. At the same time eerily like to learn more in detail what he was talking about Africa. But I was already too late, and now knew not, happy or upset that it happened. We had to admit to myself that I previously did not believe that I will go to serve in the capital, too fabulously well then started my officer's life...

The taxi driver stared me in Moscow, until finally I was indignant:

"Hey, uncle, don't you think that we are lost?

Following this observation, not five minutes ago, as I came out of the machine at the station. I gave him half of what he dashed off with me, and he never did.

We have not yet reached, as the machine immediately swarmed want to leave I can barely broke through their ring.

The people at the station was many, very many. Just kind of a dam of human tel. In waiting rooms, it was overcrowded. Ballot boxes were littered with piles of garbage, cleaners, apparently, no time to clean floors, and, despite the hot dry weather at the station stood a stinking mud and slush.

I went into the storage room, where he left his very heavy suitcases and then a very long time lugging them in the Luggage compartment, where handed them to send to the station of your future destination. On the sum, which took me for baggage cashier, I realized that it was very far off.

In the evening, struggling, натолкавшись in the queue for the tickets, I'm leaving Moscow, I went to town, where they lost everything, and where already worshipped return again someday. That's called that beckoned me there after so many troubles, suddenly leaning on me there for such a short time? I could not answer, but only with some insane joy hoping that once I get there, and all the lost me back.

These ten suddenly had befallen me, like manna from heaven, the day suddenly turning my head like a good easy champagne, and now it seemed that all should be well. I so wanted this. I was so hoping that the happiness he would jump out of the ambush, where it turns out, has long been waited for me, and on my life will suddenly, like a fairy tale, easy and carefree. I so wanted to believe that now, maybe with this miraculous incident, my destiny will flow completely different course, and old problems and concerns remain somewhere in the past as a bad memories, nothing will darken my happy life. I, too, have the full right to be happy, just as many people around me...

The next morning I was already there, where tore my heart. Nothing has changed here. Yes and that could happen to the city in one month? Although...

Immediately from the station I went to Veronica, not even knowing what to tell her at the meeting. In my soul there is nothing left from her image except for a few fleeting and incoherent intimate experience that has never kept me before next to the woman. Yes, what happened with us.... But after what happened with me during this month in the village, all that we have spent together with Veronica, now seemed to the child's play. All except one. What happened in the Church...

Veronica wasn't home. Nobody opened the door of her apartment. And I wandered under the house, wondering where she could now запропаститься, and secret still hoping that they will certainly meet her. Ended up Veronica I did not wait, but have seen quite a familiar face, though he could not remember where it was I ever see him.

I walked over to the boy, who was walking like past, but at the same time seems to собиравшемуся go to one of the entrances of the house.

-Hi! "I said, holding out his hand, and painfully, trying to remember when and where we meet him and who he was.

-Great! he said without much enthusiasm, seeing me before, but to pretend that it happened just now. - How?

-Why, - " I replied, thinking that we can communicate.

And then I looked right into his fathomless eyes, and with blinding clarity appeared to me that night in the restaurant where I had seen them once.

-Hey, you never know where Veronica? I inquired immediately, as if only yesterday with him sitting in a doorway and clattered seeds.

-Veronica?! - He said. I don't know exactly, but somewhere in the cruise.

-In what other cruise? - I was surprised.

Internationally, together with the Hippopotamus. He dragged her with him.

A time?

"Ah, to be back soon, probably.... But in General, I don't know...

-And where are you going? I inquired.

"Oh, walk on by.

-By what?

-Passing all.... And actually, I'm home now. And where are you going?

"I don't know.... Like Veronica here to see. And now...

Now I knew his name: Gladyshev. Exactly, it's the way I presented that day Veronica: Gladyshev. He writes poems and even wrote to me then some memory. Where they been all this time? And now even offended. Strange type. That's the only name I don't remember his.

-Well, go home with me, - and suddenly suggested Gladyshev, as if he knew that I had nowhere to go.

-What did you like going down, walked, and everything to offer for me to go to your house, quite by chance I met? - Just in case I inquired.

No, it's good, of course, that I have seen you, but you know.... I presently feel that I just need someone to... well, someone's presence. I still someone would invite.... Go?

He asked this question so that I do not understand why there was embarrassing.

-Well, let's go, " I agreed. Go in this town now I had no one else.

Gladyshev went a little ahead of me, and I couldn't catch up with him, not knowing where, strictly speaking, we should go. We wandered around the quarters for twenty minutes, having gone quite far from home Veronica. Gladyshev all the time, went silently, intently and thoughtfully hunched over as if nobody around him and was not. At times he looked too much like crazy maniac, concentrating their consciousness on the only obsession, that she could not flee to any side in his booze-head, not waiting the goal of the path. Then I had somehow done terribly, but I still doomed kept going after him.

Finally, when I thought no more to pay attention to where I actually am, we were in the flat at the Gladysheva. Anyway, he opened the door with his key.

Inviting me to sit down on the sofa in the big room, Gladyshev went to the kitchen. However, I did not take advantage of his offer, and began to study the abode of his family. However, nothing special I wasn't found, but the luxury furniture, rich library and some other signs I made some conclusions about his parents. Anyway, people they were supposed to be quite educated and friends to become wealthy on the background of General poverty of our people. However, because I could be wrong...

Gladyshev called me to the kitchen, where he made the tea,

Drinking a hot Cup with small SIPS, I casually put to dispel feeling uncomfortable inside yourself like I'm only here and then came to налопаться pie with jam and tea:

-And I like your poem still has...

-What are the lyrics? - Astonishment raised one eyebrow over his bottomless eyes Gladyshev.

-Well, the ones that you are to me in the restaurant gave...

-Well, - he waved his indifferent hand as if we were talking about most of these issues. - Forget them.

-What? 't understand I almost burned tea.

-Throw - say... and it is better to burn. So it will be right. Oh! He suddenly held up his forefinger, as if he found permission painful issue.

-That:? - Not I understood.

"No, I was just about her. But in General, I do not write more poems after that: they lack descriptiveness. Human language, even English, is very bulky and unwieldy tool of communication. He has a lot compared with the image and can serve only as a comment to the main bearer of the idea of art as an image. And because now I do not write poems, but I have painted pictures.

-The pictures?! - I almost dropped the Cup from the hands.

-Yes, the picture, but what? Go shew...

We walked through a large room and were in a small room. There is absolutely no furniture. On the floor in a mess lay scattered sheets of paper and холщевое cloth pieces. On them there was something намалевано. On the walls were also decorated with the most incredible way sheets of paper and canvas, apparently with the fact that Gladyshev called paintings. In the midst of all this there were several easels, ready for work, rolled tubes and jars of paint palette, dry inks.

-This is all I drawed - eyed master of his room picky, assessing look.

-But what exactly? - My opinion is not found anything particularly noteworthy. Everywhere was a strange stuff. I even wished that bad, maybe really can't understand modern art and painting.

-Now, now, " said Gladyshev and began to look for something on the floor, raking feet canvases and sheets of paper with his bizarre creations.

In his hands one after another came several tubes and pot-bellied одеколонных guns. He blamed it all on a stool, then dug up somewhere a big bottle of clear liquid, and, squeezing in sprays the paint tubes, diluted by it, stirring old toothbrush.

-Now, now, repeated Gladyshev, as if coaxing me to wait a little.

Jerky movement he pulled her easel so that he almost fell from his tripod, and then, grabbing that one, another sprinklers, began to bawl of them canvas, making multi-colored spots like blobs. Soon all the canvas was filled with them. Then Gladyshev stopped suddenly, his hand to his face, he stepped back a little and looked at a few minutes so the resulting. Then his hand came a thick black felt pen, and he started to paint on top of all this лепни.

In the room was unbearable smell of whether ether, or even some fly shit.

-Listen, open at least a window or something: breathe, - I asked him.

He looked at me, not exactly knowing where it's here I came, and then he stepped to the window and opened it wide open.

The room burst into a fresh air that soon supplanted of smell, which caused me dizzy.

Gladyshev returned to canvas and took a palette and preventing paint, continued the work of the brush. Twenty minutes later he walked away from his work, understand that I was not.

-Here, look! He said to me. "Do you see? This is called "Flight inspired by a cockroach in time neighbor wife and her lover".

Gladyshev violently tossed the brush in the corner where stood a pile of old painted-up similarly, paper and canvas. "Nonsense, " I thought. - Similarly, the guy went nuts!" To my mind began to come longtime conversation in a restaurant.

-And why did you do it?

-What is It? Asked me Gladyshev.

-Why do you paint?

-And don't you like it?

I don't know. It is unclear somehow. I think this "picture" can be пришпандерить any inscription, and it will fit.

-So what?

As what?! Is this correct?

-Oh, you, anything you do not understand in painting. It's not that you can пришпандерить, and I named the picture at the moment of its creation, as I wanted to call her.

"Well, just crazy!" - I confirmed his guess, and of experiencing the presence of the quiet madness capable suddenly, one energetic explosion degenerate into a riot, I felt bad.

Not managed to slip in my mind this thought, as Gladyshev was moved, collecting the middle of the room, a huge pile of their scattered to all corners of the works.

"Listen, how poetry? I asked, to ask something. Some apprehension nightmare затеребило my soul, and all the animal instincts that I existed, began to insist that I ran away. And as quickly as possible.

To hell with poetry! To the devil! - Gladyshev again seemed obsessed as when we walked down the street. Obviously he fumed. - I as Nero, I like Nero. First break, and then describe the process of destruction, testify to his...

-What you gonna do?! Even more scared I.

-A person is not capable of real poetry. He only плюгавое semblance of a real poet. Only the element can write poetry! May she writes them! And I'll write a portrait of her.

-What are you going to do?! - Louder I yelled, turning to Гладышеву, furiously сгребающему in a bunch of my paintings. But he had not heard me, and continued to do so.

Suddenly he recoiled from the formed pile and threw it on top easel with newly created picture, went to another, and began to pour it out of the guns. Then immediately bubbles flew there, in a pile. There pleased and a bottle with the solvent.

Gladyshev took up the palette, long sought a brush, and, having found it, came up to me, pulled it out of his shirt pocket for a cigarette, put it in the teeth.

-Here, take this! - He handed me a free hand box of matches.

-What?! 't understand I feel that my face is written fright, and he likes to watch.

-Give me a light! "He cried, pointing to I lit a match.

I struck a match on the box, and held it to the cigarette in his mouth. But he didn't he her, and took a match from my fingers, crossed the room to the pile and put lying on top of all свеженарисованной picture.

She immediately broke out, even impregnated with solvent. Glancing at me, Gladyshev laughed wildly:

"I'll write a portrait of a true poet, and you'll be my grateful audience!

I had no time to recover, as the flames about with the agility and vitality of the entire heap.

-What are you doing, moron? - I exclaimed, but Gladyshev quietly, almost walked slowly to the easel and took up his brush.

-Idiot, what are you, crazy?! I rushed to him.

The room was already filled with the acrid smoke from which запершило throat. Now the flame is separate us from saving the door. I tried to grab Gladysheva and move to the window, but he just mad, violently me and went back to the easel. After a few seconds my confusion smoke hid him from me, and from captured me utter terror I could not understand, what do I do.

However, probably a certain amount of preparation and discipline in the moment of danger, grafted in a military school, forced me to collect my thoughts, and take measures to their salvation, already without any distractions. I ran through the smoke on the memory to the window, he felt the doorway and leaned out. But my eyes blew suffocating, caustic, corrosive to the mucous membranes smoke. He couldn't see anything, so I figured that jump down more or less successfully will fail. Get off too. One thing, at first glance, the craziest, but in fact the only right and salutary: pushing out through the flames. And it had already crackling and roaring through the smoke came already to linoleum and floor boards.

The blanket on top of the shirt, I threw myself into the smoke towards the heat, already without seeing the road, but then came across Gladysheva and together with him and his easel fell on the floor...

Chapter 4.

By the evening of my arrival in the village knew almost all of the adult population, mostly old people, grandmother. And then they approached the возившейся in the garden "Пантелеихе" and asked who I was. For the reason, apparently, that she was about me didn't know his aunt answered them all in monosyllables, and these plain talk came to me through the open a small window near which after a small lunch force it put me to rest from the road, leaving some not trunking, not the chest thick cotton mattress, Mat on his sheets, and throw a blanket.

Despite the fact that I strutted and did not want to go to sleep, sleep soon overcame me, and I woke up in the evening, about six o'clock, from what Pelageya pushed me to the side:

"Well, get up, honey, get up!

I got up with makeshift beds.

"There, that's when people curious about you. Who? From where? I say something really can't. In the evening the guests to me, all you suggest. Meet people?

-I don't know, I reached out. - And as you have opened?

Means - then invite all... you Have a bottle of something?

-There is one, I scratched his head, trying to remember the contents of his suitcase.

-Well, one, of course, you can't. Okay, I still brew legs.

I went out onto the porch. The sun was beginning to set, and, apparently, all lit them неродная, unfamiliar terrain, горбатенькая village seemed to me piercingly stranger, and wanted suddenly from here straight to escape. But where.... Where to run? At home I am a long time, nobody was waiting for. The distant city, where I studied for the last four years, also became a stranger to me. There was only a thin thread that bound me to him: Veronica.

"Veronica!" I whispered to myself, and bitter something aching heart suddenly started in my chest and spilling on her molten wax. From this I suddenly wanted to weep. But in the throat stood dry mud, and there were no tears.

I felt a painful and unnecessary desire. I wanted suddenly to return to the past, such a familiar and cozy from this, from this embarrassing present. It suddenly broke from me dry, muffled groan and became suck in themselves, to take possession of me.

I don't know how I get rid of this obsession. I even tried contrary одолевающей me sweets remember everything that was connected with her in my life. But for some reason her name as white on a dark background, it became even brighter and more attractive, suddenly became still closer to me, like a part of me. Cruel and cold melancholy pulled hard on me. And it was the only way to kill it. It guarantees if not full recovery from my love Blues, then at least a temporary oblivion. We had to get someone to fall in love. But what?..

Here in the head, I thought about Alena. She was not bad-looking, and with some effort on my part I could force myself to burn with passion for her. Another thing is that it was still just a child. So it seemed to me at a meeting...

By the evening Pelageya Panteleevna started стряпней. Nimbly, right in front of me she quickly cooked dinner on the whole crowd. I helped her a little. Melted the oven, pulled out from the glacier meat.

To ten in the evening when began to approach the first guests, a simple peasant food was already on the table, which gathered from several paintings that were in the barn.

Grandma went down to the cellar, and in five minutes she shouted to me from there:

-Here, take this! - Feeding on the ladder large bottle with the, muddy moonshine.

To this I added another cause a bottle of vodka, прихваченную from home, but grandma still shook her head roll:

-Oh, not enough штой-eh!

...Guests gathered quite a lot, but mostly old people, old women. There were several pairs of years to thirty-five to forty, and anyone younger. I thought sadly that evening promises nothing interesting.

All visit greeted with Pelageya as though he had not seen her for a very long time. No vid I this morning, I had the impression that they came from afar on a great and important holiday.

I soon tired of standing in the vestibule at the door and like a fool shake hands with each incoming like I know him for three hundred years. Almost all I had to also be presented and particularly curious answer pesky questions, for example, to whom I прихожусь Pelagiya Пантелеевне. But I persisted, secretly hoping that among the guests will Alena, and the evening will not be for me permanently lost. But she did not come.

Finally the guests were seated quickly and without equivocation took at first for the health of the mistress of the house", and then without any pause and a second award for her guest. I asked "Пантелеихи":

-And what is in us all guests such old?

-And who are younger-t byst? "Replied Pelageya.

-Yes, I'm here girl one Vidal: Alena...

-Ah, - cunningly сощурилась "Пантелеиха," so it's nothing to do with older? Small it yet.

-Well, I get bored. Some old people around. And talk not with whom. Here there is the youth?

-Yes girls heels. Boys two-three, Yes those who left, someone in the army took.

-So, where are those who have? - I was surprised.

-Yes how much I know, my dear! Here. Who come and come.

Guests meanwhile more and more were intoxicated, fewer asked me questions, and the stronger they leaned have another drink. I was surprised that people aged so much drink. For me it was strange. I hardly drank a glass of the vodka. Village vodka is not recognized, and leaned on the moonshine Pelagia. Many brought with a bottle of "hazy moonlight".

On the street, it was already dark. I said Pelagia that I wanted to take a walk and went out of the people crowded hut. His heart was sad. Now I realized that he was in the boondocks. And instead of running away from одолевавшей me in the city of sadness, found even more.

The street was cool. Village street was unusually dark after the city. Here because there was no street lights on poles, and just above the head, in all its glory lies a vast starry sky. It was so close and tangible that it took my breath away. I suddenly felt something unreal its proximity. It seemed to lend a hand up and she is immersed in a vast ocean of intergalactic bottomless emptiness, so close, that I suddenly was not enough oxygen, which shattered all at once in space. The stars were countless, they were not there, above, and here next to me, provincial village street. Sky fell to the earth, all sprinkled with silver smallest star dust.

Barely cope with the suddenly gripped me a strange feeling, I made cautiously first step, though in the void, and went to the fence. Here I saw unexpectedly Alyona. I barely discerned her in the darkness descended on the street space. She stood, leaning on a low fence, and watched the Windows of the house "Пантелеихи", whence came недружное singing pretty tipsy guests. It was clear that she is bored.

-Are you there what to do? "I asked her.

She shivered with fright because not noticed my approach, and answered, with a shrug:


-And what?

"Oh, look, how to have fun.

"You ain't seen nothing!

"Then listen. Leave me alone! She said to me by the arm.

I came up nearer and stood on the other side of the fence in front of her.

-Bored here! - I complained girl to start a conversation.

"And I you about this morning spoke of? - Like she greeted me my observations. - Here with boredom under the bull if you try!

-What? - I was amazed to such an expression.

-Oh, nothing... Boring in General.

-Listen, Alenka, and you're here, what, one? Well, I mean the young. And then all the guests, as the selection - old old woman Yes!

-Yes-well this is such a village! She had already thrown. Here with young people in General nobody left. As only eighteen turns - as the wind blows away! The nearest available - in Most Василиху. Well, this is, basically, girls get married there. And guys, so the further served: who in the district centre, and who in the area...

-Funny picture you drew! - I jumped over the fence and was next to the girl. - Go for a walk.

"Come, " she agreed and we walked next, treading cautiously in almost pitch darkness.

Home villages hardly were allocated with the roofs against the background of ghostly silvery haze heaven, cobweb the myriads of dust filled the void of space. And he, space, was nearby, here, with us, on this street, in this God-forsaken village. Nowhere to be seen was the lights. Only in one of the houses that was in the vicinity of the "Пантелеихи", in the boxes had a little yellowish-green, some ghostly light. I remembered that day, Alena casual mentioned some "ведьмячке"that lived here.

-Why in this house light? Who did not go to visit us? I inquired Alena.

-The witch lives here, - the будничному, without any frighten she said. Is it of no one in guests not walk.

-Why witch? - I was surprised.

-Because it is the most natural witch still quietly and calmly replied Alan. Her answer shocked me and at the same time, suddenly somehow interested.

-Is that possible? - I was surprised.

-Sometimes, " said Alain. It was clear that talk about her are just not interested.

"Hmm, never met.... And all the neighbors are? All the villagers?

-Yes does....Live. Nobody touches. And it does not disturb anybody... However, it happens sometimes. A-a-a-a - girl waved her hand.

She paused, and I did not ask her. So quietly talking we passed the whole village and were on горбатом bridge over the river. Somewhere down there in the dark, sometimes поплескиваясь and reminding of itself, occasionally cutting through the quiet murmur of the silence of the cosmos, spurted water. Starry sky reflected in it, because the river was capricious, мелководна and бурлива. The thought that around, on both sides of the road, there are boggy lowlands, and there is more, on her mound, stands thick, непролазный forest, вперившийся the tops of their stunted кряжистых, hard and reluctantly rising from the earth the trees in the starry void low sky, I suddenly there was an uncomfortable, it is not good for the soul. The places around were truly wild, uncomfortable, raw. Some original, hostile to human nature, wild animal spirit secret purpose in the tranquility of this impenetrable night. My whole body загуляли fat herds of large bumps.

-How do you live here? - Shivered from the chill of horror, поползшего on my back, I asked the girl.

-Yes now and live, " she sighed somewhere close by in the darkness. She seemed to know my thoughts. "I was born here, and me everything was familiar. Yes and others.... Actually, we have no visitors. All just leave.

I leaned on the railing of the bridge of poles, which immediately creaked. Alena followed my example. Railing creaked even stronger, threatening not sustain our weight.

-Collapse? I inquired the girl.

-Not collapse, " calmly replied she.

-What? - I became interested in.

-I think so...

I leaned closer to Alena and felt the warmth of her body. The air around was already cool, and one by one began to gather around us mosquitoes, increasingly brazen all the rage flew past his ear. I gently put my hand on a hip of the girls around her. I had not seen her, she was silent. Being in the excitement, I continued its offensive and tried to kiss her. But Alena was ahead of me, halfway stopping my mouth with his palm.

-Do not.


-Just don't everything, " she faltered, " because I know...

What do you know?

-What will happen then.

"And what happens then? - I tried to break her resistance.


-Well, if I like you?

-So what? Anyone you like you just kiss!

"But you don't!

-Yes beat you! I do not want! - Raised my voice girl, and the resistance it became more insistent. - No Ho-Chu!!!

I recoiled from it, convinced the last exclamation, распоровшим virgin silence of the night, in the futility of their intentions. For some time we stood in silence, then Alena spoke.

-But I wonder what time it is?

-Yes somewhere there midnight, I figured.

"Come then, " she suggested.


"Come, I'll show you something.

She took my hand and pulled me out of the bridge away from the village, to the forest.

"Where are we? Puzzled I inquired.

-Do not ask! All now see.

I was curious and a little scary.

-But where are we?! There is the forest! I inquired.

-We go there and have...

The embankment of the road we headed for the woods. In the swamp and then it began to appear lights twinkling blue and green. Soon appeared on the background of the sky dark silhouettes of the trees on the edge. Alena kept pulling my hand. And I couldn't help being jealous of the bravery and courage with which she was travelling in the impenetrable darkness of the forest undergrowth, dragging me after him.

At the very edge of the woods, we turned right. Apparently, there was a road on which I paid no attention morning. Shortly ahead in the darkness began to loom some lights, and then I realized that the light is coming from a building standing in impassable thicket, where around, probably, a lot of all forest beasts. It is unclear to whom it here had to build.

The building was a squat long structure with many small square little Windows. We approached one of them. Alena looked inside, and then gave place to me:


Through помутневшее glass I saw a stall, which was a few horses. The straw strewn floor stood a heavy massive stool, blackened with age. On the sat. It took me a woman. Her age, it was difficult to determine. At first I thought it was some kind of a gray-haired old woman, but then I saw that the woman is young. Beside her sat a large dog, but looking more closely, I was horrified, recognizing in it the wolf. The horse stood at attention in pens. A woman was sitting, bending over him forward so that her long black hair, giving a true gray hair fell forward and covered the face.

-What is it?! I asked, Alena, leaning from the window, moving involuntarily to a whisper.

-Stable, also in a whisper she said.

-And who was there?

-A neighbor of yours...

-What kind of neighbor?


-Ведьмячка? So she has a house lights are on!

The girl shrugged her shoulders.

-And what is she doing here? - I was amazed.

-As I say - ведьмячка. It better not mess with. Yes it is, no one links...

Together we throw yourself upon the window.

The woman continued to sit still, bowed her head. It was obvious that she does something at the bottom of the hands. Dog-wolf sat opposite, faithfully staring at her.

-What is she doing here? - I became very curious.

I don't know, uncertainly, " the girl said.

"But you knew she was here! Time led me here so knew, and not for the first time, perhaps, for her подглядываешь!

-Knew-knew! "Retorted the girl. - Yes, in the village everyone knows that she's here хаживает. It even watchman identified. I guess that's not so scary!

-Who were afraid?

-All. Why, it's not clear what it here roam. And was it scary. And the watchman appointed - it seems to be clear, what the hell, and that she is here at night need. Adults like, elderly people and children worse: eyes closed palms and think that all that fears fled, and they are not visible, hiding. But that's not the way! How was all, so there!.. Oh,look.

Alena grabbed one hand behind me, and the other in the mouth and in the glare from the window, I saw her eyes full of horror. I glanced out of the window and saw a fascinating to his horror picture.

"Ведьмячка already sat on a stool, and приплясывала and spun around him, dropping a hand. Wide sleeves of her dress fluttering black wings of a bird to fly up and fell down, трнепетали with sudden attempts to fly and movements. She seemed to really turn into a big black bird will fly. Hoisted into the air and flies away from the stables. Dog-wolf now sat, and arose, and, running on a wider circle of witches around counterclockwise, occasionally jumped up and looked at her with such a look as a sacrifice, if was going to throw himself at her and only waited a convenient moment.

On the walls of the stables, standing in her horses suddenly danced red nowhere suddenly came flashes, similar to the glow of the fire. At first, they were extremely subtle and weak, and you'd think a hallucination. But then, the longer danced witch, the more they became more distinct, were it more and more crimson colors. Soon you'd think a stable inside, all the lights, and the woman immediately почерневшем to the resin attire dancing in the flame of the fire.

Meanwhile dog-wolf, бегавшая around, was to see me sometimes very badly, though disappear from time to time for these bursts and eventually disappeared somewhere at all.

Watching all this, Alena suddenly gave a low cry. I myself was captured by such stupor, I have never experienced before in my life. If the blood rushed from all my organs and body parts or ceased to circulate through my body. As онемевает long and strongly bent in a joint member of the body, arm or leg, so just me, from head to toe, covered such numbness. And I was unable not to move, say something, say a word.

I felt like another moment, and the flame does not already flashed, and a solid crimson wall гудевшее in the stables, fall from the window of the us right in the face, cover against the stable wall, aches, загудит on them, will crack пожираемым tree. I even tried to draw back, as far as I allowed оцепеневшее horror body. But nothing happened, although the red impenetrable, like the flame wall has continued to dance inside, on the window.

Suddenly everything stopped. And instead of red flame inside there some sort of greenish-blue glow, smooth and illusory. There is almost nothing to be seen. Everything inside into a sort of purplish-iridescent black haze.

In one stall was visible some fuss and movement. Was not immediately clear what is happening there. But soon the sight that I considered there, put me in shock.

The witch was a horse standing in a stall. Propped on the back of her skirt, and she enjoyed his masculine flesh...

The companion of my all was stupefied, and in the uncertain light, going from the window, her face had turned a milky pale as paper мелованное the canvas from the deadening blue.

-We go from here, " she said in a barely audible.

-Go, - quieter I said, and overcoming stupor, took her hand. I felt like that you can't stay here longer and see something.

When we walked away from the stables metres twenty five-thirty in the forest, I looked around. Windows continued to glow ghostly greenish-violet-blue.

"You didn't pay attention to what happened to the wolf? - Suddenly asked Alain, and from this question to me was strange anxiety.

"He disappeared, " I said, finally realizing that I have not seen, and it was actually. And Alena saw it too. - And what?

-No, nothing, " girl, apparently, gradually recover. - I just have the feeling that someone is lurking...

I immediately turned around, but in the pitch darkness, already in the distance were visible only ghostly shimmering window stables.

-No, Alena, this is for you I thought I hurried to reassure not so much a girl, but to himself.

-Well, if so...

We emerged from the forest. And only when almost had reached the bridge, crossing the swamp, little by little began to return to the presence of the spirit and the ability to adequately perceive the reality.

-Oh boy you got going on! - I was surprised.

-It is really the case?! "She finally Alena. - The so - dealings.

-Oh, my little business! This is hell!

-Can be hell... Only you know, lice infest from dirt, and this " - she nodded back, - starts from boredom, Yes anguish.

-In General, enchanting! - Suddenly, unexpectedly for myself I have made the assessment. - Worse than any show will be. But you're such a nonsense't do, but you are too dull and dreary!

-And what? Going Alena. - Very well could. Simply, I probably still wouldn't have grown...

She suddenly paused and then made the following observation:

-And the wolf I had never seen before...

-And all the rest?

-Everything else saw, maybe not that way. And the glow that never was. Yes and I was afraid to go look. I, occasionally, with one eye, when it was unbearable...Quiet!

Alena suddenly started to listen not even breathing. I, too, held his breath, stress вслушавшись in impenetrable darkness. Somewhere in the back had heard some subtle sounds. As if someone pillow slapped on a dusty road. "Wolf!" - for some reason, I thought.

"Come on! "I cried suddenly, seized the girl by the arm, and dragged her over to the village.

It seemed to me that I am born like a wind, and Alena a heavy load behind prevent my running and even limited by, trying to stop me. We hit the bridge, and the only place I allowed myself to stop and turn around. Heart furiously колотившееся chest, all muffled sounds, and so I heard, I felt it a subtle vibration of the earth from four about her paws. I realized that we don't run away. We had to defend himself, but what?

I searched and tried to tear the first pole handrails, then Board the bridge deck. She did, and I caught up with her in his arms like something dropped on me, pounding feet in the chest, knocking down and enveloped by the warm smelly breath. Falling on his back under the weight of attacking me mascara (and doubt I now was, that is the wolf), I heard, as if from afar frightened yelp Alena and gasped her last strength:


Board was still in my hand, and I fall in впихнул her miraculously into the mouth of a predator, while holding that have the strength. But the wolf began to advance upon, and I could feel my strength quickly pose, and that would last me quite long.

Begi, Alena, run! I shouted again, feeling that for more than't say nothing. Light my squished attacking mass so that it was impossible to breathe and gram air.

But Alena didn't run away. She was somewhere close by in the darkness, and through growl and ... " another croak brute, through the sounds of a struggle, I heard the rustle of steps somewhere close by in the darkness.

I fought as best they could. From the jaws of a wolf at me breathed warm and смрадное breath, and I'm stronger and stronger feeling recent strength is leaving me. In the minds clearly there was only one thought, that this is the end...

Suddenly the wolf as the donkey on his hind legs, like a little set me free. There was a dull blow, before which, apparently, was another. Then blows, the same deaf and the great fell one after another until the carcass of the beast, will not lay down with me somewhere in the side.

Whether from large nervous tension, or even why, but I suddenly felt that I was losing consciousness, and only managed to sweet-joy to think: "Saved!.."

Chapter 5.

Gladyshev worked under me. I also tried to rise, suffocating in the smoke. But we interfere with each other until раскатились in hand.

Standing up, I felt the wall, and began moving it, feeling through the acrid haze of smoke hot flames. I felt the jamb of the door, got out the door and slamming it behind him.

In the room where I was, too, was a smoke. I looked at her eyes, imagining that she will be enveloped in flames. "But where Gladyshev?!" - pierced me suddenly thought. I suddenly imagined, as he burns in the fire, and opened the door again, to call him. In the person I smell the burning flame burst from there. Door from the other side already started to burn. Paint it black and запузырилась.

-Gladyshev! I shouted that it was urine. - Gladyshev!!!

"What's going on?! Was suddenly behind me indignant voice.

I turned around, slamming the door. Lancashire stood on the threshold of the room, and looked at me with wide open eyes, rounded indignation.

-There...there... There is a fire! - all he could say was I, pointing to the door.

"Why?!! suddenly screaming hysterically shouted aunt, even jumping on his thick and short legs indignation. - Kako-it-on the way-and?!

-No! 'I replied, and added, again pointing to the door. -There Gladyshev...

Most likely, it was his mother.

-What?!! - She cried. 'Help!!! Help!!! Help!!! - And rushed toward me, rather, to the door.

His feet carried me to the other side, and when the woman opened the already burning the door, her heart-rending yells, "Uh-heh-heh-heh-heh!!!" - already heard on the stairs, almost head over heels down on the rail of the apartment together with a валившим the stairwell smoke.

Jumped out, I lifted his head. Gladyshev hung on the drainpipe, bloated and look anxiously staring to the window, from which there together with the smoke behind the flames, then down to the ground, which was rather far away fly.

-Gladyshev!!! You're an asshole, you know?!! Moron!!! - What was the strength of " I shouted.

He puffed up at me with his eyes, as if seen for the first time, why his scared face till you drop comical, but has caused me, shocked occurring, only new attack клокочущей rage.

-What, goat, eyes widened?! I shouted , going on so I devoid of jargon.

Meanwhile, on the street, onlookers began to gather. Some have long attracted smoke, валивший of Windows, the others came to my cries.

Here from the neighbouring steaming window, opened it, leaned out the aunt that was in the apartment at such a bad time.

-My son! Honey, what's wrong with you?! - She cried bad voice, and the whole crowd that surrounded me, lifted her head up.

'Mama! - Only and could answer her Gladyshev.

"Bastard!" I thought, and began to squeeze through the crowd, apparently sensing that be here I no longer need or even dangerous.

-Keep, keep it up! There was a screeching at the top of her aunt.

I turned around and saw her index finger directly at me: "why?!" - flashed in my head недоуменная thought, but my feet already have accelerated the movement. - "And suddenly some ass and really decide to seize me?!!"

-Keep it?! - Kept on screaming aunt, loud coughing in the smoke (now he was already two Windows at once).

I added step, and then ran. But for me it seems that no one was chasing, and through the quarter I realized that the danger was over, and went a step.

I am so tired of all that is happening with me that now was finally defeated and depressed. Besides it was toward evening, and I didn't know now where I stay. Somewhere in the depths of my mind some half an hour ago a faint hope of being able to stay at Gladysheva. But now the way was ordered, and you yourself Гладышеву will now not sleep, and, especially, not to the guests.

Grew dark, and I was aimlessly wandering about the city, not knowing what to do now. Nothing better to do I went to the falls on the way of shops, although food from afar off long bursts. Several times I went in, and going from there, thought I'd do, if I'd not had fallen suddenly, as if from heaven, some wealth. "Not from heaven", - said to myself, I, and my heart every time sank out of awe.

Don't know how I found myself at a familiar Brasserie bar, though, and think not thought about him.

Standing in front of the doors, I felt like soda, me toe to toe gradually but quickly filled some vague presentiment. If dreams born of memories, steel like a rainbow bubbles float upwards, born from the foam of nostalgia. However, something остерегало kept me from having to go there.

People walked into the bar and come out of it. They were mostly experienced guys, but some were younger, and even met the young guys. I stood in front hesitated, watching inside struggling desire and fear of the unknown, from which посасывало stomach.

Curiosity and the subliminal sense of adventure have won in the end, and I took a step from the sidewalk.

Inside everything was like a few months ago: the same faces, the same beer, same small turn to the rack. When I finally took a beer and sausages and been able to take a loved th the table, at which we often they with Охромовым in a fun campaign, then suddenly longing came my heart, as a sudden blast, окатившая gravel during a full calm. All that is happening, all I'm doing now, it seemed meaningless, and in an instant it became empty and worthless. In the throat com, подкатившийся from somewhere in the bowels of the body, and my fork still long and aimlessly ковыряла pristine sausages.

Gradually gave way to sadness illusion waiting, and I thought it would be very good, right in great if someone here has come from friends, even Охромов or that old man who first met me here.

At first it was a sweet and malleable, but later became empty, cold, and boring. I knew that I was deceiving himself that no one will come here. Nobody I wait here, and I'm now quite alone in the world, and nobody needs. And if happen to me today to die somewhere in the alley, then there will be nobody even to cry about me: my whole life - one loss, the people I meet on my way, but go away like shadows, never stopping for a long time, and detain any of them, make its true friend, my strength, and therefore the whole world very often illusory gains shape and flimsy, like a Mirage. And it seems then, that the soil of reality's drift away from under my feet, as if I am not on it at all, and I weigh, not having any actual weight, and opens a picture of some other, more terrible, but equally or more natural existence. The vessel that holds my life in the self, as the water will be broken, and it will spread runs out in some other, unknown to me now space, and it will be scary.

I was someone touched his shoulder. I turned around and saw aunt, that since time immemorial collected in this institution dishes and wiping tables, отираясь between tipsy and arrogant men and becoming as coarse and rough:

-Hey, you, " she relish выматерилась, if схаркнула, is going to stay here?

I didn't understand at first what she says, but turning around, I saw that the bar was empty. The tables were empty and clean worn out, and only stood on my plate with intact sausages, расковырянными fork drastically, and a mug of beer.

No sooner had I bat my eye, like an aunt, as if wiped away, removed the dishes all this and without letting say a word to me, concluded:

-Вшивайся come right now rag огрею.

I went out and immediately, barely smack behind my back the latch on the door of the bar, incipient famine and wished I had not had time to eat.

It was already dark, in the houses lit up window, somewhere on the street-lamps were lit light bulb. Air quickly began to lose heat, once again reminding that the summer is gone, and soon became cool and even more than invigorating. The rare passers-by hurrying, raising collars and запахнувшись to warm homes. And only occasionally went hurriedly walking, young, fashionably dressed for the weather pair, apparently specially taking to the streets of the city, to breathe a pleasant coolness of the beginning of autumn, Yes gawk at the shop Windows, so different from their content, and can be, to feel yourself even in the evening hours in some other, happy and carefree, prosperous world.

I wandered through the city streets aimlessly reeling already not the first kilometer. In one of the darkest places in a vacant lot adjacent to the garage cooperative, crazy fight, which involved a total of at least fifty boys and men, armed with chains and sticks, knives and electrodes, almost grabbed me in his sticky porridge, and then in my head for the first time has flown regret that I left in the dark, deaf quarters. Everything happened so fast and was first so incomprehensible that in a moment around me already chased each other with the light of spotlights from not close garages, waving and beaten with chains and sticks, kicked the fallen feet, stumbled, cursed and shouted themselves with moans toppled to the ground. I barely understood what was happening all of a sudden I immediately animal horror gripped my being, because the shock something heavy mono expect now from any side at any moment.

These breakthrough fights between gangs of youngsters and older guys, дравшихся among themselves for the territory of influence, were known to me not by hearsay since childhood. I have never participated in them because it was not in gangs. But many of my childhood friends took a direct role, and because I knew that they were fighting never stayed before, to turn in chop bystanders mi unwanted witnesses: who is not with us, that they should beat - that was the motto of such dumps.

Someone jumped me in мелькании shadows and слепящем light of spotlights and, grasping the hand, turned in the opposite direction. I have not seen, and almost guessed that I want to cover, like a human shield, and therefore immediately dodged aside. Behind me I heard a moan on the shoulder and slid Dubina. Were seen engaged for me the fingers relaxed, and I rushed away with all the legs, because that was not going at all to wait for the next hit, which was probably meant to me. Turning around, I saw that for me someone chases. Several times I bumped into someone at a мелькании shadows, but it ran, it would seem, even faster. Persecuting apparently took catch me and RUB his cudgel, and its steps difficult and scary stamped for моейц back. Towards fall "Canaries", брызгающие in the darkness flashes of blue light from the "bubbles". Apparently, they were sent to the place of fights, but none of the machines did not stop to catch the one who ran behind me.

I ran, probably with half a kilometre through the dark streets and yards of these deaf quarters, but my pursuer was stubborn, and steps behind my back and knocked low and heavy as inevitable doom. My strength was waning. I just lost my breath. And then ducked into one of the entrances first got home. Switch off and paying off the light, I bullet flew up the stairs and stopped on the third floor, choking from the swift rise. There was a lift, and I pressed the call button. She lit up in the dark with a red eye.

At the bottom of footsteps. Someone come in the door, breathing stopped, but then faster than I expected, began to go up the stairs. Soon came the clatter of somewhere nearby, and in the twilight I saw a barely visible shadow of a man who rose to the platform. He walked in my direction, heading for the Elevator shaft. It was dark and hardly my figure was visible. Apparently, he was just checking not hid whether his victim in a dark тупичке.

I stepped back into the darkness, but this time the door opened a lift, and a faint, dull light from there clarified the just me.

Stalker my stopped, probably taken aback with surprise. Although he was looking for me, but something now puzzled him , so give me courage and determination. The Elevator doors were between us, but a little closer to me. After making a few quick movements, I jumped into the cab and clicked on the first available button.

The Elevator doors were closed, but the Stalker my back, and put his stake between them. Now I saw the face of a person who is so relentlessly chased me. It was difficult to determine how much he really was, because fear has replaced every curiosity. However, this was a husky fellow. On his face was obvious rage and a wry grimace of anger, but the dull expression quite заменявшее both, talked about a lot, if not everything. "This, if caught, then be sure to kill!" - Flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning. Inside the lump and it felt as if I was alone not with man, but with a wild animal, predator, which is according to nature, alien to mercy. It was useless to persuade. And they had only to defend to the last.

The Elevator doors had stumbled on a stick, зажужжали engine and again began to open. It became obvious to me that now followed by a strike and attack, and the Stalker вломится in the Elevator. And if he does this, I come to an end. So I did not wait for such an outcome, first strike, kick, hit the stick out of the opening door, and the second, a fist that was pointed his forces in the face преследователю. The fact whether from the unexpected, whether it is valid from the force of the blow fell to the opposite wall. The Elevator doors closed, and I had gone up. "Well, now all - not lag behind", - сквозанула малодушная thought. As if not from the very beginning it was obvious that this will not be far behind now.

Having reached the top I listened to the darkness, but nothing like the movement or steps are not heard. The Elevator doors began to close automatically. I framed leg. They opened again. The sound of their engine roared echoing through the mine entrance.

My head is Mature simple plan of salvation. We had to wait for the Stalker here, and then, as soon as he appears, take the Elevator down and give a tear or drop into a nearby staircase. But time passed, and no one climbed. In addition скрежетания and buzz of the doors of the lift, and then натыкающихся on my leg, nothing was heard.

Still so could not continue indefinitely, and, realizing that much risk, and it would be better to be patient, I left the Elevator and went to the stairwell.

A faint light shining from the street from the dim street lights through the window of the entrance barely covered it. But immediately saw the shadow of a man standing on the landing between the floors. He apparently was raised very quietly, stealthily, and now waiting for my curiosity overpower patience. And it happened! He was cunning, my pursuer, and when the shadow came to me on the stairs, then it's just that I realized how underestimated his abilities hunter.

I rushed to the Elevator, trying to realize the stupidity of the situation. It does not happen! Why chasing complete stranger that you've done nothing middle of the night?! And fought-he that with familiar? This stranger is his sacrifice, his game! Mining, which he intended, and should now in whatever was to come along!

In the most dangerous moments in the life of all why something is happening in slow motion. These three steps to lift stretched into eternity, like the rubber is. I saw how slowly closed the door of the Elevator and saw that they were to be shut before my eyes, and then... then it will be too late. I simply don't have time to have time to wait when these doors will open again, go into the Elevator, press the button and leave.

And they closed right in front of me. The tree I crashed into them all over, and отлетая managed to click the call button, then turned around, guessing in the twilight выскочившую behind me shadow of a man.

The Stalker was at hand. Elevator opened again. And when he ran up, intending to its Drin over his shoulder to sadanut me hard, I made a lunge, she sat down on one knee and hard put forward a fist with the other hand bent at the elbow, closed the top of the head. The attacker came across belly with a running start on my defense. I immediately stepped back, as if dragging a hand to him, giving him a run on, and pushed him into the Elevator. Then quickly clicked on any of the buttons on the panel. The guy was crouched on the floor in the cabin, apparently, cool impaled on my fist, but realized that I was going to do and tried to prevent it, trying to hit me on the arm with a stick. I snatched the number of his hands, and would himself for reliability as it should RUB his back. But the doors closed and the Elevator went down somewhere.

I rushed down the stairs to beat his enemy, jumping over three stairs at a fourth. But still did not: one of the floors of the road again blocked my pursuer. In my hands was his cudgel. But something glittered in his hand in the twilight of cold steel.

With fear I immediately turned around and, despite the fact that panting from the constant bustle, playfully threw himself back up. Guy breathed me now in the back. I thought he was waving a knife and now I get.

At one of the sites I turn poked its end of the stick that had the power, and got away so that at the top had to call the Elevator and met him at the edge of the stairs, ready to dangerous fight.

-Oh, you kid! E-e-e!!! - I first heard it, did сиплый voice and even surprised that until this moment, we all was silent. 'I'll show you!!!

His shadow jumping rapidly ran upstairs, and I met him again poke a stick. He jumped back. But in the next second, in front of my face whipped his hand. I missed this swing, but he didn't touch me. The next sweep of the I hit on the hand with the knife leg from below, but missed, but now he grabbed my leg and wanted to put the knife, but the same got me a heavy blow on the head with a cudgel, grabbed her hands and read сумраки entrance вскриком and матерщиной abuse. My foot was free. I recoiled, and immediately run to hit her on the face of the enemy, then, without giving him recover, struck several devastating punches above its stake again on the head, covered with his hands, wondering how I can so cruelly beat a man. But then realized that this is all from the wild animal fear that all this time ran my body, making my consciousness many things purely instinctive. In fact it is only that he wanted to punish me!

I beat the enemy mercilessly where and how horrible, causing countless blows without stopping. It seemed like he was supposed to fall or at least throw in flight. But he stood there, dodging and shielding their eyes from the shock, as an experienced fighter, accustomed to these types of attacks. And suddenly I was born and quickly began to grow fear that now I выдохнусь and stop its beating. And he will remain standing, and then comes his turn. This fear cool down my strength. My bangs were for him, that kicks flies for the elephant. And suddenly I stopped, bound with this sudden opening, wondering what to do next.

At the same moment the enemy, using this, slashed at me with a knife and grabbed his wounded hands club. Wild pain through my body. I heard something crack. Not that it was torn fabric of my clothes, it was torn my skin. Suddenly I broke some screams, deafened me and spread around the entrance together with glee and the roar of the adversary.

I suddenly thought that I cover. That's that! No, no!

In contrast, the bullies I had had enough and one blow.

Somehow pushing away from you the enemy, or, rather, rebounding from him, I rushed up the stairs, but paused on the step and sat down on the stairs. As if specially for him it was more convenient to deal with me. The last of my strength left me suddenly, and I didn't even move seeing as me logged blow, like a sword of the executioner over the victim. All I could do is just tumbling sideways earlier than would have made me do it a shot. And the number of hit me on the head and shoulder. My body piercing pain took away the hand. Then the attacker struck me three times in the left side of his chest with a knife three times. But the knife all three times came across my wallet full of documents, securities and money, and only the third time out from the opposite side, poring over a centimeter in my body.

I three times while screamed, and fell flat on his back, thinking that now I do I was such a disgraceful, stupid and ugly end. Strange and contradictory thoughts raced through my head.

I was not afraid, because the thought of death has ceased to frighten. I realized that I now really happen to die here, in a strange city, in a strange house, in an unfamiliar entrance. I only wished that went to the dark in these crazy quarters unknown even why, but then decided that regret it now no longer has any meaning, because nothing in this world has no sense for me. Even the soul there was some peace. I became extremely easy and free. I always suspected that I would end his life as something bad. This has been talked about the numerous and stupid events and accidents that have made my life miserable and devoid of sense, foolish and sinful.

And now all this was only an accident, some unfortunate accident, which could not be, and it would be better if it was not. But it occurred. And marked the end of my unlucky and offensive жизненки.

"We had to go with him to the world, when you had weapons," sluggish I thought with some almost indifferent regret observer. Only the pain of the wounds and shock still made me feel something. But it somewhere departure, faded...

The guy tried to pull out his knife stuck in my wallet that was in the pocket of the heart, me stepping foot on chest heavy boot. I was supposed to be at least if it does not hurt, it hurt, but I just silently watched him. It was a feeling that I'm watching some movie, and I see it from the side, as if not from the body but from somewhere nearby, from a simple space. As a spectator in a cinema. And everything happened for me now that a third-party кинокартинкой, without feelings, without feelings...

In the porch light came on. There were far footsteps and voices. A guy once frightened and looked at me, his face was genuine fear. He climbed down the stairs to the floor below, for some reason it stopped there, but I soon heard the rumble of his shoes, drops lower and lower on the porch. Soon it stopped.

Several floors below opened the Elevator door. We heard the voices of the people. Slammed the door, and all fell silent.

In the lighted now the entrance there's nobody left but me, lying in the middle of the stairs with funny sticking out of the chest with a knife. He still went in the chest, and from there bleeding, having under me already a puddle. A wounded hand also bleeding from a long incised wounds. Another, "отсушенная" in the arm, too little fretted. My body lays in itself, and the consciousness is near, as if by itself, almost impossible without cooperation between them. "It ended the evening!" thought ironically I. Tried to somehow some way to move it. But everything was not like mine.

Again there came a sound. This time the door opened above, on the last floor. I immediately heard a child's thin frightened voice:

-Oh, grandpa, grandpa! Look! That is in there?!

"Well, go home! "Replied the old man's voice.

Clicked and the door creaked, and all was still again. Some time later, the door creaked again. The bell rang, the clank of the castle, muffled whisper:

"Well, neighbor, let's see. There someone is lying. Does killed.

To me descended нагнулись and probably noticed that I'm still alive.

-Look, like a knife sticking out! Wow, just in the heart!..

-Yes, I see! You come on, better, help me! Alive seems chappie!

-Ooh, heavy!

-Come on, come on somebody else with the neighbors...

-Where is it?

-To me yet...

Soon they raised me on hands and suffered.

Chapter 6.

When I woke up, he felt a terrible shaking, from which have hurt the insides. A few moments later it became clear that my body lies on the cart of straw. I held out my hand, and she ran into something fuzzy and warm. It was a wolf. He was lying next breath.

Before I could hear muffled conversation of a few people. But I couldn't understand what they say, like in my head, everything turned upside down, mixed up, and I forgot even her own language.

Gradually, everything fell into place, but the conversation had ended, and someone just cried aloud in the dark:

"Wait, Shaggy!!! Wait, your mother!

Cart wheels creaked and froze.

I turned my head and saw that they had reached, like, the house Pelagia, sat up, happy to discover that the arms and legs intact, and nothing hurts.

-Alena, call Panteleevna, only not panic наводи.

In the house Pelagia is still a light was burning, and from there came the sound of the already weak, but the cheerful singing.

To my ears heard a soft knock jump, then, light steps, and then I окрикнул:

-Not have anyone to call. I had already come to life.

-Ah, - with enthusiasm, animation, who responded in the darkness - well, then слазь went into the hut.

When we went into the house, in the porch of the reflections of the room has been seen that coming three: all men are over thirty and kind of harsh.

Pelageya came out to meet us. She was подвыпившая, but was apparently still good.

-Where-t you vanished, granddaughters? Here in the dark for such a walk is nothing. Animals range of wild forests roam.

-Yes what animals, grandma! - Interceded someone came. - All have long interrupted.

-All, but not all! - Another quite different. Your out as the time and got under the wolf!

Bat-тюшки! Piano threw up her hands Пантелеиха, trying to be frightened or to depict it on the face. Now evident became stronger, that it quite drunk. -Yes how?!

"Okay well, you panic inducing, Peter! Calm down, Pelageya, alive your guest. See - is unharmed, and the wolf there, lying around in a cart. We пришибли дубьем. Nothing bad happened! Can-Meaux only scratched a little bit, " said a conversation third.

-And on what occasion you today partying, citizen Pelageya Panteleevna? - Flirting, went to a fortune Peter twisting fingers spread some финтифлюшки.

-But, - Pelageya pulled me by the sleeve, and I let myself, went to her-that's my guest. On this occasion, and drink.

"Well?! Shrugged his shoulders Peter. -Goes - we culprit celebrations saved?!

He turned and funny rolled my eyes, feigning astonishment, and then, again glancing at Пелагею, added:

"Well, in that case, legally pour us as a native language, under the top edge of the glass!

-Peter! - Restrained him one that is already урезонивал his chatter before. "Stop clowning around!

-A che, che?! - Нахорохорившись, turned to him, Peter, in : thrusting out his chest forward, but for some reason he stopped and settled somehow, became even smaller.

Going by the inter guests all was not well, Pelageya itself joined the conversation:

-Okay, мужуки, come to the table. I have enough for everybody. There is more to drink.

Peter immediately went on into the house. For them immediately, finally, moved and two of his companions. And in the porch were only we with Alyona.

-Yeah, wow прогулочка turned out! - I whistled, shaking his head and trying to find sympathy in the eyes of the girl.

-Ah, nonsense, " said Alain so indifferently, as if it happened every day. -You are not a bit strong wolf? Oooh, healthy! And where did that come from?! - It seemed to me that Alena says last mechanically, so I replied:

-You as well as I know - where.

A thoughtful sight of the girl became suddenly a piercing prickly, but she said nothing and just turned and went out on the porch. I followed her, as if afraid for her that she can anything happen.

Alena stood on her porch and watched silently not somewhere in the edge of heaven, are not in darkness, властвующую above the ground.

I stood beside her, not knowing what to speak, but because stared there, where watched the girl.

Suddenly, in the part of the firmament from the forest began to rise something orange-red. I was frightened, and only when the crimson horn months, going to the full moon, leaned out more guessed that I see, and I calmed down.

-Look how precisely you know the place of the appearance of the moon, trying to flatter I Alena, surprised at how quickly, however, raises the heavenly body.

-Habit, " she grinned.

"You astronomers are you preparing? - I tried to make a joke.

"Yeah, astronomers, and the observers for UFO...

The irony Alena heard notes, кольнувшие bad anxiety my heart.

-What a UFO?

"But here, now you will see.

She paused, again focusing on the observation of the Moon, and I could join her, feeling uncomfortable from the feeling that not all the surprises of the evening still behind. Assumptions about the mysterious words of girls swarmed in my head, but nothing was solid ground in my guesses.

Passed a few painful minutes. Brewing desire to stop the joke.

-Let us go into the house, I suggested to'alene.


"And you?

-I'll stay.


-Well, first of all, because I'm a teenager, and me out anyway выпроводят, and secondly, I will wait for the UFO, " I said.

-Yes what a UFO?! - I retorted. -What UFO hell?! - I would put it stronger, but then felt the sharp nails of the fingers Alena dug вмою skin.

"Look, look! - She whispered in a low, but strong-willed voice, pointing the other hand somewhere in the direction of the moon.

From everything happening quite suddenly my eyes spread unexpected tear. When I wiped it, there is nothing new or unusual in the sky is not seen.

That "look"? With vexation I whispered to the girl.

-Already over, but you're on a month on month to see.

I began to examine the rising higher and becoming lighter and more yellow piece of the moon, and doubt, thinking that maybe there should be something to see. Suddenly on a background of a heavenly body to have some strange shadow, a fully its скрывшая for a split second, and then a terrible suspicion struck me, shaking feeling of reality. It was a real hoot in a mortar, рулившая downwind broom as the keel of the boat. This Eclipse, like a flash of light imprinted in my mind, and I haven minutes with a half trying to understand it, when Alena said:

-Now the wheel will.

-What? I asked, and from this question himself seemed to be a fool.

-Look, look that showed me Alena now along the street, and at that moment I began to feel like the hair on your head become erect. The feeling of unreality back to me again. It seemed to me that I am in a large attraction "House of terror".

The street in front of us, walking down the gullies and surfacing from there with the same speed, was rolling burning like drenched with resin wooden wheel of the cart. "Passion-what?" - was horrified at myself, but aloud to say anything failed.

The wheel came to a cart, обогнуло заржавшую in the animal horror horse and rolled back, straight to the house of a neighbor-"ведьмячки", had climbed on the porch, yeah, burning, and entered the house. Out of the window, immediately seemed flashes of flame. "Fire, probably, will be", - with unexplained aloofness, I thought. However, these sources in the Windows of the neighbour soon disappeared, and instead they had smooth green glow, soon also померкшее.

I looked at Alyona. I suddenly there безотчетная guess that girl is, if not an accomplice played before me macabre theatre, in any case, his grateful audience.

-How to understand all this? - I found finally the gift of speech.

"As you wish.

-But how do you know about and about it?..

I don't know... This is not the first time.

-Listen, but it's a nightmare! Really nobody cares? On everyone's mind right under the noses of hell is what's happening, and no one, if not notice!

-Can, and does not notice... do Not want to see, I guess.

-But is it possible to live?

"Why not?

But it is still pretend not to notice that you put on the head!

-So easier to live... Well, I've got.

"Where are you?


Alena said it so quietly and simply, that hardly arisen in my soul stirrings of hope for a romantic continuation of our acquaintance immediately sank.

"Come, I'll show you, yet I suggested.

-Why? - Alena stepped off the porch.

Hey, where is the wolf? - I was amazed, when, passing by a cart, felt her hand in the desire to discover the carcass of the beast. Straw bedding was empty.

"No what? - Without surprise, asked the girl.

-No, - I said, feeling the chill went down his back because emerged suddenly the feeling that wolf somewhere near and again prepares to jump.

-Well and good.

-As well? And if it is next?

-No. Or run away, or the mistress of the visor.

-What mistress?

-Oh, that, - Alena nodded to immerse yourself in the darkness of the witch house.

I was not myself, and even wince whole body, from her words. An oppressive feeling of horror firmly stuck to me.

I spent the girl to her house on the other side of the village and all the way back was afraid, and even trembling.

Guests of Pelagia not yet dispersed. There were already a lot less, than in the beginning. The three who saved me, were now almost half of those present. My absence nobody noticed. Except that Pelageya has thrown in my direction weird, half-drunk opinion.

At the table to eat the remains of food and drink up the last moonshine. I sat down next to me and immediately received an offer of a drink and a half a Cup of potions. Handed him the same Peter. He had pretty much to pump.

The drink, " he said in a hoarse bass voice. - Drink with me.

Want - I winced from the stinking smell of a hazy white liquor.

Pei, I say!" - Peter slightly hit his fist on the table, and all the dishes together jumped.

-I do not want, " I said.

-And I say - Pei puppy! The eyes of the man began to sparkle with the evil sparks and steel vylazit of orbits.

-You that, Peter, what is it?! - Затормошил his shoulder one of the satellites, the one that одергивал it still stood in the hall. He, too, was a "lukewarm".

-Go away-camping! - Peter easily led with his elbow, and осаживавший nearly flew off from the bench. -Don't touch me! I салаженком ентим drink!

-What are you-t or something, a parasite?! - Intervened Pelageya. "You don't bother him, the bear?! I now Dame салаженка...

Pelageya's so dirty выматерилась in the address пристававшего to me that he drew on her own bathed in green snake eyes and said nothing, silently knocked over a glass, then, again staring at me with silly drunken hatred, pulled far over the table in hand with a faceted glass.

On the face of Peter's time effort, исказившее it in the brutal grimace. Fingers, thick, covered with the joints of coarse black stubble, turned white. And at the same moment there was a dull crunch. The glass broke, crumbled. Peter, widely having opened his mouth, tucked there left in the hand fragments of glass and with a wild crunch began to chew it, continuing on bovine become swollen me глазюки, nalivshiesya blood.

Apparently, earlier this huge мужичище performed at the table such tricks, because the incident no one was surprised. On the contrary, immediately felt should be that everyone somehow calmed down, осунулись, darkened their plates.

I'm tired of all this savagery, окружившая suffocating me tight ring on the first day of my stay in this strange village. I put the glass on the table and I said:

-Wolf was gone.

Peter immediately choked glass, turned down, began to cough. The mouth flowed abundant saliva with blood. He fell with his forehead on the edge of the table, continuing afraid to cough. One of his satellites, that was dope clapped him on the back. The second rushed to the street. He shortly went out and stood on the threshold of the room:

-Nope, havent wolf! - On the face of it was surprise.

-Sper to see someone came from behind the table, on a fur coat!

Joke, however, had no effect and drowned in the deep waters of the coming suddenly silence, among which the terrible thump, spitting blood, Peter.

Take it! "He stood at the threshold of хлопавший him on the back. -Something very bad.

Peter took the arms and led from the house. On the street there was a creaking sound of the wheels of a cart.

After departing the three guests one after the other in pairs and groups were pulled out, saying goodbye to Pelageya and thanks for the meal.

When the latter left the house Panteleevna locked the door, put it on the iron hooks in приколотке impressive timber, and then turned to me:

"Well, tell me, пострелок what happened. I saw that thou tons left. A t the wolf?! All tell the straight-t! That you're a t done?!

I briefly told the grandmother, what happened, omitting the details about the wheel, flying through the sky neighbor and witchcraft in the stable, because he did not believe this, just all that I have seen or dreamed.

-Look! - Threatened me curves with a gnarled finger Pelageya. - Do not poke your nose! You've half a month shalt and firewood наломаешь - in six months is not расхлебаем. Not you live here. Keep quiet and water, lower than grass. Get it!?

-Of course! I replied, thrown into the total dismay.

Two days passed. Everything that happened in the first day and evening somehow dimmed in memory. I even became inclined to think of this as something unreal, some myth that somebody told me, and I saw it too figuratively.

Around me flowed common life, dying villages, doomed to death have left it on to the young generation. I am not very worried, because I felt a bystander, a random person, by a whim of fate found themselves in this God-forsaken village.

Rolling yourself on a moustache words Pelagia, I decided to do something harmless. Went fishing a couple of times a day, not to meet in the evening twilight, with some evil spirits, not without fear, however, walked around the neighborhood lying forests, having found higher up the river in a little coppice goes cemetery, which likely contributed to the poisoned her juices, and therefore it is not surprising was that the fish bite bad, but, putting rakolovku I in broad daylight for a hour almost streamlet catch a dozen cancers. This worked and small kids, плескавшаяся on the river. However, before I saw the way they did it, I imagine it would be impossible, and thus could be something to catch.

The village пацанва with wild screaming раскручивала over his head tied to a rope for a dead cat tail and threw it in the middle of the river. Thirty minutes later, when all this was taken back to shore, old stagnated carcass of an animal provided обвешанной several cancers, which piled up in galvanized bucket.

Grandma Pelageya tried to send me to a quagmire for berries, saying that now is the time of harvest, but I refused since childhood testing inexplicable horror трясинами and pop-up here and there from the black water, huge бульбами" marsh gas, утробно gurgling in creeks between wetland grassy hillocks.

A few days stay in the village gave me to understand that it is extremely empty. All of the male working population employed on cereal fields. The youth after school age disappeared immediately after finishing school in Great Василихе. And schoolchildren also dispersed in all directions. In the end I felt a surge of that terrible sultry anguish, I complained several times Alena.

The girl also somewhere запропастилась. However, I avoided meeting her, because noticed all hell swirled around me, as soon as she was close. Was there any connection or not - I wasn't going to find out.

Although being in a village lost to me by this time every interest and meaning, I decided to hold on to the remaining dozen days without incident and peacefully leave the territory of these regions.

It took several more peaceful and just as boring days. The only event that a bright flash flashed on this band dismal idleness, became a meeting with ведьмячкой at the well.

Pelageya asked me to fetch water. I did not argue with the frail grandmother, which the days spent in the garden, took the yoke with empty buckets and went to the well. There already was packing water one woman. She stood back to me, and when I approached quite close, turned suddenly and asked:

"You, eh, Pelageya live?

His face was a beautiful woman, even inviting, but it was something страшащее. I was surprised, because not met before a woman of such beauty and youth (for the time of stay in the village almost all remnants of its population were known to me). I couldn't even tell who she was.

I live.

-You are beautiful, guy, slender, wiry, wiry as a good horse, " said the old woman, looking me up and down black eyes, from the glance that my heart began to beat more often and more.

Her words made me confused. For a long time already разучившийся blush, I suddenly зарделся to the roots of your hair. Her face felt the greed for in sexual promiscuity, but not playful and modest, and some barbed, aggressive, devouring. Besides, the word "horse" sounded in my soul troubled, restless note, stirring in the subconscious some vague Association and guesswork.

The woman raised her head, and her black, blue-tarry, as Roma, long locks of hair fell on the face, covering it in half. Then she slightly bowed her head and looked at me askance.

Unable to make her sight, I turned hastily to get water. However, the woman was not going to go away, and stood behind me, silently watching me.

-Help me? She asked when I got their full buckets rocker.

-And what you aside?

-Yes to the same place as you, " she smiled, and the smile on my head spinning around. Now it was impossible to get rid of acute anxiety, sharp claws впившегося in the heart. My legs suddenly become exactly cotton, and the hands and even refused to obey. And the yoke with two плескающимися over the edge buckets's fixing to fall off the shoulder.

-What are you standing there for? "The woman asked, and my heart stopped for a moment, and then thumped with furious force. "Take my arm.

I tried to obey her and noticed a strange thing: my hands obediently and highly take up her burden and put it on the other shoulder. Not for the first time I experience the awe of female beauty, but to be surprised: this has never happened before to the village. "What the hell happened?" Unwittingly running through my mind, when only that the former numb legs became suddenly springy.

-Where to invest? I inquired and was stunned when the woman showed the house next door with Pelageya. Piercing guess deprived me speechless.

Not remembering itself was I at the gate ведьмячки. The effort it cost me stop here! I turned to her, trembling now with all the soul, вспомнившей shook me event. Now I don't have the strength to raise her eyes.

-That arose? Come, - has offered me a witch.

A waterfall of doubt and passionate impulses collapsed on top of me on the head, nearly tearing it. Seeing a woman dazzling beauty, I tried to get rid of the sticky web, уволакивающей me to the lair of the мракобасия, tried to reason with himself, that to me a tree whose trunk adorable - only rotten shell, for which the rotten core has formed enormous hollow. From the witch came something like a magnet тянувшее me to her. My passion зашептывала, trying to draw my attention to a beautiful figure, breast, countenance, the fact that finally, perhaps even likely, this is not a witch some, while beautiful, dazzling and passionate woman, who in his fiery beauty naturally envious rumors of rural females, superstitious speculation and false rumors. I was ready to believe her sweet whisperings, and coming over the top of a burning passion, if -- if not what I saw with my own eyes. This is what gave me the strength to stop on the threshold of trouble hidden in this house, and still somehow resist.

That stopped that beautiful? Again smiled witch. - Quailed in any way?

I watched her at the waist, trying to, but not having the strength and courage to look up above.

-What are you waiting for? "She asked again, but her tone of voice changed, became subtly threatening. -A peek under the stables not scared? Not scary in the forest at night jump?!

She made a step to me:

-Yes, if you want to know, I could be without you these buckets attributed. Look!

Witch взметнула hand and something said. At the same moment shoulder, державшее on yourself rocker, felt noticeable relief, and then got rid of their cargo. The yoke risen over the shoulder and flew rapidly to the house of a witch, then opened itself door and there disappeared.

-Well, what a beautiful, you see?! See: do not go himself - влетишь, as these buckets. I know, just not bothering. I отвяжешься...

-It is a t what you intended, Barbara? - Sounded like a voice from heaven Pelagia.

-Oh, nothing! "Replied the witch. "You, Pelageya, don't bother! I want your guest to get to know, and you to visit all gathered, and I called back, vodka is not watered.

"Oh, PIP you in the language! "Pelageya, and the закрестилась. -Holy, Holy, Holy.

There was a pause. It seemed that everything was in disarray, nobody knew what to do, until suddenly Pelageya began to wail again, apparently foolish:

-Well, let lad's, nasty!

-Pelageja, not poke your nose! - Hissed menacingly Varvara. -Do not go! You know me! Don't care if Stara...

-I said: let go!" Grandma already seed to me.

I looked at her and immediately felt the iron coverage on the wrist. It's fingers were barbarians. Cold, it seemed that, in General, the iron.

'You just try to go to the old woman! Threatening said ведьмячка. -'ll be sorry you then!

I tried to escape, but realized that it was useless: grip barbarians was iron.

At this moment Pelageya was next to me and grabbed my hand, pulling away. Despite his advanced age, strength grandmother was still abound. With surprise I found that me and stretched, like a rope. And Barbara stood quietly and did not strain, though, was the trunk of the tree, firmly держащимся their roots in the earth.

Barbarian, send the lad's! Breathlessly said выбившаяся of the forces of the old woman.

"Go away, go away, tell you! - Shouted in response witch. Her hand, cold as ice, even stronger, clutched the iron Hoop fingers on his wrist, and I barely kept not to scream with pain when I realized she was talking to me. "Well, tell her that she was left behind, not the простишься with his hand - отсохнет.

At this time I broke down and cried:

-Grandma, grandma, go away. She squeezed my arm, like claws.

Pelageya let go of me, and I fell to the ground unconscious.

Chapter 7.

I woke up on some couch. Don't know how much time has passed since the horror in the stairwell. In my eyes blurry, and I only saw the silhouettes of people moving before me in bright, dazzling to hurt light.

The vision became better, and I saw several doctors in white, bent over me with some devices, bandages and syringes.

-In General, there is nothing to worry about, " I heard someone's quiet, even voice. - We ought to take him to the hospital, Yes it would be better not to touch. The wound is a breeze, but...

-Understand, I understand...

-You police called?

-Yes, together with you, but something that's not in sight.

-Well, will have to wait, now I saw what the doctor says. He turned to her companion. - Well, we'll take?

-And what to take? she said, looking me in the eyes. He won already woke up. Tomorrow оклемается, the day after tomorrow is back on track.

"Yes, but... And you to him whom will you? - I realized that the doctor refers to someone from the apartment owners, who stood somewhere pray for the headboard.

-Yes, anyone, in General. I see it for the first time. So simple, sorry man. No joke - lies on the stairway with a knife in his breast. As was alive!

-Well, then we take, " shrugged the doctor.

-Where to take?! - врачиха widened her at him, surprised eyes, as though wondering what he does not understand something. - There's the same man said that he may have to leave itself.

Врачиха looked and pointed at someone behind me.

-Yes, - was heard in response vague шамканье. - Yes, if you like, and why not...

-Well, that's great!! said the woman and turned around to leave.

-Wait! - restrained her doctor. "Wait, should also at least wait for the police, the conclusion to give.

-And what is there to give? Now, врачиха learned from his bag and began to something scratching on it handle. Five minutes later she gave the doctor a piece of paper. - Here is our conclusion. All right, go.

They went out, and I now saw the landlord, who went to see them off. Soon he came to me, and I saw a man older, but it's not the old man. He looked at me intently and asked:

"How did you, guy? How could you do that?

I don't know, I'd shrug, but a sharp pain pierced body, and involuntary groan escaped from his chest.

"You lie, lie, - the landlord made a stop motion of his hand.

-Do not call the police quietly, I asked.

-Why? "He ejaculated.

-Do not.

-Yes, but how does it all...

-Why don't they took me to the hospital?

-I do not know. Now someone will understand? Now, asked to leave... Although had to pick up, " the man hesitated for a while, but then asked. - And you yourself where you live? Maybe your parents call, inform, what happened to you?

-No, I am not local.

-And how you got in trouble? For what to you?

-But you never know what happens.

-That's right. So you say, the police do not call?

-Do not.

-Well, well, lie down until...

The next day I felt much better and was able to explore his body. The wound was the heart, but only slightly deep, already there was dried blood top. I asked the man, that he bound up the new слезшие bandages. And then he began to get acquainted.

The host name was Sergey. He had two children. He was sixty, but he looked more amazing young for his age. The children were quite young. Sergey Vasilyevich explained that it was the children of his daughter-in-law, and where she is, I never understood.

On the third day I got up and began to walk, although wounds and injuries arm still hurt. When the owner of the apartment where had gone out, asking me to watch their children, I looked around the room. The situation was woefully poor, only on the balcony where I wanted to go, hung strange hides and skins of different suits. Not without брезгливого disgust I looked them over, but he did not understand, with what animal they were taken.

Shortly before noon came Sergey Vasilievich, brought apples for children, and we sat down to eat some dinner, cooked by coarse male hands. At the table I accidentally asked origin skins and almost didn't spoil your appetite to learn that they dog.

-I собачником work - munching a piece of hard meat, said Sergei Vasilievich, and I have at the same time there was a feeling that we eat собачатину. "Want to see what we catch?

-Want uncertainly, " I said, not knowing want it or not.

-Well then, in the evening..."

When his granddaughter, brother and sister were already in bed and quickly fell asleep, he asked:

-How do you feel? Can you move?

I shook his head.

-Then go. On, -- it was, " he threw me some дерюгу of tarpaulin, something like a short cloak with a hood.

I dressed and we left the apartment, carefully притворив door, went downstairs and sat down on a bench.

-Beyond that, I inquired.

Now, not now. The car should drive up.

Ten minutes later, in the silence of the night, they heard the sound of the engine, and drove up to the entrance of the van. We sat in a booth. Sergey greeted with a young driver, maybe a little older than me by age:

-Hello, Zhorik, you ружжо picked?

-And how! Hello, Sergey Vasilyevich, and who is this?

Is the us assistant. Went.

-Where today?

Dumpster, he named the area of town and as we crossed his story, whether they invented it, or really happened:

"On the landfill as hex: every autumn this bunch of dogs is going to pass by, walk not dare you. That them there beckons is not clear, because pile piece of iron and nothing more.

Whether past, or the year before last guy girl there took, " well, the well-known case, why frown. Now, there dogs attacked. Girl managed to run away, she assistance called. From the guy horns Yes feet remained. One Shoe and only found. In the evening there is better to avoid it".

-Do the dog can a person eat? - I was surprised and felt a large goose bumps on the back

-What's new?

-Well, not the wolf still...

-Why not a wolf? - intervened in the conversation Zhorik. - They are wild. On forests and run with the wolves, sometimes mixed with blood. Retrieved полусобаки-полуволки - a fierce animal, man is not afraid and merciless, bloodthirsty, worse than any wolf.

-Well, if so, it is directly disaster of some sort and this must be fought, uncertainly, " I said.

-What do we do? "exclaimed Sergey Vasilievich.

"Oh no, " shook his head to me not so. It is necessary to declare a real war stray dogs, and let all the inhabitants of the city, as they are destroyed.

-Yes well! skeptically, with irony handed George, vigorously driving machine. - Tell too! Not all so is terrible. Us is enough. Or you want to leave without work?! he laughed indulgently over my naive proposal.

'I don't want to. Who am I?

Soon we were on the outskirts of the city. Street suddenly ended, and the car dropped on a bumpy dirt road. Departing from the garden дичка, we saw in the darkness ahead of strange juggling torches.

As it turned out they were teenagers, boys secondary school age. They hid behind the dilapidated fence with the breach and from there, thrown in a pile of crumpled, наваленных each other automobile cabins bottles of gasoline, plugged burning rags, and tarry torch, wound on long sticks.

Bottle fought among iron, flashed растекающимися fires, illuminating purple flashes skeletons of cars, and there is sometimes like the ghosts appeared shadow of dogs, there were squeals and roar.

"Hey, guys, you shto do here? walked over to him, Sergey Vasilyevich, holding in one hand at the ready carbine, and the other something resembling a network.

Dogs kill - a simple answered one of them.

-In, Vidal помощничков?! - turned Sergey Vasilievich to become next to him Жоре, which also had a weapon. On the face of it the reflections of the flame shone wicked smile with which he suddenly rushed to the boys. - Well, git out, kids!

The boys laugh in different directions by the darkness, and from there soon began to hear in response offensive swearing at the big bad guys". Sergey Vasilyevich raised his carbine to his shoulder and held the barrel from side to side, threatening прикрикнув:

-I'm not kidding! Now someone he will finish badly!

For persuasiveness rapidly turning the hand and almost without aiming, he shot into the standing ten meters, at the fence, a bucket, which ignited densely чадящей soot.

Voice from the darkness faded away.

-There you are! summed up the victory of Sergey. The thought here skinned dogs spoil! I'll show you!.. It was some hoodlums. Here, take this! he threw me a network, and it, revealing a flight perforated shadow, enveloped me with his head. - 'll shoot the dog, and when she gets confused - there is a special cable - tightening in the bag and put them in a box.

Выпутавшись from the network, I angrily looked at Sergei Vasilyevich., but he apparently on his understood this opinion:

Or are you afraid? Then sit down in the cabin and...

-No, I am not afraid! I volunteered, trying to make him understand my mood.

-Well, if so - let's go, its probably not hurt my words.

Zhora included a huge electric torch, and they climbed over the fence, illumined with bursts of flame.

I followed them, trying not to lag behind. I felt suddenly afraid for his health and life, one had only to think that suddenly out of the darkness flies and хватанет leg some rabid dog.

Scrap stood to the right and left dark piles, among them somewhere else догорал gasoline and burned them to the trash. Occasionally the reflections of the flame in the lantern light, who held Zhora, flashed dogs, furiously щерясь on the light and compressing tails.

Sergey Vasilyevich continually put his carbine, but do not shoot. Zhora carefully snuck up with him I followed behind.

Suddenly from behind, behind me there was a muffled roar, and a small breeze through my body. I would like to Zhora there shone the light a lantern, but he dared not out of fear to be scoffed men.

We continued to Wade deeper into the landfill, as suddenly roar sounded very close. Here I could not resist:

-George, посвети here! - I asked.

George turned to me and in light beam snatched out from the darkness, the whole flock of dogs, like dragons, кравшуюся for us hard in the dark. Ahead was a dog the size of its similar to the wolf, and only the dark band on the face and the back made her different from him.

Beam of the lamp blinded dogs, and they stopped fifteen feet away from me. The leader of them was up front paw and going, apparently, to rush forward. The rest surrounded his tight semicircle behind, waiting for what he does.

-Uh, how many of you lot! - said in surprise Sergey Vasilievich, too, turning round. My rounds on all will not suffice.

The leader stepped forward, approaching me, and I instinctively moved back stumbled on Jora. The led flashlight around and with присвистом said:

"Hey, Sergei, Yes they us surrounded.

-Well, Yes?!

-Yes see for yourself!

Sergey Vasilyevich grabbed Zhora lantern, and I was in the dark again. Terrible dog was very near, and I could do nothing more, how can you expect that every second she can throw at me.

Ray grabbed from the darkness подбирающихся from several directions among the garbage and crumpled metal, descending with наваленных piles of bodies and cabs dogs. They crawled silently, and if it was possible to believe that, I have decided that these hungry, homeless vagrants acted, conspired in advance.

-Uh, well, it smells like kerosene! -cried Sergey Vasilievich. - Look, what's done!

It seemed to me that his voice shook.

-Gasoline nothing you fired! - lamented him in response Zhora.

-Ah, damn!!! What happens here!

Feeling that the big dog very close, I again moved back.

-What is it?! -asked me Zhora.

The dog, it's so close!

-Sergei, let посвети!

Beam of the lamp slid to us, and we saw, that the leader feet from us to prepare to jump.

-Oh, you creature! - George raised his rifle and fired from his belt already, when the huge bulk, threatening roar, rather reminiscent of the roar of a wild beast off the ground.

There was a deafening screech. In the light of the lantern flashed somewhere near white belly of an animal with the crimson of the lacerated wound. We Zhora sprang in hand, a dog, flying, fell head over heels just beyond the place where I stood.

-Shoot, shoot, Serge! - I heard a voice from the darkness Zhora.

Ray danced across the earth, trying to catch метающуюся squeal dog. A shot rang out. Then once again fired Zhora. Squeals stopped. The leader stopped moving. Somewhere far fallen silent thunder of the guns.

I frenzy! - admitted Zhora and recharge rifle, rushed into the darkness. - Посвети, Serge!

To see how the dogs run from him, and those that were slow to respond, he shot straight at his feet. Sound of gunshots, howling dogs, Shine flame and silhouettes, flashing in the beam of light, mingled in one кутерьму.

-Zhora, finish! - shouted Sergey Vasilievich. - It's time to take up work.

But the shots continued to rumble, interrupting squeal many of game, the wounded and the dying animal, раздававшийся around in all keys.

-You hear what I tell you?!! "Yelled abnormal voice Sergey Vasilievich.

George came up to us and he has dedicated his face lantern:

-Are you crazy?

-No, in General.

-And what палишь as creepy?!

"And why are they such insolent creature!

-So, all calm down, let's work.

We began to wander around, looking for the dogs and catching their network one and whole groups. I was shown how to do it, and I did this under the supervision of Sergei Vasilievich, Zhora threw the second, the same network.

Dog now not snapped and not much tried to run away, but, once in a beam of light were nearing tails and they were pressed to the ground, terrified of what happened. Without much difficulty we managed to catch and eat their van with three dozen.

When it was nearing the end, I went into the bushes, and rose up to recover, he suddenly heard behind him quite clearly again that big roar from which cold shiver went through my body. Dumb with horror, I turned around, but in the darkness he could see nothing. Sergey and George were somewhere in the wilds of landfills are to help me with something.

Not remembering itself from terror, I rushed away, crashing through the bushes. Fueled by fear, coming to me on the heels, I made no difference, and it seemed to me that heavy breathing a huge dog relentlessly hear behind me.

He ran through the лесопосадку, I crossed the ploughed field, drowning in a fresh, soft arable land, the turning of the earth sneakers, and, stumbling and falling. Angry roar and the heavy breathing of the tinkling of bells stood in my ears.

The darkness around, bushes and off-road changed rare lights in the Windows of private houses, then ghostly lit quarters, streets and dark courtyards of the city, but I raced forward, unable to stop, feeling of fatigue or shortness of breath. Would I have to go back, but fear not allowed to do so.

Finally difficult took me to the cemetery, and I was afraid that I squirmed my way among the graves, and I'm jumping through their fences. When I realized this, the cold horror, just apt arrow shot from the darkness of night, pierced my heart, and a strange fall fascinated me. Only when it was too late, I realized that I fell in a hole.

Hit on something my head, I lost consciousness, as if I was completely cut off from the outside world, as a useless machine.

Having regained consciousness, I saw that I was lying in a ridiculous pose on the bottom of a pit. The memory is so and it's what happened to me last night, and only with difficulty climbed the steep slippery clay wall, I realized that he had fallen into свежевырытую grave, and remember how it happened.

I barely got out of the pit, and immediately discovered that the place is familiar to me. However, why it is familiar to me, the memory was to answer.

Day very quickly arrived, and I stood and stood at свежевырытой graves at the crossroads of two cemetery tracks, stood and tried, and could not remember, how did I know that place.

People around became more and more as if it was some kind of Park or garden in the city centre, not cemetery. Soon the people were so many that they began to push me, and then touching.

-Come on, get away! - she shouted from behind me, and I saw неказистого a heavyset man with a beard, who was in the colorful sweatshirt flannel shirt and a crappy dog hat, despite the quite warm even weather. A man was coming right at me, waving it in front hand.

The man was a procession, carrying wreaths and portraits, and I saw that someone is buried, and that the deceased for some reason I know very well.

-Who bury? I asked, but the guy just pushed me away with his healthy arms to the side, freeing the way to the grave.

Then I began to examine the person on the portraits that were carrying wailing, голосящие, but still continuing its move forward on the legs give way women and old women in black shawls and kerchiefs. However, consider a photo of me for a long time failed, because she disappeared behind somebody's back, jumped out, and then suddenly and completely lost visible, and I also distract other small details of what is happening.

Then quite clearly for the first I lick my Matushka. He was on the portraits, but the rubbing of the eyes of horror, I suddenly saw the face of Veronica, and then it into the face of her friend.

And then it was like lightning прошибло because I remembered how I know this place. Yes, it is here, to the grave of her dead friend brought me last summer Veronica, telling creepy and a little similar to the truth of the story of his death. But why now the tomb was empty and fresh, like as if it was only recently dug? Does it decided to rebury?

The procession approached the pit and put the red with a black coffin next to her on two stools. Were treated violently roaring women, hugging the deceased, kissing him on the forehead.

"Come, wave goodbye! - I have heard from the ear Council pronounced such familiarity and pleasant voice that I involuntarily turned to see who it might be.

It was a man in an old coat, and as old hat-cylinder, from under the narrow fields which were staring at me green, prickly, brightly burning eyes. Red mustache unpleasant stood out on his pale as chalk face, and reminded the application on a child's drawing on paper.

"Come, wave goodbye! again advised me strange to horror type affably.

I followed his advice, but approaching to the coffin, with horror, I saw myself lying in it.

-Wave goodbye with the dead! - persistently pursued my hear a friendly voice.

As if hypnotized, I leaned over to the corpse, but now his face was not like mine.

-Kiss, kiss! - heard behind, and at the same moment, when my lips were now quite close to the densely-yellow skin of the dead man, I dreamed that I had lying in a coffin.

I recoiled, moved back and saw a man in a bowler hat looks at me, with a dazzling smile.

-What are you afraid of? "he asked. "Come to me, come on!

In the same second cold horror lightning through my body, because foot, retreating, got on solid ground, and I fell somewhere ago. Turning back in the fall I only had time to see that I fall into the same свежевырытую grave, that's been prepared for the departed.

Falling on his back, I hurt hit, and there came a voice from above "red whiskers:

-Let's hand.

He reached toward my hand, and she began to lengthen, reaching soon bony, thin hand to my throat. Taking it, he pulled me upward. I screamed with horror, increased from the fact that people around, completely oblivious to what is happening, continued to bury the coffin with unknown whose body.

Is your corpse! said I type with red moustaches. "Look, it is lowered into the grave!

He grabbed my shoulders and easily tossed back into the pit. I fell on the cover заколоченного coffin and felt like lumps of raw land fell from above.

-I don't want don't want to! - burst out of my throat, and I awoke from a nightmare...

It was already morning. In the pit, where I was stood still dark, but the sky above my head already has brightened.

I was surprised by the incident, but could not remember what happened last night. His head was buzzing like a brass pot.

It took me a long time to get out a two-meter pit. Around me was really cemetery, the same cemetery, where we were with Veronica, and where he was buried her boyfriend.

The place around свежевырытой graves seemed very familiar, and I felt like running back down my spine, when I learned, but the faster guessed that the pit was dug in the very place where he was buried the same Athanasius. Strange memories about coincidences, pursue me, surged suddenly, заполонив my mind, pushing out the cold forehead, large drops of sweat, and I thought I was going crazy. Nightmares of the past strange vacation would not let me, and there came on the heels, and followed me through life.

I was suddenly surprised that I still cling to and not have died or, indeed, not crazy.

Past гналось for me, взнуздав time, and when caught up from under the wheels of his залихватского тарантаса обдавало me up and down cold muck sticky, penetrating the secret depths of the soul of their wits.

Chapter 8.

Two or three days with me was something unimaginable. The temperature was jumping like crazy. I then tossed about, shivering, and scare grandma pulled out shaggy and disgusting pieces of memories.

Then suddenly everyone as оборвало. I suddenly recovered, though he had never been ill, but still afraid to leave their homes, often and long, like a hunted animal watching the neighbor's izba.

In the evening looked Alena. Grandma told me that she came every day until I was evil, and brought some grass. Pelageya initially did not dare to drink me broth from it, but yesterday gave, and already today the affliction of my hand removed.

Feeling perfectly healthy, I went to meet a girl.

"Hello, " she smiled happy, " quipped, finally?

"Quipped, " I replied shyly, with concern in the soul Recalling the shameless dreams from my delirium in which there were some orgies, I turned to a horse, a dog or a wolf and a witch Varvara and why, Alyona together and take turns playing with me in love. Hugging, stroked the coat on the sides, holding to the mane, became under me, exciting baser instincts, and scream, and some obscenity, which I, as an animal, could not understand, but which time, in spite of this, encouraged my flesh to action.

"The shame is what!" "I thought, not daring't find the strength to lift eyes on the girl. And she was standing in front of a light sundress of cotton bandanna, this elegant to dull the rural landscape, this bright and too short and open, that even I, a person familiar to them kind of clothes on urban girls, her dress seemed too out of place and calling on the background of the surrounding grey village of everyday life. My eyes involuntarily crept in over the edge of a sundress, only slightly covering her young, small, elastic and beautiful maiden chest. I caught myself at the thought, and even shook his head to drive away навязывающуюся me friends and growing lust.

-Why are you so well-dressed?! Involuntarily I was amazed.

-And what? Can't you?!

-No, why, again потупил I glance: obsessive obscene scenes of my delusional dreams and conjured up, as if it were the memories of recently occurred events.

I tried not to look at Alena, as the participant of torches, orgies, in which she appeared to me in all their charmingly attractive, feminine already in nakedness, and in all of shameless and isolated, dissolute the manifestations of his desires, that I with passion, ruthless, as thirst, acted, taking the shape of a horse, a dog, and, may be, wolf. Moreover, there was present and even barbarian, and they roared with me together, helping each other cope with me and absolutely not ashamed to show one before another pleasure in усладе their lusts.

I just wanted a moment to everything that I dreamed then became a reality, but then I was afraid of his shameful thoughts.

Why the silence? Asked Alena coquettishly inclining his head to the side and continued to smile.

Changes in it, were quite amazing. If the veil of drowsy and cautious, constrained, окутывавшая its hitherto like a cobweb rose, now was dropped, broken, and a small nondescript Bud opened now captivating with its beauty and the young, but already strong, with a slight hint of tartness fragrance, promising a rich and fragrant nectar, drops of which are hidden somewhere between pink, translucent in the sun thin delicate veins petals.

I thought, it is its transformation somehow with my disease and strange dreams, and from this unexpected stroke of the guess work has begun in me a strange movement, which has affected many of the emotional strings, causing the breast was hurt, and sweet, and hot burning up, and cold to chill. All this cocktail, the whole mixture, moving faster and faster, in a few seconds introduced me in such an unspeakably great condition, I could not say to yourself, what's happening to me, which is up and which is down, and stand with my feet on the ground or pulled away from her and hovered over her.

The outlines of the figure of the girl, her features became suddenly vague, uncertain, almost эфимерными, but however strong attraction pulled me to her, and I was horrified to find that to my shame I can't cope with that.

Through the spell broke outraged, muffled whisper Alena. They started to dissipate, like a mist, and I saw a girl in his arms.

-Come on, speak up! - She rested against my chest with his hands, trying to push, and shrank back, buckle in the flexible camp.

-I'm sorry! What is wrong with me?!

I dissolved the arms and freed her.

Alena stepped back and what was отряхивать, send skirt sundress:

-You that, припух?! - She asked this question, not demanding an answer, but her voice has not been hurt, and only easy playfulness gave to understand that misconduct, if not forgiven already, soon to be forgotten.

I looked around: the witnesses didn't seem to be. Pelageya rattled in the house utensils, busy on the farm.

-Go to the dance tonight, " suggested the girl, and I immediately agreed, not knowing happy or upset, but then asked:

-And where's the club or anything..?

-In Large Василихе.

-But it's far away!

-So what?! Just think - far! When you really want to, not far at all. Well, you go?

"Well, I - again, I agreed, remembering quite a long road to the neighbouring village.

Alena said goodbye to me before the evening and easily проскакав the steps of the porch, went around the curve of the village street hasty, springy gait. Her movements are felt some окрыленность and the joy of waiting a pleasant event.

I stared after her, trying to understand their feelings and not skipping past attention to any one of its movements, with curiosity, remembering slender, relatively thin legs of the girl opened up accidentally and without the hostess from under flushed floor sundress, when she quickly ran down from the porch.

When Alena disappeared from sight, me suddenly and became stronger acquire stupor. I already wanted to, but now just couldn't get away from the porch as if glued to his elbows railing, which leaned over, putting his chin on the palm. It was uncomfortable, when all members of the body have become exactly cotton. Something told me that I'm from the Windows of the neighboring house watching Barbara, and her gaze hard and incomprehensible for me, emitting viscous and sticky, tar-like energy power over the flesh, just nailed me to the spot. To mind for some reason was the memory of childhood, when I was still a boy, with his playful fellow peers catch dragonflies, pierced their abdomen thin needle, and then ran on a string. And chetyrehkryloe insect flew, hard and obediently downhill carrying the leash, where desired her a harsh mistress. Dragonflies then we killed...

My feelings had an eerie property. I have a clear mind body is not subordinated to the head, and it was a real nightmare.

Don't know how long all this, QC suddenly I felt the feet are taken me from the porch, the garden, and from there back to the Creek, where there was a bath "black" and rickety, dilapidated toilet. After a couple of seconds the bathhouse door creaked shut behind me, and I was in the twilight of four log, прокопченных walls with one so small square window, through a glass darkly whose been a faint dim ray of light.

Here me seemed to be broken, and this relaxed suddenly the soul had scared and whisk in the heel before swung open frighteningly suddenly, a blinding bright light, ворвавшимся into the darkness, the back door leading to the мостку over a small, but fairly deep Creek. My heart зашлось from the dreadful foreboding. I do not doubt that saw the doors of the shadow of Barbara, заслонившую light.

In the doorway was the figure of a man, вырезавшая dark silhouette in the light pole among distinct particles of dust. In the next second man leaned closer, and instead of resin-black braids Barbara I saw обтрепанную, with dangling in the ragged edges of a broad-brimmed hat of coarse cloth, more similar to felt, what are some deaf areas shepherds and other employees not engaged in hard work, but forced a long time to stay under the scorching rays of the sun. The wanderer was simple, some miserable old clothes on, which is not a pity it would be to pull and the Scarecrow in a garden: canvas colorless shirt, button up on деревяшечки instead of buttons, planed like oblong бочоночков, sprung wide open, also not with the colours дерюжка of some burlap, not resembling the jacket, not the rain jacket, a short coat without a hood, and the same rough not dyed pants with knee droopy and heavily blurred mud.

First I decided that it's so strange dressed that way to disguise itself Varvara, but then I realized that it was not she. Men's skinny hands, rough in nodes strongly protruding veins, with vast hands and hooked, awkward fingers, the next moment, the given host, торча of коротковатых sleeveless дерюги.

The door behind logged shut, and my fear weakened slightly melted away, giving place to curiosity. This man I had not seen before, although it would seem, had spent a lot of time in order to know already by heart all the inhabitants of this tiny village, rather reminiscent of Vyselki or Khutorok by its small size.

Quite a long time we stood facing each other in silence until, finally, my fear is gone, and then I asked:

-Who are you? I don't know you.

-I live in this village, " he answered me, and his voice seemed younger than the age at which he looked.

Why I have you never seen before?

-Probably, because I guard the whole day village cattle, and I come back only in the evening. Pastures far away: it is necessary to go through the forest.

-And how the wild beasts? Not afraid of the cows every day through the forest drive?

Well, waved his hand shepherd, and from this gesture atmosphere of our communication became more relaxed and have. Something told me, that came not wish me evil. And it had to communication and openness, wolf, if he will, he and the meadow and on the field'd stick up her little cow. And then, even if in the forest that happens, the beast the beast climb, and I will not touch, except that, in the last turn. Guns I do not give, but for now, thank God, everything turned out all right. And further, I think, all will be well. Wolf, he's after the summer is still eating, walking, not much лютует yet. However, soon to be early to get dark, and then walk through the forest becomes dangerous.

I sat on the bunk opposite the stove is built of big stones.

I don't know, I just recently attacked one wolf...

-Shh! The shepherd put a finger to his lips. -I just came to talk to you about that.

-About what? 't understand I think by the way, what is this strange such a meeting, and what is this terrible condition preceded it.

The stranger drew his breath:

-About all... a Few days ago I accidentally found out about you. And that happened to you on the day of arrival in our village. I told this story, Peter. You should remember: he likes to eat a glass...

-Yes, I remember, - I involuntarily shuddered at the recollection about the terrible spectacle of unsuccessful acquisitions Cup.

-Now. I probably would, and would not have learned anything, if he had not looked me in the pasture for the grass of the disease. And so, I had him something to surprise me. So he told how have saved you from the wolf, and killed him, and then he fled killed - steal something no one. Me his story really didn't like, and I decided to поразузнать in the village, all read more about the incident. And when he learned more, he made a conclusion that you have to leave. And as quickly as possible. Believe me: I know what I say. But you are my words may seem strange. What happened, is happening and will happen with you - not a coincidence.

The shepherd sat down beside me. "Too literate some for the shepherd!" I thought to myself. I was now seen his face.

-How, in fact, this has happened and is happening with me? - I played naivety.

-I learned everything about the wolf, and about Varvara, and even what the suspect cannot think even afraid local village gossip. I know that you went to the stables in the forest. And I know that now, a few minutes ago, Varvara again loose your spell on you. Only thanks to the fact that I grabbed her energy and sent me in the right direction ("Damn, and me in the right direction no one sends ironically I thought immediately. Some sorcerers circle. All of something great, somewhere that is sent. One I like burdock together with all this back and go and can't help it!"), you ended up here, not somewhere in another place, where she tried to entice you.

Surprised I almost never opened his mouth. I don't even know what to say now my interlocutor: "Can, in the face him move? Painfully I'm tired of all this! Now that I asked him to my feet in a bath ran?" Strange his words really didn't seem like its plain appearance. "And in General, where this simple rustic shepherd with three classes of education to know something about me, that with me and to me. It has been for some rudeness! Who I'm here need? Yes, and not only here?" - Thought frantically rushed into my head. - "However, the fact that I went to the stables, nobody knew... except Alena!"

A vague guess flashed in my mind: "Between the shepherd and Alyona has a kind of close relationship!" and I asked:

-Where do you live?

At the other end of the village...

And on the opposite side of the street, I continued, following conjecture.


-So you're with Alyona live in the same house?

Apparently I hit the point, because a shepherd stopped and the whole donkey, drooped and понурился, downcast look.

-I am her father, " he said quietly, and in these words shocked me no end.

"That's how he knows about the stable," I thought. I strained his brains to mess facts build a structure. It was necessary to link them with each other in the correct sequence, and then, as of the puzzle was supposed to be kind of a certain picture of what is happening around me.

Intuition, guesswork, one another trenchant, confused, mixed together with the facts in unimaginable heap. And in General, my brains have not been able to produce something plausible and close to the reality of the mess. From the tension I felt like I'm going crazy, just drowning in a bubbling, hissing loudly river champagne and drown yet, if I will not throw himself a straw in the form of the latter, the most grotesque and terrible guess. I asked chilling this terrible guess the question:

-And what have you barbarian?

The shepherd answered this time without delay:

Is my ex-wife.

I almost fell off the shelf. Straw deceived my hope of salvation.

-Well, it's too? Involuntarily escaped me.


"Well, why?! A good family! Husband is a wife - the witch, daughter...

-What Alena?

-No, nothing. With the Pope lives, and the mother goes to the stables to see when that is engaged there in God knows what, - dogging - so it is." And the Pope, in General, the whole day, from morning till night disappears in the fields with cows.

I have not always been so, guiltily said the shepherd. -There was a time when my character was different.

He paused, then looked at me, and again stared at the floor. But he spoke, and I heard a story which have not yet forgotten how to believe and wonder:

"This village was not always so far away and уединена. Here, nearby, the place where now the swamp was a monastery, and all around lying lands: land, forests, fields - were monastery, and farmers that lived in this village, were monastic fortress. Now, this monastery went to the land, and the place where were its walls, now it is impossible to step into and step - sink in your grave.

About all this history is known only to a few dozen scientists: historians, archaeologists, Yes, it can, with five stars Geology, - it's still strange: as it was a monastery, stood for several centuries, and then, wham, and failed. Some scientists doubt: is there, in General, there is ever monastery - too incredible metamorphosis occurred. Summer before last the whole expedition in the swamps scratched, эхолотами утопший temple was looking for - nothing, not a single stone is not found. They are just scum swamp disturbed, Oh how vain!

I caught an alarming view of the interlocutor, thrown at the window of the bath. But, apparently, his anxiety was in vain, and soon he spoke again:

"But this monastery was. Was, and I am the witness. Although it was many centuries ago"...

Involuntary, but muffled, similar to a loud sigh, a cry was out of my chest: I don't want to interrupt the speaker, but could not restrain his extreme surprise, which concerns me from his words, especially as he spoke it as casually as if this was not and could not be surprising. I already sweating!

Shepherd noticed my agitation, but not stopped and has not given it a value:

... "From those times, as this great monastery failed under the ground, I live here, every time dying, but again and again gaining life. I defeated wandering astral warrior who has completed their earthly path of struggle against evil. There was a terrible battle few hundred years ago, and the forces of Evil to triumph over the forces of Good. Deceit won fearlessness, rage - love and meanness willpower. Everything turned upside down. And the stronghold of the Faith, outraged by evil spirits, and devoted благодушными its inhabitants, not stood and went to the Kingdom of Darkness. Here was my last battle, but I met someone was unable to overcome. Therefore debunked was from powerful spells, giving me strength to struggle against Darkness.

And I am now till the judgment day I will die and be born here, as died and was born all these hundreds of years, passing from one image into, from life to life, but, unfortunately, while keeping a clear memory of what happened here in front of the disappearance of the monastery.

Every time I find a form of a fool, a village fool - word, a man whom no one looks seriously. And this is a convenient wrapper for the custodian of the treasures of the monks occupied by the Prince of Darkness.

Every time companion of my life is Barbara, which is the main Keeper. I'm at it for the delectation of revenge Evil to Good, to see and feel, feel the victory of Darkness over the Light, to see and suffer from the realization of his own powerlessness. I'm still good, but goodness impotent, безучастное, развенчанное evil. I - the good, sentenced to death"...

In my head for the first time after a long break born lines, although I thought forever forgotten how to write verses:

I'm still Good, развенчанное Darkness,

I'm still Good, already лишенно wings

And thrown in the dirt; Прислугою mute appeal

Really became Evil among свинячьих snouts...

Suddenly a shadow flashed beyond the window for a moment before falling into the bathhouse, a ray of light. Shepherd started:

-- Barbara! I should leave. Both of us'll be sorry if he sees us together!

He's put me on the go, already метнувшись to the back door leading to a river, from which he appeared.

Both doors were opened at the same time. In one someone come in, the other ran away, my strange companion. And I, as if at a crossroads wanderer, stood on a shelf, neither alive nor dead, quivering in fear, waiting for what will happen the next moment. Heart stopped and took in the heel.

Chapter 9.

Something now prompted me to call Veronica, and I began to struggle to remember if she had a phone and what his room.

Do it and failed, but the disturbing, pinching chest deep longing question: if she returned or not, gave me no rest.

Aimlessly, not knowing where I wandered all in confusion. And in his sorrow is not noticed as soon appeared somewhere in the city, in an area that seemed to me even at the beginning unfamiliar. But I barely know him, as my legs have gone, carrying me forward. And soon I was in front of a nondescript gray five story building, in one of the apartments which was born and, perhaps, still glimmered my , perhaps the strongest, for all their brevity and happy or not radiance, love.

Now I could no longer restrain his emotion, rapidly flew up the stairs and was on the ground near her door. His heart started beating in the chest, not letting hearing what was happening in the apartment. With bated breath, why echoing his shots were heard in the head, in the temples, I knocked on the door.

Echoes knocking my door resounded along the empty porch, sad and lonely, and then, without waiting for a response. I knocked again and again, but all my attempts were without result.

Long I stood at the door, feeling like everything falls in the shower, then went, walking slowly from step to step.

Suddenly behind him there was a loud click and opened the door to the apartment Veronica. At the door stood a stranger to me woman and stared at my back.

-Pardon, but Veronica home? was the patter I blurted out, as if afraid of what appeared an elderly lady vanish like a Ghost, and at the same time, wondering who she could be the girl.

The woman said nothing to me, not blinking, like a serpent, continuing to stare at me with her huge, bulging eyes.

I paused in confusion, not understanding the reasons for her strange behavior.

"What do you want? - May be unable to bear distinctly because, turned to me familiarly, almost offensive, aunt.

-Veronica, please have a go! deliberately I politely asked, trying to speak loudly, but not to scream.

-And it probably can't, " indifferently said the woman.

-How not?

-As well. Former owners moved out here a few days ago. Now here I live.

Passionate conversation and surprised heard I never noticed again climbed on to the platform. Type I, apparently, was incredulous, and maybe that's why the woman offered me:

-Yes you, son pass, if you do not believe. Come, see for yourself.

Without hesitation, I entered the apartment, intrigued again подтвердившейся guess that my life is moving on some bewitched circle, from which I cannot escape.

What I saw in the apartment, put me in despair. Already in the hallway began traces of clutter, which always remains in the abandoned dwellings: the bare walls, appeared immediately flaws buildings, scattered in disarray small things, some papers, Newspapers, scraps of wire, ropes, boxes and broken, unusable already boxes, nails and screws, lonely stuck out from the wooden stoppers in the walls of those places, where there hung a bra and a clothes hanger.

All rooms of the apartment were in the same condition, and from this dreary, hopeless ruin of the soul painful stuck and became bitterly. Unutterable loneliness overwhelmed me at this.

I ran from room to room, looking from side to where she lived Veronica with his brother. Her ragged thrown view, emptiness dusty lifeless air, unmoved, unawakening yourself standing in four walls, made me special distress. Evening summer spent here once, not by the way surfaced from the depths of memory.

That though somehow to dispel the clouds of black moods, I wanted to ask the woman who opened the door for me, where she lives: in none of the rooms was not her clothes, no furniture, no dishes, no скарба at all - but she was not there. The apartment was empty, if anyone here besides me and was not. I went out on the landing, wanted to call out, then stopped, because I didn't know who actually call.

I could do nothing but how, slamming the door, go down and go outside.

Now I don't know what to do next, could not tell myself even why they came here, in this city, and that I need.

If I wanted to go back to the собачнику that sheltered me for a few days, with all the desire could not do this: then everything turned out by itself - and, never leaving day on the street, I find now and the house where he lived. Yes, in all honesty, I do not want to see him again, though I have many, he was obliged to.

I desired to meet anyone from old girls, with whom he recklessly fun and to spend time. It is unlikely now these meetings would be something useful and the more joyful. The bridges were burned, and, despite the fact that can easily be found and now not one, not two addresses from last dashing youth I had still wouldn't do it. Yes and I, most likely, these cheerful girl has long forgot, my presence in their life would only mute scene and mutually arisen awkwardness.

With all the piercing, with a clear piercing, what could my brain, I realized that we should leave, leave today from this city, and I'm vain came here and search for yesterday's always piercingly sad and tragic in its hopelessness, which hurts the heart mercilessly down ahead, all change, breaking, breaking something to strive for the soul, ruthless, no, because it can be neither good nor evil.

"There is no love!" sadly I thought, seeing how the world is floating before my eyes. "No

Love", " I repeated, and the world had stopped, now more sober and less romantic than ever. Scattered colourful cubes, соткавшие in my mind a picture of my life faded even more, becoming almost grey, colourless, and утухание paints immediately satisfied steel, sad tone reality.

"Where are you, Veronica?" - a groan burst out of my chest, but her lips spoke in a barely audible.

Again I was at the cemetery, where the grave of Athanasius, and I saw again that in its place свежевырытая Yama still yawning dark brown failure. Yes, I have not seen it, and was all really.

Already at the station I came to my senses, in fact, nothing of having no one saw, but only all lost. From this sudden thought, I even stayed before a pedestrian crossing when everyone went on a green light, and came to his senses only when newly red. Next to me on the side of the road there was only stunted grandmother with some котомкой in his hand, a colourful scarf, повязанном on the head.

The cars on the road near the crossing was not only far from one side of the approaching loaded with мощн6ый timber, чадящий thick soot, and on the other - several cars, overtaking each other, and without special risk to cross the roadway, but me such a temptation not tempted. Waiting for a green signal, I anxiously looked at the sky where the clouds and, it seems, was going to go in autumn nasty and fine, drizzling cold крапью rain. Harbinger of bad weather, a sharp, piercing wind, already blew, raising with asphalt dust and the first fallen leaves.

An old woman that was standing next to me, evidently knew to run across the street or not. This was evident in her топтании and continuous дергании, from which every time it seemed that she finally decided on this.

Suddenly, quite unexpectedly, when the great roaring and чадящий old MAZ truck with cabin, shaking, as the head of paranoiac in an attack, was already quite a few metres from the "Zebra", the grandmother threw mincing, small steps on the pavement, and already frightened by his sudden decision, with huge, terrible eyes, rush to the middle of the road race against death.

It all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I even had no time to recover from their unhappy and equally slow thinking about the weather and do something to somehow prevent разворачивающемуся me terrible spectacle. "With the mind that does come, old?" - only and had time to think I, with a sinking heart, knowing that all that you can now do is throw together this little grandmother under the wheels of your monster.

The initial movement grandmother was so natural that if behind it, somebody was standing, I could never for a moment doubted that she was asked a good kick and pushed under the wheels of the truck. But there was nobody, not a soul, and instead of wonder, I only began to be afraid anyone seeing this.

On the other side of the road someone screamed.

The old woman kept going, and before my eyes all this was happening in slow motion. Here she stumbled, and then was surprised it was found that in transition, it appears, was not very deep cast iron sewage hatch, which caught the toe of her tiny legs. She with unexpected agility to avoid falling, and only fell nose, but it was too late.

This is a terrible moment stretched out to infinity, and as the pictures were distorted from непоправимости nightmare face of the driver in the cab of MAZ, old woman, desperately seeking to evade a powerful bumper of the truck that can be, and had she been able to, not stumble it on the ill-fated hatch.

Further, it was like a bad dream. The old lady threw forward, and the picture came to life. Desperately скрепящий brakes timber, from under the wheels went to clubs grey smoke from burns rubber, drawing on asphalt black coal bold tread footprint, наполз to my grandma, and she disappeared somewhere in the soot and clubs exhaust fumes, dust and smoke. MAZ froze, making his terrible thing froze too late to save someone. Tore down from the sharp deceleration thick, heavy logs hit in the cabin, from which she toppled forward, stood up on its hind legs and he fell, fell flew in different directions. One of them, huge girth in two, fell on me, and I barely managed to jump away, as with resonant blows his mighty end already danced on the very spot where I stood. Next to him and slam against, гудя, rolled on the sidewalk a log, matching and наехав on убегавшую from his woman.

Noise, ringing and gnashing of intimidating a barrage rained a few more seconds, when it was suddenly blank, dead silence, had opened before the eyes of the terrible picture, seeing that it was hard not to say, and just believe that everything happened because of one impatient old woman that wishes to cross the road in front of the machine itself. In front of me opened currently battle.

Scattered in all directions logs crushed by a few people. One of мчавшихся towards лесовозу cars are now standing under his trailer with вдавленной in beauty roof, which has got a log воткнувшееся in her face and now crooked sticking out in the sky as a monument pinned under him. The other machine, dodging, apparently, from the danger, jumped out on to the pavement and was now standing, влепившись into a concrete barrier twisted accordion, пригвоздившей tightly someone.

Everything happened so suddenly that I couldn't help but think that it is unlikely this could have happened without someone's powerful and evil in this power of the hand.

As I thought about it, I immediately felt someone's palm, formed on my shoulder, and a voice familiar, not good, not a native language , as it seemed to me, said: "well Done, haha, well jump!"

I quickly turned around, but saw nobody. Cold turned me from the head to the feet, sticky cold terror, which occurs when one touches directly with the fact that knowing a person is not supposed.

Not understanding why, I rushed away, back into the city, frightened, thinking that Someone't want me to leave this town or, at least, so I left it today, now. Maybe I found the output of the enchanted trap I've ever run on an empty circle and Someone to predict my unconscious intentions, prevented from my despair.

Was still day, but I incomprehensible horror expected the coming of the evening and night, as if was going to happen something wrong. A terrible accident remained somewhere there behind the station, but he seemed to be the magic castle closed my way, returning to normal river of fate.

Long and I wandered aimlessly around the city trying to collect his thoughts. Somewhere in the depths of my soul already копошилось anxiety, what happens when you know that you are at ease, and that you've already had to have done something to be in a place where one would be. And I just felt that I would have time to serve, to leave away from here, in some wilderness, into some hole, and, may be, I get loose all stage of hell.

By the evening I went out to the place that feels like familiar to me. Square, quite busy and crowded, from what I awoke I remembered that today is Saturday led to the area on which the building stood, quite forgotten me up for lost from memory, despite the fact that I had with him was due so much stress, and it was amazing how it all about then you can forget it.

Facade of a building was, as usual, but now it was obvious that the house is enclosed by a fence, a little, what usually wall construction. From afar could not see what was happening, but I still thought that some parts of the exterior of the building lacks. And just as I came closer, I puzzled saw that from the building, in fact, remained standing, only one facade wall, which was yawning void. It seemed that the house was subjected to bombardment. Beside him stood transfixed, some construction equipment. Crane, excavator, стенобойная machine rose over the fence.

I walked up real close and looked into one of the breaches. On the fenced territory, like now on the plowed field, here and there rose a heap of broken bricks, gravel and other construction debris. In the corner stood several construction trailers which have revolved man in a sweatshirt. Next to him was running mongrel.

I decided to ask him what happened, and why they broke the house, but barely squeezed into the hole between the boards of the fence, as the dog rushed toward me, stood for a while in раздумии and watching me. She ran silently, his head tilted slightly to the side and to the ground and watching intently for my eye. These dogs do not bark in vain and to no joke. In my head already strongly swirled thought that it was time to escape and climb the fence, not to be has been bitten, when suddenly the dog stopped, окрикнутая master, and turned toward him his face.

"Scholar!" - felt on my mind.

The man walked toward me.

-What you need? he asked, approaching.

-Yes, I would like to know why this house breaking, " I replied, staring at the speaker's face.

Drizzle. It was already передумавший go, suddenly started again, showing its donors. The man looked up at the lowering sky, screwing up eyes and then asked again:

"But, why?

The dog came up to us and I began to sniff.

-Acquaintance I have worked here, and in General...


"Yeah, grandfather.

The rain intensified and the man told:

-Go in the booth. Or you hurry?

"No, actually.

-Well, let's go, let's go then. The company I keep, tea and drink.

I went after him, accompanied by rear mongrel. Rain nakrapyval stronger, and I sadly presented. As people, out for a stroll in the Saturday evening around the city, go to the Park or sit in the Park, направившиеся on attractions and rides, now forced to return home, driven by the bad weather, испортившей, maybe one of the last warm fine weekend.

We went into the cabin. The guy flipped the switch and lit up hanging on the wire without interior light bulb that is why, behind a window on the street immediately darkened.

In the midst of the booth and stood расхлябанный, begrimed, rude and powerless справленный table with the same awkward, uncouth stools around. In one corner was pealing iron couch with thrown from the top greasy mattress on which lay cotton, black driver Yes dusty blue state blanket. Next to the couch, having tilted on its side, достаивал its bleak cheap century, painted sexual paint locker for полуприкрытыми door of which hung a little old garment. At the opposite end of the booth stood electric stove and the dresser.

On the stove was bubbling and hovered aluminum, if crumpled sides kettle.

The guy took it off, took out the cabinets two glasses, aluminium bowl with pieces of black bread, and sliced slices of bacon and put it all on the table, then squinted pulled out after half a bottle blond-hazy with grey, tobacco smoke tint of moonshine and a few cloves of garlic.

We sat down opposite each other at a table. Dog and waiting hungry eyes made myself comfortable next to the host.

Man deftly peeled garlic, poured in glasses moonshine, then looked at the dog, with a cheerful anger ругнулся shook from the bowl on the table fat and bread and plesnuv a little out of the bottle and there, pulled her to the edge of the table. Dog deftly вспрыгнула, by leaning on the edge of the table, paws and began greedily drink.

"Well, come on! - raising the faceted glass, said the man. High Givet...

That "Givet" - I did not understand. We muffled were crazy, and he deftly overturned in mouth opened its first one hundred grams, and then, сморщившись and exhaling in a fist, hushed large piece of bacon with bread and took a bite of garlic.

I also drank, but it is not so cleverly. Moonshine was strong, and I nearly choked; he coughed, choking voice.

"What are you? - surprised the man.

"Well, it went something - I was justified in feeling that the lack of air.

-As it happens. Need to breathe before drink, and swallow faster stroke.

-Yes moonshine strong. Faithful ninety. Throat itself was closed.

-Well, ninety, ninety-and-seventy-five. Well, okay, what would you want? asked the man, pouring in glasses of boiling water and сыпя there welding directly from надорванной tutu.

-Why this house is a broken - that's what!

-Well, that the city authorities справляйся. I just Keeper. I only know that to build something here gather. And your grandfather that the guard was - Vidal. Not, it seems, he died in any way.

-He died?!

-How. Commonly. He took and he died, as the older people die.

"How long ago did it happen?

-Yes it from the end of August't see... to Me someone else is saying that he died. But as for thee, what he had? Maybe I could help you?

-Yes, no, thank you. I granddaughter'm looking for. She moved somewhere.

-Ah, well this I'm not your assistant.

-And inside the house-the archive of what was or library. It wherever Delhi?

-Yes, there was nothing there.

-How was not because the old man that same guard there?

-And we have many emptiness guard.

The guard stopped and began to have a little отхлебывать заварившийся already to the latest density of tea in прикуску all with the same fat and black bread.

-And where are you from actually? Earlier could not come? finally he spoke again with me.

-Yes I am not local. I studied here once. And now travel, like old friends to visit - and anyone can not find.

-So that you and nowhere to spend the night? - sympathetically asked the man.

-Yes, it turns out that the so - lessly I agreed, without even the appearance of embarrassment and feeling like a drunken heat increasingly takes hold of my body, making it supple and naughty.

-Well, stay here for the night - tapped me on the shoulder guard. "Look, we want you to bed to sleep. Linen don't have, well, nothing. And tomorrow me go home, I live until their cases are not up to this task.

We had another hundred grams, ate bread and lard. Then the watchman lit a cigarette, suggesting to me, but I declined it, and suddenly felt a terrible, fatal fatigue, took so timely and nice offer and slumped on the couch legs. Already asleep, I heard the guard calls the dog, the creak of the door, and felt the cool, damp air burst into the streets and filled a trailer behind plywood walls of which the sad, soporific be dirty nasty autumn rain.

I woke up in the morning with an aching, heavy head, tired and uncomfortable, stiff cotton pillows. Someone was touched my shoulder, standing over the bed. It was the watchman.

"Come on, I'm going home.

I got up squeaky bed. In the trailer were already some people. They rummaged through a drawer, something from getting out, anxious and unwelcome talking to each other.

We got out of the carriage. The dog sat, bound on a long chain, licking, shows only that сожрав something, and lazily looked at the sides sleepy tired eyes. The street is also visited by people in overalls, roared, sending gray clubs, wound cars, trucks and tractors. Work started.

-And what are they? I asked the watchman making his way between the pitfalls and heaped impassable ridges and deep ruts of the earth. - Today is Sunday. What do they work?

We contract work without weekends, " replied the man.

We went out through the open front of the iron gate, made on the back of the square the side of the construction site.

-Me, by the way, Sergei Mikhailovich name, " the man said, when we were not talking, few quarters. -I with my brother live. We're together. My wife five years ago. The Kingdom rest her soul. And my brother never married and was not. Boy I like you already army дослуживает, spring return. So the place where to sit there. Yes you are and don't be shy. Boy, I see you are good, but because I live, how much do you need. I have for you and room single there. But that's my brother don't pay attention. He was a weirdo some -- you'll see.

We entered the porch of the house, and after a few minutes, up to the third floor, knocked at oak, well coordinated, and a door.

-He is asleep, or what? indignantly said Sergey Maksimovich, and, turning to me, said. -We have the key with him. Actually, somewhere there is a second and even a third, but seek reluctant.

Finally, after about five minutes, the lock clicked, and the door opened. From there seemed to face with glasses, with a frightened rounded eyes behind thick marble lenses.

Chapter 10.

In the bathhouse looked Pelageya.

-- And, here you are! Something you're hiding?!

-- I? Yes, just... Went to watch a bathhouse. I had not seen before -- And she, in General, as, fired?

-- And what about? You t want to relax?

-- Yes, actually, not away, I frantically inventing excuses for their behaviour.

-- It is good that you go to a bathhouse wanted. Only now, one-t bath not hodjut. Need more t call. You're to go, firewood наруби yet, but I'll men poklichu. Who in the village now.

Pelageya disappeared outside. And half a minute I could see she was climbing the overgrown high Swan path leading along the slope of a small slides from the bathhouse to the house.

The soul felt fright was over, I looked out the door leading to the river, in the hope that the shepherd is still there. But it didn't happen.

Pelageya walked through the village, and I began to prepare firewood bath. Soon she was back, I was carrying an armful pinned into small chips of wood to the bath, and her face was distorted, and his eyes rounded with terror.

-What happened? I inquired, pausing.

-Peter medvedikha lifted her! Gasped in horror, said grandmother.

She put her hand to the right side where the heart was, and so stood in the middle of the yard, unable to catch his breath.

I rushed to the street, with the earth chips, and ran, not presenting even really where lives Peter. Near one of the houses for low жердянником gathered village grandmother, and I shall not hesitate, went there.

In the house of the people was even more than on the street, and I thought, where did so much in such a small village. Making his way through the dense humming, голосящую crowd, I was near the low of the bed under the blanket lying through his teeth smiling Peter. It was clear: he is bad. Eyes were wet and налившимися blood, he was sweating, and coal-black hair, wet from sweat and blood, лохмами sticking out in different directions. The cheek was a deep, ragged, soaked with the blood trail from the claws of wild animal. Peter breathed heavily and closed his eyes, as he rolled them in подлобье.

Seeing me, he hardly said:

-Oh, you're a... you See, saved you, and he... was no one to help...

I lifted the blanket. Outerwear and underwear were torn to shreds, the skin on the chest and shoulders was and is cut into strips by rags was floating on the dripping with the blood of meat. Broken ribs, frighteningly, unnatural sticking out of the sides of the snow-white fragments. The sight was terrible.

Seeing what was left of Peter, standing near Baba started to cry even more, from what I come in indescribable fury. I just wanted to grab something heavier and bash this dumb Indian, helplessly standing and watching, as a man gives ends.

"Well you're not bandaged, fools?! Unexpectedly for himself loudly, with anguish that had the power I shouted, trying to cover голосящих.

The crowd slightly grew silent, and I shouted again to cheer myself:

-Bandages let's rags tear, sheets!

Soon my hands pulled with bandages and bands нарванной sheets, and I came, I could rewind искрошенное, frightening his бесформенностью and compliances the body of Peter. Joined me and began to help.

Lifting her torso over Peter juicy soaked with the blood of the sheets, I realized that in several places he had broken spine. Body unnatural прогибалось, and the fingers can feel the sharp corners on the spinal column, which skin ran down my spine.

Lifeless soft body was heavy and bulky, but they helped me. It was necessary to remind, to treat careful. I asked a couple of planks, and they were handed over through the crowd that surrounded. They planted under her back and примотали rags.

Перебинтовывая affected, I tried how badly injured his skin, and every time its flaps can be easily separated from oozing lymph subcutaneous layer. It remained only to wonder how this, he managed to survive after such a passionate embrace bear.

When we started перебинтовывать Peter, he apparently lost consciousness and was unconscious. So you would think he was already dead. Put your ear to the chest or feel the pulse of the broken hands or temples there was no way, and only offering to приоткрытому mouth a small mirror, you could detect the easy fogging mirror barely теплящееся breath.

The bandage was finished, and I asked everyone to leave the house because the patient is not enough oxygen, while in the rear, where gathered the men, not invented anything better to take, Yes smoke.

When the latter came down from the porch and out into the yard, I turned to the crowd below:

-An urgent need to bring Peter to the hospital, otherwise tomorrow he should be buried.

-And are you a doctor? "I heard someone's stinging question.

-I'm not a doctor. But then any fool could see that he was dying. On it the living and left not a broken spine. Besides, he was bleeding.

The crowd rose terrible noise, and it was impossible to understand what people want. In the house suddenly I heard some thunder, and I rushed there.

A woman knows how the rest of the house, dropped on the floor basin of water, and now wiping rag puddle.

-How you came to be here? - I was amazed.

"I'm the wife of Peter, and what? "Replied светлорусая with a long, thick oblique woman.

Now I noticed that in the house of several rooms, and it was in one of them where now come out with a girl aged ten to twelve.

-This is my mom, Valya, " she said to me, " don't shout at her.

-What is your name? - I turned to her.

-My name is Larisa, she said, coming closer to him, as do during a conversation many children, trusting adults. - Today we with dad went to the forest for mushrooms and saw a bear, a little of this. I started to play, and then his mother bear jumped out from behind the bushes. Papa on the tree gave up, and he began to run away. But bear behind him has pursued, and looked behind me on the tree. I began to cry, and dad ran to the tree and began to cast a she-bear with canes, and then grabbed the bear by the scruff of the neck and lifted him up so that he began to shout. Bear jumped down from the tree and threw herself on the Pope. But daddy's gun took not, and he only had the knife. They embraced and began to roll on the ground. Papa bear with a knife beats, and she him breaking, tearing claws. And they struggled so long, and both scary screaming. And then came running uncle Alyosha, and helped to kill the she-bear.

-And who is this guy? I inquired.

Is dad's friend.

Valentina, Larisa's mother, gained from a tub again basin water обмывала her husband piece of Terry towels. I went out of the house. Now to me that was clear.

The yard of the house the people were gone. Stand there, just one and a half dozen people, including several men.

-Who Alexei? I asked the standing under the porch.

"Well I, " replied the elderly bearded man, in which I immediately recognized one of his three saviours.

-Is that you, where I saw that happened in the forest?

-Well I nodded Alexey.

-What happened there?

-And what it is now?

"Indeed, " I replied, biting his lip: "really, what it is now?"

-Very close to the village happened suddenly spoke Alexey, referring not to me but to others, and changing his tone of voice from the caller to surprise. - Here, a hundred yards in the direction of the cemetery. Whence here only here for the bears? And in this time they had the person not attack her, as time going to sleep to fall. I can hear the screams and roars. "Well - I think - the going gets tough!" Took an axe and rushed there. And there dipper Петрухе Boca pounds. Well, I'm her with an axe on the head and оприходовал. The only pity is that arrived too late.

Someone wanted to look at the bear, killed him, and remaining in the yard moved to the place where the tragedy occurred: according to Alexei carcass bear with his throat slit, still laying there, and had now to take her to not be in vain fat, meat and fur. I tried to stop them, but I didn't hear wanted.

I went into the hut to Peter, but Valentina зыркнула me so evil, so evil eyes flashed, that I realized: it's nothing to do.

"How strange, I thought, went down through the street to the house Pelageya - a person dies, and nobody wants to help him. Even if he is doomed, it still needs to try to help at least some support it with their participation in its fate. And they went to see the зарубленную dipper. It was necessary to find somewhere a car or anything else, Yes even combine or tractor, and take Peter to the hospital. However, where it's here you'll find."

In fact, in the village of almost that there was no technique, and for the whole week, that had been here, I have not heard even once the engine running.

Once in the yard and saw still in the middle of it stood Пелагею, I heard that from the corner of the house someone calls me. It was a light, almost spectral whistle on a high note, that you can be accepted for the creak of a swinging to and fro, and wooden shutters on the window. I was not even paid attention to it, but the whistle once persistently and invitingly and a little stronger repeated, so that it was impossible to pay attention. Pelageya also drew attention to a strange sound.

-What is there? "She asked me.

-Ah, wearily waved my hand, - that-that, dies Peter, and no it does not want to help.

-And what Baba to Varvara gone?

-To Varvara? - I was surprised and shocked at her words. I don't know.

Pelageya went out the gate, and I heard again посвитывание, доносившееся the corner of the house. There I was waiting for my friend rustic shepherd. His eyes were seven kopecks like mad.

-Do you know what happened? "He asked.

-Yes, I saw.

"No, not that. Baba village to Varvara went!

-So what? - I asked innocently.

As what?! Shepherd strongly grabbed my hand, showing remarkable effect, so unexpected in his frail body, and pulled her to himself. 'Do you know why they went?


-They went to ask her to help with her magic to return to Peter life.

-So what?

-How's that?! Don't you understand, that from the barbarians nothing good to wait. She's a witch. Indian sorrow blindly, she goes wherever she may seem faster help. And very often it is evil spirits, plays this...

-What are you плетешь?! "I broke and shook shepherd by his shirt. I was beginning to be annoyed that he is to me hooked on. I relax here! Not in every village shit go! Less than a week I stay remained in this damn phone village, but I still have the reason persistently not left in peace. And I'm already tired!

I tried to throw, to shake a shepherd, вцепившегося in my sleeves, but it was not there. He kept asking:

-Yes, you understand that it raises a big deal...

-What is the next big deal? - I wanted to get rid of him.

"I don't know. I have long forgotten how to anticipate, but anxiety, anxiety in my heart, and it gives me peace.

-What was the response? Why?

-Yes that is, with a bear, a trick Barbara. It's her. And the wolf that attacked you...

-Why did you take?

"Because I just seen a bear disappeared, disappeared and killed the wolf.

"Listen!" I'm sick of all this! -I hoped that he finally get loose from me, and found the grateful audience, which can be bullshit every ears hang. Maybe he's really crazy to some, quiet village crazy...

From the edge of the forest at the outskirts of the village heard the voice appeared from behind the trees, people, and the shepherd himself let go of my hands and quickly, ducking to the high grass, ran down to the river. I went into the street, to meet people.

They were the ones who went to watch the killed animal. Now they were in a strange condition, if подвыпили there in the woods, and they were not that drunk, but somehow, sloppily and even smiling, strange and дурновато.

-Why are you such wonderful? I inquired.

-Like what?! - come running to me one of the men. -Bear-gone!

He just ran to catch up with the old piano crowd.

Behind all trudged Alexey, sadly повесивший head. I asked when he caught up with me:

-What happened?

Bear is lost, - he glanced at me lost, he said.

He went on so hard, barely dragging its feet, but I was not behind him. I always thought that he said something wrong, and the meaning of his words floated somewhere in the fog of guesses...

-Wait, wait! - Feeling like me starts sending an adverse, unsteady, trembling, appearing in those moments when disappears, the presence of mind затормошил I Alexei. - Disappeared?! Think someone stole?

Suddenly Alexei changed. His face was contorted with rage, teeth evil flashed in покривившемся mouth, and he's just a sword slashed me oblique, from top to bottom at a glance:

-Fool! Who steal?!

He is evil moved his big serf's hand, and I flew to the side, on the side of the road is surprisingly easy, as стряхнутый with elbow kitten. Falling into the nettle of покосившегося gray жердяного of the fence, I burned on the grass and began to furiously shaking and scratching your hands are swollen, fast frozen red blisters.

"You fool! - An evil feeling I hissed, looking after him and imagining a good kick and I would now he bowed, if...-Goat!

On the other side of the fence emerged shepherd.

-Well, what?! He smiled his придурошной smile. "See?!

In his eyes was read celebration of the winner. I released the full charge of their verbal rage, because even in the depths of consciousness wasn't fear the village fool, didn't feel the danger, although sometime in the early childhood warned me to stay away from the insane and in case something to them the most neutral, because it is unknown ever, decide in the next second.

Having cursed the shepherd, I went to the gate and suddenly almost immediately felt a dull pain above the elbow. If someone is good to me his cudgel.

-Yes, he's really a fool! "I thought, turning around and seeing that the shepherd stands still on the other side of the fence, but in the grass away from me rolling a heavy boulder, one of those neat pile lay in the corner of the garden Пантелеихи.

I barely had time to understand something, as barely dodged a second stone, flying me straight in the head.

-What are you, stupid?! - I shouted, but the shepherd already bent down for the third stone.

Not waiting, I suddenly asked heels on the street, but immediately from acute болив the heel, where I went next hit, stumbled and rolled head over heels, picking up the dry dust.

-What are you, crazy, doing!?" - Sounded somewhere behind the heart-rending cry of an old woman Pelagia. "Oh, accursed, well I-R now you ask! Don't care if you're the fool-t!

On the teeth скрежетал sand, which somehow was full mouth. Very near the ear, flopped, брызнув in the face of the dust, another one, probably, the last stone, and I couldn't even get frightened that he almost had crushed the man's with me.

"Aptly is thrown!" - Sped through my mind. Very close I saw подбегающего Alexei with a big stick in his hands. His face was alive from the evil of excitement.

-What happened?! He pulled my hand and helped me sit up. Her head went round, stand up on your feet there was no opportunity.

-Yes here! - I waved head towards the garden, where Pelageya chasing at the corners of the shepherd. Sand nasty скрежетнул on the teeth, making it difficult to talk. And it seemed to me that many do not отплевывайся, it does not decrease.

"Are you Noodles contacted? - Opened his eyes in surprise Alexey.

With which other "noodles"? - Not I understood.

-Yes with our Noodles, with a fool to ours, with a shepherd! - Waved for convincing a stick man.

-And what with the "noodles"? - Again I understood.

-Yes it is that's his name: Noodles. Ivan Noodles. Fools too surname is!

-A-a-a - again I заплевался sand and Alex held his hand out to help me stand up. -Do not. My head is spinning.

Came запыхавшаяся but satisfied Pelageya, and breathing often and finely, through the word, asked:

-What is-t he stoned швырялся?! Are you offended him eh?!

The corner of my eye I saw from home Barbara goes village women, but behind all goes itself Varvara, pushing the hands of women, as GURT timid sheep. She turned her head, something still talking in my direction. And our eyes met, from what I was scared, and I looked down in the ground.

-Well, to lift you can already? - Again asked Alex.

"Yes, " I replied weakly, and felt strong arms, lifting me from the earth and put on the legs.

Accompanied by a grandmother Pelageya I walked to the house, not daring to lift their gaze and stumbling at every step under a heavy black eye barbarians. Inside I was trembling from fear and felt that I do not have even the courage to go forward. And when we stopped, catching up with broads, real estate seemed to me higher, saving the good, what I could find at the moment.

Pelageya something whispered, talking with women, groaning and причмокивая language in surprise. They could speak louder because I still listened to it, couldn't just hear, understand what they actually say, immersed in a stupor, ensconced in it, like a tortoise in its shell from danger.

"Пантелеиха" led me stunned, nothing соображающего farther, and when we got home, in a deep whisper, from which it was impossible not to come to, hissed, holding his lips to my face, which I felt on my skin dew from her moist, warm, heavy breathing:

-Tonight you need somewhere to disappear from the village, dear boy.

Her tender unusual appeal made me suspicious.

-Why is this? - The tone of my voice, apparently issued excitement.

Varvara said that cure Peter, if she will communicate with you.

-How do you took?

Baba said.


-Yes, they went now to ask her to help., and Varvara them answered here. She promised, otherwise Peter will die present at night. Now, t the case.

I sat on a bench by the wall and wondered digesting heard.

-It might be true that with this Varvara meet? - Asked finally, I do not think of anything better.

-What are you?! - Scared Pelageya having shaken hands.

"But Peter life will save! - I tried to reinforce резонность their proposals, although he felt himself tremble were shaking from the fear of this one thought, that it can happen.

Don't you! - Shook a fist over my head grandmother. - It and you lose, and man will not save. Well this is a witch! From her t no good to wait!

I thought about it and asked:

"Listen, grandma, how could I hide? If I want to force issue Varvara...

I don't know. May, in the forest-'t go-t, night sit there...

-Yes do you think, what you say?! "Said I, feeling the big chill, cold ripple ran the distance on the back. -She's got me there avenge itself. And more likely, and any help is not required.

Не6ожиданно in memory I offer came Alena go to the dance in Large Василиху. This was the solution. However, what I learned in the bath, somewhat confused, and combined to damp my ardour. But it seems that nothing else could. "If Alena went with me secretly monitor their mother, it is unlikely that she is with her at the same time", - I said.

I asked Пелагею flood bath, call Alexei and go to Aliona.

Come Alexey, stood in the doorway hung his heavy paw on заскрипевшую door and asked:

"What else?

-Walk with me in a bath? I asked immediately.

"You, boy, just a fool or what? I have a friend dies, and you're in the bath... Nuts or what? - He shook his finger to his temple, turned around and disappeared, as he had appeared.

Pelageya came with Alyona:

I'll go to bath'm flooding, and you're покалякайте yet.

"What?" "The girl asked.

-Go to the dance, " I suggest.

Her eyes widened:

-Don't you know what happened?

-Know. But I know something else: Barbara said, that will help to Peter, if I stay with her eye to eye, but otherwise it in the night to die.

Alena hesitated and somehow all faded, but then with determination in his voice said:

-Get ready.

-Well, - I nodded his head, " just go to the bath.


"You know, I showed girl stained sleeve and side shirts, smacked by a dirty trousers - much something dust.

The girl smiled for the first time:

-Well, well, just let's hurry, you don't really exhaust.

All the terrible experiences of today backed away, gone away, and her charming smile in front of me as if flew open another world, in which there was no trace of fear. From there breathed heat and light, and the feeling was suddenly so clear that I could not tell myself that the real: this is what surrounds me swamp provincial life, which was so much horror, or something warm and bright window that suddenly plunged my second "I".

"And you with me to the bath to go? Playfully and at the same time, half hoping to consent I asked the girl.

Alyona also playfully shook her head, and we both fun and carefree laughed as забывшиеся children. That moment seemed to me incredibly dazzling and magical gift of fate, which completely wiped out all my past painful experiences and filled my heart warm, lively gratitude.

I felt like I could tell her something extraordinary, from which the soul was supposed to fly somewhere high in the bright heavens, and stay there, surrounded by white облачек-lamb...

But, see, I did not have such words, that could Express my feelings, and only in the head, as it very often happened, spinning verse snowstorm, наметая snowdrifts quatrain:

I angel fell on the white snow,

He seemed to me to be as dark as the night,

And you're beautiful of all beautiful... Negatives

Your I win that it was urine

Sought sweet tenacious honey

That enfolded me. In vain,

All worthless. And melted the ice.

And it was all around wonderful...

Chapter 11.

-Make Friends, Yura. This young man will live here! - Said Sergey Maksimovich, opening приоткрывшуюся the door wider and pushing his brother deep into the hallway.

-I hope not for long? - weak unhealthy voice inquired Yura.

-How much will! - Sergey said, throwing off her cloak and removing shoes.

-And how many have?..

Yura broke off, because brother looked up at him angry, serious eyes:

"You might at first greeted with a man.

We shook hands, and I felt his palm, cold and wet, like a toad.

-Well, okay, nurse the guest. I have Breakfast will not. All went to sleep.

We Yurii Maksimovich went into the kitchen, and Sergey another ten minutes of noise in the bathroom, and from there we could hear it quite a groan. Then everything fell silent.

Yurii Maksimovich was busy at the stove, and I with interest eyed him from head to foot, sitting like a good boy - hands on his knees at the table.

If Sergey on a patronymic name language turned with difficulty, Yuri they sure looked old man, though perhaps was almost the same age as his brother. Much старили his glasses and with strong lenses, and indistinct женоподобная, amorphous shape, making it look like a bedside table in the robe Terry robes on two skinny legs.

Yurii Maksimovich put me in front of a plate of semolina, put a piece of bread, buttered, sat down himself, and also began to eat. He didn н6е asked, looking at his plate prying eyes.

When I ate, Yurii Maksimovich still silently took my empty plate. Put a Cup of tea, and went out of the kitchen.

After Breakfast, I went through the rooms of the apartment. There was two of them. In one, sprawled on the couch, her chin up, opening his mouth "width butt", snored Sergey Maksimovich. In another, something down, slouched over the table, bowed her head, his brother.

I approached him from behind, standing behind him. Yurii Maksimovich looked over his shoulder at me, raised up his round, fat, bloated face, but didn't asking turned their records and calculations.

Next to his Desk and above it was a strange apparatus that caught my attention. Several blocks with colored lights and all kinds of scales, control knobs, toggle switches. Equipment resembled an army, was so bulky and clumsy, ill-adapted to work with it, unsympathetic and unattractive.

Some time I watched devices. It seemed to me that some of them have already met once, and if his memory, you can know.

On one device, a blinking yellow light, flailed buzzer. Yurii Maksimovich sat up in his chair and, much squinting, began to be viewed on a small scale of the instrument, on which gradually move the arrow.

"Come along, young man! - suddenly he said to me, took his cold hand on to my sleeve like a bad boy, which was to take in the kindergarten, where he does not want to go.

I did not even bother to resist, and soon we were in the basement, where Yurii Maksimovich turned on the light. Took me along the corridor between the doors with mounted locks and stopped at the end of one of them.

When he opened the door and shot the lock, opened the wooden door, it was discovered another: iron, digital safe and a large turning the handwheel in the middle.

Yurii Maksimovich lit formed in the vestibule of a light bulb at a low ceiling and hurriedly began to gain on the chips combination, then twisted the steering wheel, and the door began to slow, hard to open.

We went inside, and when the lights went on, I saw a rather large and well furnished room, which could, if necessary, to live. Here was a small equipped kitchen, and a strange remote with a number of buttons, switches and signal lights, and the wardrobe, sofa, and even a TV with a radio receiver.

Yurii Maksimovich shut behind us a thick metal клепаную door and walked over to the console, making some manipulation. Somewhere earned motors, there was a strong characteristic noise of the fans and of the gratings in the walls of a strong stream of air.

-What is it? Why have we come here? I inquired, as he came nearer to the panel that already was sparkling some colored appliances, jumping up and down green bars, and shaking arrow indicators.

Is?! Yurii Maksimovich switched lighting, leaving burnt with a Desk lamp on the remote. - This shelter. And we came here because at the top of the radiation.

He looked at me, studying, and in the lenses of his glasses flashed a reflection of a Desk lamp and a superiority:

-So we'll sit here until it's over.

I looked at him опешенно as the crazy:

-What is radiation? Where did it come from?

The radiation of the most ordinary, it only can be, it came from, go at it and ask.

I felt that if we don't sit down somewhere and then шлепнусь on the floor.

-Listen... Listen, Yurii Maksimovich! You're kidding me? I asked, going to the couch.

-No, in General. Why do I need an adult, who lived the life of a person, such jokes? That way, you, I and this retreat specially rebuilt to you play?

-And that you built?! -I was sincerely surprised.

-Of course, who else?

-But it's how much money we had угрохать! Where did you get them? After all, here a thousand!

-Yes, I put here a few fees, moreover, had to sell his gorgeous three bedroom apartment and move in this халупу to the brother. But life requires it. To live differently now it is impossible, at least for me.

-And what fees, if not a secret?

-For the scientific work. I am a scientist, Professor, I write scientific articles, publish, get my money.

-But what these costs? Is it so often happens radiation?

-And radiation, and any excess of the MPC...


-MPC - maximum permissible concentration. My equipment pinpoint any excess of the MPC. What only harmful products of production are known, they are scanned, and are differentiated from environmental sensors of the equipment of this refuge. I can watch the full state of the atmosphere and radioactive background of the area by means of indicators and, if anything, to take refuge here. Moreover, this haven is a reliable protection from earthquakes and withstand even the twelve points. It is made according to the technology of reinforced independent Cuba and can withstand a furious pressure shake-up.

-What are the earthquake? "I do not understand me to be his last words. It seemed to me that I've missed. - unless there are earthquakes? Maybe I have and I don't really understand, but that is not сейсмоопасный district, for sure. Or you, Yurii Maksimovich, want to say that the us soon, the atomic bomb is thrown off?

-No, the atomic bomb is not to blame, but what about earthquakes, young man, I was right. Yes, you are right that this area is considered not to be earthquake-prone. But it only is considered, and in this tragedy, because there are virtually no earthquake engineering: no housing or industrial. But the fact that I still am working on a change issues, seismicity taking into account the influence of the newest factors of geological history. And one of the most dynamic and therefore the most dangerous factors of industrial mining, and, first of all, coal, especially oil. Occur giant move the masses, the balance of the earth's crust. Our thoughtless sloppy, criminal negligence at zadelke developed wells lead to the fact that billions of cubic kilometers, the entire underground sea moved in layers that you didn't have it for millions of years, and now imagine that all this is happening. It is like a person to instruct bruises, and then lament that we have done with him bruises. We live on the earth from above, from space reminiscent of one big bruise. But the earth is revenge for what she got hurt. According to my calculations we already had to turn the clock back a year and a half ago. But God is merciful, and this has still not happened.

Last summer in July was one землетрясениеце, almost imperceptible, so three points, but happened as a result of a large accident at a chemical plant. My alarm went off well and if it is not, and I, and brother would have been on the hospital bed, if not at the cemetery.

Yurii Maksimovich fell silent and turned away again to the panel that the switching on it and looking at the glowing scale and hopping green and yellow bars.

How long are you here to stretch, if that happens? asked, digesting heard.

-For two-three months. Food and water, but with gasoline worse, " said, without turning, Yurii Maksimovich.

-What is gasoline?

-From the ordinary. I have here an Autonomous power mounted. That's for her gasoline and need.

Conversation silent again, and I sat on the couch, trying to collect his thoughts, but then I suddenly like autumn:

"Listen, what about your brother?! He stayed at the top!

-Sergey still doesn't come in now - I know him. He after the shift, tired, and his tractor now not move.

-But there is a strong radiation!

-I say that it cannot be moved from the couch, he sleeps a dead sleep, Yurii Maksimovich turned to me again. The lenses of his glasses glistening in the dim twilight, and, apparently, having read something on my face, he said. "Well, young man, to me it is probably better to know her brother, but if you insist, I will call him now here over the intercom that connects the shelter of my room.

He pushed on the small cover, and under it was found out of the loudspeaker and microphone with a neatly-folded, and смотанным cord. Yurii Maksimovich flicked the switch and pressed some button. In the dynamics there was a deafening bells.

Is there in the room, Wake up call worked, " he explained to me.

Call had long about five minutes, until finally, instead of exactly взбесившегося call the speaker does not heard the angry voice of Sergey Maksimovich:

-Hey, moron, what are you doing there and climbed't you let me sleep?!

-Sergey, come over here. At the top of the radiation! "replied Yurii Maksimovich, choking back in переменившемся voice resentment and trying to be as calm as possible.

-And where is the boy? With you?!

-With me, and nodded his head Yurii Maksimovich.

-All right, - said Sergey it looked like he was going to go to sleep on.

-So you'll go down or not?! - concerned about raising his voice, asked Yurii Maksimovich.

-Yes, come thou in the swamp with his radiation - tired yawn, Sergey said, and on top of all was quiet.

"See?! - укоряющее looked at me Yurii Maksimovich, as if trying to accuse me an a brother to him offense.

"I see, " I said, involuntarily her eyes lowered.

We fell silent again for a long time. I felt guilty and could not ask a single question, although I had it in abundance. Very much now I found it interesting, and, for example, how often have a high radiation. But I sat quietly Yurii Maksimovich all went on at the console.

Finally I got tired of sitting in this concrete cube.

-Let me out of here!

Yurii Maksimovich turned to me, flashed glasses, and stared her his dark, myopic eyes.

"Why are you here you sit?" - flashed through my mind.

-Let me out of here! I repeated.

"Young man, I can't get you out. There the radiation.

-What the hell radiation?! People live, and nothing - it's OK! I don't want to sit here with you. Release me, after all!

-Well, well! Yurii Maksimovich feverishly clicked some switches turned on the overhead light, went to the door and, крутанув several times wheel on it, opened the output from the shelter. -Get out, only faster! I don't want to here and it was crap!

"Good-bye, " I said, not too slowly. If I had a hat on his head, as bullying I would not fail to remove it and take the bow in реверансе to pull the rubber and see how this unpleasant, repulsive-looking man will come jelchew in silent impatiently waiting, finally, would be to close the door behind me, and puffed on how toad.

Everybody on the street was commonly. If I never said that around radiation, he would, I hardly ever guessed that. The roads were driving cars, people were in the streets, who slowly, who simply walking, everything was as usual.

"We must драпать of here!" - visited me insight. "If someone actually control my thoughts and actions, not letting me go, then everything must be done to deceive him."

Walking through the streets of the city as would not even thinking about leaving, I nevertheless moved closer towards the station. It was a very slow, sometimes even had to return back to go in the opposite direction, that's really just to muddy the waters and confuse докапывающегося to my true intentions in the chaos of small motives and actions. I then went to a shop, cafe sat down to have a Cup of tea or a refreshing drink. In the end even I had the impression that I don't hurry anywhere and, in General, are not going to do anything to escape from this city.

For me it seems that no one was watching, and walked not on his heels, not after peeking from behind corners, but, nevertheless, someone's attention, someone's heavy hand was on my mind, perceiving all their changes, and I had to hope for flight to hide the deepest levels of thinking, bordering with the subconscious mind, what she now looked to me like a distant vain dreams impossible dreams, the implementation of which I would not have done already and step, having reconciled with their fate.

So walking and придуриваясь, in the end I went to the station square. Those who followed my mind, should be alert, but I did not give this reason, because I have in mind was to leave somewhere, leave the city, and who followed me, apparently calmed down, Charter watch sluggish during the processes in my brain, and to where I am now, he had no case until my thoughts remained on the same level.

Approaching the intersection, where yesterday terrible accident happened, I didn't react, but it's hard to hold back my excitement and not indulge in dangerous memories that are immediately alerted would be following my consciousness, and then all is lost.

"Well, now, now come on, have a snack in the cafe at the station, look what they got some good to eat", " I said quietly to myself, trying to really develop a simple desire to eat and a temptation to discover in the railway cafe something yummy. I even went over in the mind of yummy I would like, but in my head got another thought: "This station. With it you can leave. With a need to leave. Now immediately with him..."

I made a great effort to stifle that thought, запинать her, предательницу to mess up other, smaller, vain and marginal, but it proved quite difficult, and when the victory over it was me almost won, and I have already passed the crossroads where yesterday it happened, and on the horizon not had a single machine, my eyes suddenly I was struck by the fact that the transition no sewage hatch, the sewer hatch, which faltered the old woman, and she and pleased by the machine. It was not at all.

This discovery shocked me. I stopped short, staring at the asphalt. The fear inside me grew up in terror, to panic, whirling all nanos and bustle of sham сибаритства with the naked in his пронзительности thought: "I Must run away! Guard!"

I knew that I had already issued himself, gave a surge of fear, вырвавшим from the depths of the consciousness of my true intention, and if now to me was connected to a lie detector, then he would have made a splash on all parameters. But the fact that watched me, didn't need a detector. It was enough for him only, that I began to stroke my thinking cool Elendil broke, highlighting my true intention. Now I stood before him in all the boldness of his plan and, when to save the seemingly need to make one step, was the closest thing to failure, for which loomed the shadow of something terrible.

I could not move, as if sticking to the pavement, like a fly to a sugar bait, and suddenly saw rushing straight at me a car. He was already close and seem to have no thought braking or turning. "Where did he come from, because on the road there were no cars", - flashed in my mind a silly idea, although it was already clear: here it is payback for attempting to escape.

Without restraint rushing the car was close now, так4 that could be seen behind the windscreen two skewed whether fear, or anger person, but my legs refused to obey, becoming numb.

"Oh, my God!" involuntarily I thought, preparing for the worst, and suddenly felt that "came unstuck", took a step, but in the next second bumper of your car touched my legs, why I was thrown aside, and I felt like the wheel of a car passed on my heel.

Machine swung brakes, why it skidded and deployed. Покатившись head over heels, I was at the far sidewalk and, in fear sprang up and ran to the station, pushing counter minorities passers-by and feeling that хромаю on one leg because of a Shoe that I was staggered back heel. I don't have time to think, as it still can run. The corner of my eye I could see the two of them, a little awkwardly, jumped out of the car and went after me in pursuit.

From the platform went any train. Might I rushed after him, dropping on the go hampering running shoes and feeling small stones and debris hurt cut through the toe heels, passed last, postal, car and clung to the rail, calling out in a terrible voice, goodness knows why I have undertaken "Go away!" conductor, шарахнувшейся deep into the vestibule, and has wormed the belly of the iron checkered plate site, throwing his feet.

Breathless, I got up and asked the frightened girl:

-Where is the train?

Commuter it! "she said. - You have a ticket?

-Damn it! - escaped me.

I looked outside. The station was out of sight.

-For you for the ticket! - I offered a few crumpled pieces of paper ago decided never to come back, and walked in the car, where the bare shelves sat tiredly travelling from city to their homes, returning to their villages of the country folk.

Chapter 12.

The bath I went all the same one. With Alyona we agreed to meet on a village fence of her house on the other side of the village. It had to be done discreetly. And now, sweating in clubs hot steam and throwing wood on rdeyuschie coals, I painfully thought how best to accomplish this: whether to go along the river strangers gardens or go around through the forest, dark чащобой подступившему with the knoll to the edge of the village, making it seem that he shoves aside her in the water. And then, and another was dangerous, since it was of this nature. I was wondering why Varvara, did for me. And in the light of the strange tales of the shepherd and the last, not less mysterious events, happened with Peter seemed to me now is not accidental.

It was frightening. The smoke coming out of the bath, probably has already attracted the attention of anybody, and I was afraid, as it was not noticed Varvara. I don't give the rest of what she said, openly now, taking an opportunity, that wants to meet with me. She could come here, and because I locked both doors, propping one spear, and the other, the one that goes to the river, having strengthened to push the bracket stick handle.

Barely fear little by little began to let my troubled conscience, and I finally started to really bath, as suddenly шкрябание and attempts to open the door from the side of the house, attracted my attention. Having crept on tiptoe to the запотевшему the little window, I rubbed his palm and looked out, clinging to the glass, and with a sinking heart, trying to see up. But deep frame is prevented to do so.

The door kept scraping along, and in addition cat's sound is not heard anything. Remains calm which still warm in my soul, vanished without a trace.

"Who's there?! I asked, cautiously approaching the door.

There was no answer.

"Who's there?!

On the outside everything is silent. As the door opened went pairs. Sticking my head, I looked right, looked in the door, covered with a broom.

There was not a soul, but I felt that someone was watching me. In the tense silence that наползало stupor, I had a feeling that the whole village had died and I'm all alone naked in the bath in the middle of this lifeless silence, and from the heart зашлось in horror.

"Who's there?! - I cried, not so much to someone said, and more then to tell myself that I am still alive. It seemed to me that scream my resounded far on an empty area. In fear I slammed the door, securing it with a stick, and to bring a sense of reality, splashed a full bucket of cold water on the hot stones, why bathhouse is filled with heavy, thick, непроглядным steam, burning the skin and lungs exactly coal, and then immediately jumped out, сшибив simple constipation, on the bridge and, without hesitating a second, threw himself into the water.

Blessed saving coolness of the water hugged my burning body, and then a few seconds't want to pop up, and it was felt that body, moving slowly in the green-yellow sediment grains of sand and silt, sinking further and further into the thickening darkness turmoil.

Down at the bottom of something flashed a quick shadow, and I am, trying to keep the panic, earned his hands and feet, surfacing: it was not very pleasant to see that this fascinating немоте there is still something alive and moving, living here on the law of the host. The proximity of the swamp into which flowed the river is a very bad final movement - сгущала paint, and it would be better not to see that beneath you, a few feet below, over covered with silt driftwood floating unclear, расплывчатыеконтуры unknown creature. The feeling of free flight in a unknown silence nameless river, lost in the woods and fields, and the bestowing his vital energy with the silent, mysterious swamp, but not any more deep and strong river, which in itself was unnatural, grew in animal horror before the Majesty of small and frightened more than a bottomless depth of the ocean, which could not reach the human imagination...

Подплывая to the bridge, I could barely restrained not embark really took to their heels, and faster, than in other times, взабрался, almost jumped from the water dried feet to Shine, but the dark Board flooring.

Couples from the sauna was flying white clubs, and about to go in and close the door, there was no question. I left it open and, squinting up from the hot, humid air, got to the furnace and threw on притухшие coals few damp wood splinters, immediately задымивших white, щекочущих nostrils and першащим throat smoke. I began to cough, but with me he coughed, and someone else. Scared again had no strength, and I only thought angrily, that whoever it was, he now receives over this stupid game of hide and seek:

"Who's there?! - I thought I growled in anger.

Someone's fingers took me above the elbow, right behind the injured spot. In thinning clubs couple stood Ivan Noodles.

It's you in the door скребся?! - I was furious.-"You still just wasn't enough!"

Harass the stupid nerd getting tired of it, especially after the incident with stones, that he should kick properly.

"Listen, " he whispered instead of answering, - tonight will be the night - God forbid. Peter will die, it was the work of the barbarians. Don't it seem to the eye. I know she's our women offered: it's all lies, bullshit. She will do their dirty work, and you will attract, and there wasn missing you. You got somewhere to hide out until tomorrow morning, well, at least, four, until cock.

-And what are you about me печешься? I asked, feeling the fervor dies away, and things begin to frantically warping of the mind.

-I struggle with Evil, but now I can do it by word only. I need an assistant...

"Oh no, I've had enough! "I blurted out if only been waiting for this moment.

-Yes understand you, or me, or with Varvara! - tried to convince me to shepherd, but I wasn't listening, pushing out the door.

-I no except! "I said in his face and думавшему resist, embarrassed, Ivan Noodles, and slammed the door in his face. The conversation was finished.

Some time later, at the door of the bath was empty, and, quietly домывшись dressed, I went into the house where I was waited Pelageya.

-Listen, dear, you're to go to the one удирай! Again-Baba-t came to cope on your t soul. Wanted to go to the bath, hardly stopped them-t!..

after a few minutes, around the forest, and kept looking around, I drove to the house of Alena, and then, leaving the window a few lumps of earth, fled with her that it was urine on the open road along the bog, wondering why she suddenly became an infinitely long. All further road on чащобам and fields seemed shorter this open for viewing from the middle edge of the village inch of space.

"Do you think we notice? I asked, catching his breath, the girl.

I don't know! - She shrugged her shoulders, and we went chatting about nothing in particular, but continually looking behind him.

As the village remained farther and farther, and the fear passed, I became undermine the bad thought, that disturbed, no matter how I tried to banish it away. Now I have been known to some embarrassing facts of her biography that and think something was terribly. Several times already been solved finally I ask the same question about her parents, but every time stumbled halfway and Alena then looked at me surprised and scared and carefully, not understanding what was happening to me.

Of course, to talk about it was not easy. On the one hand the direct question could hurt the girl to touch the sick and maybe break the most delicate strings of her soul. On the other danger loomed get in some jungle of someone else's fate, which is then easily, if at all possible, it would be to get out. Here it was necessary to behave cautiously and carefully, and therefore start from somewhere far in the distance, something does not seem to be related to topics of interest to me...

-And Pelagia Пантелеевны have children? I inquired suddenly, not expecting such a question.

You should know, " the girl smiled. Because they are your relatives.

-Well, - I gave, looking for that answer. Is she to me not my grandmother, and I her first time visiting. How do I know?

Ална paused again, still smiling.

-How ill you to relatives think about, if you don't know their sisters and brothers, let and cousins or троюрных, - what are they there for you fall? I'm not talking to you corresponded with them or spoke as anything else...And your people deserve to remember them. Anyway, one for sure...

She laughed softly, and I thought it was the perfect moment to talk about her parents, but then decided that happen too clearly несвязанно and right way.

-And who is this one? I continued dialogue.

-I don't know what it is you have, should be a guy, though... Maybe this is wrong.

Is that not true?

Something that was such a...

-What was it?

"I don't even know how to say about him... Tadpole he was, in General.

-As a tadpole?! I asked, having coped with a laugh.

"I have heard that shortly before the war Pelageya Panteleevna gave birth to the first child - the beginning of the story Alena, and I thought it was worth a listen. "She was still quite young, was perhaps a bit older than me. Well нагуляла baby inexperience...

The boy was born as a boy, normal, in General, little baby. Grew up, grew up, but something happened, and he began to grow one head. At first did not notice it, and then late. Yes, none of physicians and could not say what this kind of disease, but his head grew to the size of a small balloon and began to occupy almost all the cushion. And the neck was skinny such that resembled стручек, and to support the heads of the special подпорочки invented.

Everyone said that he would die, because to live with such a mind is impossible, but-headed child lived and lived his. Grow stopped, but умнеть became by leaps and bounds, and to five years already spoken as an adult, and even read books, turning over the pages of children's fingers.

And for Pelageya Пантелеевной long before the war was courted by the Director of one factory, all came by car. Maybe it from him little baby was, nobody knows, but it is too him courted Yes watching Goodies brought him books. So until the war was.

The boy's head came and came to marvel from the entire neighbourhood, where only rumors доползали about an unusual child, whose head is larger body, which in five years knows more than any adult, reads a lot of books, flipping through them infantile fingers, but not even able to walk and barely sitting with the help of special supports and cushions, without which his chicken neck would already broke.

When your uncle is now six years old, he suddenly spoke. No, saying that he could before, but now he could hear terrible things. I do not know that he ever said in there, but people simply jump steel. Tell that he kind of prophesy...

And then the war began. In the village we stopped the Germans, and your uncle taken away somewhere. Pelageya like it, of course, is not given but who would I ask her was confiscated and all. More of a boy's head, nobody has seen since then, and no one heard."

-See how you interesting relatives? "The girl asked.- And you mean they did not know.

I had no answer:

In this story it is hard to believe. More like a fairy-tale.

-And you on the attic слазь to Pelagiya. Maybe she was there, among the stuff, still photography any, by his photographed.

I looked at the girl.

-Слазь, слазь, - she nodded her head instead of answering my dumb question.

We had to talk plainly appeared before them as marginal house a Large Василихи for a well-known fork of the road. Fears that the us will pursue long been dispelled, and now around me hauntingly like an angry bee, circling the thought that Peter is really going to die, and I did not tried to do to save him.

When we entered the village, I asked Alena:

-Look, here is a hospital of some kind?

"Why should you? - Surprised Alena.

"Why what? I must do something to help Peter.

-It is unlikely to help him, - she nodded.

-Why? He is still alive, and therefore must be a hope of salvation, " I said, little by little starting to remember how бинтовал body of the victim, and as my fingers run across the corners переломанного spine. Painted a picture of complete despair, but I didn't want to give up, although somewhere in my mind I knew, felt that to do anything vain, and in vain.

-Okay, let's go! - Took me with a call by the hand Alena and led me like a little boy.

I had to catch it and take away my hand, and then she looked at me with hatred, сверкнувшей in her eyes, though I've never looked expected, but still went on.

The only cross-cutting street we crossed the whole village, whose centre of the mansion housed the big stone two-storey solid old building, apparently, the former once aristocratic mansion, now converted into a rural house of culture. The building was surrounded by a large Park and garden, walled high fence of iron curved ornaments of forged rods mounted in a low stone Foundation with square with skilful stucco columns-side tables. Behind the fence had not looked, and in some places gaped failures in the lattice and red bumps in the beautiful, when the snow-white from good plaster walls. Paths of the Park were manned by bushes and tall, old poplars, through yellowed whose crown was seen huge Jerzy crow nests. Before франтоном building froze dull, dead fountain, able to restore the anguish of their neighbors for their полуразвалившимися sculptures, the former three angels водившими a circle around something that fell apart completely, leaving only a short, ugly candy white concrete with a protruding from it погнутым, rusty piece of pipe.

Further from the facade of the building, ahead of the fountain stood a pedestal made of polished brown and grey slabs of marble. Plate ahead was absent, and the pedestal was deserted. The combination of it with dead fountain made depressing impression.

On the other side of the village against each other was a small Church with крашенным blue angular instead of a round dome-репкой with gilded cross on top and a one-storey long Barack facing the street was deaf end with a door, over which hung a dull signboard with an inscription in red, textile fabric basis Hospital.

Come through the door, we were in the dark corridor, where the burned on a low ceiling few dim lights. There was no one there, and chairs, placed along the walls were empty, and all the offices were closed. Corridor reached the middle of the barracks, and at the end of it remained the last door, which was unlocked, where we entered. There, in the second half of the building was quite light and spacious. Several rows of beds, chairs and tables, cabinets and wall Yes Desk at the entrance, which was sleeping , resting her head on his hands, nurse, all that here. The room was laying there, here a few people. All were asleep, and there was a dead silence.

I touched his shoulder nurse, and she raised her head quickly, glancing focus sleep-blurred eyes.

"Please excuse me, where is your doctors?

-No one answered the nurse, going to sleep again.

"But ima need help urgently. Man dies.

-Where? - Yawned, his hand covering his mouth, woman.

-In Василихе.

-Ah. There nobody goes.

-How not to go?! - I angered her calm tone. - You must understand that there is a person dies. He needs to render urgent medical aid, - I have tried to highlight the word "medical", but this had no effect: not one muscle moved on the swollen face of the nurse.

-What happened to him? "She said softly and sweetly, from what seemed that this voice can be put to sleep any.

-Bear his dented.

The nurse already cocked her head to the hands, but for a moment, before dropping it altogether limply on her hands lingered and, nodding her, she said, frowning irritably:

-Oh, I don't know what you do. Doctor today will not.

-Well, you see, that man dies...

but she did not hear me. Her eyes closed and plump lips, pressed his cheek, blossomed in the roses.

-Well, what can we do? - I turned to Alena and saw her eyes as if спрашивавшие in злорадном прищуре: "Well, have you seen it?! -So."

"Well no, " with malice I thought, " I растормошу this land of nod."

-Listen, where he lives doctor? - I shook again nurse's shoulder.

She she something unintelligible, but then opened her eyes again and, to measure look from top to bottom, said through clenched teeth:

The third house on this side...

In the specified her house was no one there. We had been subjected at his door and kicking, and when they went to leave the gate faced with some old man, державшим in the hands of a fishing tackle and a bucket with a small fish, filled only by a quarter.

What were you guys? "He asked.

-Yes, you probably are looking for. We have trouble. Man bear dented. It seems bursted spine and ribs. But he is still alive, he needs help...

The old man made a gesture, making it clear to concede догогу, and the course went on to say:

-Well, where it here bears seen? Forty years ago, they still existed, but have long since been all повывели, on the skins попороли... But even if so, I can't help you. I therapist, I am not a surgeon, and judging by your descriptions, case heavy. We need a surgeon. The one I am nothing I can not help, unless antipyretic write, Yes iodine bottle give you. All...

He turned on the porch, looked at us from the top down.

-Well, take a surgeon! - I asked.

No surgeon at us in the hospital, and operating have not, and the machines we have no -- Where, by the way, the victim?

-In Василихе...

-Ah, so you have a car?

-No, where we have a car? We walk...

Oh, so what do you kids, what I want to bring to the patient?

I don't know, we thought you had a machine is...

"We don't have the machine for a long time already collapsed, and no surgeon. He already half a year ago left. The nearest surgeon now in district only.

-And is it far?

"Don't лизко, fifteen kilometers from.

-What can we do? I asked, knowing his weakness.

The little old man went into the house unlock the backdoor, and appeared in ten minutes:

-Here, take the bandages, iodine, antipyretic... Syringe you have?.. Take the syringe, he кипяченный, but it diphenhydramine and morphine drug. If diphenhydramine will not help, then make a shot полкубика morphine. But do not get carried away, this is very dangerous...

-Yeah, dangerous and can not be, " I said with irony, " thanks for the assist.

"Thank you, " said Alena and turned to me. "Let us go.

Leaving the gate, I turned to look into the eyes of the doctor, who is so indifferent left dying on an arbitrariness of destiny, but already and was not on the porch.

"You see? - Alena was angry распихивая me in the pockets of the packaging.

It was dusk, and the sun sank in the densely-blue clouds on the horizon, illuminating the red-gold edging their edge. From somewhere came unexpectedly cool wind that carries rare even yellow leaves, broken from the trees, which reminded, that it's not the summer. The night promised to be cold, and I shivered, with displeasure thought shivered, куак cold and unpleasant to go Василиху. Maybe even have to go промозглому autumn rain.

In some houses are already lit light bulb, and people on the street became much less, although only the first twilight came on earth. The sun disappeared behind the clouds.

We came to the house. Here flocks and one went teenagers, boys and girls have grown up. The first in a hurry, have not yet lost restless energy of childhood, and quickly overtook them, walking sedately with dignity strolling along the Boulevard somewhere in Paris and gentlemen. They looked quite comical, but I did not share his impressions with Alyona, fearing that her battered village girl never have been in the city, will be unable to understand my humour.

Entering in the Central alley, which was beautiful and shady, but now already lost its former charm, we passed the decapitated pedestal, and I asked:

-Why pedestal is, and the monument itself not?

-And here the monument to Lenin stood. His eight years ago piled up, and that instead put it up. He was lying in the garden, behind the house of culture. Him say gathered put back, so here's something not thinking.

We rounded the concrete pelvis fountain covered with patches of moss, and, rising to a low-round porch, went inside the building, leaving ahead arrogant беспардонных brats, climbing ahead.

In the hall with columns restored lobby, was somewhat dark and chaos random motion and bustle of adolescents, noisy games which were often similar to the real fight with the screaming and screaming, вносившие in all happened Bedlam and the feeling only train stations or airports. In the corner stood a plywood brightly colored booth from which sold tickets. Her stretched a small queue, where they sit back and we.

-Take tickets to the dance, " said Alena, looking around.

-And where it is still possible to take? I smiled involuntarily in contempt for local poverty culture, and in turn began to look around.

-In the movie - Alena not noticed the sarcasm issue.

In the big hall with a circular balcony on the columns was still empty. Several couples мялись in the corners, although хрипловатые dynamics, which exactly redoubts hidden a few people, apparently, the organizers discos on a small, low stage the far wall, exploding cutting, крушащими sounds crazy rhythm which was so out of place here. The roar of the disturbed not to say, but even to think, why, probably, all the participants feel uncomfortable, and in the other half of the hall, where there was a scene with equipment, nobody went.

Day behind the high, why they looked thin Windows overlooking the balustrades on the huge balcony on the facade of the mansion, soon faded, and the people was added. Special fire music continued to rumble. In the hall quickly became dark. Blink colored spotlights, fortified the columns under the eaves of the balustrade along its entire length, making all around being mentioned in erratic всполохах, высвечивающих, wresting from the darkness of the motionless figure, столпившиеся in circles and рассевшиеся on wooden folding chairs along the walls, twisted озирающиеся person, heady, бахвальные muzzle.

No one was dancing, and although people were crammed a lot already, in the middle of the hall was empty. As was seen in the blinking yellow, green, red and blue lights guys gathered in several groups, leaving her friends and drank, did not hesitate bottles and glasses in their hands. I pay attention to them Alena.

-Are charged, " she said, shouting to me in my ear. - Until they have done drinking - dance will not go.

Girls have gathered in flocks, but not to drink or at least have a chat, if there weren you can do it, but just in submission awaiting their knights. They didn't even look at each other and searched empty glances around the room, considering the long time already familiar columns and a balcony, whimsically change their shape in multi-colored shadows outbreaks.

Is that just going to stand there?! - I shouted in his ear Alena why she shook her head.

Let's go to the balcony! - I heard through the DIN of the music of her answer. She took my hand and led her to a closed door in the side wall.

Chapter 13.

Making his way along the corridor of the car between somebody's knees, sacks, bags, filled to the top with all sorts of things, I've been looking for a free place, but in the coupe, and on the side shelves it was overcrowded. When he reached the last coupe, I stopped in the passage: to go back there was no sense. People continually squeezed past me with a request to step aside., and then just silence. Give them the road was difficult because there are a step was impossible, but they still made the way, thundering with insults and попреками on his life, going to the toilet and smoke in the vestibule. Children in such a case, transmitted on hands, and one bright boy of four or five, озорничая, kicked me to her little shoes in the chest, almost being included in the solar plexus and looked with curiosity, what will you do with my hand. I immediately realized that he did it intentionally, but, although everything inside вскипело from such insolence and disrespect by little хамца, not innocent, what happened anything.

The train moved like a turtle and stopping at each post. At a stop, immediately after the city, the people went down so much, that the car was like a city bus during peak hours, but then, the farther drove away from town, people are becoming less and less, and soon there were seats available.

I've wanted to sit down and, finally, to sigh in pleasure of sitting down suddenly in a compartment in front of which I was standing at the window he saw the familiar top of his head, and before he knew, felt pricked in the heart of surprise. This happens when one not long ago встречавшемся man know of another, sunken into the fly.

It seemed to me in the first instant that by the window sits Охромов. But it was Gladyshev. Apparently, he got another city station, and now calmly stared out the window, by leaning on the table with his elbow, and her head resting on his palm. I know its just because intuition is suggested. When my eyes fell on him. That it is familiar for me people.

Reach Gladysheva was still impossible in the coupe people sat tight, although in other places for a long time already had free shelves. Окрикивать was indecent, besides it would be hard to predict how he would react to such a meeting.

I alone chewed the joy of meeting with a familiar person. This food in сухомятку, not diluted with water at least some communication and emotion't gave me any fun. Rather the opposite. And for another half hour until the chance to get to his shoulder, I was forced to stand and watch as Gladyshev all looks and stares in space somewhere outside the window, in a passing by the landscape, and sits there, without moving or changing his position.

It turns out that he slept. Pushed his way under their eyes, smiled genially growling, I. ask neighbors to move over, planted next to me.

-Where are you? his eyes were round in surprise, glowed with genuine joy.

-Nothing really, - I don't know what to say, and waved his hand. -And where are you going?

-Yes, here I am in the link! - Gladyshev smiled widely.

-As it is in the link? - not I understood.

-Ancestors were exiled. For the fire and the fire.

He suddenly laughed wildly, and his neighbors moved away. And then began отсаживаться, one disappearing in the other compartment.

-Now our cleaning went. And I stayed home, as a victim, to help restore housing...

-And our - who is this?

-Students. Well I Institute study... Well, renovated and I do not know, and because I was exiled to a fortune. Here I go there and food. With eyes away.

-Well, you are to blame for what had happened.

Gladyshev hurt slapped me on the shoulder:

"Listen, you mother remembered! Says, what this moron with you in the apartment was...

We long talked about all the stuff. Until, finally, the topics of conversation will not run out.

Outside the window is already darkened, and the heart crept into the alarm. I never liked to go off somewhere, and darkness reminded about it. Alone now did not want, and in anticipation of loneliness my soul was ready to follow Гладышевым wherever we can not be left one on one with беспризорной Vokzalnaya bench on some anonymous station.

Gladyshev a long time he was silent. I walked to the car and saw that the people have left. Everything pointed to. That is close to the terminal station, and it looked as if a clear dive in the pitch глыбь river Slough and, not reaching the bottom, stay there, between heaven and earth, while the lack of air and the spirit.

I wanted to say Гладышеву that he never parted with me, because it seemed as though we are old friends that know one else knows how many years. I would hope that he experiences a similar feeling, but it was unlikely he knew where he was going and he had a target on which the trip is over. I was going nowhere, and мыкания my aimless and meaningless cannot be described as bitter word wandering.

-You Veronica saw? - perked up suddenly, my companion, and I felt hurt pulled down somewhere heart.

-No, - I had no voice from the excitement.

"She came.

It was like a mockery. The one of whom, perhaps, I will come back to the city, appeared hardly I had no opportunity to meet with her.

-And how is she? - I tried to excitement was not manifested in the intonation of the question, but I think it turned out bad.

-She tomorrow wedding, from these words, I almost choked with air and began to cough, feeling pulls the throat. -Tomorrow she marries a Hippo.

In the voice Gladysheva there was no pathos or taunts. He just told me about the news that, it was clear he was interested in so far as this may be an interesting interlocutor, and which seemed to be interested in me only as a fun fact from the life of our common friend. I've seen it. I felt it in his eyes, in which there was no shadow of suspicion that this could hurt me.

Somewhere beneath us creaked brake pads, потравило compressed air, and the train began to stop.

Gladyshev looked out the window on the other side of the almost empty car.

-Well, here we go.

Outside the window was shining lights outlandish designs station, reminding increased by several times the house with a gable roof.

Hey, where are you going? - finally Gladyshev was surprised that I went with him to the last stop.

-I myself don't know where! - I grew concern. Now stronger desire than to return to the city. Annoying idea that all heard - weird accident, and it can be fixed, prevent, if I get back in town and stand before the eyes of Veronica, not let me rest. I do not doubt that I can say anything I want to I will tell you how to think of her all this time, as he remembered her in the most difficult, difficult and dangerous moments of life, did not doubt that I can talk her out of the wedding, I rush to his knees before her, and will ask her hands. And she will understand me, agree with me, and we will never part. "Otherwise, how are the voices that whisper to me: "She'll be your wife!"? What about all those promises, that I will suffer for it?" - I thought. - "When will these things be? I am ready to suffer. I want to. I can't live without her, I can't..."

It was hysterical. It has not escaped outside, but кромсала my soul...

I woke up from that Gladyshev shook me by the shoulders

What's wrong with you?!

"Nothing, Gladyshev, nothing... I have to go back. I've got to see Veronica. I want to be at her wedding. I don't want her married! You're lying, Gladyshev! You're lying, scoundrel!!! It's a lie!

All. I blurted out, and I, in a fit of fury fought forehead and knocked his fist on the wall between the coupe. Gladyshev jumped next, trying to calm me, but it simply did not exist in my mind. Then he sat in front of it and began to silently contemplate my condition with his large, absorbent everything, the whole world with his stupid laws, and it worked on me faster, and stronger than all persuasions together.

When I calmed down almost came running conductor:

-Young people that floor you here расшумелись?! Go out, have long time: the train will soon go to a standstill...

"Isn't he go back to town? - I was surprised.

-Only in the morning.

We went out on to the platform. I don't know what to do.

-So where are you driving? - again asked Gladyshev, but this time it tupovataya molestation me доканала.

-Yes you went to the devil, Gladyshev! Tell me, better than where you got the bus station.

We entered the station. I rushed to the schedule of trains. In the desired direction first was only three o'clock. Passing. It was too late.

Show me where you got the bus station! again I turned to the Гладышеву, плетущемуся for me, not even wondering which occurred in itself change.

He brought me to the bus station, lost among private houses close to the railway and representing himself single-storey unsightly building, resembling a large barn or a chicken coop. To my surprise there were people. They stood in a queue at one of the closed small little Windows and half asleep and quiet conversations kill time waiting aimless.

I was wondering when you can go to the town, but until the morning in the direction nothing in sight too. The bus left an hour earlier of the first train. But still it was too late. If from here airplanes flew, I would fly, without thinking...

On the street at the bus station, on a small platform, rather reminiscent yard without fence, landed a huge red "Ikarus", чадящий oily soot. In his cabin tempting burned dim light, the passengers were asleep, leaning back in their chairs. The driver cut the engine and opened the door, came down from the cab to the ground and went inside the bus station with a piece of paper in his hands.

I asked him, where is the bus. It turned out that in the right direction.

-But you don't have a timetable! - I was surprised.

-This is four hours late, " explained the driver.

-A place to eat?

-There are three or four free.

-You can go to buy tickets?

-You can.

Gladyshev relentlessly followed me. he was silent now, and he was beaten dog.

I rushed into the building, and overtook the driver in a dark, narrow corridor.

In a hall-room given was full. People shaken off a dream and now Boyko quarreled with each other for the right to buy a ticket. Did not have long to watch them to understand that many of them want to go on that bus.

Wasting no time, I tried to get through to the small, barred, private deaf plywood with a small cut out for the money and the ticket window, but I отпихнули the two accounts, and the whole wrath of the queue moved on to us with Гладышевым, who stood at a distance, but not escaped the fate of being nailed to the pillar of shame and spit on with me.

To do here was nothing, and I dragged Gladysheva to the bus, opened the electrical door of the salon is both a blessing to know where the button, and entered with them into the cabin. We took the vacant places.

Soon appeared the lucky tickets. They walked into the salon and in the ghostly light night light began to look for places available. But those turned out to be two less. The remaining offended passengers rebelled, came the controller, and we quickly выудили and thrown out of the bus, no matter how I tried to convince perturbed that an urgent need to go, to appeal to their conscience, and mercy, and promise each pay triple the price of the tickets.

We stayed in the street, and the bus, showering us Chad left.

"Listen, why do I with you in the bus got? - asked himself Gladyshev't found the answer. He stopped, shrugged and suddenly went far away into the darkness, this is too ссутулившийся.

I caught up with him.

"Wait, where are you?!

-To a fortune. All farewell.

-How? And with me you will not go? The wedding to Veronica do not go?! - I do not want to let go Gladysheva, but he left me.

-I'd never get called, " he was talking on the go and walked rare, but very long strides, so that I could hardly keep up with him, then stopped a moment. Except be there to lead you?! - went again. - Stupid.

"Listen, but how do I find them?

"You know where he lives Veronica?

-But she does not live there, I went...

I don't know, but the wedding will play there.

-In what the registry Office to register?

I don't know! - Gladyshev opened the gate in аккуратненьком, выкрашенном, from the same реечки workbook and stopped at the entrance. "Listen, I do not want more to you pursued me. I came to my Granny entertain any wedding or where not to go, and go not going to. You gotta do you and go away. I haven't been invited, and my soul is not, frankly, with the campaign to communicate, especially after the case...

-What works?

"Do you know? Well. It is not important. All the while!

He closed the gate and disappeared in the darkness, and from house, standing in the yard, shouted:

-I've told you that, for the sake of fun! Don't think that you have it so will act! Chao!..

At the bus station taxi stood. I turned to the driver, and he charged such an exorbitant price, from whose head went round. Bargain, I скостил a good third of the amount, and after a few minutes reclined asleep on the back seat of a speeding car on the highway.

Early in the morning I already got out of the house where you lived before Veronica shivered from the cold autumn wind and with a strange sense of glancing at the window of her apartment, barely lit Eastern dawn.

The door of the apartment long opened, and I felt cruelly deceived, as could already be somewhere very far away, and my wounds, finally, began to heal. Giving as it should be, the most recent kicked in the door, I sat on the stairs and paused. I could not leave. Here and now back God knows why. Believed Гладышеву. But I saw that the apartment is empty, knew it, and still believe!

Going down the street, I saw at the entrance of the discharged wedding rings, ribbons, with a large doll in front, dressed bride machine. To sit alone driver, and stood behind a truck, and some people unloaded from the body of tables, chairs and some boxes.

I asked them why the furniture, and they replied that the wedding. Where the bride and bridegroom and their relatives - none of them knew.

OCS in the city were only two, but they were quite far from each other, and that I could tell her there, when, probably, had been to the unique mood, what happens brides first time preparing to enter the hall of ceremonies. It is unlikely that she would listen to me, and even more to delve into the meaning of my words and spoil your mood. But I did not want to admit to myself that Veronica was lost to me for a long time and forever, Yes, most likely, never belonged to me. I was anxious to see her, and that I can meet her in one of two registry offices, but don't know exactly where and how much, much worried me.

I asked the driver decorated machine where and when will the ceremony, and after a few hours, shifting in his impatience, feet, eyes sought out among the many подъезжающих machines Tu, with a doll in front, which were supposed to arrive Veronica with the Hippopotamus.

I couldn't imagine her next to him, though now resigned somewhere in the depths of the soul, that the wedding will take place.

Soon the square in front of the building of the registry office seemed to several machines at the front of which sat doll-bride. Wedding cortege was numerous and so richly decorated and brightly that immediately stood out among the others.

Parking in front of the civilian registry office was crowded with cars, and a train stopped at a little distance. I saw the groom, and though he was far away, I guessed that it Hippo. He got out of the car, went to the other, and gave his hand to the bride.

My heart застонало. I learned and not learned to Veronica. It seemed dazzlingly beautiful. And the closer couple Suite, the more beautiful and charming she appeared before my eyes. I could not take my gaze from her, as if spellbound.

Veronica approaching, and we could distinguish the smallest lines of her face, the expression of the lips and eyes. She seemed infinitely happy and relaxed. She was looking ahead, beyond space. Behemoth kept her hand on his elbow, looked around, around and managed the talking, smiling with a witness.

Behind the newlyweds went together with a numerous retinue, excited, motley, брызжущая joyful jokes and laughter.

Veronica floated around the corner from me and disappeared in the building, without noticing my sight. I joined her guests and with them went inside.

In the big hall was crowded from the audience. There were visitors from other weddings. The bride and groom disappeared, left, accompanied by staff of the institution. Somewhere, as if from another world, and then came the wedding March, then went out solemnly dressed woman with broad red ribbon imprinted in gold letters Mantilla over her shoulder and offered to go relatives and guests another pair.

Finally came and turn wedding Veronica and Hippo.

Together with others I come into a little hall with carpets, the chamber orchestra of the corner, in the middle of which a microphone with an open book in his hand stood waiting for a smartly dressed woman with a sash over his shoulder. In front of her, accompanied by witnesses stood Veronica and Behemoth. The head of the bride was hidden by a veil, but still, I could see under her hair, neck and face.

The whole ceremony took place for me in a daze, and I had not even noticed again appeared on the streets. Young sat in a tuple. I too hurried to one of the empty seats in the car, but soon I pushed. Then in the car crammed as many people that it was impossible to imagine how so many people can fit in such a small space. However, no one noticed the tightness. The guests were entertained, joked and незлобно denials.

Wedding long worn to discover the city and suburban locations. There they all were unloaded from the car. Young photographed. All drank champagne, which whenever it in abundance was taken out of nowhere, and each time at each stop will definitely ended.

Only after almost half a day tuple landed in the yard of the house where you lived before Veronica. Here at the entrance was already a crowd of onlookers and children who are eagerly waiting for, when the young would be showered candy and chips.

After the ceremony of meeting of the young at the door, when they were forced to bite the bread, drink champagne, and have broken into happiness expensive wine glasses, all went upstairs. The groom with the bride retired to rest after hours check in the city. Guests have settled for capped apartment tables. I learned that towards evening wedding move into the restaurant.

I was terribly hungry, and barely concealed hunger attacked the food. The idea to meet with Veronica as soon as possible and tell her that I love her, seemed now I do some crazy and unnecessary. Me so here were not invited. In some moment I even felt ashamed of his presence at the wedding. I ate expensive foods and drinking a good expensive wine, but me nobody knew and no one expected. Feel unbidden guest, it became increasingly difficult as my stomach was...

In the restaurant of the bride and bridegroom stand near the entrance to the hall, and now already met each guest, which gave them flowers and gifts. Next were the witnesses. In them I learned the red-haired girl of the campaign in the restaurant and the Rafter, which is so loved, so I knew Behemoth.

Standing at some distance, I watched поздравляющие give flowers bride, boldly kissed Veronica, and she dazzling smiles and talks to them with joy and happiness. Surround her some subtle glow of bliss, illuminating the surrounding garden of Eden fragrance.

All this went on for what seemed a long time, and when it's almost no one left on the area near the entrance, and next to brides, has grown the whole bed of bright colors and a mountain of gifts, Veronica looked in my direction, apparently. Drawing attention to the man, who stands in all this time and not coming closer. Maybe she finally felt my opinion, during this time intently watched her. Smile immediately disappeared, gone from her face.

Behemoth continued to receive congratulations from the last guests, but she did not react to their wishes and now looking in my direction, slightly open mouth.

Lose the more you cannot have a single minute, and I went immediately to her, not knowing what will happen in the next moment, seeing as increasingly become her eyes.

Now and Hippo saw me. The corner of my eye I saw how unspeakably he was surprised, but my eye was chained to Veronica. I was trying to read in her eyes that happens to her at that moment, but he could not do it. At the same time, those eyes told me so much in those few moments of our silent dialogue that I suddenly felt, whether from what I himself coined this dialogue, whether from the fact that it did happen.

As if from somewhere far away I heard the words of Hippo:

-Oh, well, buddy! I wouldn't expect you заявишься!

Somehow I felt sorry for him, I began to mumble something ridiculous excuse herself, feeling inside some thief to him. I took out of his pocket pretty поредевшую in the last days of my cash, divide it in half and gave one part of the Hippo:

-Here, take it and be happy!

-Well, you what?! - Hippo hesitated for a second, but still took the money and took them into the inner pocket of his dazzling expensive suit. -Well, thank you, come in, sit down at the table, help yourself, and be merry.

I wanted to kiss her, as did all that the congratulations, but I have not had this spirit. It seemed to me that all the same Hippo closely follows me, that he reads all my thoughts. And therefore only bringing lips to face stunned my appearance bride, I felt that no effort can't continue this movement.

-Why did you come? - she whispered. "Do you mean to spoil me a wedding?

-I steal you, " I replied, not knowing why.

-Hey, what are you шепчитесь? asked Behemoth.

He says that steal me, - said Veronica...

Walking into the room, I looked around. The groom is already accepting new congratulations from припозднившихся guests, and Veronica looking after me, and it was difficult to say what came over her face...

Only by the middle of the evening, when dashing toastmaster drunk to such a state that is not elm already bast, and the case by proposing a toast, and not hesitating to itself SIP a glass of champagne and a shot of vodka, I dared again to catch the eye of Veronica, but invited to dance not her, but wanted to do so, and the witness.

The idea to steal the bride now not to leave me, and I now waited, when this opportunity to introduce myself. Soon advantage of the moment when the bride turned away, turned away conversation, I grabbed Veronica remained without supervision, by the hand and in the two accounts drew her away from the hall, up the stairs. A second later we were on the floor above, at the entrance to another hall, where only two months ago I sat with Veronica in a bizarre campaign same night, that first gave it to me, and then took away suddenly. Now I hid in a corner, having absolutely no idea what to do next, and all he could say was:


"You fool! What have you done?! - boiled it.

-I DO?!I stole you... it can be...

"Idiot! Now take me back and apologize for your foolishness!

-Why did you go with me? Could snatch hand - remnants of my illusions somewhere suddenly evaporated.

Veronica said nothing and began slowly, as if still doubting, go down the stairs.

Now in her face there was something missing, and I struggled to understand what it is. Finally, when she was already a platform below and going further down the marble steps, it struck me with a piercing pain that's not enough halo charm, radiating love, pink haze окутывавшего her and forced me charmed with it, which I myself surrounded it once.

Struck suddenly with his discovery, I was mechanically down behind her...

Behemoth all also chatted with the guests, not noticing our act. All behaved calmly, like I didn't rush headlong bride from the audience.

We came up to his campaign, and Veronica said quite loudly:

"Well, come on, 't apologize!

Everybody turned to look at us with curiosity, why I started to paint.

-What happened?! asked Behemoth.

-Yes here, he wanted me to steal.

Such behavior Veronica I was not myself.

-I thought -- I said... it is a wedding, I felt that my explanations are becoming dumber and more blushed. - In General, forgive me, please, " I added, turning even not clear to whom.

I myself was not clear at whom and for that I am sorry, and I managed to get into such a stupid situation.

-For what? - Hippo took apologize in his address, but smiled unknown what.

I don't know. In General, good-bye! - I headed for the exit.

-Oh, wait! - the cry it made me obey. "Do you mean to ruin our holiday?

-Yes, in General, no.

-Well, then stay and not invent anything, he took me by the hand and conducted to the table and sit down, he sat down on the next to his bride.

Forced to have fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around eating and drinking, without paying any attention to me. And then I imagined I came very simple thought: "Напейся!"

Immediately knocking over a few shots of vodka, I got a taste, and then have not remembered where I was, and what with me...

I woke up in the cabin of the machine from which I was someone trying to extract. It was dark outside. On the sidewalk near the entrance of the house carrying on any people. Everything was a blur.

I could understand now, was that I enter in some housing, lower on something soft, like a sofa, and the circle continues holiday music blasted, jumping, and dancing people.

"Where am I?" - flagged question in my mind.





"You fool! What have you done?! - Boiled it.

-I? I stole you... in Fact you can also...

"Idiot! Now take me back! And apologize for your foolishness!

-Why have you followed me?! Might just take your hand...

Veronica said nothing and began slowly, as if doubting down the stairs.

In her face there was something missing, and I struggled to understand what is missing. And suddenly, when she was already a platform below and was going to go even below the marble stairs, hit me with piercing toothache. The charm, easy, pink haze окутывавшего her image once in my mind, so who captured imaginations me in that distant day, was no longer in sight.

Affected by their sudden revelation, I was mechanically down behind her.

Behemoth still chatted with friends as if nothing happened.

We came up to his campaign, and Veronica said quite loudly:

"Well, come on, 't apologize!

Everybody turned to look at us with curiosity, why I started to paint.

-What happened?! Asked Behemoth.

-Yes here, he wanted me to steal.

-I thought -- I said... After all, this is a wedding! - I felt that зарделся crimson blush. - In General, please forgive me!

-For what?! - Hippo smiled unknown what.

I don't know. In General, good-bye! - I headed for the exit.

-Oh, wait! - The cry it made me obey. "Do you mean to ruin our holiday?!

-Yes, no...

-Well, then stay here, " he took my arm and held to the table, sit down, sat down next to his bride.

Forced to have fun, I suddenly felt a sharp attack of melancholy. All around they drank and ate, not paying each other any attention, and then I imagined I came very simple thought: "Drink!".

Knocking over a few shots of vodka, I got a taste. And soon I did not remember where I was, and what with me, and in my field of vision was left only a small section of the table with a glass, a plate, a snack and a bottle of vodka. It was the most simple escape from boredom...

I woke up in the cabin of the machine from which I tried to somebody extract. It was dark outside. On a platform before the entrance of the house carrying on any people. But all that happens is appearing though my mind is unclear. I understood that I enter in some sort of apartment and lower on the sofa, and around goes some свистопляска under wildly screaming sounds from the speakers powerful system.

"Where am I?" - Flagged question in my mind.

Chapter 14.

After the dark stairs, where smoke and quietly talking to several people, and in the darkness were visible only red fireflies cigarettes, we were on a balcony where the sight was even more ridiculous. Then have passed to the external balcony, representative of the vast veranda, lined with marble tiles, in many places already broken and missing altogether. We came to the wide stone railing.

At the bottom of the weak glare from the window froze in timelessness dead fountain. Over us lies in the magic, frightening silence starry sky , looking at us from infinity millions of their impartial eye. From behind came the muffled roar of rock, rhythm which made involuntarily tapping his to the beat him , and out of place him somewhere behind the trees were heard vague voices:

Here is one with the mountain came down,

Probably, my dear goes,

It embroidered blouse,

It mad me freak out.

This dissonance unpleasant something that impressed me, and I just woke up from a deep sleep, feeling that I зябнуть from the cool air.

-Don't you cold? I inquired Alena.

-No, - she shrugged her shoulders and looked over his shoulder. - I got used to cool.

We stood alone , and I began to wonder how long this will go on, feeling that it is time to go to jump, to dance, to keep warm, as the balcony doors were flung open, and seemed to three: two women, both for thirty-five years, and with them the older men. Smiling, loud talking to each other, waving their arms and helping gestures in aid of facial expressions. They approached and standing in the corner of the balcony, continued noisy conversation, not paying any attention to us.

-Well, let's go! Let's go! "Cried one of the women.

"Well, you say that?! That I am with you one will do? - Отпирался man, vigorously waving his hands and brushing with yourself persistently repeating arms of the subject.

On the balcony began to people again and again, and already formed a quite groups and piles that you would think the bottom nobody left.

To Alena came some girls, talking with her, and she excused himself, was off somewhere, promising to be back soon. Not managed to trace her forgiven me Pat on the shoulder this very man that was with two women:

Boy, I see you are alone? Do not make us campaign?

-What should I do? Cautiously I asked.

-Oh, nothing special. Out of those, " he nodded over his shoulder sit fifteen minutes, drink or two miss.

I tried to refuse, but apparently anticipating my thoughts, he made a warning movement:

- Nothing more. I promise you that. To me they are themselves here, and here he made a movement in the throat vigorously полоснув the edge of his palm throat.

I was silent, not knowing what to do. Drinking is not wanted. Yes, and some women untied, vulgar, real шмары. They immediately instilled in me disgust.

-Well, please, " begged quite helpless man, feeling that I was not very strong desire.

"Don't get loose, damn it!" Thought sadly I, looking around, hoping to find Alena and to summon her to this type behind, finally, but its like the evil was nowhere to be seen.

-Well, what? Let us go? - Sounded annoying gloss over the ear.

"Okay, " I broke.

The four of us went inside, and right from the balcony in some dark and empty room, apparently, a lecture hall, complete with tables and chairs, sat at the window, the sky, through the незашторенные glass poured silver moonlight.

On the window sill of a bottle, заткнутая a folded piece of newspaper. Inside was splashing in a turbid, whitish moonshine. One of the women somewhere in the darkness with причмокиванием took out newspaper bundle, in which lay the slices of bread and bacon cut into pieces, two glasses, rubbed them the hem of the dress, дунув inside, and said:

-Well, open up!

All were silent, waiting for the glasses are filled swill, and I suddenly with a sense of disgust felt like an alcoholic, with shaking hands, and parched throat, greedy глотающим saliva at the sight poured a potion. An alcoholic among alcoholics.

The man took his glass, I have filed another. He volley knocked over two hundred, закряхтел, his eyes tightly closed so that the tears began to fall from his eyes, lifted it to his nose piece of bread, much to catch a breath of bread of the spirit, and then ate a slice adding fat.

I expected it to be some toast, but realized that was wrong. Moonshine exuded a terrible odor, which had disappeared and that drop the desire to drink, which was still. But three pairs of closely watching eye priperli me against the wall. Sipping her breath, I felt like it was stuck in my throat. It was really swipes, a пивать have ever had. The strange taste of the caused nausea.

-Well, what are you? Asked dranked man.

"I dunno, " I said, trying to vomit.

Haven't drank eh? - Asked one of the women that was ponaglee Yes понапористей

I silently put the glass.

-Never at a loss? Said the other.

-Well, okay, then at least sit - finished man.

He knocked over another glass, and brazen quiet, примостившаяся under sideways spoke again:

-Where'd you come from? I you had not seen it?

-I of Василихи.

-Yes, and there's no such.

-Yes I went to a fortune to stay.

-For a long time? "Said the man.

"Yes, very quickly.

-A vacation? Guessed the man.


And I've also on vacation. But I houses, - he slapped me панибратски on the shoulder, she bent - I, my brother, a couple of days, because the military. Major I. Me for a long time to come because as Rodney much, and vacation - time and havent!

And this is your wife? - I nodded at the woman sitting next to him, asked almost in a whisper.

-No-o, I, brother, unmarried, divorced.

He poured himself another glass to me and asked:

-Well, on the latter?

"No, I don't want to. I'm sick of your moonshine - I wondered why women do not drink, perhaps afraid that not enough men, and I asked. - Why are you arguing?

They only хмыкнули in response, and again I wished that he was in this strange campaign. The bottle was empty, and, having said goodbye, I first came in the door, a wrap-around balcony above the dance room.

Alena was nowhere to be seen. And hardly could find her now among the hurly-burly of fermentation and darkness, озаряемой colorful flashes, between those groups jerked down there.

Пошатавшись the hall, downstairs, I decided to go back in Василиху. After a drink of moonshine I felt sick, and now no what not been the case, as only lie down somewhere and скрючиться from the approaching times of spasm in the stomach, and I was relieved to think only about what is good, what is not drunk.

However, just at the thought will have to go back through the deaf thickets of the forest at night and a few hours of travel through the night cold, that has already become noticeable, not done for myself and I was ready to sleep anywhere wait until dawn and heat.

Having left the building, I went round to the club around looking for an open window, but found nothing suitable.

The club was surrounded by overgrown garden, rushed to the walls. Many Windows, especially on the back wall were boarded up rough boards, between which gaped black gaps cracks, and I at first sight it was clear that there be stored some dusty and dirty, messy stuff, not demanded from the culture of the local people.

Bypassing the building in the back, where a thick quinoa solid carpet rose almost to the waist, I about something hurt stammered, feeling that I am flying forward through something big, like a large stone or boulder, and was in time to see how clamber into росистые grass. Standing up, I started looking for, pushing the hands quinoa, your culprit fall.

Not making two steps, I came across something dark and did not sound like a trivial stone, and, bending over him quite low, frightened because not once, but considered the phantom silver light of the moon stone face of Lenin. Leader of the people lay on his back, forgotten and abandoned know, with what were the times, hiding on the outskirts of grass and half lost in the earth, holding in one hand a bronze newspaper. Lay there with a strange expression on his face looked at the silent heaven, starry dome stretches over засыпающей earth.

Bent closer to the face of the leader, I was surprised to find that bronze eyes of the statue are the weak, buttery mirror gleam inherent in the eyes of a living person. I thought it was creepy obsession, напомнившим about recent events on the verge of reality, space and time. Recoiling, I and with rapid steps walked away, leaving attempts to find a refuge for the night in this building, and even not daring to look back, to not get hit. Now nothing could make me stay here even for a moment. Sense of security had not come to me, but now my intuition was telling me that I was lurking danger, and that it was not known where to wait for her arrival, self-discipline in my mind was swinging on the edge of кручины, which was easy to hit, falling into a stunning panic.

In a few minutes I found myself on the outskirts of the village. I wanted to throw myself away, but I restrained myself argument that the danger included in me fear, apprehension, can not only go on the heels, to overtake, but be ahead, somewhere in the dark thickets of the forest, through which I had to pass ahead of me on his black wings, taking advantage of the Kingdom of darkness, which came into its own.

I tried to return, to find and pick up to Par, but not having enough spirit to do this, every way overpower the weak припугнутый instinct of self-preservation, the voice of conscience, and went, went forward, away deeper into the abyss of darkness.

The last lights still some time мелькавшие disappeared behind, and around there was only a virgin, the primordial darkness of the night, slightly dispersed Moon hanging in the sky. My feelings were exacerbated to the limit, catching and repeatedly, to fright increasing every rustle and sound, раздававшийся around. The memory came the shining eyes of statues, and imagination suddenly played a joke on me, vividly imagining how they are stronger flashing green lights bronze mouth stretched in a smile, statue stands up and begins to overtake me, and I run from it, and nobody sees this terrible chase.

When I presented all these to the how behind I heard strange sounds coming, very similar to those which could arise in the rapid run very heavy man, and not man at all...

"That's it! In horror, I thought, and heart thudded. - Could it possibly be? And why not. It was already..."

I turned. The road behind was dark, but the sound is not disappeared and became closer and more clearly. So it was not possible to doubt in his reality. Someone caught up with me, and thought that the earth is trembling with each blow.

"Nonsense!" - I tried to reason with this consciousness, however, the heart металось in feverish dancing like a Sparrow, rushing out of the trough to freedom.

Happened that I took to their heels. However, the sound became stronger and closer, and the outcome was close.

Blows were very close when suddenly through a veil of fear, I got it: it was a motorcycle. However, poorly running engine made a strange sound. I stopped short, and turned around again, only now noticing barely glowing Faro, and in order to disperse their mad horror, whether to the motorcyclist heard me, yelled bad voice.

As if frightened by my cry, motorcycle immediately stalled and, patting the tires in the sudden обвалившейся, deaf silence, подкатился to me. In the darkness it was impossible to distinguish his rider, but I spoke immediately:

-To Василихи not подбросишь?

-Sit down.

The engine roared after two unsuccessful attempts, and it seemed to me that we have woken up the whole Universe. Тарахтелка began to move, and in the ears зашумел wind. Jumping on uneven roads, ducking into ravines and flying through the mounds, she went forward, slicing through the oily dark, and had no idea how you should go on a road, and with a furious seemed to speed without seeing anything ahead. Gradually my fears, aggravated by each diving in ухабу and descent-take off the буеракам turned into a state where only have to trust in fate and the driver in the hope that he would ride in the forest and did not fit into the tree.

I clutched fingers in the jacket motorcycle, and only felt as a counter cold wind blows on my face, Yes chilling cold hands.

Suddenly the engine зачихал, then stalled, and we stopped.

-What happened? - We got off the motorcycle.

-Something with the engine.

Pain in the abdomen, seemed to be forever gone, suddenly returned sharp handicapped by a spasm, and not waiting, I fell to the ground.

"What is it? "The driver asked.

I don't know, my stomach started churning.

-Get up can you? He started the engine.

I скрючило, and trying to be straightened , I moaned from the piercing pain.

-Well, I will go for help.

I don't have time to answer as motorcycle started across the floor, and in a few moments he бумкающий sound verse somewhere in the dark. I was alone and unable scarcely breathe, laying on the side of the road, on the cold ground.

Whether I dozed off, but it seemed to me that the pain is gone, and you could even stand up from straightening. Wandered somewhere without seeing the road, I went into the undergrowth, rapidly long way, getting tangled in the branches and bushes, crisp knots.

Front lights flashed fire, and I was glad that accidentally stumbled upon a tourists, who made their camp in the forest, but going into the clearing, was surprised: no fire no. Just a strange light flashing lights up the district standing trees and across the meadow dance not a shadow, not the people in rags, with long, bony hands and hooked his fingers. Any sound accompanied this event, but was felt in the movements of the dancers wild, uneven rhythm.

In the centre of the glade something was getting dark, and coming in there, I found that it was a low round the well, looked and felt lose balance and fall into its abyss.

I flew for a long time, but did not even hurt by falling on his rocky bottom, and immediately rose up, and went through the dark vaulted corridors and stairs, lit коптящими torches, looking around, when left and right, displayed a leading somewhere up the stairs. Something told me that it is necessary to go forward with nowhere to turn. Behind me moved some shade, but it was completely't care who it is.

The corridor was getting darker, and on one of the corners, where both sides descended the stairs, a voice was heard: "Beware of the spirit of a warrior with a sword, he guards the grotto!"

Barely stopped these words as a back, began a movement. I turned around and saw that the back is spinning a spinning top, and when it stops, you will see a man in a cloak and a mask with a sword in his hand, sparkling in the reflections of the torches. Shadows watched me, retreated back. Some of them began to fall on a cobblestone floor of the dungeon, and a spinning all around and spinning rapidly plunging into their mass.

I continued on, down to where it became quite dark, and where to meet moved thousands emerged from the darkness of lights. They no end in sight, but cutting edge closer, and it became apparent that some animals.

"The rat" - for some reason, I thought, but it was huge black beetles, solid avalanche moving towards me. There were millions of them, and gnashing their feet on булыжному the floor turned into a monotonous drone. I went against their movement and marveled at their huge size. Backless Zhukov reached a height of my knees. Beetles came on my feet tickled them with his mustache, and was not visible edges of their hordes.

Suddenly ahead dungeon раздвоилось on two corridors, of which went on insects, together in one thread, and I, at the junction, there was a door through which I entered.

Huge and dark room, the ceiling of which were lost in the darkness, stood before my eyes. At the far end of its walls, lit by torches, ascended the throne, he was sitting on someone, and I realized that I was waiting for, and it is to him I must go.

Approached, I saw on the throne something terrible and beyond description, and at a long table at the foot of his whether animals, or people, with champing chewing something. There was something rose up from the throne, and now there was something familiar. It was like, but at the same time, and not like the gentleman in a hat with a red moustaches and a piercing gazes from under the counter. Animals at the table turned to me with his face and snouts, having become such people.

-I waited for you, " came from all sides voice. "You came.

Nothing I could answer, and left me speechless.

I am happy that you came. My will has prevailed over you, " continued the voice speak from all sides . - You're in my realm, and you are mine now.

"No!" - I wanted to reply to me, but I was deprived of the vote.

"I see that you oppose? - Speaking as if reading my thoughts. "But nothing, you're not going. Sit at the table and eat.

The people behind the Desk smiled and their animal grins frightened me. It seemed to me that only come nearer to them, as they pounce on me and devour, not choking.

"I will not sit down! I want to leave!" - I wanted to shout at me.

"Sit down! This is I, and there is no one here who would have been stronger and stronger than me, and who could argue with me.

"No, no! I want to leave!" - I was not planning.

-Look! - The one who towered over the throne, made a movement, and one of the walls of the hall opened up to the mining him a red glow.

Continuous fire I saw there. He did not burn and not buzzed, but it was obvious movement inside it. Something flashed and moved inside, and the sounds terrible, terrible, indescribable sounds able to chill the blood rushed out of there. I almost physically felt someone burning inside this ocean of fire.

"Sit down at the table or right now you go to hell! "He heard the same voice, and turning around, I saw again at the table of animals, сбросивших human faces.

"Who are you?" - I wanted to ask, but he said only the laughter that had reached me of transcendence.

"Sit down or go to Hell! - The voice repeated. - I found you, but I demand to submit. Sit down. I suggest for the last time.

"And I'll be like them?" In horror, I wanted to inquire of me, but instead of answering, towering over the throne made a gesture, and the beasts from the table and rushed to me and dragged him to the fire wall.

I saw that the left, right, bottom, and top drags the same accident, and the fire wall is already close at hand and presses his withering heat, and meet with him rushing horrific, terrible screams out.

"No, wait!" "I implored, but no words could say, and when tongues almost touched me, and тащившие released threw me into the flame, and at the last moment I remembered God, and turned to him. - "Lord, save! Have Mercy, O Lord!"

All at once vanished, and I opened my eyes I saw Пелагею Panteleevna and felt that I was lying in bed.

Chapter 15.

Having fallen asleep on the couch, I woke up with a start in the side:

-Why are you sleeping?! - Looking at me for a stranger.

-And what? - Perplexedly I looked at him.

"Nothing, go Vidic watch!

-Go, - I agreed and, swaying drunkenly, got up from the sofa.

We went to another room where already crammed a lot of people, men and women, cigarette smoke stood where, occasionally heard the lapping of the loading and the clink of glasses, some quietly reported, пригубляя wine glasses and goblets , and ahead of where all looking, was a miracle of technology, see what I have never had to. High cubic screen as a window to another world, where there was a different life.

My first impression was such, as though cube cuts through the wall of the apartment and goes to some other world. Everything that happened there was voluminous, and it seemed that may be entered, and from may run, crawl out the characters of the movie. Any sense of reality, the reality that I'm somewhere in the side and I see only artificially created fabric artwork, was lost. But the feeling that I'm somewhere inside a movie and even participate in its action.

-What are they looking at? I inquired of one who woke me up, barely escaped with the feeling.

-And what they want. Everyone looks that he would like to see.

-How is it?

-As well. The miracle of technology. Made in is not ours, you know? It is worth rabid money. Ten thousand cells. In each recorded on film. And choose something that you want to see, and watch can at any moment.

-And that, everyone's watching what he wants?


"But this is terrible! - I was not myself.

-Why? 't understand me interlocutor.

-Why?! Why, then, to sit together, if anyone in the forest, who firewood? After all, if people are watching together, and together they must empathize and sympathize, and then discuss the details of the vision! - I wanted to say a lot more, but not enough words to explain opened before me.

-You some nonsense you're talking about! "exclaimed the stranger. -If someone with someone wants to watch the same thing, they agree and are configured together.

-How managed by this device?

-Through ideas of the beholder.

"But they were there with two dozen!

He can perceive and a greater number of spectators.

-Listen, I never even heard about such device! - I retorted.

-So what?! You've not heard, but here it is in front of you. Don't bother me, but better настраивайся the film, which you would like to see.

"But from such a device, the roof can go!

-Do not disturb! - cried the stranger, and in my eyes, his face began to change, and soon he smiled something that was visible to him.

I looked at the motley cube, where hundred-мельтешило, and even could not hear anything, and almost thought that it would be nice to show cartoon, I was among the drawn, but the bulk of the characters surrounding himself with almost one of them.

Cartoon disappeared, and I again found myself in a room among others. "And what if I send her the fuck?" - there was the head naughty thought. I swore as soon as he could, myself, and for some minutes nothing was happening, when suddenly I was moved from the bedroom to the bedroom, from the Orgy to orgies, where naked men one by one and whole groups, separately kids loved women, where men do without women, and women without men.

It was horrible and I soon thought I was watching this I don't want to. Cube again запестрел, I looked around. People still something looked there, and I'm nobody prevented come close to him and touch his mysterious surface, determine the properties of which touch was impossible. It was impossible to tell what it is: a glass or foam rubber. I turned. None of the participants me, it seemed, did not see, though I was, in theory, to block them all field spectacle. But they all looked somewhere by and through me, as if my body was transparent.

Room began to fade before my eyes, and I've not even guessed, and with a piercing felt myself inside this mysterious object, and it envelops me something ghostly dark, absorbing surrounding and devours my being, like a giant amoeba. I didn't even get frightened when I found myself in the darkness. Nothing was not around, when suddenly I found myself in a room, barely illuminated the wrong light, as though the Moon looked in a window.

Someone in the room was, and, deciding first, that it was an accident involved a movie, I suddenly surprised and a sense discovered that I see before myself the Veronica and Hippo, and still someone. What is happening and where it was absolutely impossible, and first came to mind ridiculous idea that for fans of juicy scenes and some perverts, curious to secrets of a strange marriage bed, in this thing somehow connected direct channel, and now I tuned.

However, what I saw, wasn't like the wedding night. Veronica was sitting next to a man in the hat, on the other side of a long table was Hippo, and a lot of people, men and women, looked in my direction, as if in anticipation of what I do or say. We all stayed in silence, and suddenly I realized that this is not a movie, and not even giving, as it actually happens.

The man in the hat was me, seems to be a sign. "So if he come then Veronica?!" - flashed in my head sudden hunch, and I remembered sunk into nowhere evening, and the Church.

"Welcome, " smiled the man in the hat.

Are you me? - scared I suddenly heard this dumb silence the sound.

-You, you.

I looked carefully, but did not understand, who said, and where is that voice. Everything seems mouth opened and sat blankly like a mummy.

-Veronika! "I called the girl, but she never looked at me.

-Do not try in vain, she can't hear.

-Is this a dream? I asked the voice.

-No. but that is a dream? Dream and reality go near, into each other . you're not there, not there.

-And where?

-You between them, and I waited for the moment when you come here.

Man in a hat stood up and moved around him, approached me. I saw his red mustache and burning in the dark green eyes. He touched my hand - and even through clothing, I felt the freezing cold, his hands and led to the window, pulling. At the bottom, on a crazy depth could see some flickering lights. They looked like small sparks and embers, remaining from the spread of a fire.

-You see this? - asked me in a hat, and I saw that his green eyes, мелькнувшие in darkness.

-What is it? involuntarily with surprise escaped me.

Are the city. Look, - he made a movement, and half of lights ceased to flicker. - Welcome to the holiday.

The wedding? - not I understood.

-Yes, the wedding! - I heard it unpleasant, chilling laughter. - Today wedding! Virgin, a vicious world finally plays the wedding! Wedding with darkness! And we are the main witnesses. I can make you the master of ceremonies at the wedding. You'll rave about, waving to right and to left, and there, where you уронишь your burning look, all would fall, crumble, burning, dying and break! This is the hour. See.

He made a movement, and the last lights at the bottom of the faded, having plunged into darkness.

-Now I make a move, and this town will not! Then another and another. And they will crumble like matchboxes, and people will die under the rubble, as filthy worms, like cockroaches, twisting and crisp bones!

-No! there Veronika!

-Oh! I'm touched! But no, boy. Here she is! She with us. Here it is! -he drew me to the table and brought to Veronica, who was sitting exactly doll or a mannequin.

-Say Hello to him! - addressed this in his hat to her.

The girl seemed to be revived, rose, turning to me and, unnatural smile, as not smiling never before, said: "Hello, you're here too!"

I wanted to say something to her, but in the hat pulled me away.

-See. She's with us, and we can begin.

-But what to do?

'Nothing, ' he pulled somewhere in the darkness basket with something gleaming in the moonlight blue needles sparks. -Nothing special. Yet. Now just take these stones, these diamonds, and sift them out the window, sow down. You know, as a bride showered before the wedding money? Here is the same, so are you. Until the basket is empty.

"But why me?

"Do you want to be there?! he pointed into the darkness, down somewhere. -Well, look.

All gone, and suddenly I found myself on the street. From the sky the sun was shining, the people walked past me, and suddenly the earth under your feet go, passers-by rushed in different directions, screaming and his astonished eyes, and the buildings around one another and whole streets began to settle and fall like a house of cards. Clouds of dust clubs взделись to the sky, застлали him, and around it was dark. The earth continued to tremble. Brick and cement dust scored all nostrils, eyes, and mouth. It was impossible to breathe. And I felt that I'm choking and I can't even cough. Brown darkness enveloped me, and I fell, fell lifeless on shaky ground.

-Well, what? - asked the man in the hat.

I stood again in the dim moonlight next to him.

-What was it?! - in the throat I still першило from dust.

-Nothing special. The beginning of the end. The end of all the world. Take a chance. Or you'll be there again he pointed down, -or here, next to me, when they was all going to die and break. It is an honor to be with me. you should be proud of the choice, and it will certainly say: "Yes!" agree. In fact only one of the mortals may be near me, and before our feet will lay a perishing world, and thou shalt tread him and murdered. Are you going to do then. That I will rule over and manage the forces, having a hellish power, which I ввергну into the abyss of struggle. And thou shalt be above all... except me.

-And how Veronica?

-What Veronica?

-It is also here.

-It is yours, as you will agree.

-I agree on that?

-The fact that I invited you to.

-But this is a dream... why, Why did I dream all this hell? I was baptized! Should I be delivered from this devilry!

-How were you baptized? I know all. You do not have dipped in Holy water. Pop was not too burdened with the duty to perform the ceremony properly. So your baptism is a fiction. That's it.

-No, no! - трепыхаясь in the darkness, I tried to dispel the vision, but nothing happened, and the man in the hat, burning me green eyes, silently smiled. I have not seen but felt the chilling smile.

"Okay, boy! I loose you. Yet. But remember that I am your master, I will follow you. And remember that when the right moment comes, when you'll bow your me his trembling knees. I suddenly can do great and put at the head of the fellows that crawling down there. I randomly attention. I need you, and I am flattered that you have something against pride, although still not enough. I loose you while and no longer will continue to bother. I just know that you call me. Remember, my name is Mr. devil.

-It's something to do with evil, if English? "I said.

- "That's right. It will be easier to remember my name. You call me yet. Until then, goodbye! But to you hard he remembered, just in case, a farewell surprise.

He suddenly disappeared and the darkness around was quick to, lighter and dispersed at all. Looking back I saw that I was standing at the motley Cuba, against which people sit still continue to see him as their own.

"Diabolical box!" I thought, and I immediately felt the ground under their feet came down.

Already familiar with the feeling of the earthquake, I have learned that this is it.

People still sat and watched some prohibitive magic cube - wonders of technology, although tremors were already visible, and the floor and ceiling of the apartment walked like a deck of a ship caught in a violent storm. Reality threatened to death, for they simply did not exist.

'Help! I shouted, breaking voice on a high note. 'Help! Earthquake!

But none of the audience heard my cry, and I realized that we had to escape himself, for the present not late. She rushed out of the apartment, вшибаясь in crispy and with a Bang swing open the door I flew to the ground and not seeing the stairs, rushed down, not even thinking that I could stumble and cool wind up in tar-тарары. The light suddenly disappeared, but I could not see where I tread, and the darkness has not prevented me from bullet racing down the stairwell for a few seconds to jump out to the street.

The light in the surrounding houses had subsided as задутая candle, and everywhere were the cries and wild screams of horror, the sound of broken glass, a knock, crackle, crackle and all growing buzz, the origin of which came to me with great difficulty and only when I saw заволакивающие starry sky clouds of dust and felt the teeth gnashing of sand. Without hesitating a minute, I ripped off his shirt and closed his nose and mouth.

New jolt knocked me down as if I was standing on the carousel, made suddenly furious turnover, then followed by two more weak, but I still twice caught, dragged away from the earth, and when again fell on her, then felt the ground trembling quiver from a close of the fall of the multi-ton concrete constructions of houses. The cries of the people and other sounds absorbed monotonous, gluttonous rumble.

What was happening was scared, but I couldn't scared to late to be scared, like really was happening, because the memory of the strange conversation was still going strong. Something hit me on the leg, and pain in the body. I curled leg, feeling her fingers felt a deep wound on the muscle of the tibia, which oozed blood, sticky and warm. Very close something lurched, and I again was thrown up into the air and fell down, I felt that something проткнуло my back and stomach with sound, напомнившим Champ rotten watermelon with a soft but still durable skin when it is pierced with a blunt end steel probe electrode. The memory of it came from the distant childhood when with friends I am amused similarly, but then faded from pulling the roll pain in the abdominal area. Stretching out there weakening the hand, I felt a ribbed body of the Prut valve sticking out of the belly. Hardly having had time to wonder what had happened to me is, I don't suffered a new wave of pain, and fainted, before considering that I'm dying...

I opened my eyes I saw myself on the white bed. His head ached, disturbing figure out where I actually managed to get. Looking back, I realized that I was lying on the upper shelf coupe, outside day, or morning, the train goes somewhere, перестукивая wheels on the rail joints. Below are people, two men and a woman. Not immediately I realized that it was my neighbors coupe: Эпполит Апполонович, Agafon Afanasievich and just Ella.

Not understanding why, I dumbfounded stare, then closed his eyes tight and shook his head.

-What's the matter with you? - I heard a voice from below, and opening his eyes he saw that Эпполит Апполонович, deftly pouring out on the palm of bubble Cologne and wetting his fingers and then patting her cheeks and chin with a satisfied покряхтыванием slyly squint at me. - The head of the VA-VA? at night we slept bad, Yes?

Embarrassed, I mechanically nodded and looked at the "just Ella". She smeared lipstick lip with the inherent to all women with art, compressing, revealing them, and closely examined his reflection in the mirror. The woman doesn't even looked at me, and I have some time sitting cross-legged on the top shelf, still trying to understand what had happened to me the truth and what is a dream, and when it was decided that ... trains, wedding Veronica and all the other no less strange events - nonsense too protracted sleep, pain, similar to the injection, the needle piercing right through my stomach. Lifting his shirt and looked at my stomach and saw round, затягивающуюся, заживающую wound the size of a Piglet, covered with clotted blood. Long, lingering wound on the leg does not hurt, but was clearly visible. I touched my finger to the curved scar through muscle on the back side of the leg and felt his rough сросшуюся, bumpy surface, блестевшую young, glossy отливающей skin.

Silently I dressed and went downstairs, trying to comprehend what a bunch of little fills my memory.

-What is the date today? I asked, clutching his face with your fingers, pretending продираю eyes after drinking.

-What are you, boy? surprised Agafon Afanasievich. - Really bad. See, you can not drink.

-Yes, - I tried to defend himself, but muttered something stupid and meaningless.

Sigh, Эпполит Апполонович called number. Today, as it turned out, was a day that has long disappeared in the past. I could not understand how he found himself in a train, which was traveling ten days ago.

Train landed on the high platform of the station, and I was surprised to find that it's still Moscow. Asking passers-by what day and the number that after such a question every time for me, as Frank drunkard, you bastard, but surely that the person clearly lost, they reluctantly all answered, and I realized that some wonderful, strangely went back in time, and could, waved his hand and firmly decide that night I dreamed something pretty crazy and strange, if not the wounds in the abdomen and leg, at least occasionally, but reminiscent of yourself and return me to reality, a fact, which would be more realistic, know that it is only a fruit of my imagination.

The day was just as then, ten days ago, and I did not resist the flow of events in advance familiar to me, but just wondering exactly how the detail in every detail of the repeated all, one after another, as if I was unlucky again come to the session of the film, who recently had a chance to see.

I again gave leave of ten days, and only at the station, already sending their things Luggage to the station of destination and left with a small suitcase filled with the most necessary in the trip of things and objects toilets, already bought a ticket on the train, like the ten days ago, going into town where she lived Veronica, I suddenly realized that the events of my life went in a vicious circle.

The temptation to go back would be exorbitant, but all the same, overcome its unimaginable effort, I broke out of the vicious circle, passed tickets and went to the Yaroslavsky railway station, from where my train departed to the East.

The joy of my victory over himself, over his own weakness still punctuated with bitterness that I did not use the chance. Something told me that exceptional service to my own weakness, it was all just the same, as already happened in those strange ten days, had sunk to an unknown location. And, may be, succumbed to the temptation and agreeing on the second round, I mired in kind of a pit deeper, and would happen to me something more horrible, and then two подживающими stripes on the abdomen and legs would not get rid of.

However, the temptation that could happen something good, and gave me no rest, tickled his nerves and compelled to doubt, but is not made if the error is the fact that now the possibility rejected, so that I almost went back in a fit of ill-splash fight desire and apprehension, подсказывающего insisting trying to convince me that it's not going to do any good.

In the meanwhile, I was already in the subway, несшему me a large underground ring, and as if through a veil, through the struggle of their reflections, standing at the handrails and nobody touching, watched as the middle half of the car firmly with the drunk man, waving one hand and, holding the outside handrail and turning, tossing around him, than obviously scared the next sitting of citizens, declared in the subway:

They told me Communists: "Vanya, here he communism, on the horizon!" and I walked to the horizon. And behold! Life is over, but to the horizon I never really did!!!

He started to undress, removing his pants, and at the next station and a few men finally dared useless after a verbal skirmish, grab his hands, dragged him, beating hysterical out, and I bent down and saw that it was my stop.

Chapter 16.

Pelageya told me that I picked up in the forest near the road without consciousness "Ambulance", who was on call doctor of Great Василихи to the already dead by the time Peter picked up in the morning, cold and wet of dew, the sticky deathbed sweat. I was brought into the village, and Pelagia, seeing my condition, realised that it is Magnin, went on the same Ambulance повезшей охладевшее body of Peter in the morgue, in the regional centre, in a Large Василиху, like there by wise old women, on friends what, Yes learned that one local babenka decided захомутать a coach ofitserika, so fast and cool all провернула that the feet fell, but away and now lost potency - rag telephone passed all the details of the case. Said that was when the officer tear potion, there's still a kid of her misfortune, but boy are not from here, and no one could tell who he was and where, perhaps even from the moon fell down, Yes flew back.

Pelageya guessed what a mess I'm in trouble, have collected herbs, which had to отпоить me from the plague potions, Yes hurried back was already gasping for breath, because if not here it until evening with me would happen the same as with the poor guy is a major, but whose eye village cheat. The force had a grandmother. Made broth and merged into my mouth already бездыханно-безвольному. After two days my health was getting better, and now, finally, I woke up.

Sat next to me at the bed of an old woman in a low voice telling horrible things. I heard after I left the village women rushed to look for me, led by distraught with grief wife dying of Peter. Excited exhortations barbarians, who wanted the black case and promised for the issuance of me heal her покалеченного, she had led a band of горланящих Bab in the house to Pelagiya and not listening to the old woman, turned them all the house, not forgetting the cellar and climbing to the attic. Not finding me, a woman uttered Pelagiya a bunch of nasty things, and promised in the event of the death of Peter perpetrate the violence.

Peter died in the morning, closer to four hours. The whole village was up, alarmed happened grief, through the dark streets exactly ghosts with torches flew to and fro on Brokeback street some people completely without confusing violating the night's rest. Pelageya not slept that night too. Offended impossible behavior, she did not resist the temptation, not to break away from the window that night таращила eyes, and not run out into the street, where the other side of the village, as if appealing sound, came tearing up the mute silence of the night, the heart-rending cry, which meant only one thing, that the last hope for a miracle dimmed, as догоревшая candle.

I heard story, рассказываемую aunt, with eyes wide open, although it would seem that happened to me during these three days, the dream, sticky and viscous, the enormous flying into oblivion, was to excite me much stronger and take possession of all my consciousness. But this did not happen, and, probably, because at times it seemed that nothing happened at all. Few dreams to play the man, and if they are constantly remember and think, then you can go crazy and fall into such madness, of which not under force will get out. However, this "dream" unlike any other dreams differed clarity of the show, in what would get up every time again and again, almost cost me close your eyes and think of it as something non-existent, as the combination of feverish visions poisoned brain. And it was a nightmare, увязавшимся my subconscious memory and вносившим now in my existence more sharp and deep shadows. Everything around me seemed now in a different light, and the future of the soft, rounded semitones at times appeared suddenly in ugly angular his predestination, which could not remember, but it was enough to see, to be afraid of hopelessness way. Rock like a rock in the fog loomed ahead of him and, although it was impossible to tell how far is it to her, close Lee, obviously something that will not escape its sharp granite hills.

Old Pelageya sat and talked, talked, and as if they themselves were floating in front of my imagination successive picture, as if I saw them every one.

-And where Alena? Asked suddenly I'm asking if he, himself. - Where Alena.

In my memory, however, came up in a completely different way. I saw Veronica. She smiled once, in the distant and mysterious evening, so much has changed in my life, when we are still, it would seem that nothing could separate, and I was sure that the girl has for me the amazing feeling, forcing see the world as bright colorful show pleasures, which somehow never noticed before.

-Alain?! And where is it to be! Here Alyona! I saw her the other day... Yeah so yesterday, at the funeral of Peter.

Peter was buried.

-Buried, of course. What?! On the third day buried. More impossible to keep the dead man.

"And you went to the funeral?

-Go so-t, of course. Funeral-t we a rarity. Soon and me in the grave. So-t from the side of the show, as it will be, and even forgot when I saw the most recent funeral.

-And here I was alone? I asked the grandmother after a pause.

-One, she said, but immediately caught on. - Do not be afraid! I left the room, the door was well locked.

I stood up, feeling that the move quite easily, with no signs of post-crisis weakness, walked over to the window overlooking the street and I looked out onto the street, I caught myself that I'm expecting to see there is something important.

-There are those who have not a hindrance closed doors.

-Just what are you implying?! - "Пантелеиха the" offended raised my voice. - The barbarian? So I told her too not an obstacle!..

But I wasn't listening Пелагею. On the street was Ivan Noodles. Shepherd picking his land toe of his поношенного, lost every kind, formless Shoe, stood with his hands behind him, and could create the impression that he stopped for a moment, interested in something on the road, and now is about to go further, but полудурок did not go out, and stood there loomed in front of the window, and suddenly he looked at me askance, as if I felt that I looked out onto the street. Making sure that I'm behind it watch, the shepherd went in the direction of the forest, and, being on the edge, made such a strange, incomprehensible movement, seems to be not binding, but it dawned on me that sixth sense, that he was calling me, and his gestures constrained because watches him for someone else.

Pelageya was next to me and looked out.

-Something you saw there? Stuck, as if glued to him.

I went to the Windows, looking out on the house of the barbarians. Whether stress eyesight failed, or actually, but the curtain in it window jerked and stopped, as though someone hid behind her. Leaving the comfort grandmother: "I'm coming!", I went outside into the yard, standing at the gate, slowly. If walking, but still hesitating whether to go this way or maybe go to another, began to pace, moving closer to the forest.

Shepherd I found quite far deeper.

-Listen, - I took it in my hands my wrist and began to knead it in the excitement, not even said Hello as if we had parted with him a few minutes ago. - Happened terrible trouble. Peter died, and was buried.

He looked at me and I noticed his pupils hectic, hectic light.

-So what? - Recently I began to notice that when she talks with me their good-naturedly-helpless voice, as in my replies appeared metal, mocking tone of sarcasm, and even the incident with stones not taught anything to me.

But the fact that they buried him not according to the rules, without burial services, without a priest, without censers, without any rites of the Church.

-So what? I continued to taunt him, not even feeling the slightest danger.

-Should be aspen Cola!

-What? You that. Uncle, nuts?!! What aspen Cola!

-Ordinary - equanimity shepherd exasperated me, and he apparently liked it. - Silver bullets you have no... you can still gallows supply, but it will be removed too noticeable. So. still garlic.

He thought his lips, looking past me, and I realized that so Noodles says to himself, making a plan of action. However, from his chatter absolutely nothing was understandable. Finally, I was this performance rather tired, and I said as cut:

-So, or are you now in order me to explain, to understand himself or do anything: even number on the head of teshie himself, though the bullet some silver with garlic seek. I went.

-Wait, wait! Shepherd kept me jerky movement, gripping the retrieved his hand and I felt his nails dug into my skin. "Wait a minute. Do you even know why the bullets and an aspen stake.

-I'm tired of your riddles - again I tried to draw back his hand, but it was useless.

"What do you know about vampires? Quiet voice pridurka produced an unexpected effect, and I felt the загуляло a whole herd of large bumps. The horror of some rotting, dilapidated old, half-forgotten stories, barely surviving in memory from childhood, when the summer nights we, boys and girls were going somewhere in a secluded corner of the yard or in neglected, abandoned gardens a few yards broke, were in the vicinity of our deaf urban periphery, frightened each other with all sorts of небылицами about the dead, witches, coffins on wheels, black cats, cemeteries with wobbly crosses and other stuff, trying to talk to as scarier, but more plausibly, that is why the effect of perception only intensified, and from the most successful stories of the girls screamed and could not calm down, and the boys, though хорохорились, but somehow lost interest in the continuation of stories and were not averse to move somewhere in a crowded place or start some noisy game to screaming and race disperse meanly, who had been hiding in the depth of shower fears.

-About vampires? - I asked mechanically, although everything is good to hear. Apparently, I wished that I had missed something. When such unprecedented, existing in the distant nowhere things you hear from the mouth of an adult, although with views of the fool, man, wish that it was flat joke, well, at worst, a clumsy attempt to frighten.

-About real vampires. Vampires. Bloodsuckers.

-So what? My presence of mind was somewhere disappear, because suddenly it seemed that Ivan Noodles will say now: "And that's it!", - with a good appetite and bloodthirsty champing at my throat.

-And what Peter - ghoul.

From this, spoken in whispers proposals large goose bumps peacefully пасшиеся on my back suddenly rushed down somewhere together and raced together and raced and shoulders, as if by invisible winds. Eyes shepherd burned triumphantly. Apparently, it reached the produced effect on me.

In the back layfon, if someone is pierced her icy gaze of the near standing trees. I hardly overcome stiffness, turned around, and here it seemed to me that in the undergrowth, among погружающихся in предвечерние soft pink and Golden twilight the bushes and bushes of hazel flashes here and there rapaciously smiling face Peter-defunct выслеживающего moment had to grab my neck. However, it turned out that it play a recent falling into the lower layers of the forest of the rays of the low sun descended welcome here and there on its way gleaming, отблескивающие leaves.

-We can not now appear together in the village. Varvara can notice. But you go on, Ivan Noodles speaking rapidly all the same frightening breath, " go, get into the attic to a fortune Pelagiya. There are a lot of old books. Among them is one such, covered with red velvet with оттиснутым gold intricate character. She's fat, page it along the edges of the gilded, and the cover is closed on a big brass buckle. This book open and read. Everything is written there. You will understand... come on.

The shepherd let go of me and began to push in the back. I walked away, trying to get out of her daze, but it didn't, and there was such a feeling as if I were not whole, and part of me the light and agile already somewhere carried away by itself. In pursuit still heard the voice of Ivan Noodles:

And look, the door today, nobody is opened. Пелагею warn. It got like, grandmother churchy. Let the candle in front of the icon will light, lamp shines, and prays let praying... Tell her sure. And itself on the attic... And the doors don't open...

Day quickly subsided, and I all sat at the window, feeling everything inside me cooled, and blood was viscous and barely flowed through his veins. Pelageya was engaged in стряпней, something growling to himself, and, when she walked out into the yard, I felt terribly wanted to someone kind, a great and strong was now near and said something tender and warm, what would be scary and light at heart. But only grandma came back into the house and притворяла for the crash the door into the hall, as the desire of the disappeared and instead remained emptiness and shrill, a clear understanding that this warm and large cannot be next, because there isn't one, and has the same helpless and vain, fearful, and thirsty in spite of all peace and happiness in their understanding of people, and among them, such as myself, small and тщедушных no one who has dispelled my loneliness, loneliness is not something suddenly and once нагрянувшее, was as gloomy cloud on the sun, which is as fast, even with the nostalgic regretfully had to go, and the feeling of another afoot to me, as a tireless and evil companion, for life, the receding, lagging a few steps in the coming very close, why, how now, was a particularly difficult and depressing.

Time is always slow and lazy in the evening hours, inexorably was carried away away like finding a deterrent measure space ккую the dimensionless the loophole, and I barely two or three times was about to start with Pelageya serious conversation about this mythical, but suddenly became real , almost physically tangible, he only had to imagine that somewhere near wanders ghoul, danger, but then postponed his hesitating and the faint sensation, for a completely darkened, and became really scared.

Only I thought that it is necessary to gather Ghost and begin to speak, as the door of the house, someone knocked. Those who broke loose from the sleepy silence sharp, loud and bold strokes, I screamed involuntarily so that "Пантелеиха", gazing back at me, crossed myself, "Holy, Holy, Holy!" apparently, it still somehow passed on to my anxious mood.

"Don't open. Don't open! - I asked Пелагею.

'What is it?! She said angrily, moving meanwhile Kryukov beam-bolt, which on the night locked the door.

In the shadow of the entered Alena.

-Good evening! - Hello girl and came to me with a question. - You тятьку not seen?

-What тятьку?

-'t play stupid with me not. Know it all! Тятьку, I say, not seen, Alena did not even led, brilliantly after exposure.

Pelageya passed by as if you hadn't listening to what we speak, though it could not interested in this late visit and the theme of our conversation. At least the word "тятька", spoken quite loudly.

I have not seen, - he did not know why I lied to her.

"You're lying! - The tone of voice of the girls was too familiar, and I knew she was extremely excited, otherwise she would not have allowed myself such.

At this her scream Pelageya turned around, and I realized that the old very carefully listening, though they pretend that it's all the same.

Maybe the cows still hovering?

-What a cow! Look: a night! - Appeal Alena became increasingly bizarre. She was being lectured me as нашалившего boy, is increasingly raising his voice less ashamed of presence of anyone else.

-Yes, I don't know! - I was able to fire up the answer, as I thought that it really did not know where the shepherd: he told me nothing except that... - Say - I don't know!

"But you saw today? - Already more conciliatory " the girl asked, and I gave up:

-Well seen! Thought: "In fact, why hide it?!"

I think now is the best time to open their cards and tell grandmother and girl all that I know, and that asked me to make sure Ivan Noodles, although about Alena her father did not spread and forgot to warn me if she had something to tell.

In a few words, referring to the fact that very little, that have understood from the stories shepherd, I explained the essence, saying that allegedly Peter - an extraordinary dead, and tonight will stagger through the village, knock on the door and look in the window, and therefore open them in any case impossible, and, moreover, would do well to pray for greater reliability.

Pelageya loudly laughed, but still went and opened занавесочку in the corner, had lit a lamp and began to quietly pray, standing to his full height, crossing himself and seemed to hesitate when we kneel.

I approached her and stood, staring at the images and icons, with a pyramid filled the corner. Pelageya interrupted the prayer, putting his hand to his chest, and her eyes I lost any desire to pray with her, though at just that moment a clear necessity to turn to God visited me.

-Are you a believer? - The question of its cooled my religious impulse.


-So little that baptized-that is, do Not bother me.

I went away, thinking that God will hear my sincere desire to turn to him, and went to Alena, who was sitting in a loss on the bench, lost in meditation.

"You go home? I asked her, with a touch on his shoulder, to the girl woke up from his reverie.

-And what?.. Ah, home. I don't know. I don't feel like it.

-Then went with me to the attic.

Alena looked at me with distrust and only shook her head negatively.

-What are you gonna do?

The girl stayed at a loss and, apparently, was so exhausted shocks that only wearily lowered her eyes and began to consider their fingers. I touched her shoulder, having a warm, sad-sweet feeling akin to compassion, and however, the tenderness, but she led them forward, and hand slid off.

"Don't touch me - I heard her soft voice.

"You want us to stay? Asked Alain coming at this time Pelageya.

I don't know, " replied the girl, raising his eyes continuing to poke hands.

-Well, stay, come, I'll put you to sleep.

"Пантелеиха held the girl to the chest at the window, where it is almost a month I slept, and had a bed for her there.

"Good night, I would'alene.

"Good night, " she said. - And where you sleep you?

-Yes, anything, I'll find me where to go.

Pelageya задернула blind, отгородив improvised couch from the room, and I, making sure that it went to my room, went into the hall, where the attic led narrow, attached to the wall sloping ladder of poles, taking a kerosene lamp.

In the attic on the knee it is piled dry hay, so we have been very careful with керосинкой not to cause fire. Here all запылившегося junk, junk and useless things like a chair with отломленной leg and cracked a large clay pitcher there were so many that the midst of it there was no way we had to move with great caution, to avoid making noise, caught accidentally one of наваленных to the roof of the mountains of junk for some thingy hanging out there. Involuntarily impression that this musty the closet, in which the careless, lazy the owner puts their поломавшиеся things in the hope that someday someone he's fixed them, or he himself takes up this matter, sleeves rolled up, and all at once remodel, leaving nothing broken, and yet... but Pelagiya could forgive such a desolation: the grandmother was lonely , too old and, see, not raised here already ten years in a row., because the layer of dust covered everything around exactly grey virgin snow, concealing the outlines of objects and producing the impression of unreality sham scenery. Besides, judging on subjects such as an old gramophone with a copper plaque "Mechanical заводъ Mr. Zubkov" on the side, over the cluttering of the attic employed generations of owners of this house. Could only wonder how under the weight of these things, converted into an antique garbage, ceilings of the rooms in the house were still in good condition and did not fall down. Apparently, the house was solidly made.

I gradually deepened further and further, carefully облазя and stepping along the way blockages, but accidental touches raising clouds of heavy dust, обваливающейся down and then rising higher and higher. Among the mass of rubbish find anything was hopeless, especially because I don't know why climbed up here. Ivan Noodles not give any further explanation, and maybe really hung me noodles on the ears, for he was a fool. Having reached one edge of the roof, then to the other, to the third, I felt like a real ass, which cheats village idiot, забавясь secret in the quiet joy alone their mischief and how to manage him подурачить sensible, not like him, a man, and thinking of come up with more to continue its dirty with легковерной and frightened victim.

Imagine such a clear picture, I angrily spat, remembering shepherd all the unkind words which only got near me this minute, and started to descend from the attic. Already going down and trying to get a toe on a thin жердочку, I put a stick and, leaning on something, covered with dust, he felt suddenly that depart from under my fingers in different directions, to fall into the trap and my foot, failing to find support, rushed in прогал between жердянками, and in the next second, describing unimaginable arc and making a somersault, my body is hung on a ladder between heaven and earth in a ridiculous pose upside down, stumbling over something, under the noise.

Chapter 17.

The people at the station was a dime a dozen, and I until midnight stood in line at the cash register. The tickets were only on a train in the morning, eleven o'clock, and I had the whole night проволынить the loud, crowded station.

Seats were tightly crammed with passengers, who has not enough chairs, huddled here, on your product, примащивая as soon as possible to children on their bags, baskets and bags. Hardly any place freed, he immediately rushed from different sides and then long and angrily argued about who it must be. Finally someone prevailed, but sometimes it nearly came to blows.

After watching this show, I realized that it was useless something to wait for, and I very much like to me someone shouted. The prospect remained gloomy: all night to spend on their feet, hanging out on the huge building of the hall, studying kiosk with Newspapers, funny expensive trinkets in private stalls brought enterprising operators of the hill" and from time to time for a variety of push in the queue for bread rolls and coffee, so at least thus deceive sleep and fatigue.

Motley Vokzalnaya crowd, not decreasing, but, on the contrary, only arriving, густеющая night, gave food for observations. Among road Luda, tortured persons whose ugly mask been imprinted confusion, close to the capitulation of the plight of the endless road and fatigue disorder and need constant vigil over my belongings and possessions, were infinite number of thugs and crooks, not how much стесняющееся rare guards, lazily вышагивающих among the dozing of the mass, and even entering sometimes in the open squabble with the latter, the outgoing eventually swift flee and disappearance monotonically going crowd. The toilets were flocks of short-haired teenagers in jackets for growth, it is important to elegantly, though in the most expensive restaurant, Smoking cheap cigarettes, business blowing smoke up and trying to impress. They use foul language, accustomed to, that no one pays attention to them, either because of fear, fatigue, and зыркали the visitors institution prickly, arrogant, thriftily обшаривающими views of small empty eye, in which there was nothing but fight and readiness to violence. "These cubs!" "I thought, when such a view slashed at me, and then for a long time, standing in a stall, couldn't do anything and tried to portray that I cannot find and unbutton his trousers, feeling cold on the back, you can count me come back to your eyes.

At the corners of the halls, in the darkest places with big bales are settled the whole Roma camps, постеливших right on the dirt floor of the new Terry towels of such a size, which is in my life before had ever seen, and laid them side by side side by his numerous grimy cubs. Gypsy immediately stuck to the unlucky onlookers, who dared to go by, набиваясь tell fortunes and tell the "whole truth". Other traded junk. Bearded, hairy men asleep or gathered in a small handful of something talked and argued in his strange language.

For fun in one of these places I stopped to discreetly, from afar to see how the Gypsy earns his living, облапошивая unsuspecting customer. She showed the palm of their hand, finger, energetic, colorful жестикулировала, smiling, whined, looking in the eyes and then suddenly seriously pouted and again appealed to the palm. The client continually climbed into his pocket and laid them on the palm of one by one for the money, fine, but sometimes larger.

Suddenly a man, which was wondering Gypsy, shouted something at her, and rushed with his fists, and she deftly slipped my under her dress, bra crumpled pack of colored bills, too screamed as the cut was not giving put to the attacker, deceived her hand to выманенным money, and began to retreat.

Instantly help could arrive. Two Gypsy, young and older in years already, jumped on her screams and not even listening to the explanations of the person, began to crowd him, пихая in the chest. Gypsy immediately if evaporated, and seeing such a case, the deceived пытатель fate withdrew.

Five minutes later, when I was ready, deciding excitedly: "now you can screw me over, witch!", approach appeared at his workplace fortune teller, this man appeared again, but accompanied by the policeman.

-Comrade policeman, he was trying to rape her! - we reached me cries of Roma, in a panic, with its inherent to all this kind of artistic ability pretend показывавшей the suitable man, and receding, пятящейся while as if she really was scared so, that even the presence of the policeman could not save her from fright. He wanted me to rape her! I have witnesses!

Immediately jumped two Gypsy, and all of a sudden, in the middle of the corridor formed a noisy bunch, where the case is exuded hands, rushing war, Roma were trying to seize the man by his shirt, and the policeman beat them on our palms, protecting the victim. Already the expression of his face it was clear to me that the case is hopeless, and I wasn't surprised when after about five minutes he shrugged, signing his inefficiency, and took the man away to him, God forbid, not stuffed finally face.

After the decided to go and I, hidden money as far as possible, in the most secret pockets, which until you get ten times have time to stop and think: "What are you doing?"

Gypsy stood, turning his head around and sparkling black eyes looking for the next victim. Полоснула she and me, but not delayed, maybe because I walked closely with challenge, despite only seen that scene, staring at her. However, the corner of his eye woman still watched me, her hands nervously зашарили his pockets unearthed замусоленную deck of cards and began to shuffle them, and when the distance between us there was no more than a meter, with a turn, just thrown a dagger, she thought, strike me direct, dry question:

-Тэбэ чэго, парэн?

-Try to guess, " I replied even shorter, parried the blow.

-Погадат, her voice, with a strong emphasis became softer.

-Try to guess and speculate, " I said.

-On Chom тэбэ погадат? Gypsy suspicious, suspecting me, apparently disguised as a policeman (I put the toilet in civil shortly before).

What you can do. I will pay...

-Ne nado, I дэнэг not REM, " she waved her hand and turned away.

-But guess what - you guess?

Gypsy pretended not to hear.

-Well, tell fortunes, please.

She went away from me, but I followed her, eye however mowing on those two Roma who already showed us and now expect only the slightest trick on my part.

-Well, tell fortunes, please, " I repeated and guessed add. -I do not trash, not ment I, honestly. Tell fortunes!

Gypsy stopped, slowly turned around, flashing ravennian eye.

-Okay, let's palm.

I reached out with her hand, watching the expression on her face and preparing myself to sustain its psychological attack and not to cheat.

Minutes with two woman just looked at my palm. Then her eyes narrowed, exactly Onam noticed there something extraordinary, which surprised and puzzled her. Her brow of us jumped up and broke in half should bend the arc. "Begins thought to myself, internally even more by getting up and focused on the thought not give her in no case of money. - Well, hold on now!"

-Парэн, I ne'll тэбэ гадат! "she said finally.

-Why? thinking to myself, "yeah!", I asked.

-Видэшь, - she took a finger, stopping at some intersections of the lines on the palm - that's крэст, here крэст, here звэзда, here звэзда, that's lines - совсэм bad hand, совсэм bad. Гадат нэлза - bad будэт.

-Who is bad? "I подковыривало from what I knew, that she will now need to give money.

-Мнэ bad.

-Money and I'll give.

-Net, парэн, ne nado...

-Many ladies.

-Saying - I will not гадат - боюс. Bad будэт. Чэрт.

She turned resolutely away from me.

"Wait, wait, " I tried to stop it, not having a mind that is not maneuver the craft, and really refusal to contact me at all.

Trying to rebuild her last words in memory, I thoughtfully went away from that place and soon came upon a small pile of young people wearing uniforms of student construction teams, which are rare flocks enthusiasts scoured the country in search of romance, dispelling a longing dusty departments. Beautiful girls and variegated guys and boys surrounded by a thick ring of one with a guitar, wearing a beard and glasses, apparently, the most seasoned, wolf romance, and to listen to his singing. From there came the quiet, barely hear something from the "grandfather Grebenshchikov":

... everything was not bad.

He stared at the traces of her, it was thirsting for water,

Was far in the light of the stars.

The finger of his turning the water into steel.

I stopped to listen. The voice of a bearded and manner of performance were similar to the author, but I liked a lot of the early Grebenshchikov.

Listened to student singing I am not alone. Several onlookers also stopped nearby. On the faces one was written sadness, maybe, kind, romantic jealousy, not burdened burden of life of youth, the other directly on the eyes одухотворялись, perceiving music, absorbing, absorbing the juice of her melodies and energy of rhythm, moving away from the bustle, cracking down from the discharged cargo being bloom like flowers from a touch of the sun, and departing, уплывая soul somewhere far away, in the long-forgotten dreams.

Beside me stopped a Lieutenant in a brand new, brand-new form just заслушавшись. "Green!" 'I thought, meticulously bulge in his head, and definitely finding that uniform on him мешковато and clumsily, and it spoils the impression from his perception. "Green!" I said to myself for greater credibility in the rightness of their arrogance, although he himself was in the same "green" and неотесанным as he is. I wanted to establish themselves in their own eyes and, perhaps, also because the young officer was in the form, and it won me his position under the uniform.

Lieutenant stood by, and heard without going out. Coexist with it I was hard, so I decided to retire, although I would most соприсутствовать here, because all the station, perhaps, was not designated отрадней. It was the only cosy nook, attracting to itself mysterious warmth of communication with simple and nice guys, who openly sang it. what they wanted, in spite of his fatigue. And their close circle, their tireless enthusiasm coming from them waves of energy, their thin, beautiful and strange at the same time the song liked me, and not only me, but all who stood, gathering around them. All the rest of the space station was only a cold and a disorder of thousands of people, torn down in the street by the will of fate, from the gloomy their type and tired of persons from crying and shouting капризничающих children faster than their parents engaged in heavy conditions of travel and pastures, which cavern under the high arches, stairs and passages of a vast and indifferent to their hourly changing the inhabitants of the halls.

-Mister, give rouble, I'm starved! - emerged suddenly in front of me you young monkey-ragamuffin. He did not waste time and bother passengers extortion of small amounts of money, sticking to him with all душещипательными tricks.

The view мальчонке was thirteen years, but skinny and thin, in полуоборванной, полуистлевшей clothing, through the holes of which there were lots of naked body, he looked much younger and беспомощней his age.

I looked at him and could not say anything in surprise. Then tried to figure out what exactly he wants from me.

The money I had, and give ruble ragged boy was not sorry. However, reminding about food, I most wanted to eat, and I decided:

-Listen, I give you the ruble, and you show me where you can eat, cheap and cheerful. Goes? - in the station buffets with nothing but dry bread rolls and fried chicken with a faint smell of ribbon, and in сухомятку is not wanted.

"All right, " agreed the boy - let's ragged.

-No, you got me first take, where agreed, - I nodded my head. Your brother so - and-seek-fistulas then.

We left the station and headed somewhere wobbling through the narrow streets between sleeping, dark buildings and crossing the empty quiet courtyards, he went quite far from the railway square.

By the way, I spoke with a teen, fearing he took me to the wrong place. Apparently, it was a street kid, and he had no trouble now lead me to the den, where lived his gang. However, if he has recently wanders and exists only by itself, for this final there was no fear.

"Are you Moscow?

-Your cares? - roughly replied the boy.

-Well, what... Great. First, you are younger and therefore, if the eldest is interviewing you, you should respond to them. Secondly, I still wonder why you night on the train and that you're up to.

-Your cares? - the answer was in the same intonation.

Unable to stand, I caught up with the teenager, who had passed a little ahead, and in the hearts, feeling like a rose up, boiling blood, turned it around, as Yul and grabbed her Breasts tearing away from the earth:

-Listen, you, shket, another such a reply, and I'll face in the blood расквашу! - I had no doubt that now, try it snap yet somehow, I would have brought threat into execution.

Boy, frightened approximated the eyes and seemed to be swallowed language.

-Do you not see that I am such a kind. To get rid of it - get it!

I lowered it to the ground, because I felt sorry for him. At this moment he seemed so miserable and helpless in front of me, startled by this unexpected turn of events and angry "uncle"that arm themselves released his clothes. My childhood was not very far, and because, perhaps, I felt compelled to try this guy, which I had hard times in life. A heart that is broken went down in the chest.

-Okay, let's go, " I said.

The boy silently moved forward, but not as strong and fast as before, and as if in thought, his head lowered. He probably tried to now figure out what happened, but maybe going to throw myself away, frightened by my reaction to the familiar to his own conduct, and that, if it be wasted, whether to call for backup, and go back to get revenge.

Why the silence? his behaviour was in need of a soft control with my hand, and if the boy was going to the next moment the ask heels, now the willingness of several faded away: you had to answer.

"Nothing, " he grunted.

-So are you from?

-With Peter.

-And in Moscow that doing? - I felt the interlocutor and the urge to reply to me again about a brute.

-I was in the militia?

-No. I'm a friend asking you.

"Wow - friendly! And jacket pop?!

"Because you me хамишь.

The boy fell silent again, but I wasn't going to wait until it met with the spirit and ask heels.

-So what are you in Moscow doing?


-And how old nurse with a folder? They are crazy!

-Children's home I.

I have not enough strength to continue in the same spirit. I suddenly felt a sharp sympathy for the boy, the same lonely, not necessary to anybody, and, perhaps, even to himself, кким now I was also.

-So are you, brother, also an orphan? - I pressed his hand to, and we went on. The boy just looked at me from under a shoulder strangely learning: not lying if "uncle". And I was no "uncle"I was as a child, only adult child, forgotten and abandoned, lost his house and even the hope of gaining ever its warmth. I suddenly wanted someone to native, large and warm, gently pulled me close and fatherly, as parents, lovingly stroked my head.

"Come on, brother, I don покормлю.

The boy brought me to some provincial, dirty and shabby pelmeni, who worked around the clock. Despite the night there were a lot of people, and we perched at the end of a long, through the queue.

With a series of tables located in the centre of the hall were occupied by visitors, поедавшими your dinner. The cleaning lady lazily crawled between them and wiping the vacant seats when it is quiet, and when and clamorous from licks its clean the dishes, if they tried to leave just like that.

The queue was moving slowly, and I noticed two standing slightly ahead of the lads. They were the same beggars, like the one with which we came here. One was eighteen years old, the other was the same age as my companion. Boys behaved strange. The one that was older, seated himself on a free seat at a table, and the youngest, typing on a tray of plates with meals and snacks, and then подлазил under the railing вольерчика, отгораживающего turn from the hall and passed that on the table half of what took. He did this when раздатчица, пополнявшая shelves new portions, turned away or leave deep into the brew in full view of the near standing with him in the queue of people who like and didn't notice what is happening. Between me and этимим two had a few people and I wanted to make minor воришкам note, not fearing their reaction does not, or wanting to make a lot of noise. Everything was done, as if it necessary, and, may be, in fact there was so opened.

I wanted to ask about those two have their boy, but he himself said to me:

-Won those two-they're with me live together.

-And what do they do?

As what? Steal.

-And here all the time right?

The boy shrugged his shoulders:

-When both...

-And you, too? - our eyes met, and I realized that I better not hear his answer and not climb in the jungle, in the dirt in someone's life.

Meanwhile two of the Dodgers have already covered a full lunch. On a tray at the younger remained a cheap salad, and, going up to the counter, he put two more Cup of ersatz coffee, and then paid off, as if nothing had happened. In my opinion, none of the witnesses ugliness told him, and words.

-Take all that you want, " I said мальцу, and he did it from the heart, great clicking on a song.

We sat at a table near the прохвостами, and turned to him I said, unable to bear:

-Guys, conscience to have.

-And those che? - heard behind me defiantly.

I turned again. Asked the elder. The views of our eyes met, and I forced himself to переглядеть it.

-Not th. I say, conscience to have.

-What is the conscience?

-Ordinary. The human.

"Well, the guy turned away, and I heard its a Champ.

We ate and headed to the door.

-You should have it, " said the boy.

-What is it? - not I understood.

-Contacted them in vain.

"But somebody has them to heel.

The boy looked at me, and I realized that we speak in different languages.

At the exit already waiting for us.

-What the hell are you, mark? Che you come? Che forge a show-off? - the one that was older than me, moved me, and I felt that quailed before his impudence. "Well, went to the corner, I am with you, Pierre.

We needed something to do, gather the courage to apply the Golden rule winner: Bay first - gave the most part of the chances of success.

Guy approached, and when he pulled his hand somewhere to my collar is probably going to take me by the scruff of the neck, I through the power of forced himself to hit him in the face. To make the second strike was much easier. The third went like clockwork.

He did not expect me, and therefore made no attempt to defend against, only clutching his face with his hands and something захрюкав, забулькав in anger. The second time I gave him in the jaw, the third - kicked in the groin.

The boy fell to the pavement in the mud and slush. His younger companion retreated a few steps, his eyes on me. I wanted to stop, but he could not equal the other.

"You've been the first thing it to you for a second, you are the third-and this you for your insolence! - I kicked his feet, not looking where to put the blows. I even wanted to make him as much as possible, and that he long remembered the lesson.

At this time the doors pelmeni came out a few people, and one of them shouted:

-What are you doing?!

I stopped arriving in itself.

-What are you doing?! - come running to me a man quite puny, but apparently расхорохорившийся from what I have paid attention to their words. 'I'll...

I pushed him aside, a new feeling a surge of rage as he swung at me.

-Uncle, go here! You'd better in pelmeni now that that's out what made the remark when they over-the-counter pulled, " I hissed through his teeth, and then swore.

Out on the street and stood looking at me surprised and frightened, примолкнув in anticipation that they might get. The guy began to rise from the earth, seedtime and trying to get up, but I released all the charge of hatred and couldn't hit him. He sat there, вытирался and coughed, looking at me. People started to disperse. The new who came out of pelmeni, only silently thrown in our direction short views.

The pause was tightened not in my favor. Should have slapped him finally and leave, but I couldn't do it. Leave the same hand, meant to leave him a chance and the desire to catch up and try to recoup: surely he had a knife, which he just did not have time to exercise. I did not like that they attacked me from behind, moreover, that there were two, and maybe three of them, because Malets, which I fed could flop over to their side. However, it felt to me friendly feelings and probably would not participate in a fight on my side, 'm it again, and in the best case, leaving just curious observer. These two were to him a hundred times closer, he shared with them and shelter, and destiny, and later undoubtedly has got to be in big trouble.

-Well, mark, cope? - the voice of the older, still sitting on the ground. He touched it and wiped the lip. - Okay.

I knew that now we need to hit, hit it again, but in his mind there was something of a mess. In memory somehow surfaced Veronica. She was kissing with a Hippo, and I thought, "maybe I was just dreaming all that appears to have been?"

Thousands of wacky thoughts not by the way conjured up. Verses buzzed and hummed her, persistently demanding pay attention to them, and only one sober, like a spell, a simple combination of: "Should leave", - прокладывало through all the chaos path to salvation.

Really go away. Beaten me guy tried to get up from the ground, and stood a little apart, staring anxiously. My companion was hanging around somewhere in the back, on the corner of the house.

I spat be more convincing to someone had to teach me to catch up, and walked away. The boy had come with me.

-Still, you should have with them, " he concluded.

"Why not?" - I did a little boyish wanted to feel like a hero.

-I now get.

-Yes, but you're here?

-I? I don't thing, teenage sighed, " but the face for all I care they beat.

"And you with them do not live together, and go somewhere.

-Where? - my interlocutor smiled skeptically. - Everyone knows each other, and I still find it.

-Do you so cool? - I was surprised.

I don't know, that's cool, not cool. Only lie to me why not...

In a side street between the houses, I stopped to facilitate the bladder. The boy followed my example.

-Good night: can be anywhere to do this, " I said. To somehow revive the silence.

-To me, I and during the day it can do, " replied the street kid.

-That, right on the people in the street? - my question is sounded with intentional irony.

-No, why? So the cops murderers get bagged. But in the entrance - you can.

-Well, - the entrance...

-So people go there. They are outraged, and I stand and do what I need.

-And if the other is that it suits me, more serious?

-Then sit.

-And that no comments are not even going to do? So all past calmly and pass?

-No, I am not a stairwell. Few places in the entrance of the corners?

We came to the station.

-Well, have you ever ate? I inquired, intending thereby to bring the case to прощанию and calculates how much cost me this lunch.

-Yeah, if only you had better ruble made, " replied the boy.

"Why not?"

-Beat me.

-For what?

-Sales no. By morning shall fifty bring.

-Who bring?

-Surely. Пахану.

- "Who's this yet? Zak that does what?

-Convict, - he nodded, agreeing head. He fills us. And even those who with hats sitting.


"That beggars. He with them and with us every day shakes. With us rouble, and with them - I don't know how many, but probably more likely more because they collect more.

"And these, " I showed a nod ago, hinting at those two that were in pelmeni, too, he is paid?

-No, they are not beggars, they steal. This is already a step above is considered. But he also takes these things or grub. And I'm fifty rubles necessary, otherwise the beat.

-Why did you give him fifty rubles give? - I protested.

-To not have to beat.

I paused, then asked.

"Maybe you fifty rubles give - I was sorry offered money. But it would be a pity boy.

-No, no, " he evidently was bothersome to me, ' and so you gave me, fed...

"If you want, I'll go with you? - I didn't know how to thank the lad's for his counter sympathy, and, without noticing it, tried to stick your head in the lion's jaw, and not just shove and deeper...

"No, no! - he waved his hand, but then suddenly shuddered. And I went. Only see that they got guns are available, and Finnish hammer blades. There until the end.

'Nothing, ' I myself, feeling that Leo decided to close his mouth, leaving behind my head. - Nothing, let's go...

This time the boy brought me in some ruins, neighbouring with the begun construction. On the way, which happened not too long this time, we have reached the end of the platform, then with half a kilometre along the paths, and jumped over the fences, ditches, thickets dry prickly grass and gullies were not доломанной five-storey building - I learned that his name is Maxim, that he ran away from the orphanage six months ago, for the second time , and closer to winter would again return to the cold and hateful walls of the orphanage "wait out the cold." Last time of his return successfully taken care of by the police. Now he expected to do the same, but a little later: still it was not so cold.

We climbed on the third floor of a building on dilapidated and dangerous stairs one of the doors. Here, in one of the ruined apartments with sooty walls, выломанными doors and растасканными floors, side by side, covered with anything dead sleep slept teenagers. In the middle in a small empty circle on a concrete slab subsided, but still showed signs of life white, skinny smoke a little fire from the wreckage of the boxes. Here is a few empty bottles.

Chapter 18.

When the noise stopped, and dust, waterfall struck down, dissipated somewhat, I listened: the do not disturb whether the rattle Alain or Пелагею, but in the house there was a dead silence of the night. Freed from the uncomfortable situation, I found that dropped it on the floor in the vestibule some thick, heavy books. Some of them hit in the fall of poles stairs, fell, broke up, having shattered the pages on all сеням, and took quite some time to collect them, fearing that at any moment in the doorway, you may receive Pelageya Panteleevna and arrange my shaped scandal for impermissible curiosity and unauthorized visit to the attic of her home. Although the attitude grandmother to me was careful, he had another side, which I also had to face, and now she would certainly gave me a spanking, regardless of the fact that I was her guest.

It was nearly midnight, and when I finally managed to combine in a thick leather covers, darkened, warped and погрубевшие from time to time, dilapidated, rushing from any careless movement pages of many places worn and a pair of decaying at the corners. After completing this painstaking work, hardly дававшееся in twilight, разгоняемом only the faint light of a lamp, which stood at the top, on the edge of the roof and done, the most likely wrong, because on the pages, written by hand, there was the usual sequence of digits, but instead somewhere, where else survived were seen strange, strange signs and letters, I went with a pile of heavy books under his arm into the attic and there sat down comfortably above the open hole, became the study found. Perhaps this was due to the shepherd Ivan Noodles?

I remembered what he said about some thick book, covered with red velvet. "Ah, Yes! That's what I forgot. He spoke about the book! - I thought. - But where do these books come from here? When I climb, they didn't seem to be..."

Among the mountains of ancient books of the book is not. I went down and, just in case, looking from the porch into the room, found her, thick, covered with red velvet cover with huge, full cover sheet character imprinted in gold, with gilded along the edges of the pages and a large copper fastener, decorated with engraving. Pick it up, I climbed back into the attic, and opening щелкнувшую buckle, peeked inside.

From the gap between the pages fell some sheets of paper, and, lifting them, I was convinced that this letter is strongly crumpled, yellowed by time. Paper they broke like dried leaves, crumbled beneath his fingers in a small crumb, almost dust, so long I had to mess with them, until finally I gathered up their hands and carefully, trying not to breathe, brought it up to the light.

Tex was written on some old, maybe the old Slavonic language, but to abide in extreme agitation, I suddenly discovered that I can capture the meaning of the verse.

"I have to warn you that the times of today are not contribute to the peace and bliss, in which now are many, and around the point, which is near the end of the world, and in the speed of Christ do the second coming on the sin and sinners will be punished.

It would like to draw your attention to one testimony.

Summer 1477 age 47 years was buried someone Prince Vlad IV, king of Romania, a well-known fact that managed to unite the three disparate principalities of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania, burdened by the yoke of Оттаманской Empire, in a strong state, spoke against the Turks with the refusal to pay tribute and defeated the Turkish army. However, this act сопровождаемо was excessive brutality and violence against neighboring princes, equal with him for nobility and regulations. One of them, Prince of Transylvania Peter, who refused to unite with Wallachia, Vlad IV, or, as is known, he was still, Vlad Dracula, then guests and workers planted in the yard at stake and enjoyed watching for his anguish. The Prince of Moldavia Alexei he set before the spectacle of Shem, and, taking him by the cowardice and impotence, created the Kingdom of Romania and started a war with the Turks over which won a considerable number of victories than you brought a lot of pleasant and joyful feats of the Christian world.

I have no doubt that the rumors about his adventures reached and your edges, since in those years were you, my dear fellow, in good health, and in modern times we pray to God. But you hardly know how bloody been his war, and along with the Turks in larger quantities he destroyed a subordinate yourself to the people and kept this in eternal fear of the Lord and his forest hosts, показывавшемся the light of God only for abuse, robbery and plundering. I cannot be sure how many people ruined the ruler of Romania, however, I think that number so we could settle in ten cities, ten times as many villages.

Bloody deeds of the Prince not be prevented him a member of the Christian order of the Dragon, based in many lands summer 1418, and the world Christian surprisingly resigned and kindhearted witnessed in its ranks the bloody killer that not once lauded in his victories, not paying attention on the means to achieve it. Secular name of the Prince, Vlad Irena Telesh, hardly anyone is familiar, but стерегитесь person with like him.

Compelled to write to you, his serene Highness, this in order to teach in your face all the brotherhood, namely, himself, in the person of Prince Dracula saw the impure force, свившую nasty nest in light our ranks, and open unto you these things.

Having from God to live in the vicinity of the described places, I could tell many details, but for the lack of possibility given enough time, I try to describe all possible for shorter and more.

Prince Vlad IV, Dracula, died when вестма mysterious circumstances, and there is no credible evidence, whether his death was violent or natural, although on this occasion there are many contradicting one another rumors and false rumours, nothing, however, not confirmed.. when the funeral service and burial of the body there have been some strange misunderstanding and accidents, testifying astute mind that it is unclean. I myself was a witness of how someone maiden N, exhibited in the Church of excessive despair and grief over the eminent dead, in the same week found was lifeless and completely devoid of blood in his own bedroom in the house of his father, who stated at the meeting with me, being in a strange state that last night saw a huge wolf, блестевшего in the moonlight, jumped in the garden of the estate. Crossing himself in terror before seen, sir, this is no longer see anything, and drew away from the window, went to sleep and only late at night woke up from a terrible sounds.

I know of many cases that occurred at the same time in the vicinity of Bucharest, close to which was buried Prince Vlad Irena Telesh. Then they repeated and frequent in the whole of Wallachia and Transylvania.

Since then passed ten years, but I still threw their observations of the terrible cases, the geography of which became increasingly be the North and East of Romania, and because I think the speed can reach your seats. I will pray to God that this did not happen. I ask you to pray, his Holiness, and let especially zealous in prayer brethren, and then the scale of evil passes..."

The letter ended. Further text it was отломлен and crumbled to dust under my fingers.

Feverishly I began to seek continued, and from awkward movements broke several pages more, perhaps, belonging to other messages. The paper fell in the dust from the slightest careless movement, which gave me a lot of grief.

Finally took himself in hand and acting again with extreme caution, I raised the shaking from the tension palm another old page. Handwriting is absolutely no resemblance to the previous one, Yes, probably, and the letter was done at a different time and a different person. Intrigued curious content of the letters written by insanely long and unknown by whom and in what language, and I wonder was not able, how can I read this:

"Your Holy grace!

I do not know how to begin my address to you, and after much thought, I decide without unnecessary phrases go directly to the exciting me and not only me, but many of my neighbours, and also inhabitants of our and the surrounding villages, peasants, their hosts, and all the pious inhabitants of the district, good Christians, under your auspices and who see in you the good of the defenders of our.

I myself am a doctor, nurturing the love of good, but poor people ншему, peasants, over which you have to dwell in the monastery, уготовая itself the heavenly life, and anti many rules I live in the manor house on the rights of personal physician and provide the grace of healing Kholopov amiable patron who die like flies, let not these things богохульствием.

The owner, pan Гложич, although the kindest nature man, sometimes it happens бивает peasants for misconduct, disobedience, and to pacify their liking. Because it happens that these, especially the youth, are running in the hope of changing their existence. Such, of course, a little, and let your Holy grace doesn't think I'm going to defend горделивцев and disobedient and ask the same of you. Not at all! On the contrary, in my soul purely Christian and God-fearing stays humble obedience before fate, revealed to me in purgatory our Lord, but, following the commandments, I don't judge them for anything, for it is not right on it.

My speech goes about a certain event took place at all this, and how much was given to me to think, necessarily requiring Your наимилостивейшего intervention.

To begin with, that you may be aware, and that is what Mr Гложич, himself a Polish family, can't stand in the house of the servants of the local people, and writes out yourself hired domestic from Europe, who come to our country with all of their possessions specifically coach and also decrease at the end of the contract.

Year and a half as the pan Гложич wrote somewhere in the Balkan lands, exactly-what I don't know, never having many other worries, this is not interested servant Ежива, not the сербиянина, not Bulgarian, not the Slovak nationality (to my shame, I'm no expert and not a fan of anthropology, although many of my colleagues and passionately addicted to this science, and in General, I believe and understand the people for some of the other qualities of character rather emotional than ethnological).

Ежив this was a groom Mr. Гложича and in the service of their coped diligently. Man he was unremarkable except that with the men spoke very rare, and did not consider himself to them equal, was closed, miserly because of its remoteness from their land, often spoiled girls, undoubtedly sinning and condemning those in the future on the severe punishment in the case of marriageable age to marry and use pan Гложичем right of the first night.

Ежив never went to Church, because by faith, as far as I know, was a Muslim, who was being captive by the Turks. To save his life, he turned to another faith and came under the green banners of Islam, much later defected from there, they returned home, but remained in Islam.

I must say that the pan Гложич attitude to the religion of his groom quite OK, although, until recently, was a good Christian.

Your mercy! Perhaps you tired of reading my confusing lengthy message, but do not take the trouble to read, for God's sake, until the end. Circumstances deserve.

Last winter, as You know, was very cold, and the groom Ежив have an awful cold. I tried to heal it, but the symptoms of the disease were several other than for catarrhal diseases and pneumonia, and, despite my efforts, Ежив died away like candle, and as soon earth receded , and it wanted to bury on the edge of the monastery's cemetery (I hope you haven't lost the memory of his deep indignation at the fact that under the walls of the monastery had decided to bury infidel). But after buried somewhere in the woods, as in the adjacent corner of the manor garden, not making any signs of graves, except stuck the pole in the ground, which in speed disappeared.

Pan Гложич was very upset about the whole thing. But because of the arrival of spring and the impossibility of long waiting replacement suddenly dying servant of Europe took the groom slave Taras, his serf, a young man whose reason is not entirely fair treatment often punished for negligent care of the horses.

In the stables, Mr. Гложича after the death of Ежива really began to happen, bad things, and the worst of them was that one after another during may disappeared four horses, one each week. Mr. Гложич after each loss brutally beat up a new groom and became of all the ferocious and ferocious. He assumed that somewhere nearby appeared Gypsies-конокрады who heard about remarkable trotters Pana Гложича and their fulcrum of origin, as well as magnificent breed, criminals steal horses, using вислоухостью new groom, not able to устеречь lordly good. His experience, and the loss of each stallion heavily dominated this period as well pan Гложичем, he shared in moments of despair with me, trying thus to find a way to their grief.

Meanwhile, to heal the deep wounds of the groom Taras remaining from Panska lashes, I heard from him amazing story. Poor young man told me that how could guarding the horses, and the last two times, being nearby the stables, I saw that unusual, like a glowing Moon wolf jumped out the window and from there after some time appeared, easily carrying his sacrifice, which was several times heavier than predator in the teeth.

I could not believe the groom, because I know that wolves are rare and are not malicious in these regions and especially in the spring, and, besides, personal inspection is sure, that the window stables not that the horse, but the animal smaller climb can't, and I decided that thus, using stories, Taras as if asking me to intercede for him before the owner.

Without a doubt, negligence servants should not be encouraged by the owner, but nevertheless, I decided to Express panou Гложичу assumption that the cause of the loss of his string can be something other than the Gypsies-конокрады, and. in particular. Wolves, that the master, of course, laughed, and said that was not found in the whole region with such a wolf, which would be able to carry out the horse. I argued that everything can happen, but pan Гложич just ridiculed me, after what I had doubts himself in this version, however, drew the attention of his master, that the loss happens every quarter of the moon, from the full moon, and perhaps it's not quite pure.

Pan Гложич on your took my hint, and the next upcoming full moon made Taras night sitting in the barn and do not close the eyes, waiting for the robbers.

Troubled by a disturbing premonition I until midnight observed in one of the Windows of his bedroom, which goes straight to the stables, the terrain, expecting that I will see the emergence of adjoining garden forest appearance of the wolf. Dream all the same overcame me, and I can't say I've seen already in a dream or dreamily something silvery dairy sweeping through the dark garden to the stable.

The next morning Taras could not find anywhere, and pan Гложич, assuming that the fortress had escaped from a конокрадами, sent in all directions pursuit. Поис5ки not yielded any result. But one of the messengers found what not sought to discover in the forest not far from the house torn and the flesh of all four horses.

Message shook Pana Гложича. However, he made every quarter of the moon ordered the new groom, again from Kholopov, guard, armed with a stable inside. Horse now not disappear, but one by one began to disappear people, who on the night remained in the stables. Deal recently reached the point that the peasants under the fear of any punishment, even death, refused to go to the grooms, and Mr. Гложичу not remain anything else how to leave their horses without protection.

Two days ago there was a full moon, and pan Гложич called me, asking night accompany him when he goes, just in case, take a look at the horses. I agreed, not without fear and curiosity, however, because no matter how many attempts did see the beast, that I couldn't due to the fact that he was afraid to approach the ill-fated building. Pan Гложич talked to me for a long time against the habit, and I made a careless assumption that, perhaps, all that happens is somehow connected with the deceased servant Еживом why pan Гложич frightened trembled, and answered, that, too, thought about it, and that he often, especially lately dream former groom.

We agreed with him out of the house at a quarter to one in the morning, and immediately after the conversation, I went to bed, and then to make it easier to move a sleepless night. It was somewhere around nine.

Woke me terrible cry which froze the blood in my veins. Barely alive from the wild fear, I still found the remnant forces, ran out into the corridor. In the house there was a dead silence, and I have already decided that, apparently, in a dream came this bloodcurdling scream, however, unable to get rid of icy terror. Crept along the dark corridors and stairs to the bedroom Mr. Гложича, fearing even take a candle.

I forgot to look at myself in a room that was the hour, and that I was in these minutes. In the chambers of his master was silent, however, on my knock there was no answer. I knocked louder, and then a little harder and more persistently, but nobody answered. Troubled by a bad premonition, I opened the door into the барскую bedroom door wide and almost fainted. One of the Windows of the room was open, and the curtains in the light of the moon disappeared something. Bed pan Гложича with severe canopies was empty.

Having hardly overcome the fear, in the meantime, I dashed to the window, and saw, QC something lunar silver and illusory disappears in the garden. It was not a wolf, and, in General, any animal. As can be seen at that moment, it was a man, and if he does not Shine like the reflection of the moon, one would assume that it was the pan Гложич, waking up in a fit of fear for their breeding stallions, who published the wild cry, who managed to jump down from her bedroom window from the second floor and rushing through the garden to their horses with fears for their lives.

Pan Гложич disappeared, and I since yesterday morning, the sun rose barely, organized search for the gentleman, привлеча to them all the Lord's servants, and several peasants.

Unfortunately. Search for my crowned sad success. One of the servants , and one that has recently discovered the manor horses, today at dawn found the lifeless body of a host, lying in the forest roughly the same place, maybe a little further.

After pan Гложич was delivered to his house, I examined the body and found in the neck several deep прокусов probably left by the teeth. However, the form and depth they don't look like traces of human teeth.

Extreme excitement and limited in time have not yet provided a detailed study of the corpse of Mr. Гложича, it is clear that there is not and drops of blood, because blood vessels in his hand, made an incision me, was empty, as in вымоченном meat.

By the time I sat down to write to you thereof messages in the woods at the side of the district is found a few corpses of young men, former u Pana Гложича watchmen and конюхами and disappeared before the host itself. In the evening, I proceed to examination. But first I wish to notify your mercy of the threats we face, that there is a concern that more I have witnesses, intelligibly could describe what happened, and if something happens... I hope that Your lightness mercy will receive my message and give us the necessary support.

Probably Your grace, it is known that in the neighboring domains..."

The letter ended. I couldn't find it and continue, barely catching breath, gently put the lamp cover sheet another message.

"Your honour! I hasten to inform you that your requests I made. My soldiers entered in the indicated the earth and found the absence of the master, servitude and extreme scare serves to be the serfs.

The body of Mr Гложича, his servants, the doctors, as well as several peasants killed at the same time, extracted from the graves and burned by all the rules of the Holy Inquisition. All corpses found remarkably preserved. The corpse of a groom Ежива Muslim could not be found due to the lack of graves, but I hope night ambush will speed up the latter.

I dare say that the attack on the peasants recently stopped. The latter protects itself by preparing the aspen stakes and hung on the doors and Windows of their homes and ligaments of garlic. I think, that soon my help here would no longer need..."

My attention distracted and gnashing of скрябание in the door, раздавшиеся outside. Even before he could think, that hut is protected by strong constipation from the invoice beams, I breathed in the lamp, and she immediately went out, leaving me in the dark.

A few minutes while sitting in stillness, I was listening to the sounds, but suspicious rustling stopped, though it was not. Matches with him was no more, and had to go down and go through the room to the furnace, near which Pelageya has always left boxes on the kindling.

I got carefully and came out of the porch. Alena slept for ширмочкой at the window. The regular breathing well was heard in the silence of the house. Somewhere in the back room unevenly посапывала, похрапывала grandmother Pelageya. And only the creaking floorboards under the feet broke serenity house.

Feeling in the furnace in a silvery-blue twilight, подсвечиваемом in not cluttered window shutters full Moon, I went back and decided to go, see how to become an alcoholic'alene. The girl lay peacefully, covered with a cotton blanket without a blanket cover. Her mouth was slightly ajar, and through it with the noise was and was back on the air.

"I must! involuntarily I thought, looking at her simple, serene face, which became in a dream quite childish. And not frightened: she's asleep. And the grandmother is asleep. One for me, any fool can't sleep. I contacted with this nut!"

The girl's face and her Breasts, blanket tucked around her, fell silver moonlight from the window. Suddenly it grew dark, and I realized that someone looks in at the window, and moving his gaze, saw a man's head, прильнувшего the glass, his face left in the shade. My body also does not protrude into the light except for some of the thigh, and frozen with fright, I, too, in the stillness watched him.

All remained motionless for some time, and if the head does not appear in the window of my eyes, you would think that the glass прислонили effigy.

I finally got tired of uncertainty and my stationary, and after recovering from the initial fear, I pulled out his matches, drew one of them and put the glass in which there was dancing reflection of yellow flame. It hurt to consider проступившие contours and shape of a person. And sweep of his head to the side, I could not tear myself away in horror stared at Peter, выпучившиеся eyes which looked at the shimmering, тухнущий the flame of a match.

I wanted to scream that had the power, took a deep breath, but only convulsed першащим cough, which exactly choked.

Alena started, frightened stare at me awake, murmured something incomprehensible, on a strange, unearthly some, каркающем language, and to defend himself from me naive outstretched palm.

-You that, Alenka? - tenderness have overcome my fear. Being more helpless than I, were in need of help, and it gave me courage and strength, as then, on the bridge.

Chapter 19.

"How long you been here dwell? I asked Maxim, pausing on the threshold to the surprise of seeing the spectacle.

-With the week. Before the column lived, but then quarreled there with one, and they have been drove away.

-A column?

-What, what! In ordinary, which is sticking out of the ground.

-In the sewer?

No, not in the sewers. There pipe some warm, and winters can live.

-And who are you drove?

"There are some assholes. It is their column. They have to themselves called, and then we fire it sparked, frogs wanted to fry, well and built there a small пожарчик.

A hundred, a fried frogs love? - I involuntarily shuddered.

-Yes, I'm more dogs love and cats can not stand...

I nearly puked from such gastronomy.

From our conversation woke up.

"Who brought a dork? "came from one of the risen over the carotid mass lying near each other, tel head.

-Buddy, оробело said Maxim.


Having woken up, stirred, lifting. Several people approached us, stepping directly or stepping on матерящихся in a dream comrades. Old they were fifteen, sixteen. They were looking at us, trying to продрать sleepy, sticky, puffy eyes.

"Well, great! What came? - asked one of them to me as if a time I knew me before him guilty.

-Yes, - I was taken aback opponents were too many, and their behavior was unpredictable even for a second forward - this was clear from the first words, and what else could be expected from the street kids, no matter how vague.

-Just don't go, especially here, in the hand of the speaker suddenly a knife that he playfully began to twirl somewhere down the thighs. It was below my height, щупл and худосочен, but now it is unlikely there was any value, and the hour I immediately regretted about two things: first, that coming here, not knowing what and why, and, secondly. Not being able to fight like a dashing guys in the beautiful cinema, stacking of infections with a dozen opponents.

-Yes, he came to our gift to make, Zhenya. Don't you see? - someone near.

-Then выкладай! - immediately, scenario, without a pause picked up Zhenya, continuing to play with a knife.

Meanwhile, all new teenagers approached the pile in front of me, who shivered from the cold morning air, who yawning and stretching. The case has been increasingly nasty turn.

-Oh, and outfit-it's nothing. It is necessary to undress, and then I have some holes on the coat. "came another voice.

-Plenty of time, " he remarked Eugene. - Well, what are you waiting for? Took out a nickels.

I felt it's a pity, what a silly situation I was unwittingly. The world around, after all, is full of evil, and this should never be forgotten. We must constantly be alert and not allow the heart to give orders over the mind.

When I had all the money, all my cash it remained, and part because of their own stupidity with this pretty decent, but, more importantly, the last amount of savings, of which all his life after me, perhaps. Not to be had, it was like death and unbearable. Wanted to suddenly collapse right here on the floor and no longer live, if all so badly formed. And let this blond shket me зарежет, and then takes my money, I don't see it...

-Ah, mark! - cried someone at me for the very back.

I involuntarily looked round, and saw who was beaten by the pelmeni. - Meeting! And I thought I'd see!

-Польд, do you know this? - asked Eugene. -He?

"Yeah, his own! - Польд walked me around, gloatingly squinting. A crowd of teenagers back a little bit. His own!

I felt he knew me now hit the eye he was a huge bruise, nose побагровела, and the lower lip is swollen to the size of a grape, and hardly knew it, as he felt a sharp pain in the groin, потянувшую me down. My body скорчилось and crumbled down. Through a fog of pain caught up to me words Польда:

His own! That's what it, that's it!...

New blows rained down on my body, and I thought I beat the whole gang of youngsters. The surrounding world is separated black wool from my consciousness.

When I woke up, he felt bound to pipe behind the back and sit on the cold concrete floor in the same room. Body hummed from beatings, eyes did not want to open up and in the ears something дребезжало.

"Well and leave," - somehow indifferently I thought. How many times had to fall into foolish and unpleasant situation, hurting and getting punched in the face - it was a nightmare, the crazy house. Is my life now, until completion, will consist of only troubles, illnesses, tragedies, beatings and remodeling, in which I had just tired get. Because before me this has never happened. Now adversity lay in wait for me at every step. If my life is for them to become the best and the world's only target.

Finally, his eyes were opened, and I saw that order room was empty, and now it remains only five people. Here were Zhenya, Польд, his partner, my night companion and someone else can I, a stranger, a man of about twenty-eight or thirty - two.

When we Maxim came to the house of the morning sun had not yet appeared over the horizon, its dawn lit up the house with the other party. Now it shining right in the window of the room, and it was easy to guess, that had passed quite a long time.

Were in the room with me were talking among themselves, and only Maxim was silent and sad. Seeing that I opened my eyes, he came to me.

Does it hurt? - I heard his voice.

"That hurts, " I agreed.

-Sorry, I'm not wanted.

-Yes, that is really there.

We were approached Польд.

As a mark woke up! Well, how are you feeling? he sat down in front of me on his haunches, looking into his eyes. - A mark!

On his thin direct lips played meanders smile winner, enjoy a mockery of the victim.

I found the strength nothing to answer him.

-By the way, you know, what's the name of this? - Польд patted щуплому shoulder Maxim and, not waiting for an answer, give it to himself. His name is we ПОЦ - guy particularly valuable. You know he raised up the index палеци pointedly has dissolved the lips. - And do you know who the "поц"? It's a boy in the synagogue of the Jews, which deprives the innocence of the dead women virgins, that... well, not important.

Польд rose from his knees, but never finished the conversation:

-Now, judging by the way, what does "поц", it should be natural shit. And this ПОЦ it is, Польд again, but this time with a wicked force slammed Maxim on the shoulder.

The man looked at him askance, but still scared.

-Not пяль eyes, ПОЦ, and the схлопочешь in the face, - noticed Польд, and then turned to me. - And you, mark, do not relax. Just in case I took your wallet.

He waved in front of my nose wallet that contained all my documents, cash, and several letters of credit for large sums.

It was a real blow.

-What not to like? - Польд looked inside. - Oh, listen, you have a good live, fraer. See how much you got of dimes. Here is the catch!

-Take money, " answered I, and the documents and letters of credit give me.

Польд began to pull out the wallet contents:

-So, the tickets at the train, well, you can go pass them, they'll ужен not be required, " he gave me a haughty look, and then made a дурашливую grimace, not означавшую anything good. "Yeah, документики... Oh, Yes you цирик?! Here is the catch! Look, Yes it right wonder what! I still just never happened.

He took out the letters of credit and gazed at them with wide-open eyes, then looked at me.

"Hey, mark, you where did that come from? How many цириков know - all below Colonel - poor, almost like I am. And you're right millionaire! Maybe you daddy - General? Oh, so we feathers пощипаем. Come on, give it to the url?

Behavior oborvantsa was outrageous, and, despite the disadvantageous my position, I couldn't help it:

-Listen to me, you pig! I tell you what I say get yourself a money, documents and letters of credit, pay me! And untie me now hand...

-Oh, Yes you Greyhound quite фраерок, - Польд approached me. You see here, just a General's son. Now we'll conceit-save...

His face was contorted with anger, and he began furiously beating me anywhere, saying at the same time:

On, on, here's to you! Get a fascist, a grenade...

I defended feet, stimulated stand. Pulled his hands bound together behind a pipe, and, finally fell to the side, leaving unprotected back. Польд took advantage of this and repeatedly struck me feet in kidneys. His wickedness came out, and he stood over me, panting, and much his mouth.

When I was able to sit down, he had already calmed down and smoked, standing at the window иглядя somewhere on the street.

-Oh, brought you to me, фраерок, " he breathed with cigarette smoke, not turning around. "I hate you, цириков and Communists! In General, milestones bastards, who is up there, hate. And like you, lackeys.

He swore viciously, and in deeply, exhaled, sweet frowning. The sun, выглянувшее from behind a cloud, shone in his pale forehead, on which свисла strand dirty, as if covered with gray bloom dust, uncertain hair color.

-Bastards!.. Ah! he threw the butt, crushing his toe поношенного Shoe. "Snakes!

Than the two of us in the room was empty.

"Well, you wait here, фраерок, think. You now useful to think about: how to know how many left to live. And I will go about their business, - he went to the door. - Yes, and don't forget to my return папашин address to remember. We think will try...

Loneliness dragged on endlessly, and I couldn't tell how much time am one. On the street the sky was quite overcast, then began to drizzle drizzle. On concrete slabs near the window was formed oblique wet square, turned into a puddle every moment flew fountains often from falling drops. In the room there was fresh and dark. Thick twilight, which is usually during autumn моросящих rains, gave the empty space at her, once serving someone a cozy home, and now загаженному and sheltering a gang of young tramps, the view is almost dark.

It seemed to me that I hear a squeak. Soon he was strong, and, looking closer I recognized in the twilight, two rats, approaching me zigzags, sniffing and fumbling on the floor noses, from the back of the room, from the door.

At first I was even glad though these living beings appeared in the room, but then the alarm pierced consciousness - the rats were not so worthy of emotion at all, besides, for sure yet, wanted to eat something. I recollected once heard stories about what these creatures gnaw sleepers ears and noses, and if this person is totally feels nothing, because in the saliva of these animals contain strong analgesic, anesthetic substance.

The rats came to me and began to sniff at my feet. Their eyes beads, shining in the dusk, sitting motionless, expressed nothing, but it seemed to me that they would like me to chew on. To them I was just a big piece of meat, and my immobility seduced them to sink her in my skin, his little, but the razor-sharp teeth. I thought I предугадываю their instinctive action.

One of the rats crawled along the leg to the ankle, where it ended, and opened naked body area. I kept watching her, without movement, but guessed her intent to drink are in me with his teeth. Experiencing the deepest disgust, developing into клокочущую rage, I still slow to kick her harder, waiting for a time when she разинет mouth to bite. However, my reaction was not enough: in a flash of her teeth were in my ankle. The pain from the bite was weak and there was, perhaps, only because I could see. I yanked the other leg and foot pressed rat to the floor, trying to crush her. Another вспрыгнула at me, ran down his stomach, chest, shoulder and run out of the way.

Down a rat скрипуче twittered, releasing the ankle and trying to bite the sole of the Shoe. Now I felt whined, запекла from the bite wound. My bitten by foot is to have the rat остромордую head, and was surprised that after such a blow with a rat, nothing happened, and she still continued to squeal. Then I hit him again and again, and then beat with a desperate rage and fear, wanting to kill a rodent and fearing that this does not happen.

Rat chewed and writhed under my leg, шкрябая legs, and she managed to twist and break free. She asked heels, and I only just managed to pry her toe and throw into the air. Tumbling, her body crashing on the ceiling, and then slam against right in the middle of a puddle at the window. Then she got up as if nothing had happened. After the rats had gone away, wagging their tails: one dead, the other is wet, leaving a winding trail.

The evening came and I sat in the empty and cold room and the ruined house. The rain is long over. From the street now together with the cool wind came rare signals hire, chime crane, humming his engines, voice builders and other sounds of the city, not разгонявшие my depression, but only emphasizing a sense of absurdity and absurdity of the situation. For the whole day, no living soul appeared here.

I wanted to have, but besides all other things, and something more unpleasant: I really wanted to be in the toilet, and I couldn't do it. Peeing in pants was too much, and I waited and waited, and when someone finally appears, and I ask him to he untied my hands or, at least, came up with something, so you can go and this position. Bitten by a leg ached and whined in all keys.

Time stretched painfully slow, but no one appeared, and then, when it became completely dark.

"Maybe they went, never to return, and I will sit here still unknown how many?" in desperation I thought, and the next moment he heard a sound, обнадеживший me its similarity with a rustle of steps. However, as was seen in the light of lamps and lights with a neighbouring building, in the room no one appeared. Noise same, reaching me, not a poem, and a minute later the few black beads flashed in the darkness by the window.

Crossing a slanting ray of light, I was approached by the rats. Now, there were not two, and much more. In the darkness it was impossible to determine their number, but grey backs flashed here and there, and I thought that room all teeming with these creatures.

In desperation, I began to wiggle, hitting feet, fearing that I will not notice in the dark, that any of them was dangerously close to them. Several times it seemed to me that I'm someone kicked.

Peering into the darkness, I found that rats are now moving closer to me from the window, by the wall, and to get there, it took me move Hughes almost a quarter of a turn that was not easy. However. Driven by fear, I did it and began to knock down the very подлезшие me hordes. They scattered, but now with the other hand along the wall were pressed against the floor, the same brazen and hungry creatures. To think that they can do to me these hordes and that will leave me if I give up, I queer and creepy to shake and shiver.

The struggle continued. Now the rats have left their mass attempts to attack and were surrounding me tight ring, from which tried to lean one and then the other creature and immediately received from me on the nose. I oversaw this threat semicircle, not giving any minute relax or escape. I got used to this confrontation and extremely afraid of me started to get sleepy. Not once or twice, drove away I enveloping the brain thought: "Well, these rats in the swamp, I die, as I want to sleep now. Maybe nothing will happen to you"...

I woke up from the piercing feeling of danger. I didn't managed to chase a dream, and he overcame me. Now I couldn't understand what was going on, and to realize that rats swarmed me and creep on me. This horrified me. Now was not even clear how they managed to eat me, or maybe I was lucky, and I'm still safe.

Energetic, desperate movements in horror at what had happened began to throw down the vile beasts, облепившим me how to prompt a flock of locusts, but it was hard. They firmly clutched at me, his little claws, and when I pulled the sides of the torso and legs shook, then felt through the fabric of clothing their claws come in my skin, scratching on it.

Rats, barely broke loose, again climbed, rushed to me, and where they fell, кишело the multitude of their relatives. Not remembering itself, I yelled so loudly that it would seem all Moscow needs to hear this cry. It happened by itself from пронзившего me the realization that I now really can be eaten by predators, torn alive into pieces.

At this moment the walls of the room, everybody in the gleams of fire, and someone came in with a torch in hand. I saw a teenager, who had stopped in the doorway and immediately поспешившего to help me. He began to kick and throw about kicking rats, which is now clearly visible, кишело all the space around me, burn them with a torch, running it into the middle and shout.

There was a squeal and squeak. Scorched, frightened, scattered animal ran off, leaving me alone, and soon only some of them remained die on the concrete floor of the room, crushed or burned by impregnated by pine torch. In the air завитал nauseating smell of burnt meat.

I looked at his Savior, and in the orange and crimson reflections saw Maxim.

We looked at each other in silence.

-Why did you do that? - Asked finally, I.


-That's it!

-So you wanted to go with me.

But I didn't know that all the work like that.

-And I don't know. What I knew - I told you.

-So what do I do now?

I don't know.

-And why do you come here now?

I don't know... you See, you saved.

-So you save me till the end, I was disgusted to be humiliated before мальцом, but no other option to be seen.

-I can not. Now here everyone will come.

-So what?

As what? If they find out that I made you free - the skin will be pulled down.

And often you here so people catch?

-None of your business - teenager again began to be rude, but now the advantage was on his side, and he had all the chances to win for his injury: nothing didn't bother him.

I realized that my works useless, and, if life does not end there, in front of me waiting for the many adventures and trials. I don't want to die now, especially here in these dirty, dirtied the ruins.

"Listen, give me go to the toilet, " I implored your own need, which suddenly gave themselves known again ноющим overflow, petrified bladder.

"Generally what?


Malets sighed, попыхтел a minute, then, by sticking a torch in the radiator radiators, came up to me, sat down and began , squinting, untie the knot behind my back. I wanted to ask, "aren't you afraid that I'll run away?" - but still, I didn't.

Only making an attempt to get up, I felt like the задеревенели, numb my members.

-Well, wow!

"What is it? "asked Maxim.

-Ass asleep and froze like a cake раскаталась, and hands can't feel...

-Well, it happens, " he agreed. - Nothing, now to be held.

I finally stood up, having experienced the rush of blood in занемевшие place. Покалывающей thousands of needles.

"Where's the toilet?

-And you just sit in the corner and справляйся, " he suggested.

-No, I cannot.

-What is it?

-You sleep here.

-Yes nonsense.

"No, not seriously, I can't stand it.

"Come on." You go yonder, " and he pointed to a dark doorway in another room, - want - I'm in the toilet'll take the bathroom, but there is nothing except the g...on.

I still go to the toilet. Maxim relentlessly followed me, and his torch popped right behind me.

Ahead flashed a dark corridor leading to the entrance to the stairwell. I thought it would be nice to go there now, and if necessary and finally hit the little гаденышу.

-You don't try to get out of this, as if he knew my thoughts, mumbled behind me teenager. - I have flared sticky resin - stick, so all burned, if he уцелеешь.

I turned to the toilet. The toilet was broken, and covered with a tiled floor sticking only to his small fanged skeleton, thickly furred of all sorts and colours excrement. Go in there, not to get into any of them, it was impossible. The bathroom was the same.

"Sit down in the kitchen, " said Maxim. - There just started to walk.

In the empty kitchen with a distorted stove and the remaining from the sink pipes for water supply and sewage really soiled was only at the corners. I found a place cleaner, took off his pants and sat down. Maxim stood in the doorway, watching the procedure.

-Look, what if you set me free? I asked, тужась and experiencing the bliss.

Maxim gave no sign that he heard my question, and then his lips sarcastic, bitter twisted:

-Am I the enemy of your health?

-Well, no, why not. But who knows? Say, come, and I no longer have here. If I ran away, when no one was there before.

"No, not go.


-Can our now in a new building and all they see. Dangerous.

-Well, then tell me unleashed in the toilet to go, and I'm in your face and a tear. Goes? Now imitate.

-What are you?! Say too! I didn зачмарят1. Will not go. Yes, and what shall I let go? Hurt it!

-I you fed, and you? - My weak urge to his conscience was met with complete silence. Go though the paper I find.

He withdrew, leaving me in the darkness dissipated only spotlights from the construction site. The street was already quite dark. The city shone the lights of houses.

I could not collect his thoughts, continuing to squat with приспущенными pants, блаженствуя relief. Think of now was the time, and each second was on the account. We had to flee. But always, in the most important moments, head refused to think.

Maxim returned with a piece of faded, in a limy strike newspaper and handed it to me. I shook off the paper and asked:

-Where you ripped out?

-None of your business, " replied the boy in the old manner.

Standing up, I suddenly clearly realized that if we do not take any steps to salvation, then it might be in five minutes it will be too late, but your own indecision shackled will.

Chapter 20.

The girl was unpleasant to look at, and I touched her shoulder, so she finally woke up.

"What?" Asked then Alena, if only opened her eyes.

-Nothing, - match in my hand already gone out.

Alena raised her head, and she was near the shadow of a dead man, all still standing outside the window. The hair on the back of its head silvery glittering.

"Come here, Alena, and only don't be scared! I drew a girl taking her hand, at the very moment when she wanted to see what falls the shadow.

She was beside me, and I stepped back into the room, dragging her away and not giving a chance to turn around.

At this time, the shadow behind the window described an arc, just fell, and disappeared, as if it had never been.

"What?" What's wrong with you? - I have heard from the ear hot whisper girls, from which even been warm warmed the bed of the body.

-Yes, so imagined something.

-And woke me up why?

-Scared - I really just shuddered at the from the inside coming out cold horror.

-And don't sleep what?

-Don't sleep...

I don't know what to say to a girl, and only began to invent what to say, how strange sounds at the door repeated.

-What is it? - Instinctively pressed against me, frightened asked Alena. Her wide opened eyes shifting from side to side, flashing sparks reflections of dropping into the room through the window of the moonlight.

I don't know.

I tried to ascertain whether these strange sounds somehow be associated with the appearance of the window of a dead man. Maybe somebody tried to play a trick on me, or all of us. But that someone could only be shepherd named Ivan Noodles, and at пугавшим me terrible speeches. Although, on the other hand, why he would need to leave also a stutterer his own daughter for the sake of a bad joke. Yes and dig out the coffin, get out a corpse and be almost half a kilometre from the cemetery to the village - even if at the village fool and have enough mind, it is unlikely that he could have all of this done in a few hours.

Скрябанье like if someone biting off the cracked door or tried to remove it from its hinges, lift scrap, became stronger and more distinct.

"What is that noise? - Fingers Alena hurt dug into the skin on my shoulders.

-Alena, you just don't be scared, but I only saw that there behind a window... here's Peter standing.

The girl screeched, even stronger pressed against me and clutching my shoulders.

-Be not afraid, Alena, fear not, please. I warned you that Peter is not the usual dead, that he at night to roam around the village.

The girl looked me in the face and long, staring straight in the eye, then pulled away, smiling crookedly incredulously.

-Look, what you удумал! - Grin was archly-crash-and-burn. It's you, I guess, to me.

How to take where to get? 't understand I was at first, but then guessed.

-As well as girls take. Scare myself to you in the arms rushed! Oh, what a tricky! Found what to scare!

-What are you?! - I put away from him the girl, taking what отряхиваться. - I wouldn't.

"Yeah, was not. Now go down and see who's there шкрябается.

She really went into the hall, and I went after her.

-Wait, wait, Alena. Don't you open the door.

In the back of my mind flashed a wild idea that a girl can be at one with all this evil spirits, because half its roots go down into the darkness. I caught her hand and stopped, pulling himself out of nowhere began to smite and nail, already at the door squeaks and gnashing turned into a real knock. Someone тарабанил in the door, if asked to be allowed.

-Why won't you let me open the door?! I want to see who could teach you to be your accomplice! Her voice sounded sincerely indignantly.

"Listen, don't you think it's strange? - Knocks on the door became a continuous roar, about which she trembled and then, and beam jumped up up, threatening to fall off the hooks.


-And this? - I showed a sprung door. - Isn't it strange that someone in the night so blatantly...

I could not finish her sentence, because, jumping too high, cross bar with a crash flew on the floor, the door opened, and on the threshold appeared a silhouette of the huge, heavy massive man, in which it was impossible not to know the deceased. He stood in the silver light, flowing from the sky, spreading its hands and looking at us creepy horror.

I stepped back, takes a step back, and pulled the sleeve Alena, frozen, dead still. She staggered, nearly stumbling, and when Peter-dead man took the first step into the house, turned around, dropped deep into the hut, and screamed at him.

The hair on my head stand on end, and I have nothing left, how to follow it in перекосившем face of terror. Feeling cornered lamb, which came to an end. It was a terrible, terrible feeling мешавшее think. Before me I saw only метающуюся shouting from side to side Alena, from time to time попадавшую in the rays of moonlight.

-Run for me! I stepped into the room Pelagia, and waited until finally the girl hears my words and followed here, slammed the door in the face of the deceased, the second two, having had time to pour cold sweat, looking for a hook and managed to put it on loop in приколотке for a few moments before was followed by the first push. - Grandma, get up!

-Yes, I'm awake, " came to me in a surprisingly calm voice of an elderly woman.

The room is small and narrow was only one small window with a cross frame.

-Hit the glass! Frame break! Вылазьте the window! I shouted, leaning against the shoulder пляшущую door, but the two women remained motionless. I was seen. But it can be felt , because no sound except shots and лязганья iron hook did not reach my ear.

Strangely, the light does not illuminate! Again came the voice Pelagia Пантелеевны, щелкнувшей several times somewhere in the dark switch.

-Granny, let's jump out the window! This time I am I got tougher and more convincing. Tone is not tolerate opposition.

-But how grandson...

-How!!! Bay stool glass!

However, all remained immobile. And then, evil сплюнув, I rushed out of the door, the whirring of every push, gleaming in the gloom, a stool and grabbed her leg, she gasped window. He heard the ringing sound of a tree. I swung and struck yet: the way to the retreat was free. But Peter was already here. And there is nothing else left to do, swinging in the opposite direction, hit that had the power and the dead. He staggered away, but in the next second went again to me not сгибающейся, ходульной gait.

-Вылазьте, Вылазьте soon! "I implored, not having even a possibility to turn around and see what was happening behind me.

"Here, take it! - Pelageya was next to me and put my hand in something solid, resembling a plate, and then broke somewhere in the darkness.

The reflections from the window flashed patent icon that stood on the table at my grandmother's bed, and not really knowing what she should do, I was fenced off the Holy icon from the dead, and felt that his efforts to get to me became not so energetic, but also my hands had experienced such pressure force, if they tried to stop the locomotive of the train, and it was clear that so not last long.

Somewhere nearby the distribution смрадное Champ from the darkness could hear some sounds, flashed part of the body of the dead man, and the incredible , like cast iron severity of hell's vain efforts to achieve my flesh was threatening to break my fragile hands, with difficulty restraining a small icon, which as a shield загородился I from the horrible corpse, who aspired to me, навалившегося invisible force.

A few more seconds, I was going to topple to the ground. I stepped to the window, but the severity, налегшая on hand, only increased. And then, releasing from the hands of the Holy painted oil painting, I dived back into the narrow doorway, silver square-emerged on the dark wall.

Peter managed to grab my leg for the foot. Cold his fingers, rough, thick and ugly, once cooled my blood. My body hung along the walls, and in the turned the sky, burning only major stars, подернутом gray-herring, smoked поволокой, I saw a swinging from side to side of the moon, impartially observing what is going wrong when its light the terrible horror.

Peter easily, so lightly, drew me back into the house, and feeling that now will do something terrible, I twitched, trembled in his icy its claws, like a helpless синичка in the fist of сноровистого ловчего.

Thoughts, hundreds of thoughts confusing and circling алогичными vortices. Rush in my head, just water, which rushed by of the dam through прохудившуюся, лопнувшую dam. Here soul cries feverishly sought the support of consciousness done facts, the last lights of hope drenched embers turned into ashes, dead thoughts rushing about from head to heels of animal fear of death.

All has floated before my eyes. I jerked it a few times, but without a passionate impulse, and not knowing convulsions whether this agony, or else miserable past attempts attempts to break free and escape.

In the moment dead man's fingers relaxed, and I hurt his on the window frame of the knee, kuvyrknuvshis over his head and landed on the floor, грохнувшись sideways. In the ears faded out a cry, resembling more the groan of a falling tree, подрубленного дровосеком than the person's voice.

Воцарившуюся silence and darkness, in which I lay, a few seconds of hesitation, I know if I am already in that light, or even dwell on this, broke as thunder coming voice:

"Hey, are you alive?

I recognized the voice of Ivan Noodles and a few seconds trying to figure out not misheard whether, if at all, did it for me. Was this his hands that clasped fingers of my bare feet? Why he had such power? Yes and not fit something...

"Hey, are you alive, say? - repeated question.

-Alive - in a weak voice, " I replied. - Bitch.

Someone jumped down gently next to me in the grass and hand touched my shoulder. His fingers were warm.

-What was it? - only and could I ask, physically feeling, as my strength is leaving me with every spoken word.

-What I told you was the voice of the shepherd, now it was heard clearly.

-And where is he?

-Who? Peter? I Drin aspen pierced. He is now in a house of sand.

I frowned, and numbness relaxes the body. Sensing the weakness in all the States, I still rose from the ground, supported by the hand of a shepherd.

"Listen, Ivan, what does all this mean? I asked, trying to see the facial expression of a shepherd in distorted long shadows отбрасываемыми Moon, the contours of its parts.

-I told you so, " he replied quietly. I'll tell everything! I warned you!

"Yeah, " I agreed. - And what next?

-What next?

-On now what? What will be? Why wait?

-Why wait? - in the twilight dashed hand Ivan and stupidly зачесала the back of the head. - And where Alena?

-Alena. She Pelageya before I managed to climb out the window. Too scared, probably, poor fellow.

I looked around and it seemed to me that everywhere loom, toss some vague outlines of the shadows.

-Come on, John, I want to see Peter.

We entered into the house through the door, passed the bathrooms were in the just ended the fight. Light does not ignites. Flashed me a burning match, and in its dim light on the floor stood crouching corpse, which was oozed and растекалось on the floor something dark. The room smelled terribly of decaying flesh.

-What is it? I asked the risen a little further back of the satellite.

-It decomposes.

I got sick from this sweet luscious stinking smell, and we hurried to leave the room, slamming the door.

-I found at the top of any strange books, and one of them, as you say, red, with embossed on the title page of the gold sign. It lay some letters, the very old, in the hands of the right break.

What have you managed to read?

-Only a few scraps of letters. It was said some terrible things.

-But isn't that scary? Ivan showed on the door, which was lying nasty corpse. - Why you did not believe my word? Do you had to read something to make sure that my words will not cheating?

-But your behaviour at times so strange that actually attend obsessed with the thought: "Yes, in fact, is not a fool, is it?" all the village says that you're not in your right mind.

The shepherd was silent, with lowered head, then said, and looking down at his feet:

-Well, be here and I'll go get Alena and Пелагею. They must be hiding somewhere.

He left.

I was alone, and again I became scared. Just before dawn Ivan returned with Alyona and Pelageya saw me sitting on the doorstep, прислонившимся to the door and tired from a busy and tedious waiting. Old woman and young girl, too, were pale and seem very exhausted last night.

I would now not wanted only to fall and to fall asleep, which I did, barely reaching a trestle bed at night slept Alena.

I woke up in the evening. Head раскалывалась from the unbearable pain. Pelageya fumbled at the plate. I got up and went to her:

-Where's Alena, grandmother?

'My father is gone.

-Everything is OK with it?

-Yes, everything seems-so how are you, really? Has suffered a great deal? - she turned to me.

-Yes, I suddenly found myself thinking, what really wish it was a dream, let scary, but a dream and not reality, and passing Pelagia room, as if in confirmation, found on the floor there is nothing, not even a trace from the past incident.

-Pelageya Panteleevna, and where the corpse?

-I removed it so said the lady, as if done this every day.

-How to have removed? And what is the evidence?

-What evidence? It by the morning am withered whole. From him, some bones, Yes ashes remain.

-Well, as the police? If she comes?

-What is the militia?! Should it hurt her. That it investigate, what to look for? Here, won. The man was lost, and nothing!

-Who's missing? - I was suspicious.

-Yes Petrova wife and her daughter at the same time gone where-t - Pelageya for a minute away from cooking. - And the neighbors say, "What are you, grandma, you're worried, may, in the city she drew. She is now free bird, a widow. Bringing her here?" Daughter under his arm and into the city, do it here: my husband is not, who will now feed? And there she and the factory or the factory for a job. But I t know that it is not in the city she leaned that

-Where have they disappeared? - However, on a heavy silence Pelageya I guessed what had happened. - Do...

However, and ask nothing else was necessary as everything was clear.

The old woman again to cook, I climbed up to the attic. Now here in the sun, coming through the hole and the hole in the roof, stood column of dust. All was still припорошено thick layer of dust. Books lay in the same place. I took the one in the red cover with gold stamping, and opened on the page where the beautiful calligraphic handwriting was made the last entry in a strange language. Half of the book sheets remained unfinished and shone well-preserved, polished, coated, white paper. Not immediately able to understand me intricate ornament of unfamiliar words, and, desperate and having met with anger shut the book, I suddenly caught the meaning of the last entry:

"Today. 13 July 1720 from the Nativity of Christ at the monastery on the invitation of the Abbot came doctor of black and white magic - name was carefully замазана, that help the poor to the brotherhood of our get rid of the above adversity".

I leafed through a few thick, rustling pages of the book and read another one by the same author:

"In the monastery's garden brothers in his multitude observe the appearance of the Ghost, who become accustomed to magnify - White monk. The Ghost is walking through the garden, wanders through the night in the corridors of the castle. He attributed depravity and debauchery, soluble among the monastery peasants, and, to everyone's shame, and among our brotherhood. White monk is attributed to the manifestation of the power of the impure force. Возобладавшей over our home. How could she resist the will of the Lord, not even clear to the Abbot, who, however, is not involved in the fight against evil, but only twice a day falls in the cellars of the monastery, and examines the monastery Treasury. Could attack this happen because not all the brethren our sincere and diligent in prayer and obedience. The facts that are known to me afraid even to betray paper, and mostly belong to the parish priest at which I am especially close. However, our Lord, they are known, and, may be, he sent us his forgiveness and gave us in the power of demonic forces. I do not know what will be next, but the times come scary. Severe wrath of the Lord, and all we, poor, deserved his punishment for violation of the Charter of the monastic life. And I'll pray to the Lord for the salvation of the soul".

Thumbing through the book and further reading some notes, more than anything like these two records, I discovered. All the rest was like accounting reports of the coming of taxes and levies taxes from around lying lands in favor of the Church, and of the expenses that were holding the monks on the content of the monastery and its Genesis.

Closing the book on a brass buckle, I put it aside, and went down the passage and out on the porch.

The sun was already down for the forest. The sky became pale pink, rare clouds on it felt begun to blush density purpura, окрасившись purple and orange tints. Above to the Zenith sky gradually darkened and passed into the blue, and then in blue tones. Forest edge merged into one dark band with a torn upper edge, uneven, where sharp and where eaten teeth впившуюся in delicious amethyst the pink flesh of heaven.

Idyllic picture, frozen like the forever seemed to be painted on the canvas of a skilled artist. But the night fast approaching, carrying with them the fears, suddenly became not a fiction, and a part of my life, and I very much like to come this night.

However, it was necessary to somehow prepare for it, to this night, and I went round the house, and shut tightly all the shutters. On the porch out Pelageya and angrily asked:

-What are you doing-t?

"What is it?

-Why Windows-t all позаставлял?

By night getting ready, so no one climbed into the hut.

-Well, I-t now what to do?

-And what?

-In-house-t dark. And electricity since yesterday, no.


-And I know-that

-Well, I now see what the posting.

-What, are you crazy or what?! Light-t no yesterday in the entire village.

-Yes, the message was confusing to me, and I just sat on the porch in his impotence before the element of darkness, насевшей top and has straddled my destiny. - Well, I open the window.

Quickly it grew dark, and Pelagia, and not having time to finish cooking, took off my chest mattress on the floor, opened оббитую iron cover and found the kerosene lamp.

-Why-so-Kerosene W, where take-t? In the cellar there. So, grandma thought. - Should the neighbors go. Maybe go?

-Whoever it is I know?

-And what? You zato-t all know.

-Yes, especially after the death of Peter.

Pelageya was silent, thought for a moment, but then agreed:

-Okay, herself go-T.

Groaning and holding his side, she left the house, and I sat on the bench at the table, poured from the pot potatoes and meat in a dish, pour on the touch in an earthenware mug from a small jug of milk, listening to the sound наполняющегося vessel, and began to chew slowly arguing that it really is time to leave. All this, and the time drew: the holiday ended.

Sitting in the dark, alone, with a scanty meal in a strange house, never посещавшемся me, I suddenly had a strange feeling. It was the homesickness, which I had not woke up the sons of affection. I wanted to go home. And from what time to go back to mother, remains absolutely nothing, and, barely coming, we would have to immediately leave, and from the fact that it is unknown when and how will I get out of this swamp, rage suddenly took possession of me, and wanted to turn the place upside down and break that no hitting arm.

Time was spent stupid and unimaginative. Now we had with sadness and pain tell himself that vacation was dull and not as I would like. What prevented me shake its on the South, the sea somewhere, because pocket was full of money? That brought me to this godforsaken hole where, moreover, in dull and muddy from hopeless boredom water, still waters run deep, drooping of the life of the local countryside had not one frost two, and the whole Horde of demons? I thought, if not all, most of the villagers muddy water, diligently striving to overtake one another. And at what here the barbarian, even if she is a witch? Was she one the strength to make life intolerable and disgusting, what is it now? However, the life, it is everywhere today, and such. Hopeless...

I took his head in his hands, dropped the spoon, with the ringing of a fallen on the table, and began to twirl your hair, grabbing their fingers and trying to hurt yourself, to somehow Wake up from just this quiet horror, that happens to me, that perhaps I can finally see which side there's light, and, maybe, my guiding star to rise above the horizon in a sky full of strangers, indifferent to me the stars. And that's when suddenly I understand that my life has any meaning and purpose in this world, and not a single grain of sand I, carried from one side to the force of the wind of destiny, and the man who could withstand his head.

-You have no purpose, " I said to myself, and just made a discovery.

Outside the window rekindled green glow.

Chapter 21.

Talk with Maxim was useless to this I already knew. But the one thing to act unceremoniously and arrogance. In the end, I was stronger than him, and that he threatened me, only instigated me to use violence to the presumptuous youngster.

I walked up to him:

-Well, thank you. And now went...

I wanted to remove his hand, загораживавшую me the way into the corridor, but barely managed to evade the torch, which teenager tried to hit me on the head. His outspoken ruthlessness finally untied my hands and persuaded to some strict measures. In two installments, I rolled mounted Cossack, dropping on the floor and bent knee to the floor. Torch dropped from his hands, and now, треща and shooting blue sparks, lying somewhere.

-Oh, you shket! You who wanted to scare?! I'm with you later, youngster!

Let go, " придушенный boy.

I'll let you go, - and my anger broke out, and I heartily Nabil give his face, then lifted up and kicking, dragged down, illuminating the way for the collapsed stairs selected torch.

Maxim was hanging back, stumbled, whined and cursing to himself, several times fell, but I picked him merciless blows and again dragged him after them.

Already at the exit door, at the door I met returning to his lair tramps. First came blond Eugene, his hands in his pockets on the elbow, fingers extended pants and whistling a song. When he saw me he stopped in confusion and stopped whistling.

Without waiting for his visit solution of the task in the current situation, I made a lunge and with amazing, surprising even to himself composure pointed his torch in his face, hit someone else from a number of standing and rushed away, trailing became hang back with a vengeance Maxim. Behind heard the screams and shouts. Teenagers and they were after me in pursuit. I kicked several times Maxim , waved in the face of the torch, implying that joke does not intend to, and, driven by fear, not feeling feet, rushed further. The rare passers-by found on these deaf streets, scared, ahead of time drifting away and staring in horror округлившиеся eyes blazing in my hand fire, the former for my only weapon. The flames were buzzing against my ear from the wind, like a jet engine. Turn another.

We jumped on a busy street. The torch had to run into the ballot box. I turned. Bouncing shadows catch up with me бродяжек were already very close, fifteen meters. From the alley, from which they had fled, was rushing war. I rushed to the sidewalk, but Maxim leaned heavily deviating ago, and I had to let him go, why teen flew head over heels on the pavement.

Already at the station on the way I met a patrol police car was moving slowly towards along the sidewalk. I rushed out, waving their arms and attracting as he could, to the attention of sitting in it. I have noticed and stopped. The door opened and out seemed привставший seat policeman.

-Rescue! Help! The money was confiscated, documents, kill want! Won catching up!..

After two hours in the police composed a Protocol of detention. Detained ten people, but among them Польда and men aged twenty-eight, thirty-two were not. Documents together with wallet were Zhenya, blond Chub which burnt, forming a stinging bald spot above the forehead. His face also was badly burned.

I returned the wallet. Documents, expired train ticket and even letters of credit, fortunately, ended up here.

After all the procedures they let me go.

-And what will happen to them? I inquired.

"Don't worry, " replied the officer on duty, who conducted me to the door of the office. - Get to the fullest: aggravated disorderly conduct, vagrancy, robbery, attempted murder, - bouquet that is necessary. This company ten years no one would see.

-And two remained, - I was really worried these thoughts. - They?

"Don't worry, they are looking for. See where, just tell us or by any policeman, who will meet...

Night at the station was restless. It seemed that the two are still at large, watch me and only on guard moment to somewhere in the dark place throw me in retaliation.

I had no money, I tried to buy a ticket for a letter of credit, but the cashier, making the round eyes, replied that he could not accept it, because in hand there is no such amounts on surrender, and it is not necessary. Only had to wait till morning, until open savings Bank, and the night passed in the struggle with sleep, and fear.

Hardly the time has come to nine in the morning, I was already at the savings Bank and receiving money immediately bought a ticket, and two o'clock already I sat in the train, and when entered into the carriage, it seemed to me that on the platform there are the two whom I caught up to the police, although I saw very little and poorly remembered them both. But fear has big eyes, and these two were persecuted my imagination at every step.

However, nothing happened, and, having left Moscow with half an hour, I sighed a sigh of relief.

The train gathered speed, and little by little my soul has found calm and even carelessness. The mood of the road changed the tension of waiting, when it seemed that something else can stop me to leave. But I didn't want any adventures. I'm sick of them. I has suffered a great deal of fear, and now hoped that further will be well.

Wheel cars перестукивали on the joints. Bad whether. Whether well. But there was four days, in which you can relax and think about nothing, don't worry, doing only what to eat, sleep, Yes while away an hour or two for a chat with neighbors in the compartment.

There's three of them. Among them stood a young man about my age, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that he, too, has just graduated from school. And now he is going to serve in Transbaikalia. We were fellow-sufferers: service in the region have traditionally been considered a punishment, and could easily assume that he, too, was not an angel during the study at the school. His name was Anton, and we somehow got in touch with him, after talking for half an hour and found a lot of common interests.

In the compartment apart from us was another man. Youthful, but with a black beard , he looked thirty-five years, participate in our lively conversation had not participated and only glaring at us it is unclear. Third neighbor was a girl. Her face was not beautiful, besides the glasses. The skin on her cheeks, coarse and rough, was covered оспинами, and only out of respect, apparently, Anton offered her lower berth, but she refused, managed to climb up and more showed no signs of life and wasn't paying attention.

After suffering a situation quite suited me. Everything seemed cute and almost comfortable. We started with a game of cards, closer to the dinner we went to the dining car to eat while back into the compartment, found there a lively campaign.

The girl still lying on the top bunk, staring at the window, at the bottom of the bench stood one empty and the other half осушенная bottle of vodka, was decomposed good snack: bread, pink fat large chunks, garlic, green onions, several вспоротых canned. Around, armed with spoons and puffing сигаретками, sat lively men gathered, as seen from the neighboring compartment. Before each was a glass, and they splashed swaying with the aftershocks of the train, vodka.

Men have already taken a dose of alcohol. Their eyes посоловели and gleamed. Seeing us, they were greeted by our appearance and pulled into their circle. We sat down on the edges of the shelves, being the most extreme of all.

-Go, conductors cups still ask appealed to me one sitting.

Sit around, I'm coming down, raised up Anton.

Soon he returned with utensils, and poured us too. The guy who sent me deeply, exhaled, сморщившись and squinting his eyes, released cigarette smoke, and then said:

-Well, what, guys, for that drink?

His drunken enthusiasm was passed to me, and suddenly wanted to drink before the hedgehogs and even make effort to get a bottle, a can, and not one.

-Conductor-it is nothing, " remarked who sent me away (he was probably here for заводилу and organizer of this binge-drinking), - I to Vladivostok necessarily will get. You saw how it moves, wagging ass!

'Hush you! - Pushed him in the shoulder our bearded neighbour. Here the girl driving, and you with such talk climb.

-And I have no one I haven't. I'm just saying, share thoughts... just Think - girl! Yes I have this breed is thoroughly studied, tea, no way, he was married three times.

It seemed to me that whatever our shipmate, patient, timid and shy, but now she would resent the whole situation. However it still was lying on the upper shelf and looked at the window, breathing together with the rest of tobacco smoke.

-Is that true? "Someone from the company.

-And why I lie? I полполучки alimony surrender. And now, maybe by the end of the trip for the fourth time to get married. The conductor.

At this moment it looked in the coupe, pushing open the door. In the corridor of the car dove-colored threads rushed past her cigarette smoke.

-So, comrades, something coupe very sternly sliding eyebrows together, " she said. In appearance she was twenty. But the youth had not yet left her face.

"Oh, Madame! - Развязано reached for her from the window thata talkative многоженец. - We about You just talked about, Madame!

-And you, comrade, I warn particularly, is still severely replied the girl. - will vandalize, I line them by the time you rent.

"I, хулиганю? Donkey man. -I хулиганю? I meet You I want to.

-Learn differently - tone of voice conductors got a little soft.

-My name is Kolya, and You?

-Me and Marina.

-Oh, Marinochka, glad to get acquainted...

But the girl is not дослушала his rants:

"So remember. For non-contractual penalty. Once again I'll go over and see that you smoke blame yourself. Warn on account of the noise and Матюков. You look with your woman go. Shame on you! Shame! You make it listen to your cries, sniffing cigarettes. Think it's pleasant for it?

-Marinochka, Yes its not forced. - She was...

Thata talkative again reached for her through all, aiming take hold exactly waist.

Conductor whacked him on the wrist:

-And you, Kolya, - it is a purely feminine in her indignation, lips, giving out your mental effort to resist. - You, Kolya, I warn personally. Just that, and will be explained in the police. Responsible for order in this coupe you: I personally appoint.

She closed the door.

-I'm not in that compartment food, Kolya with a friendly smile hunched his shoulders, rejoicing in this case.

'The worse for you, " someone said.

In that pause was heard again the voice of neighbor:

-So you, too, Nikolai name? Namesake, then!

Namesake, piano nodded and agreed, looking somewhere down under the table.

-And I, Nikolai, " said the bearded. - Wow! And your patronymic? Not Mikhailovich , an hour?

-No, not Mikhailovich. D..

I Nikolai Mikhailovich.

-Well, now, let's go for it, namesake, and let us drink to hand talkative reached for the bottle.

-Wait! What, are we alone shall we drink? And the guys? - Bearded looked all become silent campaign, слушавшую their conversations.

"Right, nick, and they may drink.

Vodka заклокотала, flowing in glasses.

-So, let's have a drink, invited Nikolai Dmitrievich, when all took the glasses, let's drink... for women, he raised himself up, looking over his shoulder at the top shelf. "Madame, you hear, we drink for you!

Girl pretended to not hear him, and he fell into place:

-Well, everything started!

Heard the clink of glasses, to the table, pulled the hand in search of fat, forks, cans, heard a Champ on all sides.

-Yes, something angry little sister. "Nikolai Dmitrievich, taking from his pocket a cigarette and again trying to light a cigarette. - Well, nothing, обломаем!

-Kolya, quit Smoking, " said he namesake.

-And what? - Drunk opinion if it was not found the opponent.

"She requested of you not to smoke, warned...

Well, she went...

He paused, glancing up.

However, rebelled, and others, and then took away his cigarette.

Apparently, the patience of the girls came to an end. With a determined look she descended, and it would seem that now followed by a slap - fair punishment for the offense, but the girl came out of the compartment.

-Uh, come on, faster smoke! - Turns whispered Nikolay Dmitrievich himself waved his arms, explaining. Now she is here was guiding them to lead.

And indeed, after a minute the girl returned with Marina.

-So, men. That survived the girl from my seat?!

-No it did not survive her finger... We did not touch... We conduct themselves peacefully, неча us barrel roll, " said a voice.

"Okay, one of you on the twentieth place is going?

-Well, I will, " said a man sitting near a polygamist".

-Hop over to it is a coupe, and the girl will go in your place, " the conductor, and, упредив man, with breath for perturbations added. - Not that it will be worse. I suddenly on the shelves will put down together not going to... Well, count to three......

So a man and froze in amazement with full Breasts air, not knowing what to say. Nikolai Dmitrievich pushed him in the side, making an idiotic grin overt hint:

- "What, dumpling?


-All right, - a man grows old and waved his hand. - S'pose you do, comes back, and then turned to толкнувшему. And not dumpling I do. My name is Konstantin, if you want to talk.

-Oh, Kostya, very nice, " said дурашливо Nikolai.

That's much better - and lost suddenly serious expression on their face, ingenuously and smiled widely Marina. And remember: I see the smoke, and - just fine prepare to pay. I warn you.

-Animal-Baba - whispered in my ear, Anton. - I think we agree.

-About what? - Not I understood.

Anton drew back and looked at me with astonishment, not knowingly staring eyes:

-Like what?! You what?..

I had thought, and in a sign nodded:

"Why are you decided?

-I feel. I have flair.

-These also flair - I squinted my eyes on Nikolai Dmitrievich.

-Oh, well it! Old goat. He is not a barrier.

Girl-shipmate pick up some things and, промямлив shyly: "goodbye," the departed. Konstantin moved into our compartment. Booze went better. The generosity of fellow travelers began a new starter, a bottle was replaced by another, no time to linger and fifteen minutes. Someone went out, took the vodka in a restaurant, and when it ended, conductors Marina, припасшей on the road, apparently, not one box of green snake: the case was profitable.

Day outside the window flew faster and inconspicuous. The campaign became more and more strong conversations all бессвязней, conversations and disputes were mostly turned into monologues or stalled. Someone climbed up to sleep, without waiting for the next toast and getting tired someone went, pushing the walls of the corridor and rocking the car, in the toilet, someone in General, is in an unknown direction. Campaign people gave way to a campaign of empty bottles under the table, fun перезванивающихся among themselves. In addition to the passenger in the compartment remained only Nikolai Dmitrievich, asleep right at the table, dropped his head between the remnants of food, glasses, empty cans, knives and forks. In a dream to him, see, it seemed that he was still awake, and he tried to say something бубнил to himself and waved свешенной down hand remained sandwiched fork half-eaten piece of bacon.

-Well, that, should it take? - Asked me Anton. He and I drank half a liter of vodka, but was still vigorously as slightly drunken man, lost the clarity of speech, coordination of movements and was flushed slightly. Alcohol probably good for him. - Now I will go ask Marina where he was going. Oh, Marina, Marina, such Popa, such chest, - m,-mm, - he only moaned, portraying hands contours of the female charms. - Do not go away!

In his words felt desperate and the experienced lady-killer, who had a special passion for the female sex in General and to specific representatives in particular. Twenty minutes later he appeared again:

-All-all-all. Everything I learned. Made all the arrangements.

I felt so good as he is. This dose of vodka always putting me on the face of the severe stage of intoxication, t could only focus on hold consciousness in weakening the head and wait, when the alcohol little to be dispelled:

-What have you learned? That agreed?

-Come on, help me! - Anton grunted, picking up on the shoulder of Nikolai Dmitrievich. His view was flourishing, though he did not drink the entire campaign, and only now was from the Bureau of kind services, help solve their difficulties. - Yes you help me, he's heavy!

I have covered yourself the other hand Nikolai Dmitrievich, but at that moment the train braked and the three of us шлепнулись on the shelf: Nikolay привалил Anton, and I covered them both.

Mu-LM-Ki, OS-торож-it - проблеял, not coming Nikolai Dmitrievich, and immediately began to snore.

-Well, what broke? - Evil округлил in response to my smile eyes Anton. - Get up, get up come on. Assistant.

We отволокли Nicholas in his compartment, threw it on the shelf, and stayed alone. All other participants of drinking, it seems, already lay down to sleep, and the car there was a silence, broken only by the reknock wheels, Yes spinning rims on rails.

"So, - appealed to me Anton, when we stood at the window in the corridor. - I made all the arrangements. Give Marina in half a bottle of vodka and in the evening we go to him in the compartment.

He pointedly looked at me during the pause.

-Well, it is already evening, I found nothing to answer with something more intelligible.

-Oh, no! - Anton hesitated, trying to tell me their plans. - When it's dark.

The passengers of the other compartment little by little grew bolder and began to stick out into the corridor, at last, realising that lush campaign quietened down.

-And how about these? Our neighbors?

-What are we neighbors? I at all do not care. This liar, - he nodded to the compartment where we just dragged Nikolai Dmitrievich, - till morning will Wake up lucid. Yes and pulls it more than it can do. In the extreme case, I was simply beaten ladies to not совался.

-Where not совался?

Anton for a moment looking at me exactly trying to understand how I'm drunk and I can still something to perceive, then continued.

-In General, there are two: the Marina and her companion. Well, she certainly worse, but my Marina, because I went to agree. Now lie down, sleep, when need be, I'll Wake. The money you have?

"Yes, " I showed edge packs of banknotes out of his shirt pocket.

-Excellent! All go to sleep.

I even was too lazy to ask him a question that will do it. Think of nothing I wanted. I suddenly felt so overwhelmed, dying of desire to fall down on the side and barely reached his shelves, even undressing and not taking off shoes, fell on his stomach and fell asleep in an awkward pose a deep and all-absorbing sleep, wants which nothing was in that instant.

I woke up from the hustling jerks that entwined into effect sleep, but then отчленились, attracting attention, and I realized that they come from the real world. The compartment was dark, someone leaning over me, closing the light from the slit in a tightly covered with a door.

-Well, you are you falling asleep?! - I recognized the voice of a companion.

-What happened?

As what? Bro, you seem too great наклюкался if nothing remember, - whispered Anton me in my ear. "Come on, come on, let's get going.

We went out into the empty and-lit corridor.

-How long? I inquired, rubbing closing themselves eyes.

It doesn't matter. But, if you want to know, half ten, " replied Anton disgust looking at me from head to toe. - Go though wash, and then come right to him in the compartment. We will wait for you there. So, let's just money.

I counted out to him his share, and went to the toilet until washed his face, painted a different picture of the forthcoming. It seemed that now , as I have. I want only one: sleep, and because what may be gatherings, drinking, and everything else. Alia, to the same, like this, all of a sudden, not like. I felt that now is not prepared to meet with the woman, and hoped that before this still will not come, despite all the preparation, mysterious whisper, and other tricks of the malicious neighbor Anton, which is why I was looking for adventure on the head and another place.. if he wanted something, let it be all done without me.

"In an extreme case, you can always do, - I said, heading покачивающимся, not quite sure step towards coupe number one, where linen and all his marching belongings settled conductors. - Partner, he said, ugly. It is on my hand. In the extreme case, could this be justified before him."

In the coupe waiting for me. The table was laid. In the middle of it stood a bottle of vodka, обложенная fresh tomatoes, варенными eggs, почищенными tubers condensed potatoes, still steaming ferry. Serving complement a plate of boiled meat and fried fish, empty glasses large slices of bread.

Marina " built at the table , his arms clasping his hand. Anton got in beside her, trying to, apparently, притулиться closer and taken for their trouble. On another shelf, against them alone sat full girl with short hair and дурноватым face. I realized that the empty space next to it is intended me.

The views of all three were turned to me and full of anticipation.

"Good evening, " I greeted him and sat down next to ugly, feeling at ease.

"Okay, though I'm drunk," " why do with disappointment in her mind.

-Well, all in Assembly. Let's begin, " the role of master Anton, reaching for a bottle of vodka. "What shall we drink, girls?

-For the love! - Picked up the Marina, glaring at him, and turned to me. "Shut the door, please, not to be disturbed.

Plain next to me was silent, and only drank vodka along with others. Sometimes, when Anton told something prickly, cheerful, her face lit up slowly расплывающейся smile, but it didn't give him any charm or even hint at it too it was ugly.

"We will probably look great with it!" "I thought, suddenly drawing attention to the fact that all the time I am silent as a statue, and only rarely smile. This unintentional opening drove me into the paint, but no one seems to have noticed the change in me.

In the course went cigarettes. All together smoked, reviving the conversation tobacco smoke.

-As you say not to smoke in the coupe! How fine? - I turned to the Marina, trying to make a joke so, because my silence considerably inconvenient to linger.

-Well, - she waved her hand with a cigarette. - The same for all I, for they said. And what will it be if all the passengers start Smoking in the coupe?... And we can...

Chapter 22.

Not immediately, I noticed the green spots covering my back, but, turning back, saw that the Windows of the house Barbara danced slowly and dark greenish-blue flame, cold and callous. Not the first time I watched it dance. He does not Bode well, for me. Or someone else.

Soon flashes became weaker, then faded away altogether. But then a fiery wheel had slithered out on the porch Варвариного home, begin to jump up the steps, выбежало on the road and traveled along the curve of the only street of the village, hiding behind mounds, then climbing on their crest. It was obvious as it is very small, the fiery point went by the road through the waterlogged field to the forest and hid in his thicket.

For a moment I stood and looked out the window, unable to recover, taken aback with surprise, surprise and fear, and, when suddenly someone touched my arm, jumped to the ceiling and whirled around, his hands clenched and he made ready to defend yourself from whatever it was. Heart skipped a beat, stomach and got fully immersed somewhere, suddenly pulling veins up the steep pain.

In the darkness it was impossible to see who was here yet. Breath, and I couldn't even file a voice, not what to ask anything. However, no one attacked, and to dispel doubts, I held out my hand forward.

Fingers on something came across.

-That, refrained from reporting him? - said a voice, and it seemed to me that it says Ivan Noodles.

"A little, I was able to speak. - Why so frightening? I almost died from fear.

-Not died? Nothing, the healthier you will be. If last night is not напужался, now sort of you as children's prank. Al't it?

-But not quite.

I, not knowing why, turned and looked out the window.

-Saw? - asked the shepherd.

-Saw - I nodded my head in assent, but then decided that gestures and facial expressions now not visible and are not mandatory.

"Listen, what are you doing here? Now Pelageya return.

-So what? That's nothing. Here the case is more terrible, Yes even harder!.. Pelageya. We need to go.


On the cemetery.

-At the cemetery? I felt the hair on the crown began to stir and stood up. - What are you, crazy?

"You nuts! shepherd grabbed my Breasts. "Don't call me that anymore. I am a normal person, perhaps the most normal of all who live in this village, and so people think I'm a fool. But he who carries confidentiality may not seem like other normal man.

He let me go, and just in a minute, feeling guilty, I asked themselves agreeing on anything to atone for insult:

-Why should we go to the cemetery?.. Okay, don't be angry

-Hunt vampires.

Again I was not myself. From the last words of emanation from the beyond, beyond the cold.

-You-PI-ditch, " I said thoughtfully, to get out of his daze. "Wait, you had to kill today Peter or whatever is left of it?

-And his wife? His daughter? - it seemed to me that I see is widely open eyes, glittering in the dark restless sparks. - They no longer belong to the world of people. - believe me: I know it. But there, at the cemetery, still full of evil. Many graves which no crosses over which rusts away stars or no monument, a lot of buried homeless people who do not отпевалась funeral and burial. There are peasants, martyred for various reasons secretly and quietly. Among them there are those who, even if life were bitten by a vampire, and themselves become ghouls. Several centuries ago, when then everything began in the village, then the former monastery, half of the residents have become their victims. And this plague raged throughout the County, until the monastery fell into a tar-тарары, could not resist the onslaught of the impure force, because its inhabitants were not all over the righteous. The walls of the monastery collapsed, подгнив inside and being broken from the outside. Now in a swamp that on the site of the former Church, had gathered all the evil spirits that come here then, imported from the Balkans.

-I read something about it...

"You found the book about which I have spoken unto thee?

-Yes, the red velvet cover with a large and character. But there were other books in black leather covers, quite rotten...

"Ah, " slipped out the shepherd and his excitement immediately passed on to me. "I hope you didn't touch these books?

They were scattered from me, falling down from the attic, scattered on the page, and I had to collect them.

-What have you done?! - the words of Ivan Noodles sounded so terrible, as if I really created something terrible. - Why did you touch it?!!

-But I didn't know! - I tried to defend himself, but then realized that my words have no meaning, that I am not talking, and of this I became more frightened. I put together a page. Some strange letters, characters and numbers. I don't know whether...

You didn them and read?!! - the last cry of a shepherd, said more despair of the condemned, than with indignation, just nailed me to the wall. - What have you done. What do you de-Lal.

There was a long silence, which lasted very long.

-Yes what happened, finally?!! I groped in the dark shoulder Ivan and shook him forcefully.

-I have done everything that could be thought of all that was in my power, " said finally, his whisper, and it soon became evident that weakened his voice, - and, maybe nothing would have happened, because I spent so much effort... clear to me Now... Now everything is clear to me...

"But what have I done?!! - I was scared of him muttering.

-You made a hole, a hole in the security field that I weaved from last forces. Now, this hole is growing, and will be even worse...

-How -- what kind of a hole? I never did anything like that...

'I told you: the red thick book. After all, I didn't ask you to touch anything else. It was a trap... He is not asleep.

In the darkness I heard a crunching of cartilage in заламываемых fingers.

-It's all my fault again heard a despairing voice of the shepherd. I forgot to warn you, to you except this book is nothing more touching... It was a trap, and I lost sight of the...

-What is the trap?

-The books in leather bindings... To him you, and not only you, could not even touch. These are books on magic. Mere mortals they do not bring nothing but misery, loss of strength and health. Only yesterday you could just die... it's Strange, why is the energy taken from you, broke through the huge hole in the security field...

But I have nobody consuming energy.

Is not seen or felt. For those short moments that you held in the hands of the book and tried to still read them, of thy fingers, from your eyes, quietly took several years of your future life. Aren't you feel it? You just before you die, if... now if anyone would still be alive.

He fell silent again. And I also dwelt in silence, trying to absorb all that had just heard from him.

-Go to the monastery, " came very quietly, though it seemed amid the surrounding darkness, " there is no alternative. Otherwise all will perish.

He sighed:

"Yes, boy, did you mess. Come on, come on, where are these monsters.

-What monster? - 't think I.

-These books, in black leather bindings.

"Come, " I took him into the canopy. We have no kerosene. Pelageya followed him on the neighbours. Wanted me to go, but then she...

In the darkness broke match, and I shut the front door to the fire was not visible on the street.

-Where? - the shepherd began to climb the stairs, illuminating the space above his head.

Dull flame highlighted the ghostly outlines of the ceiling, stairs, black, yawning failure hatch, the figure of Ivan Noodles. Clumsily up where I'm crouched on the stairs, free hand gripped and seeks the poles ahead and looking up strongly narrowed eyes. His head was unnaturally thrown back, neck and left shoulder, and in his whole figure, мелькающей in the wrong, the dim light of a match, had a bit of tension and anticipation about anything in the next instant.

He climbed higher and higher, peeked into the attic. One match faded, he showed another, then a third.

Books lay there, where were left me last night. The shepherd went up to the attic, closed ляду - piece hatch cover and appeared only after some time, keeping all the books under his arm and quickly going down. When he was next to me, stretched forward thick book in a red velvet cover, pointing a finger at the hieroglyph:

"Do you see?

Golden color image was seriously cracked, faltered, and in some places altogether disappeared.

-What is it? - I did not understand what he wants me to say.

-Gold облезло, - said the shepherd. - It all away from them.

He nodded to the black, just chapped centuries, gloomy, as I felt, even in appearance, books.

-Let us now is not to waste time! Faster, faster!

-Where, where will we go?! - I could hardly keep up with Ivan Noodles, who walked down the dark street, heading to the house Barbara surprisingly quickly, widely, and decisively.

The next minute I was next to Ivan on the porch of her house.

-So, - Ivan, apparently, was not going to go into details. - I was on the way there, - he nodded at the front door of the hut barbarians, " you got to be here, there hasn't come in. If suddenly appear barbarian... But she already doesn't do anything...

He touched my arm and down, pulling from the porch on the ground, hesitated for a while, then said:

-In General, let's get out of here. I'll do it my mistake. You are to me, all the same, not assistant. For in vain just can do you harm. Go, let's отсюдова as quick as possible, now. And remember, if by morning I get back, then, is in trouble. Then the next night, ready, steady, go to Alena, she be home, it's all there, she knows everything. Work - does not get you anything - the next morning to go away. Go away, run away, уползай. - do whatever you want, but you have to leave the next morning. It is not your destiny, I know it. You came here quite by chance, and all that happens, happened and still is happening is not lawful for you to damage your journey through life.

He paused, looking back at the house Barbara. In this moment from behind the clouds in the sky looked round-faced young, bright Moon. Ivan Noodles looked at her and said, like myself something explaining or suggesting:

-Full moon.

The moon hid behind a cloud. The shepherd he stayed yet, then punched me on the shoulder, apparently, thus saying goodbye, and insisted that I went, and recaptured the book under both hands, went to the door, pushed it open.

-What about the vampires? I stopped him by the unexpected escape question.

-Today can sleep peacefully. They are here not for money. Because I'm going THERE. And tomorrow do-it-all, as I said, if I do not return.

The door was shut, lingeringly squeaking, and I remained alone.

Village like it died. No single spark, any lamp, not a candle, as if all time residents left their homes and moved away, and I remained alone among their abandoned houses. Pelageya somewhere запропастилась, never returned from a campaign for kerosene.

Home to Пантелеевне't want to go. There was too dark and scary as it is here, on the street and may be even stronger, so I decided to remain here with the expectation immediately retreat barely feel that returns Varvara.

Painfully pulled minutes. I continually imagined that in the East it was dawn the next day, but every time I was wrong. Instead of ten was only a minute, and sometimes excitement for the barbarian's "прикатиться back and finds the home of her former husband and worst enemy, and me, whom she had hunted like visiting a kitten, at the threshold of the door, excitement, which hardly it amplified, immediately collapsed and frantically began to pound my heart was becoming unbearable.

I sat down on the top step of the porch, leaning on the railing and almost fell asleep, сморенный fatigue. Waking up once again, I realized that reveal himself too easy prey, and so they must either leave or try to enter the house to Varvara: curiosity глодало inside me, like a worm.

Finally, I decided, stood up boldly strode over to the door and, opening it, run in the gap. Once immediately in беспросветном darkness. When he walked forward, I was surprised and some excitement discovered that go down the stairs leading down. The smell of damp and mould. My hands, feeling their way, stumbled now and then on the earthy, damp walls of the corridor, where I suddenly found myself. Already quite deep somewhere, I regretted that I had started this adventure, but for a long time there were only midnight, crude darkness, Yes narrow earthen walls.

The journey is delayed, when suddenly the darkness ahead became lighter, then посветлел another, and to my surprise I found myself in a completely unfamiliar terrain. Besides, around was another day, and the sun was beginning to fall to the West.

Around me is spread huge garden, and, may be, Park. For its big, old trees, вытянувшимися high into the sky and spread branched crowns wide apart, could see the shape high, up to ten metres, a powerful fortress of the fence.

On the other from my hand, also at a distance, in a green haze surrounding gardens were visible walls of the huge monastery, totally lacking any маковок domes on its tower and chapels.

All around it was quiet and not see a single soul.

Presented before me the picture seemed to dream about the green summer, and long before the pain Ter eyes as much to the surprise understood, understood that not sleeping, and that everything around is not a Mirage and not a hallucination, capable to fall apart at any moment to indiscriminate fragments, but the reality is the same reality, as is the dark night, from which only that I got here.

Pinching myself to frighten up blood for a thigh I went on a thick, polegshey from moisture, grass buildings of the monastery, возвышавшимся ahead, focusing on the trampled down the grass, testifying that recently someone was here.

Trail to a small, unmarked door in a solid wall, one of the side buildings, connected with the main walkway. I opened the door, went inside and up the spiral staircase ascended, went transition and found himself in a dark huge hall, with blinds drawn over the heavy, black-out curtains Windows, seemed to me somehow familiar.

In the midst of the hall, in the far side of it came down like the rise, and, closer I saw that this throne, ordinary throne, where important pose sits someone, but nice Ivan Noodles and gives him a book which he brought with him.

Fearing that the notice me, I hid behind the door, but it is not felt safe. Nobody was around, but the feeling that someone walks, moves past the dark corridors of the castle, 't leave me. Desire somewhere to hide grew stronger and stronger, and I decided to leave the building and return. Looking finally at the crack between the doors to the great hall, I froze in surprise. He who sat on the throne, stood up to full height, and whether he himself or his shadow became huge, to the ceiling. Ivan noodles stood before him now tiny propped up his head and kept in the hands of books. But here he swung and threw all of them, except what was in the red cover, to the foot of the throne.

Falling to the floor, thick, black leather-bound book sparked green glow. The radiance of it began to grow. Ivan Noodles retreated a step, then another step, and before him all at once, barely glow asleep, rose black army. Shiny swords and spears and its a terrible sounds.

Ivan took a step back and threw the red book.

As she fell, as there is illuminated with blue light, and as soon as it disappeared behind the Ivan appeared white army, the armed Golden swords and shields. Ivan stood up in front with a big silver shield.

Towering over the throne flared up, to the ceiling, have gathered there in a black cloud and rushed from there on Ivan, but that in time hid behind a shield and only fell on the stone floor of the hall.

Black hordes was much larger than the white armies behind Ivan, and I was thinking that they will not be easy.

Meanwhile, a black cloud rushed into the second attack and turn to him with their Ivan slipped farther into the ranks of the white soldiers and прошибла them thoroughly, leaving a huge gap.

Black mass went on the offensive, наползла on trying to get to his feet Ivan Noodles. Rows of white flinched, but didn't. A hole in their ranks became protracted. Ivan, dragging the shield, отползал, until he raised white soldiers. Wall, black and white, join with each other, лязгнув iron, and a black cloud, again gathered under the ceiling of the hall, rushed to the white armies of the top. Separate red flash turned into a glow that in the next second, to fill the entire room and reached the door, which I, half in fear, watched the scene, even with bated breath.

I only managed to shrink, as in the slot gave heat, the door was opened, слетев with loops, and размозжились, брызнув chips, and searing flame burst out into the hallway, almost licking me his bloodthirsty languages. I was flung aside with a wave of hot air.

Not remembering itself, I rushed away, and fire followed me closely, till it managed to hide behind a door.

Underfoot something звякало, and, looking down, I saw that ankle-standing in the Golden coins, a thick layer of scattered throughout the space of the room, where, through covered with mold and dirt glass high and narrow Windows scarcely penetrated the light. Here and there, to the left and on the right rose the huge heap of gold jewelry and coins, vases, plates, cups, and all the other utensils made of precious metal and inlaid with rubies, sapphires, pearls, emeralds, turquoises and other precious stones, bright shiny and sparkling even in this twilight. At the far end of a blank wall in the dark was visible countless some stones, the thickness of which was poured by all colors and shades, from steel gray to bright yellow, and purple and bright red. Possibly they were diamonds. Their was lots of fused into one одуряюще-dazzling mass, which charmed look insane beauty of his flamboyant, cold burning.

Like a fairytale I moved forward to this fascination rising, into the room. My hands themselves coming to the flamboyant priceless mass wonderful stone, and the next moment my fingers felt the touch of the jewels, dug in her nice вонзившись flown in dazzling reflections depth and curled they had faceted beads, spheres, cones and pyramids and pulled them out of there.

The palm of my widened, and sparkling diamonds appeared before my eyes, quite close, fell from the edges of the palms down, falling like the purest tears.

Never in my life had I seen such a quantity of jewels, and now from all this wealth dizzy. Consciousness опьянело, and I играючись, fell flat on his back, pleasant feeling how my body is immersed in скрежечуще-rustling, the creaking, перекатывающуюся and enveloping my body diamond muck. I literally drowned in it and almost choked on time feeling like precious stones climb and stuffed into the nostrils and mouth.

Spitting, with difficulty I managed to get out, and then some, admiring their beauty, I filled them up to the top of his pockets, which had only been in my clothes, and went into the other room, opening the side door.

There was the same: gold and precious items were scattered throughout the room, piles and whole mountains rising above the thick layer of gold coins, covering the floor. Legs left in the yellow, off in a lot of places on the knee, and I hardly moved from room to room, scored untold wealth.

Obviously this was the monastic good about that while talking mentioned Ivan Noodles, and because of whom died this monastery, having been their treasures all evil.

I felt that my feet hot, and I thought it was from fatigue, but has become directly burn, and then, touching the gold coins, which sank knee-deep legs, I fingers felt like they are hot.

Gold continued to heat up, and stand in it was done unbearable. Get back, making dozens of steps, - did was think. Only one thing remained-and after two steps to the window, soaking in the hot coins and feeling like burns, I had nothing wondering, without hesitation, and without hesitation leaned on the plates of coloured mica, which was glassed frame stained-glass window, and, after breaking them, flew head over heels to the ground as the plague staring eyes and разражаясь curses.

High grass under the walls of the castle gently took my body, juicy захрустев thick, fleshy stems, and, having rolled down the embankment, I was in a deep ditch.

From the broken window, where I just fell, with the roar of flame burst. The whole monastery was already wrapped in fire, вырывавшимся out from under the roofs, Windows and doors of the building.

I jumped to my feet and ran away from the castle, standing on the border of wooded Park, in the midst somewhere among the trees that hid a manhole to an underground passage on which you could go back in Василиху.

Smoke, rolling up from over the monastery began to curl and soon became tight and elastic tornado greedily вбирающим in itself гудящее flame and debris collapsing before the eyes of the castle. He spun faster and faster, higher and higher, going into the sky, and I could feel myself pulling him hurricane air flows гнущие and pluck of the earth with the root beside me standing trees.

Barely feet and clinging to the grass, leaning forward, I, barely moving, barely moved away, fearing that I would not leave.

Chapter 23.

Because the truth, the Light. - asked Marina to her friend.

-That's true? - She shook her head, listening to the question.

-Smoke - we can be, and passengers are not. True?

"Yeah, " agreed Light, stretching chanting the word.

This involuntarily disgusted me to this clumsy person. I finally realized that with her I can't do anything, and was thankful that it is so far everything in and out. I suddenly remembered that I have not connected with women, which was not loved. After Veronica I have not had anyone (the case of the woman in the train, - though I wished it was a dream, and tried his best to forget him, to smooth memories of him, interfered with that purity, that I have found my spirit since June we parted with it). Maybe I first touched such a concept, as a Platonic love, but now seems to be the fate pushed me to part with this piercing dreary and sweet-painful sense of anticipation without end. Sometimes circumstances are stronger than our will and desires.

Time passed slowly, and I lost him a bill. We drank a bottle and now only smoked. I was in that condition when faintness, appearing at excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes, passes and there comes a kind of trance, this amazing state when the head again brightened, and the brain works with clarity, close to лихорадочности, but the body, all of its members, leather lose sensitivity and relationship to the brain is almost full, and exist separately. Tobacco light seemed одубевшими and elastic, like the skin of a drum, but I knew that tomorrow they will be ill, and I start coughing. But what shall I do tomorrow? Until tomorrow, have to survive.

Anton sat opposite me, посверкивая excited eyes, gleaming in the dim light sconce above the shelves. In a dark window as ghosts reflected our shape and order the empty table. I was no longer wanted, even sleep was like I had slept for a hundred years and that was dangerous state of indifference, because that in it man is able to accept any, most rashal decision, starting with the fact that impose on the arm, and ending with the fact that kill, to Rob, or even offend and humiliate someone else, just to feel again, feel that he is afraid of something and something wishes. Anemia feelings is a dangerous disease.

In conversations, I participated in so far as it was necessary at least to campaign not broken at all. Light constantly said nothing, but just a little nod and unclear smiled ugly mouth. It was not haughty smile of the person owning the situation, witness its development and предугадывающего each step ahead, but it was not an expression of embarrassment. It meant nothing, that smile, and if his lips a man all the same participate in the expression of his thoughts, these, припухлые and shapeless. Impressed with your stupid безмыслием.

Meanwhile, my friend not waste his time. And if the Light still does not concern my close position on the opposite shelf lively happened convergence. Anton whispered something in the ear of a Marina, clasping her hand around the waist and attracting to themselves closer and closer, and I knew there everything is predetermined. It seemed strange to me that this girl, the day the former the severity, and now constitute the opposite still appearance. It was already absolutely other woman, not very strict and inaccessible означавшая of their appearance presence of law and order in the small world of the car, and funny, cheeky and ready to do anything - at least so it seemed. Such a change could surprise and more seasoned and old bachelor and повесу than I.

Marina was lively, something talked incessantly, sometimes stopped suddenly, staring at Anton close and almost loving gaze.

"Did she lie to bed with him?" "I thought, although the response was familiar to me. Now I'd be stunned if this did not happen: the plot was developing a long-known, thumb groove, and I was just wondering: when and how this happens.

All happened without any transition. Marina stood behind her rose Anton, буркнув something like: "we Must go and smoke!", leaned over to my ear and whispered: "Come on, man, I went with the one and you're the girl borrow".

We were alone with Sveta. Subject to the circumstances, just a marionette, driven by somebody else, I locked the coupe and I sat in front Lights, situated on the side, cross-legged, on another shelf. Now, she appeared before my eyes in all its forms too full body, incorrect distributes a figure which could not hide even the folds of the clothing. Thinking to herself what to do with it, with the "sex bomb", or waiting for me to do something, or not indifferent to the entire male kin because of their immaturity, written in глуповатом face, I started from afar, and suddenly it became clear that it is not so not talkative, and at the age of my mistake was seven years: she was only eighteen against those twenty-five minimum of years that would suggest.

Light was a student of the Institute. Studying her discourse little and therefore went wrong - I began to wonder what she is interested in, in this case. An attendant, she worked in summer, in practice, but now he liked her a ride, and remained still, and now thinks hold out until the winter and already knows to go back now, in General, in school, or throw the hell out of there.

The conversation went on about how boring to sit at home, that there every day the same, and here new faces, people are constantly changing, and it is interesting. In her words, the boredom, I felt a hint, thin and transparent, which is usually used by women for rapprochement, but she caught her gaze, then realized that it is straightforward and sincere in his statements, and the trick is unknown her heavy, awkward, clumsy nature.

With relief I perked up in his interview with Sveta, realizing that this only our communication with it and stop. The thought as I touch its members its bold, loose, pale, formless naked body, at times faintness подкатывалась from somewhere in the depths to the surface, and I drove away delusional vision, мучавшие me slow torture. Besides thinking about what I would say to Anton, when he come in and seen there was nothing, not given now rest. After all, whatever you say and how not to make excuses, it was a real man's shame. And if it was his first danger somehow pushed me to take action, now, on the contrary, she seemed to enchain me ice hoops, студила blood, and immobility is now the highest good. Perhaps, it was the influence of my "partners"?

In the coupe someone tried to enter two times jerked the handle of the castle. I opened. On the threshold stood Anton with a cigarette in his mouth, and, as it seemed, an angry expression. he tried to light a cigarette, been working on matches, and they broke one after the other, not having time to catch fire. I flashed a weak hope, that they couldn't manage it, and I walked down the hallway to spill over with him two, and the other phrases.

-Well, what?

Anton grimaced with disgust, and his nose bent arc. Was involuntarily feeling that his forced to eat jellyfish:

Baabe nineteen years, and belly hanging bag! Phew!!!

His disgust and frowned, then they looked at me, looking from top to bottom with a sense of superiority. - And you, I see nothing happened?

His tone was mocking, but I am still confused. I was ashamed to justify himself:

-Yes, you know, I kind tear wants, and not what...

Marina is also not a fountain, " agreed Anton, " but still better than the cow. I felt for you in advance, but in vain.

-Oh Yes, - inside all was relieved from his приятельского participation and understanding. In a second I was filled with gratitude to this almost unknown, but such кампанейскому, simple and понятливому guy, my mate. Now I was ready to go with him to the edge of the world and even to obey him, - so was fulfilled my heart of gratitude. "It's like, all right?

-In the order. Now I'm behind you could trade places with Marina.

"You what?!" - Only and could be appalled at myself, not venturing to scream it out. . that suggested Anton, not fit in my head. Yes and special lust and thirst women I have not experienced. On the contrary, in this moment of deep calm and blind indifference to the opposite sex filled my whole being, and out of those dozens of thoughts, and simultaneously were born and existed in my mind about that, bed, shared with a woman, it was impossible to find a single one.

"No, Anton. Why?

But it seemed to be already awakened a desire to redeem their advantage in the success, and the sense of moral discomfort had plagued him, and caused him to action:

-Why are you lost? What is there in this?

-Well, what was wrong: first you and then I?

-What is this? Think Eka wonder. I agree with that, " he nodded to the compartment where alone remained of the Light, and I have nothing would have happened, but nothing, now with Marina tryin...

-What are you?! - I had a feeling that I, as a bull, operate on случку with girl without even asking, whether that my soul for the simple reason that the animal soul is. But I have a soul was, and what mating now not want to.

-And what? Everything will be fine. Now, wait, he went to the head of the car and disappeared in полукупе, where, apparently, was still Marina.

I was still standing at the window in an empty hallway fallen asleep, Pacific wagon, peaceful sleep which was broken only by our torments, was now not knowing what to do to me and how I behave. There was no clues to smoothly, not bending the stick out of the game, and I continued to like on the very edge of the precipice, describing a steep arc, and at any moment I could not stay on the cutting edge of this dizzying turn, but the most unpleasant was that I didn't choose this., and looked out across that it will end with failure.

Anton appeared and approached me:

-Go. There towel, I named her all there wiped. You see, don't you wipe their face or something. Over a shelf else - you will see.

Uncertain step, each time he wants to go back and give up, I moved to полукупе and faced the door with Marina. She was dressed as before, and like going out. Sliding down past her in полукупе, I took her wrist and pulled, sitting on the shelf, and in silence, watching the expression on her face. Marina smiled пухловатыми lips childlike smile, and looked at me as well is in love with as little earlier on Anton. Her eyes shone clear and transparent, and the light from a lamp over a shelf penetrated into the very depth through the bright, blue irises.

Marina stood before me, and my face was at the level of her belly, hidden under the uniform skirt. Involuntarily memory returned the words of Anton spoken with loathing and disgust, and I got to thinking.

The pause lasted. Marina continued to stand silently in front of me, and I sat in a frankly locked and frozen, not knowing how to revive and get out of this trance indifference, beset me. I didn't know how should start getting closer. To say that I miss it, was naturally stupid, that I wanted it and fainted from the desires and passions, and now, finally, insanely happy and drunk with the сбывшимся sleep dreams - the nasty, dishonest and disgusting. I would and language are not turned to say something like that. Moreover, such a sugary, ornate lie could push her away - she seems to realize that not beautiful, despite all its advantages before her friend Sveta. Start simply strip her would be shamelessly, rudely and, in my thoughts, I even laughed, presenting such a turn of action and possible responses to it. A pretext was not, and pause threatened's blown up the size of a small balloon and also slightly explode...

-Listen, I have so shoulder aches, shoulder - I heard the cobwebs reflection voice Marina.

-Come on, I'll помассирую, " I replied to her immediately and even caught: the plot of whether it's proximity or indeed true.

Marina sat next to me on the shelf.


On the right side.

Feeling strongly protruding shoulder, I began to RUB through a uniform railway shirt, but soon said:

-So uncomfortable. C'mon, get down, take off your shirt.

Marina obeyed and, seeing this, I became more confident, silently pulled her skirt, undid her bra, revealing his back completely. There are still some nylon panties.

Making the massage, I could not wonder at once to several things. The first of these was that in me there have been no put a man's body at the sight of a naked woman changes. This was all the more strange that before such a reaction, never arose. On the contrary, easy, anxiety accompanied me to the last time and after that, when I realized myself a man. Excessive dose of vodka in combination with tobacco, apparently, had their effect. Second, what I did not fail wonder - slim, pretty, the figure was the complete opposite обличию partners, be called even beautiful.

No one string desire not waver in me, and sitting on top of the Маринином pelvis, I desperately tried to excite yourself and make it see in it an object of passion, but it didn't work.

-Well, hosted a shovel? - I hoped to get a negative answer.

-Was held.

Action should be continued, and before me there was a choice. Everything could be stopped immediately, and my conscience would not be burdened with another dirty business. But that meant abandon the woman, when she undressed and is not making even the slightest effort to resist, but on the contrary, perhaps, just waiting with inherent obedience, when she will be engaged? A man can be experienced canines this moment, because he knows that this is a crash and crash not only in the eyes of this woman, but in its own self-esteem, which is similar to cause a significant, though not immediately, and not long заживающую wound. And not to injure his I should just bring the case to such a state, when a woman naked and, although not say it, but, nevertheless, all agree. The way to the retreat becomes a thousand times longer, more shameful and painful, than to continue to move forward, at the meeting place of debauchery...

And I couldn't turn. I lay down next to the Marina. She readily turned to me, and I have seen her misty eyes half-opened, whether from the unresolved shame, or already овладевшей her wistful passion. Clothing like itself scrambled with the body, and the next minute we were both completely naked. But a strange coldness and sensual атрофированность not passed, and, although my lips were connected with her lips, I knew that I am doing it mechanically, forcing himself and fearing tensions action not overpowered my love of art. But, it seems, all went well, except that a single drop of passion not managed to squeeze out of the heart.

Their skin was cold as ice, and it could not contribute to распалению my desire.

Marina touched me with her firm Breasts, rubbed kicking my legs, but I remained insensible, and now feared seem impotent, or some kind of pervert who are indifferent woman.

Her hand dropped from the back of the thigh and slipped to my genitals.

-You know, to me that something had happened. I like this had ever happened - I tried to defend himself, feeling the fingers of her concern lifeless member and touched by the scrotum.

"I understand, shook her head, smiled, Marina, and she seemed to me simply bullied. However, I'm not innocent, and, moreover, did not resent because the situation was not in my favor.

-Give a little bit полежим, perhaps it will pass, and he will rise up, - I said, Recalling with concern and unfounded suspicions, I'm not a consequence of whether it's the booze in the club with the officer and two rural women, being deeply poisoned dubious origin moonshine.

-Let's полежим, " said Marina, her head down on the pillow, and still looking at me with a look already not in love and languid, but still unbearably close, taker through.

Suddenly the door полукупе opened and she looked Anton, standing in the doorway.

-Well, what's with you? He wanted to know.

I was startled from its simplicity, but still kept the presence of the spirit:

"Rest, " and thought to himself, "a Strange man, isn't he pushed me into bed, but now looks as if there circus".

Anton all remained standing in the doorway with an open half-door. On the face of it came a crooked grin:

'Perhaps you help?

-No, " laughed the Marina, and I was filled with gratitude to her for these words.

-Well, okay, lying farther, he came out.

-Hey, close the door!" - shouted after him Marina.

When we were alone again, I turned off the lights, not to see its sparkling, who became his glaring eyes, and hugged, kissed again, determined to show her his love skill and lack of any complexes. Besides, I would like to Express her gratitude for leniency to my weakness.

My hugs and affection caused her to break out of passion, then my hand slid down her chest and belly down, dived pike between the legs. My fingers felt the wet sliding folds and the surface of her genitals, neck entered deep into between them, completely replacing him on what is not capable is now a member for a few minutes and Marina moaned from voluptuous sensations, fell into oblivion orgasm.

Then we long lay silently until suddenly I again wanted to justify himself before her.

"No, " said Marina, - me so well... Oh, now it may be.

She jumped and climbed over me and began to dress hurriedly. I include sconce above the shelf, enjoyed the view of her figure and the extraordinary sense that arose after I had that connection. Purity, temperance, and complicity in the act, the crown of which was pure bliss without dirt and guilt, awareness of their dignity and duty - all merged into a single fragrant bouquet...

The train slowed down. Marina broke the door полукупе, having clothes: smoothed the folds of his shirt and одернув skirt. I dressed, followed her, when the train stopped, gritting last brakes.

Anton stood at the window and, seeing me, offered:

"Come, come, have a smoke on the platform.

It turned out that this is a Perm. We went out on the desert night platform.

"We're already behind the Urals? I inquired.

'I think, ' Anton nodded. - Sorry: 've missed the Ural mountains - say such a beauty.

-And when we drove them?

-And now, when drank sat.

We went to the Marina, coming from the train station. In her hands was the three-liter Bank with cucumber and a loaf of bread:

Boys!! Cucumbers! - Shocked she can.

Anton let the silly joke about cucumbers, and then, barely verse laughter of a young woman, immediately explained to the appropriate anecdote: "there is a queue for cucumbers. One woman asks: "I thicker and shorter!", another: "I'm thinner and longer". Comes the turn to the man. He says, ' and I let any, I still have the will"...

Marina and laughed again. Her eyes, сощурившиеся in a coy smile, slashed me inside and out, and it was difficult to say what they have more or arrogance or gratitude.

In short, uncles, you bottle to my cucumbers! She concluded.

From the car seemed sleepy Light with rumpled and swollen face. Tried to open my eyes, she is shaking her head, hanging on the handrails on both sides of the doors and дурашливо leaned out.

To a feeling of disgust for her now примешалось more indifference, and I didn't react to her clumsy focus. Anton contemptuously grimaced, looking in her direction, and turned away. Light, falling somewhere by our campaign, looked first right, then left along the train, though her безразличному face could not be seen anything from the outside would they be interested.

Apron was still deserted. Was thick in the air already evident coolness coming in the midst of autumn, and our breath smelled ferry, Recalling the yard at a time of the year.

We all were impassioned and not noticed the freshness of the night. Anton with pleasure pulled a cigarette, covering her from the pleasure of the eyes, and the filled formed in dealing vacuum. I stood, unable to smoke more, and looked from him to the Marina, вертевшуюся with a jar of cucumbers from side to side, and then on the Light, still hanging on the running of the car.

The silence of the night распорол voice Manager, who announced departure. Somewhere in the darkness ahead of the locomotive gave a warning whistle, and we rushed to the car.

-Now I go to Marina, - whispered in my ear Anton and caught her by the elbow, carried away in the twilight полукупе, handing me a jar.

We were alone again with Her, but now I felt more relaxed, relieved from having to wrestle with, how to be chosen, and whether we should do it at all. I put the jar on the table, and prying with a knife, opened the lid. In the coupe smell marinade.

-Where cucumbers? - Lazily asked the half-asleep, half-drunk Light.

Marina bought somewhere, " I said to her, suddenly thinking to himself that it now would take it by force, lifting her skirt and took off his boxers. It is unlikely that she would be against it, because they felt a trained her immaturity. However, I was not going to do this for fear, moreover, that only after that incident not be able to get rid of impotence, but also from the fear of disgrace again.

A starter is, and where the bottle? - Continued sluggish light.

"You well there is.

"Not me, and Marina. It is vodka. Give me the money, I will get.

I pulled out a wad of cash, counted out for a bottle and handed it to her. On the table appeared поллитровка extracted from under the bottom shelf, where stood a box.

-Are not you afraid that you прижучат? "I go there.

A-a - a negative nodded Light. Her voice was опротивевшее I indifference. - Not прижучат. For everything is already paid for. Never - themselves have made.

She откупорила bottle, poured himself and me in glasses and immediately knocked her, wrinkled and выловив cucumber, with a crunch took a bite of it in half. I followed her example and go to the toilet. Here in front of the mirror, приспустив pants, I desperately tried to bring his dick. However, before it failed, and he was barely longer and a little упруже, splattered on the walls, scattering heavy thick ляпухами, sperm, but I did not experience any bliss. The signals have not head poisoned by an excessive dose of alcohol and cigarettes nervous system.

Fastidiously rinsing in рукомойнике dirty hands, I pulled his pants back on, thinking: "Sexual intercourse of two parts...Ha, ha, ha".

Anton was already in the coupe and drank together with Sveta vodka.

-What is all that? I inquired, sowing next, speaking so quietly that the words did not reach the ears of Sveta.

-And what is there. Prodded, but came and stuck out, - cracked his lips Anton in contempt disgust clear to which, whether to my curiosity, or for the described action.

-You that, not even undressed?

-But why? His eyebrows highly of us jumped on the forehead in surprise.

-And where is Marina?

-In the restaurant car went. For the cigarettes... Sleep hunting. Went to sleep.

-Yes I'll be here, - I wanted to wait for the Marina and prove it to yourself and to Anton that I am a normal man, and besides... He knew that were trapped on me, because I thought it best himself to share with him this trouble than he learns this from the same Marina...

Time passed slowly. Anton left. We almost had drunk vodka, and I tuned in to the upcoming meeting, drawing before the eyes of the erotic images and exciting scene. It was nearly four o'clock in the morning, when Marina came into our compartment.

Chapter 24.

A strong flow of air knocked me down, and I, holding some kind of snag, sticking out of the ground, felt that develop as a flag in the wind, drawn in the epicenter of growing in width and up tornado, acute whose head disappeared on a crazy height, clouds of dust raised from the earth. Long time me so hold on, it was impossible. It was a feeling that I hung it on the lintel, and hitched to the feet of an elephant, and the fingers were just about to unclenched from the unbearable pain. Feeling that can't resist, I unclenched his fingers, and I got on a roll right into the wildly rotating the abyss.

I braced myself for the most terrible, but the next moment he let himself down on the ground, and, lifting up his eyes he saw that tornado black shadows sprang up from the earth, up into the sky. There was a lull, dust quickly осекла, opening a terrible picture. From the former monastery of the Park there is not a single tree: some were broken, plucked up by the roots and broken down, scattered, others and even killed, pulling into the funnel of a tornado. On the spot where stood the monastery, was now a large, flat field cleared of all buildings and plants. On one side of this wasteland, on the sloping Bank of a small river was very familiar to the village, on the other stood the ancient forest.

The outlines of this area were very familiar, and not enough... a huge swamp. In its place was now a wasteland, and I stood in the middle of it.

Glancing up, I saw that the tornado is returned, approaching the earth swift black haze, increasing in size. I guessed what was going to happen. We had to flee.

However, the few steps that I could do not have saved the situation. The ground shake me caught up, like a ball. Шлепнувшись 7on her, I felt that the earth goes away under my feet and, turning round, saw a huge hole, which was made all the more extensive and deeper. In place of the wasteland opened a yawning abyss, and the edge of the earth continued to fall in her, from which she became more and more.

Now I lay on the edge of the cliff, and my feet were hanging over a precipice, and the earth under the belly cracked and began to settle, dragging me with them.

Not remembering itself, I jumped and ran, ran onto the road going along the embankment to the village, and took it away that it was urine. The land was settled, I barely had time to remove her leg, and landslide raced for me the race, but when he reached the road, he stopped. From the abyss of the heaven strove fire, and in the twilight shadow of mine from the flames, red-yellow, then green, then blue, ran ahead of me, towards the setting, садящемуся for the forest the sun. The heat hit me in the back and hair on his head shook from hell hell.

Just on the edge of the village, suddenly having flown over the small bridge through the river, I looked around.

Great pit in the depth of which рдели giant coals, appeared on the place where recently there was a solid, reliable construction thick-walled castle monastery, surrounded by a Park of secular trees and a high stone fence. From the bottom of the abyss, with incredible depth, from the shimmering пунцом red-hot stones and gold climbed up putrid smoke going high in the sky a dark cloud, lazily уплывающей South. River, now emptied of its riverbed, soaring from heat, вскипающим waterfall fell off the cliff into the abyss, and went up immediately scattering in the wind pairs. The view was stunning.

Обалдевший from all seen, I entered the village. It only remotely resembled the one Василиху, which has remained in another world. Like everything was and that, but there was something lacking, the house there were any other, and, having paid attention, you would see that and no wires in sight, and the pillars on which they are suspended, and TV antennas, rarely over any home, but still торчавших in the village. It was some other Василиха, although layout and узнавалось that this it the most. However, to understand what the problem was, I couldn't.

Settlement stood exactly defunct, having lost all signs of life. Neither in the street nor in the homes was not a single soul and void this acted terribly and depressingly. Deceptive silence, wool laid ears, putting pressure on the eardrum tense expectation of his sudden end, which предчувствовался and as if was in the air. Not loneliness, and horror I felt at that moment, moment by moment sensing the presence of lurks danger, and only waiting when my feet will lead me away in the prepared trap. And, but something had to happen, suspense томила me, stretching seconds in thousands of moments, in their hundreds of MiGs, and those, in turn, in the tiny grains of hellish torture expectations.

"Day of hell lasts a thousand earth years", I thought to myself, stepping forward so that every sound of my steps echoed in the bottomless silence, it would seem. For thousands of kilometers around and you can hear the dumb creatures that repressive watched my movements out of their hideouts, painful swelling in my ears and in my head, services soul, frightened by what was happening, stopped the blood in my veins. It was necessary to somehow escape to time flowed faster and numbness slept, and it would be necessary to do the calculations, and link them to once слышанной theory of construction of the worlds and times according to the teachings of Buddhism: "the Day hell lasts thousands of years. Hence, the second hell lasts... second hell lasts... lasts..."

With the calculations, nothing worked. Thoughts were confused and lost in a panic, ungainly, shapeless heap, barely me attempt to get them. It was now harder than to reach over the earth.

I took a step, then another, rumble отозвавшиеся in the head. Feeling the animal, just the animal, the flesh, strung on the bones, tasty, juicy, loping flesh, by which the cry of a hungry лязге teeth, flesh, received a bit of the spirit and brain to move, personifying nature, and be ever eaten for impersonation of the law, is the feeling of suddenly filled my whole being. And after him, animal fear was seized me, carnivorous devouring the remains of the presence of the spirit. I felt that I was losing control over his movements, his body, thoughts and the ability to think logically and in General produce this very substance called thought that distinguishes a human from a beast that is called intellect, and realized that this is the end.

I was just animals, brainless, being issued in an enclosure for hunting and not seeing his dull consciousness source of danger. I ceased to be a man, одурев from beast, dreadful fear of their flesh, because the animal only and there is this fear and ceased with the death of his flesh, knowing the concept of "soul". Horror surrounded me on every side, and I realized how bad to be an animal, and every second tremble for his own skin.

Barely stupor fully chained my movements and the ability of the consciousness to generate thoughts, as those expecting it not been long in coming. They seemed to feel the apogee of this immense fear, опутавшего me its viscous web, and have now decided to act. I was standing in the middle of the street as if rooted to the spot, just a rabbit in front of a boa, and they seen it.

Twilight deepened, from every corner, from behind every Bush, where little bit was more shade separated dark silhouettes and crept toward me, narrowing down the ring. Mesmerized by this silent massacre, I couldn't lift a finger, as if turned into stone sculpture. But in my veins still flowed, though, and has become a viscous from icy horror, blood, in my womb was frightened soul, frantically seeking to soar breaching the petrified flesh. She failed it, but attempts to escape gave me increasingly growing pain, грозившуюся soon Eclipse the animal horror ferocious teeth of predators.

Creature approached. Seemed an eternity, and they have not yet crawled up to me. But the sun was going down slow, although his Golden edge was out of sight behind the trees, the light did the sky is still blue, and with those last rays of the sunset kept hope alive that do avoid the dreadful end succeed.

I couldn't see what was approaching me, my eyes were like dimmed haze, which were hidden dark beings, but all their gut in their silent occurrence felt hostility and ruthlessness, which was the power of darkness. Sometimes it seemed to me that this is a huge hairy spiders, then suddenly seen оскалившиеся jackals and hyenas, which in turn turned into black Bogomolov and locusts.

Soul vacillated in the body faster and faster, pushing like a rabbit when jumping from tearing lived with their heart, reverberates in heels. The pain from her torments caught up with fear, and in the next moment, when the nebulous black ring almost closed around me, touching my body with his проголодавшимися jaws exceeded, beats, become taller and stronger than he is, what consciousness очнулось and work with удесятеренной, frantic haste back to a sober logic and addressing the task of the salvation of the soul and body of the current situation with the speed of electronic computing machines.

-This is a dream! "it dawned upon me in the same instant it was not late to be saved. - This is a dream! We need to Wake up!

That lightning speed compared to the speed with which flashed in my head aching guess. As I thought about this, and immediately the contours of the surrounding lost clarity and linear forms, broke into a gray and black spots.

I thought I возношусь upwards, into the sky, and сомкнувшееся dark ring creatures had only лязгнуть with their jaws, taking only the edge of the soles of my shoes greedy teeth. In the eyes became dark and we could not understand, where do I fly or fall. There was something strange and unusual.

I felt that I was lying on something hard and cold, with зажмуренными eyes. Opening them again, I saw around the darkness, and my first thought was that it was over: I ate. However, looking to the left, to the right, I saw the houses in which dim tabs stoves, and feeling their members, moving his fingers, he realized that unharmed.

Me bright prickly asterisks stretches heavenly tent, drawn by the milky way nebula on the slope. Bright Moon flooded the streets of silver, ghostly light, eclipsing its radiance many of the stars around.

The streets of the village were silent, as the nature, затаившая breath with his restless life in anticipation of approaching ambulance storm.

Until I realized that I was lying on the porch of the house Barbara, and I immediately got up. Now, it occurred to me and how I got here, and with whom came from, and what, in General, only that the incident: the monastic castle, tornado, wasteland, village, - all this need not be seen more as episodes bad, incoherent sleep, inspired by anxiety, wandering in the fevered mind.

I sat on the porch, shook his head, went to sleep at all, then, as it was in vain, went on back to the bath to подмостка dip your head into the river. I could no longer be sleeping, because Ivan Noodles asked me very steadily and seriously about two things: that I was not asleep, first, and, secondly, to not entered the house Barbara.

First his request, I think, and failed, but about a second there were many doubts. In the dream, whether it was awake, but I was dreaming of the scene, as I open the door in this strange house, walk in, find the entrance to some strange dungeon...

No, I think I really dreamed it, because it could not actually be that followed it. This may be only a dream. Therefore, house Barbara I went into a dream.

I sighed with some relief, coming on the bridge, coming from the log baths on the middle of the coastal Slough, where apparently not dived again, climbing out of the hot baths, red as cancers, tipsy guys.

He knelt on the edge of the top ramp, I was leaning towards the calm water, the surface of which the black mirror of the stars, stood a quarter of meters below the creaking boards, violated the silence of the night, and dip it in her head, but imagined something now slippery and Mohnatoe hiding there in the deep waters under the bridge, would rise to the surface, but remains invisible, invisible in this смолянистой, mirror thinner, and now I grab my head and easy knocking over with a solid base, pull it into the depth where the most desperate my floundering only accelerate drowning. And maybe someone, the same ugly and hairy, jump out of the bath in the decisive moment, when will occur struggle, and push me in the water, if I умудрюсь cling on to the bridge.

Hesitating a little, I decided to drop into the water hand to dial in the palm of water and wash. However, and this is the guts not immediately. And I have a few minutes hesitated, but then decided that if anything like that can happen, then the delay is my only plays at hand, scooped up a handful of water and wiped his wet hand hot, outgoing dry heat face.

The procedure will bring relief. I looked guiltily at bath. Nothing happened. The door frame, as it can be seen in the uncertain moonlight, was closed. Foolish. I leaned down below and already two hands, to make it more scooped ice cold water from the pool.

After washing up, I grew bolder even stronger, feeling the pleasant cool night bursting with heat face, laughed in my thoughts over children's fears and. already afraid of nothing, resolutely put his head in inking the mirror of water, the next thing considered changing his already сигануть with the top ramp naked.

The water filled ears. Night underwater world lived some mysterious sounds and noises, occasionally reaching my ears. One of them caught my attention more than others. He repeated rhythmically. It seemed that the place of his birth is somewhere near, but not in water. Looked as if someone in a hasty step was moving on the мостку...

I had barely raised his head from the water and look like someone breaking my balance, pushed me into the water.

I settled on some depth, hearing surge and noise disturbed the water and клокотание rising to the surface and failing large air bubbles, enthusiastic my body in the water column and escaping now from under my sail надувшейся shirt and pants.

Desperately earning his hands and feet, I rushed upstairs, with fear thinking that if fulfilled one of my delusional concerns, then why not become a reality and another.

Somewhere near heard once more the sounds of falling: splashing and gurgling. I had come. I was on a wave splashes and wave. On the bridge, as it was clear no one was there. But someone dived only that, and I somehow fell into the water.

Grabbing boards of the floor, I pulled himself, first to my chest, and then almost immediately, using the buoyant force of the water, jumped on his stomach, rolled, intending to throw a leg.

At this moment someone firmly grabbed my ankles and pulled, and then pulled down, why should I again failed to hold on the bridge. I slid into the water.

My hands instinctively trying to push, but nothing met in motion. Although their eyes were opened, he couldn't see anything. Here it was even darker than the above, where somehow helped the Moon.

Someone again pulled my legs, and I went even deeper, feeling the water around was even colder, and the muddy bottom of the pool is very near and far to surface waters, air and salvation.

I could not discern the enemy: it was beyond my powers. He was agile and nimble, spinning somewhere near and vile, surreptitiously pulled me down, where, apparently, decided to punish me, their prey, finally.

I was scared. A few minutes ago, it seemed that my fatigue stronger and demanding any fears, and nothing can frighten me, but now...

Somewhere far above them there was a burst of new outbreaks. It was so high that could be compared with безмерностью cosmic abyss. I even tried to think what it could be, because this was not before. My soul is, apparently, already prepared to escape and was going to leave with a dying body. The relationship between them became miserable, barely existing. She went to the secluded his уголочек, as they say, sank into my boots, and from there waiting for the ongoing death, waiting for the moment for departure. She already looked for hope for the salvation of the flesh, and prepared to say goodbye with belonged to her hitherto body, as if death was already an accomplished fact, and no one was able to make her think again.

I woke up, not knowing where I was and what happened. Not at once it dawned on me that my back is based on the cool sand, me impassively shimmer not able to descend to the low of the earth, the stars, the Moon also is rolling slowly across the night sky, diving into the clouds rushing to meet her. The whole world was calm as a few minutes ago. He rested, and death would be my meant to him no more than the death of a mosquito than an earthquake or volcanic eruption with thousands of killed, than the death of the passengers of a ship or aircraft or an entire civilization, низвергнутой into the abyss together with the entire continent.

I glanced around. Next to me there was someone else. He was breathless, and gently limping over to him, I recognized him as Ivan the Noodles. It had no signs of life, and for a long time I was shaking and called him before out of his mouth came a quiet, long groan.

Ivan's eyes slowly opened, turning his head to me. Are reflected in them glares of the moon.

-What happened? - I asked.

He didn't answer, only his lips Nemo stir.

"Who was that? That pushed me in the water? Who wanted to drown? Do you know? Say.

Lips Ivan again called. Something told me to give him water, scooping up in the palm of the river, I poured it into a ротрот shepherd. He perked up a bit.

I stretched out on the sand beside him and put my hand on his chest.

Is you save me?

My fingers felt something sticky on his shirt. I raised them to his nose, then licked. The smell of blood is not deceived me. It was the blood.

-You hurt? - I was surprised.

Ivan nodded.

-I will carry you home.

However, whether I am broke so much whether Ivan Noodles was suddenly heavy - lift him up from the earth I could not, and so I pulled him along a narrow strip of sandy shore, moving toward the baths and the top ramp, dark silhouettes which were now fifty meters upstream. But there, where he began a grass conceals uneven, ухабистую, overgrown path up from the river, I had to stop.

I put Ivan so that his head was above their feet.

-Now, I will go for help and bandages, " I said to him and was going to rush for help, when suddenly the fingers of his unexpectedly strong movement went around my wrist.

I involuntarily bent down to the person himself the shepherd, slightly taken aback, but realized that he wants to say something to me and to manifest superhuman effort.

-Do not. I'm dying - донеслась to me its weak as a breath of speech.

-But I'll get somebody...

Fingers closed stronger.

No time to waste, I am doomed. I'll still die. And after a few minutes, when you come back, I will not alive. Better listen. Listen and remember. Now all it is important to remember every last words... And then make it necessary to do. Otherwise... I can't talk long. It will be bad. We must do everything. All that I say now. Are you ready to remember? You must learn and do. Ready to do?

But I don't know! - seized me suddenly panic, boyish confusion to circumstances, require from me too much responsibility.

"You got to, tone of voice, Ivan Noodles became rigid and severe. Now he really wasn't until sentimentality: death has already found his eyes smoky поволокой, he wrestled with her last strength. Pushing her away and still finding little to talk.

-Well, well. I listen, remember and do everything.

-Barbara end. But she won't die. It is necessary in притолоку door drive a nail or a needle. Ask grandma: it tells you. Tomorrow at the cemetery find an abandoned tomb in the corner on the edge of the forest. There grows an oak. Oak cut, burn to stump обуглился. Take an aspen stake, Allen will silver bullets and a gun. Don't forget the garlic. Bind his ligaments and hang it on the head of each grave, Ivan took a deep breath, swallowed hard. - Take thy cross, silver, he will protect you. Be afraid, be not afraid. The number of stay, the main thing, and the cross-hold. Every Mraz cross afraid, put it ahead of itself, " he stopped, gaining strength and panting. - In an abandoned tomb ruby осиновую gallows, bet black cat story. 't help Bay Colom, shoot a silver bullet. Fight to the end. Tomorrow is the day of battle... are You the one... The aid does not call... no-one goes.

Ivan closed his eyes, and I was afraid that he would die.

-But who are you?! Say it! - shouted and shook it I.

He труддом opened his eyelids. The eyes were no life, they were dull. However, lips moving back and forth:

Water man... You're a witness... You were there, where it was... He was going to eliminate the witnesses... I saved...But water man alive, sitting in the swamp. See, be careful... You saw the battle... It's forbidden... Only curse...

His words became невнятнее and quieter, and nothing more I could not hear. His breath, barely noticeable, quickly came to naught, and I realized that Ivan Noodles died, leaving me alone with his corpse and vast, hostile night full of hidden dangers.

However, I was not afraid that anything that had to do seemed infinitely worse and more dangerous than dying now, and men would be neither скольконе afraid to leave now, after Ivan, than to wait for tomorrow's test, if such it can be called. Rather, the task it was bequeathed by fallen to his young receiver.

From my will nothing depended. The choice was nothing. Something inside me was saying how important it is transferred to a dying order, and, putting his head on my knees, I sat on the sand, where he joined the footpath up to the shore, and tried to remember everything that he said, struggling with a horrible fear for tomorrow. It cost me a great effort.

Chapter 25.

Barely saw Marina, I took her by the arm and firmly led in полукупе. She was not going to resist.

"Undress, " I said, when we were there, and he pulled off her pants with hollow, sagging knees and shirt, under which more and nothing came.

Marina wrapped up his hands to her breast:

-I'm cold, " she said.

-Now согреемся, " I answered, hurriedly undressing.

-Take there, on the top shelf of a warm blanket, " she said.

I pulled the blanket, threw on the bed and, having felt in a pre-dawn twilight her wrist, laid her hand on his hard member of the standing, feeling pleasantly cold, frozen fingers went around him hot barrel.

-Well, what? - I was excited to hear her words of encouragement, but instead Marina climbed in bed, under the covers and she called from there:

-Go here.

I was beside her, my lips touched her lips, arms went around her waist, and we've been frantically made love, bringing themselves to exhaustion, and after an hour of the pains and pleasures, when time and space are reversed, and it was unknown where up and down, where is the beginning and where is the end, collapsed on the hot bursting fire sheets. In the first, decisive moment when we had to make a choice, I managed to besiege the passion and ask just in case, can you pull the seed in her or not, although the answer was clear, and, having received the consent, I with moans of lust and pain threw it into her womb.

We long lay silent and unmoved, feeling that gave огнедышащему beast passion all the strength and energy.

Unknown how much time passed. Outside the window was daylight. Soon the sun would rise. I felt terrible fatigue and wanted to sleep. The thought that now Wake up Anton and will burst again, shamelessly and blatantly, in полукупе, looking distinctly uncomfortable and uneasy.

-You, probably, should rise? I inquired from the Marina. - Already morning, and you still should work.

-Lie quiet, voice Marina was soft and gentle. - The light now the day on duty.

Does she know?

-Knows. Lezha, Marina was silent for a while, but apparently, she had awakened a desire for a chat. - And you're a married?

I shook my head. I even earlier was noticeably her engagement ring, and now my fingers groped him.

-And you, see everything married?

"Yes, " smiled Marina was little. But not now.

-Why then ring you wear?

Marina shrugged:

I don't know, used to, probably.

"When have you had time to get used? How old are you?

-Me? Nineteen.

-When are you married, and divorced managed?

-Eighteen. Yes, I'm not divorced. Just Roofing, my husband left her for малолетке live.

-How so? What малолетке? - Not I understood.

-Yes, he is with youngster one slept, and then she came to her mother and said that she and her cunt became pregnant from him, and if he did not marry her, she, her mother, him and threatening him.

-So what? Married?

-Yes, the undersigned. Already a born.

-That's it! And you're like, Marina?

-And what about me? One live here. In conductors went, that was fun.

Marina started telling me the sad story of his life, so young and already quite потасканной. She lived once in the unknown, a small town in the Kurgan region, was published in nineteen years married to a Fraction moved with him from the hostel College, where she studied at that time, in одолженную husband with cronies халупку, where they have lived peacefully with six months. Tolik, before becoming a spouse, was her boyfriend, any Marina had escaped from the house from not very loving and caring mother was quite a lot. It does not spread especially, but even this story, only casual dealing with the gray of everyday life provincial youth, варившейся in its own juice, and relationships between the sexes, gave the concept of those knotty, randomly generated and quickly disintegrating relationships, развенчавших all sorts of notions of honor, decency and morality, which prevailed in that muddy the water environment. I listened and was amazed with its simple story, finding in it the same symptoms universal syndrome corruption that existed in the urban atmosphere, more educated and cultural, as it seemed to me, more cultured and high than this poor working young people abandoned provinces, which never worked and will not work in the future, and who are destined to lead his horrible existence, becoming older, then having got old, but not becoming more restrained and wiser in this cloaca, from which rare простолюдину manage to survive - not up the career ladder - is unlikely she would save him from vaccinated vices, - a to shore cleanliness and morality, where are these evils in the clean atmosphere integrity, culture and restraint instincts dry off and disappear of their own a purified conscience for light better, that will befall the seeing man.

My thoughts were sad. Somewhere in the depths of consciousness, I realized that a commoner was himself, and while it also sought to climb up, went in the service, but do not go in the direction where it was planned to open clean beaches, nothing doing, and unable to cope with his dirty vices, облепившими me the same way as millions of my peers that share the sad fate to be citizens of this muddled state, deprived them of all rights and hopes for something bright and joyous. Our roots were scorched, and the tree of wisdom of the nation it was close to complete destruction, not knowing even a single touch the soil of righteousness, once nurtured him from the depths of the passed centuries and of the experience of history. We were separated, we were the children of communism, and its new culture and a short story is not identified any guidance to our generation, as well as the generation of our parents and our grandparents and all those who entered in life after October seventeenth year.

System cut off alien shoots past, and under crimson banners dense, narrow rows we walked a long road to nowhere, go through life, luminous stars lead, gray, faceless shadows, don't leave any trace of his непрощенного existence. "And in the end you will see you, how vain were your plans," - said one of the classics...

The day was already in full swing and the sun was shining in the window when I woke up from a heavy sleep, did not even understand at first why I am lying completely naked in the cold полукупе, where my clothes, and that it's all means. But the details of the last night together with hops out.

In the car was cold. After passing on it, I found in one of the coupe Anton campaign in some men. There was already opened bottle of vodka and placed the glasses.

-Now, let me introduce you, " he said to me. Is Kostya, is Valera, Igor. They ensigns. And Igor officer. Valera with Igor once served together in Mongolia, and now both in Transbaikalia, only in different places, and that's happened to meet here, in this car. Can you imagine? Now sit and Kwasi for this meeting.

I sat down with them. I poured vodka, but I pushed the glass:

-No, guys, I will not drink. Enough, yesterday налакался.

"Hey, man, you who? - Addressed me, Igor.

As this is who? - Not I understood.

-What?! - He put his hand on my knee. - Warrant officer, officer.

"Lieutenant, I breathed with difficulty transferring it fume.

-Lieutenant?" Surprised tipsy Igor. - And I'm the captain. So that's it, Lieutenant, I command you: drink! You're in the army now!

-And if I don't? What then?

"Listen!" What are you борзеешь, guy?! "Maypole Valera.

-Hold on there, hold on there, Valer - pulled him Igor. - We now its so перевоспитаем, in a good way. We always have time to apply!

I was quite puzzled by such an address, and realized that came to the place where you cannot сплоховать and you can either obey, either to prepare for a fierce battle and protecting dignity of such brazen attacks.

-So, Lieutenant, you're wrong, continued to bring me Igor. "Look at his friend. Too Lieutenant, but behaves differently: компанейски. With him here and chat pleasantly. You see: against the team, against the majority in the army to go don't you advise - you get this on the nose. Otherwise you will have to wrong, I tell you, not as a senior rank, and as a senior fellow. I like you, see through. See: horns quickly пообламывают!

I was silent, downcast Глову and wondering, as, in General, had such a situation.

-Well, and that'll be nice to you behave or what?

I had to affirmative nod: Valera reached for the door handle its hefty ручищей, the intention is apparently shut it in case of refusal. This did not Bode well.

Igor handed me the glass, and poured the rest, with a sigh:

-Well, for acquaintance...

Burning alcohol poured into the stomach and spread throughout the body. Head захмелела, and I was already not so bad.

Apparently, my appearance interrupted the conversation, and now it continued as if nothing had happened:

-Well, then still a bachelor, was, " said Valera - served in that... in a separate tank battalion. It then removed, right?

-Removed the agreed Igor.

-Well, he was still there. We with anti-tank battalion, one Park occupied: they front, and we followed them, in the rear. Well, sitting with a friend, Колькой, I have in the duty room, Kwasi. I am a bachelor, he was a bachelor. I was on duty in the Park, and it is the duty of the Park. Only he противотанкистов, and I in the tank. But I advise to sit. Yeah, ha! We drink on, we drink, bottle, second, tenth... Well, there has men friends are sitting. In short, everything's OK. "Чамбур" - moonshine I mean - end - in Barack go, take out the bottle and further.

Campaign again venerated the glasses and Valera continued:

-We have a new chief of staff arrived, the major... his name I do not remember. Лузенков. And now, I already пьянючий sit. Suddenly times! The door person просунулось . well, I told him: "Go on x..!" The face is hidden, then, lo and behold, again leans out. I told him again: "I Went to x..!" It again disappeared, and when it is already the third time seemed, to me through hops realized that it was the chief of staff of our battalion. Well, I got up, the guys say: "come here," and drill rack and took report - hand, as expected, to a headdress applied, - well, maybe покачиваюсь slightly: "Comrade major," and all there is. And he's like let's yelling at me. The oral-oral, until, finally, finally, I didn't get angry and say to him, "Well, comrade major, I'll shoot you now," I just take my gun out of the holster, I snap the shutter... Chief of staff of the frightened soldiers and says he's just with the guard and distributing posts come check: "Direct the machines!" Well, they trunks pointed at me, and I was drunk, reckless, I take them for Dula, the soldiers taking up and toss them on the "spine" of the fence. Mayor sees things are bad, and to give me at once: "Valera. Valera, everything is fine!" And I have not seriously broke and again: "All, you bastard, I'll shoot you now!" And I do not remember, what I got mad at him?.. Ah, he me with dress decided to remove the...

Valera breath, raised already filled glass, and чокнувшись with Igor and those who managed to follow him, continued again:

"Well, now, Лузенков this sees that protect anybody soldiers machines went to look for. And he asked asked, and gone!.. And I swear to God that bad, when I drink, and what not then shot him, I don't know. Several times he did the shot without taking aim. Aim would be exactly укокошил! As he runs, wagging like a rabbit on the field, from a bullet, fool, dodges! I would want from my would not dodged! In General I let go of it with the world.

Valera somehow looked at me, watching and something disoriented for a moment paused, gathering, apparently, to "switch" to me, but then went away, and continued:

On the following day, the most interesting, Wake up, to me this story is told, and I don't believe - I don't remember anything about anything. My neighbor in a hostel duty stood and says: ' You have no feelings lie, I tell you: "Valera, let's gun!", and you answer me, wagging a finger: "No, bring a book to surrender their weapons, I'll see you to it with me off. And I'll gun rent, and you tomorrow you'll say it to you I did not take". Can you imagine?! I must!

Valera once again took up the glass, making it clear to pour:

-I after that experience, generally six months in outfits not go. Guys, I am asked: "Valera, what is it?!" And I say to them: "do Not trust!" Then look me in the outfit set. Come pistol receive, and I give, say that the chief of staff banned. Well, I said to him, bald: "what's The matter, comrade major. This is why!?" And he told me: " You are in the outfit заступай, but without a gun!" And I am his finger: "No, comrade major, such jokes with me will not. A gun or give away, or I dress does not заступлю!"

Valerie looked at the empty glass, and then stopped, but now the conversation caught Igor:

-We also one senior Lieutenant увольнялся. Rather, he was fired. Nothing the boy was only шабутной a little, drink a loved pregnant proshvyrnutsya, - he as in Mongolia was as much his wife remained in the Union, in Ukraine, its none of our and never seen. Once - Сэмэн-his nickname was so named - Semenov - night went to the barracks slightly вмазанный, and something he didn't like the дневальном, and the one on the face of it has got. And the commanders only this and asked: " what Semenov get. And here such puncture! Well, it's under the mark and fired a service mismatch. Wanted to discredit the title, the court officer's honor was even do that happened in the district is not approved wording of the reasons for dismissal. Maybe because his name coincides with the name of the officer commanding the district, I don't know. But the question I am, Сэмэн, already when the court of honor above it produced, the chief of staff of the regiment and division commander says: "I, comrades Lieutenant colonels, well, he's certainly not so expressed, and the stronger I'll shoot!" well, those two струхнули in earnest. And then its only an assistant on duty in the regiment put the outfit and also a gun is not allowed. Neither in the Park, nor in Karaul - nowhere else. So it is up to the dismissal of six months and went "in a box" and the gun never seen. But he? - No troubles from him was not.

Kostya, all the time silent, poured on the new vodka glasses and began to give them out, offering thus a drink.

"Well, guys, for that drink? "Valera, and I noticed his mustache натопорщились in the form of alcohol.

For those, perhaps, who in boots, - said Igor. He looked round the whole election campaign. - We are all in boots. Hard. Uh-Oh!..

He famously knocked over a glass of bitter frowned and crunch ate salted cucumber. It was followed by all the rest. I hesitated, but threw in the mouth scalding liquid, and almost choked with difficulty swallowing the liquid fire.

-I knew a guy, " said Konstantin, -so he took a bottle of vodka, it unraveled half a minute in his hand, to the crater was formed, then again, it запрокидывал. And in eight seconds exactly the bottle was empty. He yourself on it earned: argue with someone that drink a bottle of ten seconds, a bit of a stock take, and he immediately agrees, and then loses.

"And have you been, " quipped from Konstantin Igor. Clearly not interested in his story, when the tank division зампотыла shot?

-I in that day either before or directly left again, has been replaced by. I will have the guys told me, " replied Valera, fumbling hand on the table.

-As I was. His company commander of material security shot, and then shot himself. He was still chief of staff tried to kill, but missed.

-Yes, I know зампотыла this. I it was long, then the Union of exiled in Безречку, Маньчжурку, but where he did not engraft, and after two years of dreams back турнули returned to us in Mongolia, but with the increase, a Deputy on the rear of the commander of a tank regiment. It all was said then that was a crook and пройдохой, but I then he himself was convinced of it not time - Valera nothing on the table and not found - we're Миньковым go, the chief of a warehouse of fuels and lubricants division, and this зампотыл - after the return - advances to us, and suddenly stops us, as if he'd already knows, and asks: "is that You, гэсээмщик?" Well, Misha Миньков answers, "I, and what is it?" "Oh, nothing, again will alcohol on a tank regiment does not додавать, blame yourself, " I'll complain to the commander of the division!" Misha was offended by his words, of course, and replies, "Well, comrade Colonel, I'll be your shelf alcohol to issue all of a gram, but none bastard it doesn't drink!" we both made: ten liters of invoice are to nine liters of posing, liter itself leave. Otherwise impossible commissions come - who gives? - the chief of a warehouse of fuels and lubricants division. And no inventory is the same all - Khan! They, he, as понаедут, so выжирают all without remainder. Otherwise, obviously, two points for verification, because we are all on alcohol... Well, here clashed Misha this зампотылом, then parted. And Misha took зампотыла division Supplement to alcohol, choking, took counsel with him, amounted to a statement of introduction that poisoned alcohol and drink it cannot, on the bottles of bubbles red line diagonally smeared and extradite him. And now, turn to him it зампотыл for alcohol with a canister: let's supposedly give out! And Misha him: "sign, comrade Colonel, that you know that poisoned alcohol and drink it." He protested: "Oh, comrade ensign! I will complain! Pour me pure alcohol!" Misha answered him: "Complain wherever you want. I according to the order of Minister of defense on the prevention of the use of technical alcohol in parts do everything". He poured this Lieutenant Colonel poisoned with alcohol. And he took, and nowhere to go? But after this incident he as silk became, almost dancing before Misha, as you will see. Yes! And boy, commander of the CDSP, pity, of course! He brought, poor fellow, got it, that is. He regimental services and the rear of his said to those strongly pressed, fought with him, as with limes, and for all the nonsense which usually eyes closed, we calculated our money. What he disliked the captain didn't know. Maybe because the bastard was decent. And here he got the company, got, all the blood he drank. Men say, that poor little fellow sitting in the office, writes a suicide note, 's machine stands charged, and at this time зампотыл with the chief of staff from the second floor down. And this to boast, it is seen, the chief of staff said: "I'm going to leave this to the captain again pepper ask". And the commander saw him, couldn't stand it, immediately machine grabbed the -- the Chief of staff, as the shots heard, immediately gone in a guardhouse asked. The commander ran out and behind him another queue, and then himself: death, " and noted that the chief of staff did not hit, because he managed to fall, and the bullets have passed... they Say when зампотыла carried away, he's still living was... Yeah, no one pitied, and now the company many commemorated: why do it yourself? nothing was. Well, would have given five years for the murder in a state of affect. Witnesses you had a lot of their relationship.

Valera was silent, but continued Igor:

-In General, this regiment "occasional" some was. Almost at the same time, Lieutenant BMP flipped over the top, "on the armour" was riding a cake. Then five people antifreeze were poisoned. Time shot. We have something in артполку this often doesn't happen. It was, but less frequently.

-But we have, in the battalion of material support was cool, " said Constantine. Each day twenty machines at the output. Weekly column somewhere to go or in Sain-Xanadu or Choir, or in Эрхэт. And as the column goes away, you can safely two tank truck fuel to cheat. Before, when I was there, two bottles of fuel truck чамбура cost, and then, five years later, when our there's very little left of the Mongols as time was short of gasoline went for forty thousand togrogs a fuel truck they passed it. Men who were smarter than that, there's a lot of шмотья any нагребли - for life. In those days some forty thousand in Mongolia Tugrik feature can be bought. Now I don't know what the prices are... by the Way, when I was there, I was offered a suitcase tugrugs per ten thousand rubles. One civilian was leaving already bought all that I could, ' him container is not expected, as a civilian, because of not knowing where this money to put himself not повезешь. -why are they in the Union? Well, I thought, thought, Yes refused. A pity, because now would be a wealthy man and would have spat on the army with high hill... by the way, I frame knew well. His salary was six hundred togrogs a month, and he чамбуре did during this same time, five or six thousand. Once, I remember, together we was Mongol leather jacket bought. Mongolia for her eight hundred asked, I told him, "Let's go for six hundred!" And he looked, in the hands shook his, felt and silently gets so then money: "On, get it!" and I twice he got -- You remember how we in the barracks чамбур persecuted?

-I remember, - nodded his head Igor, to which he appealed.

-Yes, boys, we moonshine such a hurry, he looked at us with Anton that flashed like gasoline. Our distillers Mongols чамбур this were afraid to sell those couldn't not drink, then to the stomach does not burn and does not die. Apes such a strong things not to be used. Is it just a Russian boys stomach can digest such. We represent ухари were such that to save yeast. - this eerie deficit was the same as sugar, and even more, - have added in the бражку carbide, and even on one carbide is set. Don't know how they've turned out! There were such special - th-th-th - all the details of this case, technology know. It all day at work, and he has the barracks all boils, everything flows, a hundred liters per week catching up, if you count on each of the employed. There alone around, and clans. Some in the basement under the bathroom even barrel was buried on a whole ton, and they each week a new set, and closer to the weekend day and night pressed чамбур. The interesting thing is that no man is not sold, campaigns were doing, price, and no one dared to do the above, and especially lower than it was adopted by the thirty Tugrik per bottle. If anyone dared of thumb gauge out, that not long kept: it quickly "handed over" to the Prosecutor. And there a long time did not stand on ceremony: time - and in jail. This is what we were mainly engaged in civilian - military: drivers, locksmith, and cooks. I knew one in the cafe, now pressed чамбур. Military - rarely those who worked and only for themselves. God forbid for sale! They have all the time in the service, from morning to evening. And it's nothing to prevent. Well and used to plant them for it.

-Twisted you, of course, about thirty Tugrik, - said Igor, fumbling in the bag under the table in search of another bottle of vodka, then found it and put it on the table. He then sixty-cost, and one hundred and fifty.

-Well, I at that time was not. I'm in the Union of the left, " replied Valera - I'm talking about their time.

-And I too чамбур persecuted! And, just imagine, even for sale. A senior Lieutenant was then! And not a single dog...

-Who are you selling that no one knew?

-Mongols. I had all taken away. Спиртометр I had, carbon canisters of gas mask peeled чамбур. As it turned out no worse than vodka!

It is, of course, dangerous to do - with the Mongols communicate in this matter. How much they gave to the people, how many of them повыгоняли in the Union, пересажали. He comes. You чамбур buys, and the next day already leading representatives of law and order.

I don't know, to me, this has never happened. Apparently they liked, as I persecute. Quality I had a good strictly forty degrees, no carbide, one sugar and yeast...

-But I know a lot of such cases, - not give up Valera.

-Yes, I have in the barracks, no one even knew that I moonshine persecute. Remember, I come back home somehow. and in General, the corridor a crowd of men got together for lunch came and started to talk. In our barrack mainly all military lived. And here Leva Grigoryan, a warrant officer, the other says that yesterday someone at eleven o'clock in the evening to him knocking. He opens the door, and on the verge of Mongol drunk worth, reeling and silently gives him thirty Tugrik. Leva asks him: "what do You want?" And Mongol stands and holds money. Well, he come on send, we on the second line there were barracks, where they lived контрактованные and drove чамбур, thither. And he Leve reply: Yes I am here today to buy. And he has long argued with Mongol. Leva he proves that here чамбур not pursued, and that his: "I bought here!" And here Grigoryan this story neighbors tells the laugh and I laugh, Yes Pushcha other. To me it is ridiculous that no one knows and understand not take, that the drunken Mongol came to visit me, he's the only one flight corridor mistaken leva-the apartment was just as I have located, only a span further. So on until the end, no one knew that I самогончиком own приторговываю. It happened to be his own to sell, even with his regiment, but I always say in such cases that I go now to a friend who has чамбур. Yes and Mongols so many spoke... and everything I have done.

-Well, you're lucky just - concluded Valera. - One... You are in a barrack lived?

-The fourteenth.

-And he's in the twelfth. And it забрили. The soldiers caught. Those he чамбур took, and he calculated the owe him and the next time came, he told them to first settled in cash or meat. Well, the soldiers went to the pigsties, Gav свинарю face, took a pig and returned. And the commanders of the свинаря interested who he filled his face, and what happened to the pig, the search began, and went on to these two, their свинарь identified. They started to twist and had this. So what? five years later he sort of gave up.

-I know this is the case. Twelfth Barack generally differed abundance of bootleggers. Remember, as a division commander Reid announced the barracks, catch bootleggers, and there Максимыч such lived. And now, зампотыл division, head of the political section, still there шобла шавок goes floor corridor, comes from one flat to another, to him knocking. Максимыч goes to meet them: "that it is necessary, heads?" and there apparatus works, as much steam pillar stands. Him: "Yeah, we here bootleggers harvested. Can you go to the apartment?" Максимыч worth, belly pursed and asks disparagingly, lazily: "the public Prosecutor sanctioned the search do you have?" "There was no reply. - We only for a minute go show" "Well, now, if you don't have it, and don't fuck you then go here. Прощевайте," - and again, came back. Never let the whole зампотыла commander of the division, Deputy chief of the garrison! Here's another example.

-So the whole different story! - Outraged Valera. But then waved his hand: apparently, he was tired of arguing. - Ah, okay, let's have a drink, and then something quite трезветь he had no order.

Chapter 26.

Village night is very different from the city. Even in remote suburbs, there is the mirror of silence, falling to earth from space. Only in the village there is no subtle noise from the hectic of the city, its enterprises, plants and factories, which punished and even distant suburban neighborhood. And from the silence of the night in the village seems unusual urban ear piercing and empty vacuum.

But it is not. Thousands of other sounds, inaccessible his ошалевшему from the endless noise, затоптанному urbanized civilization ear, the sound on this virgin stillness of the night. The sounds of nature, the way she remains in some places is not the first Millennium and what will remain, even when done the day of judgment. Probably, the Nature of this fact. She is a stranger to the people, its destructive crown, and, perhaps even to breathe calmly, getting rid of his pressing Sha. Isn creature of God something to blame?

Perhaps the first time in my life I heard these untouched by time and man, the sounds of the night, the deaf to which remained even yesterday.

Пучеглазая Moon swept the horizon, over the other is already rising, glowing brighter and brighter dawn, I was holding the head of Ivan Noodles, already cold, as the sand on which we were together.

What became more real offensive the next day, the scarier was the meaning of the words of a shepherd. He just didn't fit entirely in my head, and I wanted the night to never кончалсь.

But it was ended. Morning came, foggy and damp, and full of coolness to the fledgling autumn.

I got up, put his head Ivan the ground and then went to the house to Pelagiya not himself.

Grandmother slept peacefully захрапывая the whole hut. Having heard the creaking floorboards, woke up, проподнялась on his elbow:

-You where it's the devil taken at night? Why the silence?

-There shepherd on the shore lies. Dead I automatically raised my hands and exactly surprised started to examine the palm of his clotted blood.

Grandma and gasped, instantly jumped from the bed and wringing her hands.

-What are you, dear! Well you done-t?!

-Yes, it's not me.

-And who.? Look-t, ручищи all-tonnes in blood!

"But I say! - I raised voice to grandma little остепенилась. - Ivan saved me. Today at night. Water man.

Bat-тюшки! - Pelageya again threw up her hands. "What's the лихоманка-t marsh-t?

I don't know it me with мосткка threw off and pulled into the maelstrom. Ivan saved.

"Oh, you! So why don-t мостку at night doing-t?!


-Ugh - сплюнула Pelageya Panteleevna. - You are well-t, the simpleton, in such a hard night шатаешься?!

-Yes Ivan went.


-In house to Barbara. He asked to wait on the porch. And I was hot. Well, I went to the river to wash. It all happened.

-What Ivan in the house Варовары forgot?

I briefly conveyed only what is asked of her, Ivan, losing not concerning her подробностти about the cemetery and everything else. Pelageya Panteleevna only shook her head, Yes перекрестлась, not finding the answer, then погшла into a room with images, where he stayed for one and a half hours. Appearing otttuda, she said to me:

-Yes, the guy-stripper-t you. Not in your case you got, not his. Tick you-t from here it is necessary. Immediately.

"I can't, Pelageya Panteleevna, - I said to her in a more alienated, official tone. Promised.

-Who promised what he promised-t? "inquired Grandmother.


Grandma ниченго no answer, only waved a hand, turned and walked away.

"Okay, if that Varvara - I'll help you, but for the rest - himself квитайся.

-And where Alena now?

-At home, probably-t, where else? - Pelageya suddenly bethought. - A-yay-yay, it's her father died! Mount-t, the mount-t what, Ah-Ah-Ah!

She sighed, crossing himself, bustled, засобиралась, took my hand:

-Go to it. where t is he? The bath-t, you say?

Through the village has not yet проснувшуюся, not очнувшуюся from a restless night, on the fog we went to the house of a shepherd, knocked.

Alena opened immediately. Her face was wrinkled and заспанное. I am speechless and couldn't even say Hello, in an instant, placing in my head of what happened last night.

Pelageya pushed forward, entered the porch, and shut the front of my nose door.

Ten minutes later, she came out and asked me:

-Go men gather, Ivan the house include the need to prepare.

"Where could I go? I don't know.

-Go, say, tea, nobody-t Ivan shepherd knows it! When people grief, no one asks who you are. Yes and how can he not know? The whole village saw beside him, poor guy. Go tell-t, go away, " she angrily furrowed her brow, and I instinctively obeyed, ashamed of her words.

I обстучал courtyards, gathered some as three men, one of whom was a friend of the deceased Peter Nicholas. We brought started stiffening and скрючиваться in States such as in the house, where were already waiting for Alena, Pelageya and a few neighbors. The girl was pale, Baba serious and gloomy. See, they often had to celebrate the solemn ceremony, but maybe the presence of evil fate, спустившегося its heavy burden on their quiet, nobody unknown and uninteresting life, which they felt even more clearly than the last time when an absurd death came to Peter, fell on their faces serene, but mask the harsh obedience to his doom.

I pulled Alena for the sleeve out of the room. She did not resist. We went into the yard.

I'm very sorry, " I said Alena, taking her hand. She stood, with his eyes cast down. - Look, I'm not to blame. I would have died to-night, if the -- if your father hadn't saved me. But he died not because of me. Anyway, it was something else. Did you see how he wounded?

Alena slightly nodded, but she гляз not raised.

I told her something else, trying to prove that is innocent in death of her father, although he doubted the reality of what was said. Perhaps fatal injuries from which he died, were inflicted on him and in the battle with water man, though something told me that it was only the final episode of the drama, which I observed either in a dream or in a sort of trance through space and time, whether the reality.

I told the girl about the last moments of the life of her father and to spare her nerves, missed the most unpleasant moments and that the barbarian, who was her mother - she knew it or not, is also doomed. At my request send me a weapon and silver bullets, which told me Ivan Noodles, she did not reply at once and thought for a long time, still not looking up about something.

-Why do you need this? They memory of his father, and he kept them, as some valuable things never shown anyone, and I rarely reminded about them.

-Now they need me, Alena, " I replied.

She looked up:

-Really? How they can be useful to you? The fact that silver bullet?

-Yes, exactly this. Thy father asked to give it to me. Not for fun, for the case. Today I have a terrible night, and the silver bullet great to me will help me.

Alena сощурилась.

"It's not whether you shoot with it going.


The girl snatched my hand and walked into the house. I tried to stop her, but she retorted:

-Listen, I have a mountain, and you're with some rubbish climb.

I don't expect her to do, so always meek and humble, similar words, and literally taken aback for a while. But then shook his head, collected his thoughts and hurried in search of saws, axes and other tools, because the sun is shining, like rush things, hastened to the West, already getting to the Zenith.

The day promised to pass quickly, in feverish preparations, and anxiety.

Ivan said I need to cut myself stake and build осиновую gallows at an abandoned tomb in the corner of the cemetery on the edge of the forest, where I grew up the old oak tree, but to my shame and misery, I don't even know how the most aspen. And besides that it is still necessary to find the black cat and вздернуть it. But as I walked through the village, never seen a black cat no.

Resorting to shameful tricks and tricks, I most fear, QC would I not be exposed suddenly, that I am not familiar with such simple things, inquired of местнгых children, that is an aspen, and where it grows, and then, armed with an axe, went to cut it down.

Go from the village turned out pretty far edge of the swamp, where meanly passing from the solid ground immediately in trickling moisture and step farther almost in the hole, and where обозначившимся open, transparent, but some reddish-rusty water backwaters, the bottom of which was fairly deep, but not promised that will keep pace and not fail, if you step on it.

Swamp was a huge, heavily overgrown with bushes and утыканное birch сухостоем. Now and then heard the gurgling from всплыввающих on the surface of gases, sometimes so strong that might seem somewhere, in the midst of his безбрежья sports and the splashing of the wondrous beast, which stand quagmire.

Finally, I came across something similar with aspen, and after some hesitation slightly cut some trees, cut their trunks and took on the shoulder and walked back to the village.

When I walked to the edge of the forest, примыкавшую its угллом to the bridge over the river from swamps, heavy чечеру, and this has spurred me how good возжи stallion. I rushed into the village over in the grass at the fringes of the aspen logs, not to attract attention.

In the house of Alena and her deceased father still fussing, bringing back the body. Someone has already cut the tendons and pulled those members of the body of the shepherd, and Ivan Noodles now lay in an empty room on the table, standing in the middle, dressed up all in my underwear, clean, with a candle in his hand. His features заострились, nose, snapped to attention, and the hair and the nails of the fingers have grown strongly. Here was the least of the people. Other женщимны dealt in other rooms of the house.

Alena was sitting on a chair opposite the headboard and silently looking through the surrounding her in the distant world of his thoughts and dreams. However, judging from her expression, there, in that distant world was nothing but a detachment. I sat down on an empty chair.

-Alenka, " said me by accident, because she seemed to not notice me, approaching evening ahead of me rough night. Your father, I involuntarily glanced up at lying before us corpse, прибранный in my underwear with воткнутой in the hands of a candle, " he asked you to give me his gun and the silver bullet. This is very important.

The girl did not answer at first, then opened her mouth, but the second surprised me not smaller than the first one. At first I thought that Alena оглохла, then, that she lost her mind.

-Well, here you bury them according to all the rules, " the girl said. - In large Василихе would not have suffered so with a candle in hand, a dead man was lying. It would selsovet came and the police. And here is good: the wilderness, and bury you can.

-What Peter then so should not be buried?

-Not wanted.

-And your father's want?

-Wanted to -- I wanted to. It in the Testament написанобыло to him buried in all the Orthodox Christian customs and traditions. I today Testament read, and we have so is not usual to the last will of the deceased to cease.

-What your father even Testament wrote? He knew that he would die?

-All ever die. And the clever people write Testament in advance.

But what about the neighbours? They consider him a fool. As they took his will?

"All things considered. It is, and all. And, in General, leave me alone. I ask you to do.

-Well, just give me the gun and the bullets, and I'm gone.

Alena округлила eyes, as if she had heard for the first time such a request.

Is a family heirloom. The why should I give him?

-But I have to...

-I don't want to hear anything! For what it may need such a weapon? You know how much it cost?!

I'll bring him back. Tomorrow morning you get it, - I felt: the ratio of Alyona to me changed sharply, and if previously she was kind and affable, Yes andnot refused me in this matter, now from the speech it felt cold, heartlessness, and detachment. Ill guess that is, apparently, the impact of barbarians, which clearly intensified now ceased to be a counterbalance to it together with the death of Ivan Noodles, flashed in my head, and, as if catching смои thoughts, the girl said:

-You probably this gun to kill her, my mother?! - her eyes lighted by an evil spark, which I had never seen her, but one day the same gleam I watched a witch, its dark as night, Shine.

-You that, Alena?! - I wanted to add: "God is with you," but stopped short.

-I feel. I know of. Speak out, what do you need it.

"Okay, then give me at least a silver cross, - at first I forgot about him at all.

Credit-eats. Oh, what захоте-ate, Yes you got me right to Rob the fatherless, will you, huh?

It was unthinkable, and it was clear that no cross, no gun I can't see. I decided to make one last attempt to reason with her:

-Alena, listen. Just this morning I would have to leave your village and never come back, but... I promised to your father do before the end of his case, and that's why I stayed, stayed to meet those against which it fought...

"Does he struggled with something?! - Alena дурашливо smiled, than made in my soul stirred up feeling uncomfortable. Ha! I never knew! His case... Yes he has one thing to cattle to graze. If you want, tomorrow you will go to pasture instead. Only I don't know, why would you stay there. Ha.

To continue the conversation going was useless. I left the house and walked slowly back across the curve of the village street, ныряющей on пригоркам. Already at the house Barbara I heard someone's rapid steps, and turned, saw me catching Alena. She mysteriously smiled at the girl's arms was a big tarnished from time to time, silver cross, flecked with inscriptions and ornaments, on which lay a sculptural image of the crucifixion of Christ, and the same old gun, similar to the musket last century, with silicon ardour, cast heavy barrel', decorated with ornaments, and a large wooden handle, clumsy and only slightly subsided.

In the hope that with Alyona again happened change, I stopped, waited for her at the entrance of ддвор Barbara and when she came closer, his hand towards it, but девушкка suddenly turned to ддому ведьмячки, and an involuntary movement I had to open the gate.

"I'll take this to the mother, abandoned, passing by, девушкак. - Here it is safer to be maintained, and in the evening father will burial, people собберется much. Steal, look.

I only mouth opened in surprise. The girl was in the house.

Time passed already four o'clock, and I almost physically felt the ruin plans to prepare for the fight. Little of what is known to me was what was ahead, but what should have been done, 't work.

I walked into the house. Pelageya was not. Thoughts in my head spun disorderly in a circle. I раздирало the two. My whole being felt terrible danger, hanging over my life. My soul was torn away from the village, but the duty of the promise given to Ivan, forced to stay and go to the cemetery. At least I had a wooden stake, Yes, and hangman was almost ready. Only had to look for somewhere black cat, Yes cut and burn oak at the grave in a corner of the garden.

Whatever happened, I decided to make something that promised to Ivan Noodles.

Quickly grew dark. I got out of the house into the street, almost running sprinted to the other end of the village, where at the fringes of the left aspen stakes.

To the house of Ivan stretched Noodles villagers, singly, in pairs, threes, frowning all, thoughtful. From the forest on the other side of marshy plain, jumped machine, jeep "UAZ", passed on a curve of the mound, and jumped over the bridge, jumped up on a hill at the entrance to the village and creaked brakes at the gate to the courtyard of the shepherd. I was under the hill, and turned, saw Kaak of the car in black frocks climbed pop with a long white beard and дьяконс незажженным censer, which loose in his hand.

"Where to find the black cat? - painfully I mused, mechanically watching pop crossed the yard to the house of Ivan Noodles, deacon просеменил after him, trying not to step in a puddle and rising above the mud floor of the black caftan pop and old women, расступившись, missed a priest to the house, they bowed to him and quickly crossing himself. - Where to take the black cat?"

Out Василихи to the forest, which had a cemetery, I saw постреленка of five or six, возившегося alone in a roadside ditch and something made in the muck, взболтанной from a puddle.

"Hey, what are you doing? - I went to him, put a bunch of претьев on the ground and stroked мальченку on белобрысой, dirty mind, hair which hung straight icicles.

-I can play here, dad, " answered the boy шмыгнув nose and wiped his sleeve shirts accumulated above the upper lip green snot.

-And your mommy where?

-Mommy went to the funeral.

-And you did not bring?


-And let's you and I поиграемся.

-Come on, dad, and how?

-You get me a black cat find, and I give you candy dam or a piece of sugar. Let?

-Let. Better candy.

-Well. Only you to me have the cat black-black find that without a white spot was that all black, and in the belly and paws.

-Okay, now I will bring.

-And do you know where is it from?

-Find, old man, only candy bring necessarily.

The boy climbed out of the ditch and ran to the village, funny Bouncing with every step, and I followed him to look for in the storerooms of Pelagia, which, like any instructed by the hard life of the old woman hid on the black day of the lot of all kinds of products and things, maybe even not very useful, among which could be and some candy. Lifting on the porch, the corner of my eye I noticed that Malets scouring the yard of the house barbarians, and he would call out, but changed his mind.

The house was empty. I went to the upper room, and from there into the kitchen, got into the Cabinet, chest and began to rummage among the canvas sacks of grains, flour, rice, пшенкой in search of candy or sugar, which eventually finding and thrusting deep into his pocket, had hurried back.

Malets has already pulled оравшего bad voice чернющего cat. It was just marvelous, where so fast he could find required, something that without the use of took me a whole day.

Cat claws and began to brush off paws, одурело his eyes wide, as I attempted to take him to the boy, holding him under the arms from the back. I had to go for the bag. In the end, we made a deal. Cat, трепыхающийся in холщовом sack was in my hand, and candy, dried up to the hardness of the crackers, the little fingers of the boys.

Ten minutes brisk walk, I was in a cemetery but at the heart lay anxiety from that time has been lost, and for quite a short autumn day promised's end and give way to the twilight quickly перейдущим in the night.

Oak was visible from a distance. It stood out vividly against the stunted by its powerful neighbors, curly crown. Making his way between the rickety, rusted fences, abandoned burial pits, неогороженных burial mounds with aspen poles and an axe on his shoulder and a bag with притихшим cat in his hand, I hurried to him. I felt like seconds overtaken me, despite the fact that the movements of my too hasty. Somewhere in aspen poles and bag greatly hindered me, clinging to the fence , monuments, crosses and bushes. In powerless rage I рвл them, pulled, feeling the energy goes out of me like water from a pond, прорвавшаяся through the dam.

The oak was MCP noticeable are the hill, when, apparently, was a grave. I сбросилна it aspen rods, bag, checking whether it is tied, and some time was rushing about in confusion, not knowing which way to go in the first place, whether to cut oak, whether build on the grave of the gallows. I very vaguely imagine why you need both, and therefore confused because of their ignorance.

However, in the end, common sense has prevailed, and, judging that in the light of the fire from a tree cut down, it will be possible to build a gallows and hanged cat, and, conversely, when it gets dark, cut oak in the second turn will be very difficult, I took his axe.

I previously had to chop wood. But this tree was very thick. Here it is good to have a companion with a two-handed saw, and one with an axe work this out too daunting. The more that time was running out, and it seemed that axe gets stuck in the air.

Hands hurt and ached, palms were covered with varicose вулдырями corns and the shoulders were felt from fatigue when, finally, having grinded not too sharp tool thick trunk, like a pencil, only under very obtuse angle, I heard the tree cracked, покачнулось already more than the wind, гнавшего on the sky to the low gray clouds, and повлилось, falling towards the cemetery and powerful their weight straddling my aspen poles

The crown of the tree fell so uncomfortable with that I closed the shortest and the best way through the cemetery to the road leading to Василиху. Luck did not want to accompany my case. The sun has set behind the horizon, and only the scarlet dawn рдела even in the West, heralding tomorrow windy day and quite rapid onset of night.

Chapter 27.

We sat and listened to stories of Valera and Igor how they served in Mongolia, more and more astonished by the things that they talked about. There was even such a moment when it seemed to me that in these stories more fiction than real events. However, one of the mentioned anything like the other would pick up his word and developed the topic further. It could hardly happen such unanimity, whether these stories are invented.

Empty bottles, the number of half-a-dozen, rolling on the floor under the table, and two more were початые, half-empty among the mountains of bones and stubby residues marching snacks. Everything is already fine поднакачались and has not paid even a drop on, if someone looked into the compartment.

Anton left already, just barely sleepy Marina made in the coupe with soaring glasses in the aluminium Cup holders and offered tea. I sat and listened to the stories, in the soul feeling the anxiety of jealousy. I was curious to know what was my companion, but it seems... I guessed already, and gets there was obviously late. About the Light, not worth remembering.

However, I was sitting on pins and needles, and because of this could not last long, still came out, finally, in a corridor. But here were my pains not been completed, and tormented by the strong imagination, I stood alone at the window and was staring past the solid wall plantations endless string of проносившейся past. On mobile fabric of sprays of trees and bushes my mind conjured up a picture, бередившие the soul of his relentless inevitability and illusory nature becoming a reality in the полукупе where went crazy evening, night, and morning. It lasted, but I do not like it hurt him to think that Anton is now somewhere together with Marina, strange and unsympathetic, but the former and my спавшей with me as well as him. Another night to me it seemed like something abstract, not prompted them to serious reflection, not troubled mind and not even bother, but on the contrary, cheerful soul. The world was as easy and clear, but now, on the contrary, heavy Blues changed phony gaiety, and I could not find balance and peace.

I was thrown from one extreme to another, but it internally confusion does not betrayed itself outwardly, and I still stood at the window, painfully thinking that there was already an hour, maybe more, although not actually pass over fifteen minutes.

Along the corridor past me sometimes people passed by. Almost everyone followed by transit through the carriage. Someone went out of the compartment, heading in the vestibule of the smoke. Someone with заспанным, sluggish which usually peculiar to the passengers of trains of distant following, where it is warm, but closely, and can only stand, sit or lie down, and have nowhere to go except the dining car, and there is often do not like to Flex their muscles, протаскивался from the toilet. But none of this concerned me, not even in my consciousness, employed a completely different thoughts.

Despite the fact that I drank, I was not drunk, and I wanted another drink, get drunk to the point where everything becomes either never, or appears in pink color, or completely forgotten. However, back in the left campaign that did not want. Their talk and memories, a few озадачившие and потревожившие my views about the army, which while not positive, and most likely quite dull and grey, but not to such an extent dirty and perverted, what could be formed under the influence of any of these calls.

"It was all so long ago, ' said I, continuing to paint sex scenes with the participation of Anton and Marina, and it will be tried to calm his soul that things had to change. I hope that wherever I go, serve, and everything will be fine..."

I imagined Platz, which is a formation of soldiers, commander with big stars on their shoulder straps, which is me, and then goes, and I begin to command, and soldiers obediently turn, rebuilt from the column in a row, dropping and again form a system, and I stand before them in a form of beauty, and only give my team. And then, in the evening, at six, go home and rest. Perhaps I will get an apartment, and a neighbor will Anton. And in the evenings we will arrange there debauchery, invite guests, have fun. Everything will be fine.

"No, better not to Anton. Let someone else," I thought, and my dreams have vanished and мучавшие bedding picture returned. "Soldiers, soldiers, what soldiers?!" - My thoughts went the other way. "It is strange, what other soldiers, but we have been recently my main concern was the problem of how to sneak out AWOL from the College. Now I had to change its role on the opposite. Whether on forces me this metamorphosis?"

I was a little scary, but from these reflections. The memory memories came about Mongolia and service Valera and Igor:

-As you was when айзеров drove the service in the regiment.

-Well, of course. Their winter eighty-ninth year gave us, and I'm only a year and half the summer's gone.

We on the division of the two thousand of them came, " explained Igor all, in each battery in each rote half айзеров. We in the battery twenty-five people were, and of them those twelve. Everywhere, in all the regiments and battalions. In December sent. All Transbaikalia, said five thousand Dali, and half of which us how to go to the toilet, напихали. That's right, from Mongolia across the border to escape, and from Transbaikalia they quickly all home посмываются. Then just Sumgait events subsided a little, here in the army packs and began to call. Even those who age of military has not reached... And behold, there was Orlov these to us at the division, were herded into one barrack, and they are there for one month were cooked in its own juice - it is in their charges so passed. There is no head of fees, neither the company nor взводные the first two weeks were not displayed, and then подсунуться could not (and feared, because there such mafia emerged that hoo! Айзера after all, when a lot of them, when the crowd to one - because they are courageous, cruel and ruthless. Санинструктора, officers-сверхсрочника was nearly killed when he quarantine them went and tried some of them to lecture... Then their parts are dealt, and began!.. We commander of division on the eve of their arrival the soldiers all built and says: "comrade soldiers, on Monday we get young replenishment: all Azeri. They are people that love, when it is treated fairly. Therefore I ask you to treat them politely, not to dissolve the hands, do with them as equal and not see what you "demobilization" or "scoop". I know if about someone that he is such a nonsense in relation to them suffers - beware, blame yourself! Skin put!" a man-he was harsh, great big fellow, with a half-turn of the road, if that suddenly he finds not predictable, in General. and the soldiers of his fire as feared. And we, the officers and warrant officers he said then: "Well, guys, hold on now! Айзера is two years service, and pain! They floors will not wash, no dishes to clean, and wearing will not work!" As the water looked! I still young then was лейтенантик. Now, like you - " he nodded at me with Anton. I thought he evokes fear. And it all and so it happened. Our-the commander of a battalion had with them serve, and his conclusion was categorical: of all "non-Russians" these, айзера, the most stubborn and obstinate. He told how their brig гноил in the camera bleach poured so that can't breath, eye rivers of tears gushing, the frost out barefoot. And they are all one: "Ne'll wash!" and that's all! Though you burst. When only with a week over them поиздеваешься, then they break. But in a fortnight again refuse: the floors, wash - ne would be, it жэнский work. And what you do with them again just don't do. though prison scare, though in the guardhouse convert, even in the face Bay all useless until a week in a cell with bleach not serve their term. And now the whole service to muster... But it then their little was, one, two in the company, then some of them you could make. And when полбатареи айзеров, there something else we should find and going anywhere!" - Igor breath. - "Well, here! And decided to luminary of the command of the new tactics work with them to elect. And they only have guessed it, immediately began to walk, just their Sergeant embrace, directly to the commander of a battalion and complain. Of unfair treatment. And so skillfully, you bastards, enjoyed the quiet pronunciation and ignorance of Russian words that until something for him to explain, QC sheep проблеют, he already рассвирепеет and who did not even understand what the matter was, that the commander of the Department or замкомвзвода as enraged lion is thrown. Here and someone immediately goes, and battalion commander. And this is only the name of the Sergeant barely pronounce and anything else rambling, pointless with a plaintive views pronounce all the machine started working.

-Yes, we also used to have it in the battalion, " agreed Valera. - Only different a bit. The commander of the first freebooters gave them, and then watching them and do the impossible: mopping the floors don't want to dress remove not want, do not work, in the dining room at the corners of proliferation, whispering to her, when they put there on duty. The guard put them afraid, because suddenly weapons anything учудят or no officer, the commander of the guard, shoot them. Well, he decided to plant a few of them for the procedure and an example to others to онихоть once obeyed. Steel everything according to the law do refused to work or mopping the floors - write an explanatory note why. Several explanatory accumulated - report of the team: open a criminal case, and all. And here comes a report to division commander. He is to us in the battalion comes: "Comrade Colonel, you don't know how people work! I'll show you now how it is done!" And let these айзерам show. How to wash floors. Himself rag in hand picked, a bucket with water, washes and says that. as a Yes. And these standing looking, as a Colonel, the commander of the division, they were in the barracks removed...

He then General received, in the ninetieth, - said Igor.

-Really?! surprised Valera.


-Well, it's not important, after a pause of wonder waved his hand Valera. -Now, he washes the floors, wash, and then said айзерам: "see how I was doin? - Let us now and you so!" And they answer: "Ne будэм!" Well, commander of the furious twin beds turned, noise done and said battalion commander: "Educate yourself your soldiers!"

-The best is yet to come, - said Igor. -Then what started! Everyone thought they were closer to дембелю rest, Yes, there it was! Just the opposite! They began to grow brown, more and more. And what they, in fact, be afraid of? How much they mess done - not one of them but not jailed. Take the case in the infantry, when deuces айзеров stools beat platoon leader to such an extent that his face turned into a bloody mess, and it was difficult to know! This is the eighty-ninth. You must know about it, Valera.

-Yes, I remember...

-So what do you think?! Plant them? Figs with two! Sent to serve in Kyakhta.

-I in Kyakhta serve, " said Constantine.

-Oh, maybe you about this story you know! Have sent them to serve in Kyakhta. There they were beaten to death chains officer, but not jailed. But turned back to us, in Баганур: take, they say, their soldiers and nurture. In the infantry after that and even the hands were lowered, and they did there, he wants to. But that's nothing. In August ninetieth айзера refused to perform any orders of commanders and even peaceful message to your own address is not perceived. They demanded to them by mid-September, was fired all, was put on a plane and sent directly to Azerbaijan. This requirement, they came up to the commander of the division, who by that time the General managed to get. He promised them to do it, but they were not satisfied and to make it clear to the authorities don't joke, organized a hike in Ulan Bator, where the headquarters of the army. From the us there is far - hundred and twenty kilometers, plus two pass, through which the machine hard to get over I would never come! But you know - it worked!.. We in the exercise were somewhere in the beginning of September. And айзера that in our regiment that in a tank that anti-aircraft missile, - but there was smaller, - infantry both already have been deduced in the Union, behold, айзера refused even though on classes to go, though, especially on the polygon ride, remained in the barracks. In the evening we come back from shooting to the barracks approach, and I don't understand time, about nine o'clock in the evening, and the barracks and on the parade ground, at the headquarters everywhere officers fully core staff, chiefs. Our entrance of the commander of regiment with some lost views. All excited and aroused! The soldiers at the landfill is exhausted during the day, tired, only to bed without undressing, left to fall on the ground are persecuted, on the evening check, if they have a whole day in the barracks прохлаждались... Well, weapons, instruments set, and I to the commander of the division's appeal, they say, home is you can go: tired, I want to sleep now, with legs fell, while I was behind the battalion steer. He growl at you: "Comrade Lieutenant! You what, are you crazy?! Regiment commander here! And you, commander of the platoon, gathered home!" and here I stand as spit on, and think to myself with resentment: "What is the regiment commander here? So let them! He at the landfill was not, and I'm tired as a dog," and the shiver: I don't know what happened, and all created by around unclear and goes beyond the usual. Only learned later, Azerbaijanis, about eight in the evening from all parts of the assembled at our barracks, погудели, like a swarm of bees, and in steppe went to Ulan - Bator, - I mean... The commander of the division, he learned about this, разведбат, our "home" spetsnaz, raised the alarm on himself on UAZ, a reconnaissance company on "Urals". And let's catch up with these idiots чернож...pykh. They already twenty kilometers away from the town, when he overtook them. The reconnaissance company blocked the road with guns blazing, but айзера-the - know that the shoot will not be just like water through your fingers through this chain leaked and went further. Scouts, though they guys were tall, ninety-meter, Yes the Russians, as the selection, but something shunned did wrong. And that they, in fact, shoot? They would've been there for two thousand monkeys bare hands strangled, they would put a hundred't yet. Yes, and who gave the command to shoot?.. well, then commander himself ran out , ahead of the car that crowd. On my knees stood up and let them beg crook them to come back. Then he and promised them a second time and has firmly that on the aircraft in mid-September in Azerbaijan will be sent. And how! He's just General received. I had to save their shoulder! Here it is in all sorts of tricks, you have to go. Including such... and now, he persuaded all this bunch of back to the barracks, even (you know!) forced scouts who are with him come, walking back to the town to come back, and those monkeys on the machine planted and before midnight, to and fro, and carried, only they would not change your mind. And the next day, just in a tank regiment officers strike was declared. The most genuine! And started with her before the division headquarters Deputy commander of a tank regiment. The condition was simple: as long as the commander of the division айзеров not приструнит and not make them at least in combat training to participate and to submit to the routine of the day, the officers of the service will not go. Such a reaction, of course, the division commander did not expect, but still, itself in response reacted promptly: in many parts handed to all the classes, all the work in the parks, on the machines were conducted, and personally, each unit commander was standing in the check-technical paragraph, output, and watched that no officer, especially the youngest, from the location of the Park will not come out. Isolate so wanted. But the information still somehow leaked and we have almost all platoon commanders, комбаты many eleven o'clock, were already sitting in the garrison House of officers... the Commander of the division there too soon arrived. He began to ask questions, requirements, almost accusations put forward. He is a sly Fox, with three boxes officers promised these things: and instigators of-the leaders of Azerbaijanis plant, and from warehouses of the commodity and food remove warehousemen-soldier of Azerbaijani - sufficient. That all the heads of these almshouses - айзера, and give commanders parts resolution on self-excitation of criminal cases, and the hands are not покладать. Until everything is done, but the two days on vacation умотал and all things had passed on to his deputies. It was quiet. However, a tank regiment still long to boil. Deputy commander of a regiment was there explanatory case, incidentally, said. He was still in GDOs комдиву said that for a long time already collects information, and he reportedly division of Azerbaijanis has developed a strong underground organization split into three, and having even the Council, whose leaders, well camouflaged, are in the battalion of material support. The Council manages the entire organization, having in its composition that five members, among which was the son of mullahs, who was also a well-disguised. There flocked to all information, and each of the Azerbaijanis at the bottom of the very afraid. To the other two of his three't caught him in weakness to submit to and obey the officers and sergeants, because then it would be'll be sorry. The Council was engaged in extortion and everyone had monthly fee in one to two thousand Tugrik, is ten salaries soldier per month. Where they are produced, the Council somehow didn't care. Where can undertake such money? He actually encouraged bribery, theft, and produced by such funds were bought from the Mongol for a few hours, as taxi drivers, truck and drove the most favourite and close to the top of the meeting in Ulan Bator, where the court" infantry regiment "army" elite settled. By the way, and rebelliousness all theirs first, Ulaanbaatar, started, and then to the us, on the periphery of the spilled over. And they happen to be, when in March on the capital went, went to support the hunger-strikers there countrymen... When I listened to all of this, I have hair on the head is moving, the commander listened, agreed, promised vacation умотал, and we айзерами remained stew in their own juice... too September has come to an end, айзерота again inquired, with the promise of something комдивское. Уговоренное, has not been fulfilled. Here they were already threaten the abduction of the wife or child of any of the officers as hostages to send home. You know, than similar tricks threaten. And that's almost two weeks this whole катавасия he wrote. Officers on айзеров spitted : let them do what they want. Soldiers Russians, Uzbeks, which these oppressed, for himself and for those monkeys in the dresses, the sentries on the work of the fly, and these get up about eight, before lunch, the heap will gather a crowd, without fail go into the dining room, then set down somewhere in the sun where it's warm and Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo until the afternoon. And so the whole day. remember, the commander of the regiment of the dining room there is, and айзера past him a bunch pass, hands in pockets, his side do not even look like there's an empty place. And behind the commander of the company is approaching, and, well, Colonel shouts: "Comrade captain, and bring order to these soldiers!" And he answers: "Bring yourself, comrade Colonel, I will not listen!" The commander of the regiment had snapped: "Make to you listen, comrade captain!" "And I'll make?" in turn asks the commander, and, indeed, what he can do: face to beat the law can not and I will not give myself айзера face beat in the guardhouse plant - funny: first, it is for them to talk, and, secondly, even before going their Ulan Bator in the same ill-fated tank division few Azerbaijanis put in the guardhouse, so the rest of learning, came to караулке and became the commander of the guard require that the freed arrested and even to convincing sound, breaking the barrier around a guardhouse. Soldiers who guard stood, and there Russians almost all of whom айзера every day in the barracks face and beat him, harassed and humiliated, as they wanted to trouble the new't get in, hiding in the guardhouse. Well, that the chief of the guard not timid guy was, machine grabbed, jumped out into the yard, turn gave up and warned: "the Following give you, if you don't stop!" they stopped, but then another two hours of караулки crowding, while the head of the political section of the division came and freed arrested, - have-did his... By the way, the chief of the guard then this two weeks with a gun walked up to the end of history, because they had sentenced him to death, and hopes on anyone to yourself, Yes the gun, the senior Lieutenant left. Him how many times ordered to surrender their weapons, but he would not hear: who else can guarantee the safety of life - examples-that much has been that the officer there is nobody to defend and soldier justify what atrocity he would not done, especially if it айзера and, moreover, if them two thousand of the garrison, and each of these two thousand knows, what do you want to revenge, and just watch a good case of when you will decide... Shorter, such is the Abracadabra was until айзеров, still not decided to demobilize earlier than usual, because every day became worse and worse: in the morning already and don't know whether the service to go, whether at home, wife, yeah baby guard that the door has not planted and not stolen... I like the morning will come into service, and know that in the evening of Azerbaijanis planted in cars and sent to Налайх, under Ulan Bator, where a military airfield used to be. And something other soldiers too excited. It is understood of course that is easier for them to come, but they too excited and animated. And later already heard from some of the conversations that night, it turns out, the boundaries of what was happening: the whole division gathered and let айзеров drive along the barracks. What was happening there, can not describe, the more that I do not have caused the alarm, the - all the officers informed about me and seemed to forget, but smote them, threshed two hours, until they hit upon the division headquarters ломануться. Importantly, commander of the already from vacation had returned, out of the house runs out, I'm told, and past the crowd for айзерами chases. She across: "stop it, stop it, I command you! Wait, I General, I division commander!" And all of the soldiers rushing past him with sticks, bricks, and nobody pays any attention. One, however, the soldier stopped and said, "Well from what you General?! I fuck you put!" - Continue пошпарил, time to lose, don't want, need for all to be in time for revenge... Айзера when we ran into the division headquarters, a duty staff jumped out with a gun. The crowd in front of the entrance to the headquarters stopped, smoke, not diverge. Айзера only from the headquarters of the lean - осмелеют, means - as them back in the building will be made. Then Trucks drove, айзеров посажали in the body, and they started to get under way , as under the awnings bricks flew. Sticks. Stones, that hand was. "Првожающие" on both sides of the road are lined up and let them good-bye to regale... But they who left were lucky. But forty of them had not time to leave, and on them all night came off. Done all kinds of things: they floors in the barracks washed, and in the toilet cleaned. The bald their tonsured, and the hounds in the toilet head помакали little to cool blood. Say, if officers in the barracks was not there at all killed. The officers were defending them, not zealously, of course, and so, for близира, then to the Armory was locked to reach them failed, and left them there for the whole night... these were the case, concluded the narrator. - Айзера then another two weeks in tents at the airfield lived in full dress uniform, without food. And then the airborne transport "Il" planted and drove home. They were said as the Caspian sea saw and immediately you mind began to go: jump, shout, run on the compartment, cuddle. And the pilots are angry with them and to calm down, the hatch opened and so almost to the Baku flew. Айзера immediately subsided, but when the plane went out, all blue were, as broilers at us in shops. In General, conducted with the service, as they deserve, and not officers did, and soldiers, the people that's called, атмейский..."

Someone touched my arm. I turned around and saw a girl:

"Could you help me? She wanted to know.

Chapter 28.

Oak does not want to light up. Until I ran into the village for the fuel to запалить its probably another hour passed.

Gasoline find not immediately, just by chance I found out that one in Василихе holds motorcycle, though long ago, does not drive. He helped me. The happiness of the old man himself admitted that somewhere in the shed he perfectly fits полканистры gasoline.

"But, why? "He asked.

-Yes there is a priest brought the machine, and back almost sufficient lied I: the machine is long gone.

Approaching the cemetery, I felt a shiver in all States. It felt as if I was someone already waiting there. In the thick dusk suddenly tense silence, and the deeper I climbed the cemetery, the stronger became the feeling of fear, accompanied this infinite expectation of meeting the unknown.

Only be reached already in the blind corner, where he lay in an unmarked grave felled me oak, I heard terrible screams cat, and strange, but suddenly became easier and safer. I suddenly became even feel sorry for the poor animal, which was to become the victim of this strange struggle, in which it is unknown why I got involved and now was to make strange, absurd actions.

I pulled the poles and a bag of cat away to the side, doused trunk of an oak, starting from the lower end to the very top, lost in the crumbling yellow leaf crown of gasoline canisters fired him and only managed to throw a couple of steps, as a huge pillar of fire, чадящий thick smoke, went up, all the mining cemetery.

Wood cracked, застонало, swallowed by the flames, crown broke out thousands dry out like the gunpowder leaves, but then almost extinguished, flaring up gradually with new force. Near this huge fire was already unbearable to stand the heat. Had to take a sack and aspen whips even further into the forest.

Cat in several places tore the bag, but could not get out, and now зыркал through these holes on the raging flames. So he did not run away, I tied it in a bag so that now he couldn't there and move.

The forest grew up on this side of the cemetery was kind of strange, rare and short. Still light when in General, when a General notice anything this time was not, I caught a glimpse noticed that the trees around some sprawling, with squat, round crowns and crooked trunks. Now, coming closer to them and not believing his eyes, I found that it was some fruit trees, pears or apples.

This was certainly not the forest likely garden, has long been abandoned and overgrown other trees, wild bushes and tall grass, why, and learn it was not possible now, perhaps, even to the former owner.

Then, in the afternoon, it seemed to me that in the depth of this little "forests" are seen sharp roofs of some buildings. But then I just dismissed this absurd conjecture, intelligently, accepting panelists sharp spires and roofs for longer trees, rising above the rest of his brothers. Their visible especially from the center of the cemetery. The road they merged with the surrounding green mass, скрадывались on the background of полго rising slope barely perceptible hill, in the hollow of which was the cemetery.

Now, when from a bright, high flame forest became like Lacy, transparent, I became clearly visible ruins of the house, gleaming in reaching its moss-covered walls всполохах fire bloodred breaks, a bright green, заплесневелом background of the skeleton of the building.

If spellbound I moved, pushing through the thick between the branches of trees, high grass and bushes, to that arising from nothing vision. Strange images began to appear one after another in my head, gradually transforms itself into something issued. I recollected read in the attic of his Pelagia old letters, text excerpts from the book, event, events, budora"iv ie this area and the population of several centuries ago. Thought that I could guess who was mentioned in the writings, as the owner of the land where he lived, where his home was, his mansion, where lived his serfs.

My thoughts, blinded and frightened by the sudden opening, huddled together, then fled, and did suddenly gathered in some design, firmly perched on the facts that I know.

Around the light was almost like day. However shadows сучковатых branches Bouncing around on the mossy walls, done it all even more illusive than if only the Moon poured out here from heaven your silver, mysterious light. It seemed that the stones breathe and move, as scales of the huge monster. Creepy could they even touch the walls of ramshackle buildings, the remains of which showed the commitment of its long sunken into oblivion the host of the Gothic style, but, I forced myself to do it.

Fingers lay on the cold, rough stones, wet from the first dew. Now the thought of yawning black void of Windows leap someone or something, for which I arranged all this terrible event, but the minutes passed, and the silence was broken only my steps on the debris of bricks and rubble in the grass under his feet. And longed to go inside the building, but something stopped me. First, it is unlikely that anything interesting, capable to excite my surprise, left there, after all these places probably along and across излазили village boys, and secondly, even if something worthwhile there still remained the same, already rotted away from moisture and ruthless time. Besides, despite the fact that in a few hundred meters brightly blazed a huge bonfire in the house remained dark, and the rays of a flame penetrate inside through the holes, holes and blind niches Windows in the walls.

I rounded the house round about. On the other side stood the blackest darkness, but nevertheless it was noticeable that a fairly large space is almost completely devoid of vegetation, and on the far edge of its walls were of wood, on which the dancing shadows from the spires and roofs of the houses, is seen oblong, squat building, as well dilapidated and iridescent blue lights, like fireflies, Roy accumulated there, moved by his remains.

Driven by curiosity, I went there and saw something resembling a stable or barn. "Maybe hence the huge wolf like lambs had a healthy horses," thought I, remembering the extracts from the diary of the doctors, and передернулся all from the rush on me cold chills.

The further presence here was done all the more painful for me, and I hurried back to the cemetery, where burning, though not so bright and strong, large oak tree, although there is a special comfort and safety for some reason is not felt, especially now, when my back, I felt the cold breath of the dead estate filled with seemingly uncanny shadows of the past, like зацепившегося for her remains and not wanting to get out.

Oak догорал dispersed on several bright red boulders, blistering hot sparks on the ground. One of them was on the grave, where I had put the gallows. There it was still impossible to come from bursting heat huge coal. I didn't know how much time I have left, but was from the fact that everything was so bad. Now I was literally пробирало cold to think, that with me there is the most important weapons, and to protect: the silver cross and silver bullets. All this was now the barbarians.

In the head I got a ridiculous idea, that if I went to Barbara and very well ask her to give me the cross and bullets, citing Ivan Noodles, then she'd give them to me, because a human was still remain. As I reflected on it, supported by the hopelessness of her position, she seemed more real and believable, and soon even it is surprising for me was like this before I have not guessed to do so. "Will not eat me, in the end, Varvara", - thought I, twit from the continual state of fear, in which he remained still since only entered the cemetery land, but it did not show himself in this report.

The sense of danger dim I have so much that I just sat down on the ground, leaning against the thin trunk of a tree, feeling the warm skin of the face rdeyuschie remains of oak trunk, enveloped in blue lights shooting out from the fiery bowels of holding another stem form of coal, and began to lazily and slowly reflect shall I go down to Varvara or to wait when you can put a gallows and вздернуть it black as ebony cat. Everything else, until now беспокоившее me, retreated somewhere in the darkness of the surrounding world, not hiding there, to return then with all his ruthlessness inevitability, and gone forever, as if left heinous their attempts and harassment of my destiny.

I sat for so long, until suddenly, heart-rending yells cat, again suddenly began to scream and flutter in the bag, not brought me back to reality. I realized that I almost fell asleep for quiet contemplation, warmed by the warmth догорающего oak, and, поежившись from the consciousness of the whole horror of what would then happen, shook his head and got up, determined to act.

Coals which had fallen on the ground, barely burning now, and the darkness is coming right up close and make me worry about and заторопиться. Hardly found in the high grass axe. On in the dark, almost at random отесывая, binding and bonding pole between them, I looked around, turned to the right, left, fearing seriously and consciousness of danger, how would anyone unknown to me not approached in this darkness too close and not attacked me on the sly. And the fact that nothing boded ill that night was quite warm for this season, the same tangible, cheerful, calm as always, that the world around does not make sounds of fear and flight, was not filled with horror nightmare, all this roused in me more and more growing concern. It seemed that Nature itself along with those against whom I had to fight that she сговорилась with them, entered into the sinister Alliance, and is now trying to deceive me, to lull my vigilance of its calmness and equanimity. And the most terrible was that it was pretty good. She was around me, she owned the land on which I stood, and the darkness that descended from heaven, and those trees and grass that surrounded me, clung to me their branches, got into eyes, scratching, prevented move her legs.

Coals stopped giving light. They were still visible in the dark purple-red Milky way, простершимся before legs, flared brightly, it was worth to step on it and crush, but still burn out and were just about to fade away altogether. However, hangman, as bad as things are, and fragile it may be, is still lying in front of me, and had only вкопать her in a low, grave mound, still Smoking under the remnants of fire.

I threw the axe embers, freeing Piglet in the middle of the mound, and began to hack warm, hot even the land. Soon formed hole, but it was not enough to safely and securely deliver instrument of execution. Cat meanwhile raged in the bag stronger and more. His heart-rending yells, разносившиеся the entire cemetery, became more and more threatening, and I have not a little fear, as though not the opposite happened, and I myself did not have to share the fate prepared this animal. It seemed that the cat is calling someone for help, sensing his death, and he must come to the aid, I have been hurt.

I drove from these terrible, delusional fantasies, but they would not leave my mind. Of course, I have not come here for a walk. But somewhere deep down glimmered, lived still hope that everything would turn out today those fears, I has suffered a great deal, that would suffice. And hanging cat in this full moon night in the cemetery, I consciousness of accomplishment, tired and survived all went to sleep to a fortune "Пантелеихе".

Finally, utrambuvavshy knee down around a vertical stand, I was ready, and, taking the cat through the bag with one hand tried to get him, but озверевшее of horror and anguish animal расцарапало my palm in the blood.

Like the burnt I drew the brush. In my head flashed the thought, not hang whether it right in the bag, the more that I haven't noticed a sadistic inclinations and wasn't going to watch the dying convulsions of the victim, and just did my duty, as suddenly, having made an incredible strength and agility movement, the cat escaped after my hand in the formed hole in the bag, slipped through my fingers. Its glossy black ash-silvery Shine bright moonlight back flashed before my eyes, and I only managed to grab his hind leg.

Feline body прогнулось arc, and its teeth and claws dug into my and without the wounded hand, however, flustered, I have not dropped a sack, and wrestled with him only by the fact that tried not to close his fingers, despite the extreme pain. Charter, animal hung down his head. In the moonlight I was well seen his unusually long carcass, limply крутившаяся few seconds on his right foot and the left. But soon, before I could even figure out what you need to intercept the cat the other hand, he plucked up again forces, again bent over, clutching ухватившие him for the finiteness of the fingers.

Like crazy I watched for his attempts to free herself, and it seemed to me something abstract, my head is spinning some extraneous thoughts. I suddenly thought that I'm hungry and instantly if lightning секануло. I remembered that I forgot about the garlic, I completely missed that in your head, and at that very moment, when this conjecture scared me the world turned around suddenly and loudly хрустнув, broke into pieces, as the delicate crystal mirror. In his scattered fragments of dumbness and real estate night seemed only insidious mask behind which is hidden, изготовившись sure to catch the prey, something terrible and strong in his ruthless honesty carnivorous contempt for my life and the lives of other things.

Somewhere nearby, frightened silence, закауркал, sang, загорлопанил owl, he echoed immediately another, then a third, fourth, if gathered around the cemetery in ambush and now together intending to drive game, and as if on a signal, then polyphonic yelling, the earth under your feet came down.

I felt like I was standing on a huge pancake, which is going to turn the other party, and immediately fell back, not retaining an equilibrium. So is drunk guy who can't understand, whether the snake is not holding him and kicking underfoot, or whether he can not maintain an upright position. Only the first thinks: "Do earthquake?", and in my head sounded: "am I drunk?"

Cat rowed three loose pawed the ground, trying to sneak back and throwing her lumps me in the face, but I wouldn't let him, when suddenly under my belly earth вспучилась, exactly вскипая, and rose to the surface, pouting and going to burst, a huge bubble pair. Обомлев of surprise and terror, I pulled hand to itself so that in weak fingers to the bone cat feet хрустнула. The cat screamed wildly and sunk his teeth and claws in my brush with such a furious rage that my hand involuntarily also lost its grip.

The animal had disappeared in the darkness, but I was not to the chase. Created by around left in the released immediately from all of the thoughts of the head but the throbbing with the speed of взбесившегося heart "Started!"

Something fell on top of me, and I guessed that it вывороченная of land осиновя gallows doubt that me nothing seemed, as it happens, there was no more. I jumped on the floor, and then the terrible picture compelled to cool the blood in my veins, appeared before me in the moonlight.

Graveyard earth was in full swing and пучилась, but instead of steam from the depths of her outward portrayal of strange creatures. All was moan coming from nowhere. Beings, bright отсвечивающие white, exactly фосфорисцирующие in the moonlight, much like people. They became more and more, and this picture was drawn to me with his appalling act. I откзывался believe my eyes, and even tried to wipe them, but nothing was missing.

Finding the strength to finally сьросить heavy shackles daze, I turned around to find long-cooked stake lying somewhere nearby, is the only weapon of all, which would now be necessary, and saw the tomb, where a minute ago there was hangman, torn up, and from it emerged the huge Ghost of his way to me now with greedy hands outstretched. It was a man, or rather, the body of a man, but well kept and looks like a living, but I was less afraid, and in my soul there was nothing but misery, Yes barely a glimmering thought that salvation comes only overcoming fear and somehow defensively.

Instinctively stepping back, I stumbled on something and, bending down, felt the surface drafted aspen stake, picked him up and got ready, gaining spirit to defend himself.

Фосфорисцирующие shadow of the vampire leaned towards me from all parts of the cemetery.

Reality mixed with a dream, but a dream it was also a nightmare, as really, it was impossible to get away.

That was the strength of hit I pointed end aspen stake nearest of ghouls, feeling, as he gently, MCP encountering the resistance of the skin, entered his body. Heard the clapping sound, but it turned the other, like the howl coming from all sides.

Vampire issued a prolonged groan and fell to the ground, but others were already very close.

Hitting two or tre, not remembering itself, I rushed headlong, falling, растягивясь on пляшущей under your feet, shaking хожящей earth, lifting and again resorting to their heels. It seemed that I caught and хватят, but being already on the road to Василихе, I turned around and saw that vampires are far behind. Their фосфорсцирующая the crowd was still far away, but they still followed me and did not intend останасливаться.

Already on the outskirts of the village it dawned on me what kind of trouble навлекаю I at its inhabitants. However, the change was not at my best when I thought about it, pausing for a second, like vampires appeared from the forest. Further there was no escape.

In the house of Вравары burned greenish light. The window in the hut Pelagia Пантелеевны and in the neighbor on the other side of the streets were dark and lifeless. I paused in indecision at the gate to the yard witches, glances at the upcoming вмпиров.

I had no time to think, I am guilty of this invasion, or it would have happened anyhow. We needed something to do, something to redeem himself and, if possible, to save others.

Suddenly I caught myself thinking that me not to give a damn that I try to fool myself that feel the need to defend someone besides himself, trying to impose on yourself now this need to be a defender.

This маленькя, God abandoned, lost in a boundless world village not interested in anyone, including me. What will be with it, with its residents, that was going on yesterday, is today and will be происходитьзавтра, does it exist at all in this world and how many more will exist, never интересоваломеня as well as the fate of tens of thousands of these villages and settlements. And these horrors, which as in a dirty puddle, I've been running today, is only a particular occurring only here and nowhere else. Maybe somewhere events happen and even more terrible, but they only particular location in which to arise as dirty, greasy stain on the clothes, which in other places is clean and dry, and the people living there never заинтересуютмя, do not take to heart what is некасательно them somewhere in a strange away, that was never really for them did not exist and will not exist, and for which they clearly the concept of "nowhere".

Maybe now vampires will carry this peopled small, secluded, solitary world, erased from the face of the earth, leaving behind only the dead and useless houses, livestock and livestock owners. So what? Who cares? Who will дознаваться, dig, why, and why, as happened this disaster, that there has actually happened?! And if I don't have time now to escape, escape, escape from this nightmare, the causes of which do not understand and I do not have anything to do with them, will be carried out together with him into the abyss of the past.

Animal fear, просыпающееся in a moment of mortal danger, a familiar already before, had possessed me, because before I delay, it is unknown why staying at the gate to the yard Barbara, vampires have approached to a distance of a few steps, and the next minute I would enjoy my blood.

I turned to the gate. The Windows of the house of the witch was smoldering green spots. "From the frying pan into the fire!" I thought to myself, feeling as if in mortal anguish and despair hurt heart, turning into elastic lump the size of a walnut.

Flinging open the gate, I ran to the house. Someone grabbed me by the back of clothes. Fabric shirt затрещала, and I managed to escape.

"It is interesting that feels fly, getting in a sticky spider network?" - he thought the second as my body with a crash has encountered strong, oak door, слетевшую of whack with loops and грохнувшись with me in the dark corridor. Hum fall echoed as if I broke not in the wooden porch of the hut, and in the stone cave of the grotto.

Sharp pain of the bruises spread around the body. In the eyes darkened, although around and without, as it seemed, it was dark.

"Well, that's caught," I thought suddenly indifferently and sank into oblivion.

Chapter 29.

The girl looked at me attentive, unblinking, and I could not figure out where I am and what they wanted from me.

-There poorly with my grandmother, " she said.

-What is your grandmother? - I could not understand anything.

-With my neighbor. She was shaking all.

-Where is it?

"There, " the girl led me along, turning now and then and talking on the go. Is it normal was like, and then suddenly fall as задергается. Eyes turned back, some proteins visible hands скрючило, breath some intermittent, sometimes it seems that it does not. and then... I'm so scared.

We were in a compartment where on the bottom shelf in front of me opened a bad picture. Old woman, old, wrinkled, colored, like a baked Apple, with locks of silver-gray hair, выбившимися from under the colorful scarves, lay опрокинувшись on his back. And not even lay, and bobbed up and down on it. Signs of consciousness is not observed. Eyes, in fact, entered the подлобье. The old woman was a major trembling, her mouth was yellow foam, and when she suddenly sighed deeply, that happened more often than once or twice in a minute, roaring mass involved in the lungs.

The sight caused me брезгливое disgust, born from the mere thought that it should be closer, but, having overcome it, not without difficulty. I leaned over to the old woman, to meet a flying from it in all directions spray of saliva and the stench, grabbed her bony hands, turned on its side. Why foam immediately slow, large ошлепинами began to fall on the floor.

-That with her? - The girl sat down next to me, paying no attention to омерзительность what is happening.

I don't know, I'm not a doctor, " I replied. - Perhaps it's an attack of epilepsy or some shit like that.

Jaw old woman suddenly with a clang shut, and I began to remember. That heard about them, and how to act.

-Give some stick, umbrella or something like that. She has to close his mouth and to put something solid, so that she could not eat. Otherwise it'll choke.

The girl hurried rushing to his things, but time was lost, and this threatened the fact that the old woman could now suffocate. It was urgent to do something. I finally remembered that in such a state language sink down into the throat and closes the path of air into the lungs. Swift and sudden I turned the old woman on yourself, face down, and heavy foam spilled on the floor, but it was not enough.

Girl, finally, something sought out and slipped my hand. I don't know. How it happened, but I managed to close his mouth Granny and put it between the teeth of the resulting object.

It took quite a long time before the attack turned the old woman, and fight her disease successfully completed. Now she lay still pale but already live, opening the eyes and уставившаяся them on me as a stranger from another world.

-This happens to me too - weak, thin, her voice guiltily. It seems as if the requested an apology for what happened to her.

-Nothing, - I tried to tone of voice given to understand that you are not don't like and certainly not blaming her for anything.

-And you with us going? - Asked the old woman.

-Of course, how did I get here?

Grandmother silent, and then suddenly for no reason, no reason said:

Give me your hand. I in your eyes see you have an interesting fate.

Such a transition somewhat confused me but still I held out her open hand.

The old person began to change. The shade of surprise, fear, curiosity began to sweep it, replacing each other quickly, slowly. In the end, apparently, horror all the same beat all the other manifestations of her soul, and I heard:

Boy, terrible your hand, " she began finger on the palm of your hand. Glory to you soon awaits. Much fame. But the glory that will be black... but this star means that help you be for the glory of force large. It will not even people... Hmm, strange, I am no one saw. Yeah, but it's a sign of Satan himself. And the journey to Mars lies. He will help you. Inheritance you have already received or will receive in the near future, but then lose it... And attain wealth, and the whole world will be in front of you, but then abyss... Oh, man, how many live with that hand is not seen! Dirt, oil will be a lot to you, and from you to many people! And death want - you don't get: black prevent and guide them to himself, and marries his. There's the star, here are four cross on Jupiter from the line in the finger at the moon and to the sign of Satan. And your heart will be broken, and many people from thee shall perish... No, the guy say more: scary thy hand watch. Go, go here...

-Why did you started to wonder grandma?! - I was amazed.

The old woman did not answer, and I pursing of nowhere, out of the coupe in the corridor, not even finding the strength to say goodbye.

Left alone for very short time. The girl followed me and stood beside the window, trying to look me in the face.

-Don't take offense at it, " she said. Would you be offended by the old man? Thank you, in fact, that helped her, I don't even know to do if you hadn't helped.

-What would you do? - I caught the sound of his voice the notes of sarcasm. - Nothing. Just would present at the death of a neighbor in the compartment.

-Why do you say that?! - She is clearly affronted.

-And what? - I have always seduced excited women, I just started to admire them, as enraged cats. The hidden charms of the facial features. facial expressions, grace in posture and movements suddenly appeared on the surface from under the tongue-in-cheek, invented by mask, a certain stereotype daily convenient, greyish behaviour and way, and then a singularity of women's nature is manifested in all of this fleeting and fascinating, so that in this very ghostly essence could recklessly love in a few moments, and then the whole life of wonder and wonder how this happened and whether it was all really, or was only born as the fruit of their imagination in a moment of unusual excitement.

I barely saw. That girl's not just pretty, but pretty and charming, as suddenly behind us came a thick bass:

-Young people. Do you want to make a campaign?

I turned. Speaking was a tall, broad-bone man, возвышавшимся me two heads. He incomprehensible, wandering grin looked down on us growth, and looked from me to the girl and back.

-What is the campaign? Drink?

-Of course, my dear, drink, he patted me on the shoulder a hefty man. - Have a drink, sit down and talk. It's so nice, especially on the road, when bored and have nothing to do.

Girl, anger which it was not possible to boil over, immediately demonstratively left with pursed lips.

-Oh, and where are your friend чесанула? - Surprised the man when the door of the compartment slammed in his face.

-Yes, it's not my girlfriend at all - I was justified. - So, just chatted.

-A-a! you see the kind! Shook his head my new interlocutor, still looking at the door as if pinning her through and through with his eyes, and as mysteriously and uncertain smile.

-Okay. Come on, I'll treat.

He touched the palm of my shoulder, offering to go along with him, but outraged by such an address, I tried to resist, натужившись hard, resulting in only disgraced, uttering a sound. So ashamed and avoid in any society, and that people of any age and education are met with hostility, bewilderment and contempt.

Is you пукаешь? Asked Maypole, without any exertion and effort moving me in the right direction. -Don't worry, boy, to me no need to argue. I because you are much older and stronger. Besides, I'm not gonna nothing wrong.

Realizing that resistance truly useless and even comical when viewed from the side, I relaxed and walked guided strong, large and with a sure hand. We come to the last coupe, entered it, and were in the campaign of a teenage girl. Maybe she was older than looked really, but short hair "under the boy gave her ease, kicked aged and add levity around her appearance. She was Smoking a long cigarette, coupe smelled of menthol. On the table was an appetizer, откупоренная Cannonball bottle "Napoleon" with bright, charming hungry gaze label, four glasses. A huge chocolate bar, наломанная negligent pieces scattered wrapping foil, involuntarily forced to draw attention to themselves. "Here goes not a simple person, - flashed in my head at the sight of all this abundance and from the sensation of pleasant sweet smell of expensive cigarettes, which are sheared girl were clearly not too expensive, and probably served refreshments from the owner of all this gastronomic wealth, from which it was hard to choose. In fact, why not sit and drink a good cognac, not eat his chocolate. Moreover, the campaign, in fact, does not threaten a riot and unexpected complications".

'Have a seat! - Commanded me big boy and turned to the girl-teenager. "I found us a cavalier... And the lady with him was so painfully гонористая. Went.

-Yes is not with me it was! By itself! - Again made excuses I fear now, as if I was not invited out. It seems this frail, just the weak girl had a husky great effect, once it before so it was justified. Now, suddenly, I really wanted to cognac and chocolate, and at the same time expensive basic menthol. I suddenly felt myself on the position of prostitutes, продавшейся for lunch, but tried to get rid of nasty, unpleasant thoughts.

-Well, okay, okay, not make excuses, if the entering in my position, uttered big guy, meanwhile, pouring in glasses of brandy. - Everything is fine, everything is clear. The main thing that there are three people, because it is already a campaign in which you can sit well. However, Annie?

Anyuta, this teenage girl with short hair, nodded in assent head and smiled as mysteriously and reserved, as it did Maypole, why it occurred to me suddenly that this father and daughter on the temples of tall guys pushing up thick grey hair, and the difference of age allowed to make such an assumption.

-Well, that, for acquaintance? - Asked the big man said. And then he answered (Anyuta all also mysteriously-restrained полуулыбалась, staring down at his "dad", just sticking to it eyes and not noticing me, would anyone here besides these two was not). - Acquaintance.

We touched them, missed the first portion, and I felt pleasantly different "Napoleon" of vodka. This was not some sort of "cress" of those that met in our stores. It was a wonderful drink.

Chocolate, also from the hill", greasy, but unbreakable and crisp with a pleasant crackling nuts on the teeth, complements my impression. I thought that all my life, if it were possible, and only drank "Napoleon", snacking on a good chocolate.

Man pouring out a second glass, then a third.

-Well, Annie, how do you like a guest?

"Nothing, " said the girl, not even glancing in my direction.

-And me too, " agreed the man, and then asked, touching my shoulder. -And where are you going, young man? The guests to whom al forgot what in Siberia?

"No, I'm not in Siberia food. I further in Transbaikalia.

-And what?

-Serve food.

-After school?


Man shook his head:

"Come on, could not where better to go?

I don't know, ' I said. - It happened so. Who am I to choose?

-who? People. Man is! As a classic said, man - this sounds proudly.

I don't know. I didn't get to go wherever I wished I could...

"And where would you like to go?

-I don't know, I felt awkward and uncomfortable all these questions. - Probably, nowhere.

-Well, Yes, brother, and the abyss long.

-As I already disappeared...

I wanted suddenly to cry and it would not be ashamed to cry right now, here, but the tears do not want to go from the eye and, подкатившись to the throat, stuck in it свербящим, disastrous Allergy driven nasal congestion wall lump.

-Why are you so? It is not necessary. While the person is alive. He has not yet disappeared. Everything can be improved, - the man tapped me on the shoulder. - There was a time I was your age then, too, it seemed that the whole world from under the feet rooted. But now I'm standing on my feet firmly, already knee-deep in the earth left nothing for me not to move. However, Annie?

The girl nodded her head in assent. She still did not look in my direction, as if in a compartment they were wise.

We drank cognac, chocolate was already eaten, and in the course went smoked, sliced, dry sausage and Dutch cheese.

Is, where do you think all this? Asked the man. - With a drive, Yes? Oh, haha, no way.

He took from his pocket a little book in the red hardback, similar to a membership ticket or pass and showing it to me instructive said:

-Now, now this crust is doing wonders. All that you see here is from our provincial dining car, where in addition to заплесневевшего kefir, sour Apple juice, stale muffins, and the foul chicken on the counter nothing. And it is all so cheap that for this money you'll do yourself a plate of soup will not buy, - he turned to his companion. - Annie, go get us something.

He gave her a "crust", and the girl reluctantly, with a sigh, пордвинулась from the table, got up and left.

-Well, now, if relieved man said. - Although I can talk heart to heart.

It seemed to me that he leaned on me, approaching more than I should have done during the conversation.

-A guy like you find me?

I was just taken aback, the first seconds generally not realising what was happening.

-Well, why are you silent? I'm asking you, as I told you?

-Nothing - happening little resemblance to the familiar reality.

-I like you, too, man! he leaned closer to me and hugged me with his enormous hands, why I seemed suddenly to himself the lamb, who are in the clutches of a wolf.

-Wait, wait! What do you want? - But to me it came suddenly and without further explanation, with whom I'm dealing. My soul felt those experiences that, apparently, is experiencing a virgin when you first try to possess it. An unpleasant chill in the lower abdomen, aversion to what is happening, horror свершаемым like and not violence, but, nevertheless, action, contrary to my will, the desire to resist, to beat the man in the face, get out and run, but awkward, strange stiffness and motives, matted exactly sticky, viscous web, as well as awareness superior strength and weight striker - all this is mixed up in a nasty lump, fills my whole soul холодящей mucus, if put in it giant jellyfish, just taken out a from the sea.

The man did not reply, but only was thoughtful, and trying to kiss me in the face and neck. I have to flinch, but his strong arms hindered and hinder my movements. He dropped me on the shelf, closed the door and the same hand climbed down. I felt like me slide down the pants and the next minute they fell into the passage between the shelves.

It was a disgusting, repulsive, disgusting. Never in my life I have not had to act as sexual victim, and now, suddenly, unexpectedly, I was, having jumped already for the second decade. You can foresee anything in my life, but not this.

Cold thick fingers felt my genitals, obviously wishing to bring them in excitement, but there was no result. I couldn't resist kissing on the neck and cheek, pinned like a chicken, but when the Maypole tried to kiss me on the lips, I прошибло exactly cold boom, my body contorted like a coiled spring, and I barely managed to throw off the наседавшего man.

Is rape! - I breathed, barely felt a little relieved and managed to breathe in a relaxed way. The man meanwhile folded and his pants and touched his groin to my, why the feeling of loathing only intensified e two I felt something strange and soft, enveloping, may be the same as mine, but nevertheless unpleasant and disgusting. However, the authorities also were not filed.

-What are you doing, stop it! - Again said , as soon as I managed to do that.

Навалившийся me pulled away from what might seem that he changed his mind, but as I propped myself on the elbows, as saw his huge ass, under which slung male economy, overgrown with Bush spiky black curly hair.

-Вдуй me in the ass, please, " he asked, looking at me over his shoulder.

I winced involuntarily from his words. Disgust never left me, but prudence is not allowed me to explode:

"I can't, " I replied as calmly as possible. Take a look.

He looked at my lifeless bodies and face changed. Passion went with him, replaced by a painful grimace.

-I never did. Not to climb to anyone, and you can break off, as now, - now the advantage was on my side. It was felt throughout, but worse it would be if he was an active мужланом.

Realizing that there is nothing to wait, man began to dress. I was uncomfortable incident. He was silent, and I dressed, I tried not to look at him, dropping her eyes and pretending to be fully focused on the task.

-Well, you excuse me, guy. You liked me, and I thought...

Man paused and waved his hand.

-I say that with such never before encountered, and I don't want to face - I tried to protect themselves from a possible repetition of harassment and simultaneously justified, apologize to him for his failure to give him pleasure, as if it was required and not able to do it.

"Why, however, it is strange how people, I thought. That the use of force to compel rapprochement, but it is in the soul still trying to justify to myself why it did not happen".

"Well, we believe that nothing was concluded man reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of expensive imported cigarettes, which rarely anyone could see, and offered me a cigarette.

From such cigarettes was difficult to refuse, and I happily began to smoke, together with the "rapist", drawing tart, sweet-cloying smack hot, but not hot, pleasantly soft, slightly покалывающий smoke.

-Cigarettes, incidentally, also of the restaurant car.

I could not resist not to raise eyebrows in astonishment.

-Do you know where I work and who is this? - Not without bragging he asked me.

I shook his head negatively.

-That's the same. But about "the black stork" is heard?


-And about the spetsnaz?

-No... Actually, something had to hear it.

"Actually, that's what! - Mimicked me man. "Remember that spetsnaz is the power. Spetsnaz is a special purpose units. I been twenty years in spetsnaz. I took Palace in Kabul in the seventy and ninth, I in Afghanistan from bell to bell whistled. I "spirits" as many передушил, shot, cut their hands, that you have never dreamt the whole regiment of the dead could be dialed. Us "black stork" called in Afghanistan. We caravans took, and in the raids went, sometimes to the border with Pakistan crawling. I personally hundreds of eight operations participated in the very den of the spirits got, in their nests. Us choppers on the base throwing, and there we left no stone unturned erases all to powder, and burned to a crisp. Eh, what can I say! You're as Filkin Charter explain... and after Afghan Affairs enough. Our parts together with alpha such кардебалет arranged all the bastards, the Democrats are there every stinking, other выродкам that the devils in hell makes you sick... And now I'm here on a mission food. True, it is certainly the secret, but you hadn't claim to be. So, boy, spetsnaz is power. You know, as a person neck easily collapse? 't know. But this is easy! It is like the chicken fragile. I with one hand and take any neck folded when ordered, or if need be, he mimicked the movement, which was going to collapse neck, his face distorted with rage. I again became terribly, because I felt defenseless rabbit, placed in a cage to boa.

The door someone tried to come.

-Unlock the lock. - Asked the man.

It was Annie.

-Well, you that all or not? she asked the man.

He remained silent, her lips, then held out his hand:


"Oh, Yes! Now, now! - In the hands of Anya was a plastic basket, ломившаяся from the content. She reached down in her hand. I have it on the bottom left.

On the table appeared bottle of cognac, wine, vodka. This was followed by a snack: canned crabs, plastic box with dates, cheese. Several bars of chocolate, bright packaging with закордонными candy. When the basket was empty, she learned from her a red crust and handed it to his companion, who at this time he did not brag about it, and immediately put it in his pocket.

-Okay, let's continue, - offered me a man.

-You open everything here, and I am coming, " said Ann. Now, in the comfort of a coupe, she gave me of unknown values of view, that smirked. I don't know why, but it hurt me deeply.

-You that, сожительствуете with it? - I wanted to vent their resentment, and so I asked bluntly.

"My wife quietly, " answered the man, making himself comfortable at the table sit with your feet up and sat cross-legged.

-Your wife?! She's still a teenager.

-No, why. She just looks so. Actually her age, drawing to twenty - male раскупорил a bottle of brandy, then, a little помешкав, put it back on the table and reached for vodka. Let's, as we would do in Russian, dammit!

His hand slightly shaking poured vodka in the glasses, then opened one motion, pulling the ring, the Bank imported ham.

-Well, for that drink? He asked, and without waiting for a response, he offered. - For the silence.

-Do you mean that? 't understand me, but he already чокнувшись, sipped a glass and overturned its contents into her mouth, wrinkled, covering it with his palm, then plug выкромсал a piece of ham.

Hold the glass in his hand seemed ridiculous, and I drank too.

-Everyone has his hobby, " said the peasant. mine is that I collect wives. This is my tenth. I keep them until they become adults, infer, so to speak, in their people, and then looking for a new wife. This is, in General, is not difficult, especially because I have position e allows.

-And then when they become adults? I inquired.

'Well, this is my personal business. The secret...

"What you're talking? Asked, entering the compartment, Annie, she took a towel and began to wipe.

-Yes. You can say that about anything. Sit down, get a drink of brandy, a chocolate eat, " I gather that after our revelations tone of his address to the little Hannah at became somewhat more relaxed and warmer. Now I could feel that this is not simple companions and neighbors in the compartment.

-Thanks, I'd rather not, Hannah sat down at the table opposite the large man, and I involuntarily began to evaluate deserves this, in General, несимпатичная, like a teenager, a girl neighbourhood with such exquisite table. My reasoning tipped the scales against her. Too underdeveloped, ugly she was. However, some oddities of her husband allowed to assume that he has sympathy is such a плоскогрудым women, his whole appearance resembling rather boys of fourteen, and maybe that's why she was here.

Several servings of cognac, not казавшегося so divine drink, a glass of white Azerbaijani port completely распалили my imagination, and I started to represent the Anyuta in the arms of her husband, but, as their behavior in the bed was quite hard, I put in his place yourself why felt a strong surge of excitement, обволокший me voluptuous veil of fantasy. A sudden I felt unusually strong attraction to this girl-teenager what never would suggest to twenty minutes ago. It is now seen something распаляющее passion, perturbing male flesh, maybe it was the lack of underdevelopment of her feminine nature, and сделавшаяся suddenly so attractive and calling for myself, and maybe that was the action of the explosive mixture of brandy, vodka and port wine. I suddenly flashed random, but, apparently, the only sober thought-guess that now and become rapists, pedophiles and соблазнителями adolescents, boys, barely простившихся with младенчеством.

However, Ann ignored me, still looking only at her husband. It little by little has toned down my располыхавшуюся passion, and I even envied involuntarily happy conjugal Union, where the wife, in the far East times younger than her husband so devoted and faithful bonds hymen.

We already casually chatting, mostly men, as it was finally made clear called Sergey, he refused to introduce themselves on a patronymic, saying he did not consider himself so very old, about nothing in particular, piano laughed all that is handy. Furnished discharged, and I already felt nobody bound to, and this was easily and freely.

The day wound down the window the first signs of evening twilight, and we all drank and ate, unaware of the passage of time, and how many empty bottles and rubbish gathered in a plastic basket under the table. I have already tested a simple human sympathy for these people, despite all that has happened, and that Annie also do not pay any attention to me and not even looking in my direction.

Soon on the table nothing left but the remnants of the once beautiful and bright cans and packages of food.

-OK, - Sergey stood up from his seat. "It's my turn to go to the restaurant.

He checked with myself as to whether he had cherished red crust and left the compartment.

What are you looking at?! - Suddenly asked me shipmate, when you left her alone in the compartment.

She reached for the door closed lock, raised the bar is a pointer to the not given in the case and then open the door immediately, and addressed me again:

-Give me a light, soldier!

-Not a soldier I, officer, " said I, trying to remember if I have a cigarette.

"But you soldier-ie?

-A soldier? - Not I understood.

-And now this! - She reached out to me and placed her hand on my pants, dropping her exactly where, barely lifting the elastic costume, were men's charms.

Even through the fabric of the clothes you could feel it was hot, and her hand, and I felt that the passion stirred in me просыпающимся beast.

Hannah rose slightly, поддернув up skirt and throwing up her canopy, revealing a belly, and I suddenly realized that her feet bare, hip nothing covered, there is nothing, neither cowards nor of his trousers.

By the unexpected turn of events, I was not myself, turned everything inside, something fell, something is up, and I felt stronger загораюсь unintentional, but only a burning passion, располосовавшей me to the belts, дерущей, tugger to pieces, scratching the inside of his sharp animal claws...

"Strange how similar the husband and the wife, - I thought, already taking Ann. - What is, however, all this crap!.. However, Marina now because somewhere with Anton! Oh, now I play!"

Passion has entangled, enveloped me, took possession of my soul, subordinating it to their low desires, and the whole world falling with me in sin, turned into obsession.

Chapter 30.

I woke up immediately, but it seemed that the whole eternity passed. No one followed me. However, and it was day. In opening the front door, which I beat, beat slanting rays of the sun.

"This is a dream," I calmed himself, got up and went down the dark, гулкому corridor. Rolled through several steps per turn and found himself in the darkness. No sound, except гулкого echo of my steps, reached my ears.

Ahead again there was a closed door, that I came across with a full speed. Behind her was a strange world, as if bathed in green light that came from nowhere. Sky overhead was not. It replaced the solid haze, сливавшееся with the same expanse beneath their feet. There is no space, perspective, while at the same time present some extent, however, gets as if from nowhere and like nowhere пропадающая like hiding in the fog.

Under your feet rubbed grain each other a big, green, translucent sand, not having thickness, because, collapsed into it, stop immediately hung over some elastic emptiness, however, grinding reached my ear, as if the ears were laid wool.

Right and left grew strange trees, whose branches, just covered with frost, the same translucent green, reminded corals. They, these plants were separated, separated from surrounding me green mist беспространственности, but still did not have the volume, while at the same time I noticed passed them that their crowns are reshaping just as they would in space.

Strange trees marked the semblance of road, having neither meters length. However, I moved it to высящемуся ahead of me, sparkling green glow of the castle or Palace), made like emeralds. He, too, seemed to accurately drawn at some indeterminate distance from me, but as you approach it grew, though it remained flat.

Green sand over, and I stepped out on to the stairs leading to the entrance to the Palace. Each next step if arose from the painted front of the plane of the building and also disappeared behind me, merging into бестелесности with everything else, disappearing in the haze of the emerald.

Each of the steps, railings them, were like crystal, if there be a green crystal, or emerald, filled with reflections all around the surrounding light, берущегося from nowhere. The same effect had accompanied me and in the castle and in its shimmering in the depth of a semi-transparent and do not have the thickness of the walls of the corridors. However, I could not touch anything from the surrounding me. Something prevented me to do it, whether someone's will, whether my own fear that I barely touch the emerald railing or, if сочащихся light walls, they disappear. Even the door when we had to open them, do it yourself.

So if in a dream, and I was relieved newly agreed that it is still strange, but, nevertheless, the dream.

Corridors led me into the great hall green, tall doors which opened by itself. At the rear of the emerald wall was painted a throne of glory someone left and right side are the same flat, like everything else, were vassals of the citizens.

Coming closer to the throne, I saw a huge creature that had occupied the Royal place. It was like a dragon with a prohibitively large, sharp as needles, horns, проткнувшими high black cylinder and who have directed under the emerald vaults rooms. Green, сверлящие, prickly eyes of the dragon nailed me so, and I felt turned himself into a flat безвольную picture, not having the possibility to move either to the side, neither forward nor back. Among the challenges on both sides of the throne, like an emerald shade vassals were Varvara and Alena. They silently, like all the other looked at me from a green безразмерности, and their stillness gave them an even greater similarity drawings made talented and diligent hand.

"You come to me, " came the voice, and I realized that it says being on the throne.

It разинуло fire-breathing mouth, the only red in all of this emerald world, and deafening laughter, like a thunder shook all around. Dragon leaned over to me, probably, wishing to look better.

-Why come? He asked, and answered for himself. - Probably, for this.

From the hands of Alena he took the casket and clawed paws pulled out a pistol and a cross.

-Why do you need this? Ah, apparently, to shoot and isolate themselves.

I was speechless and couldn't answer.

'Well, try it!

Suddenly he grabbed the cross as a sword and began poking, riotously laughing at the same time, his vassals, bursting like soap bubbles.

-See, I'm not sorry. I do not pity, though this is my servant. I have millions of servants, millions!

Indeed, in place of the missing soon there appeared other shadows vassals.

Soon he got tired of it, and he, putting it in a box back, returned the cross and a pistol in the hands of Alena.

'Give it to him, he said to the girl.

Alena, all the same flat, joyful and not angry is the same as all the rest, indifferently impartial, while still remaining the same flat, approached me and handed her a box.

I took it, trying to look into her eyes and understand what was going on inside of her, under his insensitivity and lifelessness, but her eyes went somewhere by, through me, and I could not pass through deep.

-Took - go - произнесло being on the throne. - Поиграйся, but not заигрывайся. I will look how you obtained it.

Ice laughter, even more terrible than before, split the castle, as a mirror of thousands of sparkling emerald fragments, blew it, and bright green flash blinded me, hide all the rest. Then she faded, replaced by an eerie darkness...

I woke up in the icy sweat, feeling that I was lying on the door in the dark corridor, and under the right hand me a box. Already without understanding anything, I turned around.

Darkened door flickered distant stars. Suddenly it appeared phosphorescent silhouette. Involuntarily edged, I opened the box, he felt a heavy gun, led dog and barely aim, pulled the trigger.

In the dark flashed and scattered sparks, hewn from a silicon striker something hissed, then bahnul, полыхнув reeking flame.

Me being wrapped in a cloud of acrid smoke of gunpowder, and when it cleared, I saw that the output is free.

On the street stood a suspicious silence. With the help of. Small craters I put in the trunk of холщового кисета the eyes of gunpowder, put pyzh, scored his ramrod, then poked the hole in the barrel of a round, slightly oblong bullet, which in a bag made of boxes on the weight was with good kilogram, then poked the silver crucifix in his bosom and into the street, rapidly passing through the village, immersed in the darkness before the house of Ivan Noodles, in which a single dim light was on.

Here before me terrible picture appeared. The house was just wrapped phosphorescent silhouettes ghouls, заглядывавших in the window, карауливших the door of the house. There were so many, that I not only got confused, not only was struck dumb and afraid, feeling that it is just ridiculous to speak out against this hordes of the ancient antediluvian gun on reloading of which would every time one minute.

"Удирай before it's too late!" - Whispered the voice inside of me. - "Gun you have. Hardly anyone of them begins to chase you. Tomorrow you'll be safe. Don't shoot! You ruin yourself and not just yourself. and so you shall be saved. Let the rest..."

However, the gun was loaded, and despite all the fears and concerns asked to fire, and in spite of противному, vile voice, I stepped to the house of Ivan Noodles, raising his arms and taking one of the vampires on a fly. I just didn't have the right to be embarrassed, and therefore had to dangerously closer to вурдалакам, that the happiness is not noticed it before a shot thundered, which seemed deafening, like thunder, in dead silence, have shrouded the village.

One of the vampires plunked down on the ground, uttering horrible, squeaky groans, the others rushed to me at the same moment, and had to run for failing to put even a pinch of powder in the barrel of a musket.

I ran to the bridge over the river by feeling on the go in оттянутом to earth pocket pouch with gunpowder. Part of the vampires went after me, but others remained to guard the house from which the sound of the shot someone appeared on the porch, grinding her door.

Behind me I heard some screams, cries, затеялась romp заглушаемая footfall plaguing me ghouls.

Staying behind the bridge, shaking from icy fear hands I put the barrel of gunpowder, somehow scored pyzh and poked the bullet, thinking that this way I would not be able to cope with the countless полчищем ghouls. They meanwhile, were already quite close, when finally was my next shot.

One or two of them even fell down, but the rest continued their pursuit, cramping me farther to the woods on the side of a marshy valley.

On the way to the woods I managed to take two to three shots, but in their haste they proved wrong and failed to hit any of the pursuers.

Before me was a fork. One of the roads led through the woods and fields in a Large Василиху, another, more narrow and overgrown, to the stable. I stopped here in meditation. I had a choice, but the feeling of traps, whichever of the parties had continued my flight didn't leave me.

By this time, the sky has clouded clouds, cold wind rose, an increasing trend, breaking the yellow leaves from the trees and метущий exactly broom them somewhere with him known goal. He reminded that took their rights autumn, besides soon заморосил nasty drizzle.

"Not enough for them to appear in Large Василихе", - I thought, and turned toward the stables.

In fact, my soul is just not lying to such a path, and hoped to get out of this terrible mess sometime within the local landscape. The most important thing was not to lose the gun until it ran out of bullets.

There was a lot of strange in all this fell down on my head out and myth. My mind demanded associate occurred during these weeks of events in a logical chain, identify the causes of the subsequent one, but she, not having had time to be, immediately broke up into separate pieces and fragments, not состыковывающиеся between themselves and contrary to any logic. Reality and dreams, what happened a week ago and what happened yesterday, ghosts, real people and what could not be called a figment of the imagination, nor a part of reality, something amorphous resulting, переплывающее from one to the other, - all this is mixed up in one heap, turning in my head, in my mind in a mess-mash, which, from what end does not подступись, was one and the same. Soul resisted this sticky mess, which is mired mind a quick, разухабистого running, but unable to break free.

Don't you all our life consists of separate Islands, pieces firmly anchored in the memory of events, fragile, thin bridges logical connection between them in one wonderful moment-erased, breaking, breaking down, and these blocks, set in a free-swimming., touching each other sometimes the most unexpected faces, the most incomprehensible way, and think, and produce memories of what never was...

Appeared ahead stable. In the Windows of her, similar to the loopholes was dull, muffled light. I rushed to her, understanding and at the same time not wanting to understand that its walls will save me from vampires. Shiver ran through the whole body clammy, cold crawl. Had no choice: there was непролазный forest undergrowth, overgrown with bushes and undergrowth, where they caught me without a doubt much earlier than would have been to do it in the barn.

I'm locked behind the door, sliding strong bolt and propping her log, in the dressing room, from which were clearly visible horse stables and the passage between them, covered with hay and illuminated by some dim bulbs under the ceiling. A horse quietly standing in their stalls, and only some of them raised their heads and looked at me now through the strands холок her black eyes, in which was read itself serenity their simple life.

Fingers obeyed bad, though намерзлись, but I still managed to load the pistol before. Than first blows were heard at the door. However, it выдюжила, only затрещала of the frenzied head, but I shuddered inwardly from all this, and felt that I was losing the presence of the spirit. I could see very well, as she jumped up on Петях, giving arc, as soared подпирающее its log.

Followed by a second push, even stronger than the former. The door seemed bent almost wheel, затрещала, swung on it. The deadbolt threatening's about to break. Log it came off to the far wall of the waiting room and зарылось in the hay.

Putting tremendous effort of will, I forced myself to move, dragged log to the door propped her again and only just managed to lean her, as was followed by a new, third impact.

I was knocked log. It jumped up and boldly my body out of the way, so lightly, and again it came off in the far corner of the waiting room. I rolled over on his back on the clay floor, looking up, saw that the door is still holding out. The strength went out of me, and I was unable to now not only re-drag a log, but even rise up from the earth. Shoulder засаднило, sore exactly вывихнутое and the entire left half of the body, which I have relied on the log was now as if my.

The next onslaught followed, and there was a strange calm, don predvesav ee anything good. It became clear that the vampires left attempts to penetrate stable through the door - and it was good, because the next attack she could not stand, but now looking for workarounds.

Horse woke up excitedly snored, ducked their heads and скалили upper lip. Some of them became nervously laughed, feeling bad.

For some time I stayed in the stillness, until finally felt that I could somehow move it, then переполз closer to the box, took the gun, and stuck the other hand, a good hand in his bosom, перевалившись on his back, and, having felt the cross, sighed somehow relieved.

Restless friendly neighing of horses made me shake. I raised my head and saw that the aisle, past the pens to me rushing huge wolf, the one that once we saw here with Alyona in society barbarians. The mouth of his, repressive Alai, greedy, разинутая in the full extent, oozing hungry, bloody saliva flowing language foamy stream and слетающей with высунутого its end in different directions. Rapid, long jumps at a furious gallop, he flew to me with a speed shot arrows, and his blazing brutality and evil eyes shone itself determination and foregone the outcome of the throw.

The gun was in my hand, but I was not even able to lift it, because wolf was approaching faster. The corner of my eye I saw a black dip in the back wall and guessed that they opened the exit gates, that there probably were.

The wolf was already close. He made the final jump, hanging over me. I instinctively closed hand from its terrible jaws, and it so happened that the barrel of a gun landed right in. My finger itself pulled the trigger, and, although there was no hope that shot sounds, he sounded like a miracle, but not too loud, and it gurgle in his throat predator. My eyes wolf big neck and burst like a soap bubble. The head of the beast, biting teeth barrel flew to the wall, and the decapitated body of his, фонтанируя blood, collapsed on top of me.

Vampires were close. Bad knowing what was happening, I got out of weakening the hand of the crucifixion of his bosom, and, pushing forward, fenced off the oncoming hordes. Suddenly they seemed frozen in a few steps from me, just not overcome this distance.

I saw their hands, they reached out to me by its blue fingers. The skin was deathly pale and синюшна, and only on the cheeks burned unhealthy crimson blush. Their eyes dim, поволоченные haze, deathly detached, though not belonging to them, somewhere in the depths of the fire glowed thirst. Greedy fever and shaking her members, and it was disgusting show, causing severe nausea and disgust.

Astonished by this power of the cross, I felt a feeling of heaviness pulled hard on my hand, holding his, and he pushes her back. Undoubtedly, it was an act of ghouls, seeking to break through to me through the unknown protection, and it is felt rather strongly, because very soon I felt that keep crucifixion is not so simple fingers brush, shoulder and the arm tired, as if holding a weight of one and a half пудовую weight.

Unable to make more such power, not having the ability to intercept cross the other hand, because my body still was not completely obediently me from hitting the log, I dropped the cross on the ground, sticking tailored to a cone end of its Foundation in clay \slightly damp floor stables.

Vampires are only waiting for this. The distance between us has declined immediately by a few steps, almost half of that, and now their dead hands hardly wouldn't hit my head, stirring, for example, blue fingers, like tentacles in three to five inches from my body.

Opposition protecting me the power of the silver crucifixion not eased. On the contrary, it seems to become even stronger. Vampires like to feel that my strength was diminishing with each passing minute. I'd have to put even more force than before, and I didn't know what else makes my ноющую from excessive fatigue brush keep the cross. Now it literally was vomiting my fingers, as if drawn by an invisible magnetic force iron nail. And only a raving despair resulting from the consciousness that is the goal, the last hope of salvation, even to the same surprise that someone using this simple, symbolic tool gives me his protection from evil spirits, gave me strength to stay.

"Infernal beast! - I thought with silent anger. - You want to take me! Want to drink my blood! But you'll never make it! In vain you pull on their bluish hands with hooked pale blue fingers and black nails! You do not drink my blood! You don't get me! Out of spite, vile creature, I'll keep this cross, I will defend myself, even with all the forces leave me! You don't get to me till my throat until my heart beats!"

It was unknown how long have and how many more would have continued this silent confrontation, as suddenly толпившиеся in the corridor between the pens with horses vampires a little parted, and pushed forward, Stripping them of decayed rags, turned to dust unknown how many centuries and how many years ago clothing, Barbara.

Seeing me, helpless lying on the floor, she ground her teeth with the злорадной smile, her voice cracked and coming as if from another world, struck my ears after a long absence of sounds of human speech:

-Ah, ha ha, so we met, my friend! I long to get to you, but you deftly avoided my traps. But now no one will catch us. Even this foolish shepherd, Ivan Noodles! He's dead. It killed the one who forced me to return it to you these trinkets! She pointed with his long finger with a sharpened fingernail-like claw on a silver cross. He also warned you not заигрывайся! However, he knew everything that would happen.

She stepped to me, and I was horrified to find that the power of the cross, остановившая vampires, not acting on it completely.

-Ivan Noodles dead, and the one who killed him, took away his душенку in Hell, and soon it will be fried on a slow fire. Now it's your turn, " she approached one step, and the crucifixion, which I kept holding, sticking in the ground, turned to the crowd of vampires. - I will drink his blood! "She threw up her hands up. - Now I am very hungry, and let no one dare to approach it, while I enjoy his red milk. Then I'll leave it to you.

Among the vampires came discontented гырканье.

Turning around, she twisted in fury face kicked his Shoe silver cross. He flew out of my fist, hitting the wall with a pure bells, bounced back and unexpectedly struck a witch, вонзившись a pointed cone under ground in a rotten chest witches, hitting her in the heart. The wound was out something brown-black, rotten. Barbara grabbed with both hands on the crucifix, trying to wrest it from the chest, and slowly, with гырканьем and wheeze settled on the ground, kneeling. The same liquid that oozed from the wound, went to her throat, and she collapsed dead on the side.

Vampires rushed to me over the corpse.

In my eyes ran over suddenly a beam of heads of garlic, somehow stranded among the straw and hay. Feeling the fingers vampires clinging to my clothes as he could on all fours, полуползком, I rushed towards him, remembering that ghouls stops garlic smell, grabbed the bundle and, being in a close circle of ghouls, which stretched in my throat and could not share me with a desperate knows whence the undertaken violent force, and began to crush garlic head and shove them where the разинутую mouth, who under his breath in his face. Vampires have forsaken me and отбежали half a step.

Somewhere far allegedly shouted cock. For Windows became quickly dawn, and why some glad morning came, I lost consciousness.

Chapter 31.

At the door somebody knocked on the door, then yanked the handle, then pulled her stronger.

Hannah pushed me anxiously and одернула down skirt, but I already had an orgasm, and shed, large drops of SIZO-whitish semen fell on black cloth, шлепнулись on the floor.

I began to feverishly dress, feeling the beats me nervous tremor. Anyuta was fastidiously and hastily отряхиваться and deliver feet incriminating us in wrongdoing thick drops of the BLOB.

From the moment I opened the door, collided with a furious Sergei. It's all dirty, and twisted his face had an expression of suffering, pain and resentment. In the hands of his ridiculous wobbled basket of products and new portion of cognac and wine. Cheekbones Sergei were pale, his eyes gleamed all сметающей fury, large, clearly distinct tumors slowly, with a hidden, suppressed energy upcoming storm of anger pumping up and down.

Easily removed me from his path, Sergei entered the compartment, also silently turned the basket over his head обомлевшей anjuta and poured it on his wife, then the same plastic basket of magnitude struck her in the face, rolling slaps her why she fell, hit the wall beside the window.

Sergey turned to me. I decided that the next blow to me, but he only said:

"Don't worry, I won't hit. Bitch wants the cable is not to jump, don't you know this saying? Don't know, ever know. Yeah, again he turned to the little Hannah at, - I did not think, that my tenth wife like that quickly gets older.

Sergey spake unto me again:

-Now, that's when it happens. That's when a woman Matures and goes in life... Okay, go. Go.

He pushed me into the corridor of the car, and I'm at a loss stood at the window, which was twilight, and there was not visible. I wanted to go away on its place, but it was inconvenient, because the role of a coward, who left at the mercy of виноватую woman, I do not relish at all, but back in the compartment where were Sergey and Annie, I didn't dare go back and hesitated in severe doubts at the window, pretending to be me something interesting in the darkness that stretched on the other side of the glass.

Five minutes later the door lock behind me again clicked and Sergey, coming out of the coupe, stood next to me.

-You beat? With difficulty I interrupted awkward silence.

-No, slapped twice on the ass. Paternally. Said things to collect.

I don't know how it all turned out, I was embarrassed in front of him. - I don't want actually. It itself...

-Better say: she herself, - Sergey looked at me gravely and intently. In his eyes was anger and malice, but I involuntarily looked down. - Okay, let's go to a restaurant and sit.

-And with it? I nodded at the coupe.

-What's wrong with it? - Eyebrow Sergei of us jumped in surprise. - Nothing will. Now belongings to gather and forward.

-Where forward? - Not I understood.

-And where it wants to. I'm not going to keep. Now here is some station, and ссажу her. And maybe tomorrow morning. Okay, back to the restaurant.

-Now, I'll catch up, you go, Sergei, " I told him and went to his compartment. I just wanted to check if my money, the ones that I still have, after all my misfortunes.

In our compartment continued infinite, to the end booze and talk. Smoke stood a yoke, and the campaign was attended by some new faces, which was not earlier. Apparently, in the whirlwind of drinking thrust of new passengers. However, there were old acquaintances, known to me, Nikolay Mikhaylovich and Dmitrievich. Anton was not here.

I dived into the coupe and felt the pocket of his coat hung on a hook in the coupe.

-Hey, where've you been? - Подковырнул me Nikolay Dmitrievich.

-Yes! - I tried to laugh it off, was relieved to feel the stack of bills and crisp bills letters of credit.

-What were you in the pockets of the роешься? - Did not stop drunken master of the campaign.

-Yes money I'm taking. Your money - for credibility I took from his pocket the money in the banking package, and put it under his nose приставшему me трепачу. - In, see?!

'Yes, ' agreed многоженец. - Ah, so you рэсторан going?! Ah! You look! And our campaign, so you don't like! Let's stay.

I decided that now the money back is better not to put otherwise, they will "leave", and clenching his wad of cash in his hand, went to the corridor, without waiting for the blow drunk quarrel, and reassuring themselves that does not frightened, but I just do these people have nothing to divide.

Someone tried to grab me by the sleeve, but I'm confident that these blatant trick Nikolai Dmitrievich, with the power of anger and drew back his hand, feeling the bursting at me elastic sports jacket.

-Wait, wait! - Came to me after him. The voice was different, and, turning round, I saw an полураздетого major in unfastened navel green shirt with ragged shoulder strap and болтающимся tie, пристегнутом at the navel clip to пологу shirts. - You that, countryman, do not know?

Major drunk step, falling from wall to wall of the corridor, came back to me, trying to open wider заплывающие eyes. It seemed to me that the officer I was wrong, but gave him the opportunity to catch up with me.

-Countryman, where are you going? Mayor tried to attack my shoulders in a drunken hug, but I have removed him, thinking that something good he "обделает" me. "Don't you recognize me? It's me, Кудлов!

-To me this name means nothing.

-Well, how, countryman. I remember, but you didn't. Large Василиха. Disco. Baba two. You, me. A bottle of moonshine.

-A! Finally I understood what he says, and now I remember it, and that is not a very good evening. - I remember.

"You thought that I was mistaken? Кудлов semen is never wrong, remembers everything! Even in this form, the mayor broke into a smile having shaken in front of me with his forefinger.

"Okay, okay, semen, - I patted him on the shoulder, looking around and wondering what Sergey long time already sitting in the dining-car, " I will come, and we'll talk.

-Countryman, wait! Where are you! PAL! - she shouted from behind me, when I briskly sprinted down the hall.

In his hand I've crunched the money, and placing them in the back pocket of sports pants, I suddenly realized clear and shrill in his terrible, naked simplicity of the question, subconsciously сверливший in my head for a few minutes, a big hole, "Look, you have given away all their money, the ones that you were left to your mother died?" he suddenly popped to the surface of consciousness, this painful question, and make an end of him immediately and for a long time, if not forever, I said to myself, as snapped knife, ruthlessly and rapidly саданув them in the veins of pain: "No!"

"No! No! No!" - I had no time to think more about this, there was no time to argue with his conscience may be задавшей this tricky question, I didn't want to stir their feelings, like a lot of dirty Laundry, by which it would be better to pass without touching. I raced in the restaurant, where I waited for some fiddling Maypole Sergey, former and current sadist and murderer whose wife I just slept. I was in a hurry, running away from his conscience, and together with terrible horror, преследовавшим me to tag along, I felt a pleasant coolness in the place where must fit the human soul. I liked that it was silent. Silent, because there is no...

When I opened the door into the dining-car, my body suffered such terrible fatigue, like I оббежал around the globe non-stop, and I wanted to fall now бездыханно and freeze. On this crazy draft I think I caught a cold deadly his soul, flinging her only for a few moments towards the black wind, invisibly уносящему time...

It was getting late. Beauty of the restaurant was almost empty. I immediately saw a large Sergey sitting at a table. My mouth go dry, but a strange thirst overmastered me. I wanted vodka. Vodka, I was no more he could not get drunk.

Arrived at last! Loudly, breaking the silence of the dining car, staying in the shadows, said Sergey.

Before him on the table, stood a bottle of vodka and a little good snacks. Two glasses filled to half, waiting for them to take, and I eagerly reached for one of them, surprised to drawing attention to the fact that my hand finely shaking, like that of an alcoholic. However, this does not scare me. Thirst overcomes all, even the mind and attention.

"What shall we drink? - with a wry smile asked Sergei, at the very moment when I greedily knocked over her glass, and vodka is stuck in my throat, going back through the nose, burning mucosa.

I looked askance at Sergey, holding one hand to щиплющую a nasopharynx, in the hope of seeing if not an apology, at least compassion in his eyes, but realized that not wait for this.

Sergey silently swallowed his portion of burning, making it quite fluently, accurately drinking a SIP of water, and not even wincing, then slowly reached for a snack.

-Well, boy, why did you and my wife was asleep?

I suddenly with blinding clarity realized that the play, which we had not waited just begun. Humiliated husband was somehow pour seducer his injury, and he'd better I immediately gave зуботычину than what it is unknown how much time to listen to him.

-All right, - as if guessing my thoughts, waved to the big guy. - Would have to be you right in the face crack. That now. Are you a Communist?

-Not yet, - I was not clear to turn his thoughts.

-And it shows.

-Why? I'm going to...

-Thief alive you, I see. However, it changed a lot now in life. I'll tell you from the heart. I used to Lenin loved, since became a pioneer. And then began to hate, hate, just as earlier he loved him. Why? From the country of his poor communism made the country poor. I myself am a Communist, was a Communist, even when the party did not exist when she returned to power, was a Communist and now I. Otherwise we are in spetsnaz, you cannot. Even when I appeared out of work for some time, and in these difficult times, never showed a sign of disloyalty to the party, although in some ways and not agree with the communism. But, you know, тдеология is an ideology, but life is life. In our country cannot be a Communist, if you want to achieve something in the service of the state. You know, the party of us and it isn't a bunch педерастов and governmental structure, cha ness of the pyramid of the state. So if you're not a Communist, that means only one thing: you're a poor people of the second grade. The party ticket is the main trump in his career, otherwise you can put it on the cross. Until you commander, he still would be tolerated, but as a company you will never be without партбилета in your pocket. The party made a good lessons from all of their defeat in the last decade. Enough rudder of the ship cannot be disclosed to anyone, even if this ship is directly on the reef!

Sergey sold out, and we looked past few visitors institution. To our table the waiter came up and addressed to Sergey:

-Excuse me, please, the restaurant closes.

-In, saw - Sergey shoved under his nose waiter red crust and, without waiting for him to even see what it is that we took back in his pocket. - Your Director is aware, guy. We'd sit here as long as I pleased. If that is not clear, let the Director himself comes. Otherwise I'm your chicken coop in chips lambasted, nothing will remain. Clear!

He was married apples выпучившихся of the orbits of the eye, and I felt, as he, like a sponge, impregnated with anger, turning into a living machine of destruction, capable to destroy everything.

The waiter hurried away. Sergey removed his furious gaze to me:

"Listen, this puppy does not know against whom he had just выпендривался. Bastard. I participated in the coup and the return of power to the legitimate предстаивителям! It on my shoulders, my neck Communists are back up! I personally shot in P-resident! I изрешетил its like a rotten roach, I've seen of his leaky belly, in the поротого queue exploding bullets from my machine, fly ulcer and lumps of shit, proving once again who clear that he is a man, like all other, the same wineskin, full of shit and nothing more! When I did, then felt his hands, with these hands here, stop the wheel of history and turn it into another, necessary, party, party! - Sergey gritted his huge fists, why the bones of the fingers were white mounds, his terrible eyes, скрежетнул teeth and gave on the table, there was a crack, and a bottle of vodka fell splashed on the table content.

I was frightened at this man, giving me drunk on such mysteries, later, протрезвев, get scared and turn on my neck, just as day is depicted hands.

"Come here! - Rose from the table, Sergei.

Following him down the hallway, I unwittingly caught up in his mind strange, quiet lines:

And that the Communists? Fed people?

Yeah, fed кровавою foam.

His severed, causing orphans

To call himself "your change"...

Apparently, the soul came back to me and now slowly thaws, although wounded by my desire to get rid of conscience and домоганий.

The train began to slow down. Sergei went to the проводницам and began to knock at the closed door, where soon seemed sleepy Light.

-What is the station?! In a loud voice he asked, frightened was guiding them.

She закопошилась in the directory:

-So, сальские steppe we drove... yeah, Novosibirsk.

-Novosibirsk?! Very good! - Sergey resolutely went to his compartment, opened the door and затормошил заснувшую Anyuta. - Get up! Get up, come on! it's time you!

Half asleep, Annie, without understanding anything, and probably all forgetting tried to protest, and then squirmed. But, probably, the character of Sergey was strong, and its decision was adamant. Like a kitten by the scruff you put it in cold aisle полураздетую wife, threw things, suitcases and ordered:

"Get dressed, say now to the exit. In the corridor a blowing some interesting goals, but soon disappeared again, slamming doors.

The train stopped, and Sergey dragged Anyuta to the exit. On the platform there were several passengers released to the train. Sergei took Anyuta away from cars.

I did not go out and looked at them through the glass of the window, feeling from the street into the corridor through the open door, pulled the autumn coolness. Pool on the asphalt apron with ice crusts. Land of gleaming sparks speaking frost. People rush to get into the car, pushing and пихая in the vestibule of his belongings, backpacks, bags, suitcases.

I could see Sergey stroked his wife teenage on the head, allowing her to even bury his face in his shoulder, then suddenly put her aside and gave her ass as street оборванцу, went away to the carriage.

Hannah stayed on the platform when the train moved accompanying him a confused look. Sergei walked over and stood next to me, strong and frequent breathing.

-All bitch! - He said through clenched teeth, and then stopped, staring at the window.

The train picked up speed, moves away from the station. Outside the window sailed city streets, bridges. In my head again circling the poetic sad and slow snow:

I would die clean,

I would like to die healthy,

I would like to die fast

Longtime way, alas, not a new...

"Bitch do not want - dog not to jump", - I tried to justify himself before his conscience, but not easier, but my head is continued рифмованная mess:

I would like to die old

I would like to die wise,

But boy поджарым

Be in the soul still

All that happened was to blame, of course, I. Anyway, so I thought. However, Recalling the incident from the beginning, I still found in their behavior, something the caller than you could provoke similar intsendent. About this dirt't want to think, but she stuck to their heavy, fatty lumps and did not want to fall behind.

I seemed an eternity had passed from the moment the train left the station, as suddenly something by my side came in the direction of the shadow, and I turned, saw Sergey grabbed a stop-off and pulled the lever down.

"Now I go"almost in her mind as sharp jerk pulled my body down the hall. Somewhere under the wagon creaked brakes, and when the train stopped, Sergei cold and trace.

The corridor ran out, pulling on the go at the bare thigh knitted pants and adjusting подпрыгивающую to the navel мастерку, Marina. She jumped up to me, растянувшемуся helpless on the carpet, and trampled down by dusty:

-Are you nuts? - It thru the high stretched note voice was against my ear.


-That, Marina?! The guests have well drunk, like dogs, and then at night stop-cocks rip off! Fine who will pay for it?!

Of steel coupe protrude passengers. From where just ran out conductor, popped his head Anton.

-What interfering with sleep?! What moron here is toying?! Who do nothing?! Heard from different sides.

Marina don't cry, please! - Door coupe in front of me too lightly. "I will pay. I will pay this fine, how many there will need to...

I got up, shook off the dust.

-Okay, let's go, - has calmed down a conductor and went to his compartment.

I followed her into the coupe. Here in the light of light my eyes appeared naked fat Light, shamelessly the collapsed on the shelf and indifferently looking all honest all on me затуманенными eyes. Beside her sat смоля cigarette, in jeans naked body with not buttoned ширинкой from which betrayed a resin tuft of curly hair, Anton.

Whatever буянишь? He asked, squinting in a cloud of tobacco smoke.

-Yes is not me!

-Who? "Inquired, turning, Marina. - Pushkin? Conscience then you must have at least a little bit.

She stripped off her tights and мастерку, обнажившись and turning to Anton ass, was anxiously to fumble with his hands on the shelf, looking for something in the dusk.

Anton buried his head between her buttocks:

-Now not I will, " she heard his hot whisper.

-Get lost! Marina took his head in his hand, still searching for.

-Now can't stand it! - Anton furtively, trying not to make noise pulled off his jeans.

In the ghostly light of light looming his Horny member, and I unconsciously began to compare it with their own. Anton stood, and followed them back to the Marina and tried to take her, clasping his hands:

-I warned you, I couldn't do it!

-Get lost, tell you! Marina began to struggle and, отпихнув finally it off, said, gasping. - I to the t now jump! Joking aside: we need to report, who stop-cock jerked. Give me the money!

She switched on the overhead light, sat down behind his Desk and took out a folder form of receipts and pen, застрочила large, sweeping handwriting.

I went to look for money.

-Here, take this! Marina, blasting out from the spine, gave me the receipt, took my hands the money - no change is necessary, - I understand?! And began to put on the form.

-Sorry, sorry to see you go! - Lazily, with regret, said Anton. Now I'm in the form.

-Won, Svetik, " said Marina. - Fuck her.

-Ah. that Svetik? Anton looked at развалившуюся naked fat girl and asked me. - Do you want it to blow in?

Not finding what to say, I got out of the coupe. For me left and Marina, and we parted with it in different directions. I stopped, wondering what coupe go: in his or Sergey. But then, having decided that it was, in any case, watch your things, went to his compartment.

Someone was sitting. It was an old man with long, седоватой beard. It seemed to me that it black, long, ankle-cloak, but seeing on the table Popovsky кивер, and on the chest of the person of the big, shining Golden in sailing outside the window lights cross long yellow chain, I guessed that this priest. For his age, I've never met in the train or plane with a representative of the clergy.

-Good night! - He turned to me, fingering the hands laid on the table. - In that compartment, it seemed to me there's space?

-Hello, - I replied. - You are absolutely right.

-That's good. And then I see things here someone scattered. Thought will have to leave from here. All other compartment closed and проводниц that are not visible.

I suddenly wanted to do something good for this soft, genial old man, the speaker seems to be easy, just like other people, but whose words are spoken politely and warmly, warmed the soul.

-Would you like me now linen bring?

-Oh, young man, please give me such a service.

For me I had really warmed up, and I with a light heart went in the coupe to проводницам.

Anton died over Her, putting her in intricate position.

"What are you walking? He said, outraged. - Do not figs?

-Let me set underwear! - I asked.

-You that, just crazy, or what?! - Old Anton.

-Yes, there to me hooked...

-Чувиха? Where the linen? He asked Sveta. "Give him.

-There take, on the top shelf, bag, showed it by hand, bending down.

I brought the priest linen, and he thanked me.

What I shelf can sit? "He asked.

-Go to the bottom, " I said, throwing up out of bed linen anjuta.

-And someone else in here goes, except you?

-Yes, but they came up: a small family quarrel. But I think to Ulan-Ude, and maybe catch up to Chita.

The Holy father sighed, carefully, as if hiding, listening to me.

"But where are you going, young man?

I? To Chita. And you?

-Oh, I'm far from Vladivostok.

-Wow. And why so far, if not a secret?

In the cases of confessions.

-As I pretended to understand something.

We have gathered to sleep: in the presence of a clergyman I suddenly felt himself to be humble and a good man, felt the desire to be that way, and it was pleasant to me, when suddenly, unexpectedly, in the coupe burst Anton.

-A-a-a! - Not his voice " he shouted, apparently, looking forward to come to here and spicy scene. - Where is thy plague?

Pop lifted with a head cushion, and his white beard fell into the beam of light fell from the corridor in the doorway. Face Anton changed:

-Oh, sorry. I don't think I got there... No, there.

He apparently considered me in the twilight, and, approaching nearer, ' I was lying on the upper shelf, - whispered in my ear some nonsense. In the face of the smell of booze out of his mouth.

"Yeah, " I agreed, pretending to be understood him. - Go to bed.

Late in the morning, when after a hard night I managed to продрать eyes, father was already at its full parade, in the black cassock and кивере with a Golden cross, from which fell on the shoulders of a black veil. The priest was busy reading a book, Tolstoy, but not very large format, such that you could put in your pocket sized.

"Good morning, " I greeted him.

-Good afternoon, young man. A little late getting up. Always so?

-No, yesterday difficult day was.

-Your buddy, it seems, also does not Wake up.

I looked down, on a shelf beneath, where pointing pop. Anton was asleep, his head thrown back and widely having opened his mouth. At night, apparently, he was snoring.

When I washed, and came back, Anton was already sitting on a shelf and rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his fists.

"Hey, " he smiled wearily. The smile on the face crumpled was very acidic and pale. - How you doin'?


We sat opposite the priest, as the two sample boy, his hands in his lap. I felt ill at ease in such tacitly tense seat. Robe кивер with a veil, a great Golden cross on a thick chain just below the breast, white long beard, - all this had us fascinating rears actions and even thoughts of fear suddenly make something wrong and вызовущее indignation and outrage from the Holy father, although it would seem, religion and the Church are not used to, and respect our state and this country in General is not known how many decades, and from she stayed only a pitiful scraps, полуразоренные Church, where people came to the service only an old woman, have lived up to their Sedin and unknown way which restored their faith in this безверной earth.

The Holy father remarked, apparently, our clumsiness and looked up from the book, covering her and shifting the page with your finger.

-That don't eat, young people?

-I don't want something. yesterday I so налопался, in one voice uttered we even looked at each other in surprise.

-Sleeping don't Wake. Awakened feed, - declared the priest, having raised up his index finger. - Let me you will. I then something in the road collected.

He bent down and reached under the shelf black leather briefcase. On the table appeared simple food: eggs, onions, boiled potatoes in their skins, a small piece of butter.

-Eat, join us for a meal, " said the priest.

It was not comfortable, and suddenly feeling of famine came, reminded about itself. For Breakfast we got chatting. Knowing that we are officers, the priest became more talkative and kindly disposed postponed the Bible, which was the book in his hands, the mite.

-I before the war, too, the gunner was. Platoon howitzers large caliber commanded, " he said, and, seeing our astonishment is explained. - Yes, do not be surprised! God works in mysterious ways. The war ended, left the army, was baptized, " I since the childhood was baptized, so it happened, then the theological Seminary he entered, finished it successfully. And how it all happened - and I don't know still. The heart I had called to the faith and worship of God, - that's the thing. And strange it, because then persecutions on those who truly believed. Many saw it has suffered a great deal and I over the years, but I'm not sorry in the slightest, because glad I have these sufferings.

Anton evil, wrong somehow grinned, but the Holy father said nothing, though I noticed this just looked at him steadily and silently, as if peering, and then continued.

-Now calling me father Seraphim, in the world my name Ignat Andreevich. And that has called me to serve? Maybe the war, that it had had, he saw, but he remained alive, and can be, and family memories from childhood in sunken soul.

My grandfather said Nikolai, when the red army came to Rob us with the so-called продразверсткой, - his voice is such a сиплый was, always chilled, "who will die, sons: for God al for anything else? In God you are, tea, do not believe". And they to him: "Lenin's grandfather, Kohl happen, and for the proletarian revolution". And in the evening, grandfather took bleed in the barn, Yes with the same peasants, as he himself across transport, through the woods, the short way, and there in ambush beat these "sons".

Bandit was my grandfather, ain't a thug - how to judge it? He took, and he used to take. He killed and his shot. It's win-win, if so look. An no, there is over all, God. He sees everything and knows everything. People of all, each person he loves the same, but also judges strictly those who step back, who will not obey his commandments. Here knows by now that with the soul of my grandfather, where she is now, in heaven there, and maybe in hell. Good he was a man, family, loved, children, grandchildren, but because of this love and the murderer was, the sort of hunger, devastation and death defended.

And not only for the soul of his grandfather's hurt me? How many such people, even intelligent, lost, indulging in anything, whether Sciences, career Lee, exhibitionism whether and deserted him, but turning it away from God, which prevented them go through life, widely, without thinking, destroying everything in its path, climbed with his love of people. And that in the end of the road? None of them have not discerned даруемого God of light and salvation, and therefore no no not saved from eternal torment.

No in the world of science and philosophy, which could replace the religion that would bring food to the spirit and something itself is not compromised. Even idealistic, close to the religious philosophy - and those fail. Communism, so he generally rests only on force and violence. And religion, whether ours or иноверная, lives, gaining a victory over the darkness and evil. And without it a person in the world пропащ, because only it specifies the path and guide the true way. Science because all come from the mind, whether large, small Lee, the mystical or atheistic, but faith comes from the heart, but because the lives of more than others, and one is eternal and indestructible.

Religion has its own history and its own path, and although it seems that a lot of religions, - it is only one, only in different stages of its development caught the gaze of the mind. Growing and baby, turning to the boy, the boy and then a man, and religion. Возмужавшая is Christianity, the last period of its development. A little bit younger than she is in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism. But only Christ invites people to confide in him and be saved. The rest do not promise of deliverance from hell...

-So, thanks for a free lecture! Anton stood up and abruptly walked out of the compartment. He probably got bored, and he went to the Marina and the Light, where it probably already tired of waiting.

Father Seraphim was silent. Again I felt embarrassed and said:

-I now things go go. They have me in the other compartment.

Nikolay Mikhailovich tinkered with their suitcases. Nikolai Dmitrievich with a swollen from lack of sleep and soundly drunkenness face was staring at him from the top shelf, by leaning on his elbow. Seeing me, he's supposed to be happy:

-Oh, countryman, where did you get lost?

I wanted to explain something, but, realizing that it is difficult, just waved his hand.

-Are you in dreams don't understand? And then I dream a weird dream. The war seemed to be going. City frontline. The factory. Dwarf machine tool operators. He substituted boxes, but he circus, and does not know how to sharpen details, and beat him for it. 't know what it?

I shook my head and turned to Nikolai Mikhailovich:

-You have going?

"Yes, " agreed. - Soon Irkutsk. It is necessary things in order to bring.

On the shelf opposite lay someone under the sheets with his head. Here he pulled her and I saw a stranger, although began to assume that there is located Кудлов, my friend mayor of Large Василихи.

-Здоровэньки булы - I heard the Ukrainian speech. The man held out his hand towards me and said. - My name is Bogdan.

I shook his hand, healthy, strong, with broad palm.

-Brew with Ukrainian bacon want? Asked Bogdan. "I said you're on Ukraine studied.

I nodded Yes, but the guy understood me wrong and became, groaning, rise from the shelf. Drink I didn't want. The head was clear, and fresh thoughts, dig around in it. 't want to pour again his mind a green snake. However offend Ukrainian refusal I did not dare.

Chapter 32.

Waking up I see the low bending Alena and the next minute I realized that I was lying on a couch by the window in the house "Пантелеихи". Pelageya stood behind the girls.

"You all night had a high fever! "Alena, touching pleasantly cool palm to my forehead.

-What?! - I wondered, trying to understand, what actually happened at night, and was then that I remembered the dream, or the same has happened in reality.

-Yes you all night struggled frantically, " the girl went on, without taking his hand from my head, heavy, which seemed to me a cast-iron pot, filled with lead чурками.

Pelageya Panteleevna nodded her head in confirmation of her words.

And all night I lay here?


"And you?

-We took turns watching over you. We had to attend the funeral service for my тятеньки, here we are with Pelageya and went there in turn.

-You're lying to me, " I wanted to shout, but only weakly uttered it, slowly, heaving with застеленного mattress chest and feeling the painful weakness throughout the broken body disease. - You're lying to me. I well remember what happened last night.

-And what happened? Curiosity in his voice, close to издевке asked about Alena, though condescending at the same time, shaking his head.

I was beginning to tell, but after a minute and then stopped, seeing that they look at me as an idiot.

-I say that you dreamed about! Concluded Alena.

I took his head in his hands, trying to pacify раздававшийся it hum.

-I today I leave! - Unexpectedly for myself, I said to my women. -Enough rest.

The last words of the I was called involuntary smile: "Rest. Wow rest!"

Suddenly I realized that vacation, whether it was good or bad, came to an end, and I stayed a few days to get home from the middle of nowhere, in which the devil knows why brought me up to his head, put our things and leave for the place of service. I felt like any service, any trials will be easier for those days that I spent in that anyone unknown Васелихе.

-I went to gather. Pelageya, help me to add things, Yes give something to eat on the track.

Grandma bustled, but Alena took me with her cool fingers wrist.

-You cannot leave now, " she said quietly.

-But why?! Right about now go and leave! "I said, feeling along with the decision taken me strength return, and my body recuperate before her eyes.

-You cannot leave now, - insisted the girl. - Father wanted you to be present at his funeral. And still...

The father?! How do you know? - Now, it seems it was my turn to laugh. "Have you been in the afterlife, to ask for his posthumous will?

"I know, " Alena came to me, дыхнув in the face and looking into my eyes.

Just now I opened the bottomless, black void, прятавшаяся for its pupils. She definitely vacuum pulled from my soul, and I barely got away, making an effort, from her mesmerizing eyes.

"Here's to you and witches ' daughter!" I thought to myself, a new feeling a surge of terror, from which it would seem now had to get rid finally, and certainly, deciding to escape the burden of alien imposed unclear to me what the circumstances.

The father wanted you to be present at his funeral, " a voice Alena seemed заговорщическим and terrible.

Involuntarily I glanced over his shoulder girls on Пелагею, but she continued hastily walk around the room, something transferring, rearranging, pretending to be fully immersed attention in my preparations for the road and not to hear the dread words my underage Minister.

"Yes, they all conspire!" - Indignation and guess merged in this exclamation, пронесшемся lightning in my mind. "Where can we find protection against this universal evil?!"

-Well, " I said, trying to ask himself at what I sent such a hopeless attack, from which, as from the quagmire not escape, though hard earth close by hand before it can reach, Yes swamp still not let go.

"There is another thing that you have to do, but I will tell about it later.

Only let's agree, " I said Alena, wondering to himself, to the highest degree, as it so happened, that the girl, almost a girl, now dictates me the terms and imposes his will, and I can't обороть it and get out, get out, finally, to freedom. - As soon as the funeral of thy father's over, and I will do that, what else did you want from me, I will no longer be repaired obstacles.

-You leave tomorrow, by the same firm, without a trace of sympathy to me with a voice said, as the cut Alena.

-But why?! - escaped me involuntary cry of astonishment. - What happened? What happened to you, Alena?

The girl was silent, impartially looking at me with unblinking eyes, and I realized that enquire that either make no sense. This is stronger than me.

Funeral Ivan Noodles began at noon. Brought on a tractor with a trailer оббитый кумачом with black mourning ribbons coffin. Come on UAZ pop yesterday, which performed the funeral of the deceased, and with him yesterday deacon.

From the village procession went out in silence, accompanied by only всхлипами old ladies, ready seem to cry for any reason. Norm on this occasion, the city orchestra, copper pipes which heavy resounding dryer, spewing funeral March, always brought me death anguish. Was not and wreaths: "Dear husband...", "Beloved father...", "we Will remember forever..."

Only into the woods, pop with a deacon came forward with a brass censer and follows the heavy silver frame and sang the prayer.

For the first time I attended the funeral, where they were met Orthodox customs, where there was a filthy, полупьяного tearing its sounds into pieces orchestra, where the coffin to the cemetery carried on shoulder, and drove the car.

The cemetery was an amazing sight. If plowed deep plough вывернутое inside out, разворошенное, раскуроченное, it stood now. Graves could be distinguished among all this mess. At the far its edge now distinctly inconspicuous certainly blackened outline of a building with шпилеобразными roofs.

What happened last night floated before his eyes, as soon as that happened, but it did not want to believe now. However cemetery served as conclusive evidence that not all that seemed to me, was a figment of my imagination, hallucinations and fantasy.

From the shock of what happened with me, I involuntarily stopped, but the other did not seem to notice these terrible changes, and went on.

Pit grave was ready. It dug another morning with someone from the village men on the edge into a plowed too big plow a field cemetery, beside the road.

In an hour all was finished. Pop read over the grave with свежесрубленным cross last prayer, ending with the word "Amen"to the end of continuing to swing the censer. Old women and a few men, who stood just so, who is being baptized, went away from the cemetery, leaving far behind the priests, though all of them and not вникнувших until the end of the incident, bearing slowly and heavily bitterness and sorrow of their sin.

I noticed that neither barbarians nor Alena for the funeral and was not, and wondered why I had to attend to them, to me, an outsider, пришлому now, and wants to leave this small, closed in his dingy and the simple life of the world, joy, sadness and tears which were interested in me, it would seem, is smaller than all other than its inhabitants, who were born here and here уйдущих from this world.

Everything that happens to me it was strange and rather resembled a dream, prolonged, bad, erratic sleep in a stuffy, hot room, Wake up from that, apparently, has not yet come. I will not be surprised with anything, I'm tired to be surprised anything in this dream and now only limply watched its development, with frequent and incomprehensible change of scenery, such dissimilar. And it seemed no turn of events would not be able to surprise me get out of this state sleepy indifference

Alena was sitting in the house of Pelagia Пантелеевны, looking through the window at the house Barbara in brooding stillness, motionless and not even blinking. In her pose no ability nor the tension of waiting, no relaxation of detachment. It was a sort of intermediate state, similar to what he is when he's asleep. Having heard the creak of the floorboards beneath my feet, as if she woke up, looked at me, asked a little later:

-Well, buried?

-Yes. And why don't you go?

Instead of answering, she turned toward the window, also despoiled, staring at him.

-Interesting job! - Me as broken. - I mean, should be present, though not have to покойничку nothing, and own daughter stays at home, the way it should be, and can not, that Lukashenka is buried! Normally!

The indignation of my like not reached hearing Alena, and not a muscle, none of the vein under the skin on her face twitched, not waver me in response. However, I was not satisfied, and has a long indignant, before she turned, suddenly stopping, like cutting off, the flow of battle, лившийся of my mouth, and said quietly and simply:

-You've been there for me. Is it clear?!

I was astonished with such a response, and stood silently, with his mouth open, unable to find words and common to at least finish his speech.

In the window I could see the porch Варвариного home. The door on him opened and inside knocked down the woman, wiping noses and cheeks handkerchiefs. Among them flashed and Pelagia. Soon she came in.

-Barbara-t in a very bad state, she said to'alene.

"I know, " replied the girl, laced his chin on the palm of the hand and leaning his elbow on his knee, all continuing over the shoulder look in the window.

The indifference with which she spoke it, just stunned me. My mind refused to accept that saw the eyes and ears heard, and the brain reached the brink of collapse madness from the inability to absorb the incoming information.

I do suddenly felt, that now the time has come, when all of a sudden most of all I wanted to run, to run away. All the same where, if only not to hear, to see not absorb this unpleasant my soul, доставлявшую her pain reality, like a sea urchin, without demand лезущего to my throat.

When Pelageya has departed, Alena suddenly, rose from the chest, where she was sitting, she took my hand and, without even looking me in the face and led her into the hall.

We went outside. Alena got me into the shed where the Pelageya was it is piled a lot of any rubbish, itself stood in the doorway and said:

-Find a hammer and a nail.

I obeyed her, to the surprise of not having even the internal resistance of her team.

It was soon found both.


The girl brought me into the yard to Barbara. We went up on the porch. She opened the door. Inside the house smell stale, marsh air, heated however, to such an extent that he went straight from the oven.

I involuntarily shuddered when скрипе rusty door hinges. I wanted to get more air to breathe a little deeper before we get inside, but Alena't let me do it and immediately pulled hand, as of a lamb on the rope in the dark, damp and stuffy canopy.

There was such impression. We were in the dressing room. Somewhere ahead were heard muffled moans.

I decided that it was again, a dream or reality, we go through the dungeons and be absolutely unimaginable place, in some other world. But the most unexpected was that none of this happened. We were in the room, uncomfortable, dirty, littered with randomly all sorts of stuff and seeming even smaller than it actually is, quite tiny and miserable, and proceeded to another, the same неухоженную and differs only by the fact that one of its walls was a metal badly painted, who had in many places поржаветь bed, scary скрипевшая, exactly вывшая like a dog that lost the master, at the moon, an artist from each movement lying on it.

The sight was horrible. Only after several minutes of silence before me, hardly realised that this withered, leather-covered шевелящийся skeleton with a deep hollow in orbit eyes, seeming now widely madly open and rotating in the hopeless, the blind and rather aimless search of something, that this kind of person, only vaguely resembles a woman with long, dirty-white, shaggy hair, and a barbarian.

Instinctively I drew back from the bed, but Alena immediately caught my elbow, apparently, intently watching my slightest motives.

-What is it? - Perplexed, I asked her, feeling the cold wave passed with head and swept down to the tips of the toes, and the hair on his head began to stir.

Is my mother. She dies voice of a girl coming exactly from another world.

-Why have you brought me here?

-Need help.

-How?! - Unintentional a vague guess flashed in my head. It seemed to me, that girl wants, apparently, so I kicked Varvara skull these rusty hammer (for some reason, because it has forced to take a hammer and a huge nail, and on the equipment for providing first aid to these items did not like). - "Apparently, she made a mistake with my choice, accepting me for who she wanted. And she only has buried the father..."

-Вбей nail nail in приколотку door, " Alena.

-In приколотку door?

-Yes, in приколотку door!

-But why?!

"Do what I say, don't ask.

I was indignant, but at this time, Barbara issued such a terrible, heart-rending cry, that my heart зашлось from the cold out in painful spasm.

Though if stung by bee, like пришпоренный and fuelled by hot whip on a side stallion, I dashed to the doorway and in the twinkling of an eye, not knowing how it happened, pushed двухсотмиллиметровый rusty hinge in a clear tree almost half.

Varvara was happen something unimaginable. Her whole body shook exactly fever moans turned into one long howl or roar. Her eyes became big, dull-Matt's mouth went white foam. Then eyes have failed altogether, and on the face there were three burning green failure, three holes similar to the eyes in the furnace rolling, which were buzzing unprecedented green flame.

Nail burned his hand. I drew back his hand and saw that he steaming-hot, and wood around him обуглилось and задымилось. Bright light suddenly blinded me, and when the ability to see come back to me on the bed, dirty blankets, like насыпанный lay just grey dust.

-All - quiet, but insensitively said Alena, I touched its расплавившийся and bent over to land a nail.

Приколотка still smoked.

We left and headed to the other side of the village. I decided that Alena was going home, but she turned to the bridge.

-What does it all mean? I inquired, gently moving away from the residue оторопи.

-Do not ask.

The girl was walking a little ahead, and we could not go for it. Moreover, she said nothing. But for some reason I followed her, still carrying unnecessary already hammer.

-So die witches, - as though to herself, said Alena, not even turning to me.

Soon we arrived at the stables in the forest. There were still a horse.

The experiences of recent night swept over me, and I cautiously walked into the semi-dark, gloomy building, as if sensing the presence here of shadows and ghosts, participants of the night of the fight.

Alena suddenly stopped in the middle of the aisle between the stalls and sharply turned to me, saying,

Because you killed my mother?

The question was unexpected and sharp, but I found and answered:

-No, I did not kill her. She just kicked a crucifixion. And it bounced, struck her in the chest, in the region of the heart...

-You have done ill, " the girl went on, after a moment. - Development of history does not conducive to your intervention, you know?

"I understand, " I replied and nodded. I was not clear where she was headed.

"You wouldn't understand. You just had to walk past all of this and not meddling. But, say thank you to my daddy, you got involved in this shit up to their ears. He tried. Now you must stay here himself or to leave his seed, otherwise you here will not leave.

I only had time to think, what should be indignant her words, as behind her in the side where there was a gate, as if the earth opened, and from it seemed, went up Varvara. Behind me I heard some rustling, and I, I turned around and saw Ivan.

"All the family in gathering!" - I thought, and had somehow it was funny, but I kept my own laughter.

-So you just what am I not release it? I inquired.

Alena shook her head in acknowledgement of my innocence.

-What do you need?

"Now you.

-But why?!

-You stepped in history and now can't leave just like that. Choose: you stay himself or leave here his seed. In any case the balance of the forces of good and evil requires the restoration of equilibrium. Too much good - it's too bad, " replied Alan.

-So what should I do? I asked, looking back on her, then Ivan, motionless стерегших outputs.

-Agree. You should stay or leave the seed. Take a chance.

-And how to stay? - I caught myself thinking, trying to stall for time and talk to her teeth.

-It means to die, but to move into a different entity. She will be my husband, and I'll be what barbarian...

-And what means - leave the seed?

-It means to take me.

In my head barely flashed the thought that the second fits me more, as Alena immediately threw the clothes from his young body.

-It suits me more, " she said, coming closer, in that case, I'll only conduit, and good will sit next me next to evil. I don't want no remainder belong to some one of them.

She turned to the ghosts of their parents:

-Go away, embarrass us.

Ghosts suddenly disappeared.

I perked up and asked:

-If I say no, it'll return again?

-Yes, but in this case you will die, " answered quietly Alena.

Now I expected that it will suit me, but instead of this the girl turned into the stall of the stallion deftly подлезла under him, holding his sex organs. Her fingers opened a horse, and a member of his, black, shiny and dirty, immediately rose, hanging over almost to наваленного hay on the floor.

-Shoot down, darling, knock down, " came to me her sweet whisper.

Picture could not leave me indifferent. I felt from somewhere in the depths of my soul, this unknown and unfamiliar to me, as to any stranger, the same unrestrained and wild as any element, stand up, open злачными flowers lust, baser, animal instincts, apparently similar to those that prompted the rise flesh stallion.

Alena beckoned me and I'm excited to limit passion, rushed to her side, feeling that he himself was a stallion and already not good.

All the rest was like a dream or a dream. Suddenly I really thought that I had turned into an animal...

-I have a boy, - has told to me Alena after all this madness, which lasted until the evening.

We went out of the barn and went on the road to the village.

The sun was setting, looking unusually deep crimson.

-How do you know? I asked, thinking to himself that tomorrow will be windy, unpleasant weather.

-So requires story.

-What else will it require?

He will be my husband.

-Your husband?! But is it possible?!

Instead of an answer, the girl laughed.

-Is it possible that the son was the husband of his mother?! And then, as I understand, you then take place Barbara and shalt be the embodiment of evil?

The girl laughed even louder and I felt so horrible.

In the first half of the night we parted with it in the bridge on the outskirts of Василихи. The moon hung over us, it seemed, went mad and furious, bright as ever, shines from above, Recalling the huge one on the whole Earth, street light.

-Hurry up and go as you can, " she told me goodbye.

-But now I can't go quietly? - I was amazed.

-No. You will pursue. In this village today is a terrible night. And it's just your luck that you're not leaving here alive and another man. Run - monsters will chase after you.

With these words, she pushed me, though betrayed me determination and initial start acceleration. With this submission, not remembering itself, I got to dawn in БольшуюВисилиху and sat down on a passing bus.

Door in the apartment, no one discovered. His key, I was not. On the platform of the left neighbor, aunt Masha handed me the keys. I оторопело looked at her, trying to understand, what is the meaning of her words:

-Not стучись, dear, here's your keys. Uterus, my three days, as has died. We do not know where you have gone, where a telegram to give. Themselves and buried. So late you. We didn't know when you're coming. Maybe in a month, a year later, the uterus is your reluctance to do распостранялась. If there yesterday, it's time for him to another. Yeah.

I looked at the loose in her outstretched hand are the keys to me, gleaming faces a notch, and they are stronger spread before my eyes, dissolving, расплываясь in tears filling my eyes. When he came to me that happened, from my heart broke only like a scream, vzryd impotent despair and melancholy: Mother!!!

Chapter 33.

The smell of booze as honey come flies, from all sides to the table began to gather. Top slipped Кудлов and Nikolai Dmitrievich, Nikolai Mikhailovich postponed their stuff out of the way.

-Uh, friends! - Outraged Bogdan. I, actually, you didn't expect...

But his words no one reacted, and all were sitting around waiting for their cups of liquor.

-Oh you and кацапы, Oh and moskali. Усю life you ненавидив, - Bohdan said, seemingly with the joke, but at the same time, and seriously so, it is unclear how to treat his speech to complain or take with humor. - Скильки you know скильки in this Russia верчусь, driv truncated вэмя you дывлюсь!

Why?! "Exclaimed Nikolai Dmitrievich.

-You have three qualities are developed, кацапов: lazy, брехливые and brazen, - here is truncated, scho about your nation true.

"But-but-but! You feel better - навалять can! - Then Jumped Кудлов.

-I ne afraid! "Replied Bogdan. - You around, scho and panties.

This argument, apparently, objections none had, and Bogdan continued:

-I тильки compatriot wanted to treat, and you налэтели. Listen yaki Boers!

-Yeah, it doesn't countryman you! "Replied Nikolai Dmitrievich. He also кацап, the most natural, or, even worse, a Jew.

I didn't have time, and found nothing to respond алчному наглецу, but Bogdan immediately retorted his statement:

-And me and the countryman, who at least трошки slightly, having lived in Ukraine. It's you, кацапы, exactly what Ivana, 't remember a kinship! And we, Ukrainians, so consider: who in Ukraine побував, one of the осьмушку crest, and who lived there, and half-a whole.

In this case, I too crest half! "Replied Nikolai Mikhailovich. - Five years I lived in Dnepropetrovsk.

-And what he doesn are you there робыв? Surprised Bogdan.

-What he doesn робыв, what he doesn робыв, he moved to the Ukrainian accent Nikolai Mikhailovich. - Ховався there, what he doesn axis.

-Well, then for shidai next, agreed Bogdan.

And I Ukraine бувал - with indignation on коверканном Ukrainian asked, with a touch on his shoulder, Bohdan D..

-Ah, okay. Сидайте truncated! Waved his hand Bogdan. - Scho then unhide будэте, yaki Ukrainians жадобы.

Кудлов, briskly rubbing hands, пододвтнулся closer to the table. Bogdan grabbed me around the neck and pulled her to himself:

-Here is this boy in Sumy учився, my beloved зэмле, my ридном Myst. So that he is native зэмляк to mene. Hi, closer усих and сидае.

-You have many буиылок? - Busily asked Nikolai Dmitrievich.


-Little shook his head Dmitrievich. - Well, for friendship Khokhlov and Russian. Time went so booze, it is still a couple of bottles reset, support of crest.

He reached into the inside pocket of his bruising of his jacket, took the money:

-Well, namesake, let's take shape, " he put his hand to Nikolai Mikhailovich, and he unbuttoned his shares. Then Dmitrievich turned to Кудлову. - Simon, come on and you.

I also gave his share, and Dmitrievich went in search of alcohol. Кудлов and mykhailych went to the vestibule to smoke, and we with Bogdan remained in a compartment together.

-Okay, ne Wake hour to lose! He took up the bottle, he opened it, and has already gathered was to pour in glasses.

"Wait, Bogdan, - I asked. - I have something to drink don't really want to, and men offended.

-I already казав: mini to кацапов чхать, but his hand stopped halfway. - Although you too кацап. But eat well, and теби scho times кажу: you кацапов I don't like... we Yak on Ukraine: her husband home возвернувся, - truncated, жинка immediately diet buffet подае. And don't let Божэ, ne done! And you, кацапов?! Чоловик home воротывся: "Wife, eat Cho?" And жинка of постэли лэжить, peep of cards, "Go, сготовь, and feed me". You have my word on Ukraine for the same рэчи жинку would already be submitted шмякнулы, and you eat with hands coming down. So Yak воспыталы. My mother of five годын with wound ached, осемьдэсят cows milked, аписля us харчовала, тяпку take in the garden, - here CE I разумэю: a hostess жинка. And none of St. Nicholas TSE her робыть ne заставляв. And you кацапка москальска scho? Ugh - усих would перевешав. Home сыдят, дэлать несого not хосут, the friend about the friend gossip собирають, Yes scho whore on a harlot. Hi менэ who говорыть станэ scho CE ne so, I цему человику the throat уцеплюсь... Now you менэ цего ne скажеж?

I shook my head:

-I will not say.

-Правыльно, ne say. Yak already be submitted to: speak of the truth. Ne inventing, - ne think. I have juveniles of Сыбирэ служивсрочну, затим прапором becoming. Of the military town усякого дыва and насмотрився. Khokhlov there was a little, - Wuxi on Украйну of the rocky подавалысь. Oh, qi кацапы. Oh and насмотревся I. Oh, qi кацапы... And my жинка, I already be submitted married PDR, бачит still del and кажэт mini: "other чуловики Yak цуловики, жинкам кофэ of постиль подають, готовять, убирають. And you are?" "As for me, I кажу her, " khokhol, and to Cola you're with me жывэш, Boudet Yak we, украинцив повэдэно, YaKU симьи трэба conversation. And ne хотиш so life - go, шукай another чоловика. Bags are Packed".

Back Кудлов, Nikolay Mikhaylovich and Dmitrievich with two bottles of vodka.

-In! - He showed. - Ambassadorial!

-Well, сидайтэ, хлопци, сидайтэ invited Bogdan, cutting slices of pink fat.

In the evening, when everything was drunk, we took Nikolai Mikhailovich. Bogdan escort went. Nikolai Dmitrievich and Кудлов carried his bags and returned to the coupe, promising to come out on the platform, when will Irkutsk.

We Nikolai remained in the vestibule. He stared at me, then said:

I just recently was the same as you're a kid, when I had to get away from Irkutsk.


-Yes, to flee. And brought me to Ukraine: I'm not lying, that lived in Dnepropetrovsk. What brought it? because the times were such that the Communists restraints that people kept out of the hands released, and suffered Russia over bumps. May be, and properly incurred may be brought even somewhere, if the Communists did not realized.

I in those days, studied at the University of Irkutsk. Well, I have so many crazy thoughts in my head was that the rest of them there was neither day nor night. First, the most shocking for me was that the Communists did not incur any criminal responsibility for the genocide, which staged over his people from the seventeenth year. To judge them it was tougher than judged German war criminals from the Second World war. After the collapse of communism was to take place in the process of pohlesche Nuremberg, and everything was quiet, like clockwork. Nobody knew the time, as Communist wolves перерядились in democratic sheep, took again all posts in the state and the government. In all the structures of the political pyramid, became биржевиками and capitalists, and the Russian people, as was оболваненный and beggar, and has remained so. Its position is even worse it became. Secondly, the Communists and черномазым hands unleashed. They in markets such mad rates ломить of steel that is not подступись. And the shops empty, ball покати.

So I decided to create "the Iron Legion, to hang former Communists and smash shit an no Shine on the market. Yes, I came to the conclusion that communism, whose roots in Russia have strengthened well and promised to give new sprouts, despite the fact that the top, it would seem посрубали, you can fight only fascism. Not so, of course, that was Hitler. He relied on smaller businesses and behind him were big Industrialists and financiers, bet on fear of German shopkeepers and owners of small shops and enterprises before mass destruction and поманившие their candy enslavement of other Nations and, first of all, survival and annihilation of Jews in Germany. Behind my back, not standing so strong backers, and the problem I had much more modest, although the principles and methods remain the same as that of the German Nazis: creation of the Legion of the assault troops.

I felt the connection with Irkutsk fascists. These were the most ordinary hooligans, кичащиеся leather jackets and a swastika. More of them there was nothing in my head wind blowing. But I was lucky, I put the idea in their heads against whom it is necessary to direct their energies of vengeance and took over the leadership of the formed paramilitary units in the ranks of which will soon there were several thousand. It was already a force able to declare itself for the whole country.

As the official judicial authorities have not paid tribute to any of the former Communists, it was doubtful that they could do that and in our submission. Therefore, we have relied on its own strength and responsibility. We have already made several executions of Communists, and some of them managed to make even publicly. The mechanism was simple and worked well. First sentenced on behalf of the Russian people, our court похищался battle groups, and then the sentence was carried into execution.

I still remember one of the last executions. Our guys seized truck, forced the driver to follow the agreed place. There in two hours on the body was equipped with a scaffold with the scaffold, which, so as not to attract attention, had to go up a hydraulic lift in the time when the car is already in the established for the penalty spot.

In the same way, the storm troopers seized "Икарусом", planted in him коммуняку and was taken to the marketplace. It was Sunday, and the people there was enough to collect the grateful audience, especially for half an hour before the agreed time our agents spent propaganda among the crowd, and they were waiting for our arrival with curiosity and impatience.

The operation was carried out clearly and took almost perfectly. At ten o'clock in our column of cars with эшафотом and "Icarus" came to the square. Заждавшийся spectacle people immediately surrounded our escort. Militants poured out, quickly forming machines armed caret. Hangman rose. I climbed up on the scaffold and announced the verdict on behalf of the people of the former high-ranking Communist genocide over his people. The crowd cheered, rejoiced and засвистела. Коммуняку brought out of the bus, thrown off the bag from his head, and after a couple of minutes later he was strung up with a sign "Tormentor of the Russian people".

The police arrived in time of ten minutes, and we have already managed to speak. Authorities had already heard about our "trick" and immediately opened fire. Наод ran helter-skelter, and we took to their heels. A couple of people in a hurry knocked down, but then two hours, and traveled to the city with the scaffold, as long as we are in the turnover on one of the streets was not taken. There our many were killed. Later I had to leave the Irkutsk...

Nikolai Mikhailovich was silent.

"And then what?

"Then? Then Ukraine. It is better than rot somewhere in the mines! Now go back to.


-Not all celebrated. I think a fresh start.

The train stopped at the Irkutsk station.

-Well. Where mourners? "Exclaimed Nikolai Mikhailovich, but no one is waiting, opened the door to the stairway and down.

-Come on, help you."

-Yes, well...

I handed him the bag. The car went out, yawning, Light yellow flag.

-Well, finally, the young girl asked her apron Nikolai Mikhailovich, -and we thought that not wait.

-And what is it you, comrades passengers, open manually input the door of the car? "She said.

-Not friends, and of the Lord, is in the first place. And secondly, ass we must quickly move on, you're not walking, but at work, pretty darling girl, and, third, and because the same, shut your mouth, until I said something worse.

-Oh-охох! - Only and could speak of the Light, but trailed off.

"That's better, approvingly nodded Nikolai Mikhailovich and turned to me. - Well, say Hello to all of these хмырям, especially, kind of sidekick to her, Khokhlov Bogdan.

The train started moving, the Light and shut the door and leave, collided in the doorway with Bones and Igor holding were also things.

-And where you gathered? 'She returned. - Irkutsk already passed.

-And we are a little further, Goncharovo.

-In Goncharovo train does not stop.

-And in the Big lug?.

I can't recall.

-Well, okay, where to stop there and get it.

-Only the doors do not open.

-Of course, only you tickets for us return.

-Bed and handed them over?

-Yes, it is at your booth is.

Light departed. Kostya with Igor lit up.

-And where you lost the third? I inquired.

-Valerie? And he further to go, " said Igor. - Now, I look at you why you're so young in the army moved? A beautiful, healthy out guy's been mistreating. That you're in the army forgot?

I shrugged, not knowing what to say.

-The army, brother, she's slightly differs from prison. Most significantly, perhaps, the difference is that the prison guards separated from prisoners doors with bars and in the army they were planted together with them, even instead of the thorn all honest word is fenced. Of course, the punishment of any words, like a guardhouse, but there always are no places, and who are afraid of her. And in дисбат the area who rarely send.

"Yeah, " conversing Kostya. - Officers and the ensigns happens to be, nor for that kill. I remember, in ninety-two served in Kyakhta. Soldier left the постапрямо with a gun. To meet him, the officer was caught, reviewer, asks: "where are You going, soldier?" - All this in broad daylight occurs. As a soldier he was immediately put in place, then the commander of the guard, which ran from караулки, and eight people have to guard put dead and gone. Catch him steel, he himself with Irkutsk was then decided that he through the border, Mongolia moved, and only three months later they found him in the forest, near the part of: shot himself. That's how things are in the army.

-Well, I have something worse cases seen before, " said Igor.

-Okay, I'll go, " I'm tired of listening to them. - Sorry. Yet.

"Good-bye, bye.

The coupe was standing friendly snoring. Кудлов, Nikolai Dmitrievich, Bogdan - all were fast asleep. I sat down on the empty, Nikolai Mikhailovich, a shelf and felt dead tired and want to sleep, fell on the side.

The next night we Anton scrambled out in Chita. Despite the coolness of the night, sitting on the benches were sitting or lying ragged people. In the one-story building of the station, absurd dim and gloomy, was thick people. People waited in line for a glass of tea on-забайкальски, as it was called, representing himself milk tea without sugar, and stale bread rolls. Swarms of flies buzzed on the tables, windowsills, walls, boldly climbed into the eyes and crawled over the cooked chicken and fish on the counter kiosks. People't paying absolutely no attention, not scolding sellers because they spoil products.

-Say, how come there are so many flies? Asked Anton, and then, just as I wiped them with the skin of the neck, face and hands, which they provoked touch their sticky, unpleasant щекочущих feet.

I don't know.

-My father said he had also served in Transbaikalia, in Transbaikalia everywhere, from Ulan-Ude and ending Манчжуркой, very many flies. But to make it so much! I would never have thought of that. As if there is not railway station and the scrapyard. throw them out here, or what?

We stood in a queue for tea, and when they approached the window, kiosk, me vomit. Saleswoman gained tea cups, spreading out every time, before you draw a large scoop thick layer of обварившихся flies floating on top, as a black foam.

"You chicken want? I asked, Anton, glancing at his darkened carcass on display kiosk, which roam, poking хоботками, winged insects (Before us some old man asked his chicken, indifferently watching, вспугнув swarm of flies, clerk handed him one of the plates with a shop window).

"No, Anton fastidiously winced and shook his head from side to side.

We bought a plate of boiled eggs, two stale rolls, a glass of Transbaikalian tea and went to a corner where stood the dirty, filled with puddles and covered with crumbs tables, which, apparently, is never removed.

-Listen, to die there of hunger can be! - Old Anton, making her round eyes. - Such rabid rates, and from grub hooves can be discarded! How people live?

-Live. As you can see. You saw her tea is gaining?

-Saw Anton nodded.

-I don't know. It seems to me that I can't drink. I'll vomit.

"But the drink, - Anton looked around.

-Let him drink. And I can't, - I moved his glass aside.

"I think you're so not stand the test. Because this nightmare, he drove his rolls fly, but the second ended up right in his glass. - Ugh! This nightmare, - Anton started catching сварившегося трупика insect - not for one day.

I don't know, but I can't drink this stuff.

To our table came up a little old woman with a teenager, dressed in grey, and the greasy rags. They silently, waiting stood in front of us.

-What are they? In a whisper, leaning forward, asked Anton.

I don't know, " I said, but, having guessed handed them my Cup of tea.

The old woman silently took him and began greedily отхлебывать, then gave the glass a teenager. I handed her and a muffin, because could not eat it, hard, сухомятку. Beggars, almost pulling her from the hands of each other, разломили it into two pieces, taking each other's crumbs.

-Snake-AU! Said, watching all of this Anton, his eyes never came in normal state, while remaining abnormally large and round.

We spent a night at the station, fearing to go into a strange and not very friendly and happy-go-lucky town. In one of the halls of waiting we have found in different places two vacated chair. Anton immediately fell asleep. I sat, staring eyes and force trying to get them from collapsing.

Past me flowed dirty, poor life, which has never before had I met. Beggars. Голодранцев, thugs and homeless children there was so much that Moscow railway stations after they had seen it, might seem a promised land. Perhaps this cohort was here more than the passengers distinguished from it, not the quality of service in the majority, and only in the presence of bags, nodes, ридикюлей, portfolios and other скарба.

In front of me on the wooden back of the benches sat a girl in a bright, with grey environment in its brightness attire: juicy-pink, exactly glowing skirt that was visible piece of white panties, emerald blouse-безрукавке with a deep cut on the back. The hair on the girl's head was placed in a beautiful, original hair, cheeks burning young cheeks, her eyes shining, and the entire sight of her was such that she was here from some other bright and cheerful world, confusing the door and got here by accident. It was the same bright girlfriend. She was at the head of the queue in the kiosk. This same waited, turning to me your beautiful profile.

Wait was it possible to foresee everything, but I wanted to approach her and talk. I suddenly got scared that she now вспорхнет butterfly and never appears in this grey, boring building. It seemed to speak to her, my life is something bright, joyful change, something extraordinary, why suddenly disappear, disappear all my sadness, doubt and anxiety. But these were only illusions, and deal with them, I sat on the ground.

For some time she allowed me to admire its alluring, long legs, her beautiful profile, then fluttered and flew off somewhere, leaving me in doubt and раздумии. Was the reason why she was here, in this dirty, uncomfortable station, full of dark, hungry, gray and tired of people that outfit you even pay attention to her. Even if she wanted to sell her body, it was not the best place where you could trade in such goods. Too bright and beautiful she was and too concerned with the poor and the surrounding crowd, so that it could somebody come up. Apparently, she and her friend were still inexperienced in this matter, and perhaps today the first tried out on the panel.

In the morning we went in search of the staff of the district, then we found the personnel Department and passed into its own regulations. The time before the evening was free, and we went for a wander through the strange city Chita, on each corner of finding more evidence удручающему impression he made originally. The city seemed to have been created especially to remind that this is not Europe, and even Siberia and Transbaikalia.

Chita - the capital of Transbaikalia!" - you could see it on the roof, the wall of another building poster with the inscription, which wanted to laugh hysterically and cry with impotent anger. If Transbaikalia was such capital, one could imagine that this was a self Transbaikalia. I still feared that my fantasy is still not enough, and my views will be fantastically bright compared to reality.

The shelves were pristine clean, and it was unclear what generally traded here sellers. From desolation shops per capita was gloomy dejection. We couldn't even buy bread, and only about four o'clock we managed to do it, stood a half hours in a huge queue.

Buy a loaf of black bread, we decided to have lunch and to find something to drink. In stores no juice or mineral water. We couldn't even beg to us given water from under the crane, because the sellers refused to sell us an empty bowl. Their logic was impossible to understand.

Finally, we accidentally strayed into some provincial cafe, where not a soul, she'd shifted from candy in конфетницу crackers. Give us water she also refused, but suggested to buy dubious yellow-whitish drink, in which the flies, but swam large white flakes of unknown origin. The drink was called "Orange", but had no even signs of an orange or at least juice in its composition.

Do, however, nothing else could, and, desperate to find something more suitable for drinking, we took a glass of this heinous and besides, not a cheap liquor.

Never in my life had I had such a poor dinner. Despite the fact that almost a day I have not taken already and crumbs in his mouth, appetite for the food I do not possess.

Returning office of personnel, we drew attention to the unexpectedly large cluster is right in the middle of one of the larger streets and went down there. Coming closer, we found an unusual sight: as if from under the ground on shops and green strip of lawn, separating the pavement from the pedestrian walkway, the market appeared, which in the people have numerous names like "crush", "clouds", "push", "flea market". Top ten with a half Chinese Boyko traded all sorts of things and baubles, exchanging it on their pieces of material, watches, military uniform and greatcoat and other совдеповское stuff, that from all sides dragged people. Judging by how Boiko was the exchange and trade, as vehemently arguing, using mainly gestures on the fingers, signifying rates, and матерными words Russians, the brazen trying to inflate brothers-the Chinese, as the more inferior to their onslaught, it all started a few minutes ago. Here knew their work, and nobody lost a minute, pulling out each other benefits. There prevailed a fervent spirit embittered, and the soul of a beggar of the Russian people, not consonant with their lot and miserable life, revealed itself in all its glory in the attempts to snatch the pie handouts alien civilization bigger and cheaper, but without ненавистничества, which often manifests itself in poor buyer towards sustainable seller.

I could not help admiring one of young of teen girls, Boyko добивавшейся of not understanding a single word of her explanations Chinese to change her favorite thing on the old, women's mechanical watch, which he desperately waving, never wanted to.

-Well, let's? - Touching her eyebrows flew up as if helping its movement of the Chinese to give consent. - Come on, eh?

Chinese again vigorously waving the face with his palm.

"Well, come on! - The girl tried to put a watch in hand, Chinese, and he jumped away from her, as if stung by bee, and then he waved his yellow brush with clumsy fingers.

In the other side suddenly there was a terrible, shrill cry, I turned around and saw a fat Chinese, awkwardly припустившую along the street, right on the pavement, losing on the go sports suits, immediately falling under the wheels of cars. Far ahead, already on the other side of the street was visible for some time, the rapidly receding boy, прихвативший with you something of its goods.

-Well done, boy! Came near affirmative exclamation. - They need, bloodsuckers желторотых Rob.

Soon the pavement approached a large, comfortable bus. Trade quickly curled up, and the Chinese, tucking not sold and purchased things at his door ahead of him, climbed in a cosy interior of the machine.

We came round and hurried office of personnel, risking already be too late.

Lieutenant Colonel, who took the morning, our regulations, invited us into the office for an interview, asked a few of duty issues and making notes in the papers, presented us again accompanying documents:

-You Yakovlev, destination does not change now, - he emphasized the "not yet". - And you, Krivoruchko, get a new appointment. Now I'll give you a token to the passport office. You get a service passport. Serve'll be in the area of "triple zero". There salaries triple, all sorts of benefits, but... more responsibility. I think that the service is there for you to enjoy. Perhaps Yakovlev there soon will go. Month three to four. There, I think, and meet. Meanwhile, Yakovlev, get travel and forth into the way, and Krivoruchko go with us tomorrow.

-But to hold something I can, - Anton was obviously upset, although me and all of what was in bad condition. Засвербело somewhere under the spoon in anticipation close, very close already changes in your life, who always lived, it is not easy, and for me, as it seemed to me will be painful and difficult. With all the blinding clarity in my head whirled ирезвая thought that I failed to love the army, more than that, I'm just afraid of her, because for the six years I spent in the educational institutions of the Armed Forces, directly with it experienced only during two months internships, who passed two monthly holiday with military bias. To the service, to the management of soldiers me never and no one is serious not attracted, and now I had to plunge into the abyss of the unknown. Help there was no one from whom and from where, and, feeling suddenly for the first time really young adult, I was frightened and felt my forehead was covered with a nasty sticky sweat. It was almost animal fear of the future.

Apparently, Anton experienced this with my feelings, because his face became first Magenta, then suddenly pale, and he was unable to say anything, as I, in response.

We went out in the corridor. Anton took a deep breath, his eyes grew wide, and again nothing could say. After two hours we were with him at the station. I bought a ticket, and my train was about to start here.

-Write to me... or come over, if you really get into this трехочковую zone, - said Anton, shaking my hand. He gave me the number of his military post of the regulations. - Well, and the rest you know: Anton Krivoruchko. Find me where the bachelors will live. Well, okay.

The train started, I jumped on the bandwagon, waved to him and stood up, squeezing past the conductors with a yellow flag in the vestibule.

-Before I get in! - She mumbled sourly.

I went to his compartment, which was empty, and found there a passenger, sitting quietly in сгущавшемся сумерке early evening.

-Come in, come in, young man, " the voice of him who spoke seemed to me to be highly familiar, and I was glad it was there, thinking that with me will go one of my recent travel companions.

-And where are you going? I inquired, annoyed that I can't consider a person companion.

-There, where you are, young man! Said passenger and flipped the switch under the shade of a lamp beside him.

All four sconces were lit at a time, and this illumination I saw the gentleman in the hat-pot with red moustaches. From under the counter of his hat glowing green embers flushed with the light of light, watched two of his penetrating to the very soul пробирающих eyes.

I was stunned and felt that I was losing the presence of the spirit and is now going to faint. My feet became numb themselves disobediently buckled, and I sat down and literally fell on the bare, not covered shelf cold leatherette cover it. The line between reality and nothingness, between this world and the beyond has again become shaky, almost растворившейся this сверлящем two sharp rays-beaten look. It even seemed to me that my soul soared, выпорхнув with the fear of the body and leaving it as unnecessary dirty bag, and, thus, I simply gave up, as they say, the spirit.

-Well, boy, we met again, talk of souls? - Asked the gentleman in the top hat.

It seemed to me that this is the end.


Two months later, before the New year I again sat in the train. Come nineteen ninety-ninth year. Before it was only a few days.

On the street was hard Zabaikalsky frost, and waiting for the train, once a day притормаживавший here at the platform godforsaken passing, I danced, feeling like a foot сосвсем already stiff, and the fingers can no longer feeling was: whether they are alive or even отмерзли completely. Leather chrome boots and a pair of wool socks, напяленных on top of cotton, not saved from the evil cold.

The train was late, and I used foul language on обжигающем face and hands in gloves wind, scolded her unhappy судьбину, заведшую me up in the icy cold, harsh land.

Two months have not passed without trace, and now I can already вкусившим from unsweetened officer of bread, though there seems to be nothing special with me and not occurred. Yes, and that could happen in this God-forsaken hole, lost in the boundless unfrequented spaces Buryatia like forever заговоренных from human presence.

I saw the lives of the officers in these areas in its ugliness and experienced it in full on сосбственной skin. Life, in General, in these places hardly glimmered on the verge of extinction flowed slowly, as if sinking in drowsy vastness of wild land, not able to even give their power stunted plants, frozen nine out of the twelve months of the year.

The local population existed here out of habit. Yes, and where he wanted to go with his unlucky homeland. Officers same, although very few of them spoke about this, and feel here on the position of the exiles, who do not know, for what пригрешения окзавшихся here.

The promise of Lieutenant Colonel of the personnel Department of the district was not empty words, although I had forgotten about him think. A month and a half came paper with the prescription arrive to me again in Chita. Two weeks I was taking the post, the ancient cuttlefish tractors with ancient tools, which are, as it seemed to me were only in the museums and military in книжкх on the history of the arms, and now, behold, sending baggage from her simple bachelor belongings and form, stood there and waited on the platform waiting for опазддывающего trains.

A day in the same icy day I came out of the carriage on train station in Chita. Breaths of the people clouds rose upwards, forming a haze of mist. Everyone was in a hurry to hide from the cold somewhere in the shop or in another place, and rare passers-by hurrying семенили on вымерзшим streets.

The stores were still empty, but already притеревшийся to the wild conditions of existence in Transbaikalia, I took a week's supply of canned food and bread, but it tried to растягивть, save.

The Chinese again shook his overseas junk. Many, though the frost, were without headgear, others put it upside-leather caps with earflaps on the short fur on the eyes, funny tying ribbons under her chin.

Around them, in spite of hard frost, still curled people offering to exchange it for sports suits and other foreign rags electric irons and samovars, watches, goods, has long disappeared from local trade. The exchange was неравноценный, but Chinese still торговлись irritably морщясь and trying to buy all the cheap. Something subtly suggested that they benefit from such auction, but how come they for so many hundreds of miles if it were not so.

Послонявшись aimlessly through the city, I went to the personnel Department, where he received a service passport, a new regulation number field post of the military unit and other necessary for the passage of the paper.

-So did I, abroad will serve? I inquired from a friend already Lieutenant Colonel.

-Something like that - somehow unclear he joked. - The main thing is that there's salary triple, and month of service goes for two.

Lieutenant Colonel pointedly raised his finger up.

-There, that fight? struck me, though I haven't heard about it.

-Lieutenant Colonel paused, coughed, but said nothing.

-So, now you go to the interview with the head of the personnel Department of the district, " he finally said. "Remember, I never told you, but if you want to interview, you can refuse.

However there with me not even have to talk.

-Everything settles it, go, get all you need and go. Not up to you now, comrade Lieutenant. Here such things! - waved his arms head, fat Colonel, not even risen from the chair. Yes, don't forget to come on training at district headquarters. The office of the chief of staff of the adjutant say, what you eat in the area of three zeros and call the number field mail. All goodbye.

District headquarters was in another area. Sleek captain, who was sitting in the reception room of the head of the staff of the district, where immediately, after many obstacles and constraints associated with crossing regime at the entrance to each corridor on each floor of the building I managed to finally get to, looked at my field form ironically-discreet glance, задевшим my soul for the most alive.

-You that, comrade Lieutenant, to the barracks for soldiers to come or to the General? - he grinned. - How you are dressed? You look at yourself! As you dressed like that?!


-What is it?! - outraged officer even поднялс from his chair. - Are you stunned? QC you are talking to? That you think you're doing?!

-You see, comrade captain, I was there right from the troops of the parts. I train and right here...

With every word of my explanations captain increasingly багровел. He was ready to explode and that would release the steam, as suddenly on the table before him invitingly loudly затрезвонил telephone. Captain face changed, suddenly turned pale. His hand swift, trained движенем, she rushed to the tube.

"Yes, comrade General. Yes, comrade General. Now.

The captain hastily jumped out of the reception, wagging me on the move a finger:

"Well, Lieutenant, I'll be back and you sit at me on a week-the second ward.

I remained alone. The door to the office of General was ajar, and now hear what was loud ругатся. I went closer.

-You give me an apartment, comrade major, and then ask about service! - came to me in приокрытую door.

The gap was visible piece of a long polished table, tightly furnished chairs, a huge map on the wall. The floor was covered with bright, juicy carpet. However, speaking to be seen.

-How much you have accrued, товрищ Colonel?"

-Yeah, more than you, comrade major.

-Okay, sit down.

In the study else was said, but the tone of the conversation became less and nothing was heard.

Finally, I heard the steps to the door and two jumps bounced away.

At the door, vigorously flinging her, came out husky-Colonel, for him with a wry face следовл General. He stopped a moment, stunned she caught me from top to bottom, and in perplexity said, рявкнув exactly dog:

Is happening here?! he hastened the Colonel.

Two hours later I was boarding a train to Krasnokamensk.

Waking up in the morning, I could not understand where he was. Behind a window on how much they could see, stretched steppe. The trees had not, and only rare shrubs, Yes выбивающаяся of red-red sand, in some places covered with spots of snow, and stones brown grass were all poor vegetation of this area. I just never expected to see.

If some buildings were on the way, you could see them from afar. Small, rare settlements, the NPP construction marching outside the window only escalate the feeling пустынности these lands. Back when I was in Buryatia, I thought it was the end of the world, but only now it became clear what it means. There was a feeling that the rails are right in the middle of nowhere, and cars now begin to crumble one by one into the abyss. Feelings of abandonment, neglect овладевло me stronger. It seemed to me that the train ведзет me straight to Hell, and I tried to get away somehow from тяготивших my thoughts. However, this would close all Windows or eyes and not open them until the very end.

Close your eyes was easier, and I did so.

I remember that evening. The strange evening...

-You will enter, young man, or not? Do not worry, do not panic, I see that you are shunned. I have a little talk. Soulful, we can say the conversation. Подсаживайтесь closer to the table. I noticed that in the way you like to drink. I you buy. Yes, you do not be afraid, EO most ordinary vodka. Yes, I let you drink.

-No, I am нехочется - but I still came closer.

"As you wish, " Mr. hat poured himself and knocked over a stack. "Oh, good, a plague.

He looked out the window, where almost nothing could be seen.

-Yes, it did, in some backwoods you run! - he sympathized me. Is it right the injustice of some sort, don't you think?

-Yes, involuntarily I agreed. I really felt sorry for myself, sorry to tears because life went wheel, putting things upside down, turning over as the pelvis, my destiny, having emptied it and depriving me of all, what was tied up, got used to it, got accustomed to my soul. I wanted to talk about how I like my poor cadets life, I would again return to it and, perhaps, never become an adult. However, while keeping in mind who I'm dealing with, I did not open my mouth.

-No need as much effort. You can say, young man. All your thoughts are known to me that only you haven't thought of.

I was not myself. I felt субя turned inside out. Since August, my life is mixed with sleep so tight that it is impossible already was impossible to tell where reality, and where the dream.

-No, no, you're not dreaming, " confirmed Mr. hat, просврлив through his green eyes. - Be a man. At least now. I just read your innermost thoughts. So, you want to come back to the past, when they were курсанттом, isn't it? Don't be silent!

"Perhaps, timidly I agreed.

I can help you in this! - Mr. hat splashed me a glass of vodka.

-And what will it look like?

"Suppose you will survive to the very last day, when you have ceased to be a cadet, to the prom. And then again transferred at the beginning, from the moment you enter the school. And so will be repeated to infinity.

-And what all is that every time the same thing?

-Of course. And what do you want?

"Why can't we just in time to alter my destiny? Why not make things were different?

-Well it's too! Every time you would then другм man, and it is very hard to implement.

"But can I be bored endlessly spinning in circles! And what then?

Is the lice problem. However, we can agree, and when you are tired of such a rotation, then we stop. But I don't think. Anyway, I leave you the month that you have already lived after school, he threatened to you each time this whirlwind will подходть to the final.

"But, but, still, I get tired of it, and I want to get out of this vicious circle, what then?

-At this point? - Mr. hat shrugged. - I now too many let you. Here we must answer whether you agree or not.

He handed me the glass of vodka. And I, for some reason drank, thinking to myself, hold on and try my best not to get drunk.

"Look, look yourself. Your past you know, as my five finger. Every time you проходдить you the same way, and, moreover, will not even remember that already seen it millions of times, and know that after another pass the same and once again the same. Well, may be, someday you feel that something happened to you or recently had a dream, but it will be only a fleeting guess without any consequences. You know, a slight deja vu. So live thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. Isn't this example can not relieve you отстраха and give opportunity to agree.

I was deep in thought, and could barely get out of the second stack, feeling that I'm starting to become tipsy.

The most frightening thing now would be the wrong decision.

I think I already heard the one about such a deal. One very keen on music people. You have helped him, - "If you could call it," I thought to myself. - Told me about this Veronika.

-Yes, I remember something like that. But it's not the biggest deal. There have been stronger. And Veronica... Oh, Veronica. Sweet girl. You enjoyed it, isn't it? Imagine you meet her each time and fall in love with her. However, I know that you had a lot of women, but it seems that Veronica is not indifferent to you. Yes, and those women, all of them will be millions of times.

But all the trouble and misery that followed me will be repeated millions of times, Yes?

"Ah, Mr. hat in his hands. - They are not well organised. But, if I understand, they are nothing compared with what is different, and, may be, are some decoration life as pepper or mustard sharpen the taste of food, and they do more acute feeling of happiness. In the end, is it a misfortune, if anything serious has not. And серьещное, is that it? This is, for example, if you have lost some important convenient physical condition and died or lost a leg, or simply if in prison. But nothing happened, so we can safely agree. My proposed product has, so to say, a guarantee. Agree, and you will automatically gain your purchase.

-And in return?

"Well, how is that?! If you know the history, you should know that I ask in return. As I said at the outset that I have a good talk. Sensual, see?

His words made съежится my heart. Something bad, evil permeated them.

-No, I cannot, I squeezed through the power of his throat.

-Listen, think. You have tasted this life. Do not hope, that it'll be something more bright! I'll take care of it! I'll be back, but by then my contract will be much worse for you. Think! Agree before it is too late.





-No! No!

Mr. hat stood up from the shelf and went to the door

"I thought so. But nothing. Remember, I won't let go, since I was already on your way. If you'd agree I would have been upset. Indeed. I find it hard to believe, but can not doubt it, - he opened the door and already in the hall said. - By the way, the vodka was poisoned. I thought that we will find a common language with you and agree, but because prearranged. But, apparently, not fate. Well, good-bye. Before the meeting.

He shut the door and I suddenly felt hands and feet become numb. My throat was dry, his eyes darkened. Own hoarse blow came from another world, and I'm fading consciousness only had time to think that I fall into the passage between the shelves...

The train stopped at a station. I looked out. On the facade of the building large letters mean, "Borzya".

People climbed out of the cars. Several officers in dirty jacket, with suitcases and with them a dozen soldiers uneven formation stood on the platform, and then hurried to the station.

Grandmother, men and women were dragged some bags, bales, heavy suitcases.

-How much will stand? I inquired of conductors.

-Fifteen minutes, " she said.

-And what is the Scarecrow such, Borzya?

Is not frightened face of a woman become judgmental-serious - and the city.

I went out of the car, walked to the station, then on првокзальную area. To the right there were two five-story building behind them loomed even some houses. Right outside the Park itself, a quarter of wooden houses, surrounded by fences, left, with a few neighbors buildings was clean, the boundless steppe.

"Well, and the city! - unpleasantly surprised, I thought. - As here people live there?"

Moroz made Hisself to know, and I hurried back to the car.

-What's not to like?! "smiled the conductor.

-No, - honestly I.

-In the first, probably here?

-In the first.

-Serve or a business trip?

"I didn't know. Kind of like to serve, and documents, as for a business trip decorated.

"You're where you're going? - conductor закопошилась in its folder, found my ticket. - - UY, Yes there where you're going, and there is no such thing, " she nodded towards the exit of the car. - There Borzya - civilization, the capital.

-Yes I even further, ' I said woman.

Still farther? Where do further? Further. Further there was border. China and Mongolia.

"And I to the side. You know, the competition is there jump to the side.

-A-a-a - pointedly nodded головй conductor.

Passengers in the car were noticeably less.. almost all compartments were empty.

My travel nearing an end, and that with every hour on the soul became more and more restless, because it will end no signs of even the illusion of peace, who is now wanted the most. Unknown upcoming conjures the increasingly oppressive feeling. I already forgot to be romantic, barely drank some of army life, and now not expecting anything good. I wanted to heat, like the house, in which you can go back and where you will wait. But me nobody expected nor where I come from, nor there, the more I was going.

End of the trip does not mean the end of the road.

At night, разволновавшись, I could not fall asleep, and woke up the next day from the fact that the conductor was shaking me by the shoulder.

"Get up, you got to get out.

I jumped as if stung by bee.

The picture I found on the exit from the car, had plunged me into a depression. Several rickety, gray houses close to the yellow station buildings and in the other side, just five minute walk as if brought here by the wind taken out from somewhere else, not from this world, civilized and prosperous, modular five-storey building and beside her three-story barracks, headquarters, several other administrative buildings and hiding behind all this Park with combat equipment. Nothing except that, Yes threads rail from horizon to horizon endless манчьжурской steppe, semi-deserts, not visible around, as far as the eye.

Frost was intensified by the ruthless wind, and I'm not willing himself, had hurried to the buildings part. The train, where I arrived disappeared on the horizon, not pausing on this station and two minutes.

"Is this hole is the zone of three zeros? "I said, feeling the конечностистынут in the wind, and even fur mittens not save from his icy breath. Can I serve?"

"No, not here, made me tired Lieutenant Colonel, chief of staff of the regiment, looking through my papers. All this, apparently. Habitual and order bothered occupation. - Here only a transit point. Decoy for imperialist intelligence, so to speak.

He threw me across the table of the paper and said:

-You will come into the squad drill, отметишься that arrived. This is required, otherwise you will be deemed to be a deserter. Nowhere, except in this small staff does not remain концаниточки your fate and then, after many years, when the question arises, where have you been these next two-three years, the answer to this can only be found, if you won't forget to check out in the ceremonial part of our regiment. Tomorrow sending in the area. All forward.

Captain, drill part, having my documents humdrum, but evidently that is scary said:

-Oh, another смертничек. Taktak, дававй their командирововчное. I no longer useful. Спецпаспорт leave yourself to be that mom send. Married?


-Oh, that's right, and here almost half of idiots married rides. They are in the shit, and the wife for them there will soon fly. Why? And children still a drag.

-What is that area, three zeros?

The captain looked up at me mocking eyes, then again some papers:

-Will soon find out. While it is not necessary. I will only say one thing: there I post like you, batches, and from there only paper wads same post. The lucky ones who come back going across the other part, but still the papers returned more than people. But do not fear." You Roger says that long you would live.

-I would like to believe, " I replied, taking away documents.

In the barracks, which was provided for пересыльных, it was cold, stood iron soldiers beds and bedside tables, a washbasin worked badly, and the toilet was clogged and swam in a jumble of paper and decomposing manure hotel. The soldiers left the supervision order, closed shook the store-room and one out only wash or in the toilet in the other wing of the building where they lived established company. They were too lazy to dress and сорокоградусный Moroz they surged in one полушерстыном outfit.

Transit officers waiting to send, wrapped in a robe and dusty blankets sat on the stools in front of the black-and-white, полуразобранным TV. He kept turning off and then some special started poking at his insides. The rear panel of the device was not. Several experienced majors and captains gathered in даньнем corner of the bed, lay on the stools snack and drink. The TV gathered mainly youth, green lieutenants. "Старлеи" veering between the TV and the кампаниемй. First it was boring, and the second one - is not available without introduction of the quota bottle of "fuel".

Day evening stretched slowly. To a stupor after watching TV, I fell down dead on the bed without underwear. Forces have been just enough to wrap ourselves, fully clothed, in the dusty blanket and outline still on top of his dusty coat, pulling it up to her nose.

In the morning our group was put in the only car with надписьб "Путеремонтный", hooked up to маневровому a diesel locomotive. Five hours later we came out in a deadlock. Around there was nothing but leaving behind the horizon of the rails. Accompanying the group mayor, wrapped in cotton armor, as matreshka, took us hundred feet from standing in a deadlock composition, gathered in a circle, looked at his watch and said:

-To endure, tolerate, товрищи officers. After about ten minutes on our Baikonur you will welcome the rocket. Fly into space. The weather today хоошая. Only twenty-five, and there's no wind. You all inhabitants of Transbaikalia, so do all this. You are used to.

Half an hour later came the roar of the helicopter turbines, and of low clouds jumped in delight itself винтокрылая machine.

Thoughts in the cold to the head moved slowly. I remembered the summer, distant Ukrainian city, which seemed to me now the most dear in the world, Veronica.

-You can make for the sake of saving another person's something crazy? she asked seriously.

-The human heart is an Apple, shot full worm evil, replied the priest of the train.

"If you could now ask something of God, what would you wish?" I asked myself, and thought for a while and haven't found an answer. There was nothing worthy of my request. Was not, or did not want to look.

The helicopter descended lower and lower.


End. To be continued...

1 чмарить - verb from a noun SCHMUCK - man morally lowered, жаргонизма (author's note.)

"Чамбур" - moonshine in Mongolian (approx. author)

"Чамбур" drove at home intentionally hired the Soviet army, who lived in apartment barracks (approx. author)

The senior Lieutenant - senior Lieutenant (approx. author)

Replaced means to leave the Union replaced by another who arrived in trips abroad for this position (approx. author)

Sain-Shand - the city on the southern border of Mongolia, South Gobi desert, Choir - city half way from Ulan Bator to Sain-Shand, Northern edge of the Gobi desert.

Iser - Azerbaijani (approx. author)

Sumgait events - the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict 1989 - 1991 (approx. author)

Fees - 's course for young soldiers - the initial transition period of military service, when conscripts being prepared for its further processing. In this period of conscripts is prepared to bear the internal and guard duty, study military regulations with further examinations. Usually at the training camp commanders are appointed to rank higher штанного of an officer of the rank corresponding to the position. For example, a platoon commander of the fees shall be appointed captain or major instead of the prescribed Lieutenant or Lieutenant. Fees are completed acceptance of the military oath, after which starts the actual passage of urgent service (approx. author)

Kyakhta village on the border with Mongolia a few kilometers from the border station Naushki on the railway branch of Ulan-Ude - Ulan-Bator (approx. author)

Баганур - military town division ten kilometers from the Mongol town Багануур, located in 120 km South-East from Ulan Bator (approx. author)

Never March in the infantry regiment of the division (approx. author)

Money allowances for Junior officer was on average one thousand two hundred togrogs a month, soldiers and sergeants from one hundred to three hundred togrogs a month (approx. author)

"The court" called motorized rifle regiment, which was located separately from the whole division in Ulaanbaatar at the army headquarters (approx. author)

The rise in military units at six in the morning (approx. author)

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