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Библия Современности

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    "Библия современности" и "Стандарты как грехи" - мой проект

  The modern bible is telling about sins, which were progressed and take new level and name.
  History is showing changing of community mind and the science, but look carefully, people repeat mistakes of past in the present moment, but name it normal progress.
  When will be happened revolution of
  human mind and everyone will have own worldview?
  This book"s goal - make you think about how much goofy modern standards and famous opinions.
  1.Bible doesn"t like envy, anger, sloth, gluttony and lust.
  2.Modern envy.
  3.Modern anger.
  4.Modern sloth.
  5.Modern gluttony.
  6.Modern lust.
  7.They tried to say stop, but nobody didn"t hear them.
  8.What was changed?
  9.What would be happen?
  10. What should we do?
  Bible doesn"t like envy, anger, sloth, gluttony and lust👿
  Since 15th century BC people had thoughts about best life for everyone. Ancient philosophers were thinking about world mind and had paramount questions. 3 first and paramount laws are "the law of unity and the struggle of opposites", "the law of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones", "the law of negation of negation".
  World is changing people and people are changing world, it"s usual fact, but so often human can"t take a balance, destroys nature and tries to destroy self. Every war, revolution, government lie is leaving a mark in history.
  Smart people understood, Earth isn"t infinity and every liver should moderate self-appetite. We aren"t owners of planet, we just borrow Earth ad before end our life, we must give it back to new generation. One of ways for improve community is reform norms of behavior and morality, because most wars had roots from behavior of few people.
   The wanderers were collecting the most terrible actions, divided into groups and made common title "sins".
  What is it sin? Originally, sin is any lie. Bible was saying "no matter who are you, everyone is equal before God.", so it wasn"t law with privileges for the upper class, like the Constitution, moral Constitution for everybody, his book wasn"t mind perfect, but had common laws for control community.
  What was saying bible more? "don"t kill, don"t steal, don"t lie, don"t be greedy", it was one of modern moral laws, but anytime world has outliers.
  What"s mean: envy, anger, sloth, gluttony and lust? Let"s look at details. Envy means a person wants to possess something that not belong to him. Anger is sin, when person attacks people around and empties the attacker"s soul. Human was made for a job; sloth make human worthless and other people begin to see the temptation in laziness. Gluttony is unbalance and greed to get a loot (usually food). Lust is rude emotional sexual desire. Any sin had a root and has blooming today.
  🙄Modern envy🙄
  Nowadays people like to show off. "No difference what are you eating, how many you own to government banks. Paramount - have a new phone (iPhone of course), expensive car, large house and cool photos in insta account" - could say lots of us.
  In fact, best education, family and career are most import goals of life the Modern Human. Often parents say to their child, you should be best for get our love and respect. Community is making successful human - VIP person, who has followers and fans.
  On other hand, people, who have "little wallet", be treated most contemptuously to VIP community. They haven"t opportunity to easy earning and have to hard working for make any money.
  Of course, difficult way makes human to think about worthless self-goal, but it"s checking person to self-control and life skills. Anyway, everyone has one"s own path. If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself.
  So, like said the Oprah Winfrey:
  "If you look at what you have in life, you"ll always have more. If you look at what you don"t have in life, you"ll never have enough."
  By the way, Oprah Winfrey is an American talk show host, television producer, actress, author, and philanthropist. By 2007, she was sometimes ranked as the1 most influential woman in the world. She made her career and was really motivated. No negative comment or speech anti her, no one problem, couldn"t stop this woman. So, now she is famous speaker and help to find a motivation for everyone, who want to go ahead.
  Oprah in Miami on her "The Life You Want" tour, October 2014.
  😡Modern anger😡
  Sometimes human can"t feel other"s people emotions, just because don"t want to do it. So, person going to self-goal, no matter what the way of success.
  Lots of countries have strange politic: reach people are spending and poor are working, so this can make "roots of anger", of course, who can be indifference to inequality?
  However, only we are making our future and provocation is only test of our purposefulness. So, anger only absorbs and destroys us from the inside.
  Fight with anger is checking us and showing our chance to best life. Only person, who won "black" part of soul, can make success business.
  Famous example - one of such people - an American entrepreneur, animator, writer, voice actor and film producer - Walt Disney.
  Walt Disney.
  Walt was living during 65 years in 20th century, had experienced many difficulties, but in this short time he made own story.
  He was fired from his job at newspaper because "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas"; his Mickey Mouse cartoons were rejected for being "too scary for women"; "Three Little Pigs" was also rejected because it had only four characters; his first business venture, the animation studio Laugh-O-Gram, stopped its activities due to bankruptcy.
  Stepping over the setbacks, he built the Walt Disney Company, which is now raking in billions. Rumor has it that Disney was turned down 302 times before it finally received funding for the Walt Disney Campaign.
  The results, seen in features such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi, furthered the development of animated film. New animated and live-action films followed after World War II, including the critically successful Cinderella and Mary Poppins, the latter of which received five Academy Awards.
  Disney in 1946th year.
  😴Modern sloth😴
  Nowadays the best and popular way to making money - easiest way, so new generation is creating new professions like a vlogger, hired relative (usually popular in Japan and China. It"s a human or group of people, who can be your fake-friend/relative/darling after paying lots of money. One Japanese man before wedding knew that him mother had died and he took fake-mother to save the wedding of bad news. But usually it"s popular for lonely man/woman who want to be "family space".), Stripper researcher (Recruitment of employees for such an unusual vacancy was announced last year by one of the American research institutes. The employee had to watch the striptease dancers for 60 days and make certain regular recordings; the salary was 10 thousand dollars.), game tester and etc. Unbelievable, but last years was very popular life style - frogging. Yes, base of word is a frog, but what is it mean? Frogging is a subcultural trend of people who secretly settle in other people's houses or apartments. They can live in attics, basements or non-residential rooms, which is why they choose large, multi-story cottages.
  Young people try to find more funny and easy job for making money, old-fashion professions are slowly leaving, so born lots new. But it"s could be biggest trouble. How?
  Example Chinese city - Honk Kong. One place is mixing savage nature and modern megapolis, stone and green jungle, so for making "control ships"" between sneaks and people, long time people, who named "snake kings".
  Snake kings are coming to the place, where snake attacks any human, hunter is killing wild animal and sell to restaurant or to usual human like a pet (is snake is alive, of course). So, these people are protecting city livers and tourists.
  New generation haven"t any wish to follow this profession, because it"s dangerous and difficult. By the way, right now in Honk Kong stay only one Snake king, whose age - 75 years! Unfortunately, soon sneaks could be feeling free and killing people more than ever before.
  However, we can"t say that modern world is center of slosh gluttony, because most people can take a successful final after honestly work and support to others. We know lots such people.
  Example, Harrison Ford. Before Harrison Ford became Han Solo and Indiana Jones, at the age of 30 he was a self-taught carpenter, struggling to take care of his family. He had small roles in television shows, but it was barely enough to support his family.
  Ford was assembling a closet at George Lucas' house when he was offered a supporting role in American Graffiti at the age of 29. But only 6 years later he became Han Solo, created by the same George Lucas.
  Forced to support his family and dissatisfied with the caliber of the roles offered to him, Harrison mastered the craft of carpentry and quickly succeeded in this capacity - having worked his way up to a stagehand at The Doors and built a recording studio for Sergio Mendes.
  Ford was named the greatest movie star of all time by Empire magazine and around the same time began asking for 20 million per film.
  🤑Modern gluttony🤑
  World is reach, nowadays we have huge assortment of food, clothes, electronic devices and etc. Unfortunately. Most people can"t stop to be saturated with wealth, if isn"t limited.
  Once little boy, who was adoring the candies, bought a pretty magnifying glass. Boy didn"t know about the ability of new glass: any subject becomes bigger. After found out by accident, boy took every candy, these he has and made them large. Next day boy woke up with totally swollen, a bit purple, and with a huge bellyache. Doctor said it was the worst case of upset tummy he had ever seen. Boy a long time he didn't want to hear mention of large amounts of food.
  The cute story, right? But what do u think, if to put the ruler of the whole country in the place of the boy? Lots of King became crazy of big power and wanted to make self-life best.
  Cíxǐ Tàihòu
  She kept 3,000 boxes of her jewelry and used money from the Chinese Navy to build a Marble Boat where she dined using gold sticks. Cixi used her power to accumulate a huge amount of jewelry, antiques, gold bars and money. She spent a large amount of money from the treasury on herself.
  The filling of power makes human think to self-omnipotence and permissiveness, but don"t care about other people.
  Of course, sometimes the gluttony helps to reach a goal, but if care only about yourself isn"t make your life better.
  "If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders." said Abigail Van Buren.
  "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." said Dalai Lama.
  That"s right, childhood is base of man, if a child knows how to earn the reputation with hard work and without any lie, no one problem can"t make person dishonest.
  "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life" said Steve Jobs.
  Cixi Taihou.
  😏Modern lust😏
  Some of hormones are ensuring the continuation of the human race and regulating human feelings, but people always try to take self-pleasure and ignore the feelings of surrounding people.
  New trend of 21th century is "child free". This trend couldn"t be marked terrible or genius, because only animals are living for production of offspring, human is the most developed individual and should changes the world and own life. But, if people dating only for pleasure, human race will be ended.
  Most of men are singing about love and truth feelings, but they often are driven by instincts and only looking for a representative of the opposite gender instead them soulmate. Many of them use attractive appearance, coquetry and other skills in order to make new acquaintances, which most often do not last more than a week. Nowadays, if boy "plays" with lots of girls, he is cool and popular.
  In the end, new trends lead to the fact that people forget about love and the proper purpose of relationships.
  Japan"s virtual love.
  In "Modern sloth"" I already had told about fake-people profession, but Asia doesn"t stop to surprise us.
  Japan is a country of workaholics, new technologies and anime, so a virtual wedding originated here. This is the marriage of a person with a non-existent character (a favorite heroine or hero of computer games, anime and even a voice assistant).
  So, in 2018, Akihiko Kondo married Hatsune Miku. He is a 35-year-old administrator at school, and she is a virtual singer with 2.5 million Facebook users. Kondo gave 2,000,000 yen for the organization of the marriage ceremony. Gatebox Labs has developed a hologram - a voice assistant to Hatsune Miku. Every morning Kondo wakes up to his wife's voice and falls asleep, talking to her.
  The young man himself says that he could not create relationships with real girls because of his passion for anime, he wants people like him to be recognized as a sexual minority and stop saying that this is not normal. After all, he is absolutely happy with his chosen one.
  Every year, the percentage of Japanese in relationships is falling and the demographic crisis is progressing. The reasons for this are workload, the development of technologies that replace live communication and relationships, high costs for children.
  They tried to say stop, but nobody didn"t hear them.
  What do you think about connection between renaissance era and nowadays? How new idea could change future of human race? Who put new way to community"s success? Are we going to make world little better every day? Should we live for own comfort or race development and share paramount knowledge to next generation?
  Let"s remember, when "human became second God?", who put forward this theory, how did this theory contribute to the development of art and philosophy?
  The well-known expression of Protagoras "Man is the measure of all things" is called the key phrase of the anthropocentrism of Greek philosophy. In the Middle Ages, Christian anthropocentrism was very widespread, which meant that man was the pinnacle of creation, his crown, and, accordingly, his obligations were the greatest.
  In this sense, Christianity is an anthropocentric religion, since it is built around a person. Today's content of the term is secular, such anthropocentrism is also called secularized anthropocentrism.
  New era gave a chance to become more meaningful in the infinity changing World, the opportunity to develop self-skills and become a respectful person. People don"t have to be under pressure of states and churches!
  From past to modern time was created lots of rules, there allows to live happier, besides, any modification required a long time of changing mindset and worldview, so, most revolutionaries were called madmen and betrayers.
  History told us about gender, age, community groups and race inequality, that was stalking human race and preventing to calm living. Unfortunately, even Bible and Constitution couldn"t make all residents equal, because at least one person had a wish to be best, to control people, who have "low level", who can"t protect self-freedom. Besides, if someone has a wish, to take a goal become easiest task and no matter how many outlaws need to do...
  Surprisingly, but some people were trying to beat-up despot, who was stronger and more cruel.
  Meena Keshwar Kamal.
  She was an Afghan feminist, women's rights activist, and founder of the Revolutionary Women's Association of Afghanistan, who was killed in an assassination attempt in 1987. She founded the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan, whose mission was to fight for equality and women's right to education, and the stated goal was "to give a voice to the oppressed and speechless women of Afghanistan."
  So, what do you think? How could we live better without any revolutions or modifications? Can you at least imagine such life? Most likely - this is impossible.
  Like Oskar Wile said, "In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."
  Actually, we can"t disagree, because the history has proved - a human race wants more without knowing what exactly wants.
  Human race was divided by large groups of interests, places, generations, genders and, paramount, status in society and material well-being. Often the poor and the rich are at war, because they have different mindset, different overview, opportunities and goals.
  Let"s remember the revolution in 1917 in Russia. The new government has given the opportunity for equality for all strata of society, however, there were also those who didn"t support this revolution. What is good for one person is bad for another. At last, after 70 years new government was ruined and made new country - Russian Federation.
  The ideological confrontation of white (old) and red (new) army.
  What was changed?
  Where is the beginning of beginning? Let"s check first page of great historical book of human race again and find the first fighting among people. Approximately 650 thousand years ago, the human race was divided. One group remained in Africa and turned into anatomically modern humans - Homo sapiens. The other moved overland to Europe and Asia. It gave rise to the Neanderthals - Homo neanderthalensis. However, after five thousand years, there were practically no Neanderthals left in Europe.
  Indeed, the ideology of fascism was born together with born of human, somebody always wants to be unique human without any competition.
  Perhaps, the most violent and strong kind of humanity won and survived in that cruel war. Probably, if there was only Neanderthals, nowadays would been more peaceful, than now, who knows. People are detesting each other during whole life for own safety, looks like losing battle in pursuit of something unknown.
  On the other hand, into any tribe surviving and house holding skills were transmitted their generation after generation, "hunting trip" was deal for whole family, because only together they had a chance to catch large and fat mammoth.
  The peace into tribe and the war between two tribes were something ordinary and absolutely legal. In the evening family prepares spears, and in the morning starts to attack people, who were met in the field. Such situation was repeated practically every day; can you imagine that?!
  Usually individual of Homo Sapiens lived by 22 years old, but during that time nobody couldn"t know any different way to live; they didn"t know about medical treatment like we don"t know about the acquisition of eternal life now. Homo Sapiens couldn"t find the diplomatic ways to solution some conflict between tribes, like we sometimes can"t find the diplomatic ways to solution a conflict among countries now.
  Neanderthals are making fire into the cave.
  Also the industrial revolution absolutely changed human race"s life. Since the transition from manual labor to machine labor, everyone's life has become easier and more comfortable. The level of production has increased, but the consumption of natural resources has also increased, which in our time has led to a global problem - air and water pollution, acid rain, the extinction of rare species of animals and plants, floods, tornadoes and other natural disasters. Moreover, the fact that not all countries of the world switched to machine production at the same moment led to the war of the old and new world, and subsequently the emergence of highly developed and underdeveloped countries.
  I think many people know about the disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima. Reactor explosions occurred due to non-compliance with safety regulations when using equipment in emergency situations. In the case of nuclear power plants, the slightest mistake can lead to the death of thousands of people and make the earth around uninhabitable for a long time.
  Waste from the activities of factories bring no less damage: not only animals, but also people suffer from atmospheric pollution. Residents of cities with many industrial zones almost always have health problems. Air pollution is the cause of exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems, increased risk of diabetes, cancer, lung diseases.
  Every year we use 2 percent more natural resources and do not care about their restoration in any way. We can say with confidence that people only consumed the entire period of industrial time and only with the beginning of the information age realized that nature is not infinite and with such an attitude to it, the human race will not live a million years on this planet. Think about it, people have been spending the resources of nature in huge quantities for 200 years! Not only the planet is polluted, but also the atmosphere around it. There are more than 130 million objects of garbage in Earth's orbit that have the ability to self-multiply.
  Also, scientists say that after 2055, the process of self-multiplication of the remnants of humanity's space activities will become a serious problem. That is, there will be another global problem if we do not reconsider our approach to production and consumption in time.
  To date, there are many activities aimed at restoring natural resources. Recycling of plastic and toxic components of batteries, shared waste disposal, solar panels, the use of cardboard bags and choppers, planting tree seedlings on city streets, the creation of nature reserves and the introduction of a ban on hunting in many places - all this and much more helps to preserve life on Earth for future generations, but we will not be able to return nature to the untouched view and to return everything that disappeared through the fault of a person.
  No matter how many planets with similar conditions exist, none of them will be able to replace the Earth.
  Why human is unhappy?
  Since the days of primitiveness, the world has changed beyond recognition. Human life has become much easier: the rights and obligations for each person have been established, more opportunities for development have appeared, unreasonable restrictions have become only stereotypes. Since adolescence, opportunities, vast information and a huge choice of creative and work activities open up to us, but still there is often a sense of uncertainty and inevitability. In the 21st century, there is no such hellish hard physical work, bloody wars, disenfranchised slavery, a status unchanged from birth, a predetermined fate, but we feel that something is wrong.
  Let's start with the word "happiness", which has many definitions and meanings. Happiness is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of suffering, which can be both conscious and unconscious; accordingly, unhappiness is the totality of suffering experienced by a person in life. For each pleasure and suffering look different, but there are several types of reactions to such events.
  Many people believe that success brings happiness, but these concepts have little in common. So, they give temporary bodily pleasures, but do not lead to a lasting feeling of joy.
  Nevertheless, happiness and success can be compatible and together make a person's life much better. Success is a condition for happiness (material prosperity), but happiness comes with the right use of success. Happiness is the goal, success is the means to achieve.
  Some people can be happy without success, but many people need money to calm down and achieve peace of mind and happiness. However, life is arranged in such a way that without suffering a person is not able to get the highest degree of pleasure, because it is bad emotions that create a contrast with good ones.
  What prevents a person from being happy in the 21st century? Inequality, which has taken on a new face in modern times. Poor living conditions (ecology, financial situation, pressure of others), affecting both health and psyche. Society puts forward a lot of demands, however, when a person does not cope with his duties and does not know how best to act, almost all the people around him become indifferent. Often a person is lonely, does not have freedom of choice and even support. In the 21st century, people are not attacked by mammoths or saber-toothed tigers, but in society everyone is for himself, independently survives in this jungle and closes his eyes at the sight of a friend who begs for help.
  I propose to consider some of the problems that a person faces throughout his life.
  From birth, the child finds himself in a small society, with which he somehow constantly maintains contact - in the family. In such a society, there may be different people - who coped with their problems and who failed, who can sensibly realize and accept reality and who does not have such a desire,
  who is ready to hear and understand and who refuses, who is able to remain a loving parent and those who unfortunately do not succeed. In 99% of cases, it cannot be said that a bad parent is a bad person, he just made a big mistake and it is no longer possible to turn back time, since a child with mental disorders is already growing up. Children are naturally vulnerable and sensitive, they take everything to heart, so to devalue their emotions, criticize, deprive them of freedom and choice, humiliate, beat, lie, instill insignificance, compare, speak in raised tones, not to give support, blame everything is extremely dangerous and unreasonable. Everyone should understand that the birth of a child is the desire of a parent, and therefore the duty of a parent to raise a good, happy and understanding person. If a parent grew up in rudeness and injustice and believes that the child needs to be brought up as well - this is NOT NORMAL!!! In such cases, the parent himself needs the help of a psychologist, one should not be afraid to ask for help, a person is not able to cope alone with many things and this is normal and not judgmental!
  An adult, a fully formed person, is already adapted to life in certain conditions and can hardly change even ordinary habits. In adulthood, huge responsibilities fall on a person and his main task is to cope with them so as not to make it worse for himself. "You will be happy having a prestigious job, an apartment in the city center, an expensive car, a big family, a high status ..." is an old stereotype and utter nonsense. A person is happy when he is in a comfortable environment, does what he likes, and not what he is forced to do, when he has the means to satisfy biological and social needs. Therefore, every time an unsolicited advice is given, think "does this make sense?". Yes? Assimilate only the necessary information and make yourself better so that you like yourself even more. No? Smile and forget these words.
  When a person gets old, his life changes dramatically: health problems and social status make themselves felt. It is difficult for a person to accept such changes, hence there is apathy, detachment from the whole world, sometimes at the age of 60 it seems that life is over and a person is just watching some kind of TV show through the screen of our eyes.
  Young ( even relatives ) they cannot understand such behavior and condemn an elderly person, calling him crazy, and sometimes even waiting for his death for the sake of receiving an inheritance. Elders can really become egoists from such an attitude, from such difficulties and lack of support.
  At any age, we may face misunderstanding and even condemnation of others, but we need to remain true to ourselves, trust ourselves and never stop in our development. To be happy means to be yourself, because if we don't love ourselves, no one else will cope with such a task.
  What should we do?
  If you started reading this book like the Bible and were looking for your faith, then rely on the Buddha and remember his quote: "Be the biggest fan of yourself. Love yourself and give yourself what you need."
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